Welding Nptl Imp

Marine Construction and Welding Prof. Dr. N. R. Mandal Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Lecture No. # 37 Welding Defects and NDT So, continuing with Weld Defects and Non-Destructive Testing, let us try to look into what are the kinds of defects one may expect in case of a welded joint, a fusion welded joint, because these defects will be talking about, not necessarily they will be there in case of solid state welding or friction stir welding. These are the this defects you may find in joints done by electric arc welding, electro slag welding, electro gas welding, or in other words fusion welding. (Refer Slide Time: 01:08)


aw sum welding notes

Transcript of Welding Nptl Imp

  • Marine Construction and Welding Prof. Dr. N. R. Mandal

    Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

    Lecture No. # 37

    Welding Defects and NDT

    So, continuing with Weld Defects and Non-Destructive Testing, let us try to look into

    what are the kinds of defects one may expect in case of a welded joint, a fusion welded

    joint, because these defects will be talking about, not necessarily they will be there in

    case of solid state welding or friction stir welding. These are the this defects you may

    find in joints done by electric arc welding, electro slag welding, electro gas welding, or

    in other words fusion welding.

    (Refer Slide Time: 01:08)

  • (Refer Slide Time: 01:10)

    So, as I was saying, the flaws depending on type location and size, well as far as the

    location is concerned, as we can see, this is a, say, a welding has been done. Now, a flaw

    can be at the surface, a flaw can be somewhere here on the upper surface of the joint, can

    be at the lower surface of the joint, can be at the bottom, can be at the middle; different

    location in different orientation, right?

    Depending on where it is taking place also is important, right? Because, depending on

    the location, its detection becomes different, that is, number 1, number 2 depending on

    location; it may may qualify for a for a flaw which can be ignored.

    Like for example, a small crack inside and similarly, small crack outside, the outside is

    not the inside, one may be can be ignored, say the size; now, next comes the size. Size is

    beyond the critical limit, I mean, less than the critical limit, so, you can ignore this, but

    this, you cannot ignore.

    Why? Because of the simple reason, the critical length of a crack is half when it is a

    surface crack, say l is the critical length and suppose, what is that critical length?

    Suppose, well, assume some critical length like when you talk about fatigue failure,

    right? Whether the crack will propagate or not depends on whether the crack length is

    less than or beyond a certain critical length. If it is beyond, more than the certain critical

    length at the operating stress level, then the crack will propagate faster.

  • Right, so, if we talk about that critical length, the critical length becomes half, if the

    crack is at that surface. So, that is how the size of the crack, I mean, the location of the

    crack also depends or location of the flaw in generalized term. We are talking about flaw,

    it can be crack, it can be something else, it can be for a particle get got lost inside the

    molten metal; that is also a discontinuity, a crack is essentially a discontinuity, so, we

    will essentially look for discontinuities whatever is there inside the inside a welded joint.

    (Refer Slide Time: 04:09)

    Right, wherever it has caused discontinuity, those are flaw. Now, that flaw will become a

    defect depending on the type of the flaw, depending on its location, depending on its

    size, right? So, these are to be certain once you find; so, those will be a certain through a

    Non-Destructive Testing technique which is called NDT. Through NDT, we will

    ascertain what is the type of the flaw where is the location and what is the size.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 04:56)

    Then, that will tell us whether that flaw is a defect or not; if it is a defect, remedial action

    has to be taken, right? So, that is how. So, let us see now, what are the so called defects

    one may observe in case of fusion welding. We will talk about the ones which are more,

    well, I mean, so called mostly observed and which are more, which has a predominant

    effect on the performance of the structure.

    So, first and foremost is a so called lack of deposition. We will first see, try to sort of,

    make a list of the defects which are probable, and then we will see how and why, how

    they are forming, why they are forming and what it to be done with that. So, lack of

    deposition, similarly, lack of penetration over deposition, just reverse of lack of

    deposition over deposition something called undercut, right?

  • (Refer Slide Time: 07:01)

    Spatter, we will come to that. I am trying to sort of, you see, again if you go by this

    location, some will be surface defect, some will be internal defects, so depending on the

    type of surface defect or internal defect, again you will have different methods,

    mechanism to find them out.

