Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives...

Week 7 GSE Materials and Methods

Transcript of Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives...

Page 1: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Week 7

GSE Materials and Methods

Page 2: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

1. Give back tests

2. Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2

3. Student Learning Objectives

4. Classroom management

5. Engaging activities: Silent Way, Desuggestopedia,

and Community Language Learning

1. Quiz

6. Mini Lessons


Page 3: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Everyone scored in low to mid 40s! Method Materials Engagement Creativity English

Key areas to work on: Engaging Communication Activities Student learning objectives (SLOs) Classroom Management

Mini lesson plan #1, 50 points

Page 4: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

One mini lesson week 7 and 8 (Hee Yun – email me)

Turn in paper mini lesson plan week 9 (or earlier – Hee Yun, Hyun Hee)

Would you like to turn in lesson plan #1 again? Engaging Communication ActivitiesStudent learning objectives (SLOs)Classroom Management


Page 5: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

State what your students will accomplish by the end of the lesson and how you will know if they are successful

Are S.M.A.R.TSpecificMeasurableAchievable Relevant Time bound

Student Learning Objectives

Page 6: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Use active verbs

Describe the student behavior the teacher wants to see

Student Learning Objectives

Page 7: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

(demonstrate the target language)


(doing some activity that the teacher can use to evaluate the students’ language ability)

Page 8: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Template By the end of the lesson, students will

be able to ______________________ by____________________________.

Page 9: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

What is the difference between the verbs

on the left and right?

Rank Understand Answer Appreci-

ateCreate LearnList Know

AskUse Give Identify Write Tell Categorize Describe Evaluate Paraphrase Retell

Page 10: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Establish rapport

Explain activity clearly model it ask students to repeat steps verbally or with


Walk around the roomMake sure students understandMake sure students are on task

Classroom Manage-ment

Page 11: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Students use the target language to communi-cate meaningfully Jigsaw Information GapSurvey Mingle

Our topics: The Silent Way Desuggestopedia Community Language Learning

Communication Activities

Page 12: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Students divide into small groups

Each student is responsible for teaching their content to their group

Students with the same topic meet to-gether first to learn together and share ideas (teacher checks for accuracy)

Then students return to groups to teach Class is tested


Page 13: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Efficient way to learn the material

Encourages listening, engagement, and empathy

Each member of the group an essential part to play in the academic activity


Jigsaw Benefits

Page 14: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Make a group of 3-4 people

Decide who is in charge of CLL activities CLL principles (role of students & teacher) CLL implications for Korean teachers

CLL Jigsaw

Page 15: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

I know information you want to know

You know information I want to know

Share information via communicating

Information Gap

Page 16: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,


A good way to practice speaking English

Can increase motivation (especially if the content seems very authentic)

Checks students’ understanding

Info Gap Benefits

Page 17: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Topic: Silent Way, Desuggestopedia, Community Language Learning

In your same groups of 3-4

Answer each other’s questions so that everyone gets all the answers

Info Gap

Page 18: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Using the target language grammar and vocabulary, students make a questions to ask the rest of the class

Good questions tend to have 2-3 possible answers (so the student can easily record them)


Page 19: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Students use the English taught in class

Speaking, listening and writing involved (reading if you count reading your own question)

Interactive, kinesthetic

Survey Benefits

Page 20: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

On the back of your info gap paper write one question related to… The Silent Way Desuggestopedia Community Language Learning

Make a chart to record your answers

Survey Activity

Page 21: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Find someone who…

Each student usually has a different situation/problem

Students walk around and offer ad-vice, find likeminded people, etc.

Mingle Activity

Page 22: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Students have a real reason to commu-nicate

Situations can be based on students ac-tual circumstances, or made up ones students are from different countries have a fake health problem

Interactive, kinesthetic

Mingle Benefits

Page 23: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Decide which TESOL method you agree with the most and why The Silent Way Desuggestopedia Community Language Learning

Walk around and talk with classmates. If you agree, figure out if you like it for the same reasons

If you disagree, find out what the student likes about his/her favorite method.

Mingle Activity

Page 24: Week 7. 1.Give back tests 2.Discuss mini lessons/lesson plan 2 3.Student Learning Objectives 4.Classroom management 5.Engaging activities: Silent Way,

Your groups of 3-4

I will give you a Student Learning Ob-jective, you lead the lesson

Decide Greeting, warm up How to lead the activity How to check for behavior

Mini Lesson