Welcome To Jeopardy!! Ancient Egypt ~Categories~ Vocab 1Vocab 2 General Knowledge Map SkillsFamous...

Welcome To Jeopardy!! Ancient Egypt

Transcript of Welcome To Jeopardy!! Ancient Egypt ~Categories~ Vocab 1Vocab 2 General Knowledge Map SkillsFamous...

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  • Welcome To Jeopardy!! Ancient Egypt
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  • ~Categories~ Vocab 1Vocab 2 General Knowledge Map SkillsFamous People Religion 100 200 300 400 500 *Final Jeopardy* Cookie Monster Industries
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  • 100 huge building with 4 sloping walls Pyramid
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  • 200 Preserving a persons body allowed them to live again in the Afterlife
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  • 300 Person who ruled for a child Regent
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  • 400 Family ruling for generations Dynasty
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  • 500 Rock-filled rapids Cataract
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  • 100 Triangular shaped end of a river Delta
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  • 200 Rich soil left behind when rivers flood Silt
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  • 300 Egyptian writing Hieroglyphics
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  • 400 People who studied the stars to predict floods Astronomers
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  • DAILY DOUBLE Select the amount you want to wager
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  • 500 Skilled worker Artisan
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  • 100 Longest river in the world Nile
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  • 200 Largest desert in the world Sahara
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  • 300 Most people belonged to this Social Class Peasants and Farmers
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  • 400 Egypt is located on this continent Africa
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  • 500 The gift of the Nile is Egypt
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  • 100 Locate the Mediterranean Sea
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  • 200 Locate the Sahara Desert
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  • 300 Locate Giza and the delta
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  • 400 Locate Upper and Lower Egypt
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  • 500 Locate the Red Sea
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  • 100 United Upper and Lower Egypt Menes
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  • 200 Conquered Egypt Alexander the Great
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  • 300 Destroyed stepmothers temples Thutmose III
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  • DAILY DOUBLE Select the amount you want to wager
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  • 400 Translated Egyptian hieroglyphics Jean Francois Champolion
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  • 500 Regent until she proclaimed herself Pharaoh Hatshepsut
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  • 100 Important religious practice Preserving dead for the afterlife (Mummification)
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  • 200 Chief god of the Egyptians Amon-re
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  • 300 Pharaohs were considered God-kings
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  • 400 Goddess of mothers and children Isis
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  • 500 God of the sky Horus
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  • FINAL JEOPARDY List all five of the Social classes in order
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  • ANSWER Pharaoh Upper Class(nobles, priests, & pharaohs court) Middle Class-- (merchants & artisans) Lower Class (peasants & farmers) Slaves
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