Western Civ Syllabus Review 2010/11 (final)

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  • 8/6/2019 Western Civ Syllabus Review 2010/11 (final)



    : - . .- .ATES 1100 800 B C Dark ages- .09 Athens instills a democracy- - -00 479 Greco Persian Wars- -95 429 Golden Age- -33 404 Peloponnesian Wars- = .00 323 HELLENIC AGE- . .- ( )23 30 B C HELLENISTIC EXPANSION AGE. .- . .- - ( )0 B C 5 A D GRECO ROMAN AGE ROME INVADES GREECE

    Hella - ,s A moniker given to the body of land that is Greece Hellas is the name for.the land given by the indigenous folk

    Democracy- /A political system of grave importance wherein the people generalpopulace of the state are naturally handed the capability to partake in their

    . -government Polymorphous in nature whilom democracies enspirited people to form a" ", ,direct democracy in which EVERY citizen has his say though this is susceptible

    , ,to disorder and chaos so democracies morph into republics in which officials. ,elected by the public delve into gubernatorial matters Athenian democracy formed

    . ., .in 509 B C is the preeminent pioneer of democracy A cornerstone for arguably the.greatest distinguishing factor in modern day western civ

    / -olis poleis - ,An informal term given to the body of the city state forms the, ,= (underlying root for the terms metropolis megapolis polis almost always in modern

    ) .times refers to an urbanised area of some sort

    -cropolis , ,Due to Greece's naturally elevated rocky terrain Acropolises were- , ,formed in other words elevated autodidactically positioned citadels mounted on a

    . .hill Religious temples were commonalities upon these archipelagos Acropolises,pragmatically proved to be somewhat strategic in nature forcing opposing

    belligerents to hike up the land to have any hope of consummating an offensive.against the Greeks

    Agora- The agora was the de facto - .city centre of the city state Trade flourished( ,and wound up to become a key component especially as one studies the Hellenistic

    ,age when subtle movements of outsourcing and mercantile activities effloresced). ,into lucre The agora is the antecedent to the Roman Forum where all interested in

    ,participating in the state's affairs would unequivocally assemble and subsequently. , = + .scold each other Therefore agora assembly trade

    -oplites " " -The hoplite was the standardised Greek class creolisation of citizen.and soldier Lifestyles of hoplites evidently differed depending whether they were

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    . .reared and trained in Sparta vs Athens The usual inventory of a hoplite would/ / .usually be a domineering shield and a spear lance sword Hoplites were guardians of

    .the Peloponnese

    -onarchy (A monarchy is a form of government in which a singular ruler usually) , .male at the time would preside over the state as the official unchallenged leader

    , ,Monarchies can however encompass the potential to transmogrify into an uglier/ .dictatorship despotism

    -ristocracy ,An aristocracy is a political system which oversees the wealthiest .most prominent cognoscenti take the reins of the state Since ancient Greeks didn't,become properly acquainted with a monarchy of any sort they chose to champion

    ( ) .temporarily an aristocracy Aristocracies later served the purpose of being the- / .deputy advisers to the monarch ruler

    -ligarchy , , ,A political system with Ancient Greek origins where similar to an, , ,aristocracy the state's overruling power is a minor exclusive band of wealthy . / .powerful fellows Oligarchies tend to be a tad more tyrannical forceful in nature

    ,Athenians were fully cognisant of the threats of an oligarchy and took existential( ) .measures drawing of lots to prevent the possibility of an oligarchal uprising

    -yranny -A tyranny is a hybrid of an oligarchy mixed with a monarch strictly,speaking a monarch whom seizes power forcibly and declares himself as the official

    . ,ruler of the state In most cases the formidability of this arrogance will be too. ,great a force to whisk away swiftly His interests are his first priority rather

    .than the state's welfare

    -elots -Aoristically defined as a cross between free men and slaves a helot was" "/ (someone whom was free neutral in terms of political allegiance and couldn't vote).in the first place They unfortunately had to become accustomed to a most

    .bellicose form of treatment from their Spartain overlords Helots could be. , .visualised as the prototype for slaves OF course they had no rights whatsoever

    -raconian / /An attitude form of political philosophy adjective that is a direct- (reference to the practices and power play tactics of Draco ),th century whom

    believed that emends in the form of harsh discipline and strong will were necessary.to mould the state into a force to be reckoned with Draconian constitution

    - , .provided clarity when confronting anti judicatory dilemmas such as homicide etc

    -arbarian /A commonly used epithet smacked upon those whom aren't civilised do not, ,adhere to a particular civilisation rather they're more like warmongering

    . , -vagabonds Rather humorously the direct origin of Barbarian is greek it signifies" ".whomever is not from Greece A barbarous /is one whom is babbling speaking a

    .language other than Greek

    - -an Hellenic Games , -Etymological ancestor of Olympic games the P H were a

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    , ,nationwide series of athletic competitions originally instituted to honour Zeus . " " ,that occurred every four years Mortal heroes were identified at these events and

    / .they were usually staged within close vicinity of a temple consecrated location , , .Isthmian Games Nemean Games Pythian Games all honored various gods

    -stracism , ,A process first carried out by the Athenian body of democracy where/ ,an individual was expelled exiled from the state for approximately ten years if not

    . , , -more Furtively however tact could be slotted into the decisions dismissing a.portentous politician would indubitably stave off the threat of a possible despot

    ,If the victim of the sentence refused to venture outside the city's borders the, .automatic autoschediastical consequence would be death

    -oule - -A somewhat slightly more senior board of citizens whom were responsible for- .heeding and attending to matters within the city state Boules evolved from being

    .direct advisors to the monarch to becoming a whole entity itself Their origins/ .also derive from oligarchies and or the aristocrac government model

    ( - . .)-olon 638 558 B C , .Athenian prominent statesman and legislative executive " "Solon preached that a principle justice should be founded and institutionalised

    ,with a community he also sought to place levees on the power of the privileged( ),despite being a member of that clan himself and promote advancement for citizens

    , - . ,of no prestige offering them high ranking offices Brought about economic reforms - . , ,establishing Athens as the crux of pottery trade Solon's reforms however do NOT

