WHAT CAN MUSEUM ARCHITECTURE DO? Symposium, Aarhus School of Architecture, 13 May 2015, FROM 9.30 TO 17.30 PROGRAMME 09.30 Arrival and coffee/tea. Studsgade Auditorium. 10.00 Welcome and introduction: ”What Can Museum Architecture Do?” Annette Svaneklink Jakobsen, Assistant Professor, PhD, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. Contexts - and interventions for art 10.15 Keynote speech: AROS – The Next Level. Interaction between institution, art and architecture Erlend Høyersten, Director, Aarhus Art Museum AROS, DK 10.45 Discussion and questions. 10.55 Break 11.00 Museum of specific difference Daniel A. Walser, Professor in Architectural History and Theory, HTW Chur, CH. 11.20 How artists learn to love architects Walter Unterrainer, Professor in Sustainability, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. 11.40 When art gets real – on the synergy between a real life location and an interactive art space Rasmus Vestergaard, Curator, DIAS Kunsthal / Digital Interactive Art Space, Vallensbæk Station, DK. 12.10 Discussion and questions. 12.30 Lunch, served in the canteen 13.15 Current exhibitions at AAA. 13.15, the library; 13.30, the exhibition space. A walk with Karen Kjærgaard, Curator, Head of exhibitions, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. In-between architecture and art: experimental approaches 13.50 Keynote speech: When architects and artists couple: Jørn Utzon´s project for Asger Jorn´s collection Ruth Baumeister, Professor in Architectural History and Theory, PhD, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. 14.20 Discussion and questions. 14.30 Break 14.35 S-Space in Space Electronic, a radical convergence on multi-media space, 1971 Florence Peter Lang, Professor in Architectural Theory and History, PhD, KKH, Department of Architecture, Stockholm, SE. 15.05 Museum architecture as art strategy Nanna Balslev Strøjer, BA in Philosophy, MA in Modern Culture, Curator, FRI:rum, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, DK. 15.25 Discussion and questions. 15.40 Coffee/tea. Modes of experience and participation 15.55 Participatory practice in exhibition design AagaardNellemannSkou, Visual Artists, DK. 16.25 Looking at and seeing with Mads Tholstrup, Associate Professor, Architect, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. 16.45 Art Mediation; Redefined Gerd Elise Mørland, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Oslo University College (HioA), Freelance curator and Art Writer, Oslo, NO. 17.05 Discussion and questions. 17.20 Closing remarks and refreshments. Organized by Annette Svaneklink Jakobsen, Assistant Professor, PhD, [email protected]


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WHAT CAN MUSEUM ARCHITECTURE DO? Symposium, Aarhus School of Architecture, 13 May 2015, FROM 9.30 TO 17.30 PROGRAMME 09.30 Arrival and coffee/tea. Studsgade Auditorium. 10.00 Welcome and introduction: ”What Can Museum Architecture Do?” Annette Svaneklink Jakobsen, Assistant Professor, PhD, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. Contexts - and interventions for ar t 10.15 Keynote speech: AROS – The Next Level. Interaction between institution, art and architecture Erlend Høyersten, Director, Aarhus Art Museum AROS, DK 10.45 Discussion and questions. 10.55 Break 11.00 Museum of specific difference Daniel A. Walser, Professor in Architectural History and Theory, HTW Chur, CH. 11.20 How artists learn to love architects Walter Unterrainer, Professor in Sustainability, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. 11.40 When art gets real – on the synergy between a real life location and an interactive art space Rasmus Vestergaard, Curator, DIAS Kunsthal / Digital Interactive Art Space, Vallensbæk Station, DK. 12.10 Discussion and questions. 12.30 Lunch, served in the canteen 13.15 Current exhibitions at AAA. 13.15, the library; 13.30, the exhibition space. A walk with Karen Kjærgaard, Curator, Head of exhibitions, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. In-between architecture and art: experimenta l approaches 13.50 Keynote speech: When architects and artists couple: Jørn Utzon´s project for Asger Jorn´s collection Ruth Baumeister, Professor in Architectural History and Theory, PhD, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. 14.20 Discussion and questions. 