Western appeal (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-04-16 [p ].make a hale in their high-handed man ner of...

KiXNSSQTA I HISTORICAL I ^ SOCIETY. \ An Organ in the Interest of the Colored People of the Northwest. -* VOL. II—NO. 46. *wgjj ~ ~——————— . i ST. PAUL & MINNEAPOLISf MINNIV ArRIL 16, 1887. SI.50 PER YEAR. WESTERN APPEAL, Published "Weekly BY THB Northwestern Publishing Company, OFFICE: No. 41 3rd St., Room No. a J. Q. ADAMS, Editor. TBRMS Single Copy, per year «l 50 Ms Months *f2j 'i hree Months '..' 50 Subscriptions to be paid in aih an'ce When sub scriprions are not paid in advance or by any means ""I?, a J l0 ^ ed t 0 r u n wl tHont prepayment, the terms will be b0 cents for 'each 13 w eeks and 3 cents lor each odd week. Marriages and deaths to be announced at all must come In season to be news. Marriage an! death notices, fifty cents. Payment strictly in advance Advertising rates, fifty cents per square of eight lines solid agate each insertion. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the Yie\sp-of our correspondents. Beading notices 15 cents per line. Special rates for advertisements for a longer time than a month. A blue cross mark opposite your name denotes tnat your subscription has expired. Tou will confer a favor by renewing the same. Communications to receive attention must be newsy, upontmpoitant subjects, plainly written only upon i ne side of the paper, must reach us not later than Thursdays, and bear the signature of the Author No manuscript returned. Special terms to agents who desire to place the paper on sale ENTERED AT PQSTOFFICE AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. a®- TAKE raOTBCE.",^ This paper is for sale by: C. WALDON, 108, Fifth street, St. Paul. CHAS.LANDHE, 111, Harrison St., Chicago. R. S. BRYANT, 446, S. State St., Chicago. E. COOK&ON, 103, Manson St.. Peoria. N. L. NEAL,509, W.Green-st.. Louisville. "W.H.T\\iGGS,Orrington-ave,Evanston,Ill The first number of Pulpit and Desk, a quarteily magazine -with Key. Bird Wilkins as editor and proprietor has been laid on our desk. We find it very interesting and creditable, it contains a numbei of the sermons and addresses of the editor, and seveial articles from other noteworthy writeis. The article by Miss Maggie J Fogg, entitled "Moral Courage," and the one by Miss Lula H. Giiswold, "About Slavery in the United States,"—young ladies of our city—de- seive es-peeial mention for their general excellence. The magazine contains ex- cellent full page engivuings of these two ladies, one of J Patteison Fiekls, a woithy young man who recently died, one of the mothei of the editor and one ol the new church edifice of which the editor is pastor and which has just been erected through his exertions. The typographical appearance of the maga- zine as well as the leading matter is first-class in every paiticular and we predict foi it a large circulation A\ hich it ceitainlv deserves. A novel method to denve a levenue from the liquor traffic has been origi- nated in Richmond, Va., heretofore the •custom has been universal, to make only the sellers of intoxicants pay license, but the city council of Richmond propose to compell every person who diinks whisky to get out a "whisky drinker's license," for which he must pay one dollar. No one will be allowed to buy whisky who does not have this license. This scheme will work well both ways; numbers of men who drink whisky will be ashamed to go on record as licensed whisky drinkers, and will quit; while those whose morals are so low that they will not be ashamed, will pay a revenue for the privilege of making themselves worse than brutes; w hich, in many cases, will be the only way such individuals •contribute anything toward the public expenses of the community in which they exist. Gov. Hill, of New York, has found good reasons—in his mind—to veto the high license bill lecently passed by the legislature. As to the alleged motives actuating the legislature in passing the bill he say: "While the question of tempeiance is not a party question and can not well be made such, it is im- possible to ignore the political aspects of the measure, especially where it is Itnown that its support was made the jBubject at a party caucus of the majority .of the legislature, and where it has been ingeniously devised and peculiarly .framed, so as to operate solely upon the -two great Democratic constituencies of tthe state, while Republican constitu- encies are exempted from its burdens." The Democrats will be found advo- cating the cause of rum every time, and helping it along in some way. able to do so, had it not been for build- ing associations; and we should profit by their example. We will never amount to much in any community until we be- come property holders. Little Rhody is [enjoying the sensation of having elected her first Democratic governor in twenty-seven years, if there is any enjoyment in it. To offset this at the charter elections held in Trenton, N. J., last Monday the Republicans elected the mayor, school superinten- dent, six out of seven aldermen, five out of seven school trustees, three out of five license commissioners, and all the freeholders. Frank A. Magowan was elected mayor by 200 majority. He is the first Republican mayor in twenty- five vears. We most sincerly hope the Republi- can party leaders and managers will learn a lesson from the recent capture of Rhode Island by the Democrats and make a hale in their high-handed man- ner of forcing men upon the party whom the rank and file object to. The battle of '88 must necessarily be a stubborn one and it behooves the party managers to be as wise as serpents and as harm- less as doves. NEWST NUGGETS. Extracted from the Mine of Mis- cellaneous Matters, o n o u r Claim,and Assayed for our Delvers after Knowledge. Referring to the withdrawal of the southern military companies from the National Drill shortly to be held in Washington, "The Herald" of Mont- gomery, Ala. hits the nail squarely on the head as follows: "It's not SOCIAL EQUALITY, but it is NEGRO SUPERIORITY that is feared so much in the National Drill. Can't stand to be beaten by a Negro company." In view »f the unearthing of the re- cent system of lobbing by the freight crews on the Panhandle railroad where- by the road has lost $300,000, we suggest that the managers dispense with the white men who have pro\ en themselves so false to their trusts and supply their places with honest colored men. The APPEAL would be pleased to see the bishopric lately made vacant by the death of Bishop R. H. Cain, bestowed upon Rev* Dr. J. T. Jenifer, of Boston, Mass. The A. M. E. connection can produce none more woithy or more capable. The Brotheihood is the title of a new paper started in Natchez, Miss., April 1st, in the interest of the Order of the Universal Brotherhood. Bowles and Payne, editors and proprietors. We extend a welcome. The President accepted "with plea- sure" an invitation to review the colored parade in Washington next Monday. The President is getting powerful polite and nice to colored men. The world may expect to hear some modern oratory on April 27th, at which time Hon. Roscoe Conkling will deliver his oration on Gen. Grant. The real estate market still keeps up its wonted activity consequent upon the advent of Spring, The effects of the re- cent wild cat booms have been obliter- ated and legitimate business is on the -inci.' ease ' As very few of us have more <<of the needful than we want and as all *of us Hiu^t be housed in some way 'would it not be a good idea for a num- ber of us to form a first-class building I association? There are hundreds of families enjoying the comforts of their town hoines.that would never have been Mr, Al Green, colored, recently married a white girl in Nelsonville, Ohio, and as usual there is a grand kick. Nicodemus, Graham Co., Kansas, the town laid out by colored settlers in 1877, is the most important town in the county. It has a railroad, supports a newspaper, six stores, one bank, two hotels and has many signs of thrift and prosperity about it. Among the 375 inmates of the insti- tutee for the Feeble-Minded