
Our August Edition online.

Transcript of WEIRD MAGAZINE AUGUST 2011 Issue


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Rethinking Thoreauby Cameron Cutrone

Rethinking Thoreau by Cameron Most anyone who’s taken an English or American Litera-ture class, be it in high school or college, has been exposed to Henry David Thoreau. His “Civil Disobedience and Other Essays” is a seminal piece of American dissent. After his time as a protege of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and becoming disgusted with the policies of the United States government, he took to the woods surround-ing Walden Pond to live, as he put it, “deliberately.” That’s a pretty loaded concept, living deliberately. For Thoreau, this included many things. Be-ing a critic of modernism, his interests were that of every-thing outside of the industrial-izing and urbanizing society of Massachusetts. He enjoyed long walks in nature and survey-ing wildlife and plant life. He

became a land surveyor after being in the pencil making busi-ness for some time. His love for exploring unsettled land led him to love being in nature so much that he preferred it to living in society. Actions like those have made him a hero among environmen-talists. His knowledge of migra-tory birds, flora, and fauna are impressive. He also had a desire to “live off the land,” an idea still popular today with a dedicated minority in the country. Howev-er, it’s imperative to understand the political reasons for his radi-cal change in lifestyle. Thoreau’s dis-satisfaction with the political situ-ation of pre-Civil War America was the subject of much of his writing and resis-tance. In fact, his opposition to slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act, the State murder of John Brown, and the Mexican American War led him to engage in tax evasion. Not wanting to supply funds and support for slavery, State sanc-tioned murder, and war, Thoreau refused to pay his poll tax for six years. This was all part of what he called “living deliberately.” In July of 1846, Sam Staples, the local tax collector, detained him for his six years of delin-quent taxes and put him in jail. Against his wishes, his aunt paid bail and Thoreau was “free,” although he probably wouldn’t

have used those words. The story of Henry David Thoreau brings to mind several changes in America’s character in recent years. This tax evader, anarchist, and societal dropout is a hero of American litera-ture and political thought. All papered-up academics agree. Yet, how would our current political class, media, and public opinion judge someone living today with such convictions and principled resistance? Is it too far a stretch to assume that most would regard him as “self-ish,” or a “nut job?” Would we even publish his works and dis-seminate his ideas in schools? Additionally, the 1960’s saw a wave of tax protests against the war in Vietnam. In 1965, Noam Chomsky organized a move-ment for tax resistance that lasted almost ten years. But he never went to jail. The IRS sim-ply garnished his wages. The same can be said for Larry Bas-sett, who in opposition to the Vietnam war in 1968, chose not to pay taxes, and instead gave to Meals on Wheels and other charities. For this reason, the IRS cleared him of all charges for fear of overwhelming public criticism.

Well, there’s a new sheriff in town at the IRS these days. There is a also a different culture of citizenship that would paint the likes of Thoreau as a threat to domestic security. Today, Thoreau would definitely have a lengthy file at the Depart-ment of Homeland Security. Magically, people like Chomsky, were treated with kid gloves compared to the folks who today advocate and engage in tax resistance.

Ask the ADL (The Jewish Anti-Defamation League) about to-day’s tax resistors. If you check their website, people like Sherry P. Jackson, Irwin Schiff, and Joe Banister are classified as dangerous extremists for simply QUESTIONING the constitu-tionality of the income tax. The fact that they are even profiled on the ADL’s site implies that questioning the legality of our income tax is racist!

The people in the anti-tax movement to-day are fed up with war, the death penalty, theft, and co-ercion. Sounds a little like the ideas of Henry David Thoreau, doesn’t it? Thoreau did one night in jail. Now in the new American Police State, Sherry P Jackson did three years in prison, all the while being denied much need-ed medical treatment. Irwin Schiff? Thirteen year sentence. Somehow, they are painted as selfish, racist extremists. That’s odd. Jackson is black and Schiff is Jewish. They never hurt anyone and resisted paying those who use the funds to hurt others. They never resisted the sales tax, property tax, or any other tax that pays for roads, schools,

and hospitals. Yet they resisted the income tax, for unlike all the other taxes mentioned, fund war and the supposed interest we owe the Federal Reserve. The Grace Commission Report in 1982 supports these findings. In other words, the income tax doesn’t come back to the citi-zenry in any form of services. Thoreau knew he didn’t want to fund war in the mid 1800’s with the poll tax (in the days before the income tax), just as today’s tax resistors of con-science know that the income tax does much the same. The spirit of resistance lives on. Yet society’s confusion and hysteria regarding taxation reigns. The thirst for living deliberately has apparently waned. For more information on the income tax and it’s dubious legal underpinnings, see the movie “America: Freedom to Fas-cism” by the late great Aaron Russo. I think Thoreau would approve. Cameron Cutrone’s editorials are archived at


If you’re anything like me, you like to sleep in a little bit on Sunday mornings. Weird Magazine wants to let every-body know not to sleep in too late, and make your way over to Roosevelts at 7 for there amazing sunday brunch held every last Sunday of the month. I Recently had the

privilege of attending the brunch and i have to say the prime rib really stole the show. Executive chef Miguel Dominguez explained to me how he marinates the prime rib for 24hrs and slow smokes it with hickory chips for 7 - 8 hrs before bring-ing it to the carving station. Some other staple items to be sure and try include the Alaskan snow crab legs, the classic eggs Benedict, and their fully stocked omelet station!

Also every brunch has a different specialty dish cre-ated by Chef Miguel. I had a chance to try the stuffed quail and wild rice, absolutly


The Sunday Brunch is from 11am to 4pm and very rea-sonably priced at $25 dol-lars. This also includes 5 free mamosas, and don’t forget the brunch is all you can eat!

If you don’t have a chance to make it in for a Sunday you can stop in anytime and try specialty items off of their regular menu.

They have THEE best sand-wiches in town and recently added fresh baked pizzas to the menu! Always fresh sal-ads with homemade dress-ings and all soups made from scratch are enough reasson to stop by for lunch any afternoon during the week. Be sure to ask about their weekly lunch specials start-ing at only 8 bucks!

Are you pressed for time dur-ing lunch? Why not come in for a relaxing beer din-ner, yup

BEER dinner. This is an awesome expe-rience that allows you to sample different beers from around the world especially paired up to compliment the chefs creation. The beer dinners are 5 -7 courses and held every third Thurs-day of the month. Prices range from 40 to 55 dollars

depending on the featured cuisine. Maybe you need to cater a party for your friends? Call and ask about creating a menu to suite your specific needs!

So there you have it, you already know Roosevelts exclusive beer selection, now come and enjoy their excelent food!

EAT ME: Rosevlest @ 7 by Max Moreno


Why can’t someone with psychic gifts see things in their own lives? – Eva ~ Mission, TXFirst and foremost, we must understand that the future is not set in stone, is always in a state of potential, and depends on our will, intent, and choices we make, whether we realize it or not. When it comes to perceiv-ing someone else’s potential future, you’re acting as seer, when it comes to your life, you’re acting as creator. There is a difference between seeing and creating the future, but the same principles apply for their success. They both require re-laxation, visualization, certain-ty, and most importantly, letting go. In a nutshell, don’t try to see what’s going to happen; make it happen, by knowing exactly

what you want, being certain of its attainment, and not pushing it or you’ll push it away.

Can spirits follow a family? – Michelle ~ McAllen, TX There are spirits virtually every-where, at all times, and around every single individual and family from here to Calcutta. Some are loved ones, guides, guardians, and others take interest in our lives based on our thoughts, deeds, actions and activities. We attract the spiri-tual forces that resonate with our very being, and that feed off the emotions we put out in our daily lives. So yes, they follow everyone, the question is what kinds, and that depends on our lifestyles.

