Welcome to the Urban Community of Bordeaux · • Centred around Bordeaux ... (sort, recycle,...

Welcome to the Urban Community of Bordeaux

Transcript of Welcome to the Urban Community of Bordeaux · • Centred around Bordeaux ... (sort, recycle,...

Welcome to theUrban Community of


• 27 municipalities

• Centred around Bordeaux

• 55,188 hectares

• 720,000 inhabitants

• 7th largest French conurbation(demographic weight)

A Territory

Un territoire aux ambitions européennes :

Objective: + 300,000 population by 2030

A metropolis in south-west France connected to the world :

• rail links: 22 Bordeaux – Paris trains each day

• liaisons aériennes : air links: 5th French airport (outside Paris): 30 scheduled flight destinations, 30 charter destinations, 20 flights a day to Paris, plus a freight terminal.

• port links: with the 5 continents: 300 destinations and port traffic of 8.5 million tonnes.

Bordeaux > Toulouse : 2h08 (1h00 in 2020)

Bordeaux > Bilbao : 1h45 in 2020

Bordeaux > Paris : 3h05 (2h00 in 2016)

Bordeaux > Madrid : 3h30 in 2020

Bordeaux > Paris : 1h00Bordeaux > Barcelona : 1h05Bordeaux > Lyon : 1h10Bordeaux > Madrid : 1h15Bordeaux > Geneva : 1h20Bordeaux > London : 1h30Bordeaux > Bruxels : 1h35Bordeaux > Amsterdam : 1h35Bordeaux > Marrakech : 2h35

Bordeaux > Toulouse : 2h30

Bordeaux > Nantes : 3h30

Bordeaux > Bilbao : 3h30

Bordeaux > Paris : 5h30

Bordeaux > Lyon : 6h00


An Administrative Entity

- Public institution for inter-municipal cooperation, handling projects of general interest to the municipalities

– Created in 1968 along with Lille, Lyon and Strasbourg

– One of the 16 urban communities in France

– 2,700 staff in a wide variety of fields

- A president,

- 36 Vice- Présidents,- 120 Community Councillors

Community Council : composed of 120 community councillors•120 Community Councillors from the 27 municipalities belonging to the CUB, appointed from the councillors of each of the municipalities,• meets each month

Executive Committee : composed of the President and Vice Presidents – Gives an opinion on important issues,– Prepare the debates of the Community Council.

Commissions : 10

– For each of the power of the CUB – Meat each month and study the files to be presented to the Community Council.

Political Organisation

• Vincent Feltesse, since July 2007Mayor of Blanquefort.

- Number set by law according to the number of municipalities and their population

-120 Community Councillors from the 27 municipalities belonging to the CUB

- Appointed from among the councillors of the municipalities

Community Council

Political Organisation

Community Departments

Draft Provisional Investment Programme 2011- 2015

€2.067 billion, of which : €1.205 billion€865 million

Main powers: - transport- roads- town planning, housing- drinking water and waste water- general and local administration- economic development and higher education- environment

Budget Organisation

Provisional budget 2011

Income : €1,095,975,911

INVESTMENT 181,587,076OPERATIONS 914,388,835

Borrowing 89,551,500


Other income68,808,584


V.A.T 23,226,992


State funds andcontributions313,256,304


136,263,115Operating income



(CET, IFER…,TEOM, VT) 42.42%

% of total income (Investment°+ Operations°)

Investment and operating income Surplus forecast: €309,918

Budget Organisation

Budget Organisation

Provisional budget 2011

Expenditure: €1,095,665,993% of total expenditure (Investment°+ Operations°)

INVESTMENT 462,398,078OPERATIONS 633,267,995

Equipment 406,645,561




Capital 48,032,402


118,222,090Personnel costs


19,738,350 Interest 1.80%

495,307,475Other operating expenses


Investment and operating expenditure

6 mandatory powersDefined by the laws of 1966 and 1999

1 power transferred:

Powers for ‘fire and emergency services’ were transferred to the General Council in 1999.

Official Powers

• Economic planning and development

• Planning and development of the Community area

• Social housing management

• Urban policy

• Services of collective interest: water, sewerage, cemeteries, abattoirs…

• Environment and living conditions: waste management…

The priorities guide the action of the CUB: :1 – promoting sustainable economic development

2 – improving transport and promoting alternatives to the car

3 – protecting natural resources and balance

4 – restoring balance to urban development and improving housing quality

5 – a metropolis of projects

The Priorities

• Sustainable development lies at the heart of CUB action in a number of fields:- transport, - water- housing…

1 - Promoting Sustainable Economic Development

Four accredited competitiveness clusters

« Aérospace Valley » : Aeronautics / Space / Defense « Route des lasers® » : Optics / Lasers« Xylofutur » : Wood / Paper / Cardboard« Avénia » : Green Energy

Regional competitiveness clusters

« Prod’Innov » : Nutrition / Health« Inno’vin » : Wine and scientific and technological excellence« CréaHd » : Sustainable development and housing« L’euroSIMA » : Board sports

