Welcome to the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Professional Certification Course

Welcome to the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Professional Certification Course Instructor: Lindsay Olsen, MA, BCBA Email: [email protected] 1


Welcome to the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Professional Certification Course . Instructor: Lindsay Olsen, MA, BCBA Email: [email protected]. 3 Part Certification Process. Level 1: IBI Course - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome to the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Professional Certification Course

Welcome to the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Professional Certification Course

Welcome to the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Professional Certification Course Instructor: Lindsay Olsen, MA, BCBAEmail: [email protected]

113 Part Certification ProcessLevel 1: IBI CoursePresent for each session, pass each standard quiz with minimum score of 80% and participate in activities, assignments and group workLevel 2: State ExamPass exam with minimum score of 80%Level 3: Student ProjectComplete project with minimum score of 85%2IBI STUDENT PROJECT3

STANDARDS 1-3Standard 1: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities

Standard 2: Professionalism and Ethics

Standard 3: Coordination of Family, School and Community 4Group ActivityCreate group name

Research and present on disability Include: symptoms, incidence, treatment, etiology, learning barriersDesignate 1 person as group presenter


QUIZ Quizzes 1-320 minutes to complete


Standard 5:Foundations of Applied Behavior AnalysisDefine basic behavioral terms and conceptsPWOP Chapter 2 and 9

2) Differential reinforcement PWOP chapters 6,7,8

3) Writing behavioral objectives

7Standard 5Explanations of Human Behavior8DisorderGeneticHereditary+/- of substances in the bodyENV influenceOther factorsEpilepsy some cases traced to single geneImbalance of neuro transmittersExposure to lead and carbon monoxideInfectious disease that affect blood supplyDown SyndromeExcess of genetic material (47 chromosomes)MRGenetic and chromosomal abnormalitiesMetabolic disordersToxic exposure and malnutritionAutismSuspect 10-30 genes Compromised immune systemBody unable to processExposure to neuro toxins**3 tier insultAreas of Brain Affected by Autism9

Standard 5: Biological Explanations10

Behavioral Explanation 111Behavioral Explanation 212Behavioral Explanation 313Behavioral Explanation 414Behavior Change Process 15Terms and ConceptsWhat is and is not behavior?

16Raise hand

Put away pencil



Fall on floorNon-compliant

Follow directions

Off task




Head down on desk

Calm body


Deep breathTerms and Concepts17

CONSEQUENCE= Bad unpleasantbummerHurtnot goodlossDreadfulunlikableterribleTerms and Concepts18 Behavior Behavior Positive ReinforcementThe Science of WANTINGPrimary AKA: Unconditioned R+Becomes more valuable whenEvokes Behaviors that have resulted in.FoodDeprived of foodGetting food in the past (grocery store, asking, ordering, foraging)SleepDeprived of sleep Sleeping in the past (laying down, getting into bed, crying)Increase of Painful StimulusYou are in pain- have a headacheRemoval of pain in the past (taking aspirin)Science of WANTINGPrimary AKA: Unconditioned R+Becomes less valuable whenDecreases or stops behaviors that have resulted in.FoodHave just consumed food Getting food in the past (grocery store, asking, ordering, foraging)Sleep12 hours of sleepSleeping in the past (laying down, getting into bed)Decrease of Painful StimulusYou are no longer in pain or have no painRemoval of pain in the past (taking asprin)Types of ReinforcersPositive (+) ReinforcementAntecedent situationBehaviorConsequencesFuture OccurrenceJonny sitting alone playing with worksheet (20+ min)Throws book on floor and yells *$!!@ Teacher turn to Jonny dont say that word! pick up your book and lets get working.Jonny begins cursing more Antecedent situationBehaviorConsequencesFuture OccurrenceHas not had attention for 20 minutesEngages in behavior that has resulted in attention in pastAttention from teacher (eye contact, physical proximity, verbal engagement)

