Week 2

Welcome to StudioAir (a journal by Samuel Ong)


Computering in Architecture

Transcript of Week 2

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Welcome to StudioAir(a journal by Samuel Ong)

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Contents- Architecture as a Discourse -Introduction -Past Year Works and Experiences -Views on Digital Architecture -Architecture as a Discourse -The Barcelona Pavillion -Orchard Central

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Dear readers,

My full name is Ong Jun Hao, Samuel, preferred name would be Samuel. I am a direct third year student who just arrived here from Singapore to pursue a degree in Bachelor of Environments (majoring in architecture) and hopefully, Masters of Architecture in order to fulfil my dream of being part of this great profession called Architect.My journey began when I decided to pursue architecture after my GCE O levels at the (only) local polytechnic in Singapore that provides architectural course, Singapore Polytechnic. During my education in polytechnic, I was given the chance to be attached to one of largest architectural firms in Singapore, DP Architects and be part of the team that was in-charge of tender documents; it was in there that I marvelled at the complexity and sophistication of this profession.

Past Year Works and ExperiencesDuring my training in polytechnic, I was equipped with the following computer skills to communicate and present my project – Bentley’s Microstation, Autodesk’s CAD, 3D Max and a little on Revit and Adobe’s Photoshop. Therefore, I am completely new to Rhino and Grasshopper; however I believe it is relatively similar and am keen and open to learn new skills/programs.

Shown on the right is a montage that briefly present my past year works- the design processes that I have been through and technical drawings that I have done during my polytechnic days.

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Views on Digital Architecture

Frankly, I have seen and heard of digital architecture (Example, works by UNStudio), however I have never done one before. I understand that digital architecture is a cutting edge technology (which I guess one types in the data and the computer generates a form) however my mind has been influenced by the propagandas by what some might called them “tradition-ist “, with reasons and statements such as “what will you do if your computer is down” and “too much reliance on computer to do your work (calculation) will ruin your mind”. However, I believe that this “movement” or “style” could have a name/therm for itself- digital architecture, there should be a reason, a solution or maybe a charisma; something great and hope this module will shed some light to me.

Architecture as a Discourse

To begin to write on archiecture as a discourse, one must first reflect upon the two key words in this statement, Architecture and Discourse. What exactly is architecture to me and how it relates to discourse?

Many often can only see the superficial part of architecture, they think that it is merely an object, a building that is being built to serve a fuctional purpose (eg, a hospital, a office tower..etc), however, I feel that architecture is more than just an object, it is a integral part of our life.

Examples of architecture being part of our lives could be seen during our daily routine, from the landmarks we use to tell our bearings to the habits we caltivated for daily chores and the topic we use to converse with our neighbours or friend, these are little details that architecture had in our life.

Therefore, when one would to contemplate on architecture, one would realise that architecture “talks”, it communicates - which brings up the point of it as a discourse.

Richard William in one of his chapters on Architecture and Visual Culture expressed that architecture should be seen more than just mere object instead it should be use as a tool to bridge the “social and professional practices”. In other words, architecture as a discourse is architecture ( as Schumacher would call) as “a system of communication” - which brings about discussion and ideas and may result in the creation of a language.

In order to have a better picture of how Architecture is being carried out as discourse, I have selected two of my favourite architectural design and how are they relate to the term discourse.

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The Barcelona PavillionThe German Pavillion at Barcelona (Barcelona Pavillion) built in 1929 design by Mies van der Rohe was created for the sole purpose of exhibition

Whats unique about this design that relates to architecture discourse is the concept behind this project and the architects intention for it.

The project was concieved

during the the 1930s after the 1924 Dawes Plan whereby Germany’s economy was starting to pick up. This project was supposed to represent the new Weimar Germany: democratic, culturally progressive, prospering, and thoroughly pacifist (Concept). When Mies van der Rohe took on the project, he wanted it to become “an ideal zone of tranquillity” for visitor to be invited into to “rest” before moving on to the next exhibition (Intention). These idea (concept) and Intention could be seen from 3 different aspect of the project.

First, the selection of the materials: glass, steel and marbles of up to four different types namely Roman travertine, green Alpine marble, ancient green were used to represent ideas of the new Weimar Germany- associating ideas with materials especially stone is a concept which many cultures practice.

Second, the use of planar walls was cleverly executed to direct the viewer from the foreground to the background, at times, these planar walls and roofs form semi-enclosures to create a dialogue between the internal space with the external space, blurring the definition of boundary and engaging the visitor to move forward.

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Lastly, the detailing that went into the design of the building provoke interest and generate topics for conversation and discussion. Each element is design to appear as individual giving the visual effect of each floating on it own.

