What Do You Expect Review Game. Please select a Team. May the force be with you. 1. 2. 3. 4.4. 5.

What Do You Expect What Do You Expect Review Game Review Game

Transcript of What Do You Expect Review Game. Please select a Team. May the force be with you. 1. 2. 3. 4.4. 5.

What Do You ExpectWhat Do You Expect

Review GameReview Game

Please select a Team. May the force Please select a Team. May the force be with you.be with you.

1 2 3 4 5

0% 0% 0%0%0%





If you flip a coin 3 times, what is the If you flip a coin 3 times, what is the probability the coin will land on tails probability the coin will land on tails

all 3 times?all 3 times?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 1/41/4

b)b) 1/81/8

c)c) 1/31/3

d)d) 3/43/4

Of the students in a prize drawing, 6 are in Of the students in a prize drawing, 6 are in the sixth grade, 9 are in the seventh grade, the sixth grade, 9 are in the seventh grade, and 11 are in the eighth grade. What is the and 11 are in the eighth grade. What is the probability the winner will be in the seventh probability the winner will be in the seventh


a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 9/269/26

b)b) 1/31/3

c)c) 9/179/17

d)d) 17/2617/26

Team ScoresTeam Scores

200200 JediJedi

183.33183.33 Sith LordsSith Lords

180180 WookiesWookies

172.73172.73 DroidsDroids

133.33133.33 StormtroopersStormtroopers

What is the probability the spinner below will What is the probability the spinner below will land on a space marked “2”?land on a space marked “2”?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 1/31/3

b)b) 2/52/5

c)c) 1/21/2

d)d) 2/32/3

If you roll a pair of dice, what is the If you roll a pair of dice, what is the probability you will roll doubles (of any probability you will roll doubles (of any


a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 1/61/6

b)b) 1/361/36

c)c) 6/1006/100

d)d) 1/31/3

Participant ScoresParticipant Scores

400400 Participant 1Participant 1

400400 Participant 5Participant 5

400400 Participant 4Participant 4

400400 Participant 22Participant 22

400400 Participant 13Participant 13

Today, the cafeteria is offering 3 main Today, the cafeteria is offering 3 main dishes ( pizza, hamburger, or grilled dishes ( pizza, hamburger, or grilled

cheese), 3 drinks ( milk, juice, or water), cheese), 3 drinks ( milk, juice, or water), and 2 side dishes (French fries or tater-tots). and 2 side dishes (French fries or tater-tots). Assuming each student picks one main dish, Assuming each student picks one main dish,

one drink, and one side dish, how many one drink, and one side dish, how many

different meal combinations are possible?different meal combinations are possible?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 88

b)b) 1212

c)c) 1616

d)d) 1818

Team ScoresTeam Scores

427.27427.27 DroidsDroids

425425 JediJedi

400400 Sith LordsSith Lords

360360 WookiesWookies

300300 StormtroopersStormtroopers

Cindy has a bag that contains eight red Cindy has a bag that contains eight red marbles, four white marbles, and six black marbles, four white marbles, and six black marbles. Without looking, Cindy reaches marbles. Without looking, Cindy reaches

into the bag and pulls out a marble. What is into the bag and pulls out a marble. What is the probability that she pulls out either a the probability that she pulls out either a

black or red marble?black or red marble?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 7/97/9

b)b) 4/94/9

c)c) 2/32/3

d)d) 1/31/3

Dr. Meyers tossed the marshmallow 40 Dr. Meyers tossed the marshmallow 40 times and it landed on an end 24 times and times and it landed on an end 24 times and landed on its side 16 times. If Dr. Meyers landed on its side 16 times. If Dr. Meyers were to toss the marshmallow 160 times, were to toss the marshmallow 160 times,

how many times should he expect it to land how many times should he expect it to land on an end?on an end?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 6464

b)b) 144144

c)c) 120120

d)d) 9696

A bucket had 18 marbles (6 red, 4 blue, 5 A bucket had 18 marbles (6 red, 4 blue, 5 orange, 3 white). If one white is pulled out orange, 3 white). If one white is pulled out of the container, what is the chance of the of the container, what is the chance of the

next marble being red?next marble being red?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 6/176/17

b)b) 1/31/3

c)c) 1/21/2

d)d) 5/175/17

Team ScoresTeam Scores

725725 JediJedi

690.91690.91 DroidsDroids

650650 Sith LordsSith Lords

620620 WookiesWookies

600600 StormtroopersStormtroopers

What percentage of your current points What percentage of your current points would you like to wager on the next would you like to wager on the next

question? The category is “Combinations”.question? The category is “Combinations”.

