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Page 1: Welcome - sabinefep.com · Biz Lady Theme - Perfect for Female Business Owners! The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit 8. If you want even moie fexibility, I would suggest to use Divi
Page 2: Welcome - sabinefep.com · Biz Lady Theme - Perfect for Female Business Owners! The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit 8. If you want even moie fexibility, I would suggest to use Divi


Well done on taking the fist step to

become a Global Entiepieneui!

© Sabine Panneau 2

I’m veiy excited that you decided to download this fiee guide to fnd out which tools to use foi youi online business.

Disclaimer: Some of these links aie afliate links. This means that I’ll receive a small contributon if you purchase using my link. The cost will be the same for you – or even less. These products are here on this list because I use them myself. So Thank you if you decide to use this tools!

Page 3: Welcome - sabinefep.com · Biz Lady Theme - Perfect for Female Business Owners! The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit 8. If you want even moie fexibility, I would suggest to use Divi

Running a business is one thing, iunning an online business is a complete difeient woild.

To be honest, you cannot ieally go wiong with any of the tools available on the maiket. It is a matei of tiial and eiioi and testng what woiks foi you, foi youi business, foi youi audience and of couise foi youi budget.

Howevei, with so many apps, sites and tools, it will take you a lot of tme to sign up /download / set up and test all of them.

© Sabine Panneau The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit 3

The Tools I Use To Run my Online Business Anywhere In

The World

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As you can see on the pictuie above, it would be a veiy long list of ovei 3800 maiketng technology solutons.

You could also spend some tme on Google seaiching foi iight tools foi youi business. The infoimaton is all theie but believe me you’d be losing piecious tme doing this instead of woiking on youi business.

So this is why I have decided to shaie with you my list of iesouices. The exact same list of tools I use one a daily basis.

Of couise, I could just list all the tools available. But….

© Sabine Panneau 4The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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A - Your Website1 – Domain and hostng piovidei 62 – Stiuctuie 73 – Themes 84 – Plugins105 – Google Analytcs 11

B - Your Email1 – Email addiess 132 – Email tools 163 – Email maiketng platoim 17

C - Your Finance1 – Sending Invoices 192 – Receiving Payments 19

D - Your Business1 – Cloud Stoiage 202 – Management Tools 20

E - Your Marketng1 – Images212 – Cieatng Visuals 223 – Social Media23Table of Content


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So let’s get staited.

A - Your Website

1 – Domain name and hostng provider

I put the two togethei since they aie ofen ofeied as a package (you get a domain name (fiee fist yeai) when you contiact a hostng plan foi the fist tme). Fooi hostng, I have a defnite favouiite and it’s Dieamhost.

They have a gieat customei seivice available by chat and email. Theii staf helped me whenevei I’ve had a technical questons oi an issue with my sites. At $10 a month, they aie veiy compettve on the maiket. They ofei fiee SSL ceitfcates, which aie going to be a necessity in the coming months as Google alieady said it’s going to be an additonal element to theii algoiithm foi theii seaich engine.

As one of my ieadeis, click this link to get an additonal 20% discount foi Dieamhost hostng.

© Sabine Panneau 6The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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2 – Structure I am a stiong advocate of WoidPiess and I iecommend it to all my clients.

Sometmes, I get asked about Wix oi Squaiespace. They have theii place in the maiket but in my opinion WoidPiess is a gieat tool foi designeis and non-piofessional designeis alike. It allows us to cieate gieat websites that aie easy to manage (fast, mobile and good foi SEO) and most impoitantly that gets us the iesults needed to succeed online anywheie in the woild.

If you go with Dieamhost, theie is a one-click installei foi WoidPiess so theie’s no need to download WoidPiess sepaiately.

If you need to download WoidPiess, make suie to visit woidpiess.oig, which is the fiee open souice sofwaie and not woidpiess.com.

© Sabine Panneau 7The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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3 – Theme

Once WoidPiess has been installed, you’ll need to add styling to it – this is done by coding the site oi by using an alieady pie-designed theme/template – (Fooi both optons, you can eithei do it youiself oi hiie a designei to do it foi you).

Theie aie thousands of themes out theie. Some come fiee with WoidPiess and otheis aie piemium themes like this one on the iight.

© Sabine Panneau

It was designed by a cool US web designei. Mel decided to cieate website foi female entiepieneuis aiound the woild. This template is called Biz Lady Theme - Perfect for Female Business Owners!

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If you want even moie fexibility, I would suggest to use Divi . Fooi the past 4 yeais, I have been using the Divi visual page builder fiom Elegant Themes.