How can I keep the spir-its from following to every were I move. Why do they keep following

me since I was lil? – Lilly ~ Harlingen, TX Spirits are around all of us. This is not unique to you, the difference is that you perceive more than the average person. Most of us can see them when we are very young, but block it out as we “mature.” This is an ability you should embrace, not fear. You can never completely isolate yourself from the spirit world, because it is at the very core and nucleus of existence itself. Therefore, the objective is to protect yourself from the bad, and invoke the good. We will shed some light on how to do this. What you want to do, is visualize yourself completely enveloped in pure white light from head to toe every night before going to sleep. The more you do this, the stronger this shield of protection becomes, and the less you have to do this exercise. The spiritual realm is the world of mind, of thought forms, of consciousness. Therefore, this visual image

becomes very real in the higher dimensions, and is seen by all spirits, of which, the malevolent

Can demons come back after blessing a house? – Christin ~ Brownsville, TXSome malevolent spirits can be very resilient to traditional methods. We have heard sev-eral reports of homes, apart-ments, businesses, etc., that have had a priest, preacher or pastor bless a home with prayer and holy water, only to have

the activity resume. There are several factors, from the state of mind of the individuals living there to the type of entities involved that may cause this. Our sage advice is to have it blessed, and then burn sage and sweetgrass in every nook and cranny of the house. If that fails, we advise to call in an experienced paranormal group that can identify what type of entity you’re dealing with in or-der to implement the necessary solution.more forthcoming if all they are trying to do is “serve the community?”

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ASK S.P.I.R.I.T. PARANORMAL Now you can ask

SPIRIT Paranormal your own questions:


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Dubious Water Deals in Hays County? An Interview With Local Activist Sam Brannon by Cameron Cutrone

Weird Magazine: Thanks for taking the time to sit down with me Sam. We’ve crossed paths many times before and haven’t had the chance to really discuss things. Sam Brannon: Well it’s my pleasure. WM: Tell us a little about yourself and what’s most important to you. SB: I graduated from UT and held a corporate job for a while. Gradually, I started realizing that there was “something more.” So I left my job and travelled the world. I initially was going to bike across Europe and in the process ended up living in Turkey for a few years. The whole process changed

the way I viewed the world and America’s priorities. So upon coming back with a new perspective I settled here in San Marcos and started to focus my energy on local issues because that’s really where you can actually make a difference. WM: Speaking of which, I saw you on a youtube video recently doing some pretty hardcore investigating of some possible acquisition of a water utility company by Hays County. Seemed really suspicious. SB: That’s exactly the prob-lem. We don’t have much transparency in this area. The deal is being discussed very quietly between the LCRA, it’s West Travis Re-gion, and the county. It has a lot to do with the “water rush” in central Texas due to an increase in population. Some may have the honest urge to just keep their com-munity served with what’s most essential to life, and that’s water. WM: So why wouldn’t they be more forthcoming if all they are trying to do is “serve the community?” SB: That’s pretty obvi-ous to me. The LCRA West Travis Region is a FAILING company. It isn’t turning a profit and thus would leave Hays County with a lot of catching up to do in order to turn the company around. The county has all these half-baked ideas about how to put it back in the black: borrowing, using revenue bonds, etc. But it’s still not enough. WM: So what does this mean for Hays County resi-dents?

SB: Well it’s going to raise your prop-erty taxes and utility bills to make

up for the loses. Just think about it like this; a $140,000,000 deal, and yet it will only benefit 7,000 people. WM: Wow, that kind of sounds like a bailout to me! Do you suspect any conflicts of interest, sweetheart deals, or back scratching going on? SB: Well it’s kind of hard not to when you consider how little financial sense this deal would make from a public interest point of view. Plus they’re just being so secre-tive about it. WM: So what can the aver-age Hays County citizen do about it?

SB: Show up to Commis-sioner’s Court. Contact your County Commissioner. Whether it’s Will Conley or Debbie Gonzales Ingalsbe, let them know it’s a bad deal for Hays County. You can call the County Judge as well. Just tell them we know it’s going on and they have to protect the taxpayers, not these quasi-public/private corporations. WM: Amen. How can the Weird readers best follow your progress on this or any other project you are work-ing on? SB: Just go to youtube and search “Hays County Line.” WM: Great. One last question. Fluoride: Yea or nay? SB: Are you kidding me? That shit is poison! WM: Well then, I will be forced to report you to the

nearest FEMA camp for processing.

“You can call the County Judge as well. Just tell them we know it’s go-ing on and they have to protect the taxpay-ers, not these quasi-public/private cor-porations.”

Dubious Water Deals in Hays County?by Cameron Cutrone


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Texas Hot Glass!

Interview By Russell Dowden

Shawna Bensontalks with WM about the craft of blowing glass:

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Shawna, long time since the days ofthe Austin Para Times magazine and the Glassy Knoll.

But that’s about how long we’ve knowneach other, nearly 10 years I guess.Shawna Loca Smokes:Sounds about right. I think we may have been one of your first advertis-ers @ the Para Times.Love your magazines and love

to support other local eccentricities!!

W: Yup! Kool! You are still blowing glass working your craft around Austin and San Marcos I see.Shawna Loca Smokes: Yes Im Still in the Austin area. I have a studio at home. Finally! In rural Bastrop county.

W: How long have you be producing these fabulous glass works?

Shawna Loca Smokes: Ive been blowing glass since march 0f 1993. I was given a great opportunity at Evolution Tobacco and started at thebottom... Cutting and polish-ing. I made bowls for a couple years and was on the lathe making water pipes by late 1995. The Glassy Knollopened in 2000...and I worked for a year and a half at the

Gravitron studio after I left the Knoll in 2008... And now Im making my own pieces for my own company Texas Hot Glass!

W: What does the average price for one of your pieces go forShawna Loca Smokes: Average Retail price of a THG water pipe is $200.00. Hand pipes range from $25.00 to $70.00 I also make bubblers which will set you back from $160.00 to $300.00.

W: Do you have a certain style that is Shawna?

Shawna Loca Smokes: I wouldnt say that I have my own style. I consider myself more of a practicioner of science than one of art. I do make piec-es that are artistic, but the bulk of my work is clear glass with percolators and ground glass joints. More than anythingelse I think my logo will be least here in Texas! (Its all done by me. alone. Noone else.)

W: Most memorable piece in recent months/years?

Shawna Loca Smokes: My most recent memorable piece was a flower vase I made for a charity auction. It had a clear base and threeblack flowers that opened up

for single flower buds. It was one of the highest bidded pieces in the auction!

W: What are some of your favorites glass artist’s out there right now?

Shawna Loca Smokes: You know Im so busy doing my own thing that I dont get out there a lot to look at other stuff. I appreciate it all! If I could urge anyone to buy some thing I would say BUY AMERICAN!! Support your locals if you can, but please sup-port Americanglass blowers. We work

hard and put everything we have in to our work...including lots of sweat!! Especially here in Texas!!

W: How long does it take you to complete a great work of glass?

Shawna Loca Smokes: My average piece takes me about an hour. Some pieces require a bit of prep work...and some require a lot of prep work.

So after that is done I can accomplish quite a bit in a work day. Now a masterpeice would take much longer!! I have worked on a piece for over twoweeks before. Some things cannot be rushed and a lot of times a piece has to go in and out of the oven several times and has to soak for a half hour to an hour, depending on size, between each time the piece is worked.

W:Ever do any rollerskat-ing still?You used to be with one of the teamsback in the day.

Shawna Loca Smokes: I do still rollerskate!! Some things you cant give up!! I skate here in Bastrop and occasion-ally in Austin.

I no longer have the physical capacity to skate roller derby...but still attend TXRD bouts and support my old teams...

The Putas del Fuego and The Rhinestone Cowgirls!!

“I consider myself more of a practi-cioner of science than one of art. I do make pieces that are artistic, but the bulk of my work is clear glass with percolators and ground glass joints.”

W: What shops around town can we find your work in?

Shawna Loca Smokes: You can find THG Glass at High Times in San Marcos. In Austin Im at Pipes Plus, Smoke ATX and Casa Muertos(which is right next door to where the Glassy Knoll was).

W: Final thoughts to any new artist coming up, trying to get into blowing glass?

Shawna Loca Smokes: YFind your self somewhere nice and cool to live!! Blowing glass in the sum-mer....SUCKS!!! Texas Hot Glass720 Bastrop Hwy, Austin, TX 78741(512) 291-6680


Best Of San Marocs:Local Pizza

By Johnathan Pants

San Marcos has a focus on local businesses like no other town in which I have lived. The local pizza shops here are supreme and competitive. Each shop corners its own niche in the market and as a result all do well and present different appeal. In a town so rich in local gems a review on each category by the town’s people is imperative. I encourage you to try some of the shops with which you are unfamiliar and revisit old favorites. The places with which I am familiar are, in alphabetical order, D’blazio’s, Gumbies, Rosie’s, Sunny’s, Valentino’s, and Zen’s.

