West Chester Fish News & Views

News & Views March 2014 West Chester Fish Game & Wildlife Association Events Calendar March 22, 2014 Trout Stocking- West Valley Creek March 29, 2014 Regional Opening Day of Trout Season April 11, 2014 Trout Stocking-West Valley Creek April 12, 2014 Annual "Chip Gibson" Memorial Trout Rodeo May 9, 2014 Trout Stocking-West Valley Creek May 10, 2014 Trout Rodeo Mentored Youth Trout Day June 21, 2014 Bass Rodeo July 19, 2014 Hunter Safety Class September 13, 2014 Stream Improvement Day Glade Squires Honored at Annual Meeting Glade Squires, most recent past- President of our organization, was honored with a plaque by past-President John Johnson at the Annual Membership Meeting in Febru- ary. Glade will remain active in the Club, con- tinuing to serve on the Executive Committee. We all wish to thank him for his hard work, dedication and excellent leadership during his term as our President. Members also voted to fill a full slate of positions at the meeting. The following of- fices were up for election this year: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Also up for election were five Executive Committee seats and two Junior Executive Committee seats. These positions were filled by the following members: Officers for the 2014-2015 term: President Gary Dunn Secretary George Poole Vice President Larry Athens Treasurer Bernie McGovern Executive Committee for 2014-2015 term: Gary Dunn Don Finn John Johnson Mark Kershaw (Jr. Mem.) Bernie McGovern George Poole Liz Rutter Glade Squires Arlene Stewart Fletcher Swanson Rick Waltz Sr. Ricky Waltz Jr. (Jr. Mem.) Larry Startzell Honored Larry Startzell was honored for his 35 years of con- tinuous service as a Hunter Safety Instructor. Keith Mullin, Wildlife Conservation Officer, the Pennsylvania Game Com- mission, presented Larry with an award at the Hunter Safety School held at the beginning of March. Larry is an avid sportsman and a past president of the West Chester Fish Game and Wildlife Association. Our congratulations go out to Larry for his dedication and service, passing on his knowledge and experience of hunting and the outdoors to the next generation of sportsmen and women. If you are interested in becoming a Hunter Safety Instructor like Larry, more information is available at the Pennsylvania Game Commission website at www.pgc.state.pa.us. Glade Squires (left) with John Johnson Inside this issue: Treasurer’s Report Thoughts From the 2 2 Nursery Report Fish Stocking Dates Let’s Go Fishing 3 3 3 Blue Birds 4 Kids in the Wild 7 Our Sponsors 8 Upcoming Events 8

Transcript of West Chester Fish News & Views

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News & Views March 2014

West Chester Fish Game & Wildlife


Events Calendar

March 22, 2014

Trout Stocking-

West Valley Creek

March 29, 2014

Regional Opening Day

of Trout Season

April 11, 2014

Trout Stocking-West

Valley Creek

April 12, 2014

Annual "Chip Gibson"

Memorial Trout Rodeo

May 9, 2014

Trout Stocking-West

Valley Creek

May 10, 2014

Trout Rodeo

Mentored Youth Trout


June 21, 2014

Bass Rodeo

July 19, 2014

Hunter Safety Class

September 13, 2014

Stream Improvement


Glade Squires Honored at Annual Meeting Glade Squires, most recent past-

President of our organization, was honored

with a plaque by past-President John Johnson

at the Annual Membership Meeting in Febru-

ary. Glade will remain active in the Club, con-

tinuing to serve on the Executive Committee.

We all wish to thank him for his hard work,

dedication and excellent leadership during his

term as our President.

Members also voted to fill a full slate

of positions at the meeting. The following of-

fices were up for election this year: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Also up for election were five Executive Committee seats and two Junior Executive

Committee seats. These positions were filled by the following members:

Officers for the 2014-2015 term:

President Gary Dunn Secretary George Poole

Vice President Larry Athens Treasurer Bernie McGovern

Executive Committee for 2014-2015 term:

Gary Dunn

Don Finn

John Johnson

Mark Kershaw (Jr. Mem.)

