MOSQUITO COAST - “Nicaragua is two countries—the Pacific and the Atlantic”, it is widely said, and the nation’s eastern wilderness remains a world apart from politics and modern development of the western cities. These heavily-forested tropical lowlands, stretching well into eastern Honduras, were never colonized by Spain but were instead annexed by Britain in 1687 as the Miskito Kingdom at the request of Miskito Indian leaders; their ‘Kings’ were crowned with due pomp in the Protestant ‘cathedral’ at Bluefields. Legacies of this 200-year Protectorate endure still in the architecture, the wide spread use of English and the presence of many black Creoles originally brought over from the Caribbean islands. (During the Civil War, Lincoln offered the newly-emancipated blacks a homeland of their own in eastern Nicaragua: the proposal was rejected.) Although the Caribbean coast is a paradise of dazzling beaches and idyllic offshore cays, and the jungle teams with undisturbed wildlife, only a few hardy travelers reach this part of Central America—indeed, outsiders are banned from many areas, such as mining settlements around Bonanza and Siuna. Only one road leads east into Mosquitía: the paved road to the small settlement of Rama, from where most visitors take the famous “Bluefields Express”—an overcrowded riverboat—96 km down the Río Escondido to the Caribbean port of Bluefields (named for 17th century Dutch pirate Abraham Blaauwveld). Both towns were severely damaged by Hurricane Joan in 1988 but are steadily being rebuilt. From here the offshore “Corn Islands” (Islas del Maiz) are accessible: two English-speaking islands of white sand and palms, fringed by white coral and crystal water…the perfect Caribbean retreat! K.H. LEÓN: Nicaragua’s capital for 300 years until 1858, the graceful, church-studded city of León is home to Central America’s largest cathedral, a massive edifice said to have been built in error; according to local wisdom, plans for the cathedral in Lima and a more modest basilica in León were mixed up on the voyage out from Spain! Holy Week ceremonies here are particularly impressive. While in the slow process of recovering from damage caused during the 1978-79 Revolution, León received a further blow on 9 April 1992 when nearby Volcán Cerro Negro dumped a choking layer of ash and sand on the region; many buildings collapsed under the weight, leaving hundreds homeless. K.H. MANAGUA: City with a ghostly centre, Nicaragua’s capital sits on the shore of Lake Managua (Xolotlán) in a less-than-perfect location—hot, humid and at the mercy of a petulant geological fault line. Most recent in a long series of natural catastrophes affecting western Nicaragua was the earthquake of December 1972, which flattened Managua and killed at least 18,000 people; rebuilding has been retarded by the lack of funds and the urgent demands of the recent civil war. Within the city limits is one of Central America’s most unusual ‘archaeological sites; the Huellas (“Footsteps”) de Acahualinca. Beautifully preserved tufa are the 7000–9000-year-old footprints of at least 17 prehistoric humans, crisscrossed by those of animals (including extinct bison). Were they fleeing a volcanic eruption? The women’s footprints sank deeper into the mud than those of the men; were they carrying children or worldly possessions? The questions thrown up by this poignant glimpse into the distant past remain unanswerable. K.H. LAGO DE NICARAGUA: Largest in Central America (8157 km2), Lake Nicaragua contains about 400 islands of all sizes, abundant bird life and a number of unique aquatic species, including rarely- sighted freshwater sharks, tarpon and sawfish; these and others are believed to have evolved when the lake was cut off from the Pacific by volcanic upheaval. The largest island, Ometepe, is a joining of two smaller ones by lava flows from still active Volcán Concepción; a wide variety of crops are raised in the exceptionally rich soil. In the southeastern corner of the lake is the scattered Solentiname Archipelago, home to many poets, craftsmen and an established school of primitive painting. Only the Río San Juan flows out of the lake, a thickly-forested and well-traveled route to the Caribbean which has long featured in plans for a new Trans-Isthmus Canal. Foreign pirates intent on attacking Granada and León used it extensively in colonial times, prompting the Spaniards to build the recently-restored Castillo de la Concepción in 1672; many stormy battles were fought here—perhaps the grimmest in 1762 when a 2000-strong force under Henry Morgan was repelled by the fortress’ powerful guns— culminating in British capture and five-month occupation in 1780 under the young Captain Horatio Nelson, who lost his eye during this engagement. K.H. INTER-AMERICAN HIGHWAY: The decision to build a great Pan-American Highway system tying together far-flung ends of the Americas was ratified by the 21 affected nations at the International Conference of American States in Buenos Aires in 1936, and construction began soon after. Today the mostly paved network extends for 24,000 km from Fairbanks, Alaska to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego—one of the world’s greatest road systems running through an unequaled cross-section of geography, climate and humanity. The backbone of Central America’s share of the Inter-American Highway—CA-1—stretches 2460 km (1530 miles) from