WEDDINGS COMING OF NEW TEAR et lUaeetBed ... Evening Hearld...“ f|wVt^V- "s^ 7^, / - Atticitrairr...

f|wV t ^V-■ "s^ 7^, / - Atticitrairr Svnritta C m tt wnibAT, jAribAST t, lira ^ ,t". w. . .V ^ \ I I w- T^e tutlitr iieaciM of tbe Em u- lul iMtlMru church will open iU 1M9 irrogram with a New Tear’! party tomorrow evening: o'clock and a largrc attendance ia hoped for. Mias Pearl Johnaon and her committee will be in charge of the program, which will include aeveral novel features. Refresh- ments will be served and a social time will be held. .Oompanv K.' ' 166th Infantry, C N. O.. will drill tonight at the local armory. Assembly will be at . 7:30. There will be a school for non- eommlaaioned officers of the com- pany commencing at 0:45 p. m. All members o(. the company are ex- pected to he present tonight as a flsal inp^Uon will be made prior to tbriqepeoUon by the Battalion , inoM next Monday night and annual #bderal inspection which III take place Xonday, Jan. 16. '/ In a special session of Town Ooinrt Saturday afternoon, Deputy Judge Thomas Dannaher imposed a sentence of 30 days In Jail ohxJo- seph Haniaon of Main strebt^ charged with Intoxication. Similar- ly charged, George Astrauckas of ' M North street wss given a aps- pended SO days sentence and was placed on probation for three months. A slippery road at the Intersec- Uon of iumiidt and Middle turn- pike eaet wee blaircd Shturdey aft- ernoon tor a colheion between cars . Merated by Mr*. Mary Irwin of 476 n rk e r etraet and Jesee J. Stevens tt n ? Summit street. AccordiM to the report, tbe Irwin car elld Into the Stevhns machine when/brekea M k d to hold. Ifith the taking of yke oath by moto Juaticea ^ the Peace John T . /l,lniertck and oyce wen" added to those All juaffeea must have re- the oath'^by January SO. Of reinslning/'elected officers to be .two are Republicans. A./DTennan and Wllbrod J. and two Democrats, Lessaer and Edward J. S7 PAIRS OF SKATIS HAVE BEEN DONATED Money Abo Hm Been Given; More NMed; Help This Worthwhile Good Turn. noon today, 07 pairs of bavs been donated for The ■katlng project, and $4 In aleo bean donated. If you akataa,thst you can give to us to the kids who haven't any. leave them at The Herald’s office r The regular meeting of .Campbell OMindl. KnIgbU of Columbus. wUI be held at the K. of C. home at 8:30 this evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Manchester City club will ^ held In the club rooms, 40 Oak street, on Thursday night of this week. / Ctcur Church Professional Wom- ea'a club will meet tomorrow eve- ning at • o'clock. It will be a mualeal avening, with Miaa Viva Barton, music supervisor in Man- chester's eleipentery schools as the fUMt speaker. Memberb of Sunset Rebekeh lodge win begin tbe New Year's ectlvIUes with a supper (his evening at 6:30 In Odd Pellows ball and Installation et the new officers at 8 o'clock. The Junior choir rehearsal and the meeting of St. Mary's Girls' Friendly society will be omitted this eveedng. The Ladles' Aid society of the Ooneordia .Lutheran church will meet tomorrow evening at 7:30 for. n buatness meeting end social get- together. Mias Grace -Robertaon of Oakland ■trast end Mrs. James M. Shearer of HllUard street have left for St. Pataraburg, Florida, wharet hey will spend the remainder of the winter. There will be no session of the Masonic Temple bridge series to- night due to the New Yearla holi- day. Thla weelOi playing u-UI take ^place tomorrow night. A ne.w series gets underway tomorrow hitirt. For the drat time In 'several years, tbe police bloUer