Bernie McGovern

George Poole

Liz Rutter

Glade Squires

Arlene Stewart

Fletcher Swanson

Rick Waltz Sr.

Ricky Waltz Jr. (Jr. Mem.)

Larry Startzell Honored

Larry Startzell was honored for his 35 years of con-

tinuous service as a Hunter Safety Instructor. Keith Mullin,

Wildlife Conservation Officer, the Pennsylvania Game Com-

mission, presented Larry with an award at the Hunter Safety

School held at the beginning of March.

Larry is an avid sportsman and a past president of

the West Chester Fish Game and Wildlife Association. Our

congratulations go out to Larry for his dedication and service,

passing on his knowledge and experience of hunting and the

outdoors to the next generation of sportsmen and women.

If you are interested in becoming a Hunter Safety Instructor like Larry, more

information is available at the Pennsylvania Game Commission website at


Glade Squires (left) with John Johnson

Inside this issue:

Treasurer’s Report

Thoughts From the



Nursery Report

Fish Stocking Dates

Let’s Go Fishing

3 3 3

Blue Birds 4

Kids in the Wild 7

Our Sponsors 8

Upcoming Events 8

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Treasurer’s Report

By Bernie McGovern

Financial Status as of

March 10, 2014

Income YTD $595

Expenses YTD $309

Checking $9,247

CD Savings 12,515

Savings $5,689

Life Savings 6,922

WCFG&WA Officers


President—Gary Dunn

Vice President—Larry Athens

Secretary—George Poole

Treasurer—Bernie McGovern

Exec. Committee 2014-15

Larry Athens, Gary Dunn, Don

Finn, John Johnson, Mark

Kershaw (Jr. Mem.), Bernie

McGovern, George Poole, Liz

Rutter, Glade Squires, Arlene

Stewart, Fletcher Swanson,

Rick Waltz, Sr., Ricky Waltz,

Jr. (Jr. Mem.)

Exec. Committee 2013-14

Deborah Athens, Mike Colley,

Matthew Estberg, Steve

Estberg, Andy Madsen, A. J.

Miller, Jim Semetti

Turn In A Poacher Or


Call W.C.O. Bob Bonney


Thoughts from the President by Gary Dunn

In many regards an organization is very much like a classic car. In both cases it

requires a drive train, a spark of energy, regular maintenance and fuel to keep it running


In our case the ‘Drive Train’ is the officers and board members who continual-

ly give their time and expertise. The ‘Spark of Energy’ comes from the members and

volunteers who faithfully come out to participate in our many projects throughout the

year. The ‘maintenance and fuel’ comes from our many business partners who donate

goods and services for the kids at our fishing rodeos and for our raffle prizes that help

generate revenue to keep things running.

Last, but not least, is the need for a place to keep the ‘vehicle’. In our case this

place is provided by our unique relationship with Paradise Farm Camp where our

nursery is located and many of our events take place.

It is for all of the above that I wish to thank everyone involved in this endeavor

and to ask for your continued support, physically, mentally and monetarily to make

2014 a great and memorable year for the West Chester Fish Game & Wildlife Associa-


Become a member if you are not already one.

Thanks again to you all,

Gary Dunn, President WCFGWA

Volunteers Wanted!

Yes, we want you. If you have an interest in becom-

ing more involved in the Club, we have opportunities

for you.

Nursery Committee: We can always use more

fish feeders.

Stocking Committee: Stocking season is upon us

and help is appreciated.

Stream Improvement Projects: We can never have

too many workers at these events. Check the

schedule of work days at the website

www.wcfgwa.org in the "Calendar" section.

Trout and Bass Rodeos: Come help make these days to remember for the youth

who participate by helping them learn how to fish.

Hunter Safety: We need people who are trained instructors as well as members

who are willing to become trained as instructors.

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these activities, please contact us at

[email protected] and the appropriate person will respond to you.

