Welcome! Important Lenten Opportunities Sunday School ... · PDF filefor Worship & Study +...

Important Lenten Opportunities for Worship & Study + Sunday, 3/19 @ 11:30 AM Page Turners - discussing News of the World: A Novel by Paulette Jiles + Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM Why Lent? Whats the Point?Start w/soup & salad and end with prayer. + Thursdays @ 9:30 AM Uppity Women of the Bible+ Fridays @ 7 PM Stations of the Cross - add a soup supper @ 6:30 PM on March 31 WOMENS 9 TH ANNUAL BFF RETREAT BEYOND THE RED DOORSThis years Annual Retreat will be held at the Raph- aela Center in Haverford, PA on Sunday aſternoon through Tuesday aſternoon, May 21- 23. We have started planning our program and events. The cost is $225.00, covering all meals and accom- modaons. Transportaon is by carpools. Please consider coming to get to know one another and share a wonderful me. The signup sheet is in the Parish Hall. Checks should be made payable to COGS with retreatin the memo. Please give checks to George Funk or place in the offertory during services. If you cant pay the full amount at one me we can arrange payments. All reservaons and payment must be made by May 1 st . If you have any quesons please contact Jenniff- er Harrington @ 856-245-7700 or Diane Wall @ 856- 374-9081. Welcome! Welcome to Church of the Good Shepherd. Were glad youre here! Episcopal worship is parcipa- tory. We stand, we kneel, we respond vocally dur- ing parts of the service, somemes with singing! Please join in at your level of comfort. If youd like to learn more about what we as Episcopalians believe and do, or if you have any quesons, please fill out one of the yellow cards in the pew and give it to Mother Susan or one of our ushers. We hope you feel welcome here and that you will come back oſten to feed your faith. A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church All are invited to the Altar to receive. If you would like a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive only the bread extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to decline the wine. For the wine or grape juice you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gently on the chalices base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharisc Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth. Stations of the Cross You are invited to Stations of the Cross eve- ry Friday evening during Lent at 7 PM continu- ing until April 7th, in the Church. On March 31 st we will have a Soup Dinner before @ 6:30 PM. Lenten Devotion Materials At the back of the church you will find a basket of Lenten materials for you to use during Lent. Please help yourself. Sunday School Project Angels of God, a local community outreach or- ganization just a few blocks away from Good Shepherd, offers the Angels Snack Bag Pro- gram to local underprivileged daycares and preschools or to qualified families visiting An- gels of God. Volunteers collect, assemble and decorate lunch bags filled with nutritious snacks. As part of our Palm Sunday Youth Fel- lowship, we are asking the Sunday School youth to help us be "Snack Angels". In order for this outreach exercise to be a success we need your help! Before Palm Sunday on April 9th, we will be collecting healthy snacks. Some ideas: Raisins, Granola bars, Cheddar or peanut butter crackers, Juice boxes, small pretzel bags, Veggie chips, and Apple sauce containers or pouches Snacks can be dropped off downstairs in the Teacher Resource Room in the Youth Group wing or in a box in the Parish Hall labeled "Angels Snack Bags". On Palm Sunday, the Sunday School children will be tasked with dec- orating and assembling these bags. Please contact Amanda McNally [email protected] if you have questions. Progressive Dinner A Progressive Dinner to benefit the Scholarship Fund will be held on Saturday, April 22. Cock- tail hour begins at 6:30 PM. The suggested do- nation is $25 per person. We need about 6 vol- unteers who live locally to host dinner and des- sert. There are sign up sheets in the parish hall for both people who would like to attend and those who would like to host. Please join us for this very fun event. For more information con- tact Diane Wall @ 856-374-9081.

Transcript of Welcome! Important Lenten Opportunities Sunday School ... · PDF filefor Worship & Study +...

Page 1: Welcome! Important Lenten Opportunities Sunday School ... · PDF filefor Worship & Study + Sunday, ... Bible Study We are now looking ... Cock-6:30 PM. The suggested do-nation is $25

Important Lenten Opportunities for Worship & Study

+ Sunday, 3/19 @ 11:30 AM Page Turners - discussing News of the World: A Novel by

Paulette Jiles

+ Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM “Why Lent? What’s the Point?” Start w/soup & salad and end with prayer.

+ Thursdays @ 9:30 AM “Uppity Women of the Bible”

+ Fridays @ 7 PM Stations of the Cross - add a soup supper @ 6:30 PM on March 31



This year’s Annual Retreat will be held at the Raph-aela Center in Haverford, PA on Sunday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon, May 21- 23.

We have started planning our program and events. The cost is $225.00, covering all meals and accom-modations. Transportation is by carpools. Please consider coming to get to know one another and share a wonderful time.

The signup sheet is in the Parish Hall. Checks should be made payable to COGS with “retreat” in the memo. Please give checks to George Funk or place in the offertory during services. If you can’t pay the full amount at one time we can arrange payments.

All reservations and payment must be made by May 1st. If you have any questions please contact Jenniff-er Harrington @ 856-245-7700 or Diane Wall @ 856-374-9081.


Welcome to Church of the Good Shepherd. We’re glad you’re here! Episcopal worship is participa-tory. We stand, we kneel, we respond vocally dur-ing parts of the service, sometimes with singing! Please join in at your level of comfort. If you’d like to learn more about what we as Episcopalians believe and do, or if you have any questions, please fill out one of the yellow cards in the pew and give it to Mother Susan or one of our ushers. We hope you feel welcome here and that you will come back often to feed your faith.