the Mexican border at La Mesilla to Panama City, directly connecting all the region’s capital cities except Belmopan and Tegucigalpa; it is fully paved but some sectors are in a sadly deteriorated condition. The highway continues a further 60 paved kilometres to Chepo, then as 224 km of marginal gravel to its present end at Yaviza, the goal of linking with Columbia having so far been thwarted by the rugged terrain of the Darién ‘Gap’ and international environmental pressure. CA-1 reaches its highest altitude (3670m) as it passes over the bleak ridge (shining white with early-morning frosts) between Nahualá and San Cristóbal Totonicapán, Guatemala, a section aptly known as ‘Alaska’. It again lifts fog-shrouded heights near Villa Mills, Costa Rica, as it crosses the Continental Divide at 3490m between Cartago and San Isidro de El General—a far cry from the sweltering coastal plains of El Salvador and Panamá. K.H. VOLCANOES: Along the Pacific fault line of the Central American land bridge one is rarely out of site of a volcano. More than 350 brood above fertile slopes or petrified lava fields, most no more than dark extinct mounds or overgrown cones no longer a threat to the lives of surrounding populations. Some have reared up and returned to slumber in relatively recent times, perhaps emitting a waft of steam occasionally to reinforce their uncertain status. But at least twenty of the Isthmus’ volcanoes are presently classified as ‘active’, and many hot sulphur springs and geothermal fields along Highway CA-1, combined with the daily earth tremors to which Central America is prone, leave no doubt about the continuous seismic activity going on beneath the green valleys, dramatic lava rock formations, lofty caldera lakes and teeming cities of the region. One of the best recorded life histories of a volcano is that of Izalco, one of a clutch south of Santa Ana, El Salvador. On 23 February 1770, the earth began rumbling and shaking; terrified villagers watched the ground spew out ash and molten lava which in time grew into a 6000-foot mountain. For 187 years Izalco erupted almost continuously, its displays so regular and visible far out to sea that it became known as the “Lighthouse of the Pacific”. Construction of a hotel at neighbouring Cerro Verde, designed to allow the jet set to view the awesome spectacle in comfort, was almost complete in 1957 when Izalco abruptly ceased activity. Apart from a minor eruption in 1961, the volcano has shown no further life. Only a ragged wisp of smoke now curls from the crater at irregular intervals, proof that the volcanoes of the Pacific Rim come with no guarantee of good behaviour! The most accessible active volcanoes are: COSTA RICA — Poás, with its sides wreathed in an enchanted cloud forest and Arenal, the most spectacular of them all, especially at night when glowing lava bounces down the slopes accompanied by crashes and deep rumblings (“like someone moving furniture upstairs”); NICARAGUA — Santiago or Masaya, whose crater collapsed in 1986 poisoning the soil as far as the coast; activity now is intermittent; GUATEMALA — Pacaya, which can be viewed from the dormant crater adjacent to it and Fuego, a stiff day’s climb but with the reward of some colourful fireworks. Great care and common sense should be exercised when climbing active volcanoes; Arenal in particular has an impressive number of lives to its score! K.H. In 1994, Kevin Healey, an Austrailian cartographer, came to Vancouver to observe how we were trying to create maps entirely on desktop computers. I had received some incredulous correspondence about my first map of Tokyo. Kevin was doubtful, as well as intrigued, by the possibilities that my map presented. Anyway, Kevin decided to visit and see for himself. While waiting for him to arrive, I completed Rio de Janeiro and Mongolia, both of which provided opportunities to handle problems common to cartographers. The Rio map became a test case for complex typesetting and the Mongolia map tested contouring and hydrography. I asked Kevin to proofread the Rio map but he was reluctant as it would have taken several weeks to do so using traditional methods. He was amazed that we edited about 1,800 streets in two hours. Kevin then began to prepare to do this map. Unfortunately, Kevin fell critically ill and died before he could try this new technology. In my short time with Kevin, I was impressed with his knowledge and in reading his correspondence realized he was admired by those who used his products and expertise. I dedicate this map to Kevin Healey. A.W. PACIFIC OCEAN OCÉANO PACÍFICO CARIBBEAN SEA MAR CARIBE Estero Padre Ramos Estero Aposentillo Bahia de Salinas Bahia Planta Blanca Laguna Agua Duice Laguna Smokey Lane Laguna Grande Laguna Sonie Laguna Top Lock Laguna Wankariaya Laguna Karatá Laguna Pahara Laguna Dakura Laguna Li-Dakura Laguna Sikapakia Laguna Gracias a Dois Laguna Bismuna Laguna Wounta Bahia de Santa Elena Gulfo de Papagayo Bahia de San Juan del Norte Bahia de Bluefields Bahia de Perlas Bahia Punta Gorda Gulfo de Fonesca Lago de Yojoa Rio S i c o R Í O P A T U C A R Í O P A T U C A Santa Elena San Isidro Santa Cruz del Dulce El Rincon San José San Antonia del Norte El Espino Estancia El Paraiso Lopez Azacualpa San Antonio Lajitas La Golondrina Ojojona Moroceli Las Dificultades La Lonoza El Jicaro Alauca Orealí El Rodeo El Llano San Cristóbal Apala Jamastran El Chichicaste El Aguacatal