Welcome Issue | Dublin Regional Session 2013

issue one


The Welcome Issue from the Dublin Regional Session Media Team.

Transcript of Welcome Issue | Dublin Regional Session 2013

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editorialThree hours. That’s all it took for our friend-ship to form. Our first time meeting each other was in Dublin airport on a cold March morning. This was followed by a three hour flight to Istanbul which we spent sitting down the back of the plane (as we are the cool kids), just the two of us. At the beginning of the flight we were strangers, by the end of it we were mates.

That’s the unique thing about EYP - it will bundle you together with complete strangers and after a short space of time you will be having the absolute banter. You may spend an evening playing bizarre games or you could simply spend a flight having conversa-tions that ranges from college aspirations to the different words used throughout Ireland to describe kissing (good ole ‘shift’ the ever favourite topic) - who knows?

All we can do is encourage you to take part in this session - you might not know it yet; but some of your futures mates are lurking in that crowd. So go on, creep on ‘em.

EYP isn’t normal. It doesn’t abide by social norms or etiquette. It doesn’t follow a rule-book or any protocols. It puts you in a situ-ation where college ]students, studying for exams, will take the weekend off work, off study (and off drinking) to dance around a circle like a chicken. EYP almost presents an inverse reality. Strike up a game of ninja with strangers - yell insults at random com-mittees - get frustrated as you simply try pass an orange around the room. Over the course of this weekend you’ll be presented with a series of situations you will naturally begin to question as odd or strange (Why is my chair on all-fours making pig noises? Why are we hitting each other with news-papers? Where is my left shoe gone?)

However, instead of questioning the abnor-mality of it - embrace it. For one weekend just throw caution to the wind and shout out crazy ideas, solutions or jokes. Go ba-nanas, go bonkers, go mad! We encourage the madness, promote the insaneness and crave the different!

XoxoxGossip Editors

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contents“So wear your brightest smiles and get ready to perform the funky chicken”

1,2,3 - Explore EYP | Artemis Triki

“I haven’t been able to keep up with the new Made in Chelsea episodes”Interview with the HO | Megan & David

“You’re not in Kanas anymore deary”May the odds be ever in your favour | Cian Rynne

“I fell asleep within the shadow of France’s most famous monument”A possibly fictive diary of a traveller | Yannick Léonard

“Push people out of the way to exert your dominance over lesser beings”Meeting people within EYP | Jack Sargent

“I wait with anticipation as to what marvels (and atrocities) will be on show”Fashion Police | Caoimhe O’Rourke

“It’s just that many of the delegates will despise you”Cardinal sins of EYP | James Joy

“EYP is an incredibly important actor in the low-quality coffee market” The beauty of sleep deprivation | Sarah Ek

“Abruplty awaken from your dream about....”

F_ll in the Bl__nks | Ann-Sophie Vandommele

“It’s really rather simple”Committee Games | Media Team

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Last year, in October, the European Youth Parliament celebrated its 25th anniversary in Fontainebleau, where it was launched as a school project at the Lycée François-Premier. After a quarter of a century consisting of hundreds and hundreds of EYP Sessions, thousands of young Europeans participating and 36 national committees, let’s examine the unique elements that make it so successful:


The funniest, yet crucial part of an EYP session, as it creates a positive climate and friendship bonds among delegates. There are different types of games: ice-breakers (to get to know each other) trust, problem-solving (in order to learn to work as a team) and energiz-ers (the name says nothing about the real action, trust me). Singing and act-ing like crazy are perfectly integrated in the magical world of teambuilding. So, wear your brightest smiles and pre-pare yourselves to perform the ‘funky chicken’.

Committee Work

Here you begin to discuss your topics, which all derive – as you have prob-ably guessed - from burning economic, social, political, environmental and regional issues. Don’t be shy! Express your opinion, brainstorm possible solu-tions and debate! The tangible product of your work is called a resolution; this will be later voted for or against in the General Assembly. Therefore make it worth reading

General Assembly (G.A)

This is a formal parliamentary pro-cedure, where all participants are reunited to consider the results of the previous stage. Each committee has to present and defend its resolution. Be polite, don’t interrupt others, respect the Board and –for God’s sake- be prop-erly dressed. Stand up and make your Chairs proud. But more importantly do yourself proud and enjoy yourself!

