Weebly€¦ · Web viewSeveral other items could be useful such as, a map of the local area,...

Running head: HOUSEHOLD DISASTER PLAN 1 Household Disaster Plan Karin Mogren-Kuzma Ferris State University

Transcript of Weebly€¦ · Web viewSeveral other items could be useful such as, a map of the local area,...

Page 1: Weebly€¦ · Web viewSeveral other items could be useful such as, a map of the local area, compass, portable battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries, flashlight


Household Disaster Plan

Karin Mogren-Kuzma

Ferris State University

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The purpose of this paper is for the author to assess and recognize potential hazards that could

occur in the community. The potential emergencies of natural, man- made, and chemical

disasters are indentified. To prepare for the unexpected, a household emergency response plan is

developed with exits routes, along with family meeting places, communication plans,

instructions on how to shutoff utilities, a plan for individuals with disabilities, and a plan for

pets. This paper also includes the description of a disaster supply kit, listing necessary items to

survive in case of an emergency.

Keywords: Emergency, community, disasters, natural and man-made, response plan,

survival kit

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Household Disaster Plan

The purpose of this paper is to identify different types of potential disasters that could

occur and to outline what to do in order to stay prepared by protecting ourselves, and our family.

Every year, thousands of people are affected by natural and man-made disasters. Being prepared

for the unexpected is essential to protect ourselves. In order to remain informed, an explanation

between different types of disasters is provided as well as identification of natural and man-made

disasters that could occur in our community. This paper also explores a household response plan

which includes meeting places, communication plans, a floor plan with exit routes, and

instructions on how to shut of water, electricity, and gas, a plan for individuals with disabilities

as well as a plan for household pets. Additionally, a disaster supply kit to sustain a family for

three days and a list of essential documents to bring is developed.

Types of Disasters

A disaster is defined by the Merriam Webster’s online dictionary as “a sudden calamitous

event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction” (Merriam Webster, n.d.). Disasters can be

categorized into two major components; natural or man-made.

Natural Disasters

A natural disaster has been described as the “result of ecological disruption or threat that

exceeds the adjustment capacity of the affected community” (Veenema, 2007, p. 4). There are

many different types of natural disasters that can occur. However, because of the geographical

location of Michigan, there are some that are less likely to strike in our community. Tsunamis

have a very low probability of occurring in Michigan because tsunamis are generated by major

earthquakes beneath the ocean floor or major landslides falling into the ocean (American Red

Cross, 2013). Another unlikely disaster to occur in Michigan is a volcano eruption, simply

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because of the lack of volcanoes in Michigan. However, ash clouds forming from a volcano

eruption can travel hundreds of miles by the wind, as seen by the Icelandic volcano eruption in

2010 causing an ash cloud to spread all over Europe damaging crops and land. It is also unlikely

for Michigan to see a hurricane, although it is not impossible that hurricanes affecting the south

could have some impact on the Nordic hemisphere weather.

On the contrary, there are many natural disasters that Michigan and northern Michigan in

particular, are not exempt from. Most natural disasters that are likely to occur in our community

are to some extent predictable by their associated season. These disasters include, winter storms,

tornados, power outages, thunderstorms, wildfires, heat waves, drought, floods, earthquakes,

fires, landslides and mudslides, and the flu (American Red Cross, 2013). Specific to the area of

Traverse City where we live, the Cherry Capital Airport is close by and the possibility of a plane

crash should not be excluded.

Man-made Disasters

Man-made disasters are defined as deliberate or unintentional catastrophes created by

humans. Included in this category are acts of terrorism, chemical spills, biological, bioterrorism,

radiological events, explosions, transportation accidents, armed conflicts, and acts of war

(Veenema, 2007). Chemicals are a natural part of our environment and are used every day in a

variety of settings. Under certain conditions and improper handling, chemicals can be harmful

and hazardous. Chemical disasters are often associated with unintentional spills from chemical

plants, transportation accidents or terrorist attacks (HHS, 2010). In households, chemicals are

used routinely and it is therefore important to know how to properly dispose of and handle a spill

as well as knowing what materials are combustible and reacts with other agents. Some

preventative measures for avoiding chemical accidents in households include keeping chemicals

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in their original container and never removing the label; avoid storing chemicals in food

containers, never mixing household chemicals with other products, never smoke while using

chemicals, and never use any cleaning solutions, hairspray, or pesticides by open flames. With

chemicals in the house, it is a good idea to have the numbers to poison control and medical

services programmed into all phones (Ready, 2012).

