Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry! · The teaching of the cross is central to the...


Transcript of Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry! · The teaching of the cross is central to the...

Page 1: Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry! · The teaching of the cross is central to the ministry of revival, for death brings life! Through Christ's death on the cross, we received


Page 2: Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry! · The teaching of the cross is central to the ministry of revival, for death brings life! Through Christ's death on the cross, we received


Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry!

Our Road Teams are a critical part of our ministry outreach because of their interaction and involvement with God’s

people in a personal way. Not only are biblical truths preached, but also they are lived out, and that’s important for

people to see and experience. Team life is all about putting “Life” into “Action”!

We challenge God’s people to “quit playing church,” and to offer their heartfelt “yes” to God in every category of life.

This burden is more relevant now than ever before!

Our mission is . . .“To inspire your next “yes” to God.” As a team member, this can become your mission as well!

We are excited that God has put together this team for this year, and that you are a part of it!

We look forward with much anticipation to our ministry together!

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Life Action Ministries History 4

Statement of Faith 4

The Mission of Life Action 4-5

12 Cutting Edge Commitments 6-7

Commitment to serve 7

General Information 8-9

Transportation to Life Action 8

Where you will be 8

Schedule/Vacation 8

Important Documents 8

Personal Expenses 8

Mailing Address 8

Health 9

Family Visit 9

Dating Relationships 9

Music 9

What to Bring 9

Life at Training Camp 10

Life on the road 11-12

Fund Raising 13-14

Typical conference schedule 14

Map of Life Action Camp 15

Page 4: Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry! · The teaching of the cross is central to the ministry of revival, for death brings life! Through Christ's death on the cross, we received



In 1971, God placed in the heart of Del Fehsenfeld Jr. a burden for national spiritual renewal. As a youth minister he saw the need

for the local church to return to its first love for Christ. He saw potential for a ministry to the local churches of America – a ministry

that would call God’s people to repentance and a lifestyle of holiness; as a result Life Action was born.

The first road team consisted of Del, his wife Judy, four singers, a pianist, and a seminar instructor. There was no supporting

denomination, no corporation, no millionaire backing, just faith in God.

In 1975, the teams moved to Michigan from Florida to what is now The Camp. In 2000, God graciously blessed and provided the

property and funds to own our first National Ministry Center, and in 2004 we moved into the 36,000-square-foot NMC in Buchanan,


Since its founding, Life Action has ministered to millions of people across the world through conferences, musical/media

productions, The Camp, Revive Our Hearts, the Pastor’s Lodge and more.

Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the universe, eternally existing in three persons:

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is God’s authoritative, inspired Word.

It is without error in all its teachings, including creation, history, its own origins and salvation.

It is the supreme and final authority in all matters of belief and conduct.

We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a

substitutionary death on the Cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven, whereas truly God and truly man, He is

the only mediator between God and man.

We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit for the individual’s new birth and growth to maturity and for the

Church’s constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power, and mission. Every believer is called to live and walk

in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit so that he will bear fruit to the glory of God and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

We believe that all people are lost sinners and cannot see the Kingdom of God, except through the new birth which takes place

through repentance of sin and faith toward God. Justification is by grace through faith in Christ alone.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church which is made up of all believers everywhere in the world, and locally

the church is a group of baptized believers who are organized to do God’s will. Its calling is to worship God, and witness

concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel among all nations and demonstrating its commitment by

compassionate service to the needs of human beings and by promoting righteousness and justice.

We believe that Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to

completion. God will fully manifest His Kingdom when He establishes a new heaven and new earth, in which He will be

glorified forever, and exclude all evil, suffering, and death.

The mission of Life Action is to inspire your next “yes” to God

Practically, we do this by inviting people to respond to God in six very personal ways: Humility, Honesty, Repentance, Forgiveness,

Obedience and in Seeking God's Kingdom First. As we issue this call, we pray earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

(revival) in our personal lives and churches, we seek spiritual renewal in our families, and we engage boldly as witnesses for the


As you prepare for your travel year with Life Action, take some time to pray through the six responses, and, as the Holy Spirit

directs you, say “yes” to God about each one.