at Lincoln, 111., only 2 are colored. Of the 375 in- sane persons at Elgin only 6are colored; and, of the 1,000 at Kankakee only 20 are colored. This speaks well for a population of 50,000. At the semi-annual examination o Ashland School, Orange, N. J., Lulu and Innis Boyd attained 95 and 95£ per cent, respectively, standing highest in tBeir classes. Master Innis also made his de- but as chorus boy at Christ Episcopal Church on Easter Sunday. A colored evangelist by the name of Williams who has been conducting a series of revival meetings in De Soto, Mo., was taken from his house Tuesday night by a party of five masked men who flogged him with hickory switches for about one hour. The affair is an out- rage. Mr. Milton M. Holland, colored, a $1,600 clerk in the Sjxth Auditors office, of the Treasury Department was sum- marily dismissed recently for getting a cup of coffee ten minutes before noon. Seven other colored clerks were dis- missed from the Pension office last week. A company has been formed in Cov- ington, Ky., to be known as the Woods Electric Company in honor of Granville T. Woods, the colored electrician and the inventor of the Synehroneous Mul- tiplex Railway Telegraph. It is com' posed of the following gentlemen; Jno. A. Gano, James M. Clark, Granville T, Woods and J. E. Hampton. The capi- tal stock is $1,000,000. The shares are |50 each. Notice the Output. F. A. Chew, Esq., colored, has opened a law office in Troy, N. Y. A movement is on foot to establish a colored orphans home in Atlanta, Ga. The lately appointed Minister to Liberia is reputed to be worth $40,000. The colored people of Bowling Green, Ky., are organizing a "White Cross League." —*<*— «**- Mr. Henry Johnson, was recently elected assessor of the second w ard of Deleware, O. Mr. Robert Waring, of Detroit, is salesman for the firm of Selling Bros. & Ginn, clothiers. Miss Alice McEwen, colored, has graduated from a school of stenography in Bloomington, 111. Dr. I. P. Tuppins, colored, was re- cently nominated by the Republicans of Findlay, O., for mayor. Rev. Walter H. Brooks,colored, has been appointed one of the five jury com- missioners of Washington, D. C. Rev. James Poindexter, colored, was re-elected to the School Board of Colum- bus, Ohio, at the recent election. Among the voters at the recent elect- ion in Kansas City, Mo., was Wash Dale, colored, aged 103 years. He voted the Republican ticket. Rev. Henry Adams, colored, one day last week was found dead, with a gun- shot wound in his back, on the Bluffs plantation, near Churchville, Miss. Mr. J. W. Smith, president of the Eleyator Publishing Company, San Francisco, Cal., last week, won the suit for criminal libel brought by Mi. J. C. Rivers. George A.Marshall, colored, wasa- waided the Weber gold medal for the best specimen of perspective drawing in the New York Evening High School, last week. On the 4th inst., Frank Langson, the youngest son of Hon. John M.Langston, shot John H. Ruffin in Petersburg, Va. Ruffin has since died and young Lang- ston is in jail. Mr, Levi Plamilton, colored, was chosen one of the members of the Board of Health of Lima, O., and Mr. Miles Collins was appointed on the police force, recently. The Natchez Colored Building Asso- ciation, organized a little more than a year ago, has completed thirty elegant houses, and has thirty more under pro- cess of erection. Tom Cowan, the manager of the hotel in Birmingham, Ala., who refused to allow a delegation of colored men to call on Gen. Sherman in the hotel has been discharged by the proprietors. Prof. W. O. Vance, principal of Scrib- ner High School, New Albany, Ind.,was recently examined in ten of the most difficult of the studies taught and passed 95 out of a possible 100 in each. Charges have been preferred against C. H. J. Taylor, the newly appointed minister to Liberia, bv John G. Jones, a prominent colored citizen of Chicago. His confirmation is to be bitterly op- posed. The Central Tennessee College has just received another gift from Mr. Hugh Meharry, of Illinois. Mr. Me- harry has placed in the hands of the trustees of that institution a gift of $10,000. At a recent meeting of the West Texas Medical Association at San Antonio, the application of G. J. Stanes, a colored physician, for membership, was rejected on a vote of twelve to forty-four. Cause, colorphobia. » A call for a National Political Conven- tion has been issued from Indianpolis to be held in that city June 1st, 1887. The object of the convention is to discuss "the Grievances of the Negroes of the United States." The following named colored men have been appointed on the police force of Pittsburgh, Pa.: Alfred Jones, Mathew Bell, J. H. Johnson, W. M. Robinson, Samuel H/!rtrown, Scott Ran- dolph, Andrew Terry, E'. Harris. Mrs. Annie Meads, colored, proprie- tress of lunch counters in several of the markets of Baltimore, Md., was found dead in bed one morning recently. She was 68 years of age, was very business like and had amassed a fortune of $20,- 000. At Wyandotte, Kansas, Saturday night April 2, David Brown, a colored singer for a medicine peddler, dropped dead while singing "Golden Slippers" on a street corner. The bursting of a blood vessel was found to be the cause of his death. None of the colored employees in the Attornev-General's Department atWash- ington have been removed, owing, it is said, to the influence of Attorney-Gener- al Garland, who has shown special friendship to the colored men jn hjs de- partment. School services in the afternoon weie exceptionally grand, and theattendance* large. The exercises from the "Mis- sionary Gem" were participated in by a number of the older persons, as well as many of the young persons of the school. The collections for the day footed up $52.48 as follows: for the trustees, $21.50; fort he Mission- ary cause, $16.6S; charitable money to Miss Cora Saulsberry, $9.00; dues from the classes, $5.30; total $52.48. The re- sult of the rally on Tuesday evening last netted the handsome sum of $568.65, making a grand total for the week of $621.13, with one committee to hear from. The pastor, officers and members of the church hereby extend their nearty thanks to one and all who in any wav contributed" either in money or services that made up this grand result. The WESTERN APPEAL has our heartfelt thanks for services render- ed by its very liberal publications and notices of our church work. C. S. JACOBS. Easter Sermon. The following is a synopsis of a ser- mon delivered by Rev. C. S. Jacobs, in St. James A. M. E. Church, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Raster morning, Sunday, April 10th, 18S7. Aftet some prelimi- nary remarks by way of prefacing his sermon the Elder announced as a text, Luke, xxiv chap, and xxxiv verse. "The Lord is Risen indeed, and hath appeared unto Simon." The story of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, is the theme of the thoughts of millions to-day. With the return of the beautiful spring and flowers, of each succeeding year, the lovers of Jesus arise in th eir strength, to celebrate the most grand and won- derful event that scripture has recorded —A Risen Christ. Infidels and fskeptics have for ages tried to sap the foundation of the Christians' hopes, but in the varied scenes and trials through all time the church has and is now willing to be- lieve the scripture as the inspiration of God. And, in the language of St. Paul, we say, That if Christ be not risen, then is our faith and preaching vain, but Gods word affirms the fact, that Christ was crucified, dead and buried, and that he arose from the dead, for our justification and that he is now our Meditator and Redeemer. The vast multitudes of wpisnipers of Him who loved and gave his life for us, all with one accoid, unite in the language of the text, and say, this glad Easter morn, The Lord is Risen in- deed. Go back yonder, 1854 years ago, at the tomb of Joseph of Aiimethea, on the first day of the week, the Sabbath of the Lord, early in the morning, while the Roman Soldiers were keeping vigilance ai the grave of our blessed Master, and while the friends of Jesus, the dispised Nazarene