What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA 9 Basarabia 200056, Craiova, Dolj Tel 0040 351 409 537 [email protected] [email protected] What about EDUNET? Leonardo Paretnership project TOOLS FOR INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION OF NURSES IN EUROPE Meeting in London 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 2012


What about EDUNET?. Leonardo Paretnership project TOOLS FOR INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION OF NURSES IN EUROPE Meeting in London 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 2012. THE AIMS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What about EDUNET?

Page 1: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

What about EDUNET?

Leonardo Paretnership project


NURSES IN EUROPEMeeting in London

30 Oct.-2 Nov. 2012

Page 2: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]


• The aim of the “EDUNET” association is to make a platform of services and resources for the promotion of lifelong education, for supporting professional education, the education for active citizenship and for lasting development.

• • Edunet is authorised provider for adult professional

professional training by Romanian Ministry of Education and Research and Ministry of Work, Social Solidarity and Family.

• Edunet is starting a Edunet School, a tertiary vocational school for health care professionals.

• Edunet has a good cooperation with the regional Teachers Training Center Dolj and also with the Regional Association for Nurses in organizing many training courses.

• Edunet is working in the partnership with the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj , whch is a public authority subordinated to Dolj County Council.

Page 3: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]


EDUNET develops some offers of non-formal and informal learning:

• Since September 2012, EDUNET started a vocational school, "EDUNET School", authorized by Romanian Ministry of Education for initial qualification of nurses. EDUNET School, proposes to provide a high quality education, open to the European standards, to offer opportunities for its students to easily integrate in the national and European labour market by training placements abroad and learning foreign languages.

• EDUNET has a number of 25 trainers, qualified teachers, medical teaching staff (doctors and nurses) and other staff with a long experience in the teaching of nurses and other health care professionals.

• EDUNET works in a large partnership with the local and regional hospitals, authorities and health organisations to assure a good practical training for the students: Regional Emergency Hospital , „Victor Babes” Hospital of Craiova, Authority for Public Health - Dolj county, Romanian Nurses Association-Dolj Branch. General Direction for Social Assistance and Children Protection -Dolj.

Page 4: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]


EDUNET offers a variety of rich educational resources for trainers and course participants such as:

• Creating an educational portal and an e-learning platform;

• Creating educational websites

• Creating and publicizing didactic materials;

Page 5: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

EDUNET PARTNERSHIPEDUNET develops national and international educational projects and programmes

• Since 2008, EDUNET developed many European educational projects and supported the implementation or the European projects for other organizations.

• It was the promoter and coordinator of the Leonardo Partnership “Intercultural Education of Nurses in Europe” project IENE1 (2008-20100) and, then, the joint coordinator of the Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project IENE2 (2010-2012).

• EDUNET has been a partner in many Leonardo da Vinci Mobility projects, both IVT and PLM , providing language and cultural preparation and facilitating the insertion of the participants in the professional workplace.

Page 6: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

2007• LLP - Grundtvig Multilateral Project:

E-AIDS - An e-learning environment for HIV/AIDS education2008• LLP - Leonardo Learning Partnership:IENE-Intercultural Education of Nurses in

Europe• LLP - Grundtvig Learning Partnership:PROMIP - Promoting Migrants'

Participation• LLP - Grundtvig Learning Partnership:European School for Sustainable

Development (E2D2)• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility – 1 Project2009• LLP - Leonardo Transfer of Innovation:IENE2-Intercultural Education of Nurses

in Europe• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility – 1 Project2010• LLP - Grundtvig Learning Partnership:

ME(U)MORIES• LLP - Grundtvig Workshop: Virtual Library for promoting the European Heritage • LLP – Leonardo Transfer of Innovation: • IENE 2 -Intercultural Education of Nurses in Europe• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility – 4 Projects2011• LLP - Grundtvig Workshop –Think RO!• LLP - Grundtvig Learning Partnership”Empowering Marginalized Elders”• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility – 2 Projects2012• LLP - Grundtvig Learning Partnership:PROMIP : AGEING WELL: DON’T

HESITATE, BE ACTIVE!• LLP - Grundtvig Workshop – Colorful ageing!• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility – 3 Projects2013• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility – 5 Projects• LLP - Leonardo da Vinci Partnershiip “Tools for Intercultural Edsucation of

nurses in Europe”

Page 7: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]


Page 8: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

The project adresses nurses being in European mobility or in traineeship placement and nurses working in contact with patients with different cultures and languages.

Page 9: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]


“Empowering Marginalized Elders” • The Grundtvig-project aims to exchange

and improve practices across European countries in order to improve the eldercare conditions for marginalized seniors.