Page 5: Welcome to Life Action’s Road Team Ministry! · The teaching of the cross is central to the ministry of revival, for death brings life! Through Christ's death on the cross, we received


Scriptural Foundations

While many Bible texts are referenced in our teaching, the following might offer someone a flavor of the kinds of emphasis points

we have in preaching, proclaiming, writing, and encouraging.

James 4:6-10 (it all starts with humility)

Psalm 85 (heart-cry for revival)

Revelation 2-3 (Jesus speaks to churches about need for renewal - Sardis, Ephesus, Laodicea)

Matthew 6:33 (seek the kingdom first)

Ephesians 4:17-24 (call to put off the old, and put on the new)

Titus 2:11-14 (God’s grace empowers our obedience)

Revelation 21:1-8 (everything in life comes down to this moment, are you ready?)

Luke 6:46-49 (call to obedience)

Ephesians 3:14-21 (prayer for revival, God is able)

Defining Statements

Here are some great phrases you can use to help explain what we do, what we care about, and what needs to happen. These

statements often appear in our teaching and communications:

If we take care of the depth of our lives, God will take care of the breadth of our ministry.

Draw a circle around everything about your life – then pray for God to send revival to that circle!

As long as God is on his throne, revival is just as possible as the sun rising tomorrow morning.

We’re not asking you to single-handedly change the world, we’re asking you to love one more.

The reason your heart is still beating is because the Great Commission is not yet complete.

Revival is falling in love with Jesus all over again.

Are you living the kind of life Jesus died to provide?

There have been revivals without much preaching, but there has never been a revival without much praying.

We spend a lot of time worrying about the next 40 years of our lives. How about the next 40 million?

We believe the power and presence of God can change everything!

Obedience is doing exactly what God says to do, when He says to do it, with the right heart attitude.

Obedience means I’m saying “yes” to God in every category of my life.

We can’t organize revival, but we can set the sails to catch the ‘wind of heaven.’

The real issues aren’t in the White House or at the courthouse, they are at your house, and my house.

If the church of North America was set on fire for Christ, it would change the entire world.

Your “yes” to God could start a chain reaction of good that impacts your family, your church, your community – and

possibly the whole world.

Lord, send revival, do whatever is necessary. I'm willing for You to begin in me.

The mission of life is summed up by the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Four Questions for Church Leaders

Our hope is “create contexts where people can seek and obey God” during our events. That is, not simply to give

people and/or churches a “mountaintop experience” but, rather, to set expectations for a new normal in family and

church life. Thus, we pray our events are less of a mountaintop and more of a launchpad – toward mission, vision,

and the Great Commission (toward your next YES). To build a culture of ongoing spiritual renewal among their

congregations, we encourage church leaders to ask and answer four key questions.

1. How are we seeking God, personally? 2. When are we setting aside time for spiritual renewal?

3. How are we uniting in prayer for revival (in our church) and redemption (in our community)?

4. What is our action plan to complete the Great Commission?

These four questions were developed in response to a study of historic Great Awakenings and biblical revivals,

seeking find critical, common elements that were shared by those who experienced the presence and power of God in

a sustained, unique way.

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12 Cutting Edge Commitments

The Lordship of Christ and the Authority of Scripture

(Col. 1:18; Psalm 119:128)

Our lives and ministry must be built on a non-negotiable, lifetime commitment to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of

Scripture. His Word must determine our philosophy, direct our decision-making, and reign supreme over every area of our lives.

The Ministry of the Spirit

(1 Corinthians 2:4-5)

Dependence upon human intellect and understanding, or our natural gifts and abilities, will produce natural, explainable results.

Only as we are dependent upon and directed and energized by the Holy Spirit, will the supernatural power of God be manifested.

