
WELCOME. COMMEMORATION OF THE REFORMATION 27 th october , 2013. Service of the word. This order was originally prepared by the Department of Liturgics and released in 1991 in a booklet by the Board for Congregational Life for use in the Lutheran Church of Australia. . Opening responses. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of WELCOME







27th october, 2013



Service of the word

• This order was originally prepared by the Department of Liturgics and released in 1991 in a booklet by the Board for Congregational Life for use in the Lutheran Church of Australia.


Opening responsesL: I will sing to the Lord,C: because he has won a glorious

victory.L: The Lord is my strong defender;C: he is the one who has saved me.L: His right hand is awesome in

power;C: it breaks the enemy in pieces.


Opening responsesL: Faithful to his promise, he led the

people he had rescued;C: by his strength he guided them

to his sacred land.L: He brings them in and plants them

on his mountain,C: the place that he has chosen for

his home,


Opening responsesL: the temple that he himself has built.C: The Lord will be king forever and ever.



Opening HymnWe sing our opening hymn

Your works, not mine, O Christ v.1,4,5

LH 332 CAL293 Horatius Bonar (1808-1889), alt.




Your works, not mine, O Christ

1. Your works, not mine, O Christ,Speak gladness to this heart;They tell me all is done;They bid my fear depart.To whom save You,Who can alone For sin atoneLord, shall I flee?

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Your works, not mine, O Christ

4 . Your death, not mine, O Christ,Has paid the ransom due;Ten thousand deaths like mine Would have been all too few.To whom save You,Who can aloneFor sin atone,Lord, shall I flee?

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Your works, not mine, O Christ

5. Your righteousness, O Christ,Alone can cover me;No righteousness avails Save that which is of You.To whom save You.Who can aloneFor sin atone,Lord, shall I flee?

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L: Let us confess our sins in the presence of God and of each other.

C: We confess to you, almighty God, before the whole company of heaven, and to each other, that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed by our own fault.

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Have mercy on us, for Jesus’ sake, forgive us all our sins, and bring us to eternal life. Amen.

L: The almighty and merciful Lord grants us pardon; and forgives us all our sins.

C: Amen.

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Apostles’ Creed L: As God’s people through our

baptism into Christ, let us confess our faith.

C: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

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Apostles’ Creed And in Jesus Christ, his only Son,

our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy

Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried.

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Apostles’ Creed He descended into hell. The third

day he rose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God,

the Father almighty, from thence he will come to judge

the living and the dead.

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Apostles’ Creed I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy christian* church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

*or: 'catholic' here means 'universal'

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12:1–6L: I will thank you, Lord.C: Although you were angry with

me,L: your anger has turned awayC: and you have comforted me.L: Surely God is my salvation;C: I will trust him and not be


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12:1–6L: The Lord God is my strength and my song;

C: he has become my salvation.L: With joy you will draw waterC: from the wells of salvation.

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12:1–6L: Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;

C: make known among the nations what he has done,

and proclaim that his name is exalted.

L: Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;

C: let this be known to all the world.

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12:1–6L: Shout and sing for joy, people of Zion,

C: for Israel’s holy God is great, and he lives among you.

L: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

C: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

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Liturgy of the word

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GREETINGM: The Lord be with you.C: And also with you.

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PRAYER OF THE DAYL: Let us pray. C: Lord God,you have given all holy Scriptures

for our learning.Lead us to hear them, read, note,

learn, and inwardly digest them.Encourage and support us by your

holy word,

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PRAYER OF THE DAYso that we may always hold onto the joyful hope of eternal life, which

you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


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1ST READINGR: The first reading for

Reformation Day is written in thirty one of Jeremiah beginning at verse thirty one.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 CEVThe Lord will write his law on our hearts

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Jeremiah 31:31-34 31The LORD said:The time will surely come when I will

make a new agreement with the people of Israel and Judah.

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Jeremiah 31:31-34 32It will be different from the

agreement I made with their ancestors when I led them out of Egypt.

Although I was their God, they broke that agreement.