I love it so much that most of my sites aie now iunning on Divi and I also use it foi my clients. The gieat thing about Divi is that it’s a diag and diop website buildei that helps you fully customized youi site and iendeis gieat on smaitphones and tablets, without having to do much.

Fooi some of my clients, I woiked with piofessional web designeis specializing in Divi and I got some gieat looking websites.

© Sabine Panneau

Even with Divi, you will stll piobably need a template /layout. Theie aie many fiee layouts as well as paid layout/templates to choose fiom.

Most of them can actually be found on Elegant Themes Blog.

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4 – Plugins

Once the stiuctuie and layout of youi website is soited, theie aie some necessaiy tools that you will need to add to youi WoidPiess site.

Heie is the exact list of plugins that I use foi my websites:

Sumo foi popups and heat maps (and many othei maiketng featuies)Autoptmize to impiove loading tme of youi siteW3 SuperCache foi speedWordfence foi secuiityAkismet Ant-Spam foi SpamUpdraf Plus foi weekly backups automatcally saved in my Diopbox (I also do a monthly manual backup fiom Dieamhost)Yoast SEO foi keywoids and social mediaReally Simple SSL foi SSLQuick Page/Post Redirect foi afliate links and 404 pages

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5 – Google Analytcs

As soon as you have cieated youi website, you’ll need to add the Google Analytcs code in the back ofce of youi site oi a new Tag in Google Tag Managei in oidei to set up youi account on Google Analytcs.

Once this is done, I am invitng to add my fiee dashboaid, which can be found heie. It’s an easy-to-use dashboaid that has all the impoitant metiics on one page so you don’t have to fguie it out youiself.

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Need Help Creatng Your Website?

I know it can be oveiwhelming when you aie staitng out.

I have helped dozens of people setng up theii website so I would be happy to answei any of youi questons.

Get on a fiee call consultaton with me!

If you have a simple queston, want me to guide you duiing the set-up piocess oi want me to cieate youi website fiom the giound up,

shoot me an email: [email protected]

© Sabine Panneau 12The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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B - Your Email

1 – Email address

When you iegistei foi the domain name and set up the hostng of youi website, you’ll have the oppoitunity to cieate vaiious email addiesses with the name of youi website. (like [email protected])I would iecommend you to manage this new email diiectly within Gmail instead of using the webmail piovided by youi hostng company (if you don’t have a Gmail account yet, cieate one now! – you’ll thank me latei). Once you have cieated at least one email addiess with youi website domain, you need to set up the foiwaiding of all youi mails to youi Gmail addiess diiectly fiom youi CPanel. No one will know that you aie using Gmail as the platoim to send and iead emails.

If unsuie, ask youi hostng piovidei to guide you – (anothei ieason to choose the iight piovidei.)

© Sabine Panneau 13The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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Afei cieatng the foiwaiding to youi Gmail addiess, you need to set up Gmail so that you can actually send eveiything fiom that account.

Go to youi Gmail addiess account – click the geai icon on the iight hand side, then > Setngs > Account and Imports > Send mail as)

As you can see I manage seveial email addiesses (some Gmail accounts, othei emails and even a Hotmail addiess) all fiom one Gmail account.

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As I mentoned befoie, no-one will see that the email is managed fiom youi Gmail account.

You’ll be able to select the from: feld foi each email that you send and also foi the email you iespond to (foi this, you need to make suie that you selected the opton: Reply from the same address the message was sent to, in Account and Imports mentoned on the pievious page.)

© Sabine Panneau 15The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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2 – Email tools

MixmaxIt is a fiee tool (Chiome extension) that allows you to cieate an email signatuie and keep tiack of youi email openings. You can also send calendai availabilites and appointments and send a ieply at a latei date. Rapportveit’s anothei Chiome biowsei extension that gives you moie infoimaton about anyone emailing you. It shows you theii LinkedIn account. It comes handy to spot spam oi any type of scam. If they claim to be a big business but theie is no tiace of them online, it is usually a scam.

Email FiltersIf you have done the email set up as I mentoned eailiei. You will need to cieate flteis within Gmail to oiganize all youi emails into difeient foldeis. If you aie not familiai with Gmail flteis, don’t woiiy it’s veiy easy to set up. Check out these tutoiials on YouTube.

© Sabine Panneau 16The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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3 – Email marketng platorm

Theie aie quite a few to choose fiom, some aie fiee but most have an afoidable staitng piice. In the past, I have used Mailchimp (fiee) and Awebei (paid).

But now, I solely use ConvertKit. In my opinion, this is the best platorm for an online business, especially for non-tech entrepreneurs.

The best thing about it is that you get an email maiketng platoim and a maiketng automaton platoim foi the piice of 1.

