Wednesday, February 25, 2014 Edition

12 PRICE L$40 FrontPage Ü TOP STORIES pg 5 pg 8 Ü Ü Law & Order County News VOL 9 NO.37 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 CENTRAL BANK OF LIBERIA MARKET BUYING AND SELLING RATES LIBERIAN DOLLARS PER US DOLLAR These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia. Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1 BUYING SELLING L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 Legislative Beat- pg.5 p 6 p 7 Ü Ü “I met with the family and informed them that right now it should be all about seeing that this young man is back on his feet but at the end of the day, it should not be about grandstanding. “ - Col. Abraham Kromah, Deputy Police Director for Operations MOL LEADS LONG AWAITED INVESTIGATION IN BASSA PROBING LAC EXPLOSION RETURNING TO NORMALCY POLICE 102 FOOTS ACCIDENT VICTIM’S BILL IN THE ELLEN’S CORRUPTION FIGHT CLLR. MICHAEL ALLISON Households Begin Returning To Work in Liberia as Ebola Crisis Wanes; Long-term welfare remains a concern as country moves toward economic recovery A DEAD HERO SENATES ELECTS CAPE MOUNT LAWMAKER AS CHAIRMAN ON JUDICIARY ‘ACCOMMODATION FOR SHERMAN’ “I will exert myself, apply my resources and ensure that this committee will be vibrant, resourceful, delegated and committed and you will be proud of it.” Senator Varney G. Sherman (UP-Grand Cape Mount County)


Wednesday, February 25, 2014 Edition

Transcript of Wednesday, February 25, 2014 Edition

pg 8Ü Ü Law & Order County News
These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
p 6 p 7Ü Ü
“I met with the family and informed them that right now it should be all about seeing that this young
man is back on his feet but at the end of the day, it should not be about grandstanding. “ - Col. Abraham
Kromah, Deputy Police Director for Operations
Households Begin Returning To Work in Liberia as Ebola Crisis Wanes; Long-term welfare remains a
concern as country moves toward economic recovery
In what appears to be a last offensive in the fight against corruption, the government of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Ministry of Justice, Monday lined up arrest warrants against 10 individuals, who are past and current government officials for
their alleged role in a bribery saga at the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL). The indictment comes at a time when President Sirleaf is visiting the United States of America and is expected to hold meeting with United States President Barrack Obama. President Sirleaf has taken major decisions ahead of her meeting with President Obama on February 27-lifting the curfew imposed during the outbreak of the Ebola virus, announcing the reopening of the country’s borders with neighboring countries, followed by an indictment against several individuals. Over 10 defendants in the NOCAL bribery saga were nowhere to be seen Tuesday when the bailiff of criminal Court C’ roamed the city of Monrovia to serve them a writ of arrest issued by the court. Defendants Clemenceau Urey former board chair of NOCAL, former Education minister Dr. Evelyn Kandakai, Grand Kru Senator Albert Chie, and Cllr. Stephen Dunbar among others are amongst those indicated and could face arrest. The indictment states that the individuals committed the crime of Economic Sabotage, a felony of the first degree in violation of chapter 15, subchapter F, section 15.80(a) (b) (c) (e) of the new penal law of Liberia, title 26 of the Liberian code of laws. Defendant Urey, Dunbar, Kandakai, Chie all then members board of directors, NOCAL, Dr. Kromah, president/CEO, NOCAL and the other indictees knowingly, willfully, purposely and intentionally colluded to defraud the Government of Liberia of US$120,400 by engaging themselves into the solicitation, payment and or receipt of money, for the alleged purpose of ratification by the 52nd Legislature of oil contracts entered into by and between NOCAL and several companies, according to the indictment. Judicial sources told FrontPageAfrica that the defendants have gone into hiding after publications Tuesday, reported the looming indictment against the accused by the Government. A source said the writ of arrest was issued Tuesday morning and the indictment should have been attached, but it was frustrating to have seen the publication of the indictment in the newspaper, when there is a law that provides that an indictment is not to be disclosed until a defendant is arrested. One legal practitioner added that with the newspaper report may have forced the accused into hiding as many are said to be contemplating filing bonds upon the recipient of the writ from the court to avoid arrest. “The court knows they are in hiding and they are planning to come under the jurisdiction of the court and as soon their writ is served, they
will file their bonds,” a lawyer who preferred anonymity observed Tuesday. Under the law, there are five means to file a bond and the court cannot restrict a defendant on the type of bond to file before a court of competent jurisdiction. “Whether it is criminal appearance bond, insurance bond, property evaluation bond, cash they will decide, but the court can’t do for them”, a court official explained.
The source disclosed that any bond filed by the defendants cannot be denied by the court and if a court denies the bond, the defendants’ lawyers will file a writ of mandamus before the Supreme Court. ”The bond is to secure the defendants on a day to day appearance, even if they file a bond and wants to travel, they need to file an application saying that they are travelling and the court can hear it based on the merit the court can grant or deny it”, the legal source hinted. NOCAL the company overseeing the development of legislations for the emerging oil sector of Liberia has always been at the center of controversies over corruption related issues and reports of money changing hands in the awarding of oil contracts to multinational corporations. The expenditure report for a reported United States ten million dollars provided by oil giant Chevron as social contributions, remains unknown with reports that Robert Sirleaf, the son of President Sirleaf who served as Board Chairman of NOCAL singlehandedly handled the money, engaging in self-styled humanitarian initiatives. NOCAL was also embroiled in bribery allegations when officials of the company admitted during audit that they spent thousands of
dollars to bribe lawmakers to ratify oil legislations. The lead audit institution, the General Auditing Commission (GAC) of Liberia recommended in the audit that the Ministry of Justice further probe the admittance by NOCAL officials that they bribed lawmakers to ratify oil related agreements. The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) also recommended to the Ministry of Justice for prosecution of individuals connected to the bribery saga. An unsealed indictment from the Ministry of Justice is creating fear amongst the ten individuals as FrontPageAfrica has gathered that these individuals are on the run fearing arrest as they look out for legal representations before their arrest.
Lawmakers to be arrested?
One of the indictees in the NOCAL alleged bribery saga is Grand Kru Senator Albert Chie who once served as member of the NOCAL board.
If arrested Senator Chie will be the second Senator to be arrested and prosecuted for committing a crime after former Margibi County Senator Roland Kaine (2008) was prosecuted for his alleged role in an incident that left several people dead along the Farmington River in Margibi County. Legal experts argue that the arrest of lawmaker will be in violation of article 42 of the Liberian constitution. Legal pundits have given different interpretation to Article 42, with some saying a lawmaker can be arrested when he or she is not in session. But others argue that a sitting lawmaker can be arrested on non-session days. Article 42 states: “No member of the Senate or House of Representatives shall be arrested, detained, prosecuted or tried as a result of opinions expressed or votes cast in the exercise of the functions of his office.” “Members shall be privileged from arrest while attending, going to or returning from sessions of the Legislature, except for treason, felony or breach of the peace. All official acts done or performed and all statement made in the Chambers of the Legislature shall be privileged, and no Legislator shall be held accountable or punished therefore.” It can be recalled that Former Senator Roland Kaine and 13 others were accused, arrested, charged by the government and sent to court. Following long period in detention facing trial, Kaine was acquitted along with others. When contacted, one of the defendants, Urey, former NOCAL board chair only had this to say: “Look you’ll please leave me alone; please leave me alone.” All efforts made to contact the others proved futile because they could not be reached.
Defendant Urey, Dunbar, Kandakai, Chie all then members board of directors, NOCAL, Dr.
Kromah, president/CEO, NOCAL and the other indictees knowingly, willfully, purposely and
intentionally colluded to defraud the Government of Liberia of US$120,400 by engaging themselves
into the solicitation, payment and or receipt of money, for the alleged purpose of ratification by the 52nd Legislature of oil contracts entered into by and between NOCAL and several companies,
according to the indictment.
