Welcome to Modern Marketing

WELCOME TO MODERN MARKETING Actionable Advice for a College Audience
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Each year we see dozens of articles for college grads featuring advice for entering the workforce. But it can be tough to figure out where to focus, who to trust and what to do with all that advice. So we asked a group of marketing practitioners for their best pieces of advice for a college audience. This is a sampling of the responses.

Transcript of Welcome to Modern Marketing

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Actionable Advice for a College Audience

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Each year we see dozens of articles for college grads featuring advice for entering the workforce.

But it can be tough to figure out where to focus, who to trust, and what to do with all that advice.

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So we asked a group ofmarketing practitioners

for their best pieces of advice for a college audience.

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Here's their advice....

...and what to DO with it.

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Michael Idinopulos

CMO | PeopleLinx

"The marketer's job is actually to find the truth--to figureout what the company offers, to whom, and why. If youfind the truth you don't have to spin. If you don't find thetruth, the market will see right through you."

TIP: Be authentic. Learn to meetcustomers needsin a genuine fashion.

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Jason MillerSenior Manager, Content Marketing | LinkedIn

"Learn to code. Understand how theweb works to deliver content andsome basic HTML/CSS."

TIP:The more marketinggoes digital, the moremarketers must godigital. Expand uponyour digital skillset.

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Jennifer Lashua

Editor in Chief | Intel Corporation

"The best marketers today are data geeks. Learn to lovedata! It's true marketing is an art and a science but the"art" part of it won't get you very far without a solidunderstanding of the science and analytics."

TIP: Be able to measure theresults of your marketingefforts, and learn from them.Knowing what to look for indata, and what to do as aresult is a distinct advantage.

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Dean Langasco

Content Marketer, Trainer and Speaker

"Grow a natural interest in other people andwhat they care about. Record experiences,what you learn about people and life, whatmoves people, what moves you."

TIP:Having a trueunderstanding of whatpeople care about willhelp you create contentthat moves, inspires,informs and motivates

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Doug Kessler

Co=Founder | Velocity Partners Ltd

The great thing about digital marketing and contentmarketing is that everyone is on the learning curvetogether. Being a recent graduate doesn't put you at amassive disadvantage -- especially if you like learning."

TIP: Be able to measure theresults of your marketingefforts, and learn from them.Knowing what to look for indata, and what to do as aresult is a distinct advantage.

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David Godsall

Editorial Manager | Hootsuite Media

"I'd emphasize learning how to learn. We don't knowwhat trends—cultural or technological—will buffet ourbusiness in the coming years, let alone what the nextgeneration will face. What we do know is that it will takea combination of agility and humility to adapt to them."

TIP:Don't fear change.Embrace its inevitability.Be an adaptive personwho can develop aprogressive skillset.