14.30 Break 14.35 S-Space in Space Electronic, a radical convergence on multi-media space, 1971 Florence Peter Lang, Professor in Architectural Theory and History, PhD, KKH, Department of Architecture, Stockholm, SE. 15.05 Museum architecture as art strategy Nanna Balslev Strøjer, BA in Philosophy, MA in Modern Culture, Curator, FRI:rum, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, DK. 15.25 Discussion and questions. 15.40 Coffee/tea. Modes of exper ience and partic ipation 15.55 Participatory practice in exhibition design AagaardNellemannSkou, Visual Artists, DK. 16.25 Looking at and seeing with Mads Tholstrup, Associate Professor, Architect, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK. 16.45 Art Mediation; Redefined Gerd Elise Mørland, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Oslo University College (HioA), Freelance curator and Art Writer, Oslo, NO. 17.05 Discussion and questions. 17.20 Closing remarks and refreshments. Organized by Annette Svaneklink Jakobsen, Assistant Professor, PhD, [email protected]  

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ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Erlend Høyersten Erlend Høyersten holds a cand.philol. in art history from the University of Bergen and began his museum career at Sørlandets Kunstmuseum in Kristianssand in 2000, the years 2004-09 as a Director. After that he became the Deputy Director and the Director of KODE Art Museums of Bergen (2009-2013) and headed a comprehensive reorganization of the four art museums of Bergen. From January 1st 2014 Erlend Høyersten is the Director of ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, which has more than half a million visitors a year. Aarhus will be the European Capital of Culture 2017, and ARoS will be a crucial player. Erlend Høyersten has curated numerous exhibitions. Ruth Baumeister Ruth Baumeister is a German architect, researcher and writer, specializing in post-war avant-gardes in architecture and art. From 2014, she is Professor in Architectural History and Theory at the Aarhus School of Architecture. In 2009, she received her PhD in Architecture History at TU Delft with a thesis on Asger Jorn’s concept of architecture. She has taught at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam and at TU Delft and held a position as Visiting Professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy. She is the author of L’Architecture Sauvage – Asger Jorn’s crtitique and concept of architecture; editor of the book Fraternité Avant Tout: Asger Jorn’s writings on art and architecture and co-editor with Sang Lee of the book The Domestic and the Foreign in Architecture. AagaardNellemannSkou Visual artists Grete Aagaard, Tanja Nellemann Poulsen and Lise Skou have collaborated since 2009 on a number of participatory and dialogue based exhibition designs, installations and workshops. They have designed and constructed exhibition designs and workshops in connection with eg Det er ikke din skyld, (It is not your fault) Kvindemuseet / Womens Museum in Denmark DK 2010, Dianas døtre, (Diana's daughters), Dansk Jagt- og skovbrugsmuseum/ Danish Museum of Hunting and Forestry, Hørsholm DK 2011, UndersøgelsesRum (Research Room), Kvindemuseet/ Womens Museum in Denmark DK 2013/14, Cultural Heritage and Memories of Mandate Palestine, Tulkarem Museum, Palestine 2015. Besides these collaborative projects the three artists work individually with their own art practices. www.greteaagaard.net ; www.liseskou.net ; www.tanjanellemann.dk Rasmus Vestergaard Rasmus Vestergaard is an art historian, curator, researcher and art critic, specialized in contemporary art and more specifically in the field of digital art and culture. RV holds an MA research degree in art history, and has done research in several European contexts. RV is an experienced museum executive, director and curator. He has a broad experience in the field of directing and managing cultural institutions and projects. Through the last 10 years he held senior positions, in institutions such as SNYK Skive Ny Kunstmuseum, Kunsthal Aarhus, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning and in DIAS Digital Interactive Art Space. Furthermore he is an experienced board member and has been the chairman of the Association of Danish Museums ODM. As a curator RV has developed and realized a large number of exhibitions spanning from conventional contemporary art exhibitions, over experimental shows to digital art projects. Daniel A. Walser Daniel A. Walser studied architecture at the ETH Zurich and La Sapienza in Rome. On graduating in 1998, he worked at different faculties as assistant and lecturer