D’Blazio’s was the first local pizza shop with which I became acquainted. They make an excellent pie. All of their pies can come with basil and garlic at no extra cost, upon request. Basil and garlic are necessi-ties on a pizza and it seems D’Blazio’s agrees. They have fresh toppings and a loyal fan base with the locals. D’blazios

does not have in house seating, but thrives on pick-up and deliv-ery. D’blazio’s is, furthermore, doing quite well on an online poll of the best pizza shop in San Marcos, which can be found on Facebook under the event title “what is the best pizza shop in San Marcos”.

Gumby’s stay open later than any other pizza shop in town and hand out free pizza on the river. They came in to town when there were already a number of excellent local pizza shops. Despite this disadvan-tage, Gumby’s has done quite well. The stoner pie boasts toppings like French fries, moz-zarella sticks and more. They have been a good addition to the local pizza shops in town and cornered their own market in a bustling field.

Rosie’s Pizza is the cheapest local pizza in town. They offer pick up only, but make a large pizza at half the cost of most local shops and still make a damn good pie. In fact, to me, they taste like the old school Mr. Gatti’s pizzas from the mid 90’s. Nostalgia floods every bite.

Sunny’s offers the cheesiest pizza in town. They also offer very competitive rates when quality and price are scrutinized to assess overall value. Sunny’s competes for great quality with some of the more expensive shops in town, but competes for great price with some of the thriftier shops. As a result is a good all-around value.

Valentino’s is, I believe the oldest run-ning local pizza joint in town. They have a lunch buffet under five bucks, and is the only local shop to provide a buffet. Valentino’s offers a wide variety of thrift pitchers and has a dine-in area that provides a good atmosphere. They, Furthermore offer a variety of dough types including wheat.

Zen’s has the best dough in town and utilizes high quality ingredience, some of which are grown in and near the shop. Zen’s also provides a great in

house atmosphere for those de-siring a dine-in experience and have quality beers on tap. Zen’s is currently leading the unoffi-cial poll that can be tracked and participated in on Facebook, as mentioned above.

When it comes to San Martian Piz-za there is truly something for ev-eryone and rare that someone has tried every local shop and discov-ered their ver-sion of the best pizza in San Mar-cos. Join me, join

others, or go on your own to visit these and other local pizza shops. Not all votes have been cast and not all shops have been tried and/or discov-ered. Tour your local pizza shops and log on to cast your vote,!/event.php?eid=187832124604595

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Russian Scientist: “We will meet Aliens by 2031”

Human civilization may come into contact with the extraterrestrial civilizations within the next two decades, according to a top Russian astronomer.

Russian astronomers expect to find out and meet aliens by the year 2031, Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sci-ences’ Applied Astronomy Institute, said while speak-ing at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life.

““The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms. Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years,” he told Interfax news agency, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans.

“They may have two arms, two legs and a head. They may have different color skin, but even we have that,” he said.

According to Finkelstein, 10 percent of the known plan-ets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth, which increases the possibility that life exists elsewhere.

“If water can be found there, then so can life,” he said.

Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations has been one of the most sought after ef-

forts taken by scientists and astronomers.

However, the

renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who has always said that alien life certainly existed, has warned over contact with them as it might be devas-tating for humanity.

“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Ameri-cans,” he told The Sunday Times in April last year.

He also advocated in an interview with BBC in May 2010 that, “rather than try to establish contact, man should try to avoid contact with alien life forms.”

Finkelstein asserted that Russian Academy of Sci-ences’ Applied Astronomy Institute has “mainly been waiting for messages from space and not the other way.”

Of course any success for discovering extraterrestrial life probably will not be com-ing from the United States anytime soon. The SETI Institute took its Alien Tele-scope Array (ATA) offline in April due to lack of funding, but a core group of alien seekers is trying to raise money to help re-launch the quest for signs of extrater-restrial intelligence.

The ATA comprises 42 tele-scopes located in Northern California that scan outer space for deliberate, non-

naturally occurring radio signals that if discovered would indicate the presence of other intelligence life in the universe.

The institute recently launched in an effort to get enough private donations to bring the array back online, one volunteer in the fundraising effort told Boing Boing on Monday.

The ATA went offline “at the exact worst possible mo-ment,” according to Boing Boing’s source, “just as we’re discovering dozens of planets in the habitable zones around their respec-tive stars by the month.

“For the first time in its ex-istence, SETI knows exactly where to point its telescopes if—it had the money.” is seeking $200,000 in funding by July 29 and as of Tuesday morn-ing had raised $3,476 from 59 “Stars.”

The SETI Institute was found-ed in November 1984 and began operations on Febru-ary 1, 1985. The institute still employs more than 150 scientists, educators, and support staff, but funding cuts have made it impossible to continue to operate the ATA, one of the most critical components in its search for extraterrestrial life.

The institute further explains its fundraising goals on

“At the SETI Institute, we’ve made a name for ourselves exploring space. But it’s our community here on Earth—passionate, science-minded and creative—that truly defines us. That’s why we’re launching SETIstars, an initiative to connect us more closely than ever with the constellation of visionaries and supporters that make our work possible.

“Priority one is getting the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) back online as soon as pos-sible and once again fixing our gaze on the stars. The ATA is a powerful field of linked radio telescopes that enable countless avenues of astronomical study, chief among them the search for

evidence of extrater-restrial civilizations and insight into the nature of our cosmic origins. In the wake of a recent funding shortfall, how-ever, this invaluable tool lies dormant and our vision of the universe around us has gone dark. With your help, we can change that.

“But like any worthwhile endeavor, the first challenge is unlikely to be the last. This is a journey that will last our lifetimes, as we con-tinually strive to get closer to answering the kinds of questions that may one day change everything about our world. It won’t happen over-night, but with your support, it will happen.

“We here at SETI are making an appeal to the power of hu-man collaboration, and now is the time to get involved. Join us!” Source: International Business Times

Humans May Have Magnetic Sixth Sense

Humans may have a sixth sense after all, suggests a new study finding that a protein in the human retina, when placed into fruit flies, has the ability to detect magnetic fields.

The researchers caution that the results suggest this human protein has the capability to work as a magnetosensor; how-ever, whether or not humans use it in that way is not known.

“It poses the question, ‘maybe we should rethink about this sixth sense,’” Steven Reppert, of the University of Massa-chusetts Medical School, told LiveScience. “It is thought to be very important for how animals migrate. Perhaps this protein is also fulfilling an important func-tion for sensing magnetic fields in humans.” Past research has suggested that in addition to helping animals such as sea turtles and migratory birds navigate, the ability to detect magnetic fields could help with visual spatial perception. Rep-pert said to picture a magnetic-field coordinate system overlaid on objects we view. [7 Amazing

Superhuman Abilities]

“It may aid how animals per-ceive how objects are in time and space in a way we haven’t thought about before,” said Reppert, who is a neurobiolo-gist. Animals’ magnetic sense is thought to rely on special proteins called cryptochromes, which are also found in the hu-man retina. While past behav-ioral research has suggested humans can’t sense magnetic fields, with studies showing such a capability remaining controversial, there is evidence that geomagnetism affects the light system in our eyes.

To see if humans perhaps pos-sessed this other sense, Rep-pert and his colleagues tested wild fruit flies, with their crypto-chromes intact, and those that had their own cryptochromes replaced with the human ver-sion of the protein.

They placed the fruit flies into a T-shaped maze, with each arm equipped with a coil wrapped in such a way that when a current was sent through it, the coil became magnetized. The team varied which side was magne-tized and its strength, which went up to eight times that of Earth’s magnetic field.

The flies with the human cryp-tochromes showed sensitivity to the magnetic fields — either avoiding them as they might naturally do if not acclimated to the magnetism, or showing a preference for the magnetized arm of the maze when trained with sugar rewards to go toward the magnetic field.

The human protein only worked in the blue range of light, the researchers found.

The research is detailed in the June 21 issue of the journal Nature Communications.

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Early ESP and the U.S. Government By Nick Redfern

Any mention of ESP and psychic-phenomena in connec-tion with the activities of the U.S. Government is almost cer-tain to provoke and guarantee commentary with respect to the ground-breaking “Remote-Viewing” work of the CIA, U.S. Army, and Defense Intelligence Agency from the early 1970s onwards. And rightly so, too. Many people, however, are glar-ingly unaware that the govern-ment’s interest – and direct involvement – in such matters actually dates back decades before the remote-viewers were even on the scene.