La Libertad San Miguelito San Francisco de Coray Santa Ana El Cruce Aguanqueterique Mercedes de Onente Goascorán Caridad Aramecina Santa Lucia San Marcos de Curarén Entituca Reitoca Azacualoa Guadalupe Alubarén Lauterique Curarén Alto de Jesus Alianza Sonora La Ceiba El Aceituno Agua Fria Paso de Vejas Ravana El Pochote Tapatoca El Laure San Rafael Tapaire El Limón Monjarás Pespire El Cedrito Yusguare San Jerónimo El Obraje El Corpus Conceppción \ de Maria San Francisco San Marco de Colón Los Maicillales El Banquito El Zarzal Cacamuya Comali So Franco Apacclagua Los Rita Marcovia El Ojochat San Benito Jicaro Galán Langue Los Naques San Juan Bautista Caire Orocuina San Lorenzo Los Encuentros Puerto Grande San Pablo Amapala El Carmen Puerto Soto El Marillal El Caimito Liure El Papaton San Antonio de Flores Duyure Oropoli Santa Ana Azabache El Obrale Puerto Delón Campamento Nuevo Las Manos Texiguat El Zapotal Yauyupe La Venta Guinpoito Mandasta Valdo Ancho San Lucas Santa Rita Morolica Soledad Nueva Armenia San Isidro La Majada San. Anto de Padua San Antonio de Flores Sabana Grande Namasigüe El Entumido Azacualpa San Bernardo Monte Libano Los Mangos Santa Cruz El Fortin Las Lajas Soni El Triunfo La Tronconada San José de la Landa Santa Cruz Las Cabezas Cedeño Pueblo Nuevo Los Planes San Isidro El Taladro La Cuesta San Buenaventura El Zamorano Lepaterique La Estancie Culguaque El Jicarito La Florida Valles de Angeles San Juan Lepaterique Monte Redondo Santa Rosita El Socoiro Santiago Poringla Masaguara Taulabé La Mision Cifuentes Tablazo Ucacabatis Birahuas Sicsayeri Buena Vista Tilbe Dákura Auasbila Kahka Yasko San Ramón Arenales Los Manchones Paredes Los Trojas Santa Maria Capire Santa Maria del Real Valencia Krautara Waspuk Mocorón Tipi Dakuratara Umuro Kuri Swabila Rankira Karasunta Siakwalaya Iralaya Wangklawam Mangotara Srumlaya Lisangni Tasba Raya Raití La Colonia Rus Rus Suhí Pranza Laka Auastingni Krahkra Tusodaksa El Benk Titi Pakwí Lisibila Auaslupia Clubki Raya Yabaltara Andristara Auka Mayu Sirpe Kahkayari Wamaú Sikiapihni Dulce Nombre de Culmi Las Mangas Arimis San Pedro Azacualpa La Concepción San Joséde Rio Tinto El Pataste Casamacoa Kungkungwas Wang Kibita Wampusirpi Culuco Las Flores Pueblo Viejo La Dante La Majatta El Aguacate Yarauca San Carlos La Venta San Martín Caonoda El Quebrachal El Naranial Catacamas Porrerillos La Ciénaga Las Crucitas Cuvali Las Flores San Matais Santa Cruz Santa Lucia San Antonio de Orrente Jacaleapa Yuscarán Ojo de Agua La Danta San Antonio Santa Maria El Ocotal Opatoro Goajiquiro Mateo Güinpe Santa Rosa Los Quebrachos Maraita Tatumbla Linada Manzaragua Ianacatal Suyapa San Pedro Tutule Lamaní Tablazón El Aguacate El Paraiso San Francisco de Yojoa Santa Cruz de Yojoa Jesus de Otoro Santa Ana Danli El Paraiso La Unión San Lorenzo Nacaome SIGUATEPEQUE CHOLUTECA TEGUCIGALPA +518 +655 +783 +1509 +1611 + 2106 + 1561 1159+ 1202+ Isla El Tigre (Honduras) Isla Zacate Grande (Honduras) MONT AÑAS DE P A TUCA MONT AÑAS DE COLÓ N CORDILL E R A D I P IC T O Y J A LAP A Llanos de Auka Llanos de Iltara C O R D ILL E R A E N T R E RI O S HONDURAS HONDURAS Corinto San Alejo Barrancones San José Pasaquina Puerto Cutuco Conchagua El Tamarindo Sirama El Amatillo Nueve Esparta SANTA ROSA DE LIMA Punta de Amapala Isla Meanguera (El Salvador) Isla Conchagüita (El Salvador) +1250 +648 +494 +518 EL SALVADOR Río Frio Laguana Caõ Negro Peninsula de Santa Elena Cerro Cacao Vol. Orosi Vol. Rincón de la Vieja Vol. Santa Maria Vol. Miravalles +1689 +1916 +2028 La Cruz Santa Clara San José Birmania San Cristóbal Brasilia Upala Los Chiles Santa Cecelia Copalchi Vueltas Cacao Rosario Canalete Rosario Tabillas San Jerónimo Caño Negro San Emilio Parque Medio Queso San Isidro San Antonio Jardin Boca San Carlos Recreo Trindad Tigra Barra del Colorado Flor Finca Chorra Playuelas Tiricias San Renato Punta Cortés Cabanga San Isidro Montecristo Pénjamo Sabogal Letras Corrales San Macario Arco Iris Trinidad Finca Delicias Amparo Escalera Llano Verde Gallo Pinto Caño Ciego San Jorge Chimurria Abajo Los Angeles Isla Chica Trocha Santa Fé Santa Elena Primavera Coquital Cristo Rey Virgen Azucena Carmen Banderas Concho Rubi Carrizal Ceiba Paso Real 4 Esquinas Montealegre Pavón San Pablo Pocosol Jocote Crucitas Puerto Soley Soley Burro Mesas Guacalito Hda. Inocentes Santa Rita Brasilito Cuajiniquil Quebrada Grande Curubandé Hacienda Pelón de la Altura La Virgen Porvenir 4 Bocas COSTA RICA 24 12 46 24 22 26 25 52 10 26 19 10 30 68 49 15 28 30 32 55 34 27 65 30 18 70 46 20 75 44 46 58 42 37 73 36 40 48 79 31 48 13 42 34 52 71 66 20 73 55 38 33 18 CA 1 CA 1 CA 1 CA 1 CA 1 CA 1 CA 1 NICARAGUA Potosí Puerto Morazán La Chacara El Caceo El Congo Petacaltepe Aposentillo Corinto Las Grietas Las 4 Esquinas Purto de Esparta Purto el Baruito Chichigalpa Postoltega Ingenio San Antonio Mokorón Villa Quince de Julie San Ramón Las Delicias Poneloya Las Peñitas Candelaria San Luis Telica Salinas Grandes Puerto Sandino Miramar Indgerio Santa Rita Ojo de Agua El Tránsito Soledad El Guayabal Monte Tabor Las Nubes El Crucero Las Cochitas Pacaya Santa Teresa El Caimito Tola Masachapa Pochomil La Boquita Casares Veracruz El Astrillero La Boca de Brito El Naranjo El Ostional San Juan del Sur Escamequita San Antonio Las Salinas de Nagualapa Paso Real de Ochomogo Moyogalpa Esquipulos Belén Huehuete Montelimar San Luis San Cayetano San Bartolo San Rafael del Sur San