Artemis Triki (GR)

1,2,3 Explore EYP

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Who is Anna Nichols? Why does she talk like that? What is a bebo Stunnah? These are questions that follow Anna around wherever she treks. Born and raised on the peb-bly shores of Greystones - this Alex alum has defined bebo stunnah-ery within EYP. With a “Totes” here and an “OMG Goys” there, she has stormed her way to the top and is now in charge of pulling together the first Dublin Regional Ses-sion of EYP Ireland. Anna and ourselves go way back. Together we’ve travelled as far east as Is-tanbul, as far north as Estonia and as far west as… well Mayo; so we’ve seen Anna in all sorts of situ-ations and we know she has this session sorted. But how has the organising experience been? We caught up with her for a quick ‘storbucks’ and a chat to find out.

“When I first got the gig I was totes nervous, like I can barely organise my suitcase when trav-elling, let alone a session”. She praises her orga team who have been “true stunnahs” and were “always there when I needed them”. Even when things started to look bleak she knew they had her back - “the past few weeks have been tough” she says, “I haven’t been able to keep up with the new Made in Chelsea episodes, but at our first organiser meeting we made a pact never to spoil an episode - I think it really helped us bond as a team, and we all LOVE Spencer”.

The conversation soon turns to the venue for the session and Anna’s face lights up. “I always knew Alex could do it. Walking through those halls again, the halls that made me into the woman I am today, I could picture the session taking place here”. Amidst anecdotal tales of her secondary school life, we ask how does she think the ses-sion will go? “I’m nervous, obvs, but I think it should be fine; all I want is for the delegates to have fun. As long as I can sit back on the sunday and say ‘I’m fine’ - then I’ll be a happy girl”.

Knowing Anna as we do, even if the session is ‘fine’ by her standards - we’ll all be in for a treat.

Megan & David (Editors)

I’m fine guys

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Compare EYP to MUNWhile the European Youth Parliament has some similarities with the Model United Nations, they kind of end after it’s established that they’re both politi-cal youth organisations. Some EYPers hold grudges and forever maintain that we have the ‘banter’ or the all im-portant ‘craic factor’... I would tend to agree. However, if in some comparison with the unofficial sworn enemy of EYP it’s said that they are in any way superior to us... well then you’ve committed Cardi-nal Sin of EYP #1! Create a Media Campaign in Your ResolutionEssentially many of the problems in this world are attributed to the world’s popu-lation not really car-ing about the issue, or at least not caring enough. This is no different with many of the topics committees are presented with at sessions. The thought then is that creating a media campaign which involves: <insert list of media here>, will fix your problem. Incorrect. That being said I have seen resolutions where it was completely appropriate. But still be wary.

Create a Brand-Spanking-New EU Body in Your ResolutionNow this is rarely ever a good idea. Cre-ating an EU organisation to tackle your problem is a big no-no. It’s a common proposal, “if we create this EU body and give it a swanky acronym that spells out a dirty word, it’ll solve all our prob-

lems!”. It doesn’t, bad delegates! Leave the EU alone in your topic , it’s fine as it is... more or less. Concentrate on fix-ing the problem yourselves, don’t lay off the problem on a fictional group of professionals.

Speak French at GA Outside of FranceRight, now some of you may not know this, but since English and French are

the official languages of EYP it’s perfectly OK to speak the lat-ter during GA, ex-cept that it isn’t, at all. In all seriousness though, you won’t be in trouble or any-thing, it’s just that many of the delegates will despise you. Since at the moment you’re in Ireland, the vast majority of us cannot speak French. Hence, your point will be almost completely misunderstood even if anyone does try to listen.

Wear a hoodie to GADo I really need to get

into this? Like seriously guys come on. Every session there’s that delegate or two who don’t understand the meaning of ‘formal’. Suit up, gentlemen. Ladies, do that dress thing that you gals do best. For further fashion advice, see: Fashion Police articles during the weekend,

or just take a look at yours truly. Try not

to faint on-sight, it gets embarrassing.

