Welcome to namethatflick 22-28 Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The...

Welcome to namethatflick 22-28 www.wordcarpenter.com Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed on the final page. Bon chance. copyright 2009 wordcarpenter publishing company www.wordcarpenter.com

Transcript of Welcome to namethatflick 22-28 Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The...

Page 1: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.

Welcome to namethatflick22-28


Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed on the final page.

Bon chance.

copyright 2009wordcarpenter publishing company


Page 2: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.


• 1. “I’ll do it for 10. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing.”

• “Thank you Mr. Quint.”

• 2. “We’re going to need a bigger boat.”

• 3. Orca.


Page 3: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.


• 1. “The closer you are to Caesar, the greater the fear.”

• 2. “Did you ever read Homer in Greek? We read Homer at the Point.”

• 3. “Guadalcanal may be the turning point in the war Starles.”


Page 4: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.


• 1.”You live more in five minutes riding a motorcycle than most people live in their entire lives.”

• 2. I’ll tell you something son, if you don’t follow through with your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable.”

• 3. “All my life I wanted to do something big, something more than the other jokers. Now I’m here in Bonneville.”


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• 1. “I want you to know, if I die you have permission to eat me.”

• 2. “Roberto, are you prepared to cut meat off those dead bodies and eat it?”

• 3. “You know what Nando said? He’ll cut some meat of the pilots. You know, because they crashed the plane.”


Page 6: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.


• 1. “I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.”

• 2. “In all the gin joints in all the bars in all the world, she walks into mine.”

• 3. “Here’s looking at you kid.”


Page 7: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.


• 1. “We’ve never lost an American in space and we’re sure as hell not going to lose one on my watch. Failure is not an option.”

• 2. “If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy can fly it.”

• 3. “Houston, we have a problem.”


Page 8: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.


• 1. “Say officer, how do you get your shirts to stay so stiff?”

• “Starch.”

• 2. “Want to take these strings off Mr. Cash, or do you want me to break it?”

• 3. “January 13th I’ll be at Folsom Prison.”


Page 9: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.

Jaws (1975) 22

• One of the most popular films of all time, Jaws hit the screens with a splash. The story follows police chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) and his struggle to find and kill a great white shark that has staked a claim in the waters off a beach in Amity, a fictional island off of New England. After a shark attack, Brody tries to close down the beaches but is stopped by the mayor of the town Larry Vaughn (Murray Hamilton) because the resort town depends on tourism dollars during the summer. With the beaches open during the Fourth of July weekend, there is a deadly shark attack that causes the townspeople to hire Quint (Robert Shaw) to capture or kill the shark. To help investigate the incident, shark specialist Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) arrives and declares the shark to be a great white – an ‘eating machine.’ When some local fishermen kill a large tiger shark, Hooper insists that it is not the shark that killed the people off the beach. Chief Brody, Hooper and Quint leave for the open waters off the beach to find and kill the great white shark and in the process find the fight to be one to the death.

• Filmed by Steven Spielberg, it created an immense impact on popular culture and affected many people’s latent fears of the ocean. Still to this day, the suspense and fear created by the film makes for an emotional experience. This struggle between man and beast is not tangled up with too many subplots, and the performances are strong, particularly Robert Shaw who plays the crusty sailor who has dedicated his life to killing sharks after a traumatic war experience in the South Pacific during World War Two. (three stars)