this morn- ing cogtalped no record of week-end erreats for law violations of any sort, nor did the town jail hold an occupant. A transient seeking work enjoyed the hospltAllty of the town for a night's lodging, hut that was all. OoDsIclering the larf^ amount of traffic, and the number of cele- sta pf New Yeer'a Eve. the lack ' court customers la considered un- 'uaual. - Membera of Lady Roberts Lodge. bs.i"'hters of 8t. George, are re- ndnded of tbe change of meeting night as well as the |i,acr. Meetingi henafter will be held on. the brat INiesday of the month, begtiming to- morrow night, and in the small lodge room of the Masonic Temple. New members are to be welcomed, there la considerable business to be attended to, and a large turnout' la hoped for at the meeting tomorrow nlghL A son was bom -this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. ClulOw of South Bend, Ind. Tbe baby la the Srat grandchild of Mrs. John G. Chi- Iqw of Center street. Gifts of' 57 pairs of skates have been. received for The Ift-rald's skating project, a check revealed today. In addition, cash gifts of t4 have been recelve<l. As prevu oiialy explained, the Idea In bach o r the forming- of the skating project ia to affonl to boys apd girls who do not own skates, / a chonCe to borrow some In orde/ that they ‘may enjoy the fun at Center Hnrlngs Park pond. Tbe Herald appwla to all Manchestar peopls who have old skates banging about In thi^lr at- ticks or cellars to donate them to this worthy cause. The skates nil I be put Into usable condition nith the money that la being collected, and then will oe loaned for use to Qie youngaters who do not own skates. Help us to help the kids have more fun. Leave i^katea or donations at the Herald office, the Center Springs lodge, or St the Park Department office In tbe Municipal building; M U ^ , HONOR ClIESTS OF FRIENDS, RELATIVES Drop In To Surprise Center Street Residents On Their 47th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James Munsle, 8r, of S27 Center street, were pleasant- ly surprised Saturday evening, 'Hogmanay night" to the SeotUah people, and the 47lh wedding anni- versary of the couple. Neither had been in the best of health recently and sMiit 35 members of the fam- ily and friends In town planned to surprise and cheer them up. They brought with them all the requisites for a buffet supper, a basket of beautiful red rosea and a purse of money. The presentation speech was made by Reid R. MacIntyre of Lau- rel street. In liehalf of the gather- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Munato .iVarmly thanked their relatives and friends for thair acceptable gffts and tbe pleasant surprise arranged for them.~Mr. and Mrs.' Munsle have been residents ot Manchester (or more than 40 yeara There was chorus singing of Scottish songs. Including "A Good New Year to All," *;Auld Lang Syne" and others, and a period of and. other games followed. WEDDINGS Rowe-Robbina Mr. and Ibin. Theodore Itobblna of 48 Maple atPeet announce the mar- riage of their daughter. Hiss Flor- ence Haxel Robbins, to Leo Joseph Rowe, son of Mr. and Hra. Stanley Rowe of 140 Blaaell street. The cere- mony wss performed Saturday, Dec- ember 31, 1638 In Andover, by the Rev. William B. Tuthlll of the Con- gregational church In that place. Ttie bridal attendants were Mr; and Mrs. Samuel Sebora. A reception for the Immediate familieii followed at the home of the bride's parents. On their return from an unan- nounced wisldlng trip." Mr. and Mfa. Rowe win he at home to their friends after January 