The other sectors of excellence

Information and communicationtechnologiesNeurosciencesEco-activitiesBiotechnologies

Green chemistryYacht buildingDigital archaeologyComposite materials

An innovative industrial fabric

Promoting Sustainable EconomicDevelopment

• N°1 in France for medical IT• 4th-biggest banking centre in France

Promoting Sustainable Economic

Services and intelligence in the metropolis


• 48, 000 establishments in the territory of the Urban Community:

- 58% in services- 25% in commerce- 10% in construction- 7% in industry

• 79% of private salaried employment in the service sector

• 216 headquarters of companies with over 100 employeesA number of major groups: A number of major groups: Thalès, Sanofi Aventis, Dassault,EADS …

Bordeaux University ( PRES- Research and Higher Education Centre)

-Over 77,000 students

- 4 Universities, 3 Technology Institutes, 8 Vocational Institutes

- 9 engineering schools: ENSEIRB, ENSCBP, ENITAB, ENSAM...

- A large number of higher-education schools and institutes: Institute of Political Science, Art School, School of Architecture, National School for the Judiciary...

• Over 11,000 reseachers in (private and public) R&D in Aquitaine

A value-creating metropolis

2- Improving transport and promoting alternatives to the car

TheTBC network (Tram and bus of the CUB) : over 100 millions trips in 2010, 63% by tram.

The tram• 3 tram lines using ground-level power supply (technological

innovation)• 74 trams• 44km of lines (33km more by 2015)• 15 park and rides• 4,729 parking spaces

Bus• 95 bus lines• Bus fleets: 427 buses and 6 electric shuttle buses

Cycling• Almost 944km of cycle lanes • Creation of a self-service bicycle hire system

(VCub)• 1,545 bikes in 139 stations

Improving transport and promoting

alternatives to the car

Tools to change the way we move around :- Urban Mobility Plan – introduced in 2000 and currently being reviewed

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by limiting use of the car

- The MetropolitanTransport Operational Master Plan (2010-2020) - adopted in April 2011Define the most suitable transport system over time (transport section of the future Urban Mobility Plan)Provide orientations for future studies and operations

3 - Protecting Natural Resources and Balance

• Natural landscape and farming land represent 50% of the territory-Wetlands- Parks- market gardening…

• Over 30 parks and gardens

Protecting Natural Resources


Tools to protect the environment :

• An “Environmental Charter: Towards Sustainable Development” (adopted in 2004), which defines guidelines and 84 actions, including:

– Climate plan: for more effective control of energy consumption and to promote renewable energies

– Launch of Agenda 21: to provide a response to the challenges of sustainable development on the level of the territory.

Sustainable development action :Sustainable Development Juniors

Support for teachers in setting up pedagogical projects around sustainable development

1 – awareness raising2 – projects, including school agenda 21 projects3 – training4 – promotion days (events, project presentations, films, shows on the theme of sustainable development).

and Balance

Drinking water : Distribution of 160, 000 à 170, 000 m3 of water a day, Requiring maintenance of - 13 water towers

- 15 ground storage reservoirs- over 3,000 km of pipes

Industrial water: Treatment unit on the Ambès Peninsula- supplies lower-quality industrial water at very low cost,- reduces use of underground water resources.

Protecting Natural Resources

and Balance

Water and sewerage :

Sewerage : - Wastewater treatment plants: full renewal programme for the treatment plants (€1 billion approx. over 10 years)- Le Clos de Hilde: one of the most efficient treatment plants in Europe

Waste (en 2009)

• over 422 000 tonnes of waste collected (household waste and equivalent)

• Used for energy production : aver 223, 500 tonnes

• An increase in waste sorting since 1995 with the TRIVAC plan (sort, recycle, Incinerate, re-use, communicate)

Astria :incinération facility with a sorting and sludge treatment unit.

4 - Restoring Balance to Urban Development and Improving Housing Quality

Restoring Balance to Urban Development

and Improving Housing Quality

Tools for programming and regulating

• PLU : Local Urban Planning Scheme (adopted in 2006)

• PLH : Local Housing Plan (modified and adopted in 2007)

• SCoT (Territorial Cohesion Scheme): sets the basic orientations for organising the territory

Objectives: - improve living conditions - promote good-quality housing for all- develop urban ecology- create adapted urban spaces- develop urban projects- enhance deprived districts

• Urban policy: ambition of reintegrating more deprived districts into the dynamics of the conurbation

•Development operationsSome forty operations covering 1,400 ha

- 70% housing- 12% service sector- 7% commerce and services- 11% public facilities

The 50, 000 homes along the tram lines call for projects:

Restoring Balance to Urban Development

and Improving Housing Quality

- “Competitive dialogue” procedure launched in late 2010 to find a quick, smart way of producing a city for tomorrow that is more compact, more intense and more mixed

- 5 “work packages” were defined for 5 candidates, covering different aspects of life in town: - “dense suburban areas”,- “hubs”,- “near natural spaces”,- “major commercial centers”,- “housing estates”

Near the main transport lines.

