West Coast May 2010

The monthly community magazine and entertainment guide delivered FREE to homes and businesses in West Kirby & Caldy Tel 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com May 2010 Issue 9 Specialists in bespoke Extensions, Conservatories, Windows, Doors and Roofline l Installations carried out by our own very skilled Craftsmen l 75% of our installations come from satised customers l 10 Year Insurance backed guarantee Tel: 0151 343 9876 Registered No 13712 Open 7 Days: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm West Coast th mgzin f r W Kirby nd Cldy

Transcript of West Coast May 2010

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The monthly community magazine and entertainment guidedelivered FREE to homes and businesses in West Kirby & Caldy

Tel 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

May 2010 Issue 9

Specialists in bespoke Extensions, Conservatories, Windows, Doors and Roofline

l Installations carried out by our own very skilled Craftsmen

l 75% of our installations come from satised customers

l 10 Year Insurance backed guarantee

Tel: 0151 343 9876Registered No 13712

Open 7 Days: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm

West Coastth mgzin fr W Kirby nd Cldy

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01244 350398 [email protected]

How does a wizard tell the time? With a witch watch

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West Coast

ALTHOUGH it has got a long way to go beore it

can compare itsel with Hollywood, West Kirby isthe venue or a new flm. Actor/director Robert

Rae Lewis shot his debut movie in the town and

hopes that it will fnd avour with the critics

when it goes on show at estivals around the

world. You can read more on pages 20 & 21.

This month we’ve got lots o local news,

including a police crackdown on speeding

motorists, a government visit to Hilbre High andsuccess or a West Kirby kitchen designer.

The Light Opera Company are perorming their

big show this month at the Floral Pavilion so

please remember to give them your support.

There’s also eatures on gardening and beauty as

well as a what’s on guide and business directory.

We’ve also got book reviews rom Lingham’s o 

West Kirby.Please remember to support your local


 Jon White

The page footers this month are riddles

For advertisement inquiries

please call Lynne or Karen

on 01244 350398

or e-mail [email protected]

Suite S4a, Chester Enterprise Centre, Hoole Bridge, Chester CH2 3NE24




We are an independently owned company, not connected to any

big media group, based in Chester, producing seven magazines,

Keep it Local, Neston Local, Heswall Local, West Coast, Tarporley Talk,Overleigh Roundabout and Hoole Roundabout.

For details visit www.talkaboutpublishing.co.uk 



What do you call a girl with a frog on her head? Lily 

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4 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What do you call a man with a spade stuck to his head? Doug 

Spring into golf 

CLATTERBRIDGE Cancer Research is holding its spring golf day at Caldy Golf Club

on Thursday 27th May. It costs £360 for a team of four and proceeds go to raise funds

for research into understanding cancer and improving treatment for patients. Call

Natalie Childs-Fielding, events fundraiser, on 0151 343 4300 or email natalie.childs-

[email protected]

Speeding on the agenda

MERSEYSIDE Police have been busy responding to people’s concerns over the last


After receiving complaints about motorists speeding on Frankby Road and Blackhorse

Hill in West Kirby, ofcers have carried out speeding ‘Spotlight’ days in targeted

locations. During the operation, ofcers look out for other trafc offences, includingnot wearing a seatbelt or using a mobile phone while driving. In the rst two weeks of 

March, 19 motorists have been reported for various offences. The spotlight days will

continue throughout the summer months.

People riding bicycles on pavements were causing concern so police increased

their own cycle patrols in West Kirby and Hoylake, paying particular attention to

the shopping centres. In addition they have continued to issue warnings on the rst

occasion to offenders. On any subsequent occasion the offenders will receive a xed

penalty ticket or be summonsed tocourt.

l The new mobile surgeries for the West Kirby and Thurstaston Ward will be held in a

Mobile Police Station on the rst Tuesday of every month at Gilroy Road Shops 9am- 11am, Newton Village Hall 11am - 1pm, Thurstaston Country Park - 2pm - 4pm and

Caldy (Croft Drive car park entrance) - 4pm - 5pm. The next surgeries take place on

4th May, followed by 1st June, 6th July and 3rd August.

l LAST month a 20-year-old man from St Helens pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle

taking in Bridge Road, West Kirby, in January. He was jailed for six weeks, banned

from driving for 12 months, ordered to serve a curfew for three months and ordered to

pay £150 compensation to the victim.

l A 43-year-old man admitted possessing cannabis at Grange Road, West Kirby. He

was ned £50and ordered to pay £85 costs.

l A 42-year-old man, from Eaton Road, West Kirby, was convicted of common assaultin Hilbre Road, West Kirby, in November 2009. He was conditionally discharged for six

months, ordered to pay £50 compensation and £320 in costs.