    (Refer Slide Time: 07:29)

    So, we are trying to group them as the surface defects then, we will go for the internal

    defects. So, as of now, I can see these are the ones I can recall which are the kind of

    surface defects; within that also, you have surface crack surface cracks, right?

  • (Refer Slide Time: 08:08)

    Then then, you have internal cracks. Once we have talked about surface cracks means,

    there can be internal cracks, right? There is something called slag inclusion, slag

    inclusion the name suggest what it is, right?

    Then, you have what you called porosity. Then, you have well, blow-holes also. You

    can, one can talk about blow-holes, then something called lamellar tear, so, these are the

    defects internal; they were internal defects, right?

    (Refer Slide Time: 09:38)

  • (Refer Slide Time: 09:51)

    So, that that is how we see, there are surface defects, internal defects. Now, all these, all

    these, they they may take place because of again improper weld parameters, right?

    Because of improper weld procedure, because some may depend on improper procedure

    means, well, the welding welding parameter is a is a part of welding procedure, because

    welding procedure will tell you about the entire process which is to followed.

    That includes, what should be the welding current; that also includes, how much restraint

    is to be applied to the plates, right? So, depending on all those factors, working together

    may lead to one of these defects, right? If these defects, I mean, here we are talking

    about the defects, we are assuming that the size of the porosity, the size of the undercut is

    such that they are to be removed.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 11:18)

    That means, their location is in the cracks, the surface crack or the internal crack is in

    such a location that they are to be removed, right? The size is such that, they are they

    qualify for defect any way so, lack of deposition; as you can see, the very name that

    means it leads to a good welded joint. Suppose a butt welding is being done, right? It

    should lead to a weld profile like this, right? Instead, if it leads to a weld profile, say like

    this, then this is lack of deposition, right? It should be a convex; the bead profile has to

    be convex, that means, there should be a crown on the metal, on the over the fusion zone

    where the metal has been deposited; a crown, a top, a reinforcement should be there; this

    is what is referred to as top reinforcement, so, this is what is lack of deposition.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 12:58)

    Lack of deposition: this may happen because of improper weld parameter like higher

    welding speed, less melting rate of the electrode as lead to improper deposition proper,

    full deposition has been taken place, that is, lack of deposition.

    (Refer Slide Time: 13:43)

    Then, lack of penetration: lack of penetration is, that is, say again, suppose a butt weld is

    being done, right? And, the fusion zone looks like this; that means, deposited metal did

    not penetrate through the thickness, did not penetrate through the thickness, and there is

    a lack of penetration at the root root. Deposition has been taken place, this is a lack of

  • penetration, so, this is obviously, is not acceptable like lack of deposition is not

    acceptable; because here, the cross sectional area becoming less, so, your strength of the

    joint might be less.

    (Refer Slide Time: 13:54)

    (Refer Slide Time: 14:25)

    Similarly, here it is more serious lack of penetration, because, this part will act as a gross

    discontinuity in the structure, will behave like a crack as if... So, there will be a much

    greatest stress concentration, lack of penetration is more sever defect than lack of

    deposition, right? So, this is what lack of penetration is.

  • Then, well, over deposition: over deposition is just the reverse of it. Over deposition is

    this; well, what is the problem with over deposition? Over deposition means, you see that

    will, yeah, firstly it is unnecessary; too much of heat has gone into the structure, extra

    metal has been deposited; mans extra heat has gone there, so, that already has an

    adverse effect by increasing the heat effected zone. The heat affected zone will be more,

    which is an indirect defect, which is not immediately visible, whose effect will not be

    immediately visible, but in the long run, that might affect; I have a wider heat affected


    Wider heat effected zone means, a wider place of inferior mechanical property, right?

    Heat effected zone is not only is inferior in mechanical property compared to the parent

    metal, it is also a zone where corrosion rate is higher; why? Because, there you may have

    a residual stress plus the corrosion may get initiated there; why? Because there is the

    microstructure is different to the adjacent microstructure, so, the cathode-anode

    formation will take place; in a galvanic cell, localized galvanic cell will take place.

