What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight

Transcript of What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

Page 1: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You

By David McKnight

Page 2: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

1) Be a lid to growth if not addressed

a) People will put up with discomfort if they

see hope to change the situation in the


b) If the lid is ignored the people will go away.

Page 3: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

2) Provide room for numeric growth

a) Worship - 80% rule

b) Foyer: People need their personal space in


i. Crowded = uninviting

Page 4: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

c) Youth and Children’s Space

i. Safety

ii. Emphasis on age relevance

Page 5: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Cannot…

1) Sustain long term growth.

a) People will come to see what you built.

Page 6: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

1) Provide a reason to visit your church

a) People will come to see what is going on


b) People will come for a ministry that touches


Page 7: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

2) Provide a good first impression before any

personal contact.

a) Adaptive Unconscious is the part of the

brain that unconsciously:

i. Processes information

ii. Establishes objectives

Page 8: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

iii. Judges people

iv. Detects dangers

v. Formulates stereotypes

vi. Infers causes

Page 9: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

b) Exterior - neat, clean, landscaped, and


c) Interior - warm, inviting, relationship space,

and smell.

Page 10: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

3) Provide a tool for relevant ministry

a) Relevant Ministry

b) Dedicated Youth and Children’s Space

allows your staff to concentrate on what

they can do and the relationship with kids

instead of how they can do ministry.

i. Provides more time for creativity

Page 11: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

c) Flexibility creates opportunity

i. Let’s you change how you do things.

Page 12: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

d) Specific tools:

i. Daycare

ii. Food Pantry

iii. Hair Salon

iv. Café

v. Job Education

vi. Car Repair

Page 13: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Cannot…

1) Perform ministry

a) The building provides opportunity, not


i. Make sure you have money for staff for your new


ii. Make sure you have equipment for your new


iii. Make sure you have the willingness to use the

building as a tool.

Page 14: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

1) Provide tangible substance to the vision.

a) Design around the commitment to the


b) Lets people see the commitment of leaders.

c) Gives people a chance to get on board.

d) Stimulates new ministry ideas.

Page 15: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Cannot…

1) Remain unchanged forever

a) The first churches

b) Steeple

c) Stained Glass

d) Pews

Page 16: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Cannot…

e) The Classic American Church

f) Vestibule or Narthex

g) Video and Café’s

h) What will change tomorrow?

Page 17: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

1) Bring issues of a church to the forefront

a) Battle Grounds

i. Ministry vs. congregational comfort

ii. Kids vs. adults

iii. Traditions vs. new vision

Page 18: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

2) Bring an opportunity for leadership to


a) Must start reality check - Plan for what you

can afford.

b) What requires more faith? Pay as you go

vs. committing to a loan.

Page 19: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

A Building Can…

c) God Provides … … what we need.

d) What God provides … … is enough.

Page 20: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

Reality Check: What should the building do

for us?

West Culture: double standard?

Page 21: What A Church Building Can And Cannot Do For You By David McKnight.

The Western World: Why does the church

only have one use?

The Mission Field: The church building is

everything. It is the center of the

community. The building is a tool for