were preparing spices and ointments and arranging to visit the tomb to embalm the Lord of J^ords. God fired the angel and commissioned him to come down as on the wings of the wind, and loll away the great stone from the door of the sepulchre and sit down upon it These Roman Soldiers looked upon the angel, the Heavenly messenger, in wonder and amazement; the face of the angel bright with the glory of God filled them with awe; thev would if possible frame some plausible story to suit the ear of the governor and save to themselves a name for valor and bravery. But listen, Oh, listen! there was heard the noise of wings, and a song of joy in heaven, and its echo was heard along the hills and valleys, saving: to- day! to-day! The Lord will Rise and prove the fullness of his word, wnen he said, Tear down this Temple, but in three days I will rear it up -igain. Wondering angels waited. The disciples weie beginning to wonder and became restless. Mary the Mother of Jesus and the other Mary were on their way to the tomb, and all the Earth was still. The sky was bright and cloudless. Day began to dawn. The Angel of God came down in the midst of the soldiers, and the first sound heard to break the still- ness of the wonderful hour, was the wail of woe from these awe stricken watchmen. And then above their groans, as they fell like dead men, could be heard the Mighty voice of a Rising God and a wonderous King, sayingfOh, Death! where is thy Sting? Oh, Grave' thy Victory ? The Rising God forsook the tomb, In vain the tomb forbade him rise; Cheiubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. A. M . E . Clturcu. The services last Sunday were very fine throughout the day, and the con- gregations were unusually large. The pastor Rev. C. S. Jacobs preached tioth morning and evening, t .The Sunday The women came to the sepulchre, but the Saviour was gone, they were suiprised and sadd, tell us where you have laid him? the angel answered, He has risen as he said; come see the place where the Lord lay. But Jesus met the women, and as they looked on him he said: All hail! They desired to embrace him, but Jesus said, Do not touch me I have not ascended, but go and tell my disciples, I will meet them in Galilee. Oh, glorious news 1 Two of his disciples on their way to Emens, talked of this great Redeemer, and Jesus joined them in their walk, and their hearts burned while they communed by tne way; but the strongest evidence that Christ had risen from the dead was given. When - - -. .,, he appeared in person and sat down at Pilgrim Baptist Church meat with his disciples and they had • - seen his hands, his feet, his side, and heard his voice, they all ciied, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name. Truly the Lord is risen indeed, and appeared un- to Simon. And now, dear bretheren «--~"~. and sisters, as we are here assembled in as bishop God's house this glad Easter day, many of us can fully realize and appreciate the language of the text, and say, Truly the Lord is risen indeed, and hath ap- peared unto us. The fairest among ten thousand and altogether lovely. W 7 e feel his presence. We enjoy his love; and we fully appreciate His great and wonderful mercy. And this anniversary of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, is to us a grand and fitting emblem oi our great rising day. May the day be as calm, may the sun shine as bright, and may the angels of heaven come in the gathering morn- ing, not to roll away the great s-tone, but to accompany us to the realm of light and life, where the wicked shall cease to trouble and the weary are at rest There to be ever with the Lord. Oh. that will be joyful, when we meet with loved ones who are there, and with the many thousands of the saints of God j who with us, are to day engaged ia serving a once crucified, dead and buried, but now a lisen Saviour. To him bp all the glory now and eve?. Ameu^a^^j. H^B#S58£BMSS*«I f&^s KNOTS & TOURS. * Matrimonial Sinkings and Spring Migrations of Prominent jt. People. The Record of the Week. Mr. A, Solomon and Miss E. Parker, Macon, Ga. Mr. James Conners and Hattie Kemp, of Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Levi Corgleton and Mrs. Eltea Stevens, of Macon, Ga. Rev. Wm. Norid and Wiss Catherine Raglin, of Denver, Col. Mr. Emmet Moore and Miss Fannie Jackson, of Staunton, Va. Mr. J. C. Smith and Miss Violetta M. Beal, of Little Rock, Ark. Mr. B. F. Harris and Miss Emma Combs, of St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Winfield Southern and Mrs. Mary Taylor, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. George O'Banion and Miss Carrie Price, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Alphonse Hughes and Miss Gertie Wiggins, of Camden, N. J. Mr. Minor Williams and Miss Ida Harmon, of Baltimore, Md. Mr. W. H. Robertson and Miss Lulu Durant, of New Orleans, La. Mr. John Wilson and Miss Emma Hunter, of Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Richard Jackson and Miss Ala- linda Gray, of Uniontown, Pa. Mr. John Wilson and Miss Emma Hunter, of Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. James Brown and Miss Lucy Roberson, of Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. John Filghman and Miss Hen- lietta Sijas, of West Washington. Mr. George B. McClelland and Miss Jennie Rose, of Wyandotte, Kan. Mr. Charles L. Harman and Miss Nannie Johnson, of Baltimore, Md. Mr, Moses A. Fields and Miss Gon- zales Julian Tipton, of Denver, Col. Mr. Solomon Anderson and Miss Laura V. Roles, of Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. William Gilbert, of Denver, and Mrs. Lutie Gooden, of Leadville, Col. Mr. George Newman, of Charleston, Va., and Miss Fannie Taper, of Pitts- burgh r Pa. Miss Ella Spencer, of New York, is visiting Floiida. Mrs. T. S. Rector, of Ch ; cago, is visit- ing Denver, Col. Miss Jennie Stone, of Denver, Col., is visiting Larimie. Miss Lulu Bryant, oi Leavenworth, is visiting Topeka, Kan. Miss Gertie Williams, of Baltimore, is visiting Philadelphia. Mrs. Adam Boon, of New York, is visiting Baltimore, Md. Miss Sadie Parks, of Springfield, 111., is visiting Jacksonville. Miss Lillian Lawrence, of New York, is visiting Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Lurietta M. Carter, of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting Louisville, Ky. Miss Georgiana Andersou, of New York, is visiting Baltimore, Md. Miss L. M. Parker, of Washington, D. C, is visiting Kansas City, Mo. St. Paul. MR. PHIL MILLER has returned from St. Louis, Mo. MR. GEO. PERKINS, of Ypsilanti, Mich., is visiting this city. A NUMBER of Saint Paulites spent Easter Sunday in the Flour City, MRS. ELLA BERRY, who has been ill for the past two weeks, has recovered. MISS ELLA WADE, of Dayton, Ohio, is in the city, the guest of Miss Mary Alston. THE interstate commerce law will have the effect of increasing the business on the river. Miss LUELLA UNDERWOOD, of Minne- apblis is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Lizzie J. Talbert. MRS. REBECCA ALLEN, mother of Mr. J. J. Allen, has arrived in the city from Indianapolis, Ind., to permanently re- side. REV. WILLIAM H. GREY, of fet. Louis, Mo., is in the city, he filled the pulpit of last Sunday night BISHOP M. N. GILBERT has resigned the chaplaincy of the First Regiment M. N. G. on account of bis new duties aishop. AT last it has been decided that Dr. J. A. Quinn was elected coroner of Ramsey County and not Dr. Markoe the present incumbent. DURING the month of March the deaths in the city from all causes were 150. There were 207 births and 34 marriages during the month. ANNIE WOODS, a colored girl, was on last Thursday, sentenced to the Home of the Good Sheppard for sixty days for visiting a house of ill-fame. FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms, in private family, pleasantly located.