    So, that is one aspect; that, because welding procedure also should look into such that, it

    it will lead to not not only a joint defect free, but also a joint leading to minimum width

    of heat affected zone, minimum residual stress, minimum distortion, right? So, over

    deposition, one aspect is this; other aspect is of course, as you said that local stress

    concentration; because here, at this corner, there is a sudden change in the cross section,

    a sufficient change in the cross section so, a stress concentration is expected.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 17:29)

    So, that is also not, I mean, that is not desirable, so, over deposition can also be taken as

    a defect. What is to be done? Lack of deposition, if it differs; what is to be done? Well,

    simple; you will have to deposit additional layer; you will have to re-weld it, simple; to

    get the proper deposition here, what is to be done? You have to grind it, you have to use

    a grinder, cut it off, right? So, that is what is over deposition.

    Then, undercut undercut: we have already talked about; before it is a case, what happens

    is, well, when welding is done, now, if the welding speed is too high, then at the at the

    edges of the weld bead, the weld reinforcement forms like this, and at the edges, right, a

    small narrow channel like a like a thing forms.

    Why? Because essentially, the metal gets melted, right? If the speed is fast, metal gets

    melted, and the metal because of the high speed, the metal gets solidified faster, before it

    could flow back and fill up the entire place. So, a kind of a spatter is formed. A

    longitudinal spatter all along the length of the weld; it is speed dependent, means, if

    speed is high, generally leads to undercut; that is what is referred to as undercut. Though

    nothing is happening at the under, below the weld bead, but it is at the side of the weld

    bead; this is my weld bead at the side, right? Small such channels will form as if. So. that

    is what is referred to as undercut.

    So, if this undercut is there, now the trouble is this, is happening where? Where you have

    the heat affected zone; the undercut is near the zone, is above the heat affected zone and

  • as it is heat affected zone is mechanically weak, so, having a undercut is a serious flaw.

    So, it has to be taken care of; that means, the weld beads to be it has to be re-welded and

    this under cut to be removed.

    And, what happens? Since it is a it is related to speed, so, whenever there is a case of

    undercut, it continuous for a certain length before the welder observes that this is

    happening; then only you stop the weld process, check the parameters and redo it, so,

    that is what is under cut.

    (Refer Slide Time: 20:20)

    Then, spatter spatter is a thing, you see it is not a directly itself, is not a defect; say, this

    is my weld line, right? This is my weld line, that means, along this, the welding has been

    done, say a butt joint has been done; a butt welding, that means, two flat plates have been

    welded, and you see in some location, there are lots of such small small droplets of metal

    droplets are there, this is what is refer to as spatter.

    Spatter in itself is not a flaw or a defect, but it indicates that there might be a flaw here.

    Wherever the spatter has taken place, there might be a flaw there, inside. Because, why is

    spattering has taken place, what is spatter, what cause spatter? That means, explosion of

    metal has taken place for some reason or the other, right? If so, that has taken place;

    there can be a possibility of gas has got entrapped in the flaw, that means there was

    turbulence in the weld pool.

  • Because of that, molten metal has got expelled from the weld pool in the process. There

    could have been a entrapment of gas, so, spatter means, there can be a possibility of

    porosity; inside, a porosity may have formed, right?

    So, spatter, though itself it is not a defect, but it points to a defect that is what it is; and

    also, at the same time, wherever spatter has taken place, these droplets are to be

    removed; they are to be removed by grinding, because, if they are not removed, then

    later when you do painting, corrosion will start there. Because, paint film will get

    damaged because of this spatter and corrosion will start there.

    So, that is what is spatter; and then, you have the so called surface crack; say, a welding

    has been done; this is the weld bead and you see a crack in the surface. The crack can be

    vertical crack, this crack can be through, and through crack it can be on the on the

    surface localized crack, right?

    That means, a line crack or a star like crack, all kinds of cracks that that can be on the

    surface, right? So these are essentially surface cracks. Surface cracks means the cracks

    which are fusible on the surface; they may be few micron deep; they may be few

    millimeter deep; they may be several millimeters deep; they may be through and through

    crack, all kinds; that means, just just on the surface, the surface thin layer has got


    Or it can be deep; it can be as deep as the entire thickness through and through there, is a

    crack that can also happen. Generally, these cracks, these surface cracks are because are

    generally referred to as generally hot cracks. Hot cracks means, they take place, they take

    place during the during the welding phase itself, during the welding process itself; that

    means, you are welding a joint, and as you look back, at the back, it has already cracked;

    that means, still the weld is hot.