SINCE THE DEATH of Atty. Michael Allison more than a week ago, the Liberian National Police announced that it immediately commenced investigation to ascertain the circumstances that led to the incident but it seems all is now tied to an autopsy report from a Sierra Leonean Pathologist. ON THE DAY of the incident, eyewitnesses confirmed that the police was alerted about the incident when the late Allison was accordingly rescued from the water where he was allegedly found drowning. ONE EYE WITNESS account narrated that the police failed to remove the body of the deceased on the day of the incident despite arriving on the scene, resulting to mutilation of the dead body the next day. THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING the death of Allison has led to widespread speculations that something sinister took place and that he did not die under normal cause. AN INCIDENT OF such nature requires prompt investigation in order to dispel the looming fear that people fighting corruption are at risk especially when the deceased was part of an ongoing investigation into an alleged corruption saga. EVEN A FAST preliminary report is necessary while full scale investigation continues, as it will help to calm tension and restore some level of confidence in the police force. WHENEVER, THE SECURITY force such as police fails to perform its functions; it leaves the public with no options but to continue to speculate that something went wrong in Allison’s death. AT THE BACKDROP of all the rumors and speculations, the Liberian National Police, responsible for investigating such mysterious incidences including deaths is under obligation to investigate and produce a report for public consumption. IT NOW SEEMS all the questions and suspicions surrounding the death of Allison are now tied to an autopsy report which is yet to be released by a Sierra Leonean, Dr. Koroma. THE POLICE MUST perform its statutory mandate to investigate and produce a report not relying on an autopsy conducted by a foreign doctor before releasing a report. OVER THE LAST few years the police has proven incapable of conducting investigation as there are numerous instances where it has assured the public of conducting investigation into events but in the end these reports are never released to the public. IT IS A shame for a force trained with the help of the international community including the United Nations Mission in Liberia where experts were brought into the country and some police officers sent abroad for training to prove unable to perform such duty as conducting investigation. THERE ARE COUNTLESS instances where the Liberian national Police has failed to live to up expectation in conducting investigation and the Allison case must not be another one this time around. IT IS A compelling duty of the police to utilize the trainings conducted using thousands of dollars by performing it duties including conducting investigation. LIBERIA CANNOT CONTINUE to spend millions on
Joe Bartuah, Contributing Writer
EVERY FIRE STARTS WITH A SPARK The recent death, in Monrovia, of Counselor Michael Allison
is not only alarming, but also portends danger for all peace- loving Liberians, due to relevant circumstances preceding his suspicious death. Allison had been identified as a
whistleblower in an ongoing corruption investigation by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) involving Mr. Alex Tyler, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and another lawmaker, who was reportedly acting on Tyler’s behest. Evidently, Tyler is one of the increasingly powerful government officials in Liberia nowadays. As Speaker, his socio-political tentacles cut across every spectrum of the Liberian society; at the Capitol, he leads a group comprising 103 men and women who virtually do whatever they wish, including increasing their salaries, even as 99 percent of the people they represent groan in abject poverty. Moreover, since it was announced several years ago that some petroleum resources had been discovered off the coast of Liberia, the country has been bracing for the “resource curse”, which pathetically plagues the likes of petro-rich Angola, powerful Nigeria and other natural resources-rich countries. Most frequently these days when one surfs the web about Liberia, rather our lawmakers introducing some brilliant pieces of legislation that will transform the lives of their poverty-stricken constituents, it is most often about certain lawmakers, certain leading government officials bickering about this petroleum block or that petro block; obsession about wealth at the expense of national development seems to be menacingly escalating to the detriment of the stability of our nation-state. It is against this backdrop that Mr. Alex Tyler, Speaker of a struggling third world country, which still heavily relies on external aid to cope with the exigency of life would appropriate $1.2 million—yes, you got it right--$1.2 million solid American dollars to hold consultation before enacting one piece of petrol law. Even though the 2014 budget for New York City (don’t confuse that with New York State) Fire Department was $1.71 billion, I don’t think the Speaker of the City Council of New York would be foolhardy to squander $1.2 million of taxpayers’ money on bogus consultation. Liberia currently occupies an unenviable 23rd place along with North Korea on the global Failed State listing, on which countries are dismally rated based on the percentage of their violations of human rights and the rule of law; severe poverty and economic decline; performance of the security system and the rise of factionalized elites among others. On that index of global repute, our patrimony has a 95.1 aggregate points of negativity on a maximum of 120. World Bank’s data puts our gross national income (GNI) at $750 based on its 2013 report; comparatively, Guinea’s GNI is recorded at $1,160 and Sierra Leone’s is $1,690. Moreover, Liberia’s infant mortality rate currently stands at 75 per 1,000 live births and we are ranked 175th among 187 nations on the United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Report, based on its 2014 assessment, with 81.9 percent of Liberia’s 4.2 million people being labeled as “multi- dimensionally poor”, yet Speaker Tyler singularly elects to spend $1.2 million in order ambulate within a 38,000-mile parameter and hold consultations, basically with himself before enacting a petrol law, as if such law would be the panacea for all of Liberia’s endemic problems, which are actually rooted in unbridled corruption. Not only that our Most Honorable lawmakers had consultations in selected parts of the country, but they also decided to drink from the fountain of knowledge of an expatriate as well as a local expert. I don’t know how the experts came into the picture. Was there an open bidding process in order to select the lowest bid? Speaker Tyler can best answer that question. Multiple media accounts have it that Counselor Allison was one of the local experts; it seems that at Alex Tyler’s Capitol, experts’ input is not an equal opportunity process, because Cllr. Allison was paid far less than the Ghanaian “expert.” You can call that Tyler’s brand of Liberianization, if you can; instead of a Liberian expert being hired so that he/she can sub-contract a foreign expert, it is the other way around in an inverted public policy scenario. Allison was earmarked for $25,000 while Tyler’s Ghanaian expert had a lion’s share of $75,000 attached to his name. Did that include the foreign expert’s hotel bills, his travel allowance and other
emoluments? Only Speaker Tyler can best answer such questions. Poor Allison! He, too, had learned his petroleum law and he was probably a consummate patriot; he had a right, which he passionately tried to defend until his shocking, questionable death a few days ago. It is not clear whether this was a part, or final payment, but instead of preparing a $12,000 check for Allison, Speaker Tyler and his cohorts decided to write a $25,000 check, an excess of $15,000 of Liberian taxpayers’ money. For whom was the excess $15,000 intended? Only Tyler can best answer that question. Now, what I am hearing is that Alex Tyler, who was not a super-rich man before he became Speaker, decided to do for Liberia what Bill Gate, the honestly richest man in the world is yet to do for his country. The incredible tale is that Tyler pre-financed the whole process “with his own money.” However, when time came for the encashment of the check, something happened; yes, something captivating and memorable happened, which, as fate would have it, had a lasting effect on Counselor Michael Allison’s life until his shocking death. He displayed a penchant for principle; he might not have had any special connections at the Capitol to be considered as a lead expert in this opulent petrol consultation, but he insisted on taking a stance against endemic, pervasive corruption; he opted to expose some shady deeds in contemporary Liberian officialdom, thus leading to strong allegation by the LACC against Tyler. In fact, LACC recommended that the Speaker be prosecuted for corrupt practices. Unfortunately, this is Liberia, where a privileged few men and women can even be much more powerful than the nation state. In the fantasy of the privileged few, they are the state; they are the law and so, the idea of everyone—including the few super-rich and all-powerful— being under the law is unthinkable. Yes, this is Liberia, where the richest and most powerful few do as they wish with utter impunity. It is therefore not surprising that up to this hour, Mr. Alex Jenekai Tyler is still the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republic of Liberia, bubbling with enormous power, period!! Who dares question the apparent impropriety of Speaker Tyler? Who has the political, legal muscle to question the all-powerful guy—the Manja—from Bomi? So far, besides the late Counselor Allison who exposed Tyler and his cohorts, the lone voice on record has been that of Counselor James Verdier, the Executive Director of the LACC, a brilliant young man who actually means well for his country. But does Verdier have the support of the most powerful in the Liberian society? Will Speaker Tyler have his days in court? Are folks at the seemingly timid Justice Ministry prepared to prosecute the Most Worshipful Speaker of the House of Representatives? Yes, under the principles of our laws, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court law with the requisite, competent jurisdiction. In what appears to be characteristic of Liberia’s political idiosyncrasy, Tyler has not humbled himself to resign the Speakership and prove his innocence in a court of law; his extraordinarily powerful socio-economic, political tentacles remain intact as the principled lawyer who dared to expose him is found dead under questionable circumstances! This is horrific!! There is no doubt that Counselor Allison was a potential witness in the corruption allegation against the Speaker. Interestingly, Mr. Tyler remains unperturbed; he’s busy organizing a political party in support of his ambition to become the next president of Liberia in 2017, perhaps to institute a sort of Bomi dynasty at the level of presidency. As I looked at the dead photo of Cllr. Allison on the Internet and read the terrifying story about his death a few days ago, I was reminded of the Rat Trap parable, which is familiar to many Liberians. As the story goes, on one occasion, Mr. Cat was on a hunting errand in his meek and humble demeanor when he shockingly encountered a trap, ostensibly set for a rat. Cat cautiously avoided the trap, but he reasoned that the trap portended danger for everyone in town. Because he was concerned, because he cared, Mr. Cat scurried to Goat, Sheep and Cow to quickly alert them. “This trap is dangerous for us all”, Mr. Cat cautioned. However, the elite cattle were cynical and dismissive because they are not hunting animals. “What do I have to do with a rat trap?”, some of them were quoted as saying.