Behavior increasesSchedules of ReinforcementFixed- RatioA worker receives a pay credit after assembling 15 pieces of equipmentA student receives a sticker on their chart after completing 5 math problemsA student receives a personal size pizza after reading 3 books

Variable -RatioHitting the jackpot playing the slots. After a varying number of lever pulls (behavior) money delivered (reinforcer)Scammers sending out emails requesting for bank information so they can wire you money. After so many responses (sending email) someone gives account information (reinforcer).Door to door salesman. After so many responses (knocking on doors) reinforcement occurs (someone buys item)

Fixed- IntervalMail is delivered approximately 4:00 each day. You could check the mailbox (response) all day but your response will only be reinforced after 4:00 (passage of time)Picking up your paycheck. Going to accounting and asking for check (response) will only be reinforced after a fixed passage of time (every 2 weeks) Teachers setting a 2 minute interval timer and each correct answer on a math worksheet after the passage of time results in reinforcement Variable- IntervalJennys therapist assessed Jennys on task behavior (writing, reading a page or calculating problem) an average of every 6 minutes (4,5,6,7,8). If Jenny was on task she would receive 1 point. Points can be redeemed for extra recess time.

Terms and Concepts28 Behavior Behavior Positive ReinforcementNegative ReinforcementAntecedent situationBehaviorConsequencesFuture OccurrenceESCAPE:Aversive stimulus presentBehavior that has removed stimulus in pastRemoval of aversive stimulusIncrease in behavior that terminated stimulusAVOID:Condition where aversive stimulus could occurBehaviors that have delayed in the pastAvoid or delay aversive stimulusIncrease in behavior that terminated stimulus

ESCAPE:Baby crying in back seat while drivingGive rice cookieBaby stop cryingKeep rice cookies in car and give when fussyAVOID:Carseat + Baby + caride = Give cookie Avoid crying When need to ride in car give cookie

Antecedent situationBehaviorConsequencesFuture OccurrenceESCAPE:

Seat belt alarm in car put on seat beltRemoval of alarmPutting on seatbelt when alarm soundsAVOID:Stimulus situation where alarm will sound (getting in car)Put seat belt onAvoid alarm soundingPutting on seat belt when first get in carGroup activity: review examples of Negative reinforcement in PWOP (page 27)Come up with 1 everyday example of negative reinforcementTerms and Concepts31 Behavior Behavior Positive ReinforcementNegative ReinforcementPunishment type I(Positive punishment)Antecedent situationBehaviorConsequencesFuture OccurrenceHungry and in candy storeEat lots of candyStomach ache (+)Decrease eating candy when hungry Skiing in -20 degree weatherTake off mittens frost bite (+)Decrease taking mittens off when coldSally has the ballGrab the ball from SallyBite on arm (+)Decrease in taking ball from SallyClosing the doorHand stays on doorHurt finger (+)Decrease leaving hand on doorAccess to lighterSet a fire1 hour hard labor (+)Decrease fire settingAdult directionFollow directionHug, smile high five (+)Decrease following directionsTerms and Concepts33 Behavior Behavior Positive ReinforcementNegative ReinforcementPunishment type I(Punishment by contingent stimulation)Punishment type II(Punishment by contingent withdrawal)Antecedent situationBehaviorConsequencesFuture OccurrenceSmokingDonate 1$ to disliked organization (-)