• The partnership aims to improve learning on the conditions of marginalized elders

The countries involved:

1. Organisation for promoting of European issues, Cipru

2. Universidad de Almeria, Spania3. Verein zur Förderung der angewandten

Gerontologie (VFG), Germania4. Training and Further Training Centre of

the College of Nyiregyhaza, Ungaria5. Asociatia EDUNET, Romania

Page 10: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

Colourful ageing: storytelling, social media and Colourful ageing: storytelling, social media and volunteering activitiesvolunteering activities

Programme of the Workshop

• 1st Day: Building the first social network (getting to know each other and the young volunteers, guided cultural visit of the city made by the young locals)

• 2nd Day: Storytelling in Social Media (learning how to use Facebook, LinkedIn and Skype). Storytelling of memories using pictures, movies, music, beloved objects brought from home etc.

• 3rd Day: Storytelling own blogs (learning how to use blogs). Artistic expression of memories using drawing, painting and personalizing the Memory Box.

• 4th Day: Storytelling in images (learning how to scan and edit images in Photoscape). Preparing the interviews and posting on the blogs

• 5th Day: Presentations of the stories in the form of interviews. Presentation of the Senior Volunteering Grundtvig Action, writing draft proposal.

Slection and practical arrangements• Information about selection and application form will be

available on www.colourfulageing.wikispaces.com • Accommodation, meals, cultural visits, local

transport are 100% assured by the organiser. Travel costs are 100% reimbursed based on original tickets.

Dates : From 23/06/2012 to 29/06/2012 Place:Craiova, RomaniaLanguage : EnglishTarget group(s): Adults 50+

Page 11: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

LLP- Grundtvig Partnership ProjectAGEING WELL: DON’T HESITATE, BE ACTIVE!

This project aims:• To prevent retired people from

social isolation, make them being active, support and boost their skills

• To introduce them contemporary life, culture and natural heritage

• To learn them how to use modern tools for their hobbies, interests and communication with their children and peers

• To share experience with other partnersin the field of non-formal seniors´ education

Page 12: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

The IENE Tools project aims to increase the skills of nurses and healthcare professionals for providing culturally competent and compassionate care to patients and facilitate their effective participation in the European labour market.

Methodology• Each partners will review the literature and will

organize meeting/workshops for teachers to explore the notion of the compassion, courage and intercultural communication and to plan the various tools. The partners will share their findings via e-mail, Face book, Twitter and report during the partners' meetings.

• They will produce the learning, teaching and evaluation tools according to the methodology created.

• Then, all the partners will involve teachers and trainers to pilot and evaluate the created tools during the activities with students/trainees.

The project develops the PPT/IENE Model and enrich the existing learning platform (www.ieneproject.eu) with innovative teaching, learning and assessment tools

EDUNET target groups are : • Nurse and healthcare teachers • Student nurses in initial training including

those being in European mobility or in traineeship placement in companies.

• Registered nurses who are preparing to work abroad.

EDUNET will work together with the teachers who participated in the development and piloting of the tools to construct case studies of cultural awareness and compassion, cultural knowledge and courage, cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication, which can be used by teachers to teach cultural competence.

Leonardo Partnbership project ITOOLS for Intercultural

Education of Nurses in Europe

Page 13: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

Special tasks of EDUNET in IENE TOOLS project

EDUNET : – will help in coordination of the partnership on the international level– will evaluate the project– Development of the project outputs: the blog of the project and platform www.ieneproject.eu

Edunet will contribute in the project to the development by cooperating on project management and conception of particular activities, cooperation on modules developement and their realization, cooperating on project outputs, exchange of experience and presenting particular activities and outputs, organizing one project meeting, monitoring, evaluation, assessment nd dissemination of project.

EDUNET already prepared: • The project guidelines • The project high level workplan with milestones• The detailed workplan for first period: October2012March 2013;• The project meetings’ main topics• The evaluation strategy

Page 14: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]

Local activities

EDUNET will do the local activities:

• Reviewing literature and exploring innovative teaching and assessment tools for: Cultural awareness in the importance of cultural and religious values in health, , Cultual knowledge about health disparities and courage, Cultural sensitivity in therapeutic intercultural communication

• Adaptation and development of the PPT / IENE model for target groups in each country, methodology for education of delivering culturally competent and compassionate care: methodology for creating tools , piloting the creating tools, collecting good practices and reporting results

• Developing Toolkits on compassionate care,disparities and courage, cultural therapeutic communication

– Preparing new lesson plans (minim 3 for each modules)

– Preparing the teaching/learning/assessment innovative tools

– Training activities: teachers pilot the created tools

– Collecting good practice examples

Will involve learners in:

• creation of project outputs (teachers and students)

• educational process – participation in training modules on compassionate care,disparities and courage, cultural therapeutic communication (teachers and students)

• in evaluation of the education activities on the national level (teachers and students)

• participation in meetings, preparation and presentations of their work (teachers and staff)

Page 15: What about EDUNET?

EDUNET ROMANIA9 Basarabia200056, Craiova, DoljTel 0040 351 409 [email protected] [email protected]