As a whole, this project interacts with the public regardless of social and professional standing. We can see ideas being convey and activities made between the professional, Mies van der Rohe and the public (range of social practices).

Orchard CentralOrchard Central, the tallest and first vertical mall in (my lovely island) Singapore was designed by DP Architects Pte Ltd, this mall sits on a narrow strip of land at the tip of Singapore’s famous shopping district, Orchard Road.

Unlike the majority of commercial projects in Singapore, Orchard Central is one of those projects that has thought being put into the design of it.

Due to the spatial constraint, Orchard Central was design to wisely incorparate the public walkways into the architecture by designing alternative routes to get through it- which will bring you into the atrium of the building, and extending out a long escalator that reach out to the center of the main circulation space (the public walkway) inviting the public into the building.

With a porous facade design that has a range of transparency, the mall engages not only the public through offering glimpses of the internal

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space, the activities and retail machandise but also create dialogue with the busy street andthe luscious trees surrounding it through the reflection of it.

This idea of communication is also being carried out into the design of the internal space of the building. Multiple pockets of multi-volume space are generously place in various part of the complex, occasionally interlaps each other which rise to not only connection of the visual and spatial but also create ideas for activities such as mountain climbing and oppotunities for events to be carried out.

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Computing In Architecture

Since the introduction of computer to this world, man has gradually become more reliant on it. Likewise, architecture is also expriencing this change due to this advancement of technology.

From the introduction of CAD (computer-aid-design) programs to the use of 3D modelling tools (ie. 3D Max, SketchUp and Rhino), we can see how computers with its analytical brainworks help us, designers to breakdown the complex geometry and sophisicated mathematical equations to present what is in our mind - the fanciful ideas and creative forms, and capture that in its virtual world/enviroment. This not only allows easier communication of ideas but also freezes our idea for us - for further improvements.

A great example of the use of computers using the method as mentioned above is Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. Like many of Frank Gehry’s project, Guggenheim Museum was a huge mass of complex geometrical facade that Gehry pictured in his mind; which he pen it down in a form of scribbles. However, the project could not be realised until the discovery of the computer program, CATIA.This is due to the complexity of the iconic curve facade which Gehry design that bends randomly and in two directions - a design which is too complex to calculate and perceive that it could only be realised through 3D visualisation.

However, Gehry’s architecture is merely using computer to computerised his design. This brings us to the next type of use of computer, which is computer doing the design or computational architecture.

The Next Big Thing

Computer have allow us to push the boundary of design more through the use of artificial intelligent (AI) - making the computer to do the thinking together with or for us.

Instead of us coming out with the design or end product, we can create AI(s) with our objective/inspiration input into it and let the computer generate the design for us.

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An example would be the competition entry by Greg Lynn for

In this project, the inspiration was to use forces that represent the flow and movements of vehicles and pedestrians on the site to design a protective roof and lighting scheme that will be the gateway for the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York.

Greg Lynn who was famous for his use of animation - evolution of form and shaping forces, used a

computer program, particle system - which i presonally feels is a representation of AI to study the forces within the site. Particles were input with intelligents to react to the data collected from the site, which results in a series of movements that Greg in turn used to determine (shape) the design - which he joins to form the structural support for the roof and lighting schemeThis use of computational method in architecture, unlike Frank Gehry’s design whereby he himself gives a personal touch from inspiration he might have gathered from the site. Greg’s design could be interpreted as a design influenced by the site and therefore bears a character unique to the site

The Port Authority Gateway, New York

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In addition to the earlier example, here is another architecture which also uses realatively similar method as Greg’s, however in a more regional and practical way - an ideal architecture that uses computerisation and yet practical; not asthetical as oppose to Gehry’s and Greg’s.

Esplanade - Threatres on the Bay, Singapore

The Esplanade, one of the major landmarks in Singapore is a joint effort by two architectural firms - DP Architects (DPA) of Singapore and the London-based Michael Wilford & Partners (MWP). It houses two threatres in organic glass domes - which is an avant garde design to Singapore when it was first presented to the public in 1994.

However, it was until the design of the facade - it sun-shadding feature that it recieved national icon status and push the advancement of (computering in) architecture in Singapore.

The facade, angular pointy sturctures (thorns) though seemingly generic throughout the dome, contains complex calculations, tiny difference in dimension and angle. Each module of thorns were specifically design, selected and designated on to the building by the computer according to the direction of the sun in the tropics and the ultilisation of prefabrication technology (sustainability).

What is successful about this architecture was the incorperation of computers into the project, which resulting in meeting the requirement of Singapore’s building code - reagarding the issue of heat in buildings and creation of a creative visually pleasing architecture - which the locals associate with the king of fruit - the local’s favorite, durian.