Decrease in smoking from 85/day to 5/dayCall to 411$.20 charge to bill(-) Decrease in calls to 411Interrupting classlose 3 minutes of computer time(-)Decrease in interruptionsRecess playing on slideKick peer Sit on bench for 3 minutes- Time out(-)Decrease in kicking peer on slideResponse CostBehaviorResponse CostTalking out in class without raising hand firstLose 1 minute of free time(15 minutes available each day)35BehaviorBonus Response CostTalking out in class without raising hand firstLose 1 minute of bonus free time(15 minutes of extra free time each day)Terms and Concepts36 Behavior Behavior Positive ReinforcementNegative ReinforcementPunishment type I(Punishment by contingent stimulation)Punishment type II(Punishment by contingent withdrawal)Recovery from PunishmentRecovery from PunishmentBehaviorConsequenceEffect on BehaviorCursingMom put hot sauce in mouthCursing No hot sauce in mouth- mom goneGoing through red lightRed light camera installed- ticketGoing through red lightCamera removed- no ticket37Terms and Concepts38 Behavior Behavior Positive ReinforcementNegative ReinforcementPunishment type I(Punishment by contingent stimulation)Punishment type II(Punishment by contingent withdrawal)Recovery from PunishmentExtinction39Antecedent BehaviorConsequenceEffect on BehaviorMom on phoneScream and pull cordSTOP! I am on the phone! (R+)Mom on phoneScream and pull cordContinue to talk ignore behavior Antecedent BehaviorConsequenceEffect on BehaviorMath worksheetAsk for helpReceives help (R+)

Math worksheetAsk for helpyou can do it no help

Antecedent BehaviorConsequenceEffect on BehaviorSnack timeSign crackerGet cracker (R+)

Snack timeSign crackerno cracker

40Antecedent SituationBehaviorConsequenceNap time mother lays child down in bedCryingMother goes in and lays with child and verbally soothes (R+)Nap time mother lays child down in bedCryingTerminate consequence-parent does not go in room41

Scream + throw+ cry= momCrying = no mom42TB +Claw, spit, bite, vomit

Differential Reinforcement43Differential Reinforcement44DR group activity45DR Practice (1)Lacee is a non-vocal 6 year old with autism. She has approximately 5 signs which include milk, cereal, candy and ball. During her 1:1 instruction with her tutor she will engage in a few tasks and then will start throwing materials and scratching her aide. Her aid cleans up the work items and throws her hands up saying she is not paid enough for this. Work time is then over.

4647Differential R+ StrategyWhat is it?Variation of ScheduleDROReinforcement provided when learner does not engage in a target behavior. Pay learner off for doing any OTHER behaviors except the target behaviorDRO ResetDRO fixed IntervalDRO Increasing IntervalDRO ProgressiveDRLUsed to decrease high rate behaviors to a more manageable rate by providing reinforcement for lower rates of respondingDRL-IRTDRL- Below criterionDRAChoosing a behavior that is topographically different from target behavior and providing reinforcement for the alternate behavior DR Incompatible behaviorsDR Competing behaviorsDRO483 Factors for DR Success!49DRO ResetTimer is RESET each time target behavior occursR+ delivered at end of each interval (as determined by IRT) target behavior is absentWhen target behavior occurs no R+ delivered and interval RESETPWOP example page 72 (figure 6.1)

50DRO Reset Schedule (2)Kalee engages in TV talk that involves loud vocalization of movie lines and some inappropriate phrases from TV shows. During initial observation (baseline) Kalee engaged in TV talk 20 times during a 60 minute observation during writing class. When Kalee would engage in TV talk her aid would ask her to be quiet and direct her back to her assignment. Kalee would then continue TV talk and draw on her paper. Kalee loves drawing, art, listening to music, watching movies and playing solitaire.51DRO Fixed-IntervalInterval schedule is fixed and R+ delivered at end of interval during which the response does not occurMust go for the entire interval with no occurrence of behavior to receive R+If target behavior occurs, no R+ delivered at end of the interval and student gets another chance at next intervalPWOP page 73-74 figure 6.3