Acts of terrorism could take the shape of virtually any form. A biological terror attack is

the release of organisms such as bacteria, viruses or other agents or toxins that could kill or

incapacitate people, livestock, or crops. No community is immune against a bioterrorism attack

as agents can be spread through the air, water, or food and cause illness for hours to days (CDC,

2007). Chemical radiological and nuclear attacks are also identified as categories for terrorist

attacks. However, explosives are the most frequently used weapon by terrorists. Explosives are

highly portable, can be detonated from remote locations and use humans or vehicles as a means

of transport. Terrorist attacks can cause severe damage to buildings and infrastructure and the

number of casualties can be significant (Ready, 2012).

Response Plan

In order to best cope with a disaster, it is important to plan ahead and prepare. This can

be accomplished by developing a household response plan. There are certain components that

should be addressed in an effective emergency response plan. First, decide on a meeting place

for the family to gather. Meeting outside of our home would be the first choice for a sudden

emergency where it would be unsafe to return into the house. Another predetermined place

would be to meet outside of our neighbor’s house. If impossible or unsafe for the family to

return to the neighborhood area of our home, we will meet up at the civic center. The civic

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center is located at an easily accessible area if travelling by car or foot. It is important that all

family members know the address to the neighbor’s house as well as to the civic center.

Second, a floor plan of the house with two exits out of every room should be available

and known to all family members (Appendix A). As shown in the floor plan, most rooms have a

window in addition to the doorway as an alternative escape route. The only room lacking two

exits is the bathroom. However, the hallway will serve as an access passage from the bathroom

into bedroom number 2 or 3 where a window can serve as an exit point. Third, in case of an

emergency, all family members should know where the main shutoff for gas, electricity and

water is. In our house, the water and electricity main shut off is located in the basement. The

electricity can be turned off by flipping the master switch on the main electrical panel to off. To

shut the water off, you must close the main street, ball valve. In case this valve fails, we have a

secondary quarter-turn shut off valve. The gas meter and the gas service shutoff are located on

the East side, outside of our house. However, to turn the main gas valve off, you just turn the

main gas shut off, from within the house. Arrangements for pets should also be included as a

component of the emergency plan. Each family pet should have a collar securing identification

and vaccination tags. Ideally pets should also have an implanted microchip. If an evacuation is

necessary it is important to know where pets are allowed to come. Finding out if local animal

shelters provide foster care for animals during a disaster is a good place to start. Also, hotels and

motels should be contacted ahead of time to find out about their policies and restrictions on

number, size, and species as well as if these policies apply in emergencies. Planning for pets also

includes setting up arrangements for friends of relatives to house animals as well as keeping a list

of “pet friendly” places, boarding facilities, and veterinarians who could shelter animals in an

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emergency. When evacuating pets, a large cage, toys to reduce stress, and sturdy leashes should

be brought.

When an emergency strikes it is also important to have a plan for families that might need

special assistance. For individuals with disabilities, there are assistance programs in the

community where these individuals can register, usually with the local fire or police department

so help can quickly be provided in case of an emergency. If an individual is electricity

dependant, then registration should also be provided to the local utility company. Also, it is

necessary to teach family members and neighbors how to operate necessary equipment and how

to connect and start up a back-up power supply. In addition, labeling equipment with

instructions and keeping back- up equipment such as a manual wheelchair available at a

neighbor’s house could be helpful. For vision and hearing impaired individuals, appointing

someone to convey information from the radio or TV is necessary and should be done ahead of

time (American Red Cross, 2013).

Staying informed during a disaster is important in order to receive the latest updates and

information. A communication plan should be in place in order to be able to communicate with

family members and get information from authorities. According to the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) calling long distance after a disasters is often easier and it is

therefore important to have a friend or relative out of state to serve as a “family contact” (CDC,

2011). Our good friends Katie and Adam who lives in Houston, Texas will serve as our out of

state contact. Both of their cell phone numbers and land lines should be programmed into our

cell phones and printed on a hardcopy document. In addition to an out of state contact, all family

members should know how to use text messaging, as text messages can sometimes get around

busy telephone networks. A walkie-talkie set should also be kept by two different family

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members in case phone networks are completely incapacitated. If an evacuation is necessary, it

is important to have a list of emergency contacts and important documents available. Copies of

these documents should be carried by all family members. See Appendix B for a complete list.

