What Causes Volcanoes? 11/9/15 9-3 pgs. 230-235 IN: What causes volcanoes?

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Transcript of What Causes Volcanoes? 11/9/15 9-3 pgs. 230-235 IN: What causes volcanoes?

What Causes Volcanoes? 11/9/ pgs IN: What causes volcanoes? Formation of Magma Solid rock may become magma when: pressure is released, when the temperature rises above its melting point, or when its composition changes. Nonexplosive Volcano Lava flows come from nonexplosive eruption. Explosive Volcano Clouds of hot debris and gases shoot out from the volcano often at supersonic speeds. Shield volcanoes nonexplosive Cinder cone volcanoes explosive Composite volcanoes explosive and then nonexplosive Near tectonic plate boundaries. Where do volcanoes form? Divergent Boundaries - when tectonic plates separate. Rift deep crack between plates Not this Divergent, Lexi! Where do volcanoes form? Convergent Boundaries - when tectonic plates collide. Subduction Zones Where do volcanoes form? Hot Spots places on the Earths surface that are directly above columns of rising magma, called mantle plumes. Hawaii Animation Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Measuring Small Quakes Measuring Slope Measuring Volcanic Gases Measuring Temperature Classifying Volcanoes Extinct will never erupt Dormant may erupt Active are erupting OUT: Why are most volcanoes on tectonic plate boundaries?