52DRO FI Schedule (3)Amy frequently engages in stripping behaviors. She takes off her shoes, pants and shirt while at school. She has identified sensory needs and is receiving treatment from an Occupational Therapist throughout the school day but she still strips. Amy has to keep her clothes on in order to be in school. You observe Amy for 3 hours during which she stripped 3 times. When you observed Amy during her free time she also wrapped herself up in blankets, listened to music, read books and cocooned herself in the nylon bungee swing. 53DRO Increasing IntervalWay of thinning or fading R+As student can refrain from engaging in TB over several intervals, slowly increase the interval sizeMust increase reinforcer quality or quantity as intervals increasePWOP 74 figure 6.454DRO Increasing Interval Schedule (4)Jack was doing really well on his DRO FI-30min schedule. He currently has ten 30 minute intervals in a row where he has refrained from spitting. Each 30 minutes Jack refrains from spitting he gets to play 2 rounds of angry birds. The amount of time spent accessing his reinforcer is starting to interfere with the school day and making it hard for his teachers to keep up with, plus he has almost mastered all the levels.55DRO Progressive Another schedule to thin and fade R+Interval size remains the same but as student refrains from TB for more consecutive intervals the R+ gets bigger and betterPWOP 74 figure 6.5Free access rule!!!56DRO Progressive Schedule (5)Mike was really getting good at controlling wetting his pants. Mike was on a FI-1hr schedule. For each hour he was dry he was allowed to play on the computer for 5 minutes. Mike had been doing this for half the school year and was on the computer most of the day. His teachers knew he could stay dry for the day but they didnt want to just pull all his reinforcement for fear of his urinating returning. 5758Differential R+ StrategyWhat is it?Variation of ScheduleDROReinforcement provided when learner does not engage in a target behavior. Pay learner off for doing any OTHER behaviors except the target behaviorDRO ResetDRO fixed IntervalDRO Increasing IntervalDRO ProgressiveDRLUsed to decrease high rate behaviors to a more manageable rate by providing reinforcement for lower rates of respondingDRL-IRTDRL- Below criterionDRAChoosing a behavior that is topographically different from target behavior and providing reinforcement for the alternate behavior DR Incompatible behaviorsDR Competing behaviorsDRL-IRT ExampleTarget behavior: Asking for helpIRT= 10 minutes

59DRL-IRT(6) Charlie is a non-verbal 8 year old boy who used to scream and bite his aide whenever she asked him to sit and do work. His previous IBI provider did some analysis and discovered when he engaged in this behavior the task was removed and he was placed in time out. His behavior of screaming and biting increased over time. She was able to teach Charlie a replacement behavior of asking for a break which resulted in removal of the task for a period of time. She also made his work time less difficult and made sure Charlie had lots of reinforcers available. If Charlie does engage in the target behavior, he is redirected back to his assignment and the task remains in place. The problem now is Charlie asks for a break all the time. During a 1-hour observation, Charlie asks for a break 20 times 60DRL- Below CriterionTarget behavior: knocking materials off tableCriteria for R+= 3 times or less/ hour61DRL- Below Criterion (7)Avas teacher complains about Ava being out of her seat too often. She is integrated in her math class for 15 minutes per day. During observation Ava was out of her seat 10 times during the math class. Ava will jump out of her seat and orbit around her desk a few times then sit back down..

6263Differential R+ StrategyWhat is it?Variation of ScheduleDROReinforcement provided when learner does not engage in a target behavior. Pay learner off for doing any OTHER behaviors except the target behaviorDRO ResetDRO fixed IntervalDRO Increasing IntervalDRO ProgressiveDRLUsed to decrease high rate behaviors to a more manageable rate by providing reinforcement for lower rates of respondingDRL-IRTDRL- Below criterionALT-R(DRA, DRI)Choosing a behavior that is topographically different from target behavior and providing reinforcement for the alternate behavior DR of Alternate and Incompatible Behaviors (ALT-R)Alternate

Incompatible64DRA/DRI (8)Joe almost exclusively engages in verbal self stimulation by producing a constant string of the eeeee sound. You have determined that Joe most likely does this for automatic sensory reinforcement. You think he likes the sound and maybe the feeling in his throat. Create an example of an alternate behavior and an incompatible behavior for the listed target behavior.