Ambulance concerns

QUESTIONS remain over whether West Wirral has adequate ambulance cover.

It was revealed in the local press that the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) was

to remove the rapid response vehicle from West Kirby Fire Station.

The loss of the vehicle raised some eyebrows, with West Kirby councillor Jeff Green

querying the move.

But NWAS say that the vehicles in Heswall, Wallasey and Ellesmere Port are sufcientto cover the area.

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West Coast magazine May 2010 5

What do you call a man without a spade stuck to his head? Douglas

FREE LOCAL DELIVERY(min order £8 & within 3 mile radius)

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    C    O    M    M    U    N    I    T    Y

6 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What do you call a man with a number plate on his head? Reg 


Many ivestors both experieced d pote-til m be worried bout the upcomig UK Geerl Electio d the possible impct upo

their persol d busiess fces.However, long-term investors who are able to

make inormed and condent decisions abouttheir nances are rewarded by better returns thanthose who keep their money in cash or those whotry and time the markets. Tey do this by devel-oping a strategy which is regularly reviewed andby investing when they have the money ratherthan trying to time their entry into the markets.

Tey also have people that they trust that they can turn to when they need advice. History,thankully, is ull o situations that we can look tolearn rom and there is a useul example o a time

 when circumstances were actually remarkably similar to today.In early 1997, despite an emerging economic

recovery, the Government was becoming increas-ingly unpopular owing to scandal and some

unpopular legislative choices. At the same time,the Opposition was becoming more unied undera charismatic leader. Investors were concerned

about what the efects o a new administration would be on there investments. Some were also worried what would happen i there was no

change. Over the ollowing 10 years, despitea market crash owing partly to the “dotcombubble”, the FSE 100 Index given an averageannual return o over 7%, lower than its histori-cal average but healthy nevertheless. Some people

 would have invested on the 2nd May 1997 and will have beneted rom that growth. Others willhave held back and will not have participated inthe gains.

Nobody knows what the next ten years will look like and the past is an unreliable guide to theuture. Tere will undoubtedly be periods o ris-ing share prices and periods o alling share prices.However, with interest rates currently at recordlows, it is clear that good decision making basedon advice rom trusted sources is as important asever. I you don’t have an ongoing relationship

 with a nancial adviser that you can trust, to help

establish your personal nancial strategy, neverhas there been a better time to pick up the phoneand start building that relationship.

How will tHe

General election

result affect my


Some o our readers will be amiliar with Simon utton.Simon has recently joined the Hadlow Edwards Partnership and islooking orward to being a regular contributor to the magazine.


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West Coast magazine May 2010 7

What do you get if you cross an elephant with an apple? A pie that never forgets






Now could be right me to nd a

nancial advisor that completely

understands your nancial afairs and provides highly tailored advice

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8 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What do you call a man with no shins? Tony 

12 The Cross, Neston.

Tel 0151 336 5235



Do you have any news, pictures,

features or events to go into theWest Coast Magazine?

We would love to hear about your 

community activities, for example it

could be something at your local club

or school.

Just email us at

[email protected]

or call 01244 350398

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West Coast magazine May 2010 9

What do you call the wife of a hippie? Mississippi 

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10 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What do you call a woman with a radiator on her head? Anita

Minister scores a global goalat Hilbre HighMIKE Foster, the Government Minister for International

Development visited Hilbre High School Humanities

College, West Kirby, to promote a new global 1 GOAL


Also present was ex Liverpool player Brian Hall, currently

working with the Government in support of the campaign

which is supported by the UK Government and theDepartment for International Developmen

After hearing about Hilbre’s thriving partnership with two Cape Town schools and

watching a performance of I Want It All from the school’s recent production of We Will

Rock You, the Minister explained to Hilbre students that 1 GOAL is a global education

project using the World Cup in South Africa as a focus to raise awareness about the

one goal of education for all; he encouraged students to join the campaign by visiting

the website at www.join1goal.org.