a police force that cannot investigate and establish the cause of death peaceful citizens. WHILE THE DR. Koroma is still conducting his autopsy, the police has a responsibility to the public to release a report into the death of Atty. Allison. IN THIS CASE, if the police is incapable of conducting an investigation in this particular one, it must come out bluntly to enable the government of Liberia looks out
for competent Liberians to investigate. WHAT GOOD IS a police force that cannot investigate when investigation is one of key functions of policing all around the world? THIS TIME AROUND, the police must step up and prove its worth with a credible investigation into the death of Atty. Allison, not waiting for report from a foreign pathologist.
Please read full commentary online.
Page 4 | Frontpage Wednesday, February 25, 2015
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The Reader's Page
GEORGE ABOU GONTOR · SENIOR GEOLOGIST AT NATIONAL OIL COMPANY OF LIBERIA Another poor political anatomy from Rodney Sieh; how will a journalist weights one's popularity over his potential electorates. In no way, except for Weah and the Vice President, that these three gentlemen can defeat a personality like Sen. Prince Johnson and Sen. Varney Sherman in any national elections. Please go back and rewrite a piece that opinion poll will buy. Top of Form
SARR ABDULAI VANDI · TOP COMMENTER · WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA There is absolutely no correlation and/or possible endorsement of the OBAMA administration of Madame President's corrupt and incompetent administration simply because of the Ebola threat and/or success. The international comity admonished and encouraged the U.S. to take the lead in combating the Ebola pandemic in Liberia. The U.S. had no interest in pumping up and salvaging the dictator and plutocrat. FrontPage Africa's assessment is disingenuous and a paid PR stunt at best. Liberia remains a corrupt, an unaccountable and in transparent nation-state, under the grand old warmonger and queen of the apocalyptic mushroom cloud. With regards to the transition and the suggested succession lineups, none of the above is up to the task. Besides, the choice shall be made by the U.S., and neither of the FrontPage Africa's presently anointed wannabees is on the U.S. preferred radar.
LAR-YOME Z. GOBAH · AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL UNIVERSITY VP Boakai should do the honorable thing by not contesting. Liberians are tired with the stench smell of Unity Party. Urey is doing great but he and Jones could be the new cash cows like Sherman in 2005. Therefore the possibility of either Weah or Brumskine becoming president is evident. However, in Liberia, anything is possible so do not rule out Kofi Woods or Augustine Ngafuan. No cussing, more dialoguing!
SAMPSON BLOH MONGER · TOP COMMENTER · HOLY FAMILY UNIVERSITY, PENNSYLVANIA Weah will do pretty well in the Senate and as President of Liberia. He is an unquestionable patriot who loves Liberia from the depth of his heart.
Brumskine is the best for the presidency .
Front Page Africa is an market media house, That ’ s only lookout for payment before selling ur CV, Urey can even sleep in the streets of Nimba and Bong until 2017 Presidency election and, With his so called international connection, Urey can never and ever win Representative Acarous Gray in any category of election in Liberia, Mills Jones is a good man but Front Page Africa should understand that ’ s Mills Jones is working for the Liberian people and he ’ s should be only grateful to the Liberian people, And wait on his best chance for Runningmate only, All this analysis from Front Page Africa just to involve Mills Jones for underward cut, But Mills Jones is aware and very careful, For Charles walker Brumskine, No issue in There to discuss, He ’ s will never cross fourth place, Liberty Party succeeds in Lofa and Bassa including... See More
Sen. Weah's main challenge is for him to convince the vote rich counties like Bong, Nimba, Margibi, Bassa and Lofa that CDc can make better leadership for liberia. CDC has not succeeded in doing that, this was clearly shown in the just ended senatorial elections which CDC succeeded in winning montserrado and grand gedeh counties; if the variable remains the same as shown in the just ended elections, then, Weah's chances in 2017 may be undermined. Lofa county featuring a candidate in 2017 may have some uphill battle; strategic post in govt now are manned by them from foreign affairs, defense, maritime, finance, etc including the VP - lofans should begin image building as a way to diffuse things and help the current VP. Urey link to the Taylor's sentiment and the NPP could pay off for him, take Bong county for example.
The Editor,
Say your prayers Liberians for we are about to resume the second half of the deadly Ebola game as the referee in the game, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf wants to impress US President Barack Obama and the world
that all is well back home in the fight against Ebola. I only wish President Obama could read the above story before meeting the Liberian leader. But I will make sure the above story reaches the Washington media powerhouses and the White House Press Corp as I will either forward, hand-deliver or send a copy to their Washington news departments via US Postal next day registered mail delivery in time before her meeting with President Obama this Friday. Meanwhile, Liberians are expected to converge on Washington on Friday to protest outside the White House against the failed leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Like I did in August last year when Vice President came to the African leaders meeting hosted by President Obama, I am in the process of securing a permit from the DC Police Department for the protest by Liberians in the U.S.A. against Sirleaf. That the Liberian President can lift the curfew and reopen the borders especially with Ebola-plague Sierra Leone and Guinea without putting in place the necessary health protocols to screen border crossers is a recipe for a return to the Ebola nightmare that killed 4,000 Liberians. Another story that I will forward to US media is the FPA story of February 20, 2015 written by Bettie Johnson, under the caption: "Ebola Threat: S. D. Cooper Hospital Closed;-30 Quarantined." This story exposes the lack of professionalism and a coordinated national healthcare system one year after Ebola first surfaced in Liberia. The breakdown in the system allows the equivalent of an Ebola infected suicide patient on a death-wish mission, Amanda Blah to have spread the disease to dozens of people including healthcare workers, not only at the S.D. Cooper Hospital, but to other communities and hospitals including Liberia's premier flagship government hospital, The John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in the heart of the capital, Monrovia. FPA: "Blah also beat the JFK (Hospital) outer triage where there was no information on her following a trace by contact tracers of the Ministry of Health. At the inner triage at JFK, her (Blah) temperature was 97.7 degree Fahrenheit and she allegedly BRIBED (workers) and got through the hospital with her high temperature, but was later denied by healthcare workers at JFK and she ESCAPED the hospital and went to the S.D. Cooper Hospital, " reporter Bettie Johnson wrote. Not only that, Blah who died from Ebola was able to dupe the borken healthcare system using three names--Catherine Katter, Louise Mawolo and Amanda Blah. This is what happens in the absence of an official national I.D. Card system in Liberia as Blah was never confined and quarantined at the first medical center she entered. The story said Blah reportedly had sex with a number men, who in turn probably had sex with other women or their wives/partners. Another FPA story that exposes the unreadiness of Liberia to fully defeat Ebola is in the February 20, 2015 edition under the headline: "Curfew Lifted, Borders Opened Ahead of Obama- Sirleaf Meeting." It said "...the President ordered the reopening of all the country's main borders....based on the advice if the National Security Council of Liberia," but then obviously without
any coordinated national health protocols put in place for the country and at the borders. "The Ministry of Health has also been REQUESTED (apparently after borders reopened) to ensure the ADOPTION and implementation of health protocols that will prevent the importation of the (Ebola) virus through any of the (border) crossing points, while members of the Joint Security assigned at the borders are mandated to work closely with the health authorities to ensure adherence to the health protocols (not yet adopted) and safety at all times." Liberia is a funny country where leaders continue to mortgage the lives of the citizens. So let me fast forward to the above story and the national health protocols that are supposed to by now be in place, especially at the Bo Waterside border crossing between Liberia and Sierra Leone. "..there were no buckets or hand washing stations at the border entry for hand washing. People walked through the gates without their temperatures tested/checked." To hear the national security officer in charge of the border put it more bluntly on the health protocols or the absence of any health protocols, and the premature opening of all borders sums up the urge for our publicity craving President Sirleaf to falsely impress US President Obama, but I know the US President is smarter than that. Border Offcer George J. Reeves said: "I am not being sophisticated by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. I am here and I don't have a thermometer. I don't have a hand washing station. I don't have anythinh of such. I will be venerable when the people are coming in and how do I regulate the people when I am not sophisticated"? FPA: "The Health Ministry was visibly absent from the opening of the border, and the Liberian Ambassador to Sierra Leone arrived at the Sierra Leonean border town of Jendema AFTER the ceremonies had been concluded." Interestingly as a sign of no cooperation from the Sierra Leone government, the FPA story continues: "The Sierra Leone side of the border remained closed pending confirmation from Sierra Leonean President Ernest Bai Koroma to reopen his side of the border." The Sierra Leone leader is staying true to his name, Ernestly speaking, his country is in no hurry-hurry mood to impress any world leader. So how much manpower does Liberia have at that key border crossing and the logistics to deal with the expected huge influx of people: Police, Immigration Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the Ministry of Health? Sorry, minus Health Ministry protocol personnel. "We are not mobile ( meaning no patrol cars) or logistics to enable us to travel beyond this area. As for Police, we don't have manpower; only two uniformed Police officers are here. We are appealing to you (journalists) to convey the message to our bosses. Liberia is not 100% Ebola free. Let us keep that at the back if our minds...." said Abraham M. Jabateh, the Bo Waterside Police Commander. President Obama, now you know the picture of the Ebola crisis still plaguing Liberia as you meet the Liberian leader. And that is my Open Letter To President Obama. Will anyone please pass on my commentary to both Presidents Barack Obama and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf?