65Behavioral Objectives: The Big Picture66Operational Definition: Is it a public or private event

BehaviorOperational DefinitionUnderstandsPointsExtends pointer finger to touch item or if item is out of reach extends pointer finger in direction of itemWhispersUses a volume of voice that is lower than common conversational volume and is audible for a distance no greater than 2 feet away. Feels67Complete the following activities:1) Components of a Behavioral Objective2) Writing Behavioral Objectives Worksheet3) Write Objectives from Sample

68QUIZStandard 5 quiz15 minutes to complete69STANDARD 6Material needed for this standard: 70What do I need?Where do I find it?SELECT TARGET STUDENT FOR PROJECT!Diagnosis?Problem behaviors, functional skill deficits?Available for duration of projectConsent to video?1) A copy of IBI Student Project Manual, printed and in binder2) IBI Project Grading rubricAppendix A in project manual3) Copy of Functional Assessment Observation Form Appendix C in project manual4) Copy of Behavior Path: FBA visual DiagramAppendix D in project manual5) Copy of Prevent, Teach and respond Visual path formsAppendix G in project manual6) Copy of Behavior Support Plan Observation FormPage 37-39 in project manualStandard 6: Positive Behavioral Support71Information Gathered from FA72Establishing operations OR motivating operationsMaintaining Consequences73Triggers for Behavior74Identifying Antecedent Events75Setting Events: the 4th contingency76Antecedent Events (Sdd)Setting Events (EOs/MOs)Precede behaviorPrecede behaviorEvoke BehaviorThat have been associated with reinforcement in the pastEvoke BehaviorBecause a particular consequence is wanted or NOT wantedHave to do with availability of a particular reinforcerHave to do with effectiveness of a reinforcer77Setting Events: Altering Reinforcer ValueSetting eventIncrease/Decrease effectiveness of ..Effect on behaviorHunger- food deprivation Food as reinforcer behavior that results in getting foodNo hunger- satiation Food as reinforcer behavior that results in getting foodHeadache- painful stimulation Aspirin as a reinforcer Behavior that results in getting aspirinNo headache- no painful stimulation Aspirin as a reinforcer Behavior that results in getting aspirin78Classroom Examples of SE791) When asked about her medical history, Avas mother reports that Ava often experiences urinary tract infections. Because Ava is non-verbal she can not tell verbalize when she is in pain or feeling discomfort. Ava is currently working on potty training as a goal. Ava will hold her urine for so long OR will not empty her bladder completely when she urinates which can cause bladder infections. Fill in the 4 part behavioral sequence from the scenario given:It was snack time and Ava was shown her visual schedule. He teacher pointed to the toilet picture indicating it was time to go potty and wash her hands before snack. Ava ran around the room screaming, arching her body and flopping to the floor.

802) During the functional assessment interview, Rajs mom indicated that her son is sometimes very sensitive to sound. He will cover his ears and mom is not sure why until shortly after when she hears a siren or other loud noise approaching. Fill in the 4 part behavioral sequence from the scenario given:Rajs family uses a pressure cooker to cook rice in their kitchen. When it is time to go outside to play you must go through the kitchen to get to the back door. You say to Raj lets go outside as you point to the back door. He screams and runs away from you into the basement.

81Steps to Conducting a Functional AssessmentSTEPHow to Collect InformationDefine the target behaviors and pattern of occurrence