Marcos Niquinohomo Diriamba Nandaime Nandasmo Ticuantepe Mateare Santa Luisa San Ramón Paso de Panaloya La Pelona Puerto Díaz El Alto Valle El Orégano El Paraiso El Cacao El Zapote El Guanacaste Esquipulas Asunción Cuapa Comalapa Camoapa San Lorenzo Belén Tepalón Santa Lucia Las Banderas San Agustin Agua Caliente Espiritu Santo Monte Grande Teustepe San José de las Remates Malacatoya San Benito San Antonio San Antonio Puertas Viejas Pineda Villa Revolución El Desparho Wapí Kukra Hill Tierra Dorada Falso Bluff El Bluff Rama San Nicolás El Recreo Los Leiva Los Solano Sisi El Banco Krisimbila San Antonio El Ayote Fruta de Pan Wawasang Brown Bank Laguna Grande Set Net Kakabila Haulover La Esperanza Muelle Real de Siquia Laguna de Perlas La Fe Orinoco Marshall Point Tasbapauni Kara El Portón La Garita San Pablo San Ramón La Rosa Chaguitillo Ciudad Darío Santa Rosa Terrabona San Dionisid El Caracol San Clemente El Tempate San Gabriel Tipitapa Quezalguaque San Juan San Jacinto La Paz Centro El Jicaral Somotillo Guasaule Villa Nueva Santo Tomás del Norte San Francisco del Norte Cinco Pinos El Espino Las Sabanas San José de Cusmapa Achuapa Rio Grande Palo Blanco El Sauce San Juan de Limay Santa Maria Macuelizo San Fernando Ciudad Antigua Susucayan Murra Ciudad Sandino (El Jicaro) San Juan de Rio Caco Dupilto Totogalpa Yalagüina Palacaguina Apaji San Rafael del Norte La Concordia Santa Clara San Lucas Las Lajitas La Trinidad Monte Grande Piedra Large La Sirena La Bacinica Larreynaga Valle Ducuali Asturais La Dalia Paso Real de Cuá Caratera Las Praderas Las Dalias San José Waslala Mulukuku Yaoska El Arenal Mancotal Pancasán El Tuma El Quebracon San Pedro de Buculmay Condega Pueblo Nuevo San Sabastian de Yali Telpaneca Quilalí El Plantel Los Walices La Rica Wiwilí Valle Congjas Los Planes Wambuca Wamblán San José de Bocay Puerto Viejo Zinica Plan de Grama Raiti Bonanza Anris Tara Umbra Santa Isabel Asang Sang Sang Krin Krin San Carlos Krasa Nasma Almuk Leimus Slilmasia Cocoland La Tronquera San Jerónimo La Esperanza Wiwinak Musawas Mukuwas Españolina Susun Wasminona Kukalaya Wasa King Banacruz El Empalme Alamikamba Company Creek Haulover Creek Walpasiksa Prinzapolka Puerto Isabel Sandy Bay Sirpe Chicago Barrera Pipilwas Wanawas Krukru San Pedro del Norte El Chamarro El Chile Güilique San Antonio de Kuskawas Bocana de Paíwas Santa Elsa Las Lajas La Libertad El Naranjal Rio Blanco Matiguás Muy Muy Tierra Azul Río de Janeiro El Trapichito Santa Fe Veracruz Kangrina Wasayama El Gallo Bratara La Cruz de Río Grande Barra de Rio Grande Wouhnta Kuanwatla Karawala Kwahyari Siawás San Francisco Tumarin Pauta Dimon Kukalaya Layasiksa El Encanto Makantaca Tortuguero LimbaiKa Karlin Dam Ebaniso Tasbapauni El Porvenir Tungla Coperna El Dos Siuna Wani Danlí Rosa Grande El Ocote Waspado El Naranjo Kuikuina Labú Valle Kuikuinita Lisawé Yaoya Central El Bosque Sahsa Mina La Rosita Santa Fe Wisconsin Aserrio Ocampo Seven Banks Aserradero Sanders Yulu Tingni Karatá Kilingna Landing Mani Watla Sumu Bila Tuara Santa Marta Yulú Klingna Wawa Lapan Sandy Bay Li Dákura Nina Yari Dákura Pahra Auastara Tuapi Sisin Auya Pihni Sangni Laya Aubeyerri Skruwarban Luciana Auas Tingni Miguel Bikan Torre Dos Cabo Viejo Living Creek Kampa Kiwas Kum Tuskru Sirpe Boom Anris Bismuna Tara Bilwaskarma Kisalaya Waspam Saklin Siksayali Totecacinte Jalapa San Pedro Jiquilillo Puerto Arturo El Tanque El Viejo 1550+ 750+ + 1604 +817 +1689 Santa Rosa del Perión Santa Rosa del Perión La Cruz de la India El Empalme Los Zarzales El Paraiso San José El Cardón PacoraCarsón San Francisco Libre Las Mercedes Las Mercedes Zambrano Los Altos de Masaya Sabana Grande Cofradía San Blás Catarina Diriá Diriomo Veracruz Dolores Esquipulas Tisma El Rosario Los Angeles Los Viejitos Las Delicias La Boca de La Montaña San Jorge Cañas Gordas Sapoá Peñas Blacas Cárdenas El Tigré Colón Correa El Cairo México El Carmen Morrillo Laurel Galán San Francisco La Esperanza Santa Lastenia San Juan del Norte La Azucena Boca de Sábalo El Castillo Las Colinas Buena Vista Camaguey La Letra El Almacén La Fonseca El Serrano Providencia Nueve León La Esperanzo Yolaina Río Punta Verdún El Almendro Fatima Palos Ralos Colonia Rio Rama San Miguel San José Kurinwas Talolinga San Martín José Benito Escobar Monkey Point Pijibaye Punta Gorda Nueva Guinea El Coral La Batea El Cacao La Gateada Villa Sandino La Palma Lovago Santo Domingo San Pedro de Lóvago Santo Tomás Los Morenos Muhan El Chilamate Presillitas Cara de Mono Muelle de los Bueyes Los Cerritos Sabano de Flores Acoyapa San Ubaldo Los Chiles El Castillo de la Concepción San Miguelito El Pedernal Puerto Morrito Santa Elena La Virgen Potosí Altagracia El Corozal La Paz de Carazo Guanacastillo Asese Santa Isabel El Carmen La Concepcion Nindirí Masatepe San Juan de Oriente El Trapicnite El Tamagás Santo Domingo El Planetarium Villa Carlos Fonseca A. El Carmen San Luis El Socorro La Esperanza Nagarote Puerto Momotombo La Calle Real de Tolape Malpaisillo Santa Teresa San Roque San Nicolas Sébaco San Isadro R í o El J i c a r o CHINANDEGA LEÓN GRANADA JUIGALPA BOACO MATAGALPA JINOTEPE RIVAS SAN CARLOS OCOTAL SOMOTO ESTELÍ JINOTECA BLUEFIELDS MASAYA Las Flores PUERTO CABEZAS MANAGUA ISLA DE OMETEPE ARCHIPIÉLAGO DE SOLENTINAME MOMOTOMBITO ISLA ZAPATERA Vol. San Cristobal Volcan Cosiguina Vol. Casita Vol. Telica Santa Maria Musun La Sirena Vol. Momotombito Vol. del Hoyo Vol. San Jacinto Vol. Santa Clara