FrontpageWednesday, February 25, 2015 Page 5
‘ACCOMMODATION FOR SHERMAN’ Senates Elects Cape Mount Lawmaker As Chairman on Judiciary
It appears all is not lost for Senator Varney G. Sherman (UP-Grand Cape Mount County)
who was elected to the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday. The newly inducted lawmaker whose initiation into the
senate was delayed due to legal bottlenecks could not contest for the much-coveted Senate Pro-Tempore position due to the Supreme Court delayed decision in the writ of prohibition filed by his opponent. During Tuesday’s session a
week after the election was held for chairman of senate statutory committees, plenary of the Senate, elected Senator Sherman on a white ballot, as chairman on the senate committee on judiciary, claims and petition. His election makes him the
only newcomer to occupy a senior leadership position and it comes in the wake of news about his interest to occupy the senate Pro-Tempore position an ambition that was stalled by court proceedings. Senator Sherman replaces Senator Joseph Nagbe (NDPL-
Sinoe County) who contested against Senator Armah Jallah (NPP-Gbapolu County) for the post of Pro-Tempore and lost by three votes against his rival. Senator Nagbe could not maintain his position as chair on the senate Judiciary committee because he resigned his position to compete in the election for Senate Pro- tempore. Sources say after the election for the pro-Tempore position which Nagbe lost the Pro- tempore position, Senator Jallah asked Nagbe to continue as judiciary chair and promised to campaign with members of his majority block to ensure that he wins, but Nagbe turned down the offer. The ruling Unity Party chairman and also a renowned Liberian in a statement to plenary told his colleagues that his election to the post would be an added advantage to that body, judging from his 35 years of experience in the legal sector. Senator Sherman promised to conduct the affairs of the committee to the satisfaction and pride of the senate. “I will exert myself, apply my resources and ensure that this committee will be vibrant, resourceful, delegated and committed and you will be proud of it,” Sherman said. The senate also elected Senator Steven Zargo (LP-Lofa County) as chairman on the House Defense and National security committee, replacing Senator Prince Johnson
Henry Karmo (0886522495) [email protected]
POLICE 102 FOOTS ACCIDENT VICTIM’S BILL “I met with the family and informed them that right now it should be all about seeing that this young man is back on his feet but at the end of the day, it should not be about grandstanding. “ - Col. Abraham Kromah, Deputy Police Director for Operations
Deputy Police Director for Operations, Col. Abraham Kromah
paid a visit to the home of Victor Johnson, the biker involved in a collision with Col. Kromah’s vehicle last week who has been undergoing treatment at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia. During the visit, Kromah hoped for a speedy recovery for the victim, Victor Johnson but cautioned Johnson and his family against grand standing the situation for political purposes. “I met with the family and informed them that right now it should be all about seeing that this young man is back on his feet but at the end of the day, it should not be about grandstanding. “ Col. Kromah told FrontPageAfrica that he took along crutches, drinking water, and $US400 to help with the hospital bill and other needs of Mr. Johnson but said his gesture was not an admission of guilt but a help from a friend to another friend. “I do not think anyone should be using this issue as a political ploy,”
said Kromah, who has repeated accused the CDC of trying to settle a score with him. “My
car is available, my driver was driving and not me. They’re making it look as if I am some
monster who hit a biker and abandoned him when all I tried to do was be there and make
sure that this brother was taken care of.” Col. Kromah had earlier told FrontPageAfrica that he did not hit the victim Victor Johnson intentionally but it was instead a biker who was escaping after spotting his vehicle which led to the incident. The victim, Johnson has been on a media blitz in the last few days, suggesting that the police official has been fabricating stories about the incident which is at the verge of making him to lose his two legs. Kromah explains that he was en route to a function, when the motorcyclist saw his assigned vehicle, (RL - 102) and began to escape. “In the process of escaping, during the abrupt sight of Deputy Director of Police for Operations, the commercial motorcyclist, in a panic mood, dropped the motorcycle unceremoniously, for fear of being arrested, which led to the passenger (Mr. Johnson) falling off the motorcycle and sustaining leg injury,” Kromah explained. Narrating his ordeal, Johnson said his sick daughter demanded to eat some cereal which prompted him to hastily contact the biker to take him
to the supermarket to enable him get the cereal and while in the process he and the biker spotted Kromah but based on his (Johnson) past interactions with Kromah, he told the biker to stop as he communicated with the police boss, introducing himself.
Condition not improving
Johnson who was discharged Tuesday, claims that his condition is not improving as he continues to feel severe pain and is unable to move apart from lying in one location. “I am lying here all the time, I can’t move, the pain is increasing, JFK said they will remove the scarf from his legs on May 15, but I am really feeling pain”, he said. He said he is appealing for assistance to seek treatment because he fears that his legs will get damaged. Johnson also lamented that his family is finding it difficult to survive based on his current condition and with schools about to reopen, he does not know how his children will attend school this academic year.
Page 6 | Frontpage Wednesday, February 25, 2015
On May 3, 2012, while celebrating World Press Freedom Day,
the Press Union of Liberia organized a debate between the University of Liberia and Stella Maris Polytechnic on the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. The Union was honored to have three distinguished personalities served as panel of judges: Cllr. Michael Allison, Ms. Dehab Ghebreab, former Public Affairs Officers (PAO) at the US Embassy near Monrovia and Chris Simpson, formerly of the BBC. I recalled how Cllr. Allison was critical with his scores. On February 13, 2015, the Liberians in and out of the
country were awakened to the mysterious death news of Cllr. Allison. The body of the British trained lawyer was found in underwear on a Monrovia beach, with cuts on the body suggesting foul play, while other accounts say he drowned. The Lawyer, son of the late Defense Minister, Gray D. Allison during the regime of Samuel Doe, came to prominence recently when he exposed what is thought to be a corruption scam involving the Speaker of the House of Representatives Alex Tyler and Montserrado District #15, Representative Adolph Lawrence. Cllr. Allison provided legal consultancy to the House on the draft oil
law for a fee of US$25,000. He reportedly received half of the amount at the start of the work, but when the final payment was being made, a check for US$25,000 was written in his name. According to the story, the job was pre financed by Speaker Tyler and he [the Speaker] was therefore demanding his money from the check written in the lawyer’s name. It was at this point that Cllr. Allison, apparently sensing corruption, alerted The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission while on his way to the bank to cash the check, accompanied by the Speaker’s man, Rep. Lawrence. The two lawmakers have since denied wrongdoing even though the Public Procurement and
Concession Commission law forbids pre financing. The counselor was truly an anti-corruption hero, a whistleblower of class. It is reported The LACC showed up at the bank and confiscated the money. The matter is said to have been under investigation before his death. There are indications that lawyer was being threatened and he had expressed fears for his life to fiends. As it turns, instead of being a champion in President Sirleaf’s so-called fight against the ‘public enemy/vampire’ called corruption, Cllr. Allison is simply another victim and perhaps the biggest casualty preyed upon by this marauding enemy. A dead hero indeed!