James K. Joy (IE)

The C a r d i n a l Sins of EYP

What NOT to do

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Well hello über fashionable delegates, welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of EYP where you have the fantas-tic opportunity (among other things) to exhibit your finest corporate wear this weekend. I wait with anticipation as to what marvels (and atrocities) will be on show at this Regional Session.

“OMG GOYS WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR THIS WEEKEND? LIKE I’VE NEVER HAD A JOB INTERVIEW IN MY LIOFE, HOW CAN I DRESS AS IF I WAS GOING TO ONE?!” Calm down, such a question has been pondered by so many first time delegates; firstly if you’ve come to teambuilding in some-thing that’s comfy and looking mildly decent, you’ve done well.

Tomorrow comes the first task, committee work. You will need a formal outfit that you can stay in all day and you’ll have to pack for what you’re going to wear to the disco later on. Don’t be that guy wearing what you wore all day to the disco; no matter how slick you think you look in your chinos and Tommy Hilfiger jumper.

Ideal outfits? Well boys; what I have said above is a pretty doable one, chi-nos of some variation, a shirt (as flam-boyant or as plain as you wish) and a jumper of some description (a hoodie does NOT fall under the category of jumper).

Girls have slightly more scope and I’m

interested to see what this year’s Dub-lin girls bring to the table, we had stiff competition from the girls at the Mun-ster’s Regional Session, with sheer blouses (cami tops underneath, keep it classy ladies) Jersey skirts, chunky necklaces, studded pumps, edgy but civilised. I would also be delighted to see some pants suits and of course I ex-pect some of the ever present blazers.

‘Disco’ Outfit? Dress up fancy, however, you are not in Wezz. Legs out is grand, but legs, belly and low cut; what are you doing? No!

General Assembly.

Alright boys and girls, it’s time dust off the suits and dresses be-cause it’s time for G.A. Boys, fair enough if you don’t have a suit jacket, the school one will do, just this once, but for the love of God sort yourself out with a nor-mal tie (bonus points for funky ties). Girls, dress or skirt and tights (it is November) com-bo are always a good

start, heels, perhaps if you’re feeling it. You will (hopefully) be walking up to a podium so remember this before you trip and send yourself flying in front of a hundred odd people. That’s all from me, best of luck and I hope you’ll have some great fashion (along with many other) adventures this weekend.

PS. You’ll find me in the yellow tweed ;)

Caoimhe O’Rourke (IE)

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If you want to become a true EYPer and at-tend sessions from Ireland to Istanbul, you will have to travel a lot. Whether it be by plane or by train, it’s rarely as simple as it seems, proven by the following tale of one heck of a journey; the journey of a brave traveler who needed to get from Amsterdam to Croatia.

25th of July, 2013

I stood in the main hall of the Amsterdam train station, waiting for the 10:30 train to Paris. I had packed for 2 days, which was how long it would take me to reach my summer home in Croatia. The travel plan was plain and simple; train to Paris, then a plane to Milan. Hop onto the night bus to Zagreb and from there take the ferry to our summer home which was on the island of Dugi Otok.

On the train to Paris I was forced to sit next to one of those sweaty old men, the stereo-typical curse of every train journey. To make things worse, it was almost 35° C outside, and the climate control in the train was bro-ken. It was going to be a long and excruciat-ing voyage.

As we were riding past the flat, scenic Dutch countryside the train came to a shuddering stop. For a very long time we were unaware about the reason for our delay; all we knew is what the voice on the intercom told us. “We are having some technical issues, we will try to resolve them as fast as possible”

echoed around the carriage every 5 min-utes. That automotive voice was pure psy-chological torture. It was as if we were being held captive for some kind of sadistic, social experiment; one which involved jamming a metal tube full of strangers in high sum-mer, just to see who would last the longest. After an hour without any news, one of the crew members decided to have pity on us, and distributed bottles of water among the passengers.