© Sabine Panneau 17The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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This all-in-one platoim allows you to gathei email subsciibeis via foims and landing pages, to send subsciibeis taigeted emails to build youi authoiity. In tuin, these subsciibeis aie moie likely to become youi customeis because you have taken the tme to build tiust with them.

Piices stait at $29 pei month foi up to 1000 subsciibeis, which is stll afoidable if you aie seiious about youi business. And it also means that you won’t need to hiie a designei to cieate landing pages oi pay foi seivices like Leadpages oi Unbounce.

© Sabine Panneau 18The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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C - Your Finances

1 – Sending invoices

Again, theie a numbei of optons when it comes to cieatng invoices foi youi clients. Invoicely and Dubsabo aie populai choices. I use the invoicing system fiom Paypal foi inteinatonal clients and foi clients in Aigentna wheie I am iegisteied as an independent woikei, I use the online invoicing platoim fiom the natonal tax system.

© Sabine Panneau

2 – Receiving payments

I use Paypal to ieceive payments fiom abioad but I heai that an incieasingly numbei of people aie switching ovei to Stripe (An Iiish stait-up cieated by 2 biotheis and taking the online business woild by stoim).

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D - Your Business

1 – Cloud Storage

Theie aie many to choose fiom but I like to use Dropbox and Google Drive foi cloud stoiage. I have them both set up to sync with my desktop and my mobile. Fooi instance, pictuies taken on my smaitphone aie diiectly saved onto Gdiive. The websites back up fles go to my Diopbox account, etc..

2 – To-do list / Project Management Tool

Fooi my own piojects, I gathei all my ideas and plans onto a cential document, a GoogleDoc on my GDrive, that way I’ll be able to access it anywheie and it will save automatcally so no need to iemembei saving it. Best of all, I can even access it ofine.

Fooi pievious team piojects, I used Trello.

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E - Your Marketng

1 – Images

Whatevei youi business, you will need a good selecton of high quality pictuies. I would iecommend you to get quality photos with a ieally good cameia oi hiie a piofessional photogiaphei – Most smaitphones have a good-enough cameia quality to be able to get staited.

Fooi othei types of pictuie, I use the site LibreStock foi ioyalty-fiee images.

© Sabine Panneau 21The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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Sometmes you will want to take a shot of youi scieen, in this case I use Jing to take a quick pictuie of any pait of my scieen and even add some text oi highlight a woid.

© Sabine Panneau

2 – Creatng Visuals

Whatevei youi industiy oi speciality, you will need to cieate a lot of visuals foi youi website and foi social media.

Once you have selected an image and picked an idea, you’ll want to cieate that visuals (Add ttles, fltei, efects, fiame, etc.).

Fooi this no need foi Photoshop, you can easily do it with Canva oi Stencil.I was a feivent advocate of the design platoim Canva (stll use it fiom tme to tme) untl I got a gieat deal on AppSumo foi a lifetme membeiship of Stencil and that’s now my main tool foi photo editng.

22The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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3 – Social media

Of couise, you won’t be able to opeiate an online business without having a couple of social media accounts (iemembei to keep its numbei to a minimum, as it is always betei to be fully engaging on only one platoim than been absent on 6 oi 7 platoims.).

Once, you’ve chosen the iight platoims foi youi business (Facebook, Twiter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, Quora, Medium, YouTube, you-name-it ), you’ll fnd it useful to be able to access these platoim fiom one place.

In this case I iecommend Hootsuite. It allows you to monitoi and post on up to 3 social media foi fiee. You’ll be able to see all the messages and publish diiectly oi decide to schedule youi posts foi the coming days (up to 30 in advance).

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Fooi scheduling posts on Instagiam fiom my desktop, I use Grum. I also got a gieat deal foi an Agency lifetme membeiship ($50) fiom AppSumo, allowing me to manage vaiious Instagiam accounts

© Sabine Panneau

Although keep in mind that changes in Foacebook oi Instagiam algoiithm mean that ieach may be afected if you aie postng fiom a platoim.

Heie you aie, you’ve been able to see all the online tools and platoims that I use to suppoit my business.

This is it!

24The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

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© Sabine Panneau

Thank you foi ieading this guide. I hope you found it useful. Whethei you aie alieady have a iunning online business, aie launching it veiy soon, oi aie stll hesitant, I hope that you will fnd these tools as

useful as I fnd them.

Want more from me?Read my website and see how I can help with my maiketng seivices.

Fooi any questons, get in touch with me diiectly at this email addiess: [email protected]

Thank you

25The Global Entrepreneur’s Toolkit