After the Minister’s visit, Claire Chambers, who had sung for him, said, “I thought

the Minister’s description of the 1 GOAL campaign and his explanation of the

Government’s ideas for global development were really interesting and thoughtprovoking.”


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What do you get hanging from cherry trees? Sore arms

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12 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a bell? An alarm cluck 


of James James Kitchens,

West Kirby, has won thetop accolade ‘UK Designer 

Award for Kitchens 2010’

at the most prestigious

event in the Kitchen and

Bathroom sector, the

National KBB Review

Industry Awards.

The best designers in the

UK kitchen and bathroom

sector were revealedat the dazzling black

tie awards ceremony at

the Hilton Metropole in

Birmingham on Monday

and attended by 800 key

gures from the kitchen

and bathroom industry.

The awards now in their 

16th year were hosted

by TV comedian HughDennis, best known for his

appearances in Mock the

Week and Outnumbered

and the awards were

announced with thetraditional opening of an


The judges were

particularly impressed

by Dominique’s air and

originality in her design

work as well as her ability

to transform potentially

difcult spaces, within

budget, to exceed clientexpectations.

Dominique says: “I am

absolutely ecstatic to have

won this award. It was a

very emotional moment for 

both me and my mother 

Vanessa, who owns

James James Kitchens,

“To be recognised in our 

eld by a panel of suchesteemed experts is a

real honour and gives

our customers further 

condence in our design

ability and the exceptionalquality of our work. We are

delighted to have won”

Andrew Davies, head

 judge and editor of 

kbbreview magazine, who

host the awards, remarks:

“Dominique has done

fantastically well and I

would like to congratulate

her on behalf of everyoneat kbbreview. Her design

really did stand out from

the others and she should

be very proud of herself.

There has never been

such a challenging time in

the kitchen and bathroom

industry and the awards

were a great opportunity

to reward excellence andhard work. Well done!”

Delight or designer Dominique

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West Coast magazine May 2010 13

What do you get if you cross a gun dog with a phone? A golden receiver 

Good quality food fromaround the world

Inclusive Lunch Menu (Served Mon - Sat 12 - 2.30pm)

2 Courses £9.50

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FRIDAY 14th May 

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3 Course set menu plus

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Friday 21st May 

per person£23.50


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What do you get if you cross a rabbit with a leek? A bunion

Stress busters: 


proven synthetic

pheromones are

available from

Acorn Veterinary


StreSS can cause or exacerbate a number of 

behavioural and medical problems in both dogs

and cats.Canine stress

Most dogs can become worried at some point in their 

life and many require support to help them adapt to a

new environment (e.g. boarding kennels) or cope with

a temporary challenge (e.g. travelling).

This support may be vital as, if no preventative action

is taken, mild fears and worries can develop in to

phobia or stress-related conditions. These, much more

serious behaviour problems are notoriously difcult to

treat, can be debilitating for the dog and cause serious

disruption for the owner and family.

Correct socilaisation is vital to ensure a dogdevelops into a well behaved and condent family

pet. However, puppies which become stressed during

the socialisation phase (from 6-16 weeks) may never 

enjoy new experiences and are more likely to develop

stress-related behavioural problems in later life (i.e.

general nervousness, noise phobias, separation

anxiety, fear aggression etc..). It is therefore

recommended action in taken to reduce stress during

early development.

Feline StressAs a prey species cats have developed ways of 

hiding any weakness, including, stress. The cat

may show very little sign that they are upset and,

unfortunately, the signs they do show (being so

different from those displayed by more social species

like dogs and people) are commonly misinterpreted as

bad or ‘naughty’ behaviour rather than a cry for help.

Signs to look out for include:urine spraying,

vertical scratch marking, hiding away or refusing

to interact, over grooming and tension or multi-cat

conict Feline stress can be causes by one stressful

event or an ongoing problem within the home.After years of veterinary research, synthetic

copies of the animals own natural pheromones

(Feliway®, for cats, and D.A.P®, for dogs) have

been developed. These are scientically proven

to help reduce and prevent stress-related

behavioural problems and to help pets cope in

challenging situations.