—Enquire at No. 173 Charles street, References exchanged. NEW Spring costumes did materialize to a very alarming extent last Sunday, though a few of the leaders of fashion were gotten up regardless of expense. LATEST STYLES. J THE LATEST NOVELTIES. UPHOLSTERY GOODS LARGE ASSORTMENT. Also a full line of SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, etc., at Prices that Defy Competion. CALL AND SEE US. F. H. PETERSON, & CO., 206, NICOLLET and 207 HENNEPIN AVES., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BILLY WILSON, who is now campaign- ing with Chandler's combination has a standing offer of $250 to any colored pugi- list who will stand before him for ten rounds. ON complaint of License Collector Nugent, Eva Phelps, alias Ida Morris, a colored woman, was arrested Monday for keeping, house of ill fame at "No. 7 East Eighth street and fined $25. DELAYS are dangerous! Get your photographs taken by J. P. Ball, 221, Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, for $3.00 per dozen. The round trip fare of each customer from St. Paul will be paid. REV BIRD WILKINS and family, left for Chicago, Thursday, wheie he has been called to the pastorate of Bethesda Baptist Church. Itis rumored that Rev. W. H. Gray, of St. Louis, Mo., who is in city will be called to the charge. THE Murry Opera House company has incorporated. Capital stock, $80,000. Incorporators: W. P. Murry, St. Paul; Jacob E. Sackett and James M. Wood, of Chicago, and Enoch W. Wiggins and Frank P. Weadon, Minneapolis. WILLIAM DAWSON, JR., has been elect- ed cashier of the Bank of Minnesota to fill the place made vacant by the resig- nation of Albert Scheffei. The diiectors will at some future time elect an assist- ant cashier, vice Herman Scheller, also resigned. THE Wacouta Kennels of this city took the first prize at the Pittsburg dog show this week with their mastiff Wacouta Nap. Word has also been leceived that the Minnesota Kennel Club has been unanijiously elected to membership in the National Association. TUB fourth anniversary of the election of John T. Black as chief of the St. Paul fire department was celebrated Sunday. A friend on that day presented an ele- gant gold-headed cane as a memento of the occasion. It is inscribed. "Pre- sented to John T. Black, 1887." REV. DR. S. G. SMITH, of the First Episcopal Methodist Chmcn, has been invited to preach in the late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's church in Brooklyn, April 24th, and he has accepted the in- vitation. It is probable that Dr. Smith may receive a call from the church. NOAH WALTON, a white farmer, living near North Branch, was in the city Thursday in serch of his daughter Tillie, aged about eighteen, who left home about two months ago. He found her. and endeavored, in vain, to get her to return home with him. The wayward girl is the mistress of a coloied gamblei and claims to be "all right." "I guess 'tis!" SERVICES will be held at the Pilgrim Baptist Church, 11 o'clock a.m., and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Wm. Gray will preach from the following subjects, at 11 a.m., "The Future Prosperity of the Church, the Effects of its Divine ^Influence." 7.30 p.m., "The Spirit of the Lord, the P.uilder of His Temple." The public is cordially invited. Sabbath school im- mediately after the morning services. THE Easter services at St. James A. M. E. church were well attended and quite interesting throughout. The exercises by the Sunday School in the afternoon were especially entertaining. They were conducted according to the pro- gram arranged by Rev. J. M. Townsend, missionary secretary of the A. M. E. church. An interesting address was made by Mr. Taylor the superintendent subject, "Easter Sunday as Missionary Day, Its Fitness and Obervance." Mr. Wm. Queen delivered an able address, taking for his subject, "The Responsi- bility of the Church to Evangelize the World." "Missionary Music" was read by Mr. J. Q. Adams. Miss Lulu Gris- wold presided at the organ. The col- lections were quite satisfactory. Among the principal features of the evening services was the solo "Ruth and Naomi," sung by Mrs. W. H. Clay, who Mas in good voice and never sang more sweet- ly. Elder Jacobs filled the pulpit at all of the services. THE entertainment at St. James church, Tuesday night was a grand suc- cess, the house was crowded to over- flowing, a n d the exercises were very entertaining. The following program was carried out: Song—"Kock of Ages,"—Choir. Trio—"No\, ashamed of Christ,"—Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lyles, Mr. J. P. An- derson. Essav — "The Jeremiahs," — Mrs. M. Stafford.- % Solo—"When the Quiet Moon is Buam- ing."—Miss Bertha Heathcock. Siloa-ii Cora s—" Boy's best friend is his Mother,"—Miss Sabie Kellum. Recitation—"Lady Clare,"—Miss Gracie Johnson. Bass Solo—"Roll on Deep Ocean,"—Mr D. C. Cotton. Dialogue—"Womau's Rights,"—Misses Nellie Griswold, Mandie Conway, Rena Bradbury and Master Willie Francis. Quartette—"The Sea hath its Pearls,"— Mr. J. H. Hickman, Mr. C. Mason, Mrs. Lizzie Clay, Miss Bertha Heath- cock. Recitation — " Great Men," Master Eddie Henry. Declamation—"A Sciap Bag,"—Master Artrudol Lee. Song—"Come wJ'ere the Lillies Bloom," —Choir. Recitation—"People will Talk,"—Misa Maudie Conway. Finale—"The Lords Prayer,"—Choir. In addition, Mrs. Clay (by request) sang "No Hope Beyond," and Mr. J. P. Anderson, "The Old Sexton;" Mr. Ralph Allen delivered an excellent reci- tation and Rev. L. II. Reynolds made a few remarks. Se\ eral encores were re- sponded to in a happy manner. After the exercises, all who choose remained andpaitook of the refreshments which the ladies had on hand, and all had a good time until a late houi. Several Minneapolitans graced the occasion with their presence. Minneapolis. Mrs. Ella Allen, of the Saintly City visited us this week. They all do it—get their pictures taken by J. P. Ball, at No. 221, Nicollet avenue. If you contemplate purchasing house hold good visit Boutell Brothers, No. 207 Nicollet, and 323 Washington avenue south, for bargains. Buy your carpets, curtains and up- holstery goods of F. H. Peterson & Co,, No. 206 Nicollet And 207 Hennepin avenues —and be happv. The Democratic council made an al- most clean sweep among the Republi- can holdeis of appointive positions, but a few were left to carry the banner. Mr. W. A. Hazel, left vcterday for New York and Boston to purchased a stock of stained glas3 for Formaa, Ford <\, Co., and secure skilled wo'Linen for their rapidly increasing business. The Easter services at the Second A. M. E. church were well attended throughout the day. A mo^t interesting feature of the evening service was the solo, "The ft Palm.s," by Madame Alice MinkCooley, of St. Taul. Mr. Jas. A. Ross has been duly author- ized to act as agent for the WESTERN- APPEAL in Minneapolis. News, sub- scriptions or advertisements forwarded to him at No. 224, Hennipin avenue, will receive prompt attention. The superintendent of the government* buildings has been authorized to have certain plains for the work drawn in this city* which will so hasten the pro- gress of the construction that the interior may be completed during the coming winter. The council elected Titus Mareck president, and B. Cloutler vice-presi- dent. Chas. N. Gorman succeeds Seliah Matthews as city clerk. With the ex- ception of Stetson for chief of the fire department and Rinker as city engineer, the democratic council ousted all the present office holders. The Excelsior Literary and Social Club are issuing the'r invitations for a grand May Queen Coronation to take place in Windom Hall, Tuesday evening May 3rd. From the extensiye and elo- borate preparations going on, it bids fair to eclipse anything of a social nature our city has witnessed in a long time. The 171 policemen according to the yearly report made Chief Hill made ar- rests during the past year as follovs: The total number of arrests in the year was 3,740, of which 3,589 males and 151 females; 1,151 were married, 2,590 single, 3,684 white, 56 colored, 1,858 natives, 1,882 foreign-born. Of the total, 3,526 were able to read, 1,777 were over twenty years of age and 9 between seventy and eighty years. Notice. The Board of Directors of the North- western Publishing Co., will meet at the WESTERN APPEAL office, Monday even- ing, April 18th, at 7:30 o'clock. JOHN L. NEAL, President. J. Q. ADAMS, Secretary, t\ -i^fek.-^4fejC4i^£&^