    By hot, I do not mean that they still in a liquid state. Because, in liquid state, there is no

    crack; means, it has solidified, but, but it is still hot, it has not fully cool down, but it has

    already cracked. So, that is also referred to as solidification cracking. Solidification

    cracking, that means as if during the process of solidification, it has cracked, right?

    So generally, surface cracks are due to solidification cracking; they are generally hot

    cracks. Well, what happens because of stresses? Because of unfavorable thermal stresses

  • taking place, the structure is unfavorably restrained. So, the kind of tensile stress taking

    place in the in the weld metal, and the weld metal composition taken together, it cannot

    sustain that stress and crack develops.

    So, what could be remedy? Well, remedy is, once the crack has developed, if you have

    detected, if you have detected it, that has to be scooped out, cut out and re-weld. There is

    a remedy, otherwise, procedural remedy would be, you have to look into the weld

    parameters; you have to look into the filler metal composition; you will have to look into

    the structural restrains, say a butt welding, a fillet welding; you are doing, in fact, just the

    other day we had been doing a

    (Refer Slide Time: 26:10)

    I was telling you probably in the previous class, just a simple case of fillet welding we

    had been doing, right? So, with a submerged arc, the fillet was like this; both sides fillet,

    right? And, and a crack was observed in, right? In the center line, through and through

    crack from the surface; still inside, through and through crack took place.

    In the second case, when we did some, means this, was a case a small test, sample hardly

    300 millimeter long like this, right? When it is welded, it is it it crack all through, all

    along the length. The next, before welding, we did some tacking at at some small

    intervals, small tack welds, and then welded. There was no crack, that means, the stress

    redistribution taking place are simple because of some tack welds. Some tack welds have

  • been done, and then when you are welding it, the stresses developing are totally different

    or the extent of tensile loading coming on the fillet, it is not cracking it.

    (Refer Slide Time: 27:57)

    So, that is why the surface crack, it will depend on, well, it will primarily depend on the

    welding procedure; it will depend on the restraint on the structure, what kind of stress

    level is taking place. So, if a defect is observed, well it has to removed and re-welded.

    But, thereby, you are not removing the cause of the defect; so, to remove the cause of the

    defect, means, you have to look into the welding procedure, such that, newer, fresh

    welding you do.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 28:23)

    Crack or defect should not occur, so, these are the defects we talked about. They are the

    surface defect, lack of deposition, lack of penetration, over deposition, undercut, spatter

    and surface cracks; though surface cracks can go inside, right?

    (Refer Slide Time: 28:47)

    So, they are the kind of surface defects and then, you have the internal defects, internal

    defects you started with internal cracks. In this case, what happens? In this case, when

    when the welding welding has been done from outside both sides, top, bottom;

    everywhere it looks absolutely perfect, that means, nothing is visible.

  • But, there can be a crack inside, not visible; crack can be vertically downwards, can be

    oblique and can be horizontal, anything, right? Or it can be even in in several directions

    like these internal cracks. These internal cracks are generally generally referred to as

    cold cracks. Well, once again the internal crack like surface crack, the cracking has taken

    place at the surface and propagated inside. Internal crack can get initiated internally and

    may get propagated outside; so, it may or may not become visible outside; generally not

    visible; remains strapped within inside internal cracks. They are generally cold cracks,

    and cold crack is due to no due to a phenomena called hydrogen embrittlement, right?

    Because of hydrogen embrittlement means, this hydrogen is making the rendering the

    material brittle is, as if its rendering the material brittle; and and thereby, the material is

    cracking, that means, it is losing its ductility, natural ductility becoming brittle, and

    under the under the thermal stresses or under the well formation of the residual stresses

    after the welding, everything is over; it is getting cracked. So, that is what is generally

    the internal cracks are like that.

    What basically happens is, little bit if we look into this, once again you see, go back to

    the so called microstructure. If we look into the microstructure, we see somewhat like

    this; that means, in between the grains, there are spaces which are some voids are there.