In 1977, in a document titled Parapsychology in Intelligence, Kenneth A. Kress, an engi-neer with the CIA’s Office of Technical Services, wrote: “Anecdotal reports of extra-sensory perception (ESP) capabilities have reached U.S.

national security agencies at least since World War II, when Hitler was said to rely on astrologers and seers. Suggestions for military ap-plications of ESP continued to be received after World War II. For example, in 1952 the Department of Defense was lectured on the possible usefulness of extrasensory perception in psychological warfare.”

Moving on to 1960…

Ruth Montgomery was a well-known and controver-sial psychic, and the author of such books as Aliens Among Us and A World Beyond who died in 2001. On June 14, 1960 Montgom-

ery wrote an article entitled “Spying By Mind-Reading” that was published in the New York Journal American newspaper.

Files declassified under the terms of the Freedom of Information reveal that Mont-gomery’s eye-opening article led none other than FBI head-honcho, J. Edgar Hoover, to ask “Is there anything to this?” in a memo that was sent to three of the FBI’s most respected figures: Clyde Tolson, who had been the FBI’s associate direc-tor; Alan Belmont, who held the position of Assistant Director of the Domestic Intelligence Division of the FBI; and Cartha DeLoach, who in 1948 became the liaison point between the FBI and the CIA.

Forty-eight-hours later Belmont prepared a reply. It stated: “The New York Journal American on 6-14-60 carried a column by Ruth Montgomery Spying by Mind-Reading! in which she stated the Army

Intelligence Service was con-ducting research experiments in mental telepathy. She specu-lated that the ultimate achieve-ment would be to develop a method whereby U.S. spies could ‘receive’ thoughts of plot-ters in the Kremlin…Lieuten-ant Colonel Lee Martin, Chief of Investigations, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, advised liaison agent [Deleted] that the Army is conducting no such project as described in the article.”

But did this mean that no such research had ever been initiated by other branches of the military? When faced with yet further inquiries, Lt. Col. Martin seemingly back-tracked to a degree. He admitted to the FBI that the denial to the Montgomery article about the Army’s non-involvement in such matters did not mean other agencies were not implicated. In fact, Hoover was told:

“He [Lt. Col. Martin] did state that the U.S. Air Force had a contract in 1958 and 1959 with the Bureau of Social Sci-ence Research, Washington, D.C., which did research in the many phases of mental problems raised by the Korean War, with particular emphasis on brainwashing. This research did incidentally include mental telepathy or extra sensory per-ception; however, the results were inconclusive.”

Hoover was further informed: “Our Laboratory experts advised that informed scientific opinion at the present time is that there is no basis in science for the validity of extra sensory perception as described in this article. It is true, of course, there are some areas and

activities of the human mind which have not been explored or completely understood by psychologists for the purpose of explaining these little-under-stood functions of the mind.”

As for the aforementioned Alan Belmont, having reviewed additional FBI files on “mental phenomena,” he told Hoover the following:

“In 1957, one William Foos, Richmond, Virginia, claimed that he could teach blind persons to see through the use of extra sensory percep-tion. He claimed he could teach people to read a paper which was covered or to see through a wall. Recognizing the value of such activity to our counteres-pionage work, we thoroughly checked the claim and had to conclude that his alleged powers had no scientific basis. Other Government agencies such as Veterans Association, Central Intelligence Agency and Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence also checked on Foos and were highly skeptical of his work.”

Nevertheless this did not stop the FBI from continuing to carefully, and secretly, watch Ruth Montgomery. Indeed, the Bureau noted that, according to Mont-gomery’s insider-sourc-es, “top intelligence agents” were involved in classified ESP-themed operations in the early1960s, and cited Montgomery’s words in an official memorandum for Hoover. It reads as follows:

“The Army Intelligence Service is beginning to

delve into an unknown reach of the mind which – should it even-tually prove successful – could make spying the least hazard-ous branch of defense… The project receives expert guid-ance within the department, but many of the officers have become so fas-cinated by the possibility [of ESP] that they have formed groups, outside of office hours, to try reading each other’s minds.”Clearly, then, and despite what many have assumed and presumed, official U.S. Govern-ment interest in ESP began way before remote-viewing became fashionable within official circles. Precisely when such research actually began, however, is an issue as murky and as mysterious as the phe-nomenon itself!

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Early ESP and theU.S. Government by Nick Redfern

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By Jay Abazi

The Bilderberg organization is a dynamic, self-perpetuating system of interlocked interests and ideas from the financial world, the political world, and the world of big business. Every year members of government, CEO’s and Boards of large cor-porations, scientists, and a few members of the media are all invited to a top-secret meeting behind closed doors to discuss world events and create new agendas.

The meetings and the location of the meetings have more security detail than the United States President himself. Even though a U.S. president has never attended a meeting while in office, many have attended the year before being elected to office. George Bush Sr. at-tended the year before he was elected president, as did Bill Clinton and current president Barack Obama. Because of this many people think the Ameri-can president is selected by the Bilderberg Group and not by the American voters.

Most of the invitees are regu-lars and attend the meetings every year and some are a one time thing, depending on the meeting’s agendas. This year had numerous members of the financial industry. Some of the big names are; Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank, Kevin Warsh, Federal Reserve Board, David Rockefeller, Chase Bank, Robert Rubin, former Secretary of Treasury, Henry Kissinger and Peter

Orszag, Vice-Chair of Citigroup Global. Some attendees were from large corporations in the U.S. like CEO’s from Amazon, Facebook, and Google. The only member of the media that was invited was Charlie Rose, who has his own show on Bloomberg TV. A network named after Mayor Bloomberg of New York, who also is a regular invitee to the Bilderberg meetings.

This years Bilderberg meeting took place in St. Moritz, Swit-zerland on June 9th thru the 12th. The agendas that were discussed this year were; Iraq, China, Ireland, Greece, Paki-stan, and The World Economy. The idea behind each agenda is to create an “Aristocracy of Purpose” between Europe and the world’s elites on the best way to manage the planet. In other words, the creation of a global network of cartels, more powerful than any nation, des-tined to control the necessities of life and humanity.

The first topic of day one was Iraq. One of the key discussion points regarding Iraq centered on the future of the U.S. mission in that country and their squat-ters rights. With a newly built billion dollar embassy in Bagh-dad one can only assume the role the U.S. plans on holding in Iraq. One European delegate asked if after eight years it was worth the effort. At a stagger-ing cost of over a trillion dollars, over five thousand American lives lost, and over a million innocent Iraqis killed few can admit to the spectacular failure of the mission. One can only guess what the U.S. mission in Iraq will be in 2012. As of Octo-ber 1, 2011, full responsibility for the occupation of Iraq will move from the military to the Department of State.

The other topic on day one was the Middle East and oil. The del-egates discussed the current uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and other Middle Eastern countries and how it helped pushed their agendas. They want to break up and destabilize the Middle East and have the Monarchy of Saudi Arabia do their bidding with this ongoing war that will include every nation in the Middle East except for Israel. With instabil-ity across the Middle East, the Bilderberg’s have an excuse to push oil prices over $180 a barrel and put political pressure on Germany and the European Union and affect economic and political aspirations in China.

Back in 2008, oil shot up to $147 a barrel right after the Bilderberg conference and JP Morgan was advising China to buy all physical crude oil because it was going to go over $200 a barrel. What few people know is that almost all of the price of oil is pure speculation, and is manipu-lated by the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index. Thus, Wall Street controls the oil price irrespective of supply and demand.

The first topic of day two was China. The Bilderberg’s are concerned of China’s booming economy and its entrance into African politics. The Chinese are building a gigantic African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This could be the newly crowned capital of Africa, as Brussels was crowned capital of Europe.

Their biggest concern was China outma-neuvering the U.S. and its west-ern allies in Af-rican diplomacy. Recently, Libya’s Foreign Minister visited China to counter Ameri-can influence in the region. Also, China has not missed the opportunity to enhance relations with the new governments of Egypt and Tunisia after their leaders fell during the uprisings.

China’s economic power, according to the latest IMF forecast, will be the largest in the world in real terms by 2016. (In real terms, mean-ing using purchasing power parities) (PPP). Under the PPP, the Chinese economy will expand from $11.2 trillion to $19 trillion in 2016. The U.S. economy will also rise but only from the current $15.2 trillion to $18.8 trillion. That would take America’s share of world output down to 17.7%, the low-est in modern times. China’s would reach 18% and continue rising.