Review of daily schedule and routine

2. Develop a hypothesis about the target behavior

Conduct interviewDirect observation3. Validate your hypothesis

Functional Analysis: can you turn TB on and off?8283Contents of Quality Behavior Support Plan84Positive Behavior Support85Antecedent Interventions86Teaching New Skills87Manipulating Consequences88Standard 7: Skill AcquisitionDiscrimination learningBarriers to learningBehavioral Approach to teachingInstructional ProceduresSelection of target skills89Discrimination Learning909192Stimulus event (Sd)CorrectResponseIncorrectNatural CorrectionReinforcementPunishmentExtinctionInadvertent R+Prompt93Add pops up: you won $100CorrectClick on addIncorrectNatural Correction-Computer blocksReceive 100$virusWarning/ secure site94Sitter calls and cancels for the weekCorrectask your mother in lawIncorrectNatural Correction-She declinesverbal praise, cooks dinner, does dishesCriticizes how you do things, makes a mess, asks for foodHusband suggestion95Something happens (stimulus event)Something happensNot sure what to do- random responseSomething happensSomething happensWho caresNot sure what that was???Prompt???96Fire alarm1) Correct Go out doorPlay with trains2) incorrectFalse alarm -shuts offSafe from fire praiseSocial approvalCough eyes burn but not sure whyPrompt????Behavioral Approach to Cognition97Discrimination Training98Discrimination Training99Antecedent situation/Stimulus event 1Behavior AExtinctionReinforcementAntecedent situation/Stimulus event 2Discrimination Training Example100 Light onNeck StretchingNo Food deliveredFood DeliveredLight offDiscrimination Training Example101SdDoor with Exit signOpen the doorIn another classroom- not outsideOutside on way homeSDoor with Room #443 signDiscrimination Training Example102SdMomBang on tableNo responseNo attentionAttention: honey stop dont do that!SDadDiscrimination Training Example103SdPurple squareundressClothes remain onClothes off- nakedSNo purple squareDiscrimination Training Activity104SdBehaviorextinctionReinforcementSGroup Presentations activity#15105SdBehaviorextinctionReinforcementSSimple Discrimination

Response 1 Reinforcement

Response 2 No Reinforcement106SdSimple Discrimination

Stopping behavior R+

Movement No R+StopSimple Discrimination

Sitting R+

standing No R+sit downSimple Discrimination

Response 1 Reinforcement

Response 2 No Reinforcement107Conditional Discrimination

Response 1 Reinforcement

Stimulus A

Response 2 No R+SdSdSExamples of Conditional Discriminations Sd

R1: touches R+

Verbal: find baby S-delta R2: touches No R+


3 stimuli to attend to:Verbal direction find babyPicture of babyPicture of shoe Sd

R1: touches R+

Verbal: find shoe S-delta R2: touches No R+


3 stimuli to attend to:Verbal direction find shoePicture of babyPicture of shoeBarriers to Learning110Basic Instructional Unit111112

You are ready to teach when.113Learner CooperationIs learner approaching you? Are you paired with good outcomes? Are they willing to learn from you?

Competing ReinforcersIdentified what purpose behaviors serve? What consequences does individual want? Do you have reinforcers that will keep value of escape low?

PreventionsIdentified what antecedents trigger desired and undesired behavior? Are you incorporating these into teaching model?

Functional SkillsWhat are you teaching? Are the skills functional?

What next?Do you know where skills are going? Where is plan going for this person? Whats the big picture

Building on the instructional unitDiscrete Trial

Sd Response Consequence

Prompt (faded)114Student Project: Activity #72 part Video demonstration of skills.

Segment 1: Behavior reduction- demonstration of PBS for problem behavior. Prevent Teach Respond

Segment 2: Skill building- demonstration of discrete trial teaching115Problems with PROMPTs116Order of Prompts1172 ways to Fade a Prompt1182 ways to transfer prompt to Sd119Extra Vs Within Stimulus PromptsExample skillExtra PromptWithin Stimulus PromptHtTCwA book page 20

select horizontal dots. Sd: find horizontalPrompts: prepositional promptGesture promptErrorless teaching (removal of distracter)Sd: find horizontalPrompts: Fade in and highlight relevant features (size and position of dots in systematic way)Study: Teaching child to branch out from repetitive play to experience and play with various centers in school. Wanted child to play in dramatic play area- kitchenSd: go playPrompts: point to kitchen center, physically guide to kitchen center, go play at kitchen center.Sd: go playPrompt: Distributed several articles child liked such as flashing toys, mirrors, etc, to lure child to go to the center. Study:Teaching child to engage in same activity that peers are engaging in instead of withdraw and repetitive self-stimulatory behaviors. Using a sensory tableSd: play with friendsPrompts: pointing to friends, physical guidance to friends, indirect/direct verbal what are your friends doing/go with friends.Sd: Play with friends.Prompts: Place squares around table for peers to stand on, one left empty for child. Empty square signals to child the correct response. Fade out square by making smaller and smaller until gone 120Instructional Procedure #2:SHAPINGProcedure to teach NEW behavior or strengthen a WEAK oneWhat is the SKILL and how can you break it down into smaller attainable parts?Focus is on reinforcing successive approximations of behavior Uses differential R+121Origins of ShapingBehavior is behavior- animals, people all organisms