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What do you call an Irishman who looks forward to the summer? Paddy O’Furniture

West Coast magazine May 2010 15

0845 45971260777 9783612

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April........ at Mostyn House School.

Visit our website www.mostynhouse.co.uk to read about our 

Nursery, Prep School, Senior School and Study Room.Mostyn House School, Parkgate 0151 3361010

Some of the Year 8and 9 pupils arrangedan Easter Egg Huntand a party for our youngest pupils. Theteam spent their extra-curricular activities pre-paring the food andplanning the party

games. It was a greatsuccess and theyounger pupils lovedthe attention that theyreceived!

 A celebration of Art and Design

at Mostyn House

on Thursday 27th May

from 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Featuring work by our GCSE and A level pupils.Local artists, designers and galleries will also be

exhibiting their work.

Prospective or interested parents may also use theoccasion as an Open Evening and they will have

the opportunity to talk to staff and have a tour of theschool.

Older pupils surprise the younger ones!

16 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

If you can make shoes out of crocodiles, why can’t you make slippers out of bananas? 

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window ad

West Coast magazine May 2010 17

What do you get if you cross an anthill with a packet of seeds? Ants in your plants

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18 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What has handles and ies? A dustbin


May is my favourite month when many

shrubs are in ower or have foliage at

its best.

Elders or Sambucus have a few varieties

which will add interest to all but the smallest

gardens. Sambucus nigra Black Lace has

rich plum coloured foliage with pink tinged

owerheads in spring. Or try Sambucus

racemosa Plumosa Aurea a cut leaved elder 

with bright yellow foliage. If they get too large

cut them back hard in late winter or early

spring for strong new shoots.

Another shrub with a long name is Exochordamacrantha The Bride. This is a low growing

shrub up to about 1.5m with arching stems that

are covered in white owers in May. Easy to

grow in a sunny or slightly shaded garden.

Magnolias are at their best in May so if you

have a space out of the wind and does not

receive the early morning sun to damage

frosted owers, try a magnolia. Vulcan has

huge pink owers on a large shrub and

for smaller gardens try Magnolia Susan or Magnolia stellata varieties.

Despite their exotic owers, the shrubs are

tough and can cope with being pruned hard if 

they outgrow their space, just don’t expect too

many owers the following year!

May is a good time to plant up any pots withtender bedding plants or maybe if you have a

darker area that needs brightening up, go for 

pots of Hostas to give you impressive foliage

throughout summer. Hostas do well in pots

and a group with different coloured foliage will

not need much attention apart from re-potting

every 3 – 4 years.

If you planted lettuce seeds in April you should

start to harvest in May especially those loose

leaved varieties. Plant a few in pots to savethem from slugs if you are plagued with them.

May is also the time to plant purple sprouting

broccoli and leek seeds outdoors or to plant

out seedlings of these plants if raised indoors.

Runner beans and French beans can be

planted out if pot raised or sow French bean

seeds outside for a late crop.

Janet Heath, Garden Mentor 

Tel 01244 318258 www.gardenmentor.co.uk

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West Coast magazine May 2010 19

What was Jack the Ripper’s middle name? The


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Satay 19th JOxto Cckt Clb owfl La Oxto Wal

Tickets £20 - no children under 16 years (Early bird price £15 up to the 30th April)Doors open 5pm. Performance ends approx 10pm. Some gazebo spaces available - £30 per space

Call 0151 666 0361 o 666 0362 to book yo tcktsProceeds to Age Concern Wirral Dementia Wing Appeal Charity No. 1034510 and Oxton Cricket Club

Promoted by printing.com Bromborough

MidSuMMer PiCniC COnCer

T nothop Slv Ba

 Awa wg Mzzo Sopao Kathy rgT wol’s Fst Gl Opa o MiLAnBg yo ow pcc, w, lax a lst to th msc

A MUSICAL extravaganza is in store

for you on Saturday 19th June at Oxton

Cricket Club. Bring your own picnic,

wine, a rug and settle down to listen to

the fabulous Northop Silver Band, Award

winning Mezzo Soprano Kathryn Rudge &

Baritone Daniel Shelvey plus the world’s

rst girl opera trio MILAN.