    , .manage to resolve the woes of the poor though

    ( - . .)-sistratus 605 527 B C ,The principal tyrant in Athenian rulership , , - ; ,Psistratus a former aristocrat was the flag bearer for cultural prowess sculpters

    , , ;painters architects and poets gained a voice under his reign he also issued a/ .mandate for a sewage water disposal system to be built Homeric recitals and a

    .continuum of cultural festivals became frequent in Athens' veins Psistratus was a.victim of ostracism twice during his time at the helm of Athens

    , -leisthenes the Democrat culpable for turning the democratic blueprint into. -reality for Athenian government Single handedly managed to solve childish disputes

    .and quarrels among senior aristocrats Believed that the democracy was optimal due.to its overpowering obligation for citizens to maintain loyalty to the state

    , .Although his democratisation of Athens seemed harmonious war loomed

    -omer the author of The Illiad and the ,Odyssey .amongst with other works perhaps ,Homer was rumoured to have either been a luminary author or a small cluster of

    . . , ,authors circa 8th century B C Their tales expressed sentiment heroism and. , ,glorification of the deities Homer whether he truly existed or not provided the

    .landmark platform for storytelling in the Western world Homer's bibliography was, /celebrated in Ancient times as well as today with perpetual effect no signs of


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    ( - )-arius I 550 486 +Commander Emperor of the Persian Empire at the start of the.Persian Wars Whence the Persians invade the Peloponnese peninsula in . . ,99 B c

    ,Ionians subsequently retaliate and revolt and after a constant onslaught of Greek,offense Darius's army fails to combat them in . .90 B C-erxes ,Darius's son and consequent commander of the Persian Forces leads a

    . , ,second attempt to conquer the Greeks Followed by a worrisome army of 250 000 the.Greek city states must unify to defeat this common belligerent Northern Greece has

    , .fallen under Xerxes' control and the Persians set Athens ablaze in embers

    ( - )-hemistocles 527 460 Greek naval commander who spearheads the retaliatory. ,response against the Persians Incentivised by nationalist pride Themistocles

    (stealthily attacks the Persians from the Bay of Salamis Nautical combat is theAthenian )forte - .78 , ,Elsewhere in Sparta Sparatans emerge triumphant in battle

    . .over Platana Victory catapulted Greece into Golden Age

    -elian League -A postwar motion that united the Grecian city states into a, . " " ,delegation 150 to be precise Though democracy matured in Athens at this time -accusatory behaviour was directed at the Athenians allegedly Athens was burrowing.up the Delian League's expenditure to finance Athens This led to gradual

    - .resentment of the Athenians stimulus for the Peloponnesian Wars

    ( - )-ericles 495 429 ,Athenian statesman de facto ruler of Athens during the. ,citadel's Golden Age Under Pericles's rule Athens was unofficially recognised as

    ;the cultural capital of Greece citizens skill was evident and was reflected upon- .their very city launched initiative for the Acropolis to be constructed

    .Beautification motivated the people and ushered in a sense of newfound pride -Pericles also heeded and fostered the perennial importance of democracy maintained

    .it well

    -( - )-lato 428 348 , ,Classical Greek philosopher a student of Socrates founder of, " " . ,the Academy the first recognised university in the Western world A philomath his

    , , ,views and inventions have been incorporated into mathematics logic ethics , . "philosophy and rhetoric of the public Sermonised regarding the topics of The

    ", , " ",Theory of Ideas which led students to aspire and The Just State which was a, .prototypic formulae for a functioning government all based off rationality Aimed

    .for moral improvement of all

    ( - )-ocrates 469 349 , ,Classical Greek philosopher rather controversial at his time . .whom sought to question and address the eternal battle of good vs evil He strived

    ,to identify the ultimate embodiment of perfection for the human character and. , ,confuted that moral values are derived from a pious being Rather he claimed it is

    .education and learning that turns us into more enlightened souls Life was, " " .curtailed by forcible execution making him a martyr for his ideals

    ( - . .)-ristotle 384 322 B C ,3rd and final Classical Greek philosopher a notable

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    , , , , , , ,contributor to physics poetry theatre linguistics music logic rhetoric , .government biology and zoology A leader in almost every field he chose to intrigue, .himself with Aristotle had a wild cacoethes to comprehend all that was around him

    ,A critic of Plato Aristotle declared that the tools for human glory were all" ", ;objects or already material faith shouldn't have a glorified presence in the

    . , ,human mind Nothing should be subsumed in excess never surrender to desire base

    . .decisions off reason Emend laws extremely cautiously to avoid an uproar

    -agna Graecia the label given to the emigrant colonies that spread from the( ).Greek mainland and settled down elsewhere along the Mediterranean Certain

    / ,colonies resided in southern Italy Sicily whilst others chose to plant their flag( , ). - -on the other side of the Adriatic from Italy obviously The M G motion proved,that Greek influence was a contagion and that Greek gubernatorial and logical, .values could be exercised elsewhere leaving profound imprints on later societies

    :tructure of Athenian Democracy , / ,All adult males congregated 40 times year , , = ,all classes have a say council of 500 members chosen twice a year 350, .magistrates 10 generals whom led the magistrates

    :raits of Architecture and Sculpture , ,On a pious religious note , ,transmogrified from this to more rational mathematically based calculations

    . , ,mirroring Greek philosophical thought Ionan Doric and Corinthian pillars adorn/ , (temples the agora sculptures were somewhat utopian and beautified more so than the

    ),real subject though appreciation of the body and its aesthetic appetite was.phenomenal

    .thens vs :partaCoastline Land

    ,power agrestically orientedPolitical freedom

    ,Authoritarian warmongering stateCultural CapitalChampions of Democracy Bias placed on

    military capability

    =Promotion of the arts Freedom fightfor the homeland

    ,Importance to trade Exploitation of helots no importance to


    :rete , - ,Universal belief mutuality between all Greek city states that the/ / ,citizen soldier persons should always strive for greatness as accomplishing the

    ,aforementioned status would result in a form of valiant remembrance dreamy.immortality

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    REPUBLIC : - . .09 27 B C:MPIRE - . .7 476 A D

    - - . .truscans 1200 500 B C Ancient civilisation whom inherited modern day, , , ,Tuscany favoured monarchy also known as Tyhrrenians thus Thyrrenian Sea

    thrived until it gradually assimilated itself into Roman Empire circa . .B C ,Believed in polytheism important as Romans couldn't have assumed dominion

