Welcome to the - Amazon S3 · Welcome to the Money Bootcamp Map ... and bringing more abundance...


Transcript of Welcome to the - Amazon S3 · Welcome to the Money Bootcamp Map ... and bringing more abundance...

2Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


Welcome to the

Money Bootcamp Map To Wealth.

Hey Gorgeous,

This week we’re talking money blocks, money stories and how your relationship with money is key to you finally earning the money you deserve and bringing more abundance into your life and business.

Today we’re talking about the Female Entrepreneur’s Map to Wealth: Your path to earning more money by releasing the money blocks that are sabotaging your success.

This involves getting clear on where you’re at with your relationship with money, clearing the roadblocks and sabotages that are holding you back and discovering actions you can take to break free of your negative money beliefs.

I’m sharing some of my best stuff - straight out of my Money Bootcamp - and I know you’ll love this roadmap.

Every 1,000 mile journey starts with a single step…


P.S. This Map will provide a detailed overview of the process behind my Money Bootcamp and how you can start to transform your money mindset. To get the most out of this Map and our Money Mindset Workshop you’ll want to read this document and watch my new video “The Female Entrepreneur’s Map to Wealth”, check it out at www.DeniseDT.com/Map

3Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


OverviewEveryday I help female entrepreneurs earn more, do more and help more people by transforming their money mindset and I want you to step up and start creating your First Class life and business by changing how you think and feel about money.

First, I have to share a hard truth, though: if you’re not willing to look — really look — at your money mindset, and take action to change your situation, then you’re going to be left behind and stay frustrated.

I’m not saying that to be cruel. In fact I’m telling you this to be kind.

Yes, it’s possible to have a little bit of success with limiting money beliefs and habits — but you’ll end up sabotaging your success and your money will disappear as quickly as it comes.

And not only that, but your impact, the difference you can make on the world, just won’t happen if you’re stuck in a poverty or scarcity mindset.

That’s because the universe responds to whatever you’re putting out, so if your mindset is about growth and increase, then that’s what you’ll receive back. If you’re fearful and critical, then that’s what you’ll receive instead.

So on page 18 I will share my Map To Wealth which outlines the path that members of my Money Bootcamp have followed in navigating the roadblocks that can stall your money journey.

This is your opportunity to learn more about the map I’ve followed and have led thousands of women through to create their First Class life of freedom, adventure and abundance.

But to get a feel for the real work we do in Bootcamp and so you can start making immediate changes I want to share with you a sample from one of my most powerful exercises straight from the Money Bootcamp core curriculum - Uncover Your Sabotages, get started on this now.

4Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


It’s your time,and you’re ready for the next step.

Over the last six years I’ve lead trainings for tens of thousands of women and I hear all the time about these crazy money manifesting stories that happen as a result of the training.

Women tell me they receive things like emails out of the blue from people who want to hire them (and have the money to pay!), or bank deposits or PayPal notifications come in while they’re on a training, or just opportunities that pop up out of nowhere.

““Money Bootcamp has changed the way I interact with money in my life. Denise’s teachings are practical and simple to take action on, and they create massive results. And fun!

During the Bootcamp I set a big money goal and surpassed it by several thousand dollars! The biggest benefit for me beyond manifesting more money into my life and business was the concept of upgrading your life.

I feel like I’ve truly stepped into my first class life, and will continue to do so because of Denise’s incredible teachings. I’ve also been able to let go of so much old stuff around money that was holding me back, and I feel like I’m truly a lucky bee, every day of the week.“


5Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


One of the reasons trainings like this are so effective is something I want to share with you right now — it’s my favorite affirmation.

All of my Lucky Bee Bootcampers know it, and if you’re new to me you’re going to learn it right now. It’s simple but really powerful.

All you’re going to do is put your hand on your heart…

Take a deep breath in… and out.

And say out loud,

“It’s my time, and I’m ready for the next step.”

You can say this affirmation anytime you find yourself coming up against any resistance to what you’re discovering.

It can be really common to feel that kind of resistance as we become more aware of our money blocks, and soon I’m going to share with you how you can become part of one of the most life-changing communities ever created to help you leapfrog to the next level of your money journey.

