Wh questions for Beginning ELLs

“WH” Questions Where? What? Who? When? By Lois DiVincenzo


Wh questions for Beginning ELLs

Transcript of Wh questions for Beginning ELLs

  • 1. Where? What? Who? When? By Lois DiVincenzo

2. I will learn how to ask wh questions using the words where, what, who and when. I will learn how to answer wh questions. 3. We learn wh questions to find out information. and to talk to other people or have conversations with them. 4. Where? What? Who? When? 5. Where What Who When Place Thing, Idea,Object Person Time 6. Place Where asks a question about a place Where do you live? I live in a house. Where do you sleep ? I sleep in a bed. 7. Who asks a question about people Who is your friend? My friend is Maria. Who is your teacher? My teacher is Mrs. D. 8. Thing or Idea What asks a question about a thing or an idea. What is your name? My name is Juan. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is a tamale. 9. When asks questions about time What time do you wake up? I wake up at 7:00 in the morning. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 9:00 at night. 10. Talk to your partner. 1. Ask you partner the question. 2. Your partner answers the question. 3. Your partner asks you the question. 4. You answer the question. Hint - The answer to a wh question will never be a yes or no!! 11. Where do you live? I live in a house. Turn to your partner and ask them: Where do you live? _________________ 12. What is your favorite food ? My favorite food is a taco. Turn to your partner and ask them: What is your favorite food? ___________ 13. Who has brown hair ? Diego and Sofia have brown hair. Turn to your partner and ask them: Who has brown hair? or Who is your favorite singer? 14. Use where, what, who or when to begin the sentence. 1. ________ do you eat lunch at school ? 2. ________ is your best friend ? 3. ________ do you do at school ? 4. ________ do you live ? 15. You learned how to ask a wh question! You learned how to answer a wh question!