Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard

+ My MCBS Story Valerie Allison

Transcript of Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard


My MCBS Story

Valerie Allison

+Before I started the MCBS Program, I was an admin assistant at Nintendo, the mother of a two year old, and a free-lance makeup artist.

+I had always thought I had wanted to pursue makeup artistry full time, but then I realized that the job market is very unstable for that and I would be lucky to make ends meat, let alone enough to save for my son.

+Still, I free-lanced on the side, while being a stay at home mom, and it quickly became evident to me that this was no way to make a living.

+Because of that I began blogging in my free time about cosmetics. I really love the whole industry and originally, my goal was just to get companies to send me free product to review.

+I loved watching 'beauty guru's' on YouTube doing reviews and tutorials, and was jealous that they got free product sent to them. I wanted that!

+5 years later my beauty blog, www.valerievanity.com, is very successful and I am getting free product from companies (score!); however, I wanted to turn it into a career.

+Because of that, I began to research ways to get paid for blogging (other than the obvious advertising and paid placements)

+After some digging, I felt I had too many options on where to go from here. There were loads of positions available in that market, but none that really reached out and called to me

+ Because of that, I took a step back and just went about my day to day again. I still thought about a potential career often, but the idea of just diving in without a goal seemed too scary to me.

+Until finally, I was reading a press release from a nail company and I realized, someone got paid to type that up.

+Someone got paid to create the images and draft the email, contact bloggers, send out product. I worked with these releases every day.

+I contacted these people and they were paid to talk to me and coordinate reviews and sponsored posts. I wanted that job!

+So I researched schools, suddenly inspired.

+And ever since then, I decided to pursue my passion for media by enrolling in Full Sail's MCBS program.

+Every day I am one step closes to realizing my dream of working for a prominent cosmetics company, and every day I feel surer that I made the right choice.