Because the truth is you’ll always make more progress with the support of others than trying to go it alone. I know that’s one of the hallmarks behind the success of my million dollar business, but no matter your goal, you can’t do this by yourself.

Well, you CAN…. but you shouldn’t. That’s the hard way.

In fact, Napoleon Hill, author of the classic book Think And Grow Rich, once said that a strong mastermind group will help you accomplish more in one year than you could accomplish in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.”

Right now, though, just know that this mantra is there for you anytime you need it. “It’s my time, and I’m ready for the next step.”

6Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


Uncover Your Sabotages

Unlike with money blocks that tend to be common for many people, sabotaging is unique to you. It’s based on a combination of your personality, upbringing, experiences in life, and a whole host of other factors.

The important thing to understand is that, unless you become aware of your specific sabotages, then even if you take action to clear your money blocks, you’re going to keep coming back again to the same level. That’s because the root cause is still there.

A couple of years ago, my life did a complete 180 when I started studying the Law of Attraction. Suddenly I was manifesting all this free stuff. I even won a 6-month all expenses paid trip with my hubby, Mark, where we stayed in luxurious 5-star hotels around the world.

All of this was absolutely amazing, and I felt very lucky, but there was something missing. For all my success at manifesting things, I found myself still broke. Even though I was winning all these prizes and competitions… when I looked at my bank account, I felt like a failure.

The truth was, I was doing all the metaphysical stuff to manifest “things” but my money blocks were still in the way of making the actual income I desired.

At the time, I was just starting my business, but I noticed at the previous jobs I’d held, my income hadn’t gone above a certain level.

I’d been stuck right around the same measly salary for years, because just before it was salary negotiation time, I’d find some reason to quit my job and I’d be back at square one.

And guess what? As an entrepreneur, I had similar sabotaging behaviours.

Procrastination around contacting clients, or even responding to customer queries. Resistance in writing blog posts or marketing myself.

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I went into business to make my own money, but I was seriously screwing it up!

So I started to dig deep into my self-sabotaging behaviors. I’m going to share with you in a moment the exact exercise I did to uncover my self-sabotaging behaviors.

Today, my business brings in a 7-figure annual revenue, and I say that not to brag, but to point out that it is totally possible to go from scratch to more than a million in only a few short years — but you HAVE to get your money mindset in order.

You also have to start where you are. Remember, I’ve talked about how this work builds on itself. Every single time you become aware of how your behavior is preventing you from having the income and lifestyle you want, and then you take a simple action to change it, you “knock over another domino”.

Each little win leads to the next bigger win — but you have to START, ontherwise, one, three or even ten years from now you’ll be in the exact same position you’re in today.

It’s really important to share with you that, over the past few years, my hubby Mark and I have also been raising our two young children — and Mark’s been able to leave his job and work for the business as well.

As a wife and mum, I’m here to tell you that there is NO reason you can’t have a thriving business, a great relationship with your significant other, and plenty of time for what’s most important to you, like raising a family.

So let’s dive into the root causes of why you aren’t already earning the income you want.

In the worksheet, you’ll be asked to look at your income and business and mark whether you tend to sabotage yourself “never, sometimes, or always” for each one. You’ll find that we’ve covered SO many areas of your life that you may not have even considered when thinking about your money situation.

The reason this exercise is so powerful is that you’ll become AWARE of your patterns. Remember, awareness is the first step.

The other reason it’s powerful is because you’ll be taking the time to ask yourself where these behaviors have come from, and understanding the root cause can make all the difference in resolving it, so it doesn’t come back again and again.

For now, I’d like you to be aware of how much this is costing you.

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How much is it costing you to constantly discount your true value in the world? What is it costing you right now by procrastinating taking action on your business.

What’s it costing you by surrounding yourself with people who speak negatively about money?

Becoming aware of your self-sabotaging behaviors is going to be so powerful for you, but being aware of the actual COST is going to be huge.

And not just the monetary cost of it, but what about the emotional and energetic cost of not leaving your dreams?

What is that costing you?