33Here is the new agreement that I, the LORD, will make with the people of Israel:

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Jeremiah 31:31-34 "I will write my laws on their hearts

and minds. I will be their God, and they will be

my people. 34"No longer will they have to teach one another to obey me. I, the LORD, promise that all of them will obey me, ordinary people and rulers alike.

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Jeremiah 31:31-34 I will forgive their sins and forget

the evil things they have done." This is the Word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God .

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Psalm 46 CEV

 R: The Psalm is Psalm 461God is our mighty fortress, always

ready to help in times of trouble. C: 2And so, we won't be afraid!

Let the earth tremble and the mountains tumble into the deepest sea.

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Psalm 46 CEV

 R: 3Let the ocean roar and foam, and its raging waves shake the

mountains.C: 4A river and its streams bring

joy to the city, which is the sacred home of God Most High.

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Psalm 46 CEV

 R: 5God is in that city, and it won't

be shaken. He will help it at dawn.

C: 6Nations rage! Kingdoms fall! But at the voice of God the earth itself melts.

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Psalm 46 CEV

 R: 7The LORD All-Powerful is with

us. The God of Jacob is our fortress.

C: 8Come! See the fearsome things the LORD has done on earth.

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Psalm 46 CEV

 R: 9God brings wars to an end all

over the world. He breaks the arrows, shatters the spears, and burns the shields.

C: 10Our God says, "Calm down, and learn that I am God! All nations on earth will honour me.”

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Psalm 46 CEV

 R: 11The LORD All-Powerful is with

us. The God of Jacob is our fortress.

C: Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever.


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SECOND READINGR: The second reading is written in

chapter three of Romans beginning at verse nineteen.  

Romans 3:19-28 CEVJustification by faith

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Romans 3:19-28 19We know that everything in the

Law was written for those who are under its power.

The Law says these things to stop anyone from making excuses and to let God show that the whole world is guilty.

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Romans 3:19-28 20God doesn't accept people simply

because they obey the Law. No, indeed! All the Law does is to point out our sin.

21Now we see how God does make us acceptable to him.

The Law and the Prophets tell how we become acceptable, and it isn't by obeying the Law of Moses

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Romans 3:19-28 22God treats everyone alike. He

accepts people only because they have faith in Jesus Christ.

23All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.

24But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins.

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Romans 3:19-28 25-26God sent Christ to be our

sacrifice. Christ offered his life's blood, so that by faith in him we could come to God.

And God did this to show that in the past he was right to be patient and forgive sinners. This also shows that God is right when he accepts people who have faith in Jesus.

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Romans 3:19-28 27What is left for us to brag about? Not a thing! Is it because we obeyed some law? No! It is because of faith. 28We see that people are acceptable to

God because they have faith, and not because they obey the Law.

This is the Word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

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GOSPELM: The Holy Gospel is written in

chapter eight of the Gospel according to St John beginning at verse thirty one.

C: Glory to You O Lord.

John 8:31-36 CEV'In my word, you will know the truth’

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John 8:31-36 M: 31Jesus told the people who had

faith in him, "If you keep on obeying what I

have said, you truly are my disciples. 32You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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John 8:31-36 33They answered, "We are

Abraham's children! We have never been anyone's slaves. How can you say we will be set free?”

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John 8:31-36 34Jesus replied: I tell you for certain that anyone who

sins is a slave of sin! 35And slaves don't stay in the family forever, though the Son will always remain in the family. 36If the Son gives you freedom, you are free!

This is the Gospel of the Lord.• C: Praise to You O Christ.

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 M: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of your word. Keep us faithful to your word, so that we may know the truth, and the freedom it brings.

C: Amen.

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A Mighty Fortress is our God


 We sing:

A Mighty Fortress is our God LHS 195 CAL 293Ein feste Burg ist unser GottMartin Luther (1483-1546)Tr. ‘Church Book’, Philadelphia, 1868, alt.

