Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Welcome to our Welcome to our class class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school school

Transcript of Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Page 1: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Welcome to our classWelcome to our class

Houhaihua Houhaihua

Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle schoolJiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school

Page 2: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

What do you know about Harry Potter?

handsomewizardunhappy lifeno parents

Page 3: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone哈利波特与魔法石哈利波特与魔法石

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets哈利波特与密室

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 哈利波特与火焰杯

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 哈利波特与凤凰社

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 哈利波特与混血王子

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J.K.Rowling----a famous J.K.Rowling----a famous British writerBritish writer

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Period 4 Vocabulary and Reading

The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry


Page 22Page 22

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Read the passage quickly and find out the following numbers.

55 .1 billion



Rowling’s books have been translated into more than 55 languages

It was estimated that Rowling had accumulated more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank

It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA requested an adjustment to the title, was also known as Harry potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

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Ⅱ. Scanning

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Para. 11. When J.K. Rowling added flesh to the bones of the Harry Potter story, she ( )

A. gave more details to the main idea

B. created the other characters

C. sold the story for food

D. finished writing the story.

2. true or false 2. true or false

J. K. Rowling had the idea of Harry J. K. Rowling had the idea of Harry

PotterPotter on a delayed train ( )on a delayed train ( )



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According to the Chinese, find out the English phrases.






fantasy literature

an idea comes to her

a delayed train

add flesh to the


be associated with

Page 17: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Para. 2

1. Looking after a baby and writing a book at the same time ( )A. is impossible in Edinburgh B. means you haven’t got much moneyC. is extremely hard workD. made J.K. Rowling give up 2. Where did she write it? She wrote it in a cafeteria in Edinburgh


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According to the Chinese, find out the English phrases.




over a single cup of


by hand

pay for

Page 19: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Para. 3 & 4 1. As soon as the first book was a success, ( ) A. J.K. Rowling finished the series more quickly than planned B. the publishers asked her to finish one book a year C. she wrote The Order of the Phoenix. D. it was clear that others would be successful too.


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2. How many books a year did she intend to write?

She intended to have an output of one book a year.

3. true or false 3. true or false Only the first book was very succeful. ( )Only the first book was very succeful. ( )F

After the first book, the success of each After the first book, the success of each of the following titles was automaticof the following titles was automatic..

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According to the Chinese, find out the English phrases.




might have given up

overcome all the difficulties

an adjustment to …

Page 22: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Para. 5

1. Harry Potter series are so appealing that they ( ) A. must be included in the school

curriculum B. encourage children to read more C. have been criticised for bad style D. are shown on television in other



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2. Why is Harry Potter so popular?2. Why is Harry Potter so popular?

The Harry Potter books readers of all ages. They created a between parents and children. Now, it is also claimed that they are for

interest in reading. Harry Potter has become part of the school .

appeal tospecial literary bond

responsiblea renewed


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3. Find a sentence in para.5 to replace the following one.

We should have new materials to inspire( 激发 )our reading interest in the time when we use computer and television so much.

In an age of computer games and television programmes, it is also claimed they are responsible for a renewed interest in reading.

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According to the Chinese, According to the Chinese, find out the English phrasesfind out the English phrases..






appeal to

readers of all ages

in an age of

be responsible for

much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren

Page 26: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

Para. 61. The Harry Potter stories ( )A. can now read in only 50 languages.B. are easy to translate.C. have made J.K. Rowling very rich.D. are distributed in 55 countries. 2. true or false

Rowling has attained the status of being Rowling has attained the status of being

the first writer to become a millionaire.( )the first writer to become a millionaire.( )



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According to the Chinese, find According to the Chinese, find out the English phrases.out the English phrases.



be restricted to

on deposit

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Para. 1. Para. 2.

Para. 3.

Para. 4.

Para. 5.

Para. 6.

A. anecdotes about how she began writing her first book.

B. mainly about how Rowling started writing Harry Potter.

C. Rowling’s books appeal to readers of all ages.

D. Rowling spent about ten years completing her series.

E. Rowling’s first book was published.

F. Rowling’s great achievement

Match each paragraph with the main idea

Page 29: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

1. It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA requested an adjustment to the title, was also known as Harry potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. (Para. 3)

直到 1997 年她才完成第一部《哈利波特与哲学家的石头》小说,由于美国的出版商要求调整书名,这本书也被称作《哈利波特与魔法石》。

III. Translation

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2. Rowling’s style has been a target for

some criticism, but what makes the books

so important is that, because they appeal

to readers of all ages, they create a

special literary bond between parents

and children. (Para. 5)


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Page 32: Welcome to our class Houhaihua Houhaihua Jiexiu No.4 Senior Middle school.

J.K Rowling is the elder of British fantasy literature. She is famous as the creator of Harry Potter. One day she was on a train, the idea for H came to her. When she created the first Harry Potter story, she had to wrote and looked after her . In cold winter, she often wrote it in a . At last, she completed the first Harry Potter story in . The Harry Potter series appeal to of all ages, because they create a special__________ between parents and children. In an age of computer games, they make people interested in . The books have been translated into over languages and distributed over 250 copies. So she has attained the status of being the first writer to become a .


delayedarry Potter

by handbaby


1997 readers literary bond




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What can we learn from What can we learn from J.K.Rowling?J.K.Rowling?Never give up whatever we do.Never give up whatever we do.

Where there is a will,there is a way.Where there is a will,there is a way.

Overcome all the difficulties whatever Overcome all the difficulties whatever we do,especially in our study.we do,especially in our study.

If we work hard, anything is possible.If we work hard, anything is possible.

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Write a small passage about Write a small passage about J.K.Rowling and her works.80J.K.Rowling and her works.80—100words—100words

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Thank you.Thank you.