The concert will include favourite classics

such as Nessun Dorma, Habanera, Time

to say goodbye, plus many many more,

with a grand nale in the style of the

“Proms” with rousing sing along songs

such as Land of Hope and Glory & Rule


Gates open at 5pm and the concert

begins at 6pm Tickets are £20 andavailable from Lynne Hamilton Tel: 666

0362 /0361 or Oxton Cricket Club. You

can also book on line at www.echoarena.

com Proceeds from this event are going

towards Age Concern Wirral Dementia

Wing Appeal Charity number 1034510 &

Oxton cricket Club

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WEST Kirby is the location for a new lm!Local actor and director Robert Rae-Lewis has just

nished his rst short lm Judas Kiss, which is set in the

North West and shot in West Kirby and surrounding areas.

The lm is 30 minutes long and is based around two

central characters, the ght for revenge and authority

develops as you discover the links and the past of both

characters.Robert said: “This project had no funding and little

budget. We used local businesses for locations, if it

wasn’t for their support it would not have been possible to


“It is a ctional piece aimed for lm festivals across the

robet makes movie ebut

with tale o evenge

Actor goes behind the came

globe, It has been submitted to the Los Angeles lm fest, and Edinburgh Film Fest

where at the moment it is in consideration status.

“We have been working on this project for almost a year now and I would like to thank

all that have made this possible, foremost Iain Cash (director of photography, editor)

Paul Spieght (sound, set designer) Kieron Green, Sarah Scherer(principal cast) Melfyn

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era for lm set in West Kirby

and Janet Lewis for there unconditional

support, and my loving wife and daughter 

Michelle and Morgan Rae-Lewis withoutwhom this would have never become


The story centres around Jason Townsend

a club owner in the North West who

decides to take the law into his own hands

after his young sister was kidnapped,

raped and tortured. Twenty years later he

seeks revenge by targeting convicted sex

offenders and making their life hell by forcing them to ght for there survival secretly

under the very club he runs. Police have been investigating the disappearance of the victims for some time, however have not gained any real leads due to the lack of 

evidence left at the scenes. To help the investigation along the leading detective on

the case is joined by a newly graduated criminal psychologist (Caroline Shaw) who’s

presence starts to unravel the mystery.

Robert, who live on Greenbank Road, has been acting on and off for the last 10


Through his previous experience on sets, and the lack of work out there at the

moment he thought he decided to move from in front of to behind the camera.

The 29-year-old, who has appeared in a number of TV dramas, added: “I hope

this will act as a showreel for both myself and all others involved, in order to gainmainstream representation and further my career.

“Once it has done the

lm festivals i am hoping

to screen a premier for 

local press and all the cast


Top left: RobertRae Lewis and

scenes from the


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22 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What’s green and white and bounces? A spring onion


Te Barn, Sandeld Farm

Chester Road, Bridge rafordChester, CH2 4JR el 01244 303100


Imagine this……a unique 400-year-oldconverted dairy arm set in open Cheshirecountryside overlooking rolling elds.

Inside an impressive and respectul renovationresulting in a beautiul interior lled withcharacter. With an emphasis on inormality ina relaxing atmosphere.

Te Barn Cheshire is a chic romantic wedding

venue with a diference.o arrange a viewing please call 01244 303100

A perfect setting for the most perfect day

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West Coast magazine May 2010 23

What’s big and red and sits in the corner? A naughty bus

Restaurant & Bar 

The perfect venue, with space to think & peace to focus

Visit www.thebarncheshire.co.uk for more information or to see a sample menu

To make a reservation call 01244 303100

THE award-winning Barn restaurant offers its customersvariety with an a la carte menu which changes onaverage every 3-4 weeks in keeping with the season and

local produce available.

Customers can also enjoy The Barn’s beautifulsurroundings over lunch with a selection of lighter bites,sandwiches and a ne selection of casks and continental

beers and wines.

The Sunday lunch menu is available from 12noon-6pm,

two courses for £15.95 or three courses for £19.95

Our Special Menu is served Mon-Fri 12noon-2pm and5-7pm: two courses for £15.95 or three courses for £19.95

We also do wine tasting nights and champagne nightsonce a month. On Friday and Saturday there is liveentertainment and a magician.