7 at 48 Maple atri-et. The bride was gradiuited from Manchester Higb schdnl with the class of 1935B and hns been employ- ed by the Royal Typewriter com- pany of Hartford. The bridegroom la a printer (or Cheney Brothers. Wilson-House Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. House of 134 South Main street announce Ule marriage of their daughter, Mlsa Irene Margaret House, to William Davis Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert p. Wilson of 147 Parker street. The marriage tr«)k place January T. 1639, at Mlilerton, N. Y., and waa performetl by Rev. Leroy Danlela Of the Methodist Episcopal church In that place. Mr. and Mrs. WUaoj wUI make their home for the present with tbe bride's parenta HUNDREDS HERE WATCH COMING OF NEW TEAR Ducei COMPANY NO. 3 CALLED FOR TWO SMALL RRES Flra compaiiy No. 8 was called at 10:30 a m. today to extinguish a grass lire just east of 33 Richard road. At 11:30 a. m. tba same unit responded to an alarm for a chimney Cre at 36 Goodwin street. During DeWember, according to the report of Chief Albert Foy, 19 calls were answered, 4 of these being box alarms, and 18 still alarma. The largest and most dam- aging fire of the past month oecur- red U. a garage at 101 Clinton street when approximately 1300 worth of damage waa done. ^ Heagle-Sims Of Intiffeat locally la the marriage of Mlaa Rose Frances Blma. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Blma of Johnstown, N. Y,. formerly of Wnodbridge street, thla town, and Walter K. Heagle. According to an- nouncements received from parenta of the bride, the ceremony was |>cr- formed on November 34 last- The bride waa a student at MsBCbeater High school whe.i the family moved to Johnstown about Hve years ago. Engagement At a dinner party held yesterday at their home, Mr.'nnd Hra. Carl A, Btollenfeldt of 182 Vernon street, announced th? engagement of their daughter. Mias Barbara Lbulae Stoltenfeldt, to Captain B. Malcolm Stannard. son of Mra. Ethel L. Stonriard of Hartford, Engagement Mr. aod Mrs. Nicholas GenU'eore of 131 Gleowood streeL announce tbe engagement of their daughter, Mlsa Jennie Joanne Gentllcore, to Felix Grehimo, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G.remmo oi 811 East Middle Turnpike. HOSPITAL NOTES / Admitted Saturday; Clarence La- Chapelle, 15 Mint* Court, Frank Jones, 75 Falrfleld street, Mrs. Gladys CttKkCtt, 213 Highland street, Mrs. Jessie SwartS, 43 Ed- wards street, Mrs. Lyilla S; Bennett. Central Village, Conn. Discharged Saturday: Rudolph Klsaman, 3 Pearl street. Carl Silver 50 Durant street. Mra. Margaret Dougan, 64 Valley'street. Mra. \Ury Johnston, 62 Aahfqrd street, Hart- ford, Mra. Mary Brown. Ill Olm- stead atrect, Elast Hartford. Mlaa LUJlsn Tanner. 61 Laurel atfeet. Mrs. Jessie Swart*. 53 Edwards street, Mrs. Tboniks Spears and In- fant daughter. 34 itusaell street. BlrUis: Saturday: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarehce Brown of 22 Ridge street, a daughter to Mr. and Mra. Charles Crockett of 2 is High- land street and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stevens. Like atrect] Admitted Sunday; Mra. Ellrabelh Layton.: 404 North Main street, Mrs. Mary Barrett. 