    These are the voids in between the grains like... So, what happens when you are doing

    welding? If there is a hydrogen present in the environment, from from where the

    moisture moisture in the flux moisture, in the plate moisture, in the electrode wire or

    environmental moisture. If there is too much moisture is there, that from the moisture,

    that hydrogen gets that H 2 O gets dissociated, right? And, in hydrogen, in atomic form,

    they get lost in this wedge, micro structural wedge, right? In between the grains, the

    voids are there; the hydrogen in the atomic form, it gets lodged; there they occupy those


    And, as the welding is over, the entire materials gets cool down; at that condition, those

    atoms, they combine and form the molecules, right? Once that, that, is formed, they exert

    a tremendous force in all direction, why? Because, it seems the molecule, the volume is

    more than individual atoms that means two atoms combining forming a molecule, the

    volume occupied by two atoms is less than one molecule, right?

    So thereby, once the atomic hydrogen gets converted into molecular hydrogen, it exerts a

    tremendous pressure, because the volume it was occupying is becoming short. So, in that

  • pressure it cracks, right? In that pressure, it cracks; so, thereby, as if the hydrogen has

    made the material brittle and the metal has cracked, right? So, that is what is referred to

    as hydrogen embrittlement. So, in that form, such cracks may form inside and may get

    initiated and stopped within.

    That means, it does not further propagate; later, under action of external forces etcetera,

    other kinds of loading that may act as a may act as a so called may act as a further crack

    initiator; means, from there the crack may grow, crack growth may take place and

    eventually lead to a catastrophic failure of the entire structure. So, that are what are the

    internal cracks, right? So, they are generally because of this hydrogen embrittlement and

    that that is why they are referred to cold crack, means it is something like this.

    Also, they are referred to as delayed cracking; delayed cracking means the welding has

    been done today immediately; after, say few hours, if you check the welding, you may

    find there is no crack; but after two days, you might find a crack. That also happens so,

    that is an internal crack.

    (Refer Slide Time: 34:49)

    Then, you have slag inclusion means, when you do a multi, multi-run welding, suppose,

    with a manual manual metal arc welding with a multi-run, means, one run you have

    given, then whatever slag was there you have removed it; you have given a second run, a

    third run and so on. Every run you are giving, you are removing the slag; if you do not

    remove, it meticulously a small speck of slag may remain inside. Suppose a slag has

  • remained here and and you have done welding on top of it; so, what will happen? The

    slag does not get re-melted, it remains, neither it floats up, it remains; so, that is a slag

    inclusion, a slag has got included.; Slag inclusion is, if I look it in a enlarged form, the

    slag can, that slag particle can have any arbitrary shape; and in all probability, that

    arbitrary shape will have very many sharp peaks, why? Because, the slag is a brittle

    material; it is the hardened, the burnt flux, right?

    It is a brittle material, so, a small speck remaining, means, it will have all kinds of sharp

    edges. So, this, the slag inside will behave, as these edges will behave like a crack tips;

    and, if there is a crack tip, means, chances of stress concentration. The moment there is a

    stress concentration, means, they can be the potential crack initiator, the location for

    crack initiation; so, this is a slag inclusion, again internal defect porosity.

    Porosity is again, if your welding speed is not adequate; rather of the higher side, then

    what may happen? The gases what has been formed because of depending on the

    process, suppose you are using shielded metal arc welding, the flux is burning, giving out

    gas which is shielding the molten metal or you are using gas metal arc welding; the gas is

    injected on the weld pool surface for shielding. So, the gas bubbles, they get entrapped

    before they they can float out; they get entrapped inside.

    Before they can float out, the metal solidifies and gets entrapped, and a cluster of such

    small small, that is the difference between blow hole, and porosity blow hole is rather a

    bigger diameter void; a void of bigger diameter, that is a blow hole, a gross entrapment

    of a gas bubble, right? Whereas, porosity is fine droplets kind of a thing, much much

    finer sizes of cluster of small small blow holes, as if, very small blow holes, a cluster of

    them; this is referred to as porosity.

    So, porosity can be caused due to higher welding speed. It can be due to the presence of

    impurities in the welding side. Suppose, some grease or oil is there that gets burnt, that

    also generates gases fumes which gets entrapped; so, porosity, naturally porosity has to

    be removed, that is a gross defect; and it is a internal defect at the same time, because it

    forms with in the fusion zone. Blow hole is same thing, it is a formation of a well

    porosity is cluster of small small bubbles; blow hole is one big bubble.