Life Message

(1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2:10)

Someone has said, "A message prepared in a mind reaches minds; a message prepared in a heart reaches hearts; but a message

prepared in a life reaches and changes lives." The power of God to change lives is released through the truth of God's Word

illustrated in lives. Therefore, our lives must be living demonstrations of the reality and the truths of His Word.


(1 Corinthians 3:12-14; 4:1-2)

God has not called us to be "successful," as the world measures success, but to be faithful. It is not our responsibility to promote

ourselves or the outward, visible growth of our ministry. If we take care of the "depth" of our lives, God will take care of the

"breadth" of our ministry.


(1 Timothy 3:2-7)

As servants of Christ, we must adopt, safeguard, and demonstrate biblical priorities in our personal lives.

Our highest priorities include being the right person (our walk with God), the right partner (our marriage relationship), and the right

parent. Effective, fruitful ministry flows out of a life built on scriptural priorities.

The Message of the Cross

(1 Corinthians 1:18, 23-24)

The teaching of the cross is central to the ministry of revival, for death brings life! Through Christ's death on the cross, we received

eternal life. Through our death with Him, we enter into His abundant life.

The cross is painful, for it strips us of self-sufficiency and pride, and puts to death all our fleshly desires, drives, and appetites. But

as we go through the cross, the Resurrection Life of Jesus is released in us, and we become wellsprings of life to others.

Walking by Faith

(Luke 1:45; Romans 4:20-21; Hebrews 11:6)

"Without faith it is impossible to please God." Faith in the person and power of God, and faith that acts on the principles of His

Word, will move us into the realm of the supernatural.

Servant's Heart

(Matthew 20:27-28; 2 Corinthians 4:5; Philippians 2:5-8)

We have been called to be the servants of Christ and of His people. To have a servant's heart means to esteem all others as better

than ourselves, to maintain a learner's heart and a teachable spirit, and to seek to make everyone around us a success.


(Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

God blesses us materially, not so that we can accumulate or hoard, but so that we can be channels of His blessing to others. Both

our personal lives and our ministry ought to be characterized by a lifestyle of sacrificial giving to meet the needs of others and to

further the Kingdom of Christ.

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Spirit of Excellence

(Psalm 8:9; Colossians 3:23-24)

As children of God, our lives and service ought to reflect the excellence of His name and works. He is worthy of the very best we

can offer Him. If something is worth doing, we ought to do it with all our heart, as unto the Lord.

Vision for Revival

(2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 85:6; Isaiah 64)

The purpose for which God raised up this ministry is to glorify Him by giving birth to and/or nurturing a revival among God's people

in North America that will result in a spiritual awakening among the lost.


(Jeremiah 29:12-14; Ephesians 6:18)

Nothing of eternal value will be accomplished apart from prayer. There have been many revivals without great preaching,

impressive programs, or extensive promotion. But there has never been a revival that was not birthed, cradled, and nurtured in

fervent, soul-travailing prayer. Genuine revival cannot be worked up; it must be prayed down. We must never get too busy to give

ourselves to the ministry of prayer.

Commitment to Serve

We value your commitment to serve the Lord Jesus Christ through Life Action. Our burden and vision is for millions of Christ-

Astonished lives in action with Him shattering division, injustice and lostness. When people are renewed and their relationship with

Him is revived, they become useful again to God in His mission to redeem the lost. We are passionate about our mission, “To

inspire your next “yes” to God” – and to see that mission play out thousands of times this year as we travel! How many “yes”

moment’s can we help inspire? You are joining with hundreds who have gone before you to carry this life message to the churches

throughout North America.

Time Commitment

You have agreed to serve with Life Action Ministries for one year, from July to July

Serving on the Team

You have been accepted for one main responsibility, whether it is a children’s worker, singer, instrumentalist, etc.; you will also be

assigned a variety of other secondary duties. These may include one or more of the following, book table, truck or bus driver,

vehicle cleaning, lunch prep, assistance staff families, etc. You are part of the ministry team and these jobs are all necessary in

order for the team to be effective in serving the local church.