139 Birch street. Discharged Sunday: John J. Ttv- nan, 56 Porter street. Birth: Sunday at 3:26 a.m., to Mr. aod Mrs. John CardlRo ping. Admitted today: Mra, Irene Von Dock. 30 Sterling Place. Discharged today: Joseph J. Beh rend. 117 Cedar street. Mra. Anna L Brown. ^ HackmaUck street Census: Fifty-four paUents. Attended; j New Eva. H i* annual aarv- lea at ttta South AiHhodlat church i waa well ktteiKM. pariahloiMra an- Wsick Nijkl S e r r i c e i . A t,» ;il± S .7 .S r!!J JSS welcome tbe hq#/year. Many famlly^pai^tea wari held Saturday night \and ovat* 1,000 youngsters enjoyed tha skating on Center Springs pond until neariy U o'clock. / The Manchester schools wU|. re- open tomorrow after a ten-day re - cess for Christmas and New Tsars'. The Chnrches; Over 1,000 Youngsters Skate On Park Pond. nWANIS TO OBSERVE PAST niESIDENTS'DAY Weekly Meeting To Be Held Tomorrow Noon; Expect All Former Olliccn To Attend. Past President's Day will be ob- served by the Klwanis Club at its With a two-day holiday week end In prospect, celebratora were out in full force at the dozen .or more dances and parties held here oh New Year's Eve and good attendances were reported at the shveral Watch Night servlceB in Manchester- churches. Leading attractions were the Le- gion's flrat annual New Year's Eve Ball at the state armory and the an- nual dance of the Campbell Council, KnIghU of Columbus at tha Rain- bow Inn, Bolton. Tbe parties at the Hotel Sheridan, tbe Army and Navy Club, y.F.W. Home, Country Club and smaller parties held In the Oak Grill, Dante’s Restaurant, the Prin- ceaa, Cavey'a Grill and the TMCA were aucceaafully held- with good attendance with fun and good fel- lowahlp reigning until early Sunday morning. Watch Night Bervtoes llie annual Watch Night services at the Salvation Army, Zion Lu theran, South Methodist wars also well attended. Adjutant and Mra. William Trigg of East HarUord were in charge of the Salvation Army Watch Night Mrvie* Satur- day and Rev. F. H. R. Ste^hhplc, pastor of the Zion Lutheran church officiated at tbe German language service at the Cooper street church Wr aavt orunlNw tai oil typw at paiwei tiMil'ir* 4 «tairli sad tmi maltr repatr* wlthnat delay I’ulleyd — IMting NORTON EI.E<TRirAL INSTRIIMKNT <T). PtMwe MidO HUUard atrerl SPECIAL DAILY LUNCHEONS 35c And r p HOTEL SHERIDAN Hospitalization . Community Plan OonT be anpreiMred for the expeniee ol arcldml or airk- neoa. Onr Plan provide* a^ taal expenaea ant exceeding 1 3.00 per day Hbapitallzatlon in any Hospital for 33 days for say one diaahlllty. $0.06 per day (or Uraduate Nurse while not In llnepital .for a limit W 38 daya $18.00 lor Aaaeathetle aod Op- erating or Delivery Room. $8.00 per day Maternity Case lloapltallsatloa op to n tlmll of 14 daya contlnemeot after 10 montna from original date of the policy. Cost Ananolly ....................Ilti Plana available to Group*, Indlvldanla and Families. CallflOlS BENJAMIN CHENEY 178 Cast Center Street SAVE TOTO TREES Wounds Drsased Splits Bolted and'Cabled Carefully Trimmed Prices Reasonable. Conn. State License.' ’ Telephone 8597. JOHN S. WOLCOTT 117 Hollister Street, • / ATLANtlC Rayolite Range! Oil Mm. Gallon ~ £ ^ In 100 gal. lots *' fu e l on. ' 6 c gal. LT.Wood Co. PHONE 4496 aiRBRRL^mCTRIC RANGES FULLY INSULATED and up woAly noonday meeting tomorrow' at the TJI.C.A., the first seaaioB o. tho now year. It lo b o ^ to have noarty oil former preaiitoU et the club In atUadanc# ifhd the affair wUUwtiihiiarglM of R. K. Anderson, who win InstaU Herbert Hohae as preotuent fdr ias». Mr. House suc- ededa Thomas Bentley. The attendance prise will be furn- ished by Bugehe Freeman. . ----- ------ ^ ~ the'--' erarmer tem p..