Wentzvillewentzvillefirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/NOVEMBER...The two verses WEEKLY NEWSLETTER...

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF WENTZVILLE FIRST ASSEMBLLY OF GOD 117 W ALLEN, WENTZVILLE, MO 63385 (636) 327-4163 WWW.WENTZVILLEFIRST.COM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2016 1 Corinthians 1:5, 7- That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”. “Fall Back” Doesn’t Mean Fall Behind This weekend we were supposed to “fall back” one hour on our clocks to give way to Daylight Savings Time. Did you know that most of Arizona does NOT observe this time change? Neither does Hawaii, and the U.S. territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, America Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Well… Missouri does! In the spring, we move ahead one hour. In the fall, we “fall back” one hour. Let’s take a look at falling back from a biblical perspective. This is NOT about falling away or falling back into sin. The two verses above teach about a church that the Spirit Saying Goodbye to Rev. Hudson, Jr Robert Hudson, son of Rev. Robert & Donna Hudson has gone off and got himself engaged. He and Victoria will be wed July of 2017. He is moving to Dallas to be closer to his fiancé where he has a job and an apartment. We will miss him. One of the important things about Robert is his willingness to do whatever needs to be done. After coming to Wentzville 1 st A/G he took up mowing the grass and playing drums. He also assisted in kids ministry which is where his training is. Pray for him and his soon-to-be bride, Victoria. had very high hopes for. Even though the Corinthian church had its problems, they were not falling back in spiritual gifts. They were not behind any church in any gifts. Take heart! None of us are perfect. To quote Jeremy Rodriguez from Sunday school last week, “we glory in our brokenness to the point of allowing or excusing sin.” Instead, let’s glory in spiritual gifts, being used of God in supernatural ways, DESPITE OUR SETBACKS! Does God want “clean” vessels? Yes, but the Corinthians had their problems, yet they did not “fall back” in gifts. We need to earnestly seek the best gifts! Wentzville first Church Events Nov 6 th -Missions Sunday Nov 9 th Bible Study & Kids Ministry Nov 13 th BGMC Men vs Women Nov 22 nd Wall of Thanks Nov 27 th Children’s Church Dec 8 & 9 th Wise Guys & Starry Skies Dec 18 th S.S. Christmas Parties Dec 25 th Christmas Sunday Worship No Sunday school

Transcript of Wentzvillewentzvillefirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/NOVEMBER...The two verses WEEKLY NEWSLETTER...



1 Corinthians 1:5, 7- “That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all

utterance, and in all knowledge; So that ye come behind in no gift;

waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”.

“Fall Back” Doesn’t Mean Fall Behind

This weekend we were supposed to “fall

back” one hour on our clocks to give way to

Daylight Savings Time. Did you know that

most of Arizona does NOT observe this time

change? Neither does Hawaii, and the U.S.

territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, America

Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Well…

Missouri does!

In the spring, we move ahead one hour. In

the fall, we “fall back” one hour. Let’s take

a look at falling back from a biblical

perspective. This is NOT about falling away

or falling back into sin. The two verses

above teach about a church that the Spirit

Saying Goodbye to Rev. Hudson, Jr Robert Hudson, son of Rev. Robert & Donna Hudson has gone off and got himself engaged. He

and Victoria will be wed July of 2017. He is moving to Dallas to be closer to his fiancé where he

has a job and an apartment. We will miss him. One of the important things about Robert is his

willingness to do whatever needs to be done. After coming to Wentzville 1st A/G he took up

mowing the grass and playing drums. He also assisted in kids ministry which is where his

training is. Pray for him and his soon-to-be bride, Victoria.

had very high hopes for. Even though the

Corinthian church had its problems, they

were not falling back in spiritual gifts. They

were not behind any church in any gifts.

Take heart! None of us are perfect. To quote

Jeremy Rodriguez from Sunday school last

week, “we glory in our brokenness to the

point of allowing or excusing sin.” Instead,

let’s glory in spiritual gifts, being used of

God in supernatural ways, DESPITE OUR

SETBACKS! Does God want “clean”

vessels? Yes, but the Corinthians had their

problems, yet they did not “fall back” in gifts.

We need to earnestly seek the best gifts!

Wentzville first

Church Events

Nov 6th -Missions Sunday

Nov 9th – Bible Study &

Kids Ministry

Nov 13th – BGMC Men vs


Nov 22nd– Wall of Thanks

Nov 27th Children’s Church

Dec 8 & 9th– Wise Guys &

Starry Skies

Dec 18th– S.S. Christmas


Dec 25th – Christmas

Sunday Worship

No Sunday school

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

correction, for instruction in righteousness

2 Timothy 3:16

Mystery Dinner This past Friday, October 28, the youth of Wentzville 1st Assembly of

God had what has become an annual tradition: the Mystery Dinner.

The event was held at the school location, began at 6 pm and did not

end until after 10 pm. It was a lot of fun, not to mention the banquet

they ate. The “mystery” part of the night involved solving what

appeared to be a murder. They dressed up in period costumes to act

out their character. Jeremy was Baron Von Ricky Von Shnell or

David, Karen was his wife, Hester Von Shnell, or Michal. Isaiah

played Gilbert Evian or Jonathan, Marissa was Tico Rico or

Bathsheba, Samantha was Praise or Doeg, Jonathan played J. Bob

“Tennessee” Turner or Samuel, Jenna was Yanka Ivanovich or

Goliath, Joanna was Madam Mimi Bovane or Abigail, Ethan played

Quentin McMarston or Saul, Alex played Pastor McGreedy or

Ahimilech, and Megan was Pinky Hershel or the Ziphites,. The

purpose of the mystery was to focus on the Old Testament characters

of Saul and David, and those who surrounded their lives, for good or

bad. Take a look at some pics.