Leadership on the Team “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let

them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17

The Road Teams are given their “marching orders” from the Church Events Director. His team has worked hard to assemble your

team, has received the Conference schedules, and is responsible for your whereabouts and travel situations. He works closely with

and will give direction to your team leadership throughout the conference year.

Each team is made of people committed to serve “as unto the Lord”. Leadership on the team comes from the Revivalists. In

addition there will also be a Team Director and/or a Team Manager.

All of the people that make up your team management work together to make your ministry year effective.

Be prepared to honor God with your service and submission to those over you. Pray daily for your leaders that they, too, would be

humble and submissive to those over them as well.

We desire to be a model of unity to the churches we minister to while remaining diversified in our service and individual makeup.

The joy and truth of the revival message is empowered by the practical obedience that others see and experience from you.

Other Areas of Service

Depending on your team schedule, each team will report to The Camp at the end of May/beginning of June to help with family

camp. There are several ways you will serve the families who attend camp.

The teams continue to provide music and children’s ministry. You will experience the joy of camp life with the joy of ministry!

Life Action has several other outreaches that you may wish to partner with after your time on the road. There are opportunities to

serve at the National Ministry Center, Pastor’s Lodge, Camp, and Revive Our Hearts. If you would like to explore these

opportunities, let your team leadership know and they will be able to connect you with Staff Services.

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General Information

Arrival Your arrival location is at the Life Action Camp. It is located 5 miles west of the town of Buchanan on Clear Lake. Please see the

map at the back of this book. You will check in at the Snack Shop where you will be greeted by some of the staff of Life Action.

Transportation to Life Action

If traveling by air, please book your flight into South Bend Regional Airport in South Bend, Indiana. This is only a 25 minute drive

from the camp. (We do not do pick-ups from any of the airports in Chicago, Detroit, or Kalamazoo) If you travel by train, Amtrak

will bring you all the way to Niles, MI, which is only a 15 minute drive to the camp. Several bus lines also run to the airport in South

Bend as well as to Niles, and of course you can always drive!

However you travel, please give Jessica Toth ([email protected]) your travel information in advance so that we can prepare

for your arrival. Note - Due to housing limit, you may not be able to arrive before your scheduled arrival date. Please check with

Jessica before you make your travel plans.

Where you will be Your team will travel according to a schedule that has been made about a year in advance.

The locations are distributed to the teams according to regional locations, size and other considerations.

The schedule does change from time to time as cancellations occur and God opens up new locations.

These times, when God interrupts our schedule, allow us to see God move in unexplainable ways!

During the year if there are circumstances in which you need to travel home for a few days, you must obtain permission from your

team leadership and make your arrangements as the situation dictates.

Schedule/Vacation Your year of ministry begins at your arrival to training camp in July and ends when you are released the following July. You will

have approximately three weeks off during the Christmas season.

Travel arrangements to and from your Christmas vacation are your responsibility.

If you plan to return for another ministry year, you will have approximately six weeks off prior to the start of the new ministry year.

Note: Part of your ministry experience will be working at Family Camp with your team member at the end of your travel season.

Important Documents Please be prepared for any situation. You are away from home, traveling throughout North America and may need to produce

certain information from time to time. Items of importance include a valid driver’s license, picture ID, Passport, insurance card or

papers, prescriptions from your doctor, other medical notifications such as allergies and emergency care criteria, and credit card or

debit card.

Personal Expenses You will be responsible for your own personal needs as they come up so you may want to plan ahead when you have the

opportunity. There will be opportunities to visit tourist locations as well as normal shopping, so be prepared for those expenses.

Mailing Address

Your personal mail can be sent to our National Ministry Center.

Your Name/ Your Team (Red, Silver, or Blue)

c/o: Life Action Ministries

P.O. Box 31

Buchanan, MI 49107

We accumulate the mail and will ship it weekly to the scheduled location of your team.

Please be aware that this will add several days to you actually receiving your mail from home and friends.