The other topics of day two were Greece and Ireland. The discussion led off with attend-

ees saying Ireland is the next Greece. With unemployment up to 21%, interest payments at half of all income, and the total debt is 100% of the coun-try’s GDP, it is inevitable that Ireland will follow in Greece’s footsteps. To solve the mount-ing crisis in Ireland and even in Greece, the Bilderberg’s proposed a massive power grab as part of a long-range plan to save the union. If the plan is approved, the European Union will set the rules in the future and police itself and any nation which breaches the rules or dis-agrees with the draconian mea-sures implemented by the E.U. They will also have their voting rights withdrawn. One attendee even suggested Greece leave the Euro, given that it will never be able to pay back its debt.

The last two days were spent on Pakistan and the world economy. The main issue with Pakistan was with the U.S. and their fear of terrorists looking for retaliation for the killing of Osama bin Laden by taking over nuclear sites in Pakistan. China, Pakistan’s new best friend, warned the U.S. against attacking Pakistan and if they did it will be taken as an act of aggression against China. One European delegate stated, the U.S. is the world’s most powerful nation, but it is not more powerful than the world. Everyone agreed on the grave

danger of war growing out of the U.S.-Pakistan confronta-tion. With China building naval bases in Pakistan, the U.S. is concerned the affects this may have towards India, America’s new best friend and Pakistan’s archenemy. Delegates at the Bilderberg conference called this a “perfect storm in the making”. A nuclear U.S. sup-porting a 1.2 billion strong nuclear India against India’s archenemy, nuclear Pakistan and their new best friend, a 1.4 billion strong nuclear China.

As for the economy the dis-cussion was primarily based around postponing the defaults for as long as possible and deciding on how to get financial institutions to take over the debt without having to pay for it. What they plan on accomplish-ing is for financial oligarchy to replace democracy and giving control to the European Central Bank, the I.M.F., the World Bank, and the Federal Reserve. They will take over the debt from government and receive taxpayer money to pay back the bad debt. Once economic policy has transferred from government bodies to finan-cial institutions, making the economy entirely dependent on them, public borrowing will create a big risk-free market for interest-bearing loans.

Inside The 2011 BilderbergMeeting By Jay Abazi

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Inside The 2011 BilderbergMeeting By Jay Abazi


By Jay Abazicontinued . . . . .

The problem with today’s system is that the world runs on a monetary system, not by na-tional credit systems. You want nations to have their own credit systems, which is a system of their own currency. This gives the possibility of productive, non-inflationary credit creation by the nation. In Europe, that can’t be done because the governments are subject to control by independent bank-ing systems, which is blocked constitutionally from creat-ing credit for governments. Therefore, large banks have the power to regulate government and to dictate terms to govern-ment through the Central Bank, which is independent and has no government.

The United States is now $14.3 trillion in debt. There is a double-dip in housing markets with prices plummeting more than during the Great Depres-sion. Banks like Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citigroup

are giving up every penny of gains they’ve made in the last two years. The U.S. dollar has lost 12% of its value in one year and China, for the first time, has become a net seller of United States Treasury Bonds. What this all means is that the bond bubble is about to explode and when it does, take a seat and watch the fireworks.

The Bilderberg Group is getting even closer to achieving its ultimate goal of a One World government. They’ve grown be-yond its secretive beginnings to become a key player in decision making of the elite. Their future is to transform Earth into a prison planet by bringing about a single globalized marketplace, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by dumbed down citizens whose life’s needs will be stripped down to materialism and survival.

My predictions: Within the next 6 months you will see major power shifts from government to financial insti-tutions, mostly in Europe but also in America. More unions will form across the world, starting with Africa. The price of oil will drop during the holidays and keep falling until the November elections, which will be Barack Obama running for President against Rick Perry. Because Rick Perry attended the Bilderberg meet-ings in 2010, and the last time a sitting governor attended the meetings became President, I’m predicting Rick Perry will be our next president in 2012.


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Mr. Lewis & the Funeral 5

W:Welcome to Weird Magazine guys. The New CD is out, What is the album called and how is that going? ML&TF5 :It’s called Delirium Tremendous and hopefully it’s going well. It’s time to get to work.

w:Introduce the band members.ML&TF5 : Well there’s me, Greg Lewis on vocals and guitar. There’s James Sheeran on drums, Rob Metcalfe on guitar and percussion, DannyDervish on bass, Phil Howard on keyboard and percussion and James Bonura on saxophone.

w: You guys have been on the road quite a bit haven’t you? ML&TF5: Not as much as we’d like. We have been doing alot of regional one offs, but we haven’t done any serious touring in a while.

I think we’re looking at early November, possibly late Octo-ber if i can convince everybody to leave Austin for Halloween. Yeah, that’s probably going to be early November.

w: Where is the band based out of? Austin?ML&TF5: Yes, Austin for the most part. Danny lives in San Marcos and James B lives in Cedar Park, but all the dirty business is done in Austin.

w: Describe the music style. It has a Lounge feel to it.

ML&TF5:Well, that’s the million dollar question isn’t it? Postapocalyptic stripper jazz was the last one I came up with. Danny came up with Macaba-ret. These don’t really help describe the band really,but it’s a Hell of a lot easier to say over and over to strang-ers at parties. Of course, it’s followed by a bunch of mash up band comparisons that totally defeat the purpose of having a

clever little description. That being said, the style shifts from song to song. It’s always going to have that common thread, but the main components cango from Cab Calloway, to Alice Cooper, to The Beach Boys, to Tom Waits and everything in be-tween and beyond. Hell, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just trying to make pop songs out of Ennio Morricone.

w: What was the moti-vation for “Black Coffee Night”?ML&TF5:It’s essentially about not being able to fall asleep due to an ambiguous feeling of crip-pling guilt. You go a little crazy. The clock ticking gets louder than a train whistle. You think about those thathave wronged you and those that you have wronged. You know, your basic Elton Johnsian Disney song.

w: Where are you per-forming in August 2011?ML&TF5: Our CD release party is on August 6th at The Scoot Inn with Dead Swagger, Moon-

light Towers and Automusik. Then, in San Marcos onthe 12th at The Triple Crown for another CD release shindig mixed with a birthday party for Danny. On the 27th, we’ll be

at Nasty’s in Austin for a show benefitting Chadd Thomas’ daughter.

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W:What motivates the Furious 5? ML&TF5:Well, you’d have to ask Grandmaster Flash that, but if I had to wager a guess, I’d say it would be keeping away from the edge and trying not to lose their heads. uh, huh, huh, huh, huh. If I were speaking for my band, however, I’d say chas-ing the perfect song, applause when we get close and, well, I

guess a gun pointed at me.Yeah, forget all that other stuff. It’s definately a gun pointed atme. Hell, that’ll motivate any-one.

w: How did the name come about?ML&TF5 : Although Mr. Lewis & the Funeral 5 is a mouthfull to say, Mr. Lewis & The Funeral Jazz Quintet, which was the

original name, wasquite a bit more.

It got shortened for conve-nience, but the originalname came from a fascina-tion with New Orleans funeral parades.

w:Who are some influ-ences for the band members? ML&TF5: Well, I’ve got seper-ate influences for songwriting, guitar and inging, so in the interest of time, I’ll just say ev-eryone. The rest of the band are pretty much musical gypsies when it comes to tastes aswell. For sure, there are com-monalities, but we are all pretty little snow flakes.

w: Delirium Tremen-dous: Describe this song, and it’s purpose.

ML&TF5:It’s a rallying cry for the masses. Imagine a political speech made at 2:30 a.m. on the street by a drunk, prone to hallucinations. The demands of the wasted and entitled.

Now that I think about it, it’s a romanticized version of a Whataburger at 3 a.m.

Now that I think about it, it’s a ro-

manticized version of a Whataburger

at 3 a.m.

w: Dark moods of gray ambiguity cloud my thoughts as the rhythm of these songs fill my lucid mind with memories of some sandy bar from a LA NOIR film from the 1940’s.Is this the intent of the music? I feel like I’m in Chinatown. LOLML&TF5:The music wasn’t written with shopping malls at Christmas time in mind. That’s for sure. Film scores are a big influence on the music, so I guess it’s no surprise that they might evoke certain images. Oh, and pick me up a duck while you’re down there. I’ll payyou back Tuesday.

w:How can people learn more about Mr. Lewis and

the Funeral 5?ML&TF5:Just hit us up on the Facebook. We’ll be happy to answer any intrusive, overly personal questions they may have.

w: Final thoughts to Weird Mag readers?