- to d ^ there will be no skat lag at th^<'center Springs Park pond, w ater covered the Ice, w bic| has meKed down to about an inch : thlclpfeaa, AVEBAOE DAILT CIBCCLATION fas the Sloatk et Oeseoaber, IMS 6,179 Member ef the AaStt Bareaa et CIrealatlaas VOL. LVnL, NO. 79 eO 'V MANl'HEaSTRR - A C IT Y ^ F VU.LAr.E ( HAK.M T U ^ WBATIUUt - et/U. a Weather BaNaa Barttard V Bain ek saow tonlgM owl Wod- aeedsyvalewly s lUaeetBed Adverttotag ca Page it) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY>IANUARY S, 1939 ITWEI.VE PAGES) PRICE niMEE CENTE H A L I^E L F SERVE AND ^ L T H MARKET TUESDAY SPECIALS P W HAVEN ROAD’S CASE IS SENT BACK ;ev TO DISTRICT CODRT ikERtiM^eew RADIO SERVICE . . On AU .Midtea of Seta FRANCK BARLOW 898 Main Street TH. 8401 \. ■ ./ We (,;all For an:l Deliver Tear OoctoPa Preacriptinna! ^ WELIMfN DRUG CO. Preaerlptlea Pharmaetats MS Nalnr "Itfeet Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales All Day T v ^ a y . / Hale’s goahty . Milk Bread Loavi Gold Medal Kitchen Tested Flour 24i/t-Lb.&g 81c $unsweet Prunes 2-L^ Box 15e Begalar Ooa Derby \ Corned Beef 16c 2 hr31c Beardslay’B ^ Peanut Butter Lbs. Large Family Size Caa Friend's Beans Cans 25e ■ 27e Son beam Light Meat Tuna Fish Can Hale’s Qaallty Red Bag Coffee Lb. Rend Tbe Herald Ad?s. / Large Head, F^pah For Quality and Service . . . Order VALVOLINE Range and Fuel Oils PHONE 3492 Iceberg Lettuce The Valvoline Oil Company Stockhouse Road Juicy, Sweet, California for Oranges 15c 2 Parsnips 2 14c 15c 9c 25c LI* . 9c Supreme Tribonal Orden New Detenmnation Of ll|pD iiiiiiget For Rejection Of C o n . RaSway’s Lease Washington, Jan. 3—(API—The Supreme court ordered the Federal District court in Connecticut today to make a- new determination damages to be awarded the Con- necticut Railway and Lighting Com- pany against the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railrbad Com- pany as a result of rejeettoo of a property lease. In a decision by JudUce Reed, the tribunal reverted a ruling by the District court and/by the F^eral Carcuit court at Mew York award- ing $1,434,487 (tomages. Reed SOM the tower court opinion had not propeMy taken into con- sideration damages for loss of fu- ture rent Justice JiU^ysMds dissented, ex- pressing .the opinion that the Circuit court ojhnion should be affirmed. Juatioc Brandeis did not partidpate In tbd dedslon. med aald that a claim (or de- fidendes In the property returned td tbe Connecticut Railway and ”D not properly MANAGER FI PATBOy YDS THEATER t I ARE HONEST I Philadelphia. Jan. 3—(AP)— It's sa boneet world, after all, a ■uburbah theater manager baa dedded. He advertised that ad- mission for pn evening show would be payable on tbe way out only by those who thought It Was worth the money. Leas than half a dozen failed to pay, he said. CABINET SHUT SEEN POSSIBLE INJA^ISPDTE Differences Orer PoRces h China May Lead To Reor- ganization; Public Kept In Dark On Sitnation. Soap Stops Mystery Bull LUbUfig company berore thla eouit.” laVeivM Act UteipietaMau ’The UUgptloa Involved la inter- pretation of a section of the 1086 Railroad Reorganisation Act pro- vUUag for reimbursement accord- ing to the "actual damage or In- jury" sustained by rejection of HEALTH MARKET / Pork Chops SCRANtON'S Delicious Home ^ Cooked Foods Catering To Weddings, Banquets and Parties . For Reservations Call 5855 Shoulder SPECIAL Im tspspring M ATTRESS > 1 2 * 9 5 KEMP'S Ldmb Chops Lb . 18c-25c Lb . 29c Lb . 