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A Mighty Fortress is our God



1. A mighty fortress is our God,A trusty shield and weapon,Our faithful helper in all need,Our stay, whate’er may happen.The old evil foeNow means deadly woe;Deep guile and great mightAre his dread arms in fight;On earth is not his equal.

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A Mighty Fortress is our God



2. With might of ours can naught be done,

Soon were our fall effected;But for us fights the valiant oneWhom God Himself elected.Ask ye: Who is this?Christ Jesus it is,Of Sabaoth Lord,And there’s none other God;He holds the field for ever.

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A Mighty Fortress is our God



3. Though devils all the world should fill,

All eager to devour us,We tremble not, we fear no ill,They shall not overpower us.This world’s prince may stillScowl fierce as he will,He can harm us none;He’s judged, for e’er undone;One little word can fell him.

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A Mighty Fortress is our God



4. The Word shall stand despite all foes -

No thanks they for it merit -For God is with us, and bestowsHis gifts and Holy Spirit.And take they our life,Goods, fame, child, and wife:Though these all be gone,Yet have our foes not won;The kingdom ours remaineth. †

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We sing our next hymn

Thy word is a lamp

ATE 246 CAL293Amy Grant 1984

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Thy word is a lamp 

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my path.

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Thy word is a lamp 

When I feel afraid, I think I’ve lost my way,

still you’re there right beside me,nothing will I fear as long as you

are near,please be near me to the end.

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Thy word is a lamp 

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my path.

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Thy word is a lamp 

I will not forget your love for me, and yet

I’ll forever be wand’ring.Jesus, be my guide, hold me to your

side;I will love you to the end.

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Thy word is a lamp 

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my path.

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OFFERING PRAYERC: Heavenly Father,

there is nothing that we could offer to you as a sacrifice for our sin.

Yet in your great love, you have offered up your own Son, so that through him we may be put right with you.

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OFFERING PRAYERAccept the gifts we offer here

today, as mere tokens of our gratitude for the great gift of salvation which you have given to us.


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M: We have been put right with God through faith in Christ Jesus, so let us come to the Father in the name of Jesus to pray for the church, the world, and those in need.

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M: Lord, send out your light and your truth;

C: lead us, and bring us to your kingdom.

Concluding prayer

M: Lord God, we trust that by your Spirit you will always lead your church forward in truth.

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PRAYER OF THE CHURCHGuide us and lead us, so that your

renewing word may give light and truth to the world.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.

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Lord’s prayerL: Finally, let us pray for all those

things which our Lord would have us ask, saying:

C: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

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Lord’s prayerGive us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

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L: Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

C: For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world.

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L: Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ,

C: so that we would be holy and without fault before him.

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L: Because of his love God had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children — this was his pleasure and purpose.

C: Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift he gave us in his dear Son!

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L: For by the blood of Christ we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven.

C: How great is the grace of God, which he gave to us in such large measure!

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L: In all his wisdom and insight God did what he had purposed, and made known to us the secret plan he had already decided to complete by means of Christ.

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C: This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.

(EPH 1:3–10)

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L: The blessing of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with us always.

C: Amen

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DISMISSALM: Go in peace, God is our refuge

and our strength.C: In the name of Christ. Amen.

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God has spoken by his prophets

 1. God has spoken by his prophets,

spoken his unchanging Word,each, from age to age proclaimingGod, the one, the righteous Lord.Mid the world’s despair and turmoilone firm anchor holds us fast:God is king, his throne eternal,God the first, and God the last.

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God has spoken by his prophets

 2. God has spoken by Christ Jesus,

Christ, the everlasting Son,brightness of the Father’s glory,with the father ever one;spoken by the Word incarnate,God from God, ere time began,Light from light, to earth

descending,Man, revealing God to man.

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God has spoken by his prophets

 3. God is speaking by his Spirit,speaking to the hearts of men,in the age-long Word expounding,God’s own message, now as then,through the rise and fall of nationsone sure faith yet standing fast; God still speaks, his Word

unchanging,God the first, and God the last.

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Go in peace, God is our refuge and

our strength.