ML&TF5:“I don’t know if the people in my cul de sac are Weird Mag readers, but I have to try. The car horn is NOT a doorbell. Get off your lazy ass and knock on the door. It’s 7 a.m. and I’m trying to sleep, dick!

Mr. Lewis & the Funeral 5


Law Enforcement’s Next Big Joke Is No Laughing Matter By Jamie Balagia

Law Enforcement’s Next Big Joke Is No Laughing Matter - and is coming to a neigh-borhood near you! By Jamie BalagiaDrug Recognition Expert (AKA: DRE) is catching fire among the Barney Fife type agencies across the nation as the latest tool to use against Buzzed Driv-ers. DRE is the replacement name for DRT (Drug Recogni-tion Technician) since most officers working this detail did not like being called DIRT offi-cers. So overnight the Techni-cian became Expert and DRE was reinvented. This program initially came out of California and has spread across the country as the cops once again try to use junk science to sup-port the arrest of your fellow citizens. Sadly, judges across our country believe that if the cops endorse or create it then it is the gold standard for the courtroom. Typically, the DRE is called in to an arrest situation after a street

cop makes a DWI arrest and the victim (arrestee) foolishly agrees to submit to a breath test and blows a zero (0.00) or a very low blow compared to the physical appearance of the “drunk”. The DRE officer becomes a police doctor and gets the person arrested to go through a series of 12 steps/procedures (just like AA) and then DRE will make a diagnosis of what substances the per-son is under the influence of. I fail to understand why anyone would agree to the regular DWI sobriety agility tests but to go even further and cooperate with the CopDoc while under arrest might be the best evidence the police obtain. I mean only someone who is drunk or stoned would voluntarily surrender their Constitutional Rights when they know they have consumed alcohol or drugs, right? The DRE protocol requires the CopDoc to do a variety of tests and measurements which allow him to make his “WAG” (wild ass guess). The DocCop checks your temperature, your blood pressure, and your pulse rate.

He then looks at your skin to see if he can find injection marks (for syringe entry points) and to see if your muscles are loose like a Heroin user or tight like a “Meth-head”. Your eyes will be checked for Nystagmus (eye jerking), pupil size (dilated or pinpoint) and for Convergence, which is the ability of the eyes to follow an object while it is moved in a circle and then brought to your nose tip. (No, I am not stoned as I write this article and yes, you are reading it right). Supposedly if you smoke marijuana your eyes will go in different directions like a “lazy eye syn-drome”. Yes, you should be scratching your head asking yourself “so the Doc-Cop is also a licensed Optometrist?” I’m just glad that he doesn’t pop on a rub-ber glove and be-come a proctologist as well.

Of course, if the diag-nosis is that you are on a hard drug or narcotic they just might check that area at the booking desk. The bottom line is that no officer should be allowed to make a diagnosis like a forensic toxicologist after a three week course taught by other CopDocs at the Police Academy. The CopDoc gets a urine or blood sample (remember this is all done with voluntary consent) and sends it off to the lab for confirmation on his dia-guess-nosis. I forgot to tell you that one of the steps is to ask the person what drugs they have been consuming. Since they have already volunteered for this medical abuse and cooper-ated so far, the person usually is honest and tells what they have been snorting, smoking, shoot-ing, swallowing, etc. Do you think it might help the officer guess what drugs are being used when a confession is part of the protocol?

The DRE diagnosis is only valid if the CopDoc strictly follows the protocol so there is hope that any results can be suppressed if video evidence shows any improper behavior or missed steps by CopDoc. One of the biggest bonuses I have seen as a defense attorney handling these cases is that the officer can rarely repeat the protocol with-out reading it from a manual. Who would believe he followed the protocol if he doesn’t even remember what it consists of? The best advise I can give is that you should never surrenderyour Constitutional Rights and call the Dude once you are read your Miranda Rights. If you think you might be an addict or have a drug problem I can help you get some help. Don’t be a flunky - go to for more information!

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Across 1. Fraud or hoax5. Cosmetics Queen, Eliza-beth ____10. One who admits openely16. Cancel or stop, slang (2 wds)17. Hollow stone lined with crystals18. Envoy or emissary19. Not tainted21. Relating to the hearts’ chambers22. Have to, slang23. Sweet potato24. Suitably; properly25. S’Mores’ “buns” (2 wds)29. “___ Get It On”30. Not new31. An opera by Giuseppe Verdi32. By way of35. Before, in poetry36. From head to ___37. People who prepare and plan39. Honey maker40. “...____ they say”(2 wds)41. Peak of a mountain42. Great speech conclusion (2 wds)47. Castle’s trench48. Element Ne49. Burning candle50. Find out definitely53. Storage box54. Strength; power57. To be or ___ to be...58. Situated in the rear59. Work; employment60. Succulent; luxuriant61. Being part of a record of ancestry64. Not there67. Pull or carry68. Multiple pipe instrument69. Dorm partner, slang70. Indoor activity (2 wds)72. A low sound73. Add to something larger, like a city74. Adventures of Milo & ___75. Forms vapors from water76. Allen or Harrelson77. Ticks; instantly (slang)

Down 1. Fabric softener teddy bear2. Being revered3. Disturb4. Twelve in a year5. Become older6. Seperating plastics from other garbage7. Foolish old person8. Swelling tumor9. Simpson’s neighbor, __ Flanders10. Boulevard in Latin America11. Experienced; with many

years12. Fairy tale monsters13. Let time pass by14. And others (latin)15. Depend on20. Airplane regulation group (abbr.)26. Uttered a sound like a cow27. Tonight Show with Johnny ____28. Ballet school in D.C.32. President’s cancel power33. Element Fe34. Snake of Egypt36. Yards for a first down, in football37. Element Ar38. Trot; canter39. Restrain40. Indian tribe of New York and

Wisconsin42. O.K. (2 wds)43. Sense of touch44. Empty; void45. Criminal’s excuse46. Element Sn47. Male, e.g.51. Element Re52. People who apply dark film to car windows53. Bewildered54. Latin version of the Bible55. Associated with Muham-mad’s religion56. Having a timid personality59. Newspaper writer, British slang60. Dignified styles61. English actress, ____ Atkinson

62. Texas county home to Kingsland and Horseshoe Bay63. The heart (latin)64. Weapons65. Boxing match66. Aching or pain70. Dog’s foot71. Popular street drug __Contin


Page 26 • [email protected]


Partly Hazy with a Chance of Groov y! by Tim’s Myth

Weird Magazine is always looking for lo-cal original rock bands to support. This month we had a chance to sit down and interview a very cool,and diverse bunch of musicians that when combine forces go by the name TIMS MYTH. Interview by Max Moreno

w: Hey guys welcome to weird magazine! Tell us your names and what you play in the band.TM :Dusty: (peter) Guitar Joey: (chodie) vocals

Chad:(chadanooga) keyboard Cris:(fresh) Guitar Brandon: (brandady) Bass Matt:(morphius) drums and guitar

w: So we have to start with the name ques-tion. How is it that you decided to name the band Tims Myth? TM: Brandady started see-ing thee Tim Smith just about everywhere, the carwash where i got a photo of him not with him, S.T.C. and other random place. We thought it would be a fun pun, play on words if you will and it just stuck. Tim smith Actually came out to one of our shows! He supports us and also lets us know if its gonna raiW: Well its defiantly catchy and it seems to be working out

pretty well. Pretty hard name to forget!

w: From seeing you guys live i can tell that there is defiantly a “catchy” al-most “pop” sound to your music, yet still there is something else. where do you suppose this unique sound comes from? TM: Every one in the band has a very wide range of music we like to listen to.Also pretty everyone in the band has know each other for a good while so were comfortable writing to-gether and don’t mind that our sound is a bit pop. Our sound is a mix of what we listened to when we were growing up and what we listen to now.

w: What are some examples of the bands you guys might have on your ipods?TM: Under Oath, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Queen, Journey, The Doors, The strokes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pin Back, The shins and Buck Owens!

w:All great bands! What advise would you guys have for other original artist getting started here

in the valley?TM: Just do it! As long your working on writing music together and hav-ing fun with it, the creativity will come out on its own. Get together as much as possible and just jam! This is how you will find and own your own sound. Be sure to listen to all your band mates and don’t do it for the image. Don’t start a band to straighten your hair and wear tight jeans! And always remember to able to take criticism.

w: What would be your Favorite venue to play down here in the valley?TM: Thus far Smok-ing Aces but we enjoy playing any-where really and are looking forward to new venues that will have us. contact us!

w: So what if you guys had to pick a mascot? TM: Tim Smiths afro and stache!, Well just a silhouette of it cause we wouldn’t wanna get sued or anything.

w: Yes! Pleeease let us help you sell those shirts when they are printed! ha! Tim Smith can predict the weather , does anyone in the band possess a super power maybe tell the future?