The Barn is situated on Chester Road, Bridge Trafford, justve miles outside Chester city centre

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Where do monkeys like to do their shopping? At a jungle sale

West Coast magazine May 2010 25

Angela Bartlett is a beauty and

holistic expert with 25 years of 

experience in her eld. She is the

Chair for the British Association of 

Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology, a

professional association established

over 30 years ago and representing

thousands of therapists throughout

the UK.

Her expertise is called on

to examine students for aninternational examination board in

many areas of the world. Angela

is also part of the HABIA forum,

helping to make decisions for 

qualications and standards in the

UK beauty industry.

Angela is a successful column

writer for the trade journals Vitality

and Salonfocus and has a beauty,holistic and skin care clinic.

Q. There are so many different hair removal methods now

claiming different benets that I am really confused. Can

you tell me which methods are permanent and which are


A. The only permanent method of hair removal is electrolysis

of which there are several types: short wave diathermy,

galvanic electrolysis (no longer used) and the Blend method,

which combines the rst two methods. However, the

effectiveness of electrolysis is very dependent on a variety of 

factors. The procedure is very ne and requires a keen eye,

steady hand and a well trained and experienced operator for electrolysis to be truly effective. It is most suited to

smaller areas of hair growth such as upper lip, chin,

sides of face, bikini line area etc.

Laser and IPL (intense pulsed light) are better 

described as ‘long term hair management systems’

and so are not permanent but can offer an

effective, longer term solution to larger areas of hair 

growth such as arms and legs. Laser and IPL are

most suited to clients with dark hair and pale skin,

they are not effective on white or grey hair and are

best avoided for darker skin types as there is an

increased risk of skin pigmentation. Effectiveness

of equipment varies greatly so ensure you do your 


All other methods of hair removal which include

waxing, sugaring, threading and tweezing are

all ‘plucking methods’ and are semi-permanent

methods of hair removal and can only be sold

as such. Claims that these methods reducehair growth is purely anecdotal, although some

clients do experience a reduction in hair growth

with repeated hair removal, but this cannot be


It is worth mentioning that the effectiveness of 

all the methods of hair removal mentioned above

will vary considerably depending on the type of 

equipment used, your genetic predisposition to hair 

growth, your medical history and the skill of the

operator. For all methods of hair removal choose

an operator that you can trust.

HEALTH AND BEAUTYwith Angela Bartlett

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How do you get two whales in a car? Over the River Dee







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    E    N    T    E    r    T    A    I    N    M    E    N    T


Hardback Fiction: Solar – Ian McEwan

The latest offering from a master of modern ction. The main

protagonist is Michael Beard, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist,

whose track record in the matrimonial eld leaves much to

be desired. When, through a chance event, his professional

and personal worlds come together he is presented with the

opportunity to get himself out of a marital mess, get his career 

back on track and save the world from environmental disaster all in

one fell swoop. Set in London, the Arctic Circle and New Mexico,the book is full of funny (at some points even slapstick) moments, yet manages

to be serious at the same time with much to say about global problems and the

inherent greed of the human race. More of the style of Saturday than Chesil Beach,

this is another helping of the supremely self-assured writing we have come to

expect from Ian McEwan.

Non-fction: Howards End is on the Landing- Susan Hill

If, like me, you are a fanatical bookworm then this is something you mustn’t miss.

While searching for a lost novel in her Gloucestershire farmhouse

Susan Hill came across so many books that she had never reador had forgotten she owned that she decided to take a whole year 

out of her life to get to know her own collection again. The result

is this little jewel of a memoir which takes us on a whistle-stop

tour through a huge range of much loved authors and their work,

reminding us of past reading and immersing us in a warm bath of 

literary memories. The book itself is a delight to own, hard-backed

with a charming dust-jacket and the sort of size and shape which is

a joy to hold. Buy it, booklovers, and you’ll know what I mean.