Your family and friends are encouraged to send cards, letters, care packages, gifts, and any other items to encourage and maintain

contact with you.

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We want you to be physically in good health as well as spiritually. This can be a challenge as you move and relocate throughout

the year. If you have certain health issues that require medications, please let your leadership know of these for their information.

You are responsible to obtain your own medical supplies. If a doctor is needed during your travel year, your leadership will be the

ones to help you make those arrangements. Please keep them informed as they have established contacts and are familiar with

many of the areas where you will be.

Family Visit

There will be opportunities for your family to visit you during the year. While at training camp from July through September, there

may be cabins available to live at the camp, spaces for RV and tent camping, and also some motels nearby. You must obtain

permission from your team leadership if any family or friends are planning to come and visit. During the travel year, you will want to

keep your family informed of where you are and where you will be. They are very welcome to come to the conference location and

spend time with you. Permission to stay with your parents while they are visiting is obtained from the team leadership.

Dating Relationships Life Action does not allow “dating” in the general sense of the term. If there is a desire to develop a deeper relationship, this

freedom may be given by the team leadership. In order to direct your focus clearly on the purpose for which God brought you to

the ministry, there will not be granted any special relationship privileges during your first year with Life Action. In cases where a

new team member has a relationship with a person not in Life Action, the team leadership will give direction concerning visits, etc.

Music We have certain “ministry distinctives” that we adhere to based on what is best because of the church situations we are in and the

varied types of people to whom we minister. In general, music played, listened to or sung publicly should match the music style

and philosophy of what Life Action performs on stage.

What to Bring

Miscellaneous Towels, wash cloths, caddy for bathroom supplies, bedding for your camp stay during staff training, hangers, laundry bag, laundry

detergent, fabric softener, & etc.


Blanket and pillow to keep on the bus for travel days, shoe bag for your clothes closet (good for use other than shoe storage),

plastic stacking drawers for clothes closet. (These can be purchased in Michigan during staff training if desired).

Luggage While traveling during the year you will have room for one large suitcase, one small duffle bag, and one carry-on (small duffel bag

or backpack). This is in addition to your closet space. The backpack can be carried on the bus, the suitcase is to live out of at your

host home and for traveling home during Christmas. You will have access to your closet everyday while at the church.

Personal Items You are responsible for supplying your own personal items for the duration of the conference year. Borrowing personal items from

host homes is to be avoided and borrowing personal items from other team members is not the best way to maintain good


Please Bring: Bible, you may bring a version that you are familiar with for your own quiet times.

Medical supplies as well including any additional prescriptions you may need, especially if you will need to purchase refills on the

road. Other medical needs to consider are pain relief medicine, cold medicine, Band-Aids, vitamins, extra pair of contacts or

glasses, and any other items you would normally expect to have available to you. Toiletries including soap, toothpaste, toothbrush,

mouthwash, shampoo, deodorant, shaving items, hair care items, manicure tools, and feminine hygiene.

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Clothing You will be in a camp setting for the majority of your training. The remainder of the year you will be traveling, working in churches,

and staying in host homes.

We have certain “ministry distinctives” that we adhere to based on what is best for the church situations we are in and the varied

types of people to whom we minister. The majority of the time that you are in a scheduled service, you will be wearing “team

outfits” that are approved/provided for you at Staff Training.

Our clothing guidelines are broken into three categories, Session, Casual, and Active wear. To help you understand Life Action’s

terminology please visit http://teammembersinfo.com/ this website will help guide you through the clothing process and answer

some questions you may have.

We adhere to a certain level of modesty and your goal is to fall in line with it. Your team leadership will give you further direction for

what is appropriate for certain times and functions. Double pierced earrings are allowed, but any other body piercing is not

permitted. Tattoos are not permitted (unless you joined Life Action with a tattoo)

If you have read the information on the website and you still have questions, please contact Lori Herdklotz

at [email protected] or 574-850-0675

Life at Training Camp

Personal Expenses Please plan to bring some additional spending money for your weeks at Staff Training. Your housing and meals will be taken care

of, but you will need it for shopping trips that take place on the weekends.