Transcript of Western appeal (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-04-16 [p ].make a hale in their high-handed man ner of...

Page 1: Western appeal (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-04-16 [p ].make a hale in their high-handed man ner of forcing men upon the party whom th e rank and file object to. Th battle of '88 must necessarily



An Organ in the Interest of the Colored People of the Northwest.


VOL. II—NO. 46. *wgjj ~ ~——————— . i


Publ ished "Weekly BY THB

Northwestern Publishing Company, OFFICE:

No. 41 3rd St., Room No. a J . Q. ADAMS, Editor.

T B R M S Single Copy, per year «l 50 Ms Months * f 2 j 'i hree Months '..' 50

Subscriptions to be paid in aih an'ce When sub scriprions are not paid in advance or by any means ""I?,aJ l0^ed t 0 r u n wltHont prepayment, the terms will be b0 cents for 'each 13 w eeks and 3 cents lor each odd week.

Marriages and deaths to be announced at all must come In season to be news.

Marriage an! death notices, fifty cents. Payment strictly in advance

Advertising rates, fifty cents per square of eight lines solid agate each insertion.

We do not hold ourselves responsible for the Yie\sp-of our correspondents.

Beading notices 15 cents per line. Special rates for advertisements for a longer time

than a month. A blue cross mark opposite your name denotes

tnat your subscription has expired. Tou will confer a favor by renewing the same.

Communications to receive attention must be newsy, upontmpoitant subjects, plainly written only upon i ne side of the paper, must reach us not later than Thursdays, and bear the signature of the Author No manuscript returned.

Special terms to agents who desire to place the paper on sale


a ® - T A K E raOTBCE.",^ This paper is for sale by:

C. WALDON, 108, Fifth street, St. Paul. CHAS.LANDHE, 111, Harrison St., Chicago. R. S. BRYANT, 446, S. State St., Chicago. E . COOK&ON, 103, Manson St.. Peoria. N. L. N E A L , 5 0 9 , W.Green-st . . Louisville. "W.H.T\\iGGS,Orrington-ave,Evanston,Ill

The first number of Pulpit and Desk,

a quarteily magazine -with Key. Bird

Wilkins as editor and proprietor has

been laid on our desk. We find it very

interesting and creditable, it contains a

numbei of the sermons and addresses of

t h e editor, and seveial articles from

other noteworthy wri te is . The article

by Miss Maggie J Fogg, entit led "Moral

Courage," and the one by Miss Lula H.

Giiswold, "About Slavery in the United

States,"—young ladies of our city—de-

seive es-peeial mention for their general

excellence. The magazine contains ex­

cellent full page engivuings of these two

ladies, one of J Pat teison Fiekls, a

woi thy young man who recently died,

one of the mothei of the editor and one

ol the new church edifice of which the

editor is pastor and which has just been

erected through his exert ions. The

typographical appearance of the maga­

zine as well as the leading mat ter is

first-class in every paiticular and we

predict foi it a large circulation A\ hich it

ceitainlv deserves.

A novel method to denve a levenue

from the liquor traffic has been origi­

nated in Richmond, Va., heretofore t h e

•custom has been universal, to make

only the sellers of intoxicants pay

license, but the city council of Richmond

propose to compell every person who

d i inks whisky to get out a "whisky

d r inker ' s l icense," for which he must

pay one dollar. No one will be allowed

to buy whisky who does not have this


This scheme will work well both ways;

numbers of men who drink whisky will

be ashamed to go on record as licensed

whisky drinkers , and will quit; while

those whose morals are so low tha t they

will not be ashamed, will pay a revenue

for the privilege of making themselves

worse than brutes; w hich, in many cases,

will be the only way such individuals

•contribute anything toward the public

expenses of the community in which

t h e y exist.

Gov. Hill , of New York, has found

good reasons—in his mind—to veto the

high license bill lecently passed by the

legislature. As to the alleged motives

actuating the legislature in passing the

bill he say: "Whi le the question of

t empeiance is not a party question and

can not well be made such, it is im­

possible to ignore the political aspects of

the measure, especially where it is

Itnown tha t its support was made the

jBubject at a party caucus of the majority

.of t h e legislature, and where it has been

ingeniously devised and peculiarly

.framed, so as to operate solely upon the

-two great Democratic const i tuencies of

tthe state, while Republican constitu­

encies are exempted from its bu rdens . "

The Democrats will be found advo­

cating the cause of rum every t ime, and

helping it along in some way.

able to do so, had it not been for build­

ing associations; and we should profit by

their example. We will never amount

to much in any community until we be­

come property holders.

Little Rhody is [enjoying the sensation

of having elected her first Democratic

governor in twenty-seven years, if there

is any enjoyment in it. To offset this at

the charter elections held in Trenton,

N. J . , last Monday the Republicans

elected the mayor, school superinten­

dent , six out of seven aldermen, five

out of seven school trustees, th ree out

of five license commissioners, and all

the freeholders. F rank A. Magowan

was elected mayor by 200 majority. He

is the first Republican mayor in twenty-

five vears.

We most sincerly hope the Republi­

can party leaders and managers will

learn a lesson from the recent capture

of Rhode Island by the Democrats and

make a hale in their high-handed man­

ner of forcing men upon the party whom

the rank and file object to. The battle

of '88 must necessarily be a stubborn

one and it behooves the party managers

to be as wise as serpents and as harm­

less as doves.


E x t r a c t e d f r o m t h e M i n e o f M i s ­c e l l a n e o u s M a t t e r s , o n o u r

C l a i m , a n d A s s a y e d f o r o u r D e l v e r s a f t e r

K n o w l e d g e .

Referring to the withdrawal of the

southern military companies from the

National Drill shortly to be held in

Washington, "The H e r a l d " of Mont­

gomery, Ala. hits the nail squarely on

the head as follows:

" I t ' s not SOCIAL EQUALITY, but it is NEGRO SUPERIORITY tha t is feared so much in the National Drill. Can't stand to be beaten by a Negro company."

In view »f the unearthing of the re­

cent system of lobbing by the freight

crews on the Panhandle railroad where­

by the road has lost $300,000, we suggest

that the managers dispense with the

white men who have pro\ en themselves

so false to their trusts and supply their

places with honest colored men.

The APPEAL would be pleased to see

the bishopric lately made vacant by the

death of Bishop R. H. Cain, bestowed

upon Rev* Dr. J . T. Jenifer, of Boston,

Mass. The A. M. E. connection can

produce none more woithy or more


The Brotheihood is the title of a new

paper started in Natchez, Miss., April

1st, in the interest of the Order of the

Universal Brotherhood. Bowles and

Payne, editors and proprietors. We

extend a welcome.

The President accepted "wi th plea­

su re" an invitation to review the colored

parade in Washington nex t Monday.

The President is getting powerful polite

and nice to colored men.

The world may expect to hear some

modern oratory on April 27th, at which

t ime Hon. Roscoe Conkling will deliver

his oration on Gen. Grant.

The real estate marke t still keeps up

its wonted activity consequent upon the

adven t of Spring, The effects of the re­

cent wild cat booms have been obliter­

a t e d and legitimate business is on the

- inc i . ' e a s e ' As very few of us have more

<<of the needful than we want and as all

*of us Hiu^t be housed in some way

'would it not be a good idea for a num­

b e r of us to form a first-class building

I association? There are hundreds of

families enjoying the comforts of thei r

town hoines.that would never have been

Mr, Al Green, colored, recently married a white girl in Nelsonville, Ohio, and as usual the re is a grand kick.

Nicodemus, Graham Co., Kansas, the town laid out by colored settlers in 1877, is the most important town in the county. I t has a railroad, supports a newspaper, six stores, one bank, two hotels and has many signs of thrift and prosperity about it.

Among the 375 inmates of the inst i -tutee for the Feeble-Minded at Lincoln, 111., only 2 are colored. Of the 375 in­sane persons at Elgin only 6are colored; and, of the 1,000 at Kankakee only 20 are colored. This speaks well for a population of 50,000.

At the semi-annual examination o Ashland School, Orange, N. J. , Lulu and Innis Boyd attained 95 and 95£ per cent, respectively, standing highest in tBeir classes. Master Innis also made his de­but as chorus boy at Christ Episcopal Church on Easter Sunday.

A colored evangelist by the name of Williams who has been conducting a series of revival meetings in De Soto, Mo., was taken from his house Tuesday night by a party of five masked men who flogged him with hickory switches for about one hour. The affair is an out­rage.

Mr . Milton M. Holland, colored, a $1,600 clerk in the Sjxth Auditors office, of the Treasury Depar tment was sum­marily dismissed recently for getting a cup of coffee t en minutes before noon. Seven other colored clerks were dis­missed from the Pension office last week.