The Police say they are investigating the mysterious death, and the Government is urging citizens to stop speculating and wait for the autopsy report to determine the cause of death. This makes good sense, but whatever the cause of death is, this is really another victory for corruption. Certainly we are all waiting for the autopsy report, but it is safe to suggest that a key witness is dead. Besides, when a whistleblower of this competence, in a high profile corruption disclosure, falls in this suspicious manner, it is too obvious that other potential whistleblowers might go underground, remain quiet or perhaps join the practice to the detriment of the state. Worst still, Michael’s death has already sent a chill down the Spine of well-intentioned civil society and human rights activists – a rude reawakening of the dark days in our country’s history. You see, when a government fails to prosecute and punish the ‘enemy’, the people suffer; they die waiting for answers and are even murdered for raising their voices. I am told one sin leads to another and that corruption fights back. So the people are in double trouble. First, they are being confronted by theft and economic injustice, now there is supposedly targeted killing – a new frontier in the fight against waste and abuse. This is simply terrifying for a country trying to rebrand itself. The Government rightfully prides itself with setting up integrity institutions to fight corruption; but it has been struggling to prosecute perpetrators. And it seems corruption is even fighting to put down or kill the relevance of these institutions. I still remember in 2013 how the Ministries of Justice and Information denigrated the work of the General Auditing Commission (GAC) only because a journalist had used an audit report to highlight a corruption case involving a former official of government. Do I also need to remind
you of how the Ministry of Justice and the LACC have been at variance over the sufficiency and insufficiency of evidence to prosecute alleged corruption cases? Amidst the apparent fight among these integrity institutions, or more appropriately, the counter attack by corruption, President Sirleaf is obviously constrained to seek the enactment of prosecutorial powers for the LACC. But this too is only another institution that we are trying establish; well, hopefully this will be the magic bullet should the legislature give its blessings. And so as the LACC awaits the power to prosecute cases on its own, it appears resigned to giving lectures about corruption to school children and marketers and addressing press conferences to somewhat ‘name and shame’ perpetrators while the people are victimized with impunity. Yes, Cllr. Allison is dead and gone, but we will remember him for taking the corruption fight to another height; for his high sense of integrity as a lawyer. No matter how this courageous soldier for economic justice died, he leaves behind a memory, a narrative - however painful it maybe, too rich to forget. It could qualify to be recorded as a case study in any anti- corruption literature. While we await the Government’s verdict on the cause of death, I should like to extend my profound condolences to you members of bereaved family. As you mourn the death of your loved one, you can take solace in the fact that Michael was a good man, a people’s man. His singular action typifies our desire as a people to confront corruption with the laws. But maybe Michael was too honest to be in this uncertain world. You see “death befalls all men alike,” but if his was masterminded, may justice be served. In the meantime, may his soul rest with the Lord who knows all things. So sorry Michael!
Peter Quaqua, A Distant Friend
Massa F. Kanneh [email protected]/ 0886848625
The Japanese government has signed a US$86,928 grant with the
Liberian National Red Cross in support of its Grassroots Human Security Project (GGHSP), in its effort to combat the deadly Ebola virus. Speaking at the signing ceremony held at the LNRCS office on Lynch Street, the Japanese Ambassador to Liberia, Kaoru Yoshimura said, the grant is an additional support to the Liberian government through the LNRCS to continue the fight against Ebola in the country. Mr. Yoshimura said the
Japanese government has made several donations of Ebola assorted materials and also financial support to the government adding that it is his government’s way of buttressing GoL’s efforts in the fight. Said Yoshimura: “The LNRCS has been vigilant in the Ebola fight, so the Japanese government decided to sign this grant to complement government’s effort.” LNRCS Secretary General Fayiah Tamba thanked the Japanese government adding that the support to the Liberian government through the LNRCS is in the right direction. He said the support is timely because the cases are reducing and the need to continue whatever measures that are being applied. “The message will always be that the fight should continue. We should continue to be very vigilant, very active now that
Philadelphia, USA -
A campaign to raise more awareness on the plight of three West African
countries affected by the deadly Ebola virus to galvanize support has intensified in Philadelphia, United States of America involving religious and organizations leaders from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The Coalition of West African Countries Affected by Ebola established with the support of Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and the City Council of Philadelphia in October 2014 comprises community-based organizations in Pennsylvania, stakeholders and individuals of passion with an intend to see an immediate end to the suffering of West Africans from Ebola. The group made its presence felt when it appealed to the conscience of delegates at the just ended Pan -African Summit organized by the Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church in Philadelphia, the United States. Rev. Solomon M. Muin, the group Secretary General speaking at the Summit revealed the ugly past of the Ebola virus and the negative consequences on the more than 20- million people of the three countries still battling the Ebola virus disease EVD. Said Rev. Muin, “thousands of your brothers and sisters have died in West Africa from the Ebola virus and there is a dying need to intervene, don’t turn your back when the spotlight goes off as others did in the case of the Haitian disaster, these are the most crucial times to help in the recovery process”. He said though there is a cautious relief and decline in the number of cases but the World Health Organization, WHO has announced an increase in the number of new deaths and new cases in the region. According to him 9, 162 deaths from 9, 100 deaths have been reported with 303 new cases in the region. He said of the 303 new cases, Liberia has recorded 136, Sierra Leone 113 and Guinea 54 something he said needs urgent attention. The Liberian Ministers Association Secretary General who spoke on behalf of the group and the Coalition of West African Countries Affected by Ebola also reflected on the spirit of “Pan Africanism” which he said seeks to foster the idea of Ubuntu. “Ubuntu is the potential for being human, to value the
Nathan Patio Charles, [email protected] ; Contributing Writer
good of the community above self-interest, to strive to help people in the spirit of service, to show respect to others and to be honest and trustworthy. It is imbedded in the African way of life and community that “I am because you are”, and the Called of Jesus Christ to be our “brothers keepers”. For in these, Jesus Christ will reward us and say “well done my good and faithful Servant” Rev. Muin told members at the Pan-African Summit.
Post Ebola Challenges
He said the organization is thinking about post Ebola Challenges in the three Ebola hit counties as Schools are beginning to reopen with lack of protective supplies to keep children safe in schools, the stigma and conditions of Orphans left as a result of Ebola with Liberia sharing 3, 323,and Sierra Leone 4, 500 orphans. “The Economic condition of the three countries is very challenging as investors are yet to return, Health facilities are still grappling with the challenges of fully been standardized. Food shortage is still a challenge as agriculture activities were abandoned” Rev. Muin told delegates at the summit.
He said because of Ebola the three African counties Education system suffered a serious setback as universities and grade schools were closed, while at the same time family bond and the spirit of Ubuntu is conspicuously missing in society. He appealed to members of the Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church and delegates attending the Pan African summit, including
organizations and individuals to support their organization’s goals which seek to ensure an Ebola free West Africa and improved living condition of its people. “We are not going to relent, we are going to ensure that our objectives are met by urgently soliciting, packaging and shipping those basic medical, sanitary and food needs for our
brothers and sisters, children and relatives in the affected West African countries to ensure our people fully recover from Ebola”, Rev. Muin said. He identified the issue of post- traumatic stress disorder and stigma as major things affecting the full recovery of survivors and their families, something he said the Coalition will maintain collaborative engagement with local organizations in the three countries and West African residents in Pennsylvania. “In this regard the Coalition has begun the planning of psychosocial events in Pennsylvania through a Mock Mano River Union Countries Sport tournament, and a Healing and Benefit Concert in collaboration with the City Council of Philadelphia to be hosted by the Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church in April and June of 2015”, he further said.