Upon my arrival in Paris, it suddenly dawned on me that the Ryanair airfield of ‘Paris’

was actually 87 kilom-eters outside of the city. I decided to get a hotel for the night, as it would be impossible for me to make my flight. I jammed myself and my case onto

one of the crowded Parisian subway wag-ons. When I was halfway to my destination I suddenly felt a pull and moments later, I saw someone running with my suitcase. I tried to chase after him, but the doors had already closed. Despair.

Gone were my ID, money and clothes. I was alone in a city I did not know, with a language I did not speak. I had no option other than to go and sleep under a bridge for the night. I fell asleep, broken and tired, within the shadow of France’s most famous national monument.

To be continued...

Yannick Léonard (BE)

The Possibly

Fictive Diary Of A


I fell asleep, broken and tired, within the shadow of France’s most famous national monument.

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I used to hate coffee. I hated everything about it; the bitterness, the watery tex-ture and its depressing colour - black like the soul of whoever decided that the concept of “monday” was a good idea. However, despite this intense dis-like for the foul liquid, I still found my-self guzzling cold coffee out of a wine-glass at 3AM in the morning during my first Regional Session. Why? Well, the answer is simple; I had discovered what every other EYPer has, or will, discover. Coffee is in fact the loveliest, most nec-essary and most trustworthy substance out there. If a friend in need, is a friend indeed, then coffee is truly the dearest of friends.

This is of course because the one thing you will never hear an EYPer say, ever, is that they got a good, long night’s sleep. It just isn’t done. One does not simply feel well rested at a session. I would even go as far as to say that those who manage more than 3 hours of sleep must possess some form of superpower. Obviously they have some profound skill the rest of us mere mortals lack.

This anti-sleep culture has had some in-teresting consequences. Firstly, the EYP organisation is an incredibly important actor in the low-quality coffee market worldwide. Secondly, most EYPers have developed the ability to sleep in any po-sition, anywhere and at any time - there is something remarkably eerie about seeing someone in a suit sleeping while

standing up. Thirdly, EYPers are often very emotionally volatile, simply hum-ming Imagine or Big Fat Pony towards the end of a session can set off extreme emotional outbursts.

Then there are the other consequenc-es, the less immediately observable ones. Aside from various health risks (#YOLO), lack of sleep can seriously af-fect your body and mind. Too few ZzZ’s can make you clumsy, hungry and can make even the easiest decisions, like what colour post-it to use during GA, very difficult.

Essentially, the symptoms of sleep dep-rivation are very similar to those of al-cohol consumption. But there lies the beauty of EYP I suppose. Seeing a mass of seemingly drunk, emotional, coffee chugging individuals gather and skil-fully tackle European issues is quite inspirational. So during this session, and any future sessions you attend, I encourage you to proudly stumble

around, yawning and bleary eyed, know-

ing that you are taking part of s o m e t h i n g wonderful.

Sarah Ek (SE)

The beauty of sleep deprivation

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Welcome. Come in. Sit down; listen carefully. It’s about to begin.

Now for some of you this may be your first EYP ex-perience extravaganza, for others it’s a second year of madness and de-bauchery. One thing you all have in common, however, is that on Sun-day you shall all be pitted against each other in a political hunger games, a veritable bureaucratic Battle Royale.

That’s right, maybe you thought you were com-ing here to make friends and have a great time, but that’s only the result of brutally slaughtering all of your other oppo-nent committees in G.A (Intellectually you psy-chopaths!)

A brave, hardy chair once said to me to ‘leave no survivors’. Heed this wis-dom. Look into the eyes of your chairs, the orgas and the journos. While some may maintain a jovial spirit and a quirky nature, underneath they

have the eyes of hard-ened battle veterans; they do what it takes to survive. Little Sleep? No food? Endless debates? You’re a long way from Kansas now deary.

It starts right away on Friday evening with team building, bond closely with your teammates; they are all that stand be-tween you and the cold dark abyss of oblivion. Hone your skills in com-mittee work; figuring out your plan of attack. Who shall come out guns blaz-ing we all wonder? Will it be the ruthless LIBE(s) with their extremely opinionated attitudes to everything? Maybe SPACE will open the air-locks and suffocate eve-rybody, or sweet inno-cent ENVI will call upon the woodland animals to help them rid the land of rival committees.