Life Action Camp Location:

1696 East Clear Lake Road, Buchanan MI 49107

On the last pages of this book is a map and directions to The Life Action Camp. It is located west of Buchanan, MI. The Camp has

175-acres of scenic woods and fields and has a 500-foot waterfront on beautiful Clear Lake.

In addition to the cabins being somewhat rustic, The Camp offers an atmosphere of quiet, “out-of-the-way” solitude, conducive to

helping nurture one’s spiritual growth. Its proximity to Lake Michigan, the city of Chicago, and the quaint, rural environment of

Northern Indiana also makes it an ideal location for church retreats and conferences.

The Life Action National Ministry Center and The Lodge are located between Buchanan and Niles, MI. These properties may also

be located on the map.

Laundry There are coin operated laundry facilities at the Life Action Camp. You will need to provide your own quarters and laundry supplies.


The majority of your time will be spent in training at The Camp. While at Camp walking will get you to the place you need to go.

You are permitted to bring your car to Staff Training if you wish, guidelines will be given to those who have cars. Team members

are not permitted to ask to borrow a vehicle from Staff families. To be above reproach, there will always be a minimum of three

people in a car on any excursions involving more than one person. It is highly recommended that you have, at a minimum, liability

coverage while in a vehicle. Failure to do this puts you and your family at substantial risk if something should happen to you while

using a vehicle.

Miscellaneous items to Bring to Camp While staying at The Life Action Camp during Staff Training, we recommend that you bring the following items:

Twin Sheets & Pillow Caddy for bathroom supplies

Mirror (small) Towels

Flip-Flops (for shower-optional) Insect Repellant

Laundry soap Clip on Light for bed (20w only)

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Life on the Road

Travel Traveling from one location to another is an adventure in itself. As a team, you will pack up your supplies and equipment and head

out to your next location. The caravan made of your bus, RV’s and semi-truck, adds the dynamic of change and adventure to your

ministry. New sites, new people, new church, new host homes and even a new climate are all a part of the journey. You will find

that you will accumulate friends and acquaintances all over the nation that may remain a part of your life as you travel on.

Sightseeing & Outings Sightseeing, shopping, and excursions will be scheduled as time permits. There are many worthwhile events and places to visit

throughout the United States and you will have several opportunities to experience these during the year. If you know of

something worth seeing or doing in the area you are in, let your team leadership know so they can consider it as they schedule the

team’s time.

Host Homes You will live at host homes during your stay at each location. The team member you stay with will change each time; this is

assigned by your team leadership. Come prepared to be flexible and gracious.

You have the opportunity to experience and to be a witness to many families as you invest your life in them.

Daily Activities Each day during the conference schedule, you will meet at the church for a variety of activities.

These will include your meals, meetings, practices, training, free time, and of course the revival meetings each evening.

Community Ministry There will be some opportunities to minister to the community where you are in different settings.

There may be an arranged function at a school or city facility or even another church. These times are special and allow the

message to broaden out to the whole community. Come with a desire and attitude to minister unto others at anytime and anyplace.

God will use you and the team, as you make yourself available to Him.

Free-time You will have occasion for free time during the year. Your team leadership will arrange these times in order to provide you with a

balance of “work and play”. During this time you are encouraged to relax, pray, communicate with your family and friends,

participate in recreation, study, exercise, and do other activities or hobbies that you enjoy. For safety considerations you must

make your whereabouts known to the team leadership and/or host families at all times.

Sleep Time You need to live a balanced and disciplined life while on the road! Good diet, exercise and proper sleep are necessary to be all

you can be in ministry for the Lord. While in the care of a host family, you need to be respectful of their efforts to minister to you in

various ways, but you also need to be alert to the physical needs of your body. At times you may have to politely excuse yourself

from evening or weekend activities in order to stay healthy and maintain proper rest.