And what actions are you going to take to help remove those patterns that are costing you peace of mind and preventing you from making the difference you’re meant to make in the world?

Maybe you think that your circumstances are the problem. Or your background. Or the economy.

Maybe you’re thinking that I’ve had some special advantage in my life, or that the women whose successes I’ve shared are special in some way.

Or maybe you think you’re just not “meant” to be rich, and that in fact you’re just meant to help people and not worry about money.

If that’s the case, you should know that I had NO special advantages when starting out. I was raised by a single mum on welfare. I’m not saying that to paint a “rags to riches” story — it’s just the truth.

I didn’t have any healthy money models growing up, and I certainly didn’t have any when I started my money journey.

The success stories in my money Bootcamp come from ALL walks of life, work in tons of different industries, and to my knowledge, not a single one has an actual fairy godmother.

That’s why I know it’s possible for you too.

And if you’re thinking that you’re meant to help people and not make money out of it… I have to ask you, how is being broke helping people? How is not living up to your full income potential giving you ALL the power and influence you can have to effect change in the world?

9Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


Girlfriend, here’s the real truth: being rich and making a difference in the world are NOT mutually exclusive.

In fact the more money you make, the more leverage you have to create the change that’s important to you. You can use your wealth to make a positive difference in the world, and frankly, it’s about time women step up and use money as a powerful tool to shape the world.

It’s our time.

““During the 6 weeks of Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp, I manifested an $800 scholarship to a personal growth workshop in Maui, picked up 3 new clients for my business, and $1,210 in unexpected income for the month. Next, I asked that I sell my house within two weeks of putting it on the market. We got an offer three days later for $5,000 more than we asked for it! Now I am feeling great and fully embracing the abundant life that has been waiting for me to show up.”


““Exactly six months after completing my first round of Bootcamp, I manifested and closed my first VIP client (their investment is over five-figures) without putting any elbow grease into marketing this high ticket service -- they 100% came to me. Unreal!”


““The community of Lucky Bitches is POWERFUL. The support you get around the content, and the energy of the community is so amazing. You can go for support, you can go for accountability, and you have a place to go to celebrate without judgement.”


10Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


Uncovering Your SabotagesWe all have sabotaging beliefs and behaviors around money. Often these are completely unconscious, but very predictable, and they will follow you throughout your money journey.

We sabotage ourselves for self-protection, preservation and even as an excuse to stay in our comfort zone. And if you don’t learn to understand and recognize your sabotages, you’ll find it hard to get past resistance and procrastination.

The key is to find YOURS, so you can identify it when it happens and not let it derail you.


Step 1: Complete the sabotages checklist • Go through the checklist and identify all of your sabotages around money

and success.• Go through the statements marked as “always” and highlight the top 3-5

that are really holding you back from going to the next level.• These are your recurring sabotages and the ones you need to watch out for.

Step 2: Dig a little deeper• Look for any repetitive situations and see if they have a common belief.• Is this sparking any money memories that you need to forgive and let go?• What’s the payoff for you to keep this in your life?• What are you protecting yourself from?

Step 3: Be vigilant and kind to yourselfThese sabotages will be your default behavior when things are tough or when you’ve reached a new Upper Limit. So you have to be vigilant. Have the conversation with your partner or mastermind buddies so you have accountability.

In the future, you’ll recognise the behavior more easily. Some days, you’ll be able to ignore it. Other times, you’ll just have to forgive yourself.

Remember - EVERYONE sabotages themselves in some way. The key is self awareness and compassion.

11Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map



Read each statement out loud and see if it resonates with or triggers you in any way.

Mark each statement as ‘never’, ‘sometimes’ or ‘always’.