You may be reading this and thinking about your loved ones… Well they can’t help you anymore! But fear not, things aren’t as bad as they seem, there

are upsides to being in a political hunger games; Jennifer Lawrence for in-stance.

Jennifer Lawrence is what makes the political skir-mish all worthwhile my friends. That is why the Saturday evening Disco is so important! Find your Jennifer Lawrence at this event and under-stand the true purpose of EYP; finding friends, fel-low survivors. Find the Peeta to your Katniss.

If you can hold out, mus-ter up the mental forti-tude to battle through this weekend of little sleep, heart stopping quantities of coffee and more pop culture refer-ences than an episode of the Gilmore girls, then you’ll be stronger for it. Then you have my per-mission to have a good time.

May the odds be ever in your favour.

Cian Rynne (IE)

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Fill in your EYP storyThis is just an ordinary story to fill in whenever you feel bored or simply because it’s swell. Team up with your mate, one reads the words between brackets out loud, the other answers them. Bang, your unique story is written! That easy!

It is__(sixth figure of your phone number) o’ clock in the morning when the alarm abruptly interrupts that_____(adjective) dream about you finally making out with_____(your mum’s favourite singer). _____(part of the face) still sleepy but with loads of effort you eventually manage to slowly remove the blanket made out of______(animal) hair and get out of your_____ (piece of furniture). While munching on your_____(kind of food you hate the most) you take the first_____( means of trans-portation) straight to Dublin! Arriving at the venue, you hear everyone_____(animal sound) out of excitement. Your heart _____(action made during sport events). This is it: your first session of the European Youth Parliament.

Someone taps you on the_____(body part). ‘Are you_____(name of the one filling this in)? You’re late! Your committee has already started Team Building!’ Feeling like a com-plete_____(synonym for loser) you rush to your fellow delegates and participate in a round of _____(silly children’s game) your new friends are playing.

It has been an exhausting day of TB but happy and pleased with your committee mem-bers, you decide to have a refreshing glass of water during the Committee Games. Maybe the hottie from ENVI will be there.... After already far too many_____(thing to put stuff in) of_____(liquid) it is time for bed. You need all your energy for Committee Work tomorrow!

You turn up_____(year of birth) minutes early to not having to undergo the embarrass-ment of yesterday twice. Let’s put those______(age multiplied with ten)______(thing made out of paper) of research to good use! You immediately astonish everyone with your own opinion, fresh ideas and possible solutions. After you took the last ______(flavour) cookie during Coffee Break, you put the last_____limb) to the resolution and prepare your speech thoroughly for the big day tomorrow. But as for tonight: let the party begin and tash on! You have turned your whole wardrobe upside down when at last you find the perfect_____(traditional clothing) to wear at the Dishco.

Still wrecked from last night you find yourself seated_____(feeling) in the General As-sembly. Reading out the resolution, defense speech, attack speech, open debate, clos-ing speech, voting procedure, clapping is in order: the resolution has passed! ______(exclamation)!

After having given out the last goodbyes, kissed the_____(adjective starting with t) lad/lass from before in a way he/she will never forget, you burst into tears of____(feeling) cause PED (Post EYP Depression) is around the corner determined to make his move. This was it: a memorable, incredible and marvelous EYP session which you will treas-ure for the rest of your life!

Ann-Sophie Vandommele (BE)

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A move too far?

Your guide to meeting people in EYP

You’re all thinking it. You all want it. Those that say they don’t are lying and you know it’s worth the stress. No, it’s not the much hyped EYP National Ses-sion, but the meet at EYP. Within this article, you’ll find a detailed, compre-hensive and infallible guide to wooing the opposite Gender with humour, in-tellect and impeccable fashion, cour-tesy of the Journos, who have your best interests at heart.

So first, let’s start with a brief overview of what to wear. Chinos are a must. It’s a scientific fact that no girl can resist a good pair of the khakis on a decent lad. This staple of the south Dublin gentry comes in all shapes and sizes, so be sure to adorn yourself with a pair, before go-ing on the pull.