Vol. Negro Vol. de Rota Vol. Concepción Vol. Madera Isla Mancarroncito Isla La Venada Isla Chichicaste Isla El Zapote Isla Mancarrón Islas San Bernardo Islas El Nancital Isla Grande Isla Las Calabazas Isla Redonda Isla Muerto Isla San Fernando +688 +468 +468 Barra de Morris Creek Barra del Río Maíz Punta Castilla Punta Grindstone Monkey Point Cayo French Man Cayo Pigeon Cayo Guano Cayo Columbilla Cayo Seal Cayo Tungawara Cayo Little Tungawara Cayo King Pequeño Cayo Tyara Cayo Guerrero Barra de Wawa Punta Gorda Barra Sandy Bay Cayos Nasa Franklin Reef Cayo Londres London Reef Cayos Morrison Dennis Cabo Gracias a Dios Barra de Tukru Cayos Miskitis (Nicaragua) South Cay Bobel Cay Cayo Media Luna Cayo Muerto Punta Set Net Corn Islands Great Corn Island Isla del Venado Rama Cay Punta Gorda Barra de Punta Gorda Wawasang Diablo Chiripa El Danto A g u a Z a r c a C O R DILLE R A IS A B E LL A C O R D IL L E R A D A R I E N S E C O R D ILLE R A L O S M A RIBIO S Río Sinecapa S E R R A N Í A H U A P I S E R R A N Í A D E Y O L A I N A C O S T A D E M I S K I T O S +860 1405+ 1060+ 1080+ 1280+ 1149 + 1210 + 1438 + 1438 + 1338+ 1745+ 499+ +1730 1710+ +1611 +1345 +257 1326 + 1750 + Arenales Pico Mogotón Kilambé + 1890 Peñas Blancas 1210 + Baba 1210 + 1132+ Saslaya +553 Laguna de Tisma Laguna de Jiloa Laguna de Apoyo Laguna de Masaya Laguna Ñocarime LAGO DE MANAGUA LAGO DE NICARAGUA RIO SAN JUAN RIVAS CARAZO MANAGUA LEÓN MATAGALPA JINOTEGA NUEVA SEGOVIA CHINANDEGA ESTELÍ MADRIZ CHONTALES ATLÁNTICO SUR ATLÁNTICO NORTE BOACO GRANADA MASAYA Río Jala p a R í o C oc o R í o C o c o R í o C o c o R í o L a k u s Río Wask u p Río Kunog Río Likus Río Amata Río Uli Río Wani Río Ilas Río Ulang R í o B a m b a n a R í o K u k a la ya R í o N e gro R i î o L o s Q u e s os Río Goascorán R ío T e c o l a p a (Lago Cocibolca) Río Ochomogo Río Escalante Río Tecolapa R í o D r a n d e d e M a t a g a l p a Río Grande R í o M a l a c a t o y a Río D r a n d e d e M a t a g a l p a R í o K u rin w a s R í o W awasang Río Kurinwas Río Kama Río Siquia Río Siquia Río Siquia Río Rama Río Rama Río Kukra Río Punta Gorda Río Chiquito Caño Negro Río Plata Río Iquinis Río Mico Río Mico R í o M a h o g an y Río Pun t a G orda Río Cuisalá Río Ojecuapa Río Oyote R í o T e p e n a g u a s a p a rice fields R í o C a n a s t r o Río Tute Río Sábo Jose Río Santa Cruz C a ñ o N e g r o Ríô Indio Río Maíz Río Bocáy R í o C o c o O S e g o v i a ( W a n k e s ) Río Wawa R í o Laya s i k sa R í o B am b a n a R í o Prinz a p o l k a Río Yaoya Río Prinzapolka Río Tuma Río Tuma L. de Apanas R í o C h o l u teca E S T R O R E A L R Í O D R A NDE D E M A T A G A L P A R Í O E S C O N D I D O RÍO C O C O O S E G O V IA ( W A N K S ) R Í O S A N J U A N ©Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. 2960 Cosgrove Crescent,Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, V9S 3P8 This map was created on an Apple Macintosh Centris 650. 70 megabytes of RAM was added along with a Radius PrecisionColor Pro 24x and a Math Chip. Adobe Illustrator 7.0.1 was used as the drawing software. An Abaton 300/colour scanner using Adobe Photoshop 2.5 was used to create the map templates from the manuscripts additional work has been done in Adobe Photoshop 4.0. Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this map is up to date and accurate, the author and publisher can accept no liability for the consequence of any mistake or error in content or representation. We would gratefully receive information concerning errors or omissions. Please contact the publisher with changes. ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Settlements, Indian villages, Military posts, Ranches, etc • Etablissements, villages indiens, postes militaires, ranches, etc International boundaries Frontieres internationales State and provincial boundaries Limites des états et des provinces TRANSPORT NETWORK RÉSEAU DE TRANSPORT Inter-American Highway system Réseau de Route Inter-Amérique Main highways (paved) Routes principales (pavées) Other roads Autres routes HYDROGRAPHIC HYDROGRAPHIE Non-perennial streams Cours d’eau saisonniers Swamps, seasonally inundated land Marécages, terre innondée selon saison SYMBOLS SYMBOLES International airports Aéroportes internationales Domestic aerodromes with scheduled services Aerodromes domestiques avec service a horaires Height in metres Côtes d’altitude en metres Active volcanoes Volcans actifs Reefs Récifs VERWALTUNG ADMINISTRACIÓN Ansiedlungen, indianische Dörfer, militärische Standorte, Ranchen, usw • Poblados, aldeas indios, fortines, estancias, etc. Internationales Grenzen Fronteras internacionales Staats und Provinzgrenzen Limites estatales y provinciales TRANSPORTNETZ RED DE TRANSPORTES Inter Amerikanischer Strassensystem Sistema Carretera Interamericana Hauptstrassen (bepflastert) Carreteras principales (pavimentadas) Sonstige Strassen Otras carreteras HYDROGRAPHIE HIDROGRAFÍA Unbeständige Ströme Rios intermitentes Sümpfe (wetterbedingt) Ciénagas, pantanos; sujeto de inundacíon SYMBOLE SIGNOS Internationaler Flughäfen Aeropuertos internacionales Inländische Flugplätze (Flugdaten erháltlich) Aeródromos domésticos con servicios de horario Höhen In Metern Alturas en metros Aktive Vulkane Volcanes en actividad Riffe Arrecifes 1: 750,000 Lambert's Conformal Conic Projection Road distances are in kilometres State and provincial capitals are labelled in UPPER CASE type • Les