Week 1- Learning to Love- Storge

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Week 1 materials for Learning to Love Bible Study

Transcript of Week 1- Learning to Love- Storge

  • - WEEK 1 -

    By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another John 13:35

    As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. John 15:9

    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

    TThis is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12

    But God commandeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

    Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans 13:10

    He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1 John 4:8

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  • - WEEK 1 -

    MOSES AND HIS MOTHERWhat characteristics of Storge love do you see in Moses mother?

    What are some of the ways we can misuse Storge love if were not careful, or if we get too comfortable?

    A DESPERATE MOTHERIn the story of a desperate mother we see the importance of sacrisacrificial love between family members. What are some of the sacrifices others have made for you?

    NAOMI AND RUTHIn this heart-warming story we see Storge love between a daughter and her mother-in-law. We see love in action as two women are willing to give up much for each other.

    What are some of the risks that Ruth took to be with Naomi?

    WhWhat are some things Ruth had to give up to follow Naomi?

    Study qutions

  • We love becauseHe first lovedus..

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    What can you do to promote world peace?

    Go home and love your family. Mother Teresa


    Storge is defined as natural affection. Its the love you see between family members, and can also be found between friends that you love as though they were your own family. Storge love is also used to describe the affection that animals have for their young and puppies have for their owners. Mama bears naturally protect, and dogs are affectionate to their pups. Other than the compound word, translated as kindly affectioned (Romans 12:10), the word itself isnt found in the Bible, but many stories illustrate this kind of love between family members. We see this throughout the Bible in stories like Noah and his wife who took their children into the ark. We see Mary and Martha who loved their brother Lazarus, we see Mordecai who adopted his niece Esther, and raised her from the time she was a child. This love should come naturally, and normally does, but circumstances can dictate otherwise. A child who is mistreated may lose respect for their parents, and in some cases relationships are severed. We must take the scripture to heart that tells us, And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 As children, regardless of what age we might be, we need to honor our parents as the scripture commands.

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    As you read through the scripture this week take note of the good and the bad. When we read about bad behavior in scripture we learn about our own selfish desires. Maybe our selfish desires arent as horrendous as others, but we all have bad behavior that can be improved upon when were willing to examine our heart and allow God to change us.

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    MONDAY Read Exodus 2:1-8 Moses and His Mother What is the main concept, or what is God telling you? How can you apply this to the way you love others? Quiet Your Heart If you have a Quieting Your Heart Prayer Journal dont forget to fill it in, as you spend quiet time in prayer.

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    TUESDAY Start Digging Refer to the section How to Use This Study Guide and start digging deeper. Have you learned anything new? Quiet Your Heart If you have a Quieting Your Heart Prayer Journal dont forget to fill it in, as you spend quiet time in prayer.

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    WEDNESDAY Read 1 Kings 3:16-28 A Desperate Mother What is the main concept, or what is God telling you? How can you apply this to the way you love others? Quiet Your Heart If you have a Quieting Your Heart Prayer Journal dont forget to fill it in, as you spend quiet time in prayer.

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    THURSDAY: Start Digging Refer to the section How to Use This Study Guide and start digging deeper. Have you learned anything new? Quiet Your Heart If you have a Quieting Your Heart Prayer Journal dont forget to fill it in, as you spend quiet time in prayer.

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    FRIDAY: Read Ruth 1:3-17 Naomi and Ruth What is the main concept, or what is God telling you? How can you apply this to the way you love others? Quiet Your Heart If you have a Quieting Your Heart Prayer Journal dont forget to fill it in, as you spend quiet time in prayer.

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    SATURDAY Start Digging Refer to the section How to Use This Study Guide and start digging deeper. Have you learned anything new? Quiet Your Heart If you have a Quieting Your Heart Prayer Journal dont forget to fill it in, as you spend quiet time in prayer.