    .over the vast peninsula without conquering these fellows ENDED IN . . .09 B C L-truggle of the Orders / -Political judicial scuffle between the then most

    , ,populous classes Patricians and Plebeians in which Plebs sought to gain a.satisfactory degree of equality within the state The Struggle of Orders

    , ,granted that plebeians among all classes above them could have some sort of

    - - . ,say on day to day matters To rebel the plebeians would sometimes withdraw,from the city thus leaving the workforce frail and hell to break loose in.terms of responsibilities on a civil level

    -2 Tables , ,A written documented set of laws that presided over all affairs .and addressed former judiciary concerns They were perceived as the main

    .facet of the Constitution of the Roman Republic Sought to solve dilemmas, , , ,including marriage funerals property patrimony policies with children and

    , , .women debt etc

    -lebeians One of the two bodies that made up the general census of the,Roman Republic's population along with the Patricians though they,outnumbered the aforementioned by an outstanding margin Plebs were all in

    -the middle class and below or literally any person the below the highest. ,order of citizens within the Nexus Scuffled for rights of which they were

    ,bereft of until . .,87 B C after they managed to formulate the tribunes and- .take up otherwise esteemed only positions in office In times of imminent

    / , , ,crisis a bitter rage with the Patricians the Plebs would at random flee the

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    , ,city leaving the foundations of the metropolis to fend for itself in thehope that Patricians would realise how vital the Plebeians really were to

    .the social nexus

    -atricians , ,The black to the Plebeian's white the Patricians were the, , -

    cultured wealthy and sometimes self centred glitterati of the Republic who, ,metaphorically held the sceptre over the Plebeians whom they detested

    according to ,ivy ( )historian patricians were formed form the first century.of men promoted to senatorial status by Romulus himself Skeptically

    /respected by many as Patricians didn't strive for achieve their status; . .through moil they were simply born into the class Renowned for Pat vs


    -enate ,Unarguably one of Rome's most enduring influential belongings that, .went on to have an endless ongoing impact in many countries today Formed

    .53 B C ., went on to evade dissolution until the fall of the WesternEmpire in . .76 A D -Since it begun as an aristocratic advisory board to the

    ,last monarch of Rome and the power it withheld took several decades toaccelerate and declare that it was indeed in the fettle of ultimate

    . ,controller Acknowledged for its swift direct methods to deal with internal, . , , .problems such as the deaths of the Gracchi Bros and epochs later Caesar , / ,The Senate much like other Roman gubernatorial militaristic institutions

    .grew to be corrupt and unjust at times Significance in the modern world. . - & .stands with the U S 's current bicameral system Senate House of Reps

    -nification of Italy ,Tamed and acquired Latin populations Magna Graecia( ,thus acquiring Greek customs and traditions later incorporated into

    ), ,military and socioeconomic principles ruthless as it may seem Rome didn't-achieve the unification solo it is indebted to the cooperation and

    ,willingness of the commoners and local warriors most of whom were granted,citizenship as part of a diplomatic compromise stressed how strategically

    prudent Romans were in turning former enemies into allies as their conquests. ,moved on At times Rome struggled to import the Roman laws into more rural

    .uncivilised parts of their Empire

    -arthage ,also known as the Phoenicians Glared at by Romans as the most,lethal threat to their ambitious expansion blueprint and thus the Punic Wars

    . ,ensued as a result of territorial worrisome Romans Throughout its lifetime , ,the Carthaginian republic managed to grasp segments of Spain Corsica Sicily

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    ( ), ,then Syracuse and Sardinia not to mention a lengthy strand along the North.African seaboard facing the Mediterranean Sea Led by numerous valiant

    , - .generals Hannibal being the most well known and popular

    unic Wars - .Three stagesirst Punic War ( - )46 241 - Romans paranoid about Carthage edging

    , ,progressively closer to Messina Sicily and unspoken general superiority in. .the Med Sea Carthage couldn't cope with the endless barrages of Roman, , .forces and thus lost angrily ceding Sicily to Rome The foremost leader on

    , ,the Carthaginian side was Hamilcar predecessor to Hannibal whom would later.take vengeance against the Romans in the next Punic War

    econd Punic War ( - )18 202 - Aggressive behaviour from the, ,Carthaginians now with the Berber tribes and Hannibal as their torchbearer ,flared Roman tempers thus leading to a second round of conflicts between the. ,two old rivals This time though the Carthaginians were significantly more

    -formidable not only did they vanquish all signs of Roman forces in the

    battle of Cannae( )15 , but they chose to tactically purge the Romans within, ( ),their own state entering via Spain then a foothold for them around the

    , (Alps and south into mainland Italy though Hannibal suffered austere deaths

    , ).and losses within his army in terms of men and beasts ( )18 . The result, -was another Roman victory but it was a Phyrric one at that Italian

    ,agriculture had been neglected and many cities unkept as their carers rushed. ,(off to battle Prominent figures in the aftermath include Hannibal see), ( , ),below Hasdrubal Hannibal's bro gn died in battle however and Scipio

    , (Africanus a Roman general whom is accredited with defeating Hannibal but) ,not killing him and his forces at the Battle of Zama now modern day North

    .Africa The result of the Second Punic War was that the Romans now acquired,Spain and the neighbouring Balearic Islands strips of North Africa became an

    / .annex client of Rome's

    ( - )-hird Punic War 149 146 ( ),Deemed unnecessary by many pacifists as the-final chapter of the Rome Punic Saga was simply the utter destruction and

    .conclusion of the Carthaginian republic The battle itself was also in

    Carthage.(149 );Many Carthaginian citizens were enslaved according to myth their hallowed

    ground was sprinkled with a dosage of salt so that no vegetation would ever.sprout

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    (annibal - )-48 183 Admired general whom led Carthaginian efforts to,quell the Roman flame in the Second Punic War victor of several battles in

    ,and out of Italy in which he was hovering forcefully around for around 15

    .years The march he led into the peninsula via the Alps is the subject of/ . , , ,many a film tale Mentioned in the same breath as Caesar AtG Scipio and

    . ,Pyrrhus of Greece After the conclusion of the set of Punic Wars Hannibal, , ,was voluntarily exiled though it is confirmed he later conferenced joined