capitales des états et des provinces sont marquées en LETTRES MAJUSCULES • Landes und provinzielle Hauptstäde sind in GROSSBUCHSTABEN angegeben • Capitales estatales y provincales están identificados en LETRAS MAYÚSCULAS Highest point in Nicaragua is Pico Megotón 2,106 metres Printed in Canada 0 0 10 20 30miles 10 20 30 40 50 60kilometres La Ermita LEÓN MANAGUA 55 Vol. del Hoyo 1080+ +525 CA 1 87° 11° 11° 84° 84° 15° 87° 15° LEGEND Government Embassy Education Transportation Hotels Sites of Interest Railway 0 500 1000 metres © Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. MANAGUA Lago de Managua (Lago Xolotlán) Laguna de Acahualinca Laguna de Asososca Laguna deTiscapa PASEO SALVADOR ALLENDE PISTA PEDRO JOAQUIN CHAMORRO SOUTHERN ACCESS VIA PANAMERICAN HWY. NORTHERN ACCESS VIA PANAMERICAN HWY. Ferrocarril del Pacifico Calle El Triunfo Pista Benjamin Zeledón Calle César Augusta Espinoza Calle 4 de Noviembre Calle Julio Buitrago Urroz Calle José Marti Calle 15 de Septiembre Calle 15 de Septiembre Calle 14 de Septiembre Avenida De las Naciones Unidas Pista Larreynaga Dupla Norte Dupla Sur Cuesta de Los Mártires 35 ava. Avenida Avenda De las Millcias Avenda Roberto Vargas Batres Carretara a Masaya Pista de la Solidaridad Pista Sub-Urbana Avenida UNAN Avenda Miguel Angel Fornos Avenda Del Guerrillero Avenda Bolivar Avenda Colón Avenda Radial Santo Domingo cemetery cemetery Alfabetizacíon Rubén Dario Theatre Cathedral National Palace Luis Alfonso Velásquez Park Costa Rica Netherlands Augusto César Sandino International Airport Intercontinental Fiedler Jiménez El Pueblo Camino Real Estrella Jardin Train Station Palace D’Lido Sweden Germany Peru Korea Chile United States University Nacional de Ingenieria RUCEA UPOLI Avenida de Circunvalacion Mercado Mayor Pista de la Solidaridad University Centroamericana France Mexico Plaza 19 de Julio RURD Russia Dominican Republic Iran Cuba Bulgaria Argentina Panama Colón Austria Japan Finland Libya Columbia Great Britian China Honduras Palistine El Salvador Spain Italy hospital hospital hospital hospital hospital hospital Telcor INTURISMO market market hospital Huellasde Acahualinca National Museum Fuerzas Armadas Foreign Migration Ministry of Culture Malta Ticoma Brazil Pista De la Resistencia A v e n i d a H é r o e s d e Batahola Pista De la Resistencia THE REGIONAL GUIDE AND MAP OF Nicaragua Nicaragua Weller 14102 Road WELLER CARTOGRAPHIC SERVICES LTD.’S Other titles created by Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. are Tokyo, Shanghai, Mongolia, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, Honduras, El Salvador, Prince Edward Island and others for more information on Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. and our products visit our store on the World Wide Web at www.mapmatrix.com e-mail us at [email protected] or write or call us at 2960 Cosgrove Crescent, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, V9S 3P8 Publisher’s enquires accepted. Mountain High Maps™Copyright © 1993 Digital Wisdom, Inc. additional painting by Weller Cartographic Services Ltd., 1998 Rio Grande Mississippi Brazos GULF OF MEXICO PACIFIC OCEAN CARIBBEAN SEA New Orleans UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BAHAMA ISLANDS CUBA CAYMAN ISLANDS BELIZE JAMAICA GUATEMALA MEXICO EL SALVADOR HONDURAS NICARAGUA COSTA RICA PANAMA Houston Tampa Jacksonville Nassau Habana Camagüey Mérida Belmopan Chichén Itzá Uxmal Palenque Tikal Altun Ha Kingston Puebla Guatemala San Salvador Tegucigalpa Copan Managua San Jose Panama Miami 20° 10° 80° 90° 10° 20° 30° 80° 90° 30° Tropic of Cancer

Transcript of WELLER CARTOGRAPHIC SERVICES LTD. - City of Nanaimo

Road Map of NicaraguaMOSQUITO COAST - “Nicaragua is two countries—the Pacific and the Atlantic”, it is widely said, and the nation’s eastern wilderness remains a world apart from politics and modern development of the western cities. These heavily-forested tropical lowlands, stretching well into eastern Honduras, were never colonized by Spain but were instead annexed by Britain in 1687 as the Miskito Kingdom at the request of Miskito Indian leaders; their ‘Kings’ were crowned with due pomp in the Protestant ‘cathedral’ at Bluefields. Legacies of this 200-year Protectorate endure still in the architecture, the wide spread use of English and the presence of many black Creoles originally brought over from the Caribbean islands. (During the Civil War, Lincoln offered the newly-emancipated blacks a homeland of their own in eastern Nicaragua: the proposal was rejected.) Although the Caribbean coast is a paradise of dazzling beaches and idyllic offshore cays, and the jungle teams with undisturbed wildlife, only a few hardy travelers reach this part of Central America—indeed, outsiders are banned from many areas, such as mining settlements around Bonanza and Siuna. Only one road leads east into Mosquitía: the paved road to the small settlement of Rama, from where most visitors take the famous “Bluefields Express”—an overcrowded riverboat—96 km down the Río Escondido to the Caribbean port of Bluefields (named for 17th century Dutch pirate Abraham Blaauwveld). Both towns were severely damaged by Hurricane Joan in 1988 but are steadily being rebuilt. From here the offshore “Corn Islands” (Islas del Maiz) are accessible: two English-speaking islands of white sand and palms, fringed by white coral and crystal water…the perfect Caribbean retreat! K.H.