TM: Brandon ! & also Matt kind of .I guess its the drum and bassist that have Similar Con-nections .

w: Can you Tell us about any upcoming shows ?

TM: Palmfest in October , Brewskis 13th of August , Simon Sez 17th of August , The cubby hole August 27,playing in Austin November Fest For Texas Tech & UT Football game .

w: What is the best way to contact you guys for book-ing info extc...TM:Our Personal Contact number is 956 630-0081 you can like us on our facebook page also just search tims myth .

w: Ok thanks for the inter-view guys best of luck we will be checking up on you guys soon !

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Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False FlagAugust 2, 2011 by Jack Blood

It can be said that the # 2 in any office is the REAL controller of things… Think Big-time Dick ‘tater’ Cheney, or Webb Hubble (for Janet Reno) or death squad pimp, Iran Contra crook John Dimitry Negroponte under Condi Rice, Paul Wolfowitz under Colin Powell… Even more recently, (newly appointed Chi-cago Mob Boss), once Obama’s C of S / Rothschild handler, Rhambo Emanuel under cousin Barry… Or the King of second fiddles, George H.W. Bush under Ronald Reagan! (GHWB has continued to handle every president since! He has called Bill Clinton his “son”, and have recently been spotted going through the back door of the Obama White House with his son Jebby in tow)

We could go on and on in this vein, but suffice to say; we are always interested in who gets the #2 spot in any dept in government.


Today it was announced that Ashton Carter would be ap-pointed as Deputy dog at the Pentagon under Leon Panetta.

Just a few months back we published a scathing review of Mr Panetta here at – Though we were no fans of

Mr Gates, (It was swell of him to stand up against the Libyan war) Panetta is a 1000 times worse. Worse than Rummy? Is anyone? maybe. Panetta is a UN boy and a Global Warming hawk who is in the rear pocket of WWF head Prince Phillip (who wants to rid the planet of 80% of you “use-less eaters” … So I do protest!

To Recap on Neon Leon Panetta:Panetta is a MAJOR shill for L.O.S.T. (UN law of the Sea Treaty – which gives the world’s oceans to the NWO to tax and regulate) Panetta – CIA Enforce-ment Arm of CFR

Leon Panetta’s life has been devoted … not the USA but to the United Nations. He has been a “fanatic” for “world govern-ment” and a HitlerianNew World Order. Leon Panetta devoted himself to the election of Nelson Rockefeller who had written the Future of Federalism. In which Rockefeller writes …”I think the answer is some free-world super-national being with the power to tax …”

While Panetta worked for Nel-son Rockefeller in California … it was mass murdererTed Bundy who was Nelson Rockefeller’s point man in Seattle.

Leon Panetta worked for Mayor John Linday (Scroll & Key Yale) read America’s Secret Estab-lishment. Lindsay went to Saint Paul’s School. Lindsay was a member of the CFR … so Leon Panetta was right at home the “destroy American Sovereignty crowd”.

Lindsay’s school is part of the Ten Schools Admission Orga-nization a recruiting ground for

the administrators of the New World Order.Saint Paul’s School include J. P Morgan Jr., Vander-bilts, future Skull & Bones mem-bers, Kennedys and J. Peter Grace son of the incorporator of the Council on Foreign Rela-tions.

Panetta has been co-opted from the beginning bythe super rich and the “international commu-nity” … Whole of His Life.

Their goals are his goals.

Today, Leon is chair of the Pew Commission on Oceans, this smiling lawyer is the plausible ”local” face to impose Rock-efeller United Nations plans. The “harmonization” of local communities using Agenda 21 in preparation of the North American Union was prepped by the (SSP) Security and Pros-perity Partnership .

Open borders were designed to cause racial conflict, lower middle class wages and the smothering of America until the people call for marshall law and peace. The kind they have in Cuba.

This designed to be implement-ed after the present on going murder of the USA. It was the Rockefeller’s who donated the very land the UN headquarters sits on.

Leon is also affiliated with the ‘Knights of Malta”Also Google: CIA Panetta and the Illuminati Denver Airport

CONCLUSION:Leon Panetta is not a greenhorn. He has been working for the il-luminati for years. His choice as CIA chief (and now DOD Head), for those who see through the smokescreen… It should come as no suprise.

But the reason we write you to-day is to alert you to who Leon’s 2nd in command is, and build our case against him “eventu-ally” running the Pentagon. MEET ASHTON CARTER

Carter was previously the Under Secretary of Defense for Acqui-sition, Technology & Logistics.

Here he was touted as the man who saved us money by being ” instrumental in several aspects of former Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ cost-cutting program, and has closely moni-tored efforts to remedy troubles

with the F-35 fighter program.” OH REALLY? Was Carter asleep at the wheel or complicit in robbing the American taxpayer blind? Recent reports of Penta-gon waste are STAGGERING!

Here’s a jaw-dropping example reported by Bloomberg.

A U.S. contractor in Iraq overbilled the Pentagon by at least $4.4 million for spare parts and equipment, including $900 for an electronic control switch valued at $7.05, accord-ing to a new audit. Based on the questionable costs identified in a $300 million contract with Dubai-based Anham LLC, the U.S. should review all its con-tracts with the company in Iraq and Afghanistan, which total about $3.9 billion, said Spe-cial Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen. “The audit found weak over-sight in multiple areas that left the government vulnerable to improper overcharges,” Bowen wrote in the forward to his 30th quarterly report, released today. The contract in question was funded with a combina-tion of money earmarked for Iraqi Security Forces and Army operations and maintenance funds. Among the “egregious examples of overbilling” by An-ham were $4,500 for a circuit breaker valued at $183.30, $3,000 for a $94.47 circuit breaker and $80 for a small segment of drain pipe valued at $1.41.

Those mark-ups are absurd, but I wonder whether this example from the story is even worse.

In other cases, Anham used subcontractors to purchase items that could have been bought directly from the manufacturer at lower prices, the report said. When Anham was asked to buy a loudspeaker system to alert warehouse employees of any danger, it chose not to buy the system directly from the manufacturer at the retail price of $44,615, the report said. Instead, Anham sought bids from subcontrac-tors and paid a company called Knowlogy $90,908. That price included $20,000 for installa-tion, even though the system setup meant little more than wheeling it into place and plug-ging it in.

Heck of a job Brownie…. For this Carter gets promoted? Ap-parently…Having friends in high places is more important than

effectiveness in the job.

Here are some of Carter’s connections and affiliations:

Dr. Carter was also Senior Partner at Global Technology Partners ( GTP’s partners have collectively served as Secretary of Defense, Director of Central Intelligence, Deputy Direc-tor of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Secretary of Defense (three times), Deputy Secretary of Energy, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (three times), As-sistant Secretary of Defense (three times), Chief Informa-tion Officer of the Department of Defense, and Director of the National Reconnaissance Office.) GTP has been linked to the Rothschild banking family and has at least some suspi-cious connections to the events of 911!

He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the MITRE Corpora-tion and the Advisory Boards of MIT’s Lincoln Laboratories and the Draper Laboratory.

The Mitre Corporation (which generally styles its own name as “MITRE” in all caps) is a not-for-profit organization based in Bedford, Massachu-setts and McLean, Virginia. It manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) supporting the Department of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administra-tion (FAA), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Depart-ment of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary.

How’s that for Power? Whoa!Was MITRE Corp. TheTrojan Horse of 9/11?

MITRE’s Bedford headquar-ters are located near Boston’s Logan airport where the two planes that struck the World Trade Center supposedly originated. Bedford lies directly under the flight path of west-bound flights leaving Logan.