    For some reason, some gas gas bubble may got entrapped. Generally, blow hole is not

    observed; blow hole is observed in casting in casting operations. When you do molding

  • and casting of big parts, suppose you are doing the casting of the stern frame of the ship,

    right? If it is not properly done, the mold at certain, not properly prepared gases may

    form which cannot escape and forms as a remains as a blow hole.

    (Refer Slide Time: 39:23)

    Here, we have generally porosity, the lamella tear; it is a typical failure in case of fillet

    joints, in case of T joint suppose a structure is like this, right? The welding is done in this

    fashion, these are the fillets. Fillet welding like immense amount of fillet welding is done

    in the ship structure; all the stiffen panels, essentially fillet welding, so, you need to In

    Fillet welding, what is happening? The material here, material around the weld zone, I

    mean a shrinkage force works there.

    It shrinks isnt it? This is shrinking in this direction; this part is shrinking in this

    direction, right? A shrinkage force works, and depending on a situation, sometimes a

    defect of this type is observed; a crack forms in the base plate over which that team

    member or, that means, this is fillet welded on the best plate; a crack forms this, is what

    is called lamellar tear, lamellar tearing, right? This is because of the thermal stresses

    here, it has this; lamellar tear has nothing to do in the weld zone, it is generally just

    beyond the weld zone; it can be in the heat affected zone just below the fusion zone,


    So, that is what is lamellar tear. Once again, lamellar tear is also a internal defect, so,

    these are the typical weld defects; as we can see now, the job is to should should have a

  • mechanism through which you can detect all these defects. So, we have seen that there

    are surface defects as well as internal defects, that means, we will have to have

    mechanism by which we can see what is there in the surface, as well as what is there


    (Refer Slide Time: 41:45)

    So, based on that, in fact, to tell you as far as welding, so called; as far as Non-

    Destructive Testing techniques are concerned, there are several techniques are there,

    several methods are available.

    But obviously, many of them are not suitable for shipbuilding applications or the kind of

    structures we do; there are many of them, are not suitable; so, we will discuss about only

    those which are relevant to shipbuilding. What could be the first and fore most and most

    important and most, sort of, what to say, most effective efficient means of NDT, Non-

    Destructive Testing? What visual inspection? Nothing, but visual inspection means a

    very trained eye inspection, through a very much skilled and trained eye visual


    Why? Because, you can very well appreciate the extent of welding which goes in in a

    ship structure or in a offshore structure or any structure of that type. Extensible amount

    of welding goes in, isnt it? I mean, if you really put together the in terms of meters, it

    will be few hundreds of few kilometers; probably, the total weld length that will go in in

    a in a vessel of probably 200 meters long, right?

  • I mean, few hundreds of kilometers, total weld length will be there, probably; so,

    obviously, now it becomes, probably, physically impossible to have a very extensive

    check on the entire weld length; so, what is done is, visual inspection is the most

    important that is done for the entire welded or or the entire weld length is subjected to

    visual inspection.

    (Refer Slide Time: 44:18)

    What does it mean? It means that a proper weld inspector or a person trained in welding

    defects, and these these things, he he physically checks, he physically checks the welding

    from outside through visual inspection, thereby you can already detect as many as these

    six defects which are there on the surface. So, already, so many could be detected; there

    can be something like, some of the surface crack may not become visible in the naked

    eye. There are some other methods then one can apply, but at least others, lack of

    deposition, lack of penetration, under cut, over deposition, spatter all these can be


    So, visual inspection is is a is a technique which is in fact the most effective means of

    testing or assuring whether the welding has been done defect free or not. But obviously,

    its limitation is, you can only, through this, check the external or surface defects.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 45:07)

    (Refer Slide Time: 45:36)

    Next is, what is called dye testing? This method is also used in in ship building

    applications. What is the dye penetrant? It means, essentially this is used like, as far as

    visual inspection is concerned, lack of deposition can be very easily detected, lack of

    penetration, over deposition, undercut, spatter all these five can be very easily detected;

    but, surface crack may, at times, evade your naked eye; means, they might be so fine that

    you may fail to notice it. And obviously, you know will not go about with a magnifying

    glass, that is not done anyway; so, surface crack, you may evade unless until it is a very

    wide at visible crack, right? So, to help that visual inspection, one can take help of dye

  • penetrant testing; so, through using a kind of dye, it enhances your capability of visual

    inspection; what is done is, over the weld surface, a fluorescent dye is spared over the

    weld surface.