Disaster Supply Kit

If a disaster was to strike in our community, the access to water, food, or electricity might

be limited. Therefore, a supply kit is essential to have in case of an emergency. The disaster kit

should be a collection of basic items that are needed for survival in the event of a disaster. The

disaster kit for our family, which consists of me and my husband, should include a three day

supply of the following items.

Food and Water

Nonperishable foods are the first choice due to their long shelf life. Light weight food

and ready-to-eat canned fruits and vegetables, condensed meat and vegetable soups are good

choices if cooking abilities are limited. Peanut butter, nuts, dried fruit, salt free crackers,

powdered milk, jelly, granola and protein bars, vitamins, dried corn, dried pasta, instants coffee,

tea and cocoa and comfort/stress foods or candy are additional foods to pack. Water is vital for

survival. CDC recommends one gallon per adult per day, which equals a total of six gallons of

water for our family (CDC, 2011).

Hygiene Items

Personal hygiene items should include toilet paper, towelettes, hand sanitizer, body wash,

feminine supplies, and plastic garbage bags for sanitation use, disinfectants, and a plastic bucket

with lid.

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Clothes and Bedding

Clothing and bedding should be included for each person. Jackets, long pants and

sleeved shirts, thermal underwear, socks, sturdy shoes, rain boots, rain poncho, hats, mittens,

scarves, gloves, sleeping bags, blankets and towels.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit should be assembled containing, gauze pads, sterile dressings, adhesive

tape, bandages, triangular tape, scissors, tweezers, hydrocortisone cream, Benadryl, Neosporin,

germicidal hand wipes, antiseptic wipes, cold pack, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

breathing barrier mask, aspirin, pain relievers, anti diarrhea medication, antacids, Ipecac,

laxatives and activated charcoal to use if advised.

Specialty and Other Items

Several other items could be useful such as, a map of the local area, compass, portable

battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries, flashlight and extra batteries, matches in

waterproof container, a whistle, kitchen accessories and cooking utensils, a can opener, duct tape,

scissors, Swiss army knife with eating utensils and canteen cup, a folding knife, plastic storage

containers and a firearm may also be advisable if available and legal. Other specialty items

include prescription medications, cash or traveler's checks, white distress flag, signal flare, paper,

pencil, a tire repair kit, booster/jumper cables, pump and flares, cell phone chargers, sunscreen

lotion, polarized sunglasses, shovel, sand, tire chains and a windshield scraper. If we were to

have pets, and additional supply of water and food would be needed for the pet as well. All of

these supplies should be checked every six months to make sure they still function, and batteries

should be replaced periodically.

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To conclude, natural disasters affect thousands of people every year and the threat of a

terrorist act is always present. Knowing the risks and how to prepare and protect ourselves for

the unexpected is the best protection we can have when a disaster strikes. Having a plan in place

for a fast evacuation, which all family members are aware of, in addition to a kit that is ready to

go, will save time and confusion. For extra precaution, it is advisable that at least one member of

each household have CPR certification as well as knowing how to handle automated external

defibrillator (AED) equipment.

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American Red Cross. (2013). http://www.redcross.org /prepare/disaster

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Emergency preparedness and response.

Retrieved from CDC.gov: http://www.emergency.cdc.gov/bioterrorism/overview.asp

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Emergency preparedness and response.

Retrieved from CDC.gov http://www.emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/plan/

Disaster. (n.d). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Retrieved from http://www.merriam-


Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2013). Plan. Retrieved from FEMA.gov:


Ready. (2012). Technological and accidental hazards. Retrieved from Ready.gov:


Tener Goodwin Veenema.(Ed.). (2007). Disaster Nursing and Emergency Preparedness for

Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism and Other Hazards (2nd ed.). New

York: Springer Publishing Co.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Chemical hazards emergency medical

management. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:


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Appendix A

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Appendix B

Important Documents to Carrie

Immunization records (copies) Insurance policy numbers and contact

Birth Certificates Professional licenses

List of Allergies Citizenship/Residence papers

Medical History by Individual List of “pet friendly” places

Transcripts (copies) Vaccination records for animals

Investment account numbers and contact info List of Phone Numbers and Addresses:

Retirement account numbers and contacts Emergency contacts

Two forms of photo ID Family members

Social Security card (copy) Local Hospitals

Recent photos of family members Poison Control Center

Bank account numbers (copies) Local authorities

Copies of credit cards