What Are The Qualities To Be a Pleasing Personality ?

What are the qualities to be a pleasing personality? The best personality could be the one with good values in life

Transcript of What Are The Qualities To Be a Pleasing Personality ?

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What are the qualities to be a pleasing personality?

The best personality could be the one with good values in life

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The world today brands a best personality by looking at the outer appearance of the persons, but it not so.

The best personality could be the one with good values in life.

A true personality not judged with physical appearances but it is the beauty within.

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A well groomed and pleasing person all the time stays with positive approach to life and keeps himself/her calm in all the situations and understands the need of the hour acts accordingly.

Every one of us needs to cultivate in life a positive approach in all that we do.

One must know the art of treating the other people with human dignity.

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This will ripple and multiply goodness all around and everyone will be happy.

If this kind attitude spreads throughout all sects of life we can sure see people living happily.

This will reduce the unwanted tension and peaceful situation will emerge in every walk of life of the people.

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When everyone is happy you will experience a fine personality into making day by day. Follow these few tips and grow to be pleasing personalities.


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1.Smile often it adds face value

As said smiles make people to smile back and it is true.

If you learn the art of smiling a pleasing situation will be created for the other person to relate with you.

Smiling keeps your face always fresh and attractive. Keep smiling all the time.

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2.Laughter lightens the situation.

Laughter can be a best medicine that keeps all the sickness away.

Never keep yourself away from people and situation.

Have some times with your family and friends an easy go moments that make you relaxed.

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3. Be enthusiastic

It is the best way to keep you pleasing person.

Be enthusiastic in all that you do. You can be smart in finishing your

work on time that would keep you the best person who walks the talk.

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4.Bridge differences

Often our life is spend brooding over the difference we have in life.

But it can be made beautiful and you would grow to be a best personality when you are able to do away with all the differences you have in life and keep going with your dreams.

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5.Overcome difficulties

Life is made up of both good and bad times. Difficulties are part of life, which we have to face it.

Never worry over the past experiences just live in the present and overcome difficulties.


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6.Brake down walls redeem mistakes

A good relationship that keep people around happy and keeps your heart young.

breakdown walls and never count the mistakes of the other.

Just understand everyone at times in life we do fail. But does not mean they are bad.

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7.Co-operation with your co-team

You become good and make others to feel easy when you get along with your co-team in your working environment.

uphold a good relationship with everyone in your work place you will win over many hearts, which will keep you young and energetic.

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8.Discover satisfaction

Be contented in life, because God has blessed you with lots of good things.

A contented heart that lives happily and make others happy too.

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9.Be a peace loving personality Every individual, every home, every

nation feels that peace is the need of the hour.

Let every individual live a life towards nations progress.

Individual responsibility to keep everyone united

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10.Have the will power that keeps your dreams going

whatever the circumstances you are placed with.

Often people fail because of lack of will power.

Whatever the difficulties you face in life never give up till you succeed.

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Well a pleasing personality is the one who develops a sense of belongingness to the values.

Who talks the values and walks the values. A person with positive attitude remains

happy in life and makes whole surrounding around him happy.

You can really become a pleasing personality if you follow good values in life.

Personality is nothing but it is a value lived positively.

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Be a pleasing personality in all walks of life

As you walk you may meet many Let those whom you meet may get your magnetic power in turn they shine and let it grow

and glow the pleasing power that may radiates to everyone in

the world let the world be filled with people

of Love, peace and understating.

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