Welcome to Indian Railway Passenger Reservation Enquiry

4/7/2014 Wel come to Indi an Rai l way Passenger r eser v ati on Enqui r y http://w w w .indianr ail.gov .in/cgi_bin/inet accavl_cgi1.cgi 1/1 INDIAN RAILWAYS PASSENGER RESERVATION ENQUIRY Home Hindi Version Services  Availabilit y at Ma jor Stati ons Train Schedule Tatkal Scheme Upgraded Passenger Scheme SMS Service Train Berth Availability Information Train Running Information Train Type Information View Cod es Trains at a Gla nce Rules International Tourists Other Rai lw ay Websites PNR Status Train B etween I mportant Stations Seat Availability Fare Enquiry Internet R eservation  Indian Railways Online Web site: http://www.indianrail.gov.in  designed and hos ted by CRIS. Accom modation Availability Enquir y   You Que rie d Fo r Train N umber Train N ame Date (DD-MM-YYYY) Source Station Destination Station Quota Code 12130 AZAD HIND EXP 26-05-2014 HOWRAH JN PUNE JN GENERAL  Availability status update d time : 7-4-2014 12:46  S.No. Date (DD-MM-YYYY) Class - SL Class -3A 1 26- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 14 GNWL62/WL33 2 27- 5-2014 RAC6/RAC 6 GNWL59/WL47 3 28- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 82 GNWL44/WL22 4 29- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 64 GNWL46/WL33 5 30- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 7 GNWL40/WL32 6 31- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 17 GNWL58/WL48  LEGENDS:- GN -General, PQ-P oo led Quo ta, RL-Remote Lo cati on, DP-DutyPa ss, RS-Roadside, CK-Ta tkal , YU-Yuva Get Next 6 Day s Avai l ab il i ty Get F are Ge t Pr e vi ou s Da ys A va il ab il i ty Ge t L iv e Av ai la bi li t y  No. of Que ries : 0664676679 , Server : KESHAV , Dated : 07-04-2014 Time :12:47:14 Hrs Home | Mi nistry of Railway s | Trains betw een Stations | Booking Loc ations | CRI S | CO NC ER T | Advert ise w ith CR IS | R ailw ay Map | FAQ | Sitem ap | Feedback Copyright © 2010, Centre For Railway Information Sys tems, Des igned and Hosted by CRIS | Disclaimer Best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolutio n with Intern et Expl orer 5.0 or Mozila Firefox 3.5 and higher  ment s or SMS service and Reprodu cing/Tran smittin g/Storing in its database, any content o



Transcript of Welcome to Indian Railway Passenger Reservation Enquiry

  • 4/7/2014 Welcome to Indian Railway Passenger reservation Enquiry

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    Availability at Major Stations

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    Upgraded Passenger Scheme

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    PNR Status Train Between Important Stations Seat Availability Fare Enquiry Internet Reservation

    Indian Railways Online Website: http://www.indianrail.gov.in designed and hosted by CRIS.

    Accommodation Availability Enquiry

    You Queried For

    Train Number Train NameDate

    (DD-MM-YYYY)Source Station


    Quota Code


    Availability status updated time : 7-4-2014 12:46

    S.No. Date (DD-MM-YYYY) Class - SL Class -3A

    1 26- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 14 GNWL62/WL33

    2 27- 5-2014 RAC6/RAC 6 GNWL59/WL47

    3 28- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 82 GNWL44/WL22

    4 29- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 64 GNWL46/WL33

    5 30- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 7 GNWL40/WL32

    6 31- 5-2014 AVAILABLE 17 GNWL58/WL48

    LEGENDS:- GN-General, PQ-Pooled Quota, RL-Remote Location, DP-DutyPass, RS-Roadside, CK-Tatkal, YU-Yuva

    Get Next 6 Days Availability Get Fare Get Previous Days Availability Get Live Availability

    No. of Queries : 0664676679 , Server : KESHAV , Dated : 07-04-2014 Time:12:47:14 Hrs

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    Copyright 2010, Centre For Railway Information Systems, Designed and Hosted by CRIS | DisclaimerBest viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution with Internet Explorer 5.0 or Mozila Firefox 3.5 and higher

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