1.1. 0%0%

2.2. 25%25%

3.3. 50%50%

4.4. 75%75%

5.5. 100%100%

In a game you have to spin Spinner A and In a game you have to spin Spinner A and then Spinner B. To win you have to get the then Spinner B. To win you have to get the

combination of the letter B and an even combination of the letter B and an even number. What is the probability of winning?number. What is the probability of winning?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 1/31/3

b)b) 1/321/32

c)c) 1/81/8

d)d) 1/121/12

Team ScoresTeam Scores

14511451 JediJedi




Sith LordsSith Lords

10211021 WookiesWookies

800.67800.67 StormtroopersStormtroopers

One container has 3 white marbles and 1 One container has 3 white marbles and 1 red marble. The second container has 1 red marble. The second container has 1 white and 2 red marbles. You select a white and 2 red marbles. You select a marble at random from each container. marble at random from each container.

What is the probability of drawing two white What is the probability of drawing two white


a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 4/74/7

b)b) 1/41/4

c)c) 1/121/12

d)d) 4/34/3

Candice is the best hitter on her high school Candice is the best hitter on her high school softball team. She gets on base safely 55% softball team. She gets on base safely 55% of the time. What is the probability that her of the time. What is the probability that her next at bat will result in her getting on base?next at bat will result in her getting on base?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 11/2011/20

b)b) 5/105/10

c)c) 1/51/5

d)d) 9/209/20

Participant ScoresParticipant Scores

20012001 Participant 1Participant 1

20012001 Participant 5Participant 5

20012001 Participant 4Participant 4

20012001 Participant 27Participant 27

20012001 Participant 2Participant 2

The spinner below is spun twice. What is The spinner below is spun twice. What is the probability that the spinner will land on 5 the probability that the spinner will land on 5

and 3 in that order?and 3 in that order?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 1/41/4

b)b) 1/21/2

c)c) 1/81/8

d)d) 1/641/64

Team ScoresTeam Scores

20512051 JediJedi



16301630 Sith LordsSith Lords

15411541 WookiesWookies



A coin is flipped 3 times. What is the A coin is flipped 3 times. What is the probability that the outcome will be two probability that the outcome will be two

heads and a tail (in any order) ?heads and a tail (in any order) ?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 1/41/4

b)b) 1/81/8

c)c) 3/83/8

d)d) 1/21/2

A bucket has 26 marbles (5 red, 6 blue, A bucket has 26 marbles (5 red, 6 blue, 8 orange, 7 white). If 2 orange marbles 8 orange, 7 white). If 2 orange marbles

have already pulled, what are the chances have already pulled, what are the chances of pulling an orange on your third try?of pulling an orange on your third try?

a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) 4/134/13

b)b) 1/41/4

c)c) 2/32/3

d)d) 3/133/13

Team ScoresTeam Scores

23512351 JediJedi




Sith LordsSith Lords



16611661 WookiesWookies

What percentage of your current points What percentage of your current points would you like to wager on the final would you like to wager on the final


1.1. 0%0%

2.2. 25%25%

3.3. 50%50%

4.4. 75%75%

5.5. 100%100%

In the “Match Up” game a player will draw a block In the “Match Up” game a player will draw a block from two bags. Bag 1 has one blue, one yellow, from two bags. Bag 1 has one blue, one yellow, and one red block and Bag 2 contains one purple, and one red block and Bag 2 contains one purple, one green, and one blue block. If the two blocks one green, and one blue block. If the two blocks

drawn are the same color, the player wins. It costs drawn are the same color, the player wins. It costs $2 to play the game and the prize for winning is $2 to play the game and the prize for winning is

$5. If 45 people play the game, how much should $5. If 45 people play the game, how much should the school expect to make the school expect to make afterafter paying the paying the


a) b) c) d)

0% 0%0%0%

a)a) $85$85

b)b) $20$20

c)c) $45$45

d)d) $65$65

Fastest Responders (in seconds)Fastest Responders (in seconds)

105.51105.51 Participant 2Participant 2

188.1188.1 Participant 29Participant 29

188.18188.18 Participant 4Participant 4

189.35189.35 Participant 1Participant 1

191.98191.98 Participant 27Participant 27

Team MVPTeam MVPPointsPoints TeamTeam ParticipantParticipant

48034803 JediJedi 15 15

52035203 DroidsDroids 1 1

52035203 Sith LordsSith Lords 24 24

40034003 StormtroopersStormtroopers 29 29

48034803 WookiesWookies 27 27

Participant ScoresParticipant Scores

52035203 Participant 1Participant 1

52035203 Participant 24Participant 24

48034803 Participant 15Participant 15

48034803 Participant 4Participant 4

48034803 Participant 19Participant 19

Team ScoresTeam Scores

47034703 JediJedi




Sith LordsSith Lords



1861.41861.4 WookiesWookies