5 – A Metropolis of Projects

A Metropolis of Projects

The metropolitan project :- A process of forward studies launched in 2010: from “Bordeaux Metropole 3.0” to the

“metropolitan factory” and the metropolitan cooperative

-Extensive involvement of local stakeholders: politicians, associations, business, academics, schools, experts…

- The metropolis of the “five senses”: Solidarity, Stimulation, Energy-efficiency, Awareness, Singularity

- The 12 labors: “50,000 homes”, “the ¼ hour metropolis” etc…

1 – economic projects

2 – culture and tourism projects

3 – urban projects

A Metropolis of projects

A Metropolis of Projects

Bordeaux – Blanquefort Ecopark :

- 320 hectare site (27 hectares available) dedicated to forward-looking eco-industries and eco-activities, ISO 14 001 certified

- served by rail and tram in 2013, 15 min from the city hypercentre

- home to innovative companies focusing on the sustainable economy

- a 500m² business incubator

A Metropolis of Projects

Bordeaux Aéroparc (Mérignac, Saint-Médard en Jalles, Le Haillan) :

- technology park dedicated to the aeronautics industries, linked in with the “Aerospace Valley” cluster

-250 hectares for development in Mérignac, Saint-Médard en-Jalles and Le Haillan, with direct access to the airport runways

Designed to foster synergies between industry, research and training centres… while meeting urban quality and sustainable development standards

A Metropolis of Projects

The ArEna (Floirac) :

A multipurpose venue :

• Modular design, from 2,500 to 15,000 seats for cultural or sports events

• Shopping facilities of 29,500m² with restaurants and services• Opening scheduled for end 2012

A Metropolis of Projects

The wine Culture and Tourism Centre (Bordeaux) :In the wet docks area, a project designed to:

- promote local heritage and complete the current range of attractions focusing on wine- provide a place for culture, events and leisure- become a centre of activities in Bordeaux- The Wine Culture and Tourism centre will be a "flagship" for the city and for the region’s wine tourism activities. Its architecture is set to be a great attraction in itself.

This new place of discovery plans to open its doors in 2014.

A Metropolis of Projects

Le Bourgailh, an urban nature tourist attraction (Pessac) :3 objectives :

- give an insight into nature and communicate about the environment- create a destination of regional renown in tourism and sustainable development and enhance the attractiveness of the regional metropolis- build a long-term project creating jobs and activities

Organized around:

- A wildlife and plant park (14 to 17 hectares) with hundreds of animalsGardens and a tropical glasshouse (4,000 plants of 1,300 different species)- Residential developments

A Metropolis of Projects

Les Cascades de Garonne (Lormont) :Features :

This leisure and relaxation centre will offer, among other things:

- 7 chutes and one 30m waterfall- a 1,000m² lagoon- indoor and outdoor pools with water from local springs.

Opening scheduled for 2012.

JM Ruols –Architecte/ Urbaniste

A Metropolis of Projects

Euratlantique (Bordeaux, Floirac, Bègles) :

An operation of National Interest in the southern part of the city :

- 738 hectares (of wich 250 hectares adaptable)- with a launch of 3 urban projects- 30,000 news inhabitants- A wide variety of shops, business premises, hotel


A Metropolis of Projects

The quaysides (Bordeaux) :

• Living areas• The boulevard• The plateau• The banks

Cost: €115 million

between the riverfront buildings and the Garonne, a strip of land 80m wide and 4.5km long, with:

An extensive operation in 2005 transformed the quayside areas, gradually converting them into spaces for relaxation.


A Metropolis of Projects

The West Docks (Bassin à Flots) (Bordeaux) :

• On former industrial wasteland, this new area covers 162 hectares

• An environmentally-friendly multi-purpose area (entertainment, culture, business) around the two docks.

A Metropolis of Projects

Bastide Niel (Bordeaux) :

• Created since 2009 in an area of 30 hectares, it is being developed around the eco-district principle

• Served by the tram and the new Bacalan-Bastide bridge,

• 2,500 homes planned, 120,000 m² of office and shop space.

• In the heart of the development, the Darwin Project aiming to develop almost 10,000 m² of space for the creative economy with a program of services and facilities to attract a collective of eco-citizen enterprises and cultural and artistic associations.

A Metropolis of Projects

Bacalan Bastide Bridge :

A major project for the city, the new bridge will be the continuation of the inner ring of boulevards around the city. It is a way of preparing for the future and linking together the territories on each side of the river to enhance synergies.

Lift bridge features:

- 433m long (117m-long lifting section )

- 32 to 45m wide in its different sections, shared between motor vehicles, exclusive-lane public transport, pedestrians and two-wheeled vehicles.

- Cost of the operation:- €145.8 million including tax (budget on 01/2008)

A Metropolis of Projects

Contacts :

Direction des Relations Internationales et de la Coopération Décentralisée :Anne Raimat – [email protected]

Karine Michel – International Affairs Unit [email protected]

David Queinnec – International Affairs [email protected]

Jany Lovat : [email protected]+ 33 556 998 884