Wescott Williams Date: 24 th June 2010 How are your peers using Employee Engagement initiatives to...

Wescott Williams Date: 24 th June 2010 How are your peers using Employee Engagement initiatives to make a measurable difference to the bottom line of their organisations? Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Transcript of Wescott Williams Date: 24 th June 2010 How are your peers using Employee Engagement initiatives to...

Wescott WilliamsDate: 24th June 2010

How are your peers using Employee Engagement initiatives to make a measurable difference to the bottom line of their organisations?

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Colin Williams

Founder & Managing Director

Wescott Williams

Engaging for Success – A report for Government (2009)

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?


Major H.R. and workforce challenges for 2010 identified as:

• Engagement (68%)

• Succession Planning (53%)

• Talent Development (42%)

Employee Engagement is Number One HR & Workforce Challenge

Kings College – State of Human Resources Survey 2010

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?


• “A set of positive attitudes and behaviours enabling high job performance of a kind which are in tune with the organisation’s mission.” Prof John Storey

• “It is about creating an environment where employees are motivated to want to connect with their work and really care about doing a good job.” Prof Katie Truss

• “An engaged employee is aware of the business context and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organisation. The organisation must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two way relationship between employee and employer.”Institute of Employment Studies

Engaging for Success – A report for Government (2009)

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Engaging for Success (2009) – Government Report

• Engaged employees in the UK take an average of 2.69 sick days per year; disengaged employees take 6.19

• 70% of engaged employees say they have a good understanding of how to meet customer needs; only 17% of disengaged employees say the same

• Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave the organisation than disengaged employees

• 67% of engaged employees advocate their organisation – compared to only 3% of disengaged employees

• 78% of engaged employees would recommend their company’s products or services – compared to only 13% of disengaged employees

Engaging for Success – A report for Government (2009)

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Employee Engagement… What Are The Questions?

• “Why is it that all of a sudden Employee Engagement seems to be such a hot topic in business?”

• “I have read the reports about the added value Employee Engagement can bring but still cannot get it to the top of the agenda in our company”

• “It all seems so complex, what are the main things I need to focus on to get results?”

• “How do I realistically measure the impact of Employee Engagement?”

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Jonathan Winter


Career Innovation

Engaging for Success – A report for Government (2009)

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Research by

• Retention – The Conversation Gap• International working - Riding the Wave • Motivation – Inspiration at Work• Entrepreneurship – ePeople• New career deals – Manifesto• Technology – The Digital Generation

Dan Pink

• Autonomy• Mastery• Purpose

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

“Don’t focus on personal issues or anything that is not entirely related to performance. A leader should never

cross the line.”

Survey respondent, The Conversation Gap

“In my conversations I don’t just talk about business but also stimulate people to talk about themselves.

People leave inspired … the message is… my success is his or her success.”

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Survey respondent, The Conversation Gap



Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Lesley Allman

Founder & Managing Director

Allman Communication

Engaging for Success – A report for Government (2009)

Engaging for Success – A report for Government (2009)

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

What are the most critical enablers of EE?

• Leadership

• Engaging Managers

• Voice

• Integrity

• What is leadership?

• Whose role is it?

• What is expected of leadership?

• How well are your leaders doing?

“Leaders must provide a strong narrative, be clear and open about the vision of the company.”

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Following the leader?

• What is the role of line managers?

• Do they know what is expected of them?

• Are they capable of delivering?

• Is the organisation providing development and support?

“The employees most important relationship at work is with their line manager. Managers must be seen to be engaged

and committed to the organisation.”

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

How do you engage managers?

• How good is your employee communication?

• Whose job is it? Do they know? Can they do it?

• What is the balance between telling and listening/involving?

• Do you measure its effectiveness?

“Communications must not be seen as one-way but two-way where managers facilitate feedback and opinion from


Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Have you found your voice?

Level of involvement






business need or strategy

people take the right action

I know what matters

It really makes sense to me

I want to play a part

I am doing my bit


Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Voice – Informed or Engaged?


• Are your leadership behaviours / company values defined?

• Are your leaders / line managers walking the talk?

• What might impact this (positively or negatively)?

• How are positive behaviours recognised and rewarded?

“Behaviours must be consistent with values.”

Employee Engagement – what is it worth?

Acting with integrity?