Partners Commended
At the Pan African summit Rev. Muin also recognized and applauded the role played by the United States Government, The First Responder in the affected countries through USAID, CDC, Department of Defense, the African Union, European Union, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
through Lott Cary Mission, Medicine San Frontiers, Samaritan Purse, Cuban government, Chinese government, United Nations Agencies: UNICEF, WHO and World Bank that had their presence in the affected countries. He said the organization is not only depending on handouts but has embarked on several measures to raise fund and needed materials to send to the affected Ebola hit countries. Also speaking at the Pan African Summit, the Senior Pastor of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Alyn E. Waller assured members from various organizations of their church support to several of their initiatives. On the issue of the three hit Ebola countries Rev. Waller said his ministry is currently working through Lott Carey Mission by providing relief items for the people of West Africa during the current Ebola crisis. Said Waller, “The vision of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church is to be “A Place where people encounter God. This ministry Enon is here to help others so whatever we received here we used our ten percent of total income to help others”. He challenged delegates at the conference to be more strategic in their planning and identify a particular way they want the church to support their activities in their respective countries. This year’s focus for the Pan African Summit was “ Global Partnerships for the cause of Christ” and it brought together delegates from Kenya, South Africa, Nicaragua, and the United States, and was hosted by the Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the United States .
Monrovia -
Following the election of some of its Statutory Committees Chairpersons on February 19, 2015 leaving out the Committees on National Defense
and the Committee on Judiciary, the Senate has at long last completed the Leadership structure. The Election of Grand Cape Mount County Senator Cllr. Varney G. Sherman as Chairman on the Chairman on National Defense has now brought the Leadership of the Senate to a full completion. Immediately after their elections on white ballot, the two Senators were inducted into office as Chairpersons in their distinguish capacities by the President Pro Tempore-
Senator Armah Z. Jallah. With the full completion of the Leadership, it is now left with the President Pro Tempore in keeping with Rule 15 section 2 of the Senate Standing Rules to appoint the rest of the Standing Committees Chairpersons.
The following distinguish Senators now constitutes the full membership of the Senate Leadership:
1. Senator Armah Zolu Jallah of Gbarpolu County-- President Pro Tempore 2. Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff of Montserrado County----Chair on Executive 3. Senator H. Dan Morais of Maryland County----Chair on Foreign Relations 4. Senator Cllr. Varney G. Sherman of Cape
Mount County---------- Chair on Judiciary 5. Senator Edward B. Dargoseh of Cape Mount County-----Chair -Ways, Means, Finance and Budget 6. Senator George T. Tengbeh of Lofa County------ Chair-Rule Order & Administration 7. Senator Stephen J.H. Zargo of Lofa County------Chair on National Defense 8. Senator Dr. Peter S. Coleman ----------------Chair on Gender, Health and Social Affairs 9. Senator Thomas S. Grupee of Nimba County----Chair on Internal Affairs
Page 8 | Frontpage Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Cell#: 0886578570/0777205907
The public hereby informed that surveyor Tonieh B. Buxton has been duly authorized in keeping with the private Land Surveying Regulation MLM&E No. 1-3-27 & 87 promulgated by the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy to conduct a survey of one (1) lot of land in favor of Franklin T. Dalieh, Emily A. Dalieh and children and adjoins properties owned by Thomas T. Toe and Comfort T. Toe, Francis Torbar and T.O.Nakor Mathew and office of the Land Commissioner situated in New Georgia, Montserrado County, Liberia.
The Survey will commence on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the hour of 2:30 P.M.
Therefor, all those having properties adjoining said parcel of land and interested parties are asked to be present at the site of the survey with their Technical representative, their deeds, diagrams and any other relevant title documents to substantiate their claims.
Signed Tonieh B. Buxton Registered Land Surveyor Republic of Liberia
Cell#: 0886578570/0777205907
The public hereby informed that surveyor Tonieh B. Buxton has been duly authorized in keeping with the private Land Surveying Regulation MLM&E No. 1-3-27 & 87 promulgated by the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy to conduct a survey of one (1) lot of land in favor of Franklin T. Dalieh, and adjoins properties owned by Isabella P. Dalieh, Calvary Chapel Mission, Rosetta Jones, and office of the Land Commissioner and Prince Kamara situated in Paynesville City, Montserrado County, Liberia.
The Survey will commence on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the hour of 10:30 A.M.
Therefor, all those having properties adjoining said parcel of land and interested parties are asked to be present at the site of the survey with their Technical representative, their deeds, diagrams and any other relevant title documents to substantiate their claims.
Signed Tonieh B. Buxton Registered Land Surveyor Republic of Liberia
Households Begin Returning To Work in Liberia as Ebola Crisis Wanes; Long-term welfare remains a concern as country moves toward economic recovery
Nearly 20 percent of the Liberians who had stopped working since the Ebola crisis
have returned to work in the last month, according to the World Bank Group's most recent round of cell-phone surveys, signaling both important progress and the magnitude of the challenge ahead. This improvement, an encouraging sign of a shift toward economic normalization, was mainly driven by a large increase in wage work in urban areas. A substantial percentage of those working pre-crisis remain out of work, however; those in self-employment continue to be the hardest hit by the Ebola crisis, pointing to a lack of working capital and a lack of customers as the main barriers to their operation. As the pressing health crisis in Liberia slows, it will be important to identify and support those who are most vulnerable to a sluggish economy and the increasing number of households whose long-term welfare may be negatively impacted by coping decisions made in the name of immediate stability. Nearly 85 percent of those surveyed in December and January report having sold assets, sold or slaughtered livestock, borrowed money, sent children to live with relatives, spent savings, or delayed investments in order to manage since the start of the
Ebola crisis. "As Liberia approaches zero cases of Ebola, our focus on supporting the country's economic recovery and preparedness for future shocks will move to the forefront" said Inguna Dobraja, World Bank Group Country Manager for Liberia, "There is still much work to be done to protect the long-term welfare of the most vulnerable in Liberia." Despite an improved outlook, agriculture remains a concern. Nearly 65 percent of agricultural households surveyed in this round believed that their harvest would be smaller than it had been in the previous year, though this is down from 80 percent in December. Labor shortages and inability to work in groups due to Ebola infection fears continue to pose a problem for agricultural households; if the fear persists into the new season beginning in April, it could impact the amount of land under cultivation, as the clearing process is more labor intensive than the harvest. Food insecurity persists nationwide, with nearly three- quarters of households reporting that they were worried at some point in the previous week that they would not have enough to eat; households continue to cite a lack of money as the main constraint to purchasing enough food to feed their families. "It is encouraging to see good news related to jobs," said Kristen Himelein, World Bank
Group Poverty Economist for Liberia, "While the food insecurity and self-employment numbers are still concerning, the economic turnaround has begun. We are seeing the lowest out-of- work numbers since October." As households send their children back to school in the next month, and with the opening of international borders and lifting of the curfew, the World Bank Group and its partners in the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services and the Gallup Organization will continue to monitor the crisis and work to support the Liberian government and its people as they move into economic recovery.
The World Bank Group's Response to Ebola
The World Bank Group has mobilized about $1 billion in financing for the countries hardest hit by the Ebola crisis. This includes $518 million from IDA, the World Bank Group's fund for the poorest countries, to provide treatment and care, contain and prevent the spread of infections, help communities cope with the economic impact of the crisis, and improve public health systems; and at least $450 million from IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, to enable trade, investment and employment.
Monrovia -
The Liberia Media Center has officially commission a baseline survey to
gauge knowledge, attitude and practices on corruption in Liberia. The survey which will take place in Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Bassa and Montserrado counties will target civil society, community leaders, and different interest groups.
It will also seek the views of randomly selected people in the counties. The project, known as “Because Accountability matters: Strengthening Anti-corruption Enforcement Mechanisms through Communication in Liberia” is being funded by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA). As part of the project's overall implementation plan, the LMC recently held acquaintance
talks with Auditor General of the General Auditing Commission (GAC), Yusador Gaye and the Executive Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, Cllr. James Verdier. The heads of the two transparency institutions lauded the LMC initiative and stated their institutions readiness to collaborate in the project implementation.