A company has been formed in Cov­ington, Ky. , to be known as the Woods Electric Company in honor of Granville T. Woods, t h e colored electrician and the inventor of the Synehroneous Mul­t iplex Railway Telegraph. I t is com' posed of the following gent lemen; Jno . A. Gano, James M. Clark, Granville T, Woods and J . E . Hampton . The capi­tal stock is $1,000,000. The shares are |50 each.

N o t i c e t h e O u t p u t .

F . A. Chew, Esq., colored, has opened a law office in Troy, N. Y.

A movement is on foot to establish a colored orphans home in Atlanta, Ga.

The lately appointed Minister to Liberia is reputed to be worth $40,000.

The colored people of Bowling Green, Ky. , are organizing a "Whi te Cross League." —*<*— «**-

Mr. Henry Johnson, was recently elected assessor of the second w ard of Deleware, O.

Mr. Robert Waring, of Detroit, is salesman for t he firm of Selling Bros. & Ginn, clothiers.

Miss Alice McEwen, colored, has graduated from a school of stenography in Bloomington, 111.

Dr. I . P. Tuppins, colored, was re­cently nominated by the Republicans of Findlay, O., for mayor .

Rev. Walter H . Brooks,colored, has been appointed one of the five jury com­missioners of Washington, D. C.

Rev. James Poindexter , colored, was re-elected to the School Board of Colum­bus, Ohio, a t the recent election.

Among the voters at the recent elect­ion in Kansas City, Mo., was Wash Dale, colored, aged 103 years. He voted the Republican ticket.

Rev. Henry Adams, colored, one day last week was found dead, with a gun­shot wound in his back, on the Bluffs plantation, near Churchville, Miss.

Mr. J . W. Smith, president of the Eleyator Publishing Company, San Francisco, Cal., last week, won the suit for criminal libel brought by Mi . J . C. Rivers.

George A.Marshal l , colored, wasa -waided the Weber gold medal for the best specimen of perspective drawing in the New York Evening High School, last week.

On the 4th inst., F rank Langson, the youngest son of Hon. J o h n M.Langston, shot J o h n H . Ruffin in Petersburg, Va. Ruffin has since died and young Lang-ston is in jail.

Mr, Levi Plamilton, colored, was chosen one of the members of the Board of Hea l th of Lima, O., and Mr. Miles Collins was appointed on the police force, recently.

The Natchez Colored Building Asso­ciation, organized a little more than a year ago, has completed thir ty elegant houses, and has thir ty more under pro­cess of erection.

Tom Cowan, the manager of the hotel in Birmingham, Ala., who refused to allow a delegation of colored men to call on Gen. Sherman in t h e hotel has been discharged by the proprietors.

Prof. W. O. Vance, principal of Scrib-ner High School, New Albany, Ind. ,was recently examined in ten of the most difficult of the studies taught and passed 95 out of a possible 100 in each.

Charges have been preferred against C. H . J . Taylor, the newly appointed minister to Liberia, bv J o h n G. Jones, a prominent colored citizen of Chicago. His confirmation is to be bitterly op­posed.

The Central Tennessee College has just received another gift from Mr. Hugh Meharry, of Illinois. Mr. Me-har ry has placed in the hands of the trustees of that institution a gift of $10,000.

At a recent meeting of the West Texas Medical Association a t San Antonio, the application of G. J. Stanes, a colored physician, for membership , was rejected on a vote of twelve to forty-four. Cause, colorphobia. »

A call for a National Political Conven­tion has been issued from Indianpolis to be held in that city June 1st, 1887. The object of the convention is to discuss " t h e Grievances of the Negroes of the United States."

The following named colored men have been appointed on the police force of Pittsburgh, Pa. : Alfred Jones, Mathew Bell, J . H . Johnson, W. M. Robinson, Samuel H/!rtrown, Scott Ran­dolph, Andrew Terry, E'. Harr is .

Mrs . Annie Meads, colored, proprie­tress of lunch counters in several of the markets of Baltimore, Md., was found dead in bed one morning recently. She was 68 years of age, was very business like and had amassed a fortune of $20,-000.

A t Wyandotte , Kansas, Saturday night April 2, David Brown, a colored singer for a medicine peddler , dropped dead while singing "Golden Slippers" on a street corner. The bursting of a blood vessel was found to be the cause of his death.

None of the colored employees in the Attornev-General 's Department atWash-ington have been removed, owing, it is said, to the influence of Attorney-Gener­al Garland, who has shown special friendship to the colored men jn hjs de­par tment .

School services i n the afternoon weie exceptionally grand, and theattendance* large. The exercises from t h e "Mis­sionary G e m " were participated in by a n u m b e r of t he older persons, as well as many of the young persons of the school. The collections for the day footed up $52.48 as follows: for the trustees, $21.50; f o r t he Mission­ary cause, $16.6S; charitable money to Miss Cora Saulsberry, $9.00; dues from the classes, $5.30; total $52.48. The re­sult of the rally on Tuesday evening last net ted the handsome sum of $568.65, making a grand total for the week of $621.13, with one committee to hear from. The pastor, officers and members of the church hereby ex tend their nearty thanks to one and all who in any wav contributed" either in money or services tha t made up this grand result. The WESTERN APPEAL has our heartfelt thanks for services render­ed by its very liberal publications and notices of our church work.


E a s t e r S e r m o n .

The following is a synopsis of a ser­mon delivered by Rev. C. S. Jacobs, in St. James A. M. E . Church, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Raster morning, Sunday, April 10th, 18S7. Aftet some prelimi­nary remarks by way of prefacing his sermon the Elder announced as a text , Luke, xxiv chap, and xxxiv verse.

"The Lord is Risen indeed, and hath appeared unto Simon."

The story of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, is the theme of the thoughts of millions to-day. With the re turn of the beautiful spring and flowers, of each succeeding year, the lovers of Jesus arise in th eir strength, to celebrate the most grand and won­derful event that scripture has recorded —A Risen Christ. Infidels and fskeptics have for ages tried to sap the foundation of the Christians' hopes, but in the varied scenes and trials through all t ime the church has and is now willing to be­lieve the scripture as the inspiration of God. And, in the language of St. Paul, we say, That if Christ be not risen, then is our faith and preaching vain, but Gods word affirms the fact, that Christ was crucified, dead and buried, and that he arose from the dead, for our justification and tha t he is now our Meditator and Redeemer. The vast multitudes of wpisnipers of Him who loved and gave his life for us, all with one accoid, unite in the language of the text , and say, this glad Easter morn, The Lord is Risen in­deed.

Go back yonder, 1854 years ago, at the tomb of Joseph of Aiimethea, on the first day of the week, the Sabbath of the Lord, early in the morning, while t he Roman Soldiers were keeping vigilance ai the grave of our blessed Master, and while the friends of Jesus, the dispised Nazarene were preparing spices a n d ointments and arranging to visit the tomb to embalm the Lord of J^ords. God fired the angel and commissioned him to come down as on the wings of the wind, and loll away the great stone from the door of the sepulchre and sit down upon it These Roman Soldiers looked upon the angel, the Heavenly messenger, in wonder and amazement; the face of the angel bright with the glory of God filled them with awe; thev would if possible frame some plausible story to suit the ear of the governor and save to themselves a name for valor and bravery.

But listen, Oh, l is ten! there was heard the noise of wings, and a song of joy in heaven, and its echo was heard along the hills and valleys, saving: to­day! to-day! The Lord will Rise and prove the fullness of his word, wnen he said, Tear down this Temple, but in three days I will rear it up -igain. Wondering angels waited. The disciples weie beginning to wonder and became restless. Mary the Mother of Jesus and the other Mary were on their way to the tomb, and all the Ear th was still. The sky was bright and cloudless. Day began to dawn. The Angel of God came down in the midst of the soldiers, and the first sound heard to break the still­ness of the wonderful hour, was the wail of woe from these awe stricken watchmen. And then above their groans, as they fell like dead men, could be heard the Mighty voice of a Rising God and a wonderous King, sayingfOh, Death! where is thy Sting? Oh, Grave ' thy Victory ?