    , .and sided with Antiochus III Syria's ruler at the period Out of theMediterranean forces that Roma had to subdue in the process of their

    ,supremacy Hannibal stands out as the most volatile individual to ever combat.them

    - . .-attle of Cannae 216 B C Battle of Second Punic War that was emblematic. , ,of Carthaginian forces Held in Cannae northern Italy soon after Hannibal's

    .diabolic idea of marching into Italy via the Alps went into reality Though,the Carthaginians were factually outnumbered they fought in full force to

    .gain a foothold within their enemy's home territory

    -iberius Gracchi - . . -68 133 B C ,Plebeian tribune who rose to power ,enabling him to impetrate the state for agricultural reforms which were

    ,particularly alarming the wealthy landowners as he placed a precise

    numerical limit on the number of hectares that can be occupied by the.glitterati Forcibly made Roman poor toil for their work The members of the, .Senate at this time were among this class and so they felt threatened He

    was murdered by the Senate along with his supporters and drowned in the.river Tiber

    - . .-aius Gracchi 154 121 B C ,Successor to Tiberius Gracchi also enforced, - .many reforms the greatest being the citizenship extension program This

    , ,reform had a similar reception to the ones that Tiberius his predecessor -had proposed it stated that the Latin citizenship should be universally

    ,accessible for all those within the Italian Peninsula yet it was ultimately( ,repealed as Plebeians didn't desire the luxuries of citizenship grain

    , .)entertainment etc this led toThe Social War in . .0 B C -arius ( - . .)-57 86 B C -Roman general whom was re elected seven times

    .throughout his career to maintain the helm of Consul of Rome Marius' legacy,lies within the militaristic reforms he set down his decision to enable

    ( -citizens without land to fight in the army thus setting down the propaganda

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    : ), , , -like dogma ANYONE CAN JOIN and last but not least hand picking and- ;arranging the legions of the Roman war machine into categorised cohorts in

    ,doing so he enforced an austere traditional system of rankings which lives. .on today Rival contemporary of Sulla

    - ( - )-ulla 138 78 ,Held Consul office twice and unofficial helm as dictator. , ,once Sulla was praised for being both a cunning streetwise leader and for,pushing through reforms that dealt with the Constitution deliberately so

    ( ) .that the Tribunes Plebs and Senate would reach a formal balance Another/one of Sulla's more subtle contributions was his action to limit place a

    ,leash on the power of rural generals which angered Marius would ensure thatno person of this position would internally manipulate his legion to his

    ( ).desires usually for wealth

    -irst Triumvirate ,Trio of major rulers consists of , ,ompey Caesar ,nd Crassus formed in . . ,9 B C ended in . . ,3 B C .when Crassus perished -This oligarch like trio were one of the primordial markers of the demise of

    .the Roman republic Rumors circulated that the Triumvirate was only built so.that each of the three men could get what they wished to receive When

    , , ,Crassus perished in the Battle of Parthians and Pompey's wife Julia also, ,died the balance of the triumvirate was distorted leading to its eventual

    . . ,dissolution Pompey vs Caesar Caesar crosses the Rubicon to battle WITH his=army Pompey's death

    - - . .-aesar 100 44B C , ,Prominent figure originally a poor patrician member of, ,1st triumvirate mainly for his own benefit rose to power politically known

    ,to be a fantastic gripping orator who seized the favour of the public by.this alone He also was the torchbearer for the conquests that focussed on

    , ,Gaul and the North Sea near Britain After his spell on the trio he was" " , -invited by the Senatet o settle publicised trials for transparent non

    =. -existent crimes without his army the triumvirate aftermath dispute with, " " (Pompey crossing the Rubicon - . .)9 45 B C . ,He emerged as the victor once

    ,again garnered the love of the Roman public and declared himself as

    " ".dictator for life This sent the Senate into a state of worrisome/ , , . .,schizophrenia paranoia and thus on March 15th 44 B C the Senate

    .assassinated Ceasar at the foot of the statue of Pompey A civil war ensued+ .in which 300 senators were killed

    - - . .-econd Triumvirate 43 33 B C Consists of , ,epidus Octavian and.ark Antony Each had their own territorial responsibilities within the- , (empire Octavian took the helm of the west Mark Antony the East where his

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    ), & .romantic flair sparked up and Lepidus had Spain Africa to deal with ,Lepidus was eventually expelled from the equation Antony and Octavian began

    , .to slowly resent one another and soon a war erupted In . . ,1 B C The battle-of Actium occurred between the Roman forces and Mark Antony's Cleopatra laden

    . , & .Egyptians Octavian won Antony Cleo commit suicide a year later in Egypt

    ...This left Octavian

    / - ( . .- . .)ctavian Augustus 63 B C 14 A D in a perfect position to become theprincepsand commander ,of the newly formed Roman Empire in . .7 B C Now named

    ,Augustus he set out to peacefully restore the Roman city to its militaristic.civil glory that had propelled it to conquer the Italian peninsula He chose

    ,to adhere to the traditional Republican style of governing he glamorised the. .Senate Defensive foreign policy Restored traditional

    / / / = ,gods goddesses customs feasts inspired many reminded them of noble. - , " ".traditions in the past Emperor was empire wide unifying religion

    , .Celebrated as one of the most successful emperors ever albeit the first the.JC emperors followed suit shortly after his death

    - -ark Anthony 83 30 /1 3 of Second Triumvirate along with Lepidus and- - . ,then named Octavian Through his mother he was related to Julius Ceasar

    although he was in the coup that plotted his assassination in . .4 B C After,only he and Octavian remained on the disintegrating Triumvirate a civil war

    ,soon broke out but was concluded in the Battle of Actium in . .1 B C He was, , ,defeated and along with his flame Cleopatra committed suicide in . .0 B C ,

    as he knew that he would incontrovertibly return to Rome as a slave if.captured

    -ax Romana - . .-7 180 A D , -Begins with Octavian goes through JulioClaudians

    ( , , , ),Tiberius Calig Claud Nero( , , ),Flavian Vespa Titus Domitian

    ( , , , , )Good Nerva Trajan Hadrian Antoninus MarcAurelius

    : -CEMPERORS 14 68-lAVIAN EMP 69 96-OOD 96 180- . .-iberius 14 37 A D ,succeeded Augustus although his personality was