Wentzville First Assembly of God had a great night on Friday,

November 4, at what has become another annual tradition: the fall

bonfire. The weather was perfect! It wasn’t too hot, and it wasn’t

too cold. The food was perfect! We had chili, hotdogs, chips,

drinks, marshmallows, s’mores, and other great and tasty things to

eat. A BIG thank you to everyone who could prepare or bring

something to the bonfire.

The kids ran free and

played on the playground or

inside. Other people played

volleyball in the dark. Still

others sat at the indoor

tables and had a good visit

while still others spent the

night at the fire. Some

never left it except to get a

bite to eat. By-the-way, the

fire pictured in the opposite

column is the actual fire from

Friday night.

Last Sunday, October 30, gave Wentzville 1st Assembly of God a deep

and impressive look, not at the pastor, but at the congregation. It was

Pastor Appreciation Sunday and the church body unknowingly became

the star of the day!

The activities of the day began with Jeremy Rodriguez teaching the

adult Sunday school that would normally be taught by Lorene McNees.

She was given the day off. He talked us through part of the life of

Jonah as he spoke about the call of God.

Pastor Ryan Wofford preached the morning service. He left us

“hanging by a rope.” He spoke from Acts about Paul being let down

through a window by a rope. The point was that somebody must hold

the rope for the pastor. Each person was then given a short piece of

rope from a basket and asked to “hold the rope” for the pastor.

Following the service, we headed to the

fellowship hall for an amazing potluck

meal. We had an abundance of food

available, including desserts and drinks.

Everyone dined till they were content.

After the meal we heard some testimonies and

comments about the pastor and about being a pastor. Then the church

showered their pastors with a money tree, gift cards and cash, and a

new Canon 70D camera. It will take a lot of church & school pictures.

It turned out to be an extraordinary day with some extraordinary

people. There are too many to thank, but Karen Rodriguez would top

the list as coordinator of it all, along with Jeremy, and many others

who assisted in big and small ways.



Review… Last Sunday, October 30, the body of Christ chose to celebrate pastor appreciation Sunday. What a celebration it was. A great deal of work, zeal, and love was exerted in teaching, preaching, food, decorations, cards, money, and THE INCREDIBLE GIFT. Look at he day in words and photographs.

Announcements ELECTION DAY, 2016

Please get out and vote on Tuesday, November 8.

Every election is important and so is our right to

vote. So, pray, then go to your polling station and cast

your vote.


MINISTRY We have been plugging away in Hebrews for some time

now. Soon we will come to the last verse of chapter 13 and

be done, and move on to another Bible study. It is a

privilege to get better acquainted with the Word of God.

The plan after Hebrews is to look into the book of I

Corinthians. It was a church so blessed, yet still distressed.

Come on out on Wednesday night to be fed the Word of

God. We run kids ministries during the Bible study. They

have fun, but still learn the Word of God and about Boys &

Girls Missionary Challenge.

LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Our church board and their spouses have

embarked on our Leadership Summit a bit

early. Normally we have one night in January, but

circumstances have pressed us to start early and have more

meetings. As we plow through the tough questions and

future direction for our church, we would appreciate you

adding these meetings to your prayer list so that we can

have the mind of God when it comes to your church.

VETERAN’S DAY This day has been a special day in American history since

1919. It was one year after WWI had officially ended

with the Treaty of Versailles. However, the fighting continued

for an additional seven months and finally ended with an

armistice, or a peace agreement, between the Allied Nations and

Germany on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,

or November 11. The day was commemorated the following

year on November 11, as Armistice Day, and was intended to

dedicate a day to remind nations to seek peaceful relationships

between one another, in hopes that we will never again

be divided. It was officially designated Veteran’s Day in 1954.

Let’s remember our Veterans on Friday, November 11.

BGMC MEN VS WOMEN It is hard to believe the “ultimate church competition” is almost here.

On Sunday, November 13, all restraints are cast aside for the MEN

vs WOMEN, BOYS vs GIRLS, BGMC offering. Next

Sunday we will place a BGMC bucket on each side of the

sanctuary, one for the men, one for the women, and ask

you to give in our final 2016 BGMC offering for

missions. We need approximately $1,700.00 to complete our goal of

$7,700.00 for the year. All of the money goes to missions, so even

though only one gender will have bragging rights for the year,

missions will be the beneficiary. It would be great to go over the

goal! What would happen if we ended in a tie?

WALL OF THANKS This is a huge reminder that on Thanksgiving week, our regular

Wednesday night service is moved to Tuesday night, Nov 22 so that

we can host the WALL OF THANKS, and give all of us more time

to prepare for the holiday. It is time to start thinking about all the

things you would like to thank God for so that you are prepared to

write those thanks on the wall. There will also be a short wall

provided for the children.

Upcoming Events Tuesday, February 14th

We are looking way down the road to another

spectacular senior Valentine banquet. The elders of

our church have been zealous for the young people

and we want to include more of you in our

prayer/mentoring efforts. We call it Senior Adults

Leading Tomorrow or S.A.L.T. The banquet will

take place the Friday before Valentine Day which

will be Feb 10.

March, 2017

Regional Student Convention is coming in March, 2015. It will take place at the

University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. Each of our competing students

and staff will need to raise funds for both the regional and international

competition. The ISC will be held at the University of Indiana in Indiana,

Pennsylvania. Go figure. Anyway, it is time to start supporting our students

financially, prayerfully, and by encouraging them.