    By capillary action, the dye gets, dye propagates through the crack, right? And then,

    what is done is, you just clean the surface, wipe out the surface; so, whatever dye has got

    penetrated in the crack, the crack may be surface crack; means, I am not talking about

    through and through crack; it can be just surface crack, it can be to a certain depth.

    Starting from the surface, so, dye will penetrate by capillary action, and if you rub the

    surface, I mean, wipe it out; what will happen? And that surface is eliminated with a

    fluorescent, with an ultra-violet torch, with a ultra-violet torch that fluorescent dye will

    grow in that, right?

    So, the cracks will become easily visible, that is the logic, that is how you can detect

    those cracks; of course, this does not tell you how deep the crack is. Obviously, it does

    not tell you, but it gives you that, well, there is a crack on the surface, there is another

    aspect of dye penetrant testing. If you are testing a flat plate, this side you put a dye and

    you go on the other side and illuminate that with a ultra-violet light. If some part glows,

    that means there is a through and through crack; because through capillary action, it will

    suck to the other side, it will go; the dye will go to the other side.

    So, if something is bleeding on the other side, which becomes visible in that fluorescent

    because of its fluorescence under ultra violet light. So, you can make out that there is a

    crack through and through, so, that is what the dye penetrant testing is. This is a very

    simple method of testing in a inexpensive, but effective.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 48:27)

    What the primary drawback is, limitation is that, it cannot say whether, it can only say

    either it is a surface crack or it is a through and through crack. If it is half way between,

    how much it cannot say; because, if you have to repair the crack, then you should know

    how much it has gone in, right?

    (Refer Slide Time: 49:21)

    Also, another drawback is, it does not have any same drawback for visual inspection; no

    record, you cannot. Automatic records are not generated; you will have to later prepare a

    record that there was a crack that was the defect etcetera, right? That is also a limitation.

  • Next method is called magnetic particle method. This is another method called magnetic

    particle; in this magnetic particle, what is done is, you you have the, suppose the welding

    has been done along this line, right?

    Over this, you spray iron filings, iron power, rather over the entire, over the welded

    surface, say iron powder is put, and then you move a magnet, a horseshoe magnet

    suppose, right? In this direction, you just move the magnet along the welded zone; so,

    what will happen? You know, the magnet lines of force will act through this; so, these

    will, all all these magnetic filings will align themselves as per the magnetic lines of


    Now, if there is a discontinuity in between, about the discontinuity, again the north and

    south poles will form; as you know, since here, I am having a North pole and there is a

    South pole, right? Say, there is a discontinuity here, so, in this discontinuity, closer to

    this, this side will become South Pole and the other side will become North Pole, isnt it?

    Just reverse magnetic fields will form; so, this side it will it will form a south pole and

    the other side of the crack will form a north pole.

    And, again there, the magnetic lines of force will be districted, so, the mechanic... So,

    those powders, iron powders will align themselves along that crack, right? And the crack

    will be visible through the arrangement of those magnetic particles of the iron powder

    which has been spread over it. They will align themselves along the crack, and the crack

    will be visible, so, that becomes a very simple method of testing.

    But, what are the limitations? Well, first and foremost limitation is, it has to be done in a

    horizontal case; that means, the plates are remaining in the horizontal form. In a vertical,

    you cannot do magnetic testing; dye penetrate in vertical also, you can do over it, not

    possible. So, in a horizontal and second limitation is the material, the welded material

    has to be magnetic; that means, for aluminum welding, I cannot use; third is, it has a

    limitation in the penetrating power of the magnetic field, penetrating power of the

    magnetic field, it generally, it penetrates up to 6 millimeters; that means, any track

    beyond 6 millimeter.

    Suppose, a discontinuity beyond 6 millimeter below, say you have done a, you are

    checking a plate of 20 millimeter, thick crack is there on the bottom half below 10

  • millimeter; that will not be visible it. It generally penetrates up to 6 millimeter, so that is

    the limitation of magnetic particle testing.

    (Refer Slide Time: 52:49)

    Well, next is the Radiographic Testing; Radiographic Testing is nothing but the

    conventional X-ray. As we do similar to that, it will be more powerful X-ray basically,

    right? So, the X-ray you are all are aware of, in the same method, you will have to put a

    photographic material below and over, you expose it with X-ray.