LEÓN: Nicaragua’s capital for 300 years until 1858, the graceful, church-studded city of León is home to Central America’s largest cathedral, a massive edifice said to have been built in error; according to local wisdom, plans for the cathedral in Lima and a more modest basilica in León were mixed up on the voyage out from Spain! Holy Week ceremonies here are particularly impressive. While in the slow process of recovering from damage caused during the 1978-79 Revolution, León received a further blow on 9 April 1992 when nearby Volcán Cerro Negro dumped a choking layer of ash and sand on the region; many buildings collapsed under the weight, leaving hundreds homeless. K.H.
MANAGUA: City with a ghostly centre, Nicaragua’s capital sits on the shore of Lake Managua (Xolotlán) in a less-than-perfect location—hot, humid and at the mercy of a petulant geological fault line. Most recent in a long series of natural catastrophes affecting western Nicaragua was the earthquake of December 1972, which flattened Managua and killed at least 18,000 people; rebuilding has been retarded by the lack of funds and the urgent demands of the recent civil war. Within the city limits is one of Central America’s most unusual ‘archaeological sites; the Huellas (“Footsteps”) de Acahualinca. Beautifully preserved tufa are the 7000–9000-year-old footprints of at least 17 prehistoric humans, crisscrossed by those of animals (including extinct bison). Were they fleeing a volcanic eruption? The women’s footprints sank deeper into the mud than those of the men; were they carrying children or worldly possessions? The questions thrown up by this poignant glimpse into the distant past remain unanswerable. K.H.
LAGO DE NICARAGUA: Largest in Central America (8157 km2), Lake Nicaragua contains about 400 islands of all sizes, abundant bird life and a number of unique aquatic species, including rarely- sighted freshwater sharks, tarpon and sawfish; these and others are believed to have evolved when the lake was cut off from the Pacific by volcanic upheaval. The largest island, Ometepe, is a joining of two smaller ones by lava flows from still active Volcán Concepción; a wide variety of crops are raised in the exceptionally rich soil. In the southeastern corner of the lake is the scattered Solentiname Archipelago, home to many poets, craftsmen and an established school of primitive painting. Only the Río San Juan flows out of the lake, a thickly-forested and well-traveled route to the Caribbean which has long featured in plans for a new Trans-Isthmus Canal. Foreign pirates intent on attacking Granada and León used it extensively in colonial times, prompting the Spaniards to build the recently-restored Castillo de la Concepción in 1672; many stormy battles were fought here—perhaps the grimmest in 1762 when a 2000-strong force under Henry Morgan was repelled by the fortress’ powerful guns— culminating in British capture and five-month occupation in 1780 under the young Captain Horatio Nelson, who lost his eye during this engagement. K.H.
INTER-AMERICAN HIGHWAY: The decision to build a great Pan-American Highway system tying together far-flung ends of the Americas was ratified by the 21 affected nations at the International Conference of American States in Buenos Aires in 1936, and construction began soon after. Today the mostly paved network extends for 24,000 km from Fairbanks, Alaska to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego—one of the world’s greatest road systems running through an unequaled cross-section of geography, climate and humanity. The backbone of Central America’s share of the Inter-American Highway—CA-1—stretches 2460 km (1530 miles) from the Mexican border at La Mesilla to Panama City, directly connecting all the region’s capital cities except Belmopan and Tegucigalpa; it is fully paved but some sectors are in a sadly deteriorated condition. The highway continues a further 60 paved kilometres to Chepo, then as 224 km of marginal gravel to its present end at Yaviza, the goal of linking with Columbia having so far been thwarted by the rugged terrain of the Darién ‘Gap’ and international environmental pressure. CA-1 reaches its highest altitude (3670m) as it passes over the bleak ridge (shining white with early-morning frosts) between Nahualá and San Cristóbal Totonicapán, Guatemala, a section aptly known as ‘Alaska’. It again lifts fog-shrouded heights near Villa Mills, Costa Rica, as it crosses the Continental Divide at 3490m between Cartago and San Isidro de El General—a far cry from the sweltering coastal plains of El Salvador and Panamá. K.H.