The Rising God forsook the tomb, I n vain the tomb forbade him rise;

Cheiubic legions guard h im home, And shout him welcome to the skies.

A . M . E . C l t u r c u .

The services last Sunday were very fine throughout the day, and the con­gregations were unusually large. The pastor Rev. C. S. Jacobs preached tioth morning and evening, t .The Sunday

The women came to the sepulchre, but the Saviour was gone, they were suiprised and sadd, tell us where you have laid him? the angel answered, H e has risen as he said; come see the place where the Lord lay. But Jesus met the women, and as they looked on him he said: All ha i l ! They desired to embrace him, but Jesus said, Do not touch me I have not ascended, but go and tell my disciples, I will meet them in Galilee. Oh, glorious news 1 Two of his disciples on their way to Emens , talked of this great Redeemer, and Jesus joined them in their walk, and their hearts burned while they communed by tne way; but the strongest evidence tha t Christ had risen from the dead was given. W h e n - - -. .,, he appeared in person and sat down at Pilgrim Baptist Church meat with his disciples and they had • -seen his hands, his feet, his side, and heard his voice, they all ciied, All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name. Truly t he Lord is risen indeed, and appeared un­to Simon. And now, dear bre theren « - - ~ " ~ . and sisters, as we are here assembled in as bishop God's house this glad Easter day, many of us can fully realize and appreciate the language of the text , and say, Truly the Lord is risen indeed, and ha th ap­peared unto us. The fairest among ten thousand and altogether lovely. W7e feel his presence. We enjoy his love; and we fully appreciate His great and wonderful mercy. And this anniversary of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, is to us a grand and fitting emblem oi our great rising day. May the day be as calm, may the sun shine as bright, and may the angels of heaven come in the gathering morn­ing, not to roll away the great s-tone, but to accompany us to the realm of light and life, where the wicked shall cease to trouble and the weary are at rest There to be ever with the Lord. Oh. tha t will be joyful, when we meet with loved ones who are there , and with the many thousands of the saints of God j who with us, are to day engaged i a serving a once crucified, dead and buried, but now a l isen Saviour. To him bp all the glory now and eve?. A m e u ^ a ^ ^ j . H^B#S58£BMSS*«I f&^s


M a t r i m o n i a l S i n k i n g s a n d S p r i n g M i g r a t i o n s o f P r o m i n e n t jt. P e o p l e .

T h e R e c o r d o f t h e W e e k . •

Mr. A, Solomon and Miss E . Parker , Macon, Ga.

Mr. James Conners and Hatt ie Kemp, of Toledo, Ohio.

Mr. Levi Corgleton and Mrs. Eltea Stevens, of Macon, Ga.

Rev. Wm. Norid and Wiss Catherine Raglin, of Denver, Col.

Mr. E m m e t Moore and Miss Fannie Jackson, of Staunton, Va.

Mr. J . C. Smith and Miss Violetta M. Beal, of Little Rock, Ark.

Mr. B . F . Harr is and Miss E m m a Combs, of St. Joseph, Mo.

Mr. Winfield Southern and Mrs. Mary Taylor, of Pit tsburgh, Pa.

Mr. George O'Banion and Miss Carrie Price, of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mr. Alphonse Hughes and Miss Gertie Wiggins, of Camden, N. J .

Mr. Minor Williams and Miss Ida Harmon, of Baltimore, Md.

Mr. W. H . Robertson and Miss Lulu Durant, of New Orleans, La.

Mr. J o h n Wilson and Miss Emma Hunter , of Indianapolis, Ind .

Mr. Richard Jackson and Miss Ala-linda Gray, of Uniontown, Pa.

Mr. J o h n Wilson and Miss Emma Hunter , of Indianapolis, Ind .

Mr. James Brown and Miss Lucy Roberson, of Indianapolis, I nd .

Mr. J o h n Filghman and Miss Hen-lietta Sijas, of West Washington.

Mr. George B . McClelland and Miss Jennie Rose, of Wyandot te , Kan.

Mr. Charles L. Harman and Miss Nannie Johnson, of Baltimore, Md.

Mr, Moses A. Fields and Miss Gon­zales Julian Tipton, of Denver, Col.

Mr. Solomon Anderson and Miss Laura V. Roles, of Philadelphia, Pa.

Mr. William Gilbert, of Denver, and Mrs. Lutie Gooden, of Leadville, Col.

Mr. George Newman, of Charleston, Va., and Miss Fannie Taper, of Pitts-burgh r Pa.

Miss Ella Spencer, of New York, is visiting Floiida.

Mrs. T. S. Rector, of Ch ;cago, is visit­ing Denver, Col.

Miss Jennie Stone, of Denver, Col., is visiting Larimie.

Miss Lulu Bryant , oi Leavenworth, is visiting Topeka, Kan.

Miss Gertie Williams, of Baltimore, is visiting Philadelphia.

Mrs. Adam Boon, of New York, is visiting Baltimore, Md.

Miss Sadie Parks, of Springfield, 111., is visiting Jacksonville.

Miss Lillian Lawrence, of New York, is visiting Philadelphia, Pa.

Miss Lurietta M. Carter, of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting Louisville, Ky.

Miss Georgiana Andersou, of New York, is visiting Baltimore, Md.

Miss L. M. Parker , of Washington, D. C , is visiting Kansas City, Mo.

S t . P a u l .

M R . P H I L MILLER has re turned from St. Louis, Mo.

M R . GEO. PERKINS, of Ypsilanti, Mich., is visiting this city.

A NUMBER of Saint Paulites spent Easter Sunday in the Flour City,

M R S . ELLA BERRY, who has been ill

for the past two weeks, has recovered.

MISS ELLA W A D E , of Dayton, Ohio, is in the city, the guest of Miss Mary Alston.

T H E interstate commerce law will have the effect of increasing the business on the river.

Miss LUELLA UNDERWOOD, of Minne-apblis is in the city, t he guest of Mrs . Lizzie J . Talbert .

M R S . REBECCA ALLEN, mother of Mr. J . J . Allen, has arrived in the city from Indianapolis, Ind . , to permanent ly re­side.

REV. WILLIAM H . GREY, of fet. Louis,

Mo., is in the city, he filled the pulpit of last Sunday


BISHOP M. N. GILBERT has resigned the chaplaincy of the First Regiment M. N. G. on account of bis new duties


A T last it has been decided tha t Dr. J . A. Quinn was elected coroner of Ramsey County and not Dr. Markoe the present incumbent.

DURING the mon th of March the deaths in t he city from all causes were 150. There were 207 bir ths and 34 marriages during the month.

ANNIE WOODS, a colored girl, was on

last Thursday, sentenced to the Home of the Good Sheppard for sixty days for visiting a house of ill-fame.

FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms, in private family, pleasantly located.—Enquire a t No. 173 Charles street, References exchanged.

NEW Spring costumes did materialize to a very alarming ex ten t last Sunday, though a few of the leaders of fashion were gotten up regardless of expense .

L A T E S T S T Y L E S . J

T H E L A T E S T N O V E L T I E S .


Also a full line of SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, etc., at Prices tha t Defy Competion. CALL AND SEE US.


BILLY WILSON, who is now campaign­ing with Chandler 's combination has a standing offer of $250 to any colored pugi­list who will stand before him for ten rounds.

O N complaint of License Collector Nugent, Eva Phelps, alias Ida Morris, a colored woman, was arrested Monday for keeping, house of ill fame at "No. 7 East Eighth street and fined $25.