FrontpageWednesday, February 25, 2015 Page 9
The long-awaited investigation into the explosion at the Liberian Agricultural
Company on January 19 has kicked off with investigators assessing wreckages at the company’s rubber factory facility in Grand Bassa County. At least 17 persons were serious injured during the blast out of which six have died while workers grew furious over the accident and went on a go-slow that lasted for almost two weeks. It took the intervention of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to ease the slowdown. The investigation is headed by the Labor Solicitor at the Ministry of Labor, Att. Joseph Kollie and also includes two representatives from the Liberian National Police, the National Fire service, Environmental Protection Agency, the Workers Union as well as a representative from the manufacturer, who travelled from Indonesia. The investigators disclosed that day one of the investigation involved visual inspection to ascertain what happened, how the factory is laid out as well as the capacity of the factory among other things. Investigators noted that the visual inspection will give a good picture of the facility which will help their inquiry. Before the investigation on Monday, Att. Kollie explained that the government has interest in the incident and remains concerned about what happened on the ground, while LNP chief investigator, Col.
Harris said the LNP is willing to seek concerns from the workers union and some of the victims of the blast. Dweh Boley, a consultant with the MOL on the investigation said: “We have to now find out what happened and at the end of the day we will find out what happened and we will tell you what happened.” Speaking briefly to FrontPage Africa, the Labor solicitor said it was too early to comment on the investigation and said he was uncertain about the duration of the investigation due to the complexity of the investigation, although sources have revealed that the investigation will last for only three days. He said day two will involve interviewing workers, victims and the management of LAC. The President of the workers Union said he was thankful that the investigation has started and asserted that the beginning of the investigation is going better than expected. He said much of the workers concern will be raised. “This is just the prelude but those technical questions will be asked and so far we are satisfied with the team of investigator but we will see tomorrow,” said Jeremiah Dahn. The long awaited LAC explosion investigation has sparked a recent controversy with a leaked memo purportedly written by the company’s Human resource and administration Manager alleging that money was dished out to Labor and Internal Affairs Ministers, Neto Zanzan Liegh and Morris Dukuly
respectively and officials of the workers Union, so that the outcome of the investigation can swing in the company’s favor. Recently, FPA quoted a release issued by the LAC management that the company that at no time did the Human Resource and Administration Manager, request for any financial support to the two ministries or any government representative or entity in any form or manner. Stated the LAC: “LAC Management also wishes to indicate that it has at no time disbursed any money to government officials, least to say the two ministries and others mentioned in connection with their roles in settling the situation involving the LAC Workers’ Union.” The Liberia Agriculture Company noted in its release that the format and style of its internal memos are far different from what is being posted on social media. But with the investigation now ongoing, many in the county
including the company’s workers, the District Youths and the University Student Association are very critical about the results. Sources have told FPA that the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) is a member of the board of investigators but the union had no representatives on the first day of the investigation. PUL President, Abdullah Kamara said the PUL has not been included on the investigation team or contacted by anyone. Mr. Kamara said he had earlier heard that the PUL was part of the investigators on the radio but since then the union has not been contacted by the relevant agencies or ministries. However, he assured that the PUL will be glad to form part of the investigation if they are included. “It’s the matter of finding out the truth, so if we are asked to be on the investigation, the PUL will be glad to be there,” Mr. Kamara said during a brief cell phone interview.
Monrovia –
The U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary for Health, Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs, Jimmy Kolker, MPA, and Deputy Chief of Staff Dawn O’Connel will visit Liberia and Guinea
AMMAN (Reuters) -
Islamic State militants have abducted at least 90 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern
Syria, a monitoring group that tracks violence in Syria said on Tuesday. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the militants carried out dawn raids on rural villages inhabited by the ancient Christian minority west of Hasaka, a city mainly held by the Kurds. Syrian Kurdish militia launched two offensives against the militants in northeast Syria on Sunday, helped by U.S.-led air strikes and Iraqi peshmerga.
Prague (AFP) -
An apparently unstable armed man burst into a restaurant in an eastern Czech town
on Tuesday, killing eight people before reportedly committing suicide, police and local officials said. Interior Minister Milan Chovanec said eight people had been killed in the rampage at the "Friendship" restaurant in the town of Uhersky Brod and that the gunman was also dead. There was no indication it was a terrorist act, although nerves are running high in Europe after the deadly attacks in Paris and Copenhagen. Chovanec said the gunman had died, without giving further information, while the local mayor Patrik Kuncar said he had committed suicide. The mayor described the gunman as a resident of the town aged in his 60s, saying he had possible mental health issues.
LAGOS, Feb 24 (Reuters) -
An American woman working as a Christian missionary in Nigeria was kidnapped
overnight, the website of the Free Methodist Church and a security source said on Tuesday. "Early this morning we received a report that Rev. Phyllis Sortor, our missionary in Nigeria, was abducted from the Hope Academy compound in Emiworo, Kogi State, Nigeria by several persons," the church said. Nigeria is one of the world's worst country's for kidnapping, a major criminal enterprise that makes millions of dollars a year. Criminal gangs have kidnapped scores of expatriates in southern and central Nigeria over the years. Central Kogi state has also had low level activity by Islamist militants linked to insurgent group Boko Haram, security sources say.
Lagos (AFP) -
Long before Boko Haram's uprising plunged the region into crisis, the area
below Lake Chad was part of a powerful Islamic empire, known for religious piety and unity spanning roughly 1,000 years. The scope of the Kanem-Bornu empire changed repeatedly from its founding in the ninth century to its downfall in the 1890s but at its height the kingdom included modern day northeast Nigeria, as well as parts of neighbouring Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Boko Haram, which has claimed to be fighting to create an Islamic state in Nigeria, has widened its insurgency through attacks in Cameroon and, more recently, Chad and Niger, where the group launched its first-ever strikes this month. Those hardest hit by the violence are ethnic Kanuris, a community represented in all four nations and which also led the Kanem-Bornu empire. Experts say that Boko Haram has at times tried to invoke the Kanem-Bornu legacy, recalling a pious pre-colonial empire that transcended European- imposed borders to justify attacks against targets it deems un-Islamic. But that strategy is almost certain to fail as the insurgents' relentless massacres and kidnappings have destroyed any credibility they may have had among the Kanuri, analysts said. Citing the fallen empire to legitimise a modern jihad "will not catch on at all", said Professor Sidiqque Mohammed, of Nigeria's Ahmadu Bello University. Boko Haram's leaders "have no sense of history", he told AFP. - A 'GREAT EMPIRE' - Kanem-Bornu was a centre of Islamic scholarship, attracting visitors from across the Sahel and Arab areas further east, according to Vincent Hiribarren, a professor at King's College, London, and author of the forthcoming book, "A History of Borno". The empire's remarkable cohesion over a millennium was partly forged through a commitment to Islam, he said.
"It is something (the Kauri) are very proud of", he said, adding that people in the region often speak of "the great empire". A source of particular pride was the empire's continued independence in the face of advances by a neighbouring caliphate founded by Usman Dan Fodio, a revered 19th- century jihadist. In carving out what was one of the largest states in West Africa, Dan Fodio conquered most of modern-day northern Nigeria and chunks of neighbouring states. His caliphate based in the city of Sokoto fell to British colonialists in 1903. But Sokoto's attempt to topple Kanem-Bornu was eventually repelled by the empire's mostly Kanuri forces. Some experts say this bitter history still strains relations between the Kanuri and the Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups that dominate the rest of northern Nigeria. But it also complicates efforts to understand the recent rhetoric used by Boko Haram. A video message from Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, believed to be Kanuri, released on February 17 included a celebratory
reference to Dan Fodio. - CONFUSED MESSAGES - Hiribarren and other academics said there is evidence of Shekau and the group's late founder Mohammed Yusuf citing Kanem-Bornu as part of their ideological rejection of the Nigerian state. The precise record is unclear with respect to public messages, including Yusuf's sermons which were widely distributed before his 2009 death and videos released by Shekau. But most agree that some Boko Haram commanders have invoked the great Kanuri Islamic legacy in trying to attract or indoctrinate new fighters. "It is a reappropriation of a glorious past," said Hiribarren. Yan St-Pierre, who heads the Modern Security Consulting Group, agreed that Boko Haram has used Kanem- Bornu to create "historical legitimacy". But, he noted, the insurgency has demonstrated an "ideological devolution" since its founding in 2002 and this use of history probably has limited impact now. The Islamist movement which
began under Yusuf, partly drawing members from those frustrated with Nigeria's woeful governance, has over the last five years morphed into a ruthless rebellion that deliberately targets defenceless civilians, including children. Any claim by Shekau or his deputies to be fighting for the reclamation of Kanem-Bornu is also undermined by Boko Haram's multiple assassination attempts against the empire's living heir, Umar Garbai El- Kanemi, known as the Shehu of Borno, who is Nigeria's number three Islamic cleric. Cross-border attacks have little
Geneva (AFP) -
Surging violence in the Central African Republic has forced tens of thousands
to flee their homes in recent weeks to escape killings, rape and pillaging by militias, the United Nations said Tuesday.