I spend all of my money as soon as I get it

I often manifest unexpected bills

I barter with people instead of being paid

I barter with people instead of paying them

I have many old clients who are paying old, outdated fees

I’m afraid to increase my prices for fear of losing all my clients

I get regular parking or speeding fines

I’ve recently crashed or damaged my car

I procrastinate following up when I know I should

I forget to pay my bills on time and have to pay late fees

I forget to return things and get overdue fees

I feel afraid to open my bills

I hate asking friends or family to pay back money or debts they owe me

I’m not sure where my money goes

I pay off my credit cards and then max them out again

I never save a penny or I raid my savings account when I run out of money

When I have a good money month, I blow it all

I pay off debt and then get straight back in within weeks

I feel uncomfortable having extra money in the bank and feel compelled to spend it

I feel guilty about spending money when there are people struggling in the world

I feel an unconscious need to give it away, spend it or even repel it

When I have cash in my wallet, I’m not comfortable until every single cent of it is gone

I regularly put others first financially

12Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map



I mostly pay for others (i.e. reaching for therestaurant bill first)

I never let someone else pay for me

I feel guilty when others pay for me

I lend money to others even when I don’t have it for myself

I punish myself about being in debt by livingfrugally

I spend money in ways that don’t enrich my life

I put my head in the sand when it comes to“adult” stuff like retirement savings, insuranceand other “boring” stuff

My partner deals with the money stuff and I mostly ignore it

I’m in denial about my debt

I have no idea how much debt I have

I’m unclear on what interest rate I’m paying on my debts

I’m afraid to save money in case I need it

I’m afraid to spend money in case I’ll have nothing left

I often let paperwork pile up

I avoid looking at my bank account

I feel weird when I have extra money in the bank

I feel guilty that I have so much and others don’t

I struggle to stay positive about money

I often fantasize about winning the lottery

I often wish that someone would rescue me financially

I worry that if I got rich, I’d blow it all and be worse off

I sometimes daydream / obsess over problems I’d have if I was rich and famous

I go between being stingy and completely wasteful with my money

13Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map



I feel guilty making money out of things that are easy for me

I feel guilty about upgrading my team

I make excuses like “I’m not ready” when anopportunity presents itself

I travel with an economy class mindset

I’m surrounded by people who have hit abusiness plateau

I’m surrounded by people struggling in business

I’m embarrassed to negotiate and always take the first offer

I resent other people’s business success

I try to do taxes, bookkeeping or accounts myself when it’s not what I’m good at

I do tasks in my business that stress me out

I’m afraid to ask clients for overdue money

I use my horoscope or Mercury Retrograde as an excuse

I ignore my intuition about working with possibly annoying clients

I rarely look at my statistics to see what my conversions are for my launches

I feel like I want to quit my business

I hide behind a persona online

I avoid posting pictures of myself in my business

I’m afraid to give feedback to my team - Ijust quietly fix mistakes

I stay with old suppliers because I don’t want to hurt their feelings

14Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map



I’m obsessed with a business nemesis and I “hate-read” all their stuff

I feel empty about my successes

I avoid celebrating milestones, I just move on to something else

I fixate on my mistakes rather than my successes

I make do with old equipment that costs me time or money

I live on adrenaline and can only do tasks last minute

I’m afraid to read constructive feedback because it makes me feel anxious

I avoid reading my testimonials or praise

I let a coach or mentor bully me into directions I know aren’t right for me

I procrastinate asking for testimonials

I take business advice from all sorts of random people

I’m afraid to set goals or money targets because I think I’ll jinx it

I ignore broken links on my website

I ignore or don’t follow up with potential clients

I often don’t invest in the right solution for my business and then get annoyed when it doesn’t work

I take on clients for the money even when I know I’ll regret it

I’m reluctant to reward or acknowledge myself for a job well done

I compare myself to others and feel jealous or inferior

I make up stories about my last launch, like it was a failure because nobody wanted me

I let other people’s opinions sway my business decisions whether they’re qualified or not

I procrastinate putting good payment systems in place for my customers to pay me

I resist putting together systems

I reinvent the wheel every time

15Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map



I spend big money for personal development but I’m cheap in other ways for my business

I’m afraid to invest more money in marketing

I think that my emails “bother” people

I tell myself “one more launch and I’m DONE”

I manifest major tech problems every time I launch

I get sick every time I have a big deadline

I try and do everything myself to prove that I can

I buy expensive courses and then don’t do them

I obsess over criticism or hate mail (whether I actually have it or not)