    ,distasteful and didn't go down too well with the Senate Tiberius managed to,secure the area surrounding the Rhine river but was antagonised by the

    , .masses by forcing them to work as opposed to supplying measured rations

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    , When he became the lobbyist for the Praetorian Guard the Senate's,relationship with him further worsened and the Senate revoked Tiberius'

    deification in . . " & "7 A D Senate People Love Bread-aligula , ,Eccentric wild extravagant emperor whom reigned from - . ,7 41 A D

    .though he did slot in effective aqueduct systems He was assassinated in 41. .,D (allegedly by the Praetorian Guard a particular force of bodyguards

    ) .recruited by the generals and the Senate Caligula believed that he was a.deity and attempted to confirm his horse as a consul and senator JC" "MPEROR Mad Hydrated Horseman

    - - . .-ero 54 68 A D ,In a manner similar to Caligula's Nero apprehended that, ,he was an artistic musical soul he would forcibly cluster the masses into a

    .theatre to watch his decrepit performances He blamed the embers that,engulfed Rome on the Christians although many believe that he is the

    . " "scapegoat for the catastrophe The Senate embedded him as a public enemy and his final utterances only concerned himself rather than the welfare of

    .the Empire he was meant to oversee " "INAL JC Lunatic EMPEROR- - . .-espasian 69 79 A D ,Vespasian boasted the military merits of Syria

    , , .Gaul Britain and Egypt Granted citizenship to alternate militaristic. ,provinces The Jewish revolt concerning Palestine ensued under his watch

    although he permitted them religious liberty as long as they dutifully paid.taxes Vespasian's rule reestablished some form of accordance between the

    .Senate and he solely cleaned up Nero's financial meltdown irst of" , "LAVIANS Sweep up Nero break Jews- . .-rajan 98 117 A D ,Born in Spain Trajan was the first Emperor to be born

    .in an external province The fact that he received the title of Optimus- ,should say enough about his reign Rome's territory reached its pinnacle

    , .conquering the Romanian monarchy in the process known to be amiable Chose.Hadrian as his successor " "OOD EMPEROR Cartographer

    - - . .-adrian 117 138 A D ,Scholarly pacifist unlike his forefather .maintaining the limits of the empire were in his keen interest Known for

    , ;constructing Hadrian's Wall which was a furtive distraction for them as a- .full fledged army with no duty can be volatile in certain cases Also carried

    ,out rekindling of Jerusalem though this move received poor reception from. . .the Jews Built St Peter's cathedral . " "OOD EMPEROR Architect

    -aily Life in Rome ,As time progressed the manner in which the Romans. . .,conducted themselves gradually altered as well in 100 A D The city's

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    ,structure typically consisted of a forum numerous templed dedicated to/ , , . ,gods goddesses a marketplace and beautified arches As for the people the

    . .- . .classes that embedded themselves into Roman culture from 100 B C 100 C E - ,following from the original platform of the Patrician Plebeian order

    ,included the Senatorial Order and the Equestrians latter of which emerged in

    . .. , , .the second century B C At the bottom of the ladder the slaves which c 80

    . . / , ,B C made up 1 3 of the population were usually prisoners of war although if. ,they were freed they could go on On the note of civic responsibility all in

    , ,Rome were aficionados of the practical swift method of warmongering much, .like Sparta their greek predecessors

    -atifundia ,Locations in rural areas through northwestern Europe , .aggravated slave implementation roots of feudalistic network Firm ranking

    , .was in place Latifundium were programmed to export agricultural goods Owned.by wealthy families Peasants eventually began to work on these as part of a

    - , .compromise If they moil then they receive a share of land

    - .iocletian 244 305 In . . ,93 A D ,Diocletian enforced the tetrarchy nexus ,which would effectively grab a rope form each quadrant and pull it together

    . , . ,so to speak Under his rule the Romangovt expanded even further but in the,turbulent time of Christian uprising Diocletian ordered the Diocletian

    ,Persecution of Christians in ,05 which is one of the bloodiest/ . . "massacres ethnic cleanses in history Succeeded by Constantine ross out, "he Christians pull together the Empire

    -onstantine -72 337 First hristian Roman Emperor after pious image in,the sky reversed the hostility towards the religion and promoted Christian

    .tolerance throughout the extent of the Empire Even though the fall of the,Empire in the West hadn't occurred just yet Constantine was at the helm of

    (the motion to switch the capital from Rome to Constantinople obviously named).after himself " "HRISTIAN n' Constantinople

    / -astern Western Split Byzantine Empire Continued while Westernmpire , .was being ravaged and shattered by Visigoths barbarians etc

    - -auses effects of Punic Wars ( - )46 241 Rome felt threatened thatanother prominent power dared to challenge its authority as the preeminent

    , / ,Mediterranean power Carthage's close vicinity to Sicily Messina was alarming : / , ,2nd Carthage's vouch for revenge retaliation now led by the audacious

    , .pernicious Hannibal whom is out to avenge his father Carthage defeats Rome, / .in battle of Cannae a national embarassment reality check for Romans In 2nd

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    ( - )18 202 , . ,Hannibal et al actually physically invade Italian peninsula +causing disarray in the Roman state neglection of the welfare of the

    . -agricultural sector 3rd ( - )-49 146 an almost unnecessary series of battles-waged in Carthaginian territory these skirmishes led to the utter oblivion of

    * /Carthaginian civilisation and truly affirmed entrenched Roman status as the

    .plenipotentiary force

    eforms of the Gracchis+ =enate's response-iberius Gracchi - . . -68 133 B C ,Plebeian tribune who rose to power

    ,enabling him to impetrate the state for agricultural reforms which were,particularly alarming the wealthy landowners as he placed a precise

    numerical limit on the number of hectares that can be occupied by the.glitterati Forcibly made Roman poor toil for their work The members of the

    , .Senate at this time were among this class and so they felt threatened Hewas murdered by the Senate along with his supporters and drowned in the

    .=river Tiber ssassination at the hands of the Senate LAND REFORMS- - . .-aius Gracchi 154 121 B C ,Successor to Tiberius Gracchi also enforced