122Antecedent Behavior ConsequenceCriticize findings

Left hand movesRaise off tableRaised in airRaised at tiltRaised and lowered in consecutive motionsChopping air with left hand

Skinner turn toward and nod Shaping examples123Antecedent BehaviorConsequenceTv flickersFlick itFlick harderHit with palmHit with fistBeat tv tv back onExercise timeWalk 10 minutesWalk 20 minutesWalk/jog 20 minutesJog 10 minutesJog 20 minutesJog/run 30 minutesRun 30 minutes Endorphin increase, lose weight, clothes fit Time for bed

Dimmer on 10Dimmer on 8Dimmer on 6Dimmer on 4Dimmer on 2Dimmer on 1Dimmer on 0Verbal praise, extra story, added R+ next morningMisuse of Shaping124Antecedent BehaviorConsequenceChild hungryDinner cookingWhine Whine and cryWhine cry and screamWhine cry scream and hitFall to floor and tantrum CookieGroup Presentations: ShapingAntecedent BehaviorConsequence125Instructional Procedure #3: ChainingTeaching a series of behaviors in a specific orderLinking together a series of already mastered responses Completion of a step serves as cue for next stepRequires a task analysis 126ForwardBackwardGlobalFinished eating/dirty dishTake all dishes to sinkPlug drainTurn on warm water and fill to line2 squirts of soapPlace dishes in sinkWipe food from dish with spongePlace dish in dishwasher (repeat 7-8 till dishes gone)Open soap drawerTake out detergentOpen detergentFill dispenser with soapClose drawerClose dishwasherPush start button15. Finished eating/dirty dish14. Take all dishes to sink13. Plug drain12. Turn on warm water and fill to line11. 2 squirts of soap10. Place dishes in sink9. Wipe food from dish with sponge8. Place dish in dishwasher (repeat 8-9 till dishes gone)7. Open soap drawer6. Take out detergent5. Open detergent4. Fill dispenser with soap3. Close drawer2. Close dishwasher1. Push start button

4. Finished eating/dirty dish5. Take all dishes to sink9. Plug drain10. Turn on warm water and fill to line2. 2 squirts of soap6. Place dishes in sink8. Wipe food from dish with sponge7. Place dish in dishwasher (repeat 7-8 till dishes gone)11. Open soap drawer12. Take out detergent13. Open detergentFill dispenser with soap14. Close drawer15. Close dishwasher3. Push start button127Group ActivityPerform a task analysisIndentify Sd, behavior ConsequencePrompts you will use and fading procedureForward, Backward or global

128Instructional Procedure #4: Errorless LearningKeep value of reinforcer high and value of escape/avoidance lowKeep learner successful and teaching/learning an improving set of conditionsSystematically sequence discriminations in an easy to difficult method

129ExampleMatch picture of item to item- identicalChip 2. ball 3. string 4. milk 5. blanket

Fan 7. bread 8. juice 9. Play-dough 10. water

11. Meat 12. rice 13. cracker 14. noodle 15. candy

16. Swing 17. cookie 2) Match picture of item to picture- identical

3) Match picture of item to representational (categorize)

4) Match representational picture to item

5) Shrink picture to 2x2 and receptively select when shown item/verbal

5) 2x2 picture identification given verbal

130Group ActivityChoose one discrimination task that a member of the group is currently working on with a studentOrder steps to teach the discrimination in an easy to hard sequencePresent to class (designate 1 person to speak and 1 person to write out steps on public white board)

131Instructional Procedure #5: Intermixing trials132