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Nursery Report by Mike Colley Now that winter is upon us all is very cold but well at the nursery with excellent wa-

ter flow and no ice forming inside the holding pens. The extremely cold weather does cause

the fish to stop feeding since the water temperatures are often in the 30’s and they cannot

digest food as well due to their slowed metabolic rate. Other than reducing their growth rate,

this does not cause problems for the fish.

We received a request from Brandywine Trout Club for 5 bags of trout food since

they were running short of food for their fish. I delivered the requested food which will be

replaced or paid for by their organization later this spring.

Finally, I would like to offer special thanks to all of you on my feeding team that

volunteer for the twice daily fish feeding through these unusually persistent adverse weather


Fish Stocking at West Valley Creek

The WCFGWA will stock the West Valley Creek with fish from our nursery on the following dates:

Saturday, March 22nd at 10:00 a.m.

Friday, April 11th at 6:00 p.m.

Friday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m.

Additional dates could be added if necessary. Volunteers are most welcome. You will need boots and must be

able to carry buckets of trout that can weigh up to 35 pounds. Children are welcome to come and watch, but must stay

on the sidelines. Our nursery is located on the Paradise Farm Camp property at:

1300 Valley Creek Road,

Downingtown, PA 19335

If you would like to volunteer contact us at [email protected].

Let’s Go Fishing!

This year, we are again holding three Youth Fishing Days for those 15

years of age and younger.

Annual “Chip Gibson” Memorial Trout Rodeo - April 12th

Trout Rodeo -May 10th

Bass Rodeo—June 21st

These are all open to the public and families are welcome, so please let

friends and neighbors know the dates for these events. Our nursery is located on the Paradise Farm Camp property at:

1300 Valley Creek Road

Downingtown, PA 19335

See our web page for more information - http://wcfgwa.org

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Bluebirds By Debbie Athens

The bluebird carries the sky on his back.

Henry David Thoreau

Though it may seem hard to believe, spring is upon us. For most of us, the greater

amount of sunshine and warmer temperatures cannot come too soon. And so it is

with our feathered friends who will shortly be on the lookout for the perfect place to

build a nest. Over the past decades, modernization, housing, industrialization, and

general urban sprawl have led to more and more habitat loss for the wonderful native

creatures that also share the area where we live. Bluebirds are some beautiful neigh-

bors to contemplate at this time of year. Their extraordinary color is a feast for the

eyes and because they feed mainly on insects, they are good friends to welcome into

your garden. Unfortunately, because of habitat loss and the introduction of non-

native species such as English sparrows and starlings that are more aggressive, blue-

bird populations have been in decline. This is where we come in. Consider con-

structing one or more bluebird houses to entice these exquisite birds into your yard

or to share with a friend for their yard .The houses are simple to make and are readi-

ly accepted by bluebirds. The full instructions are included in this newsletter and can

also be printed from our website at www.wcfgwa.org under Newsletters. We want to

remind everyone that “WILDLIFE” is part of our organization’s name. Here are a

few additional tips to help guarantee your success.

Cedar and redwood are ideal materials, although other types of wood can be used. Just don’t use treated lumber.

Do not use a perch.

The entrance hole should be 1 ½” diameter.

Avoid mounting your bluebird house to a fencepost or tree that can be easily accessed by raccoons; instead con-

sider using a smooth, round piece of pipe.

Mount bluebird houses so that the entrance is approximately 5 feet above the ground.

Houses should be spaced 100 to 150 yards apart, since bluebirds are territorial.

Bluebirds usually nest in late March or early April, so have your new bluebird house placed (or old ones cleaned

out) by mid-March.

Bluebirds usually have two broods a year, so remove the old nest after the first brood has fledged to ready the

box for a second brood.

If you are closely monitoring your bluebird house, remove house sparrow nests immediately. Bluebird nests are

cup-shaped and made of fine grasses with occasional pine needles and have 4-5 (or up to 7) light blue (but occa-

sionally white) eggs. House sparrow nests are canopy-style and made of course grass, feathers, and trash with 5-6

gray-white eggs speckled with dark brown.