Travel: 52 weekends by the Sea- Brigid Benson and Craig EastonThis is a lovely travel book, and not just because the Wirral in general and

Linghams in particular get a special mention(p.100)! Marvellously

illustrated with loads of beautiful colour photographs, it takes us

through 52 different coastal beauty spots with potted histories, guided

walks, great places to eat/ drink, suggestions of where to stay and

buildings of special interest. The author and photographer are local;

add to that a foreword by the legendary seafood cook, Rick Stein, and

you have a very special book. Great present-giving possibilities.




26 To avetise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkibylocal.com

What’s green and misty? Kermit the Fog 


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27    E

    N    T    E    r    T    A    I    N    M    E    N    T

WHAT’S ON IN MayWest Coast magazine May 2010 27

Where do you go to weigh a pie? Somewhere over the rainbow 

Monday, 3rd May

The Ashton Park May Fair, West Kirby’s family event of the year!! Visit the marquee

at the Ashton Park May Fair - an event featuring fairground attractions, stalls, bellydancers, singers, pony rides and plant sales set against the beauty of Ashton Park.

St Bridget’s Church with its Viking hog back stone and the Charles Dawson Brown

Museum will also be open. Call Dave Wade on 625 6184. Time: 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 4th - Saturday 8th May

Once Upon A Time At The Adelphi, performed by West Kirby Light Opera Society. The

society returns to the Floral Pavilion, New Brighton, with a spectacular musical about

the glory days of Liverpool’s legendary Adelphi Hotel. The show follows the fortunes of 

some of the hotel staff as they meet millionaires and movie stars in a toe-tapping, feel-

good show for all the family.

 Wednesday 5th May

Heather Chapman will give a talk on ‘Old West Kirby’, 7.30pm, in St Bridget’s Church.

£5 admission on the door. Local historian and postcard collector, Heather Chapman

takes us on an illustrated tour of old West Kirby and its buildings reminding us of the

history of the Old Village and the development of the town and its unique character.

Friday 7th - Sunday 9th May

The British Open Team Racing Trophy, The Wilson Trophy international dinghy racing

on the Marine Lake, West Kirby. Details (0151) 625 5579. www.wksc.net

Sunday, 9th May

Afternoon Concert with Wirral Winds at St Bridget’s Community Centre, from 2.30pm.A relaxing afternoon with music ranging from Mozart to Johan Strauss, Cole Porter to

Rodgers and Hammerstein. Tickets available from Pipedreams, Banks Road, West

Kirby, Martin Harrison on 625-8535 or on the door.

Tuesday 11th May 

Susan Craggs will talk about “The Wildlife of Hoylake & West Kirby” at the next meeting

of the Hoylake, West Kirby & District Civic Society, at the United Reformed Church,

Meols Drive, West Kirby, at 7.30pm. New members and visitors welcome.

Friday 28th-Sunday 30th May

Sunset Festival, at Whites Farm, Thurstaston, featuring the likes of Tinchy Stryder,

Wiley and Example.

Monday 31st May

Friends of Coronation Gardens in West Kirby are hosting a Spring Fair / Art Exhibition

on Monday 31st May from 10.30am - 3.30pm. The event will be particularly colourful

this year as we are combining the Fair with a display of work by local artists in “the

ovens” (recessed shelters off the Prom.). Organisers are including games and fun

stalls to attract children and hope that many families will bring picnics. Admission free.

Contact Peter Ryan on 625 5158

 Wednesday 2nd June

Ashton Park: From Meadow to Urban Park – a talk by Martin Harrison, from the Friendsof Ashton Park, at 7.30pm. £5 admission on the door.

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    U    S    E    F    U    L    N    U    M    B    E    r    S



Chuch o the resuection an All

Saints, Caly; St Biget’s Chuch

 Tel 0151 625 5229.


St Agnes rC Chuch

16 Darmon’s Green, WK, 0151 625 6367

West Kiby Methoist Chuch

Westbourne Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 2776

West Kiby Unite reome Chuch

Meols Drive, West Kirby. Tel 632 6921

St Anew’s Chuch

Graham Road, West Kirby 632 4728.


Community Centes

Hoylake Community Cente, 2 Hoyle

Road, Hoylake, CH47 3AG. Tel 632 2889

Email: [email protected]

W: www.hoylakecommunitycentre.org


Spingel dental PacticeFrankby Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 6675.

Banks House dental Pactice

143 Banks Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 6829.


West Kiby Health Cente 

 The Concourse, Grange Road, West Kirby.

