Week Eleven Lecture




Transcript of Week Eleven Lecture

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A.A. National Socialists win election of 1932 (Nazism)National Socialists win election of 1932 (Nazism)

B.B. German Parliament disbanded; Hitler given dictatorial German Parliament disbanded; Hitler given dictatorial powers (Der Führer)powers (Der Führer)

C.C. Hitler declares a 1000-year reign (“reich”)Hitler declares a 1000-year reign (“reich”)

D.D. Outlawed competing political partiesOutlawed competing political parties

E. Civil Rights Violated. . Persecution of Jews, Gypsies & LeftistsPersecution of Jews, Gypsies & Leftists

F.F. German MilitarismGerman MilitarismHitler withdraws from League of Nations.Hitler withdraws from League of Nations.German repudiates Treaty of Versailles.German repudiates Treaty of Versailles.Germany begins to rearm.Germany begins to rearm.German expansion.German expansion.

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Night of Broken GlassNight of Broken Glass

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A.A. Invades Manchuria (1931)Invades Manchuria (1931)

B.B. Attacks China. (1937)Attacks China. (1937)• ShanghaiShanghai• Rape of NankingRape of Nanking

C.C. Joins the AxisJoins the Axis

D.D. Annexes French Indochina (1940)Annexes French Indochina (1940)

E.E. Announces Announces “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”

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A.A. 1920s: U.S. demilitarizes (Kellogg-Briand Treaty)1920s: U.S. demilitarizes (Kellogg-Briand Treaty)Army shrinks : 3.7 million (1918) to ~ 134,000 (1925)Army shrinks : 3.7 million (1918) to ~ 134,000 (1925)Naval tonnage destroyed.Naval tonnage destroyed.

B.B. 1935: Senate Investigations into causes of WWI, blames 1935: Senate Investigations into causes of WWI, blames the war on “merchants of death.”the war on “merchants of death.”

C.C. 1935: Neutrality Acts1935: Neutrality ActsEmbargo on arms sales to “belligerent” countries.Embargo on arms sales to “belligerent” countries.

D.D. 1936: “Cash & Carry” policy for all other countries.1936: “Cash & Carry” policy for all other countries.

E.E. 1937: Roosevelt calls for world to “quarantine the 1937: Roosevelt calls for world to “quarantine the aggressors.” Congress does nothing. aggressors.” Congress does nothing.

F.F. Dec. 1938: Congress appropriates 1.5 billion to expand Dec. 1938: Congress appropriates 1.5 billion to expand militarymilitary

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A.A. Fall 1939: Arms embargo lifted, but “cash & carry” still Fall 1939: Arms embargo lifted, but “cash & carry” still in effect. Embargo on Japanese purchase of armaments & in effect. Embargo on Japanese purchase of armaments & raw materials.raw materials.FDR calls for all measures “short of war.”FDR calls for all measures “short of war.”

B.B. 1940: Congress appropriates money to build a 2-Ocean 1940: Congress appropriates money to build a 2-Ocean Navy & to expand Army. Navy & to expand Army. Selective Service Act implements country’s first peace-Selective Service Act implements country’s first peace-time draft.time draft.

C.C. March 1941: “Lend-Lease Act” makes America the March 1941: “Lend-Lease Act” makes America the “great arsenal of democracy”“great arsenal of democracy”

D.D. Fall 1941: Atlantic Charter . Fall 1941: Atlantic Charter . 1) U.S. Navy patrols North Atlantic with British. 1) U.S. Navy patrols North Atlantic with British. 2) Trade & investment barriers between U.S. & U.K. 2) Trade & investment barriers between U.S. & U.K. lifted.lifted.3) U.S. freezes Japanese assets in the U.S.3) U.S. freezes Japanese assets in the U.S.

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Before a Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 7, 1941, FDR delivered the Before a Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 7, 1941, FDR delivered the “Four Freedoms” speech.“Four Freedoms” speech.

Called on Congress to make America an “arsenal for democracy.”Called on Congress to make America an “arsenal for democracy.”

Pledged American support of democratic countries fighting Pledged American support of democratic countries fighting aggressors.aggressors.

Committed America to the support of international human rights, to Committed America to the support of international human rights, to “four essential human freedoms.”“four essential human freedoms.”

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