"There is just total lawlessness, and the civilian population is being caught in the middle," agency spokeswoman Karin de Gruijl told reporters in Geneva. The exodus is only the latest example of the instability and violence that has long rocked CAR. The country is still struggling to recover from the 2013 coup that ousted president Francois Bozize and which pushed it into a conflict that took on an unprecedented religious dimension, pitting the country's Christian and Muslim populations against one another. Largely Christian "anti-balaka" -- or anti-machete -- militias have been formed to avenge atrocities by the mostly Muslim Seleka rebels who were behind
the March 2013 coup. Both sides are accused by human rights monitors of serious abuses, including killings, rape and pillaging. The most recent violence has been associated with seasonal movements of livestock and clashes between herders, local farmers and the anti-balaka, de Gruijl said. Making things worse, "some herders have turned to ex- Seleka militias for protection," she said. - Missing girls - Recent military operations against ex-Seleka in the eastern mining town of Bria has also prompted deadly reprisal attacks by the guerillas on nearby villages. "Civilian populations were caught in the middle and saw
their villages, houses and belongings burned," de Gruijl said. More than 19,000 refugees have flooded across the border to DR Congo from CAR's Kouango district since December, UNHCR said. "They say that their houses are being burned and they have no other choice than to flee," de Gruijl said, pointing out that if they stay, "they risk being tortured or killed and women are being raped." Since February 15, some 2,400 refugees -- most of them children -- have meanwhile crossed into DR Congo from Mobayi in CAR's north, ahead of expected violence by ex-Seleka after the military operation in Bria, de Gruijl said.
FrontpageWednesday, February 25, 2015 Page 11
Arsene Wenger has denied rumours Jack Wilshere has suffered
another injury setback ahead of Arsenal's Champions League clash with Monaco on Wednesday night. The 23-year-old suffered a serious ankle injury in a collision with Paddy McNair as Arsenal fell to a 2-1 home defeat to Manchester United in November. BENEDITO SUSPECTS BARCELONA
Barcelona presidential candidate Agusti Benedito suspects the club's current
board have seriously contemplated selling star player Lionel Messi. The Catalans' current president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, has claimed he hopes the Argentine attacker will remain at Camp Nou for many years to come, but Benedito says the mixed messages coming from the Barca board show they cannot necessarily be believed or trusted. "They have shown in the recent past that their public quotes don't always correspond with their ideas," the 50-year-old told Goal in an exclusive interview. "Sometimes they say things and then their actions go in the opposite direction. I hope in Messi's case that their words and their actions correspond."
Barcelona's new international sporting director Ariedo Braida
After a year of suspension of the National Football League in Liberia
due to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, the Liberia Football Association (LFA) has announced that the league resumes March 15. Alphanso Armah, Secretary General of the LFA confirmed to FrontPageAfrica sports that all is now set for the resumption of the league. Armah said twelve (12) teams are expected to face each other in the first division while 16 teams will take part in the second division category. He urged club officials that are yet to complete their teams’ registration to do so immediately, warning that clubs have to meet all requirements for registration in order to qualify to participate in the league. “We have informed all club officials that in order to have a youth team, they must have in place football development program, office space, a training
LIBERIA RESUMES NATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUE MARCH 15 A. Macaulay Sombai, [email protected]
ground, a general manager, secretarial structure and a financial structure that will prove to the FA that indeed they are ready to manage a football team and I can say from the responses we have been receiving from majority of the teams, I can
say here that we are moving forward”, said Armah. The LFA official emphasized that failure on the part of any team to meet these requirements the team will be relegated because he thinks in every aspect of life there is sweet and bitter
and that LFA has to meet these requirements to avoid facing serious punishment from the world football governing body FIFA. “The LFA aim of urging club officials to meet these requirements is for the
improvement of the game and for us to be in line with FIFA standard, so it should be the obligation of every club official to work along with us”, the LFA official declared. Armah paid tribute to club officials that continue to work in line with the LFA and said he hopes that they all clubs will meet the requirement before the resumption of the league. In related news, the LFA Secretary General is wishing Liberia’s only representative in the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Champions League Barrack Young Controllers (BYC), victory in their return leg against Real De Banjul. BYC were forced to a 1-1 away by Real De Banjul almost two weeks ago and the return leg is expected to take place in Bamako, Mali this weekend. The Liberian representative needs a goalless draw to advance to the second round of the competition.
Juventus will take a narrow advantage into the second leg of their Champions League
last-16 clash with Borussia Dortmund following a 2-1 victory in Turin. This was the first meeting between the teams since the 1997 final, which Dortmund won 3-1 to snatch the trophy from then defending champions Juve, but it was the Serie A outfit who dictated play for the most part on Tuesday.
Carlos Tevez pounced on some clumsy goalkeeping from Roman Weidenfeller to give Juve a deserved lead in the 13th minute, and it was another defensive mishap that led to Dortmund's equaliser five minutes later. Marco Reus stole in to penalise a Giorgio Chiellini stumble with a composed finish, but Alvaro Morata struck two minutes from the break to earn Juve a narrow advantage heading into the return leg in
three weeks' time. The result means Juve have now gone 47 games unbeaten at home in all competitions - last tasting defeat to Dortmund's Bundesliga rivals Bayern Munich in April 2013. Ciro Immobile returned from illness to lead the Dortmund line against his former club and fired an early warning signal when a shot from distance strayed just off target. The visitors also boasted Reus and Pierre-Emerick
Aubameyang as part of a menacing attacking line-up, while Juve brought in fresh defensive legs in the shape of Patrice Evra and Stephan Lichtsteiner - promoted from the bench following Friday's 2-1 Serie A victory over Atalanta. It was the hosts who broke the deadlock after 13 minutes. Morata - added to the Juve attack along with Arturo Vidal - had the beating of his man on the left of the penalty area, and
CALL: 0775 149 376, 0775 149 161 FrontPage
SUAREZ DOUBLE LEAVES PELLEGRINI'S MEN ON THE BRINKThe former Liverpool star struck twice in a dominant
first half for the Catalan giants, who held on comfortably despite Sergio Aguero's second-half strike for the hosts
Luis Suarez shone on his return to English soil as Barcelona outclassed Manchester City at the Etihad Stadium to leave Manuel Pellegrini's Champions League hopes dangling by a thread. The former Liverpool star twice finished clinically in the first half as the Catalan giants - inspired as ever by the brilliant Lionel Messi - taught the Premier League champions a lesson on their own pitch. Sergio Aguero gave City hope of a comeback when he fired in on 69 minutes but Gael Clichy received a second yellow card for a foul on Dani Alves soon afterwards and Barcelona comfortably held on. Messi could have given City an even bigger mountain to climb when he won a penalty into the final minute of stoppage time, but Hart saved the spot-kick and the Argentine directed a diving header wide on the rebound. City will welcome the influential Yaya Toure back for the return game against his former club on March 18, but they have it all to do as they attempt to reach the last eight of the Champions League for the first time. The recalled Martin Demichelis was sent off for a professional foul on Messi at the Etihad Stadium last season, but the defender denied his Argentina team-mate with a fine tackle after Neymar had outfoxed Pablo Zabaleta and delivered a fine pass. Suarez then fired just wide of the near post as City struggled to cope with Barca's rapid passing and movement, but the Uruguay striker was not to be denied an opening goal in the 16th minute. Messi was at his brilliant best and, when Vincent Kompany could only head the mercurial forward's cross against Suarez, the former Liverpool star fired home with his left foot before the Belgium captain had time to react. Edin Dzeko headed just wide when City made a rare foray forward before Barca doubled their lead after 30 minutes and once again it was Suarez applying the finishing touch. City were unable to stop Messi as he surged forward at pace and laid the ball off for Jordi Alba, who showed great composure to bide his time before delivering a cross for the onrushing Suarez to tuck in from close range. Barca were in complete control and Dani Alves struck the crossbar with what appeared to be an attempted cross before Samir Nasri finally called Marc-Andre ter Stegen into action two minutes before the end of a one-sided first half. City looked far more dangerous in the first few minutes of the