 Tel: 625 9171 www.wkhcwirral.nhs.uk 

Sanstone Meical Cente

161 Banks Road, West Kirby.

 Tel : 625 6128


Aowe Pak Hospital

Arrowe Park Road, Upton. Tel 678 5111

Hoylake Cottage resiential Home

Birkenhead Road, Hoylake. Tel 632 3381

Leisue Cente

West Kirby Concourse, includes 25m pool,

sports hall, tness suite, aerobics studio,

unction rooms and crèche. Tel 929 7801


Wilsons Chemist, 17 The Crescent, West

Kirby. Tel: 625 6115

Lloyds Pharmacy, 35 Grange Road, West

Kirby. Tel 625 1034


999 Emergency. I you wish to contact

Merseyside Police regarding any other non

emergency issue please Telephone - 709

6010 or visit www.merseyside.police.uk 


West Kiby Maine Lake Tel 625 2510

Wial County Pak 

 Thurstaston. Tel 648 4371


Acon Veteinay Cente

15-17-Acacia Grove, West Kirby.

Tel 625 9916

Wial Council

General Enquiries (Switchboard): 0151 6062000 or visit www.wirral.gov.uk 


Local Councillos

Cll davi M Eleton

(Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston)

 Tel: 632 3195. Email: davidelderton@wirral.


Cll Jef Geen

(Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston)

 Tel: 648 5913 / Mobile: 07766 725 125.

Email: [email protected] 

Cll Geofey Watt

(Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston)

 Tel: 625 3941. Email: georeywatt@wirral.



Black Hose Hill Inant School

Saughall Massie Road West Kirby, 625

5238, E-mail: [email protected] 

Useul numbes an ino

What’s the rst sign of madness? Suggs walking up your driveway 

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Black Hose Hill Junio School

Saughall Massie Road. West Kirby, 625 8446

E-mail: [email protected] 

Calay Gange Gamma School, Grammar

School Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 2727

Email: [email protected] 

Hilbe High School Humanities College

Frankby Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 5996

West Kiby Pimay School & Nusey

Anglesey Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 5561 or

visit www.westkirby-primary.wirral.sch.uk 

West Kiby Gamma School

Graham Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 3449. Visitwww.westkirby-grammar.wirral.sch.uk/

West Kiby resiential School

Meols Drive, West Kirby. Tel 632 3201

St. Bigets School

St. Bridgets Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 7652.

E-mail - [email protected] 

Clubs an Societiesdee Sailing Club

Station Road, Thurstaston. Tel 648 2300Caly Gol Club

Links Hey Road, Caldy. Tel 625 5660

Caly Cicket Club

Paton Field, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston. Tel

6258043. E-mail: [email protected] 

Calay Gange Swimming Pool Tust

 Tel Jean Robb / Hillary 625 2619

Caly rugby Club

 Tel: 0151 625 8043 or visitwww.caldyrugby.co.uk 

Gymnastics Club

(West Kirby). Tel 670 0694 or visit


Hoylake Lawn Tennis Club

Eddisbury Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 3491

rotay Club o Hoylake & West Kiby

 Tel 625 1361

Senio Swimmes

Open to anyone over 50, or “serious “ or

light exercise, at Calday Grange Swimming

Pool every Friday morning Tel. 342 3703

Sooptimist Intenational o Hoylake an

West Kiby Tel 632 4602

West Kiby Family Histoy

Meetings held most Wednesdays at

Westbourne Hall, Westbourne Road, West

Kirby at 2pm.

West Kiby Football Club

Greenbank Road, West Kirby.

Visit www.westkirbyc.org

West Kiby Sailing Club

Sandy Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 5579 or visitwww.wksc.net

West Kiby Social Club

98 Banks Road, West Kirby. Tel: 625 0116

or visit www.westkirbysocialclub.co.uk 

West Kiby Wasps Junio FC


West Kiby Lions Club


West Kiby Panthes Junio FCCalday Grange Grammar School,

www.westkirbypanthers.com Tel 625 0116

If you would like your community group, sportsclub or society mentioned in West Coast

magazine please email [email protected]

What’s the opposite of omniscient? I don’t know 

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What kind of bee makes milk? A boo-bee








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