    , - .many reforms the greatest being the citizenship extension program This, ,reform had a similar reception to the ones that Tiberius his predecessor

    -had proposed it stated that the Latin citizenship should be universally,accessible for all those within the Italian Peninsula yet it was ultimately

    ( ,repealed as Plebeians didn't desire the luxuries of citizenship grain

    , .)entertainment etc this led toThe Social War in . .0 B C - eads to.OCIAL WAR CITIZENSHIP: -ALL OF ROME CAUSES ,Tribal invasions from various Frankish

    + ,Germanic Gothic kingdoms ravaged Rome Constantinople became the heartbeat of( ) ( ),the Eastern Roman Empire rather than the eponymous Rome quality of Roman

    + ,soldiers deteriorated barbaric services were employed sharply curtailing, ,traditional sense of unwavering pride agricultural market was neglected

    = ,population decline economy couldn't cope taxes were raised to uphold the, ,parachuting army growth of latifundium was only a benefactor for local

    - .small time markets rather than a general index Focus on rural producers was.an antecedent for Feudalistic Middle Ages cultureIDDLE AGES

    -96 +lovis adopts Christianity incorporates it as official( / ) .eligion of Roman Eastern Empire

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    - -96 Anglo Saxon conversions to Catholicism by command of Popereg I- .32 Charles Martel defeats Muslims @ Battle of Tours- . .00 Charlemagne R E-40s Viking offensives in British Isles-62 Otto I crowned as HRE- /87 Capetian Kings begin in France w Hugh Capet- -054 Byzantine Roman split- +066 William I Normans conquer England-095 First Crusade begins- - .198 1216 Church's power reaches astronomical heights

    -anon law ,The internal codex of laws instituted by created by and emended/ .by the ecclesiastical pious clergyfolk members A canonical law is

    .established by a oligarchal group of canons The canon law of the Catholic

    .church is aged yet still very much functional and in practice

    / -apacy pope The Pope is renowned to be the ultimate religious leader of. , ,the Catholic Church In medieval times due to his vertiginous religious

    - - ,larger than life aura the pope was believed to have ultimate supremacy over, . , ,all since he was a direct contact of God's Over time however the pope

    / -garnered the ability to call execute decisions of a more politically, - .compelled nature than that of a neutral God fearing figure

    -eudalism /Feudalism was a lifestyle socioeconomic hierarchal nexus.developed and put into practice in the early middle ages Feudalism's roots

    derive to the Roman motif of latifundium, which marked the natural regression( ) -but not imbalance of micro industrial focus of local trade going back to

    . " "(the countryside rather than the cities Feudal manors hearts of each),system were held by landowners known as ,assals ( ,their land a symbol of,power was known as a ).ief ,Feudalistic societies had clear bordered, -classes of which were intrinsically pre determined and usually one's title

    ( , , .).couldn't be shaken off born a serf die a serf etc It was only with theeventual uprising of mercantile frivolity that feudalism begun to become

    .liminal in effect and stature

    ( - )+ -homas Beckett 1118 1170 King Henry II ,Becket the then Archbishop of,Canterbury engaged in a quarrelsome affair with Henry II over the dutiful

    . ,rights After Beckett had begun to excommunicate fervently Henry II'sfrustrated ejaculations were construed as complaints by a band of nearby

    - , ,knights of course in the name of loyalty they confronted Beckett in.Canterbury Cathedral and murdered the poor sod Beckett was later venerated

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    .as a martyr and saint for the Catholic cause

    -ilgrimage , ,A pilgrimage to this day is commonly referred to in thecontext of a spiritual journey to a particular site in order to pay respects

    .to either the clergy or God himself The frequency at which pilgrimages were

    , .enacted could vary though they were usually carried out once per annum

    -cutage " - " (A form of bail out tax that is duly paid by a knight under) .vassalship during Feudal times Monetary gain for the landowner supplanted

    ,military pride since knights had the mere capability to defect and carry out.this act

    -rusades - " " ,A saga of religiously fulled conquest missions brought about by, .the Catholic church for territorial means or other Popes whom were

    lobbyists for the campaigns argued that martyrdom in the Crusades was

    .automatic disposal of their past sins=st - - , -1095 1099 Urban II summons all men to combat the Seljuk Turks 1099- +Siege of Jerusalem Jews Muslims coalesce as a bulwark against Frankish

    .- .forces Crusaders Win. - -nd 1145 1149 ,Introducted by Eugene III combined European forces battle= , , .in Jerusalem win advances into Egypt many European monarchs are involved- - -rd 1189 1192 . ,Richard I vs Saladin Jerusalem ceded to Islamic control in

    - ,exchange that Islamists permit Christian pilgrimages year round territorial.annexations occur on the Christian side Concluded diplomatically by means of

    . = .a treaty Barbarossa notable commander- - -th 1202 1204 ,Great Schism contributor as Western Christians invade,Constantinople with the domineering stealthy aid of the neighbouring

    = , ,Venetians proved that Venice with all its expenditures gained by trade was.a city that came to power via the route of profit and lucre

    -ope Urban II / / ,Pope Urban II is antagonised revered venerated dare I say, ( - ),it for his zealous call to initiate the First Crusade 1095 1099 falsely

    ,promising that eternal posthumous salvation would be ensured for all those. , ,who crusaded in the Holy Land He was however requested for help from the

    .Byzantines in combatting the Sedjuk Turks

    -omesday Book ,The domesday book was a true pioneer of its kind way ahead, .of its time the Domesday Book was the primordial form of census Overseen by

    , , William I the Domesday Book kept extensive detailed records on proprietal, .information in all walks of industry With this exceptional record of, .organisation 11th century England functioned with blossoms of lucre

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    ( )-agna Carta 1215 ,A written charter posited by nobles of the/ , - -state aristocratics whom noticed that King John was misusing his albeit God

    . ,given powers Thus they delivered the Magna Carta to John and forcibly.garnered a signature This signified that the power of the monarch was indeed

    .limited The Magna Carta can be visualised as the spiritual ancestor to the

    . ,Bill of Rights of 1688 However the Great Charter didn't gift any rights to

    .the petty populace

    -orman conquest , /Takes place in 1066 galvanised sparked by the desideratum, - ,of William The Conqueror a French Norman ruler whom decided to engulf. , .England in French reign Depicted on the Bayeux tapestry pictorially Formal