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The Thin Red Line (1998) 23

• One of the most unusual war films ever to hit the screen, this film employs an excellent ensemble cast to convey the undercurrents of emotion during war. Set in the South Pacific when the Americans attack Guadalcanal, it is a story of how different types of people have different types of reactions to the brutality of war. Director Terrence Malick paints an original and unique vision of the soldiers of C Company when they are asked to do the impossible: take out the Japanese position atop a hill on the crucial location of Guadalcanal. The story shows many different points of views of several characters, but the main focus is on Private Witt (James Caviezel) who, at the beginning of the film, is found on an island after being AWOL from the army. The sergeant (Sean Penn) takes pity on Witt and assigns him to stretcher detail for the upcoming attack. Witt volunteers for the dangerous missions during the attack and soon earns the sergeant’s respect. Lieutenant Colonel Tall (Nick Nolte) is the Commanding Officer and forces the men into sure death, meeting with resistance by C Company’s captain (Elias Koteas). Nolte’s momentous performance as the disgruntled and impatient old school soldier who wants his five minutes of fame ties the entire film together, and culminates with the victory and the sacking of the weak captain. By focusing on Private Witt, the viewer can appreciate that even philosophers and artists fight but they cannot change what they see and how they see it.

• Nominated for seven Academy Awards, including best picture, this film experience is a must for a film buff. It is a true feature film occasion. See why this film is Martin Scorsese second favorite film of all time. (four stars)

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The World’s Fastest Indian (2005) 24

• This is the true story of the New Zealand motorcyclist Burt Munro (Anthony Hopkins) who breaks the world speed record on the Bonneville salt flats in Utah in 1967 on his modified Indian Scout motorcycle. Hopkins has said it was his favorite film to work on, and it can be seen in his easy-going way as Burt Munro, a gentleman and friendly man. It follows his struggle to raise the money to find his way to America to break the record during speed week. The story records the ups and downs and the obstacles he runs into on his way to getting there. It is very much a story about a man and his dream, but the character of Burt Munro is the treasure – how he affects strangers by his humble and friendly ways, and how he overcomes adversity with a laugh and determination. He is not a wealthy man nor a man who would step on others in order to make his dream come true. It is a human story that touches the heart and gives inspiration to the viewer that being a good person with a good heart is enough to succeed in this world. It is a rare achievement to have such a film as this, and one that maintains a good pace despite the lack of guns and violence. That is not to say that Burt doesn’t have charm working for him on the ladies, as there are several scenes where he finds the lady and sweeps them off their feet in his own understated way.

• The viewer will be wondering about the man and whether it is a true story, so when they learn it is at the end of the film, they can only shake their head at what this man achieved. (three stars)

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Alive (1993) 25

• This is the true story of how a group of rugby players crashed in the Andes and survived by eating the frozen meat off the dead bodies. The event happened in 1972 and made headlines all over the world when it was reported the young men ate human meat to survive. The survivors made it through starvation, freezing temperature and avalanches through over 90 days on the mountain. At first the survivors believed a rescue effort would arrive and they would be saved, but due to bad weather and bad luck, the search planes flew overhead but did not see them. Then much to the chagrin of many, the search was called off. This began the process of survival that started the “cannibalism” of their ordeal. There were trips to the broken-off tail of the airplane to find the battery so they could call for help, but putting the radio together proved insurmountable. More and more Nando Parrado (Ethan Hawke) and Roberto Cannessa (Josh Hamilton) discussed walking out of the mountains to get help. The risk was huge but the longer they were in the mountains, the more likely it was they would lose their minds or die. Finally, when they were able to make a large warm sleeping bag out of debris from the plane, Parrado and Cannessa took the journey across the Andes into the green valleys of Chile.

• The story is – at times – too incredible to believe, but it did happen and the survivors are still alive. A triumph of will over adversity, this story is unforgettable and inspirational. It is a special film and a special experience. (three stars)

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Casablanca (1942)


• A classic that consistently comes at or near the top of all-time greatest films, Casablanca is a timeless story of love lost and love gained. Considered one of the best screenplays ever written, story evolves into something complex after Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) shows up at Rick’s Café in Casablanca. Rick (Humphrey Bogart) is at first angry and bitter, still hurting from her unexplained departure back in Paris when the Germans conquered the city, but when he begins to understand the predicament she was in at the time, gains a new understanding and appreciation of why she did what she did. Ilsa’s husband Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) is a well known fighter in the French Resistance who had survived a concentration camp and had escaped on his way to Casablanca. They are looking for exit visas to get to Lisbon and then onto America to continue the good fight against the tyranny of Nazi Germany. Through a series of events Rick ends up possessing the letters of transit yet refuses to part with them for any price. Only when Ilsa declares her love for him so many years after their affair in Paris does he have the emotional strength to think for the both of them and put them on a plane leaving for Portugal.

