
We’ve all been in situations where we’ve felt fidgety or restless, but when do we know if we’re simply acting on our natural biological urges or if we have ADHD? By examining “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What It Is and What It Is Not” by Wright, we able to draw the conclusion that ADHD is, in fact, a real disorder. First, one of Wright’s main arguments is that ADHD is a “fad” diagnosis. He believes that ADHD is being commercialized, and it will soon fade out of existence just like how Minimal Brain Syndrome (MBS) is now grouped in with ADHD. I believe that with the progression of science comes a changing of terminology and how we look at certain diagnoses. Even if MBS was commonly-diagnosed syndrome, research has shown that now MBS is a part of ADHD. It is just now known that there is more to MBS than we thought, so here comes ADHD. Maybe in a decade, ADHD will become known as ADPOX. If the name were to warp, that still doesn’t make everyone who was diagnosed with ADHD a “fad” diagnosis. That



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Weve all been in situations where weve felt fidgety or restless, but when do we know if were simply acting on our natural biological urges or if we have ADHD? By examining Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What It Is and What It Is Not by Wright, we able to draw the conclusion that ADHD is, in fact, a real disorder.First, one of Wrights main arguments is that ADHD is a fad diagnosis. He believes that ADHD is being commercialized, and it will soon fade out of existence just like how Minimal Brain Syndrome (MBS) is now grouped in with ADHD. I believe that with the progression of science comes a changing of terminology and how we look at certain diagnoses. Even if MBS was commonly-diagnosed syndrome, research has shown that now MBS is a part of ADHD. It is just now known that there is more to MBS than we thought, so here comes ADHD. Maybe in a decade, ADHD will become known as ADPOX. If the name were to warp, that still doesnt make everyone who was diagnosed with ADHD a fad diagnosis. That would only mean ADHD was real, but we just discovered more about it.The NIMH states that it is difficult to diagnosis a child with ADHD. This is due to the broad nature of the symptoms. Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are all symptoms that humans experience. Its this fact that makes it difficult to diagnose ADHD. For this they go through a series of examinations and check-ups by certified professionals. Wright states that we must have more than one specialist look at a child to determine what is the actual psychological problem with the child. While this is a great idea, it does not take away from the fact that a child can still be diagnosed with ADHD. Wright is confident that those with psychological issues who receive treatment from multiple specialists will receive medicine quite different from that which would be given to an ADHD patient. He says, More often than not, if medication is indicated, it will be of a type quite different than what is used in the management of so-called ADHD. Yet he provides no evidence of this fact, merely his word that any person evaluated multiple times would not have ADHD.The last reason ADHD is a real disorder is because the medication works. While there are situations in which the medication does not help, possibly due to a misdiagnosis, there are definitely examples in which ADHD is subdued by medication the patients are taking. The NIMH states an MTA (Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in which 579 students were included. The results showed that students who were treated with the medication showed better results than those treated without medication. If the diagnosis and treatment both match and seem to have effectiveness when the treatment/medication is administered, then it should mean that ADHD is being treated, and if ADHD is being treated, and the medicine is prescribed to treat ADHD, then the conclusion can be drawn that ADHD is a real disorder that can and should be treated.In conclusion, ADHD is a real disorder that has effective treatment options. Wright doesnt state much to discredit ADHD, but his words show that ADHD is a difficult disorder to treat, which it is, but that doesnt make it any less real.