    ,chiefs in command for the English were King Harold II though he wasn't the( ).victor at the Battle of Hastings 1066 A zeitgeist of peace was only

    + .maintained Established in Angleterre by 1071

    -heriff ,The patrimonial predecessor to modern day Dukes Sheriffs were/ ( )figures whom held a political judicatory office albeit minor that presides- .and oversees judicial and land affiliated dilemmas within a community

    ,Sheriffs emerged briefly following the Norman Conquests when a sextet ofthem were issued with commodious rights to each respective sixth of the

    ( )state which the state had been fractured into thanks to William I

    -lague / ,Most lethal outbreak pandemic of bubonic plague believed to have,been spread by trade which reached its deadly zenith circa - ,348 1350 The

    plague was ambivalently responsible for the catastrophic decline of Europe's, /population during the 14th century thus jeopardising inflcting scarring

    . /wounds upon the mercantile infrastructure of many European economies 1 3 of. / ,Europe vanquished No rational logistic cure was tangible since too much

    / .faith was invested in what God's desires intentions were

    -lergy ,The members of the Catholic Church the clergy reached astronomicallevels of influence and power during the Middle Ages due to their ability to

    , /whisk up decrees official orders and mandates with no corporeal real,foundation as the word of God can't be passed down unless its in the form of

    ,written scripture which is the underlying reason for the expansion of faith.to modern times Pusillianimous masses wouldn't dare to argue with God's

    = .word too focused on perpetual fate of their soul

    -anorialism ,A subheading of the feudalistic system Manorialism is the-specific term coined to refer to apposite offshoot wherein life literally

    - . ,revolved around the manor the nucleus of Feudalism In a manor upon which had/ , / ,land owned by a noble wealthy duke peasants serfs moiled for lengthy hours

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    .and strata couldn't be ruptured or altered in any form or fashion Roots in.latifundium programme of the Romans

    -hree Field System Seasonal paterfamilias of divisive measures taken to. , , ,ensure agrestic profit Between the Spring Summer and Autumn different

    , , .crops were harvested all organically of course This signified further

    ,workload bestowed upon the sagged shoulders of the serfs as they have to- .plough year round

    -rowth of towns ,The growth of towns with a rapid rate of trade and, , .profit seemed inevitable led to the eventual decline of feudalism An, -emergent embryonic class of merchants and profiteers found success in close

    . , -wrought towns A wider variety of specialists in smiths and mini, . , ,conglomerates respectively were available This of course is a preamble to

    .economic theory

    -eresy Heresy is a charge filed against a person whom violates the, / .ecclesiastical common pious law also labelled commonly as the canonical law

    / , ,Appropriate harsh punishment in the form of excommunication would be viable. ,possibility With an excommunication planted upon yourself you are

    ,effectively exempt from any further attempts of salvation and are no longer.a member of the clergy clan

    -rchitecture of Churches commonalities in terms of features include, , , ,vaults typically underground stained glass which served as an allegorical

    , ,biographical medium for the illiterate masses and arches which evidently.upheld the cathedrals themselves

    -ecular /Secularity is an aspect that eliminates religion doesn't try and, ,withdraw or absorb religion in its justifications be it for society

    , .government or simply lifestyle

    -onasteries , , ,These monastic bases as opposed to churches are where monks .nuns and other specific clergymembers are sent for their religious training

    , .These students are usually permanent inhabitants of these monasteries too

    . -rimogeniture vs Investiture Former is anything off the basis of the. / .firstborn child Latter is a form of award merit procession


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    :NGLISH kings centralising govt- .Common Law , - , ,enry I II royal judges trial by jury introduced ,agna Carta imposed upon John whom is misspending the vassal's. =unds House of Lords and House os Commons permanent fixation of. + + =nglish govt Common law Magna Carta parliamentary assembly .ecentralisation complete+ENAISSANCE REFORMATION

    :IMELINE , -etrarch father of humanism 1304 1374,445 Gutenberg invents dynamic printing press-513 Machiavelli's he Prince-517 Martin Lut -er's 95 Theses Reformation BEGINS-529 English Reformation is complete, ( ),5340 Henry VIII is Anglican head Anabaptists radicals rise .rotestants oppressed in French societies- -536 1563 Calvinism is emergent- - .555 Peace of Augsberg abide to religion of princely ruler

    -ico della Mirandola - - ,1463 1494 Preeminent early Italian philosopher inhis magnum opus ,Oration on the Dignity of Man della Mirandola made his

    ,beliefs clear affirming that all men should have the liberty in retrospect.to how their subsequent lives shall be shaped His works contain a strain of

    ,deist thought in them insistent on the fact that God doesn't interfere with.human affairs

    -achiavelli ( - )- ,1469 1527 Niccolo a philosopher who ceded in his most,popular doctrine ,The Prince /that the monarch head of state should take any

    ,necessary actions to ensure the existence and welfare of the state be it( ). ,harsh ones rather than tame measures In doing this Machiavelli projected a

    .unique perspective of how governments should be run

    -eonardo da Vinci , ,along with Michelangelo a compatriot da Vinci is-widely lauded as the ultimate philomath a master at all he chose to invest

    .his time in His contributions were clinquant in quality and astronomical in. -usable value The endeavours his intrigues wandered into were polymorphous , , , , ,mathematics logic artistry inventions literature and philosophy were all

    .within his intellectual constraints

    -osimo di Medici -Evidently akin to the Medici clan the largely, , ,influential affluential family whom in itself was a dominant societal force

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    . , ,in Florence Cosimo the paterfamilias of the Medici dynasty took up officewithin Florence and repetitively made his mark upon the progression of

    ( . . ).Florentine culture i e commissioning paintings

    - - -lutarch 1304 1374 ,Petrarch often foisted with the epithet of the,

    Father of Humanism was a scholar and philosopher during the Renaissance whopreached that ,umanism - -a movement that regressed to Greco Roman thought

    , ,where the common man though mortal intrinsically wielded the power to,determine how his life would be played out rather than relying on

    /metaphysical powers piously riddled logic as the judgemental force of his.vitality

    + -ndividualism Secularism two schools of thought that can successfully, .accommodate each other as modern society has proved Individualism regards