MITRE developed the technol-ogy “to aid controllers in solving problems while keeping aircraft close to their route, altitude, and speed preferences.” Shear-man was unable to say why the MITRE technology apparently failed on 9/11.

Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs… Connects to 911 False Flag

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Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Gold-man Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flagcontinued . . .

Indira Singh, an “IT consultant” who previously worked on a Defense Advanced Research Project, and who was employed by J.P. Morgan on 9/11, in risk management, pointed to MITRE’s role at the FAA during the 9/11 Citizens’ Commis-sion hearings in New York last September.

“Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11,” Singh said. “Their specific job is to look at interop-erability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA – that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything – it would have been Ptech along with MITRE.”

Carter worked directly with Philip Zelikow who oversaw the 911 CFR Whitewash Commission that covered up the truth about the events of 911. Together they authored: “Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy“ This report was a product of the “Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group” which was headed by: Ashton B. Carter and John M. Deutch, and project director is Philip D. Zelikow. Together they helped to set US terrorism policy that ran a muck during the Bush Admin. So…. Carter is on board with Corporations that helped cause 911, then crafts policy with co conspira-tors to provide a “solution” for 911. That’s covering ALL your

Hegelian bases folks!* Carter was a consultant to Goldman Sachs on international affairs and technology matters. * He has been a member of the Aspen Strategy Group, the Council on Foreign Relations* He is a Rhodes Scholar (for British Global Domination)* He was on the board at the Rockefeller University.* Dr. Carter received bach-elor’s degrees in physics and in medieval history from Yale University.

ALSO his bio touts affiliations with: the American Physi-cal Society, the International Institute of Strategic Studies, the Advisory Board of the Yale Journal of International Law, and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (During the Clinton years when he was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy – he likely aided in the selling or trading of nuclear, and High tech secrets to China). Carter was a head honcho in the area of keep-ing WND’s and Nukes out of the hands of “Terrorists” – uh oh.

He was on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s Internation-al Security Advisory Board from

2006-2008! (so much for Change, right Barry?)

Dr. Carter served as a member of the Defense Science Board (DARPA) from 1991-1993 and he advised on the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.He was chairmanship of NATO’s High Level Group, and participated in the negotiations that led to the deployment of Russian troops as part of the Bosnia (NWO) “Peace ” Plan Implementation Force.

For his unwavering service to the NWO super Elite, Dr. Carter was twice awarded the Depart-ment of Defense Distinguished Service Medal. For his contribu-tions to intelligence, he was awarded the Defense Intelli-gence Medal.

HOW WE CAN DO BETTERIf by some hypothetical miracle I was elected president of the USA I would fix this situation quickly and without doubt.

I would install COL. Bob Bow-man as Sec. of Defense. I would allow him to pick his entire sup-port staff, and approve a mas-sive budget cut to the Pentagon.

This would include bringing our troops home from all over the world, leaving small forces on or near precarious borders. Sec. Bowman would set new policies of not going to war without congressional approval, and a special office would be set up to guard against contractor waste, or the bilking of taxpayers on 700.00 hammers and 8000.00 toilet seats.

For those of you who think that this would lead to more Ter-rorism… You will be pleased to know that there wont be much terrorism as we would cut programs such as P2OG, and retrain such villains to be local police and envoys for Freedom. Those who still persist in unlaw-ful acts will be dealt with as criminals.So the answers are out here. So why then does O’Bomba persist in continuing with the same policies and people that got us where we are now? FUBAR?

The answer becomes more obvious every day he holds “of-fice”. He is a bought and paid for puppet of the same ol same ol. He is Cousin O’Busha.

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Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs… Connects to 911 False Flag



WE OPEN AT 8:00AM! ! !





Unicycle Football League gears up for seventh sea-son, works on expansion to Austin

By: Rachel [email protected]

As a child, Marcus Garland had a passion for juggling, football and unicycles. He entertained the thought of combining unicy-cle riding with his favorite sport, but the dream didn’t come to life until he got to college.

“I kept toying with the idea and thought it was going to be impossible to find unicycle riders,” Garland said.

Garland started a juggling club while attending school at Texas State, and he taught some of the members how to ride unicycles. He shared his idea of unicycle football with them, ultimately leading to the formation of the Unicycle Football League.

“I called a local bicycle store and asked the owner if he would sale us unicycles at wholesale if I started a league,” he said. “We ordered 15 unicycles, and we wound up making two teams. It just keeps growing.”

Today there are six unicycle football teams in San Marcos, and the league has spent the summer working towards ex-panding to Austin. Angel Serda is spearheading the Austin effort.

“One thing that we have been doing since March is the sum-mer ‘gore-illa’ season,” Serda

said. “We’ve created two new teams for the summer that are comprised of any player that shows up and wants to play.”

Serda said he has spent the summer season showing up to public parks and events in Austin, and those who want to participate in the gore-illa games are provided with a jersey. At half time there is a unicycle clinic to teach people how to ride.

“They’re not official games, so the rules are different, and we can sort of amend the rules as we please,” Serda said.

Serda, who got involved with unicycle football about a year and a half ago, said the next logical step for the growing sport is to expand to Austin. He said the league is hoping to

have two steady teams in Austin by September, and if that hap-pens they will begin their first season.

“And then hopefully after the first season, we will have drawn more excitement and more riders and the league will grow bigger in Austin,” Serda said.Until then, Serda said events will be held in Austin to raise aware-ness about the sport.

“On August 11 we will be throwing a new type of unicycle football game called a gore-illa warfare. We’re going to incorpo-rate this game into the Thursday night social ride that takes place every week in Austin,” he said. In San Marcos, the seventh unicycle football season will kick off August 21 at the San Marcos Farmer’s Market field, located at 104 Edward Gary. The event will be a doubleheader, meaning

there will be two games. The Unicychos will compete against the Berzerkers at 2 p.m., and the Gnarwhals will play the Hot Dogs at 4 p.m. The complete schedule can be viewed at

Dane Walter got involved with the UFL in its third season and plays for the Ill Eagles, a team he calls “the sickest birds of prey on one wheel.” Walter is looking forward to season seven.

“I think this coming season is the year of the Ill Eagles,” Walter said. “The Ill Eagles dance party 2009 was just so ridiculous that I think it’s just spilling over into all eternity. I imagine us riding across the horizon against a cherry-hued sunset, glory spilling from our hearts and a champion sweat dripping from our brow.”

Walter said he has also started a unicycle football little league, where he teaches children how to play the sport.

This year, the UFL was invited to make an appearance at the Na-tional Unicycle Convention that is taking place on Labor Day weekend in New York, but they could not attend due to lack of

funding. However, the UFL will be holding benefits during the next 12 months and hopes to be in attendance at the event next year.

Garland said he is surprised by the amount of success the UFL has experienced since its formation in 2008.

“Honestly I didn’t think it was going to get off the ground, you know. I thought we might play a game or something like

that, but I didn’t really expect it to take off as much as it did,” Garland said. “But I’m glad it happened.”

Serda, who the league refers to as Darth Vato, said he has big hopes for unicycle foot-ball’s future and wants to see its popularity catch on in other regions.

“My ultimate dream is to receive a phone call from somebody in Anywhere, USA saying, ‘Hey we have a unicycle football team, meet us half-way. Let’s play a game!’ That’s what I would like to see happen some day,” Serda said.Garland said unicycle football has become more serious and competitive since it began, but he believes the sport is still mostly about fun.

“We’re trying to keep it from becoming that serious. We have to give people a reality check sometimes and tell them not to take it so serious,” he said.

“The crowd that comes out and watches the spectacle has a lot of fun, and I feel very lucky to be part of that. As long as people keep having fun we should do well.”

UPCOMING EVENTS:August 5 (San Marcos) – Benefit show at the Triple Crown with Holding Space, Are You Crazy and Hair Farmers. The show is 18 and up.

August 11 (Austin) – Gore-illa warfare game and Thursday night social ride, 8:30 p.m.

August 14 (Austin) - Unicycle football game at The Parlor parking lot, 6 p.m.

August 14 (San Marcos) - Summer game at the Farmer’s Market field, 4 p.m. (After party at Tantra with Funkatron)

August 21 (San Marcos) – Season 7 begins at the Farmer’s Market field, 2 p.m.

Anyone is interested in having a unicycle football game in their area, e-mail the UFL at [email protected].

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Unicycle Football League gears up for seventh season, works on expansion to Austin