As for the upper half, the mantra here is the tighter the better, as all girls love seeing the outline of your chest. Here are your following three options:• Any tight, spandex like T-shirt from Hollister or Abercrombie & Fitch.• A rugby shirt, preferably from your school, (to woo women with tales of the perfect try) will do, provided it ac-

centuates muscles.• A personal favourite of mine, is the the shirt top, (again as tight as possi-ble) buttoned down to below the chest. A good rule of thumb is to have more cleavage than the girl you’re approach-ing.

So now you’ve got the appropriate at-tire, it’s time to go out and find yourself a “moth”.The flowing five step guide will work in any situation and on any fine bird in EYP.

Step 1:Make eye contact from a distance. Sali-vate while staring and nod approvingly.

Step 2:Flex all the muscles in your body, while complimenting yourself, try and get your committee members to applaud your honed physique. Remember, the more veins, the more babes.

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Step 3:Strut confidently towards your target, lead with your shoulders swaying heavily from side to side. Push people out of the way to exert your dominance over lesser be-ings.

Step 4:If she is in a group, push her friends/chair/boyfriend away, then grin arro-gantly.Step 5:This is the crucial step, laid out before you are chat up lines, that have been proven to work. 60% of the time, they work, all the time. Repeat these lines in any order or combination till she’s weak-kneed and longing for the shift. (Or wants you to go away.)

For those chemistry babes, this is a sure success;“Are you full of beryllium, gold, and titanium? Because you are BE AU TI…FULL”

If you’re big and furry;“I forgot my teddy bear at home. Will you sleep with me?”

For when you can’t keep your eyes above waist level, retort their allegations of creepiness with this gem;“Is that a mirror in your pocket,’cause I can definitely see myself in your pants”

The other language of GA, is also the language of love:“Il fait chaud ici, ou est-ce que vous?”(Is it hot in here, or is it just you)

To impress committee members, look no further than this en-lightening one-liner“I’m not actually this tall, I’m just sitting on my research.”

When a target approaches in your vicinity, yell: “ I’d pass that

motion!”Afterwords, look for a high five. You’ll get one.

Remember, persistence is key here. It’s a race, not a sprint. It’s Everest, not the sugar loaf. It’s getting the shift in EYP.

Jack Sargent (IE)

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Welcome to the Games It’s really rather simple. Outlined below are tasks to be accomplished. Comple-tion of a task earns your committee points. A scoreboard shall be kept run-ning throughout the Session. The com-mittee with the highest points tally at the end of the session wins.

May the odds be ever in your favour.

Note. All tasks need to be witnessed by a Journo (not a chair) or must have pho-tographic proof for points to be award-ed. “Committee” means ALL delegates must be involved for it to count.

1.Delegate high fives the president

1 pt per delegate.

2.Committee Photo with the HO

10 pts.

3.Committee Photo in another com-mittee’s room

15 pts.

4.Committee Photo with the two edi-tors (Have to find the editors, together, away from the press room)

30 pts

5.Find someone smaller than Emma (Orga) or Shiofra (Chair)


6.Record a video of the Committee performing as an air band

5 pts.

7.Use the words “Avada Kedavra” in GA


8.Spell out your committee name with committee members

10 pts

9.Best Costume at the disco

20 pts

10.Perform in a video for Alex

20 pts

11.Come up with a committee chant and sing it in GA

10 pts

12.Give Megan sweets

20 pts

13.Talk to David about film scores

20 pts

14.Mistake a Swiss for a Swede (or vice-versa)

Minus 10 pts

15.Mention MUN in the presence of an official

Minus 10 pts

16.Have the best dressed Committee in GA (as decided by the Fashion Police)

30 pts

17.Beat a journo at a game they started

10 pts

18.Be the best dancer at the disco (as de-cided by the Journos)

15 pts.

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DublinMedia2013Are you a snapper? and a chatter? See a sleeping delegate? A funny game? Send us your snapchats and the best ones make it in the paper!