    - . ,the importance of its obvious eponymous subject the individual Secularism a

    ,movement that can creolise with the championing of logistics believes in theremoval of religion when construing or solving problems found within one's

    . .life Both movements' roots were seeded in the Renaissance

    =he Renaissance began in Italy/ =icinity to the East Islamic World inventions and-ntrepreneurial Eastern ventures are gifts to the West=rade profitable circumstances for mercantile vitality-haracteristics of Renaissance Art ,Humanist features emphasis on the, - -bodily congruous perfection of the human body sometimes he who commissioned

    . ,the artist would make a cameo Very figurative origin for inspiration begun, .with gods moved onto humans

    , , , (n government trade artistry philosophy Classical= - , ) .alues individual Socrates humanism etc

    -rasmus ,Erasmus was partially responsible for the spread or, .globalisation of humanism throughout Europe Religion should only be

    , . . . / /.expressed through the actual source of origin a k a The Bible Qur'an Erasmus,placed unwavering emphasis on toleration and acceptance of foreign religion

    .since this is in accordance with rationality

    , -ycliffe John ,a religious philomath though his principal contribution to-late Medieval embyronic Renaissance times was his advocation for the

    . ,translation of the Bible to the language of the commoners In doing so , , ,authority is transitively removed from the clergy whom at the time were the

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    .only literal folk Wycliffe provides the early advancement of personalisation.of religion

    -homas More ,English philosopher in ,Utopia his work written following,reflections on society called for the societal collective abandonment of

    -private ownership a counter to the widely adopted feudal derivative of

    . .manorialism Executed for his reasoning

    -artin Luther -The single most significant figure of the Reformation all,simply due to the fact that it was his 95 Theses posted on a cathedral door

    , .in Wittenburg that sparked up the uproar of the Protestant Reformation After being a firsthand witness to ohann Tetzel's ,indulgence vending

    -which effectively is a profit making method to convince the masses that they(are bound for eternal salvation since their fraudulent purchase encompasses


    -esuits , ,The Jesuits founded by Ignatius Loyola were an entity of, .retaliation on behalf of the Catholics by means of reconversion Although

    ,the Jesuits were the spearhead of the Counter Reformation the ndex of,rohibited Books - , -which imposed censure on certain pro Reformation ant,Catholic books and novels as part of the ,nquisition a series of trials

    .against radical upcoming Protestant converts ,he Council of Trent , -formulaically developed by Catholic clergymen was a group of high ranking

    Catholic figures whom sought to converge and conjure up ideas to maintain a.bulwark against the Reformation

    -ohn Calvin ,A priest in Geneva Calvin was the eponymous founder of, - .Catohlicism and strongly believed in pre destination Rather than the deeds

    ,of one's life being the determinate factor Calvin argued that humans are- . ,helpless your fate in Heaven or Hell is predecided by God Himself Therefore

    .one needn't worry about one's spiritual soul or purpose on a daily basis , With thanks to Calvinism Geneva soon became the nucleus of Protestant


    -heocracy A form of government in which the ruling heads are usually,religious leaders or claimants whom believe that their word is on behalf of


    -enry VIII , ,Henry the Eighth the second of the Tudor dynasty lives on in-infamy for both his harsh promiscuity and his decisive action to break with

    , .the Catholic Church thus forming a national religious identity Henry VIIIhad originally scribed the ,Defence of the Seven Sacraments a bulwark of

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    English strength that supported the Catholic Church's efforts to. ,counterbalance the magnitude of the Reformation However after an illicit

    - , ,desire to formally part ways with his then wife Catherine of Aragon Henry.VIII had to completely repudiate all English association with the Church

    ,Issuing an Act of Supremacy in 1534 which crowned him as the head of the

    - .Anglican church and thus Anglicanism was born

    -ohannes Gutenberg ,Though a German native Gutenberg's groundbreaking, ,invention the Printing Press made a huge impact upon both belligerents of

    . , ,the Reformation Primarily it played to Catholicism's advantage as.innumerable indulgences could be distributed to all On the other hand of the

    , / . ,spectrum Calvinist Lutheran works could equally be spread The Bible which(underwent translations to more common languages thanks to Wycliffe's

    ), / .reason could be printed and spread with a much larger span audience

    :SSAY QS. :ROLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL:- +ara 1 Cleisthenes democracy Pericles permit commoners to occupy=ffices formerly of prestige only opportunity for all- - =hampions ARETE excellence in THIS LIFE immortality- ocrates ' fervent pursuit of the perfection of theindividual- -ar 2 Medieval Europe individualism is hindered by- - ,eudalistic system perpetual role in society once a serf, .lways a serf etc- - ,ower of church restrained radical thought and argument ommoners are too concerned for their posthumous fate to reach.heir potential superiority- - ,ar 3 Enlightenment Philosophes regress back to reason argue,hat natural rights are bestowed upon the individual individual, ,as the right to do as he pleases for his life all men are equal ,o living under the shade of govt govt can be dissolved by the.eople

    :DEOLOGIES STATE VS CHURCH. . . .-1 Cleisthenes establishment of democracy in 509 A D ,ornerstone for Western civilisation government progression from,onarchical times now the people have a say in their/ .=overnment future STATE

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    . -Crusades shift of power from local governments to -overnments under the ventriloquistic control of the Church the, ,rusades called upon by a Pope portrayed how the commoners ofurope were so concerned for their fate that they weren't at all.=esitant to rush into battle at an instant for salvation CHURCH. -English Reformation primer of how a government could truly,reak from Catholicism and form its own religious identity an. ,verlasting one at that A victory for England as they found a, ,ethod though through a barbaric ruler to harmoniously balance.eligion and monarchy

    +ONTRIBUTIONS OF GREECE ROME. -ESTABLISHMENT OF DEMOCRACY ornerstone for Western civilisation, ,overnment progression from monarchical times now the people/ .=ave a say in their government future STATE

    . / ,Philosophers reflections on life's purpose introduction of, , , - ,umanism classicism individualism all have long term perennial.nfluence on a plethora of societies

    . - ,Military might in both Sparta and Rome teaches us how,aintaining a formidable fearsome army has its positives and, ,egatives insufficient funding can lead to catastrophic downfall .tc