A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church

All are invited to the Altar to receive. If you would like a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive only the bread extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to decline the wine. For the wine or grape juice you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gently on the chalice’s base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharistic Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth.

Stations of the Cross

You are invited to Stations of the Cross eve-ry Friday evening during Lent at 7 PM continu-ing until April 7th, in the Church. On March 31st we will have a Soup Dinner before @ 6:30 PM.

Lenten Devotion Materials

At the back of the church you will find a basket of Lenten materials for you to use during Lent. Please help yourself.

A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church

All are invited to the Altar to receive. You may stand or kneel. If you do not wish to receive, but would like a blessing, cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive in one kind extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to decline the wine. If you desire to receive the wine you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gently on the chalice’s base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharistic Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth.

Gluten-free Communion Hosts

Gluten-free Communion hosts are available for those with allergies. Please let the priest know.

Bible Study

We are now looking at the Book of Acts. How did a rag-tag group of disciples become the Church? How did all of this get going? 7PM on Tuesday nights.

Inquirers’ Class

INQUIRER'S CLASS will meet on Sunday, June 5, following the morning service in the Conference Room. Our topic this month will be "Evil, Suffering & A Loving God." Mark your calendar for the next study of Up-pity Women of the Bible! We'll begin on Thursday, September 8 at 9:30 a.m. (following Morning Prayer). Our focus for this study will be the book of Judith. Watch for more details toward the end of summer.

Sunday School Project

Angels of God, a local community outreach or-ganization just a few blocks away from Good Shepherd, offers the Angels Snack Bag Pro-gram to local underprivileged daycares and preschools or to qualified families visiting An-gels of God. Volunteers collect, assemble and decorate lunch bags filled with nutritious snacks. As part of our Palm Sunday Youth Fel-lowship, we are asking the Sunday School youth to help us be "Snack Angels". In order for this outreach exercise to be a success we need your help!

Before Palm Sunday on April 9th, we will be collecting healthy snacks. Some ideas:

Raisins, Granola bars, Cheddar or peanut butter crackers, Juice boxes, small pretzel bags, Veggie chips, and Apple sauce containers or pouches

Snacks can be dropped off downstairs in the Teacher Resource Room in the Youth Group wing or in a box in the Parish Hall labeled "Angels Snack Bags". On Palm Sunday, the Sunday School children will be tasked with dec-orating and assembling these bags.

Please contact Amanda McNally [email protected] if you have questions.

Progressive Dinner

A Progressive Dinner to benefit the Scholarship Fund will be held on Saturday, April 22. Cock-tail hour begins at 6:30 PM. The suggested do-nation is $25 per person. We need about 6 vol-unteers who live locally to host dinner and des-sert. There are sign up sheets in the parish hall for both people who would like to attend and those who would like to host. Please join us for this very fun event. For more information con-tact Diane Wall @ 856-374-9081.

Page 2: Welcome! Important Lenten Opportunities Sunday School ... · PDF filefor Worship & Study + Sunday, ... Bible Study We are now looking ... Cock-6:30 PM. The suggested do-nation is $25

T h i s W e e k a t G oo d S h e p h e r d M a r c h 1 8 t h t o M a r c h 2 4 t h

(Note your Lenten Opportunities) Lent 3 March 18 & 19 Saturday 3/18 - 9 AM Altar Guild Meeting 4:30 PM Contemplative Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday 3/19 - 9 AM Contemplative Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Page Turners Tuesday 3/21 - 9 AM Morning Prayer 6:30 PM Lenten Series—w/ Soup Supper Thursday 3/23 - 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Uppity Women of the Bible 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice Friday 3/24 - 7 PM Stations of the Cross

Lent 4 March 25 & 26 Saturday 3/25 - 10 AM - 2 PM Vestry Retreat 4:30 PM Contemplative Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday 3/26 - 9 AM Contemplative Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Youth Group Tuesday 3/28 - 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands 6:30 PM Lenten Series w/ Soup Supper Wednesday 3/29 - 7 PM Stewardship Meeting Thursday 3/30 - 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Uppity Women of the Bible 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice Friday 3/31 - 6:30 PM Soup Dinner 7 PM Stations of the Cross

Food Pantry

Next week, March 25th & 26th we are collecting Cereal for the Pitman Food Pantry. All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted.

T h e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h o f t h e

G o o d S h e p h e r d

The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott, Rector [email protected]

315 Highland Terrace

Pitman, New Jersey 08071

Phone: 856-589-8209

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 856-582-2306



Deb Prieto - Sr. Warden

Sue Burkhard - Jr. Warden

Chuck Lezenby - Clerk of the Vestry

Diane Wall – Assistant Clerk of the Vestry

Wayne Szalma, Chelsea Richmond, Connie Parent

(Class of 2017)

Len Clark, Elizabeth Nelson, Jack Daugherty

(Class 0f 2018)

Gail Morton, Jim Wynkoop, Frank Jackson

(Class of 2019)

Lee Braidwood - Treasurer

George Funk - Asst. Treasurer

Parish Office Hours

Monday through Thursday 8:30AM to 2:30PM. Friday - 8:30AM to 1:30PM

Lent 3

March 18 & 19, 2017

Pastoral Emergencies

If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for you,

hospitalization, death in the family, please call

the Church Office 856-589-8209 or after Office

hours please call Mother Susan at 732-759-4358.