VOLCANOES: Along the Pacific fault line of the Central American land bridge one is rarely out of site of a volcano. More than 350 brood above fertile slopes or petrified lava fields, most no more than dark extinct mounds or overgrown cones no longer a threat to the lives of surrounding populations. Some have reared up and returned to slumber in relatively recent times, perhaps emitting a waft of steam occasionally to reinforce their uncertain status. But at least twenty of the Isthmus’ volcanoes are presently classified as ‘active’, and many hot sulphur springs and geothermal fields along Highway CA-1, combined with the daily earth tremors to which Central America is prone, leave no doubt about the continuous seismic activity going on beneath the green valleys, dramatic lava rock formations, lofty caldera lakes and teeming cities of the region. One of the best recorded life histories of a volcano is that of Izalco, one of a clutch south of Santa Ana, El Salvador. On 23 February 1770, the earth began rumbling and shaking; terrified villagers watched the ground spew out ash and molten lava which in time grew into a 6000-foot mountain. For 187 years Izalco erupted almost continuously, its displays so regular and visible far out to sea that it became known as the “Lighthouse of the Pacific”. Construction of a hotel at neighbouring Cerro Verde, designed to allow the jet set to view the awesome spectacle in comfort, was almost complete in 1957 when Izalco abruptly ceased activity. Apart from a minor eruption in 1961, the volcano has shown no further life. Only a ragged wisp of smoke now curls from the crater at irregular intervals, proof that the volcanoes of the Pacific Rim come with no guarantee of good behaviour! The most accessible active volcanoes are: COSTA RICA — Poás, with its sides wreathed in an enchanted cloud forest and Arenal, the most spectacular of them all, especially at night when glowing lava bounces down the slopes accompanied by crashes and deep rumblings (“like someone moving furniture upstairs”); NICARAGUA — Santiago or Masaya, whose crater collapsed in 1986 poisoning the soil as far as the coast; activity now is intermittent; GUATEMALA — Pacaya, which can be viewed from the dormant crater adjacent to it and Fuego, a stiff day’s climb but with the reward of some colourful fireworks. Great care and common sense should be exercised when climbing active volcanoes; Arenal in particular has an impressive number of lives to its score! K.H.
In 1994, Kevin Healey, an Austrailian cartographer, came to Vancouver to observe how we were trying to create maps entirely on desktop computers. I had received some incredulous correspondence about my first map of Tokyo. Kevin was doubtful, as well as intrigued, by the possibilities that my map presented. Anyway, Kevin decided to visit and see for himself. While waiting for him to arrive, I completed Rio de Janeiro and Mongolia, both of which provided opportunities to handle problems common to cartographers. The Rio map became a test case for complex typesetting and the Mongolia map tested contouring and hydrography. I asked Kevin to proofread the Rio map but he was reluctant as it would have taken several weeks to do so using traditional methods. He was amazed that we edited about 1,800 streets in two hours. Kevin then began to prepare to do this map. Unfortunately, Kevin fell critically ill and died before he could try this new technology. In my short time with Kevin, I was impressed with his knowledge and in reading his correspondence realized he was admired by those who used his products and expertise. I dedicate this map to Kevin Healey. A.W.
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El Fortin Las Lajas
Las Cabezas
Telica Jutiquile
La Esperanza Valle Grande
El Rancho Netapa
Llanos de Auka
Llanos de Iltara
Isla Conchagüita (El Salvador)
San Isidro
San Antonio
Playuelas Tiricias
La Virgen
Purto de Esparta
Purto el Baruito
Santa Clara
San Lucas
Las Lajitas
Barra de Rio Grande
El Empalme Los Zarzales
San Jorge
Cañas Gordas
San Miguelito
El Pedernal
Puerto Morrito
Santa Elena
La Virgen
El Trapicnite
El Tamagás
Santo Domingo
El Planetarium
Isla El Zapote
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©Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. 2960 Cosgrove Crescent,Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, V9S 3P8
This map was created on an Apple Macintosh Centris 650. 70 megabytes of RAM was added along with a Radius PrecisionColor Pro 24x and a Math Chip. Adobe Illustrator 7.0.1 was used as the drawing software.
An Abaton 300/colour scanner using Adobe Photoshop 2.5 was used to create the map templates from the manuscripts additional work has been done
in Adobe Photoshop 4.0.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this map is up to date and accurate, the
author and publisher can accept no liability for the consequence of any
mistake or error in content or representation.
We would gratefully receive information concerning errors or omissions. Please
contact the publisher with changes.
indiens, postes militaires, ranches, etc
International boundaries Frontieres internationales
State and provincial boundaries Limites des états et des provinces
Inter-American Highway system Réseau de Route Inter-Amérique
Main highways (paved) Routes principales (pavées)
Other roads Autres routes
Swamps, seasonally inundated land Marécages, terre innondée selon saison
horaires Height in metres
Volcans actifs Reefs Récifs
Internationales Grenzen Fronteras internacionales Staats und Provinzgrenzen Limites estatales y provinciales
1: 750,000 Lambert's Conformal Conic Projection
Road distances are in kilometres
State and provincial capitals are labelled in UPPER CASE type • Les capitales des états et des provinces sont marquées en LETTRES MAJUSCULES • Landes und provinzielle Hauptstäde sind in GROSSBUCHSTABEN angegeben • Capitales estatales y
provincales están identificados en LETRAS MAYÚSCULAS
Highest point in Nicaragua is Pico Megotón 2,106 metres Printed in Canada
La Ermita
0 500 1000
metres © Weller Cartographic
Laguna de
Ferrocarril del Pacifico
Calle El Triunfo
Pista Benjamin Zeledón
Calle José Marti
Calle 14 de Septiembre
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International Airport
Intercontinental Fiedler
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Other titles created by Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. are
Tokyo, Shanghai, Mongolia, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro,
Honduras, El Salvador, Prince Edward Island and others for more information on
Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. and our products visit our store on the World Wide Web at
www.mapmatrix.com e-mail us at [email protected]
or write or call us at 2960 Cosgrove Crescent,
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada,
Publisher’s enquires accepted.
Mountain High Maps™Copyright © 1993 Digital Wisdom, Inc. additional painting by Weller Cartographic Services Ltd., 1998
Rio Grande