On time Your punctuality affects everybody on the team. When you are not on time for a scheduled function, you jeopardize the Conference

schedule for everyone from the team to the church family you are ministering.

You are expected to be punctual for every team activity, meal, meeting, worship, prayer, and call time.

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Storage In addition to your luggage, your clothing and belongings may be stored

in your own personal closet on the semi-truck.

The size of a closet is approximately 2’ wide by 2’ deep by 6’ high.

It may help you to visualize this space at home prior to coming.

All of your clothing and personal items must fit in your luggage

And/or closet space.

Suggested Tips for the best use of space Closets have a 24” hanging bar, which can be used to hang a

shoe rack for shoes along with hanging clothes.

The bottom of a closet may be best utilized by stackable plastic drawers

or simply a box.

Storage at the camp You will be provided storage space at the camp for the bedding and extra belongings you will bring to Staff Training Camp. This

will enable you to “downsize” if needed before leaving go on the road. You will again use these items at the end of your travel

year. If you plan to store things at the camp you will need to purchase a rubber made tub and label it with your name. (You can

purchase a tub while in Michigan)

Spiritual Growth We desire to teach and provide discipleship principles to all of our team members. During the week, team meetings are held

throughout the conference schedule, chapel from the NMC is live-streamed weekly on Wednesdays as well. These meetings are

devoted to Biblical instruction, worship, prayer, sharing, and mentoring the team. You will have opportunities to grow in the

knowledge of the Lord and then be able to apply that knowledge each day. Many testimonies of past team members include the

tremendous growth in spiritual maturity they obtained while working with and learning from the leadership and others on the team.

Personal Spiritual Relationship You will be encouraged to spend time alone with God. These special times of reading God’s Word, meditating, memorizing,

praying and private worship are the source of your strength and direction for each day. You will find that the team members hold

each other accountable for this time because it is so valuable and necessary. You must feed on the Word to receive the spiritual

nourishment you need in order to be effective in your ministry. Our message is about a revived life in Christ, and each member of

the team must make personal time with God a priority in order to be an authentic reflection of Him!

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Fund Raising

Life Action’s Philosophy of Support Raising It is our responsibility to inform people of our needs; it is God’s responsibility to prompt people to give; it is the responsibility of

God’s people to respond in obedience to His prompting.

“And my God shall supply all your needs

according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:19

What amount do I need to raise? The ministry financial requirement for the 2019-2020 year is $3,500, which would include your training, meals, books/resource

materials, ministry supplies, and activities.

When must the ministry financial requirement be received? Our expectation is that 50% of the amount of your financial requirement be received before your arrival at Staff Training in July and

the other 50% by December 31. Throughout our history, we have seen God provide for our short-term missionaries year after year

through the donations of others.

Can I get reimbursed for travel, printing newsletters, postage, etc? Once your financial requirement has been met, you can raise additional funds to help you pay for ministry-related expenses.

Ministry-related expenses include items like travel to and from your team or postage and printing for update letters. If you incur any

of these expenses before your financial requirement is met, please keep those receipts and turn them in for reimbursement when

you have the needed funds in your account. All of these reimbursements are tax free for you, so it is the best way to receive

excess funds in your account. Please keep in mind that Life Action is committed to being in compliance with the rules and

regulations set forth by the IRS regarding what expenses are deemed as reimbursable.

How do donations get credited to my project account? Upon your acceptance and our receipt of your Commitment Form, you will be set up with an account to receive donations. A tax-

deductible receipt will be sent to all donors who give towards your ministry account. All monies received into your account will be

used to first fund your financial requirement.

We will provide a way for you to access your individual account, which will provide balance information as well as names and

addresses of donors who give to your account. We strongly encourage you to thank your donors and keep them updated with your

ministry regularly.

Life Action Ministries is a non-profit organization that is dependent on the consistent prayer and financial support of individuals who

carry the mission of revival in their hearts. We stand accountable before God and before our donors to wisely and efficiently use

the resources entrusted to us. All gifts received for ministry expenses are tax-deductible and are given with the understanding that

Life Action has complete discretion and control over their use. Life Action Ministries is a member of the Evangelical Council for

Financial Accountability.