I’m afraid to invest in an upgraded website

I avoid investing in great head-shots

I find being consistent with my marketing boring

I hide away and disappear online

I get annoyed when someone takes action on something I’ve wanted to do for a long time

I charge low rates for my industry

I complain or bitch about my competitor’s pricing

I attract the wrong customers

I give away a lot time for free

I hire the wrong people

I procrastinate growing my team

I ignore problems with my staff for way too long

I tell myself that I don’t really want success when I’m procrastinating

I don’t feel like I’ve deserved my success unless I work really, really hard for it

I feel like if “everyone else is doing it, I’m going to do the opposite”, even if it sabotages my success

I rebel even when it costs me money

I outgrow masterminds but feel bad about wanting to leave

I forget to pay myself regularly

I’m too scared to pitch myself for PR or media opportunities

I often stay in my comfort zone

16Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


““I felt like I was stuck at one income level and that no matter what I did I couldn’t earn any more. I seemed to have a lot of fears around money. I also wanted to help get my husband and I back in sync in the way we thought and talked about money after he was retrenched and had three months out of work.

I set a money goal for the first month of boot camp that was 50% higher than any previous month - and achieved it! My other big goal was to pay off my credit card in full - which I did by the end of the course.

Now, my husband and I have upgraded lots of things and our money related conversations are really positive.”


““This is the most powerful and transformational program about money I have ever done!

The content was mind-altering and uber effective. The private community was so freakin’ engaged and genuinely supportive. And Denise, as always, was a powerhouse of tough love + intuitive guidance every step of the way.

Thanks to Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp, my relationship with money has had a major makeover, all from the inside-out, which has freed me from the money hangups I had that kept me stuck in the same place.”



I let clients out of their contracts

I’m too disorganized to make clients sign contracts

I let clients overstep their boundaries

I have no idea about what it costs to run my business

My taxes are filed late or not at all

I take on too many commitments at once

17Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map





Journal and share

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19Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


Suggested affirmationsIt’s safe for me to release my sabotages

It’s safe to have an enjoyable life

It’s safe to enjoy my success

It’s safe for me to grow and change

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Your Individual Map To Wealth

I hope the finding out more about the Money Bootcamp Map To Wealth has sparked some ideas about your individual path to wealth, abundance and freedom.

This is the exact process I’ve shared with thousands of entrepreneurs from across the world to help them transform their money mindset, generate millions of dollars in sales and create their First Class lives.

Once you start changing your relationship with money and your money mindset you will finally earn the income you want and everything changes.

In a few days, I’ll be opening enrolment for Money Bootcamp Live 2017. I only run one live round each year, it’ll only be open a few days, and then we’ll be getting started right away with the work of Bootcamp.

So watch your email on Tuesday 1 August for all the details about how you can join us inside the Money Bootcamp.

Both parts of the Money Mindset Workshop (Reclaim Your Money Power and Map To Wealth) are available until enrolment closes here:


In a few days, I’ll share with you an incredible Money Mindset Webinar I hosted recently where over 1,000 women joined me live and discovered my 5 Top Strategies for Upgrading Your Money Mindset.

If transforming your money mindset, earning more and being part of an inspiring, supportive community of female entrepreneurs could help you move to the next level, I will also invite you to join me and 4,500 women in my Money Bootcamp.

In the meantime, check out the two videos of my Money Mindset Workshop (Reclaim Your Money Power and Map To Wealth) here:


26Money Bootcamp © Denise Duffield-Thomas | denisedt.com/map


I'm Denise Duffield-Thomas, founder of the Money Bootcamp.

I’ve spent the last 6 years working with female entrepreneurs to transform their money mindset, overcome their money issues and claim their right to be wealthy, empowered business owners.

My courses and books have helped literally tens of thousands of women across the world change their entire relationship to money.

Since you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re ready for a new relationship to money, too — and I have great news for you.

A bad money mindset is a TOTALLY solvable problem.

Lucky for you, I have loads of tools to help! What’s more, I love to teach the most fun and (dare I say it?) lazy ways to break through your money blocks.

I look forward to helping you transform your money mindset and have the business and life you know you deserve!

© Denise Duffield-Thomas