DELAYS are dangerous! Get your photographs taken by J . P . Ball, 221, Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, for $3.00 per dozen. The round tr ip fare of each customer from St. Paul will be paid.

REV BIRD WILKINS and family, left for Chicago, Thursday, wheie he has been called to the pastorate of Bethesda Baptist Church. I t i s rumored that Rev. W. H . Gray, of St. Louis, Mo., who is in city will be called to the charge.

T H E Murry Opera House company has incorporated. Capital stock, $80,000. Incorporators: W. P . Murry, St. Paul; Jacob E . Sackett and James M. Wood, of Chicago, and Enoch W. Wiggins and Frank P . Weadon, Minneapolis.

WILLIAM DAWSON, J R . , has been elect­ed cashier of the Bank of Minnesota to fill the place made vacant by the resig­nation of Albert Scheffei. The diiectors will at some future time elect an assist­ant cashier, vice Herman Scheller, also resigned.

T H E Wacouta Kennels of this city took the first prize at the Pittsburg dog show this week with their mastiff Wacouta Nap. Word has also been leceived that the Minnesota Kennel Club has been unanijiously elected to membership in the National Association.

T U B fourth anniversary of the election of John T. Black as chief of the St. Paul fire depar tment was celebrated Sunday. A friend on that day presented an ele­gant gold-headed cane as a memento of the occasion. I t is inscribed. " P r e ­sented to John T. Black, 1887."

REV. D R . S. G. SMITH, of the First Episcopal Methodist Chmcn, has been invited to preach in the late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher 's church in Brooklyn, April 24th, and he has accepted the in­vitation. I t is probable that Dr. Smith may receive a call from the church.

NOAH WALTON, a white farmer, living near North Branch, was in the city Thursday in serch of his daughter Tillie, aged about eighteen, who left home about two months ago. He found her . and endeavored, in vain, to get her to re turn home with him. The wayward girl is the mistress of a coloied gamblei and claims to be "all r ight ." " I guess ' t i s ! "

SERVICES will be held a t the Pilgrim Baptist Church, 11 o'clock a.m., and 7.30 p.m. Rev. W m . Gray will preach from the following subjects, at 11 a.m., "The Future Prosperity of the Church, the Effects of its Divine ^Influence." 7.30 p.m., "The Spirit of t h e Lord, the P.uilder of His Temple ." The public is cordially invited. Sabbath school im­mediately after the morning services.

T H E Easter services at St. James A. M. E . church were well a t tended and quite interesting throughout. The exercises by the Sunday School in the afternoon were especially entertaining. They were conducted according to the pro­gram arranged by Rev. J . M. Townsend, missionary secretary of t he A. M. E . church. An interesting address was made by Mr. Taylor the super intendent subject, "Eas ter Sunday as Missionary Day, I t s Fitness and Obervance." Mr. Wm. Queen delivered an able address, taking for his subject, "The Responsi­bility of the Church to Evangelize the Wor ld ." "Missionary Music" was read by Mr. J . Q. Adams. Miss Lulu Gris-wold presided at t he organ. The col­lections were quite satisfactory. Among the principal features of the evening services was the solo " R u t h and Naomi," sung by Mrs. W. H . Clay, who Mas in good voice and never sang more sweet­ly. Elder Jacobs filled the pulpit at all of the services.

T H E enter ta inment at St. James church, Tuesday night was a grand suc­cess, t he house was crowded to over­flowing, and the exercises were very entertaining. The following program was carried out:

Song—"Kock of Ages,"—Choir. Trio—"No\, ashamed of Christ,"—Mr.

and Mrs. T. H . Lyles, Mr. J . P . An­derson.

Essav — "The Je remiahs , " — Mrs. M. Stafford.-%

Solo—"When the Quiet Moon is Buam-ing."—Miss Bertha Heathcock.

S i l o a - i i C o r a s—" Boy's best friend is his Mother,"—Miss Sabie Kellum.

Recitation—"Lady Clare,"—Miss Gracie Johnson.

Bass Solo—"Roll on Deep Ocean,"—Mr D. C. Cotton.

Dialogue—"Womau's Rights,"—Misses Nellie Griswold, Mandie Conway, Rena Bradbury and Master Willie Francis.

Quartette—"The Sea hath its Pearls,"— Mr. J . H . Hickman, Mr. C. Mason, Mrs. Lizzie Clay, Miss Ber tha Heath-cock.

Recitation — " Great Men ," — Master Eddie Henry .

Declamation—"A Sciap Bag,"—Master Artrudol Lee.

Song—"Come wJ'ere the Lillies Bloom," —Choir.

Recitation—"People will Talk,"—Misa Maudie Conway.

Finale—"The Lords Prayer,"—Choir. In addition, Mrs. Clay (by request)

sang "No Hope Beyond," and Mr. J . P. Anderson, "The Old Sexton;" Mr. Ralph Allen delivered an excellent reci­tation and Rev. L. I I . Reynolds made a few remarks. Se\ eral encores were re­sponded to in a happy manner . After the exercises, all who choose remained andpa i took of the refreshments which the ladies had on hand, and all had a good time until a late houi . Several Minneapolitans graced the occasion with their presence.

M i n n e a p o l i s .

Mrs. Ella Allen, of the Saintly City visited us this week.

They all do it—get their pictures taken by J. P. Ball, at No. 221, Nicollet avenue.

If you contemplate purchasing house hold good visit Boutell Brothers , No. 207 Nicollet, and 323 Washington avenue south, for bargains.

Buy your carpets, curtains and up­holstery goods of F . H. Peterson & Co,, No. 206 Nicollet And 207 Hennep in avenues —and be happv.

The Democratic council made an al­most clean sweep among the Republi­can holdeis of appointive positions, but a few were left to carry the banner .

Mr. W. A. Hazel, left v c t e r d a y for New York and Boston to purchased a stock of stained glas3 for Formaa , Ford <\, Co., and secure skilled wo'Linen for their rapidly increasing business.

The Easter services at the Second A. M. E. church were well a t tended throughout the day. A mo^t interesting feature of the evening service was the solo, "The f tPalm.s," by Madame Alice MinkCooley, of St. Taul.

Mr. Jas. A. Ross has been duly author­ized to act as agent for the WESTERN-APPEAL in Minneapolis. News, sub­scriptions or advert isements forwarded to him at No. 224, Hennip in avenue, will receive prompt at tention.

The superintendent of the government* buildings has been authorized to have certain plains for the work drawn in this city* which will so hasten the pro­gress of the construction tha t the interior may be completed during the coming winter.

The council elected Titus Mareck president, and B . Cloutler vice-presi­dent . Chas. N. Gorman succeeds Seliah Matthews as city clerk. With the ex­ception of Stetson for chief of the fire depar tment and Rinker as city engineer, the democratic council ousted all the present office holders.

The Excelsior Literary and Social Club are issuing t he ' r invitations for a grand May Queen Coronation to take place in Windom Hall, Tuesday evening May 3rd. From the extensiye and elo-borate preparations going on, it bids fair to eclipse anything of a social nature our city has witnessed in a long t ime.

The 171 policemen according to the yearly report made Chief Hill made ar­rests during t h e past year as follovs: The total number of arrests in the year was 3,740, of which 3,589 males and 151 females; 1,151 were marr ied, 2,590 single, 3,684 white, 56 colored, 1,858 natives, 1,882 foreign-born. Of the total, 3,526 were able to read, 1,777 were over twenty years of age and 9 between seventy and eighty years.

N o t i c e .

The Board of Directors of the North­western Publishing Co., will meet a t the WESTERN APPEAL office, Monday even­

ing, April 18th, at 7:30 o'clock. JOHN L. NEAL, President.

J . Q. ADAMS, Secretary,