I hope you enjoy watching bluebirds in your yard as much as I do in mine.

Photo courtesy Jake Dingel, PGC

The full scale drawings are also available on our website at www.wcfgwa.org under Newsletters.

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Kids in the Wild

We want to hear about your adventures fishing, hunting and wildlife watching! So please email your stories and

pictures to News & Views at [email protected] and receive an official WCFGWA T-shirt!

Once In A Lifetime Buck by Nick Hogg

It was Saturday October 26, 2013 and the pre-rut activity

was going strong. I was looking forward to hunting with my Dad

and some of our friends in Southern Chester county. There was

light frost, no wind and temps. in the low 30’s.

About mid morning we saw a buck slowly moving to an

opening at about 45 yards. We initially thought it was a 6 or 8

point; it didn't seem big as we were concentrating to get a

shot. The buck paused at the opening for a few minutes, which

seemed like an hour. I told Dad I couldn't get a clear shot, but

then the buck took several steps and it looked like he turned

broadside. I pulled the trigger on the crossbow and the buck took-

off, with the common tail-down sign of a hit. I thought I saw the

arrow hit back a little, but I wasn’t certain. The buck had headed

downhill, toward the creek, we followed the trail down a walking-

path heading downstream for few hundred yards. Suddenly, the buck jumped-up and ran about 80 yards and

crashed. We inched ahead and the buck took one last run, down into the creek. We worked our way down and

pulled him out. We couldn’t believe how big it was. We recovered the arrow with the buck in the creek.

The rack has ten points, a 21 inch inside spread and the weight-estimation tape wrapped tightly around the

chest indicated a 204 pound live-weight. The buck had corn, grass and acorns in its stomach. My Dad says it was a

once in a lifetime buck. He's now got a spot on the wall in my room.

Nick Hogg is 12 years old, and is currently a 6th grade student at Collegium Charter School.

Duck Hunting by Colin Finn

Over Christmas break I went to North Carolina to go duck hunting with my

uncle. According to all the people in North Carolina, they said the ducking hunting

was bad. But as far as I could tell,

there were a lot of ducks. The

weather was nice, about 50 degrees

and sunny.

One day we did get a little

bit of rain but that was it. My uncle

and I, not having the best shot,

missed just about every shot. But we

did get a total of 3 ducks in 3 days

which I thought was good especially since I've never been duck hunt-

ing before. I go deer hunting about two or three times a week, but

duck hunting is a totally different experience. If you hunt but have never gone duck hunting you have to try it.

Colin Finn is 16 years old, and is currently a 10th grade student at Henderson High School.

Decoys and ducks on the Core Sound

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West Chester Fish Game & Wildlife Association

P.O. Box 511

West Chester, PA 19381-0511

Upcoming Events

Executive Committee meets the second Monday of each month at the East Bradford Township Building.

March 29, 2014 Regional Opening Day of Trout


April 11, 2014 Trout Stocking

April 12, 2014 Annual "Chip Gibson" Memorial-

Trout Rodeo

May 10, 2014 Trout Rodeo

Mentored Youth Trout Day

June 21, 2014 Bass Rodeo

Please remember to send your email to:

[email protected]

West Chester Fish, Game & Wildlife Association

Membership Application


Full Name (Please Print Clearly) □ New □Renewal

_____________________________________ □ Regular $25.00


_____________________________________ □ Family $30.00

City, State, Zip:

_____________________________________ □ Junior $10.00

Telephone No.:

_____________________________________ □ Life $250.00

E-Mail Address:

______________________________________ □ Donation $______

Make your check payable to:

West Chester Fish, Game & Wildlife Association

P.O. Box 511 West Chester, PA 19381-0511

Gordon’s Sports Supply 129 Pottstown Pike

Chester Springs, PA 19425 Phone: 610-458-5153