How should donations be sent in? Please make sure that all checks are made payable to Life Action Ministries and that there is a response card or note enclosed

which indicates your name. It is important that donors receive receipts promptly; therefore, we encourage you to use the

Response Card and Business Reply Envelopes that are provided as the best way to get this information to us. Gifts and response

devices should be mailed to:

Life Action Ministries P. O. Box 31, Buchanan, MI 49107

Or people can give a gift online at: www.lifeaction.org/donate/support-a-staff-member Then they can find your name in the drop down box, and continue to follow the instructions on the screen.

What happens to contributions already given if I am not able to serve with Life Action? If a donation comes in to Life Action for a team member, who is unable to serve, the donation will be used to further the ministry of

Life Action’s Short-Term Missions program. Per IRS guidelines, all money is donated solely to Life Action Ministries; therefore, financial disbursement is at the discretion of Life Action Ministries. To protect our donors, we will follow appropriate regulations

and ECFA guidelines.

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What about money for personal spending? The above financial requirement does not provide for any personal needs you may have while traveling. You will likely need extra

money during the year for personal items, such as toiletries, clothing, cell phone, etc.

All funds for personal needs will need to be raised outside of Life Action. We recommend setting up a personal fundraising page

on gofundme.com to help facilitate that. While Life Action Ministries is not affiliated with GoFundMe, it has a proven track record of

accuracy & accountability. You will pay a small (less than 10%) fee for all gifts that are received through GoFundMe, but it will

handle all credit card donations smoothly. When you have funds in your GoFundMe account, you can request those at any time

and they can deposit them into your bank account directly.

Donors who would prefer to write checks for your personal expenses should make those out to you and mail them to you directly.

Any personal gift given by cash, check, or GoFundMe is not eligible for a tax deduction for the donor.

Re-applying for additional year(s) of Short-Term Missions service: We encourage our missionaries to consider more than one year with us. Many times the first year brings about tremendous

spiritual growth, and the succeeding years provide new and deeper opportunities to apply and share God’s truth. We offer various

scholarships for each subsequent year of ministry.

Other Questions or Help?

Please contact: Chris Brown - [email protected] – 269-697-2042

Typical Conference Schedule

When your team arrives at the church, many things have already taken place. For the past several months staff and

volunteers at the church have been preparing logistically and praying for your arrival in anticipation of these special

days that have been set aside by this church family.

The church members and leaders have been encouraged to pray fervently for God to change lives and revive the

passion and joy of walking with Him.

Hundreds of prayers from many devoted Christians, who make up our prayer team around the nation, have already

prayed for you and the team as you enter in to this work of God.

Your team will minister at the church somewhere between 4 days and 2 weeks.

There have been occasions where the time at the church has been extended several days or even weeks as God

moves through the church or community.

The team normally has some down time after an event, so this allows you to have some time off mixed with travel

time as the entire team packs up and moves. It may be a short journey or across several states.

You will typically arrive on a Friday or Saturday to set up and get organized for the event to start on Sunday. The flow

of ministry and messages usually follows the same pattern at each church. The difference is the length, location, the

hunger for God, the conviction of the Spirit, and the humble repentant response of the people.

Remain in prayer, be expectant for God to meet with the people, and keep yourself close to Him and available. You

will witness many miracles of restored lives and renewed commitments.

Allow God to take what may become “routine” and transform it into a fresh new thing at each church you are at. His

mercies are new every morning

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Directions to Life Action Camp

(This is the location of your Staff Training Camp)

Take US-12 to Bakertown Road (3 miles west of Buchanan);

Turn north and go 2 miles to Elm Valley Road;

Turn west (left) and go 1 mile to the “T”;

Turn north (right) on Clear Lake Road;

Follow 1 mile to Life Action Camp.

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