    So, whatever defect is inside, will get an image there; and again, a trained eye has to read

    that film; something like your lung X-ray is done; doctor will know whether things are

    all, right? Or, not same way, a welding doctor will know by checking the X-rays.

    Whether there is any, I mean, the spots whatever will come, whether it relates to a crack

    or relates to a slag inclusion or relates to porosity, right? Similarly, you have ultra

    Ultrasonic Testing; Ultrasonic Testing is again, well, with Radiographic Testing, the

    biggest advantage is, you can literally see through the entire weld fusion zone through

    the material; all defects you can see.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 54:23)

    (Refer Slide Time: 54:49)

    But, at the same time, it has limitations; that supposingly, your defect falls in line with

    the, falls in line with the crack; suppose, assume a theoretical crack like this, a vertical

    crack, and your X-rays are coming vertically down; so, it will give a spot in the film.

    You will not realize that this is a such a long crack is there; you will find it is a small,

    possibly some defects, small small, though that is hypothetically, it is possible; but, such

    a coincident can be rare. Other disadvantages of Radiographic are, these hazards, that is

    number 1 very much hazards; and second, it is a bulk equipment. So, not every nook and

    corner, you cannot test.

  • Whereas, ultrasonic testing, it uses the principle of sound, sound wave, you know;

    wherever you put a sound wave, whenever it meets a interface, it gets reflected; that is

    how? In that principle, even these probes can be used as a thickness gauge; I put it it this

    these probes, small probes which can be held in the just by the fingers. So, it is small,

    potable, so, you can take it out anywhere within the nook and corner or a complex

    complicated structural geometry is there; it can be taken there.

    (Refer Slide Time: 55:46)

    So, this ultrasound probes are used in a zigzag fashion. This is the weld line, the

    ultrasound probe is moved in in such a fashion on both the sides of the weld zone. This is

    the welding line; this is the movement of the... Why is it done that way? Because, these

    probes have a capability of transmitting ultrasound in a oblique fashion, right? In a

    oblique direction, so, if the weld zone is this, you go on moving this; it scans the entire

    depth you make; this movement of the probe. So, it scans the entire depth, again on the

    other side, it will scan the entire depth. So, thereby, it goes on scanning the entire depth

    so, any any discontinuity it is meeting within the weld zone in the form of a crack or a

    slag inclusion or porosity, it will be reflected in the monitor. Because, otherwise, the

    monitor signal will be something uniform; wherever there is some discontinuity, may,

    there will be some spike; again, the same thing, what this spike means.

  • (Refer Slide Time: 57:41)

    (Refer Slide Time: 58:36)

    What extent of crack, etcetera? Again, it needs a very trained interpretation, right?

    Something similar to that of... You see, the ECG plots again something similar, you will

    have to be trained in that. But, the logic is, point is, through this, you can very easily see

    what is there inside; and the same thing can also be recorded; that is another biggest

    advantage of Radiographic and Ultrasonic Testing; that you can produce a record of the

    tests; that is very very important from legal point of view; because, you know, what

    happens? All these becomes assumes an immense importance; if an accident takes place

    in the service, life; some accidents take take place, then you start digging out, start

  • postmortem and all that. So there, these things become very important; that, well these

    welding were tested, and these are my reports. But, all these, visual dye penetrant,

    magnetic particle, no report report is man- made means, after the after you have seen,

    after done, you can write it down. But, this is in the process of... testing reports are

    generated; the photographic films or the prints of those from the ultrasound probes,


    (Refer Slide Time: 58:40)

    So, these are so, that is how we see; they are the basic five techniques which are used,

    which are used extensible extensible. What is done is, the vulnerable parts, say, the bilge

    plate, that welding of the bridged plate and the slide plate, the sheer strake and the side

    shell plate, so, such vulnerable joints, they are 100 percent Radiographic tested. These

    are all specified by classification society rules that where, what type of testing is a must

    visual; its inspection is a must for entire weld length, very vulnerable places

    Radiographic or Ultrasonic Testing is a must, right? So, that is how we see that these are

    the entities which are primarily used in ship building; there are many more, but in

    shipbuilding, these are the most relevant and these are the ones which are used.