at ETH in Zurich (1998-99), HTW in Chur (1999-2013) and Chur Institute of Architecture (2005-09). In 2013 he was appointed Professor of Architectural History and Theory, at HTW Chur. He worked on the architecture of Bruno Giacometti (1907-2012), Valerio Olgiati, and his father Rudolf Olgiati (1910-95), the relation of art and architecture and Pfleghard & Haefeli in Uzwil (1898-1912). An important focus lies in a younger generation of architects in Graubünden and their specific architecture concepts. Peter Lang Peter Lang is professor in Architectural Theory and History at the Royal Institute of Art, in the Department of Architecture, Stockholm (KKH). He holds a BArch in from Syracuse University (1980) and a PhD in history and urban studies from NYU (2000). He writes on the history and theory of post-war Italian architecture, with a focus on sixties Italian experimental design, media and environments. Together with Luca Molinari and Mark Wasiuta, Peter Lang has co-curated the exhibition Environments and Counter Environments: Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, MoMA 1972. Nanna Balslev Strøjer Nanna Balslev Strøjer holds a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Modern Culture. From 2013 she has been producing and curating the artistic experiment FRI:rum at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. As a communicator and project manager for the exhibition building’s so-called Udenfor-Eksperimenter Nanna has been affiliated with Den Frie since 2011. In 2012 she was employed as communicator and assistant curator on the public arts programme of Copenhagen Art Festival. Nanna is part of Somewhere, an organization for art and public spaces, where she works with area renewal as curator and producer. Gerd Elise Mørland Gerd Elise Mørland is a freelance curator, assistant professor at Oslo University College (HiOA), editor at Periskop.no, and an art writer based in Oslo, currently co-editing the anthology Curatorial Politics Beyond the Curator: Fragments of a Theory (Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2015). Previously, she has worked as a senior curator at the Kistefos-Museum in Jevnaker and as a curator at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK). Gerd Elise earned her MA in Art History on the changing role of the curator at the University of Oslo and Goldsmiths University of London (MFA Curating). Her recent projects include Marte Johnslien: Forms of Protest (Exhibition, HOK, 2014-2015) Curating and Politics: In Theory (Seminar, HOK, 2014), Knowledge production - Counter-practice or Commodity? (Seminar, Kunsthall Oslo, 2012), History Forms My Revolution (Exhibition, University of Oslo, 2011) and The Political Potential of Curatorial Practice (On-Curating.org., ZHDK, 2010). Her writing is published in various publications including Kaleidoscope Magazine, the Nordic Art journal Kunstkritikk and Kunstløftet.no. Walter Unterrainer From 2014 Walter Unterrainer is professor for sustainable architecture at the Aarhus School of Architecture; from 2007 director of MEGA – a joint master for sustainable and energy efficient architecture between Tsinghua University Beijing and Aarhus School of Architecture. From 2010-2014 he was professor at Umeå School of Architecture. In 2006 he was visiting professor at the school of Architecture in Ljubljana / Slovenia; from 2005 lecturer at the Kunstuniversität Linz / Austria (Linz University of Arts); from 1994-2004 lecturer (Docent) for design, building construction and ecological building methods at the University of Liechtenstein. Between 1980-2012 Unterrainer’s architectural office in Feldkirch / Vorarlberg finished more than 150 projects in different scales, new buildings as well as renovations, housing projects, farmhouses, school renovations, office- and industrial buildings as well as interior design. http://www.architekt-unterrainer.com Karen Kjærgaard independent design professional for 25 years working in an extended design field focusing on development of concepts with an artistic content, challenging standardized, architectural practice, exhibiting architect commenting on our daily life through solo exhibitions in DK and internationally, pushing boundaries for collaborations with commercial partners, curator, project leader and exhibition architect developing and processing projects for museums and cultural institutions in DK and internationally, from 2012 - curator and head of exhibitions at Aarhus School of Architecture.