• No matter how many times you might watch this film, it still draws you in through the brilliant acting of Bogart and the intricately layered story that explores the past of the main characters, which explains there present behavior. Bogart’s broken heart is particularly powerful that strikes a chord and keep the viewer sympathetic with him right up to the end. A must for the film buff’s collection. (four stars)

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Apollo 13 (1995)


• This is the true story of the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. It is an incredible feat of technical improvisation and endurance to return to the earth alive after suffering an explosion in the command module. The film follows Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks), the commander of the mission, as he prepares for the trip to the moon and deals with a last-minute change of personnel when Ken Mattingly (Gary Sinise) is removed from the team citing potential health issue. He is replaced by Jack Swigert (Kevin Bacon) who is not as well trained or as in tune with the other’s moves as Ken Mattingly. After suffering the explosion on day three of their mission to the moon, the crew (that also includes Fred Haise (Bill Paxton)) scrambles to keep the command module functioning despite a lack of power and carbon monoxide poisoning. The mission takes place after Neil Armstrong’s successful landing on the moon, so the public is not as interested in the flight, so when the mechanical problems surface, the world stands up and notices. The entire world stands aghast watching to see if the astronauts can successfully land back on earth. Even the Pope conducts a prayer for the men from Rome.

• When one watches the film, one is taken far away from earth into the world of the astronaut, completely enthralled with whether they will return in one piece. Excellent filmmaking and good acting make this an exceptional film. Nominated for Best Picture, and with some great performances, especially by Ed Harris as Gene Krantz at mission control, the film stands alone as one of the best ever in the field of space travel. (three stars)

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Walk the Line (2005)


• Based on the life of Johnny Cash, the film follows Cash’s autobiography (published in 1997) focusing on his relationship with June Carter. In the film, Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) struggles with his drug addiction and conflicts with his first wife, but it is his love for June Carter (Reese Witherspoon) that makes this a special film. Witherspoon won an Academy Award for her role, as well as a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award, while Phoenix was nominated. The music is excellent and it provides an interesting glance at how things were in the fifties when Cash is touring with Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins. One can see the seeds of rock’n roll and how life on the road can take its toll on one’s health and marriage. The film is shot as a flashback of his entire life when he is about to take the stage to perform a concert at Folsom Prison, one of the most successful albums in country music history. What makes this film so memorable is not only the music and the lifestyle of being on the road, but the love story between Cash and Carter. Married for over 35 years, Cash died four months after his wife and is buried beside her.

• It is rare that the chemistry between two actors reaches an intensity that infects the viewer, but this film captures the life-altering love that existed between Johnny Cash and June Carter. It is at its core a love story that might make you cry. Watch this film when you are feeling down, as if provides plenty of insight into the pain and tribulations of Johnny Cash but also the redemptive power of love, loyalty, friendship and God. (four stars)

How did you score?

Page 16: Welcome to namethatflick 22-28   Name the film in three clues. Try to get all seven right. The answers are listed.

How did you score?

• 7: Flick master el grande• 6: Filmbuff• 5. Nice one• 4. Solid effort• 3: Dubious• 2. What are you doing?• 1. My word!• 0: You didn’t get one?

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• 8. Jaws (1975)

• 9. The Thin Red Line (1998)

• 10. The World’s Fastest Indian (2005)

• 11. Alive (1993)

• 12. Casablanca (1942)

• 13. Apollo 13 (1995)

• 14. Walk the Line (2005)

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