31c Rib Corned Beef Lean Corned Beef Lb. l2 ic Lb. 27c RADIO^ SERVICE Cunningham Tubsgx Phone 4457 W nia Ea K reh S3 Delmont Street Range and Fnel Oil 24 HOUR SERVICE Telephone 3873 '. TEXACO CRYSTALITB RANGE OIL MORlARtr BROS. 301-315 Center St., Cor. Broad S t. Hamburg or Sausage MfBt the / After a petition for reorganlxa- Uoo had been approved on OcL 2S, lt$ 6. tbe New Haven formally notl- fted tha Federal Dlatiict court for Oodneettcut a» Oa& IS. US6, that tt rejected a,S|#-ywuUee 8 e«e<.ateeet lallxray peopmaa t»nm CMaectleat Raltwag. Oboneetteut Railway {Bad A|mi Ml iSM, a elatan for unpaid S t aud for damagaa oa aooount oC NtfeeUan. R eubned It waa ea- ttUad to S8S.1MJXW. Tbe beating on tbe Malm baana la tbe D la t^ eoort oa June SO, IM7. A daeMoa by tbe DIatrlet eowrt xima aubMaatially approved by tbe elreait eouit. Tba latter awarded S1,4S4,457 for tba period between ra- Jaettea ot tba leaae and tbe hearing oa tba claim. It awarded ootblng for tbe pertoda between fUtaig of tbe reorgaaisatlan petltloa and rapec- tlOB ef tbe Ifaaa and Jietwaea tbe t< DIES PROBERS PLACE BLAME ON LA M UNIT Claim Federal Department Laxity In Enforcing De portation Laws Responsi- ble For SobTersiTe Acts. Wnahlngton, Jan. 8—(AP) — The Dies Committee placed reapoaslbU- Ity on the Labor Department today for -a large part” of aubveralve espionage, acUviUee and propa- ganda In tbe United States Reporting to the House on a five- montbi inquiry of imAmerican ac- tivltlea, tbe Committee accuaed tbe Department et tnOure to anforee the deportattoo laws. ’"Ibe Inxlty with which tba De- partment of Labor deals with alien agltoton would be unbelievable if we did not have before us tbe meet convincing proof," tbe votuminoua reportaaid. -Due. to Umltad time and funds, we were m shk to go lata tSfo queo- ttai M runF 06 It deeetvee, bet liem Che facts which we did obtain, wo are poovlaeod that n large part of tbe capiooato and nnAmerleaa ae- UVitieo and.propaganda carried en la thU country can bo dlreetly trac- ed to the taiiure. of the Labor De partment to enforce the deporutloa iawe of the land.” committee WM oempoeed of itattveo Dleo (D-Th ), aa Moalar (DrOblo), Starnes (D-Ala). Dempsey (D-NM). Healey (D-Maaa). Thomas (R>NJ) and Mason (R-ni), aU of whom signed the report, Tbe oomintttee expressed n belief (iWptbioed tlla.) ASSERTS RELIEF DIVERTED FOR POLITICS Conn * cokii v. a »om PUNItaiNOMlOf wikujuapw ' oTl Week of Jan. 1 . 1930r Tuesday 9 a m.—Dental CIbila 10 a. m.—Tonsil and adenoid C ^ c Wedneeday, 3 p. ___ Well baby conference at the "Y". Frdlya, 3 p. m.—Well baby con- ference. ^ All clinics unleM otherwiaa noted are held at the Health Center, Haynes atreet. Unusual Advantages . . . nro providod by 'the modom Quiah fn- n«ml homo. Tho use of thin flUiag aod coa- veaient- MtUng for triteto In oxteadod to •U wouerro.' ^ a Evetythiag aoiog op? kaad this. For two Of three yeaa cost of Anthracite has tteadily tone DOWN. (In this period oa has gone up.> This direct Anthrafite saving n in additioo to tbe heat- ing economies that Anthracite ' ahvajrt shows. Now, new AntWi- cite equipment h oo (he market IhM m*s cxca mace beat out of ku rud, malting aavinp much gianacr. Every modem beatiig couvcnitucc,-too. Yon save every wny, with Anthmcite, nod f tt aafo dean. depeodaUe beat inao the heigaia Let nt send yen a Btora aha knows B o unad.enly frarii. potent cheeked for n e o m ^ , ^ J d r t tba lUnrtl Drug .. ^ njugfotered phem adat who ingradlenta. Bvaiy pceaeripthm MOogbia. With Cash Sales In :^oth These Stores All Day Tuesday.. NORMAN HAS NEW JEW ISH mOPOSAL . t H AA GermiBs T f Sept- nln Export T nie From (tieitiM Of RofBfoei. lamdpn, Jan. S—<AP)—Uoatagn Wbnnan, gdtem or <1 the Bank et bglnnd. wtn go to Berlin witMe Mst three dayo wltb new pro- for getting Jefva eat of It woa underetoed bo umild ask bla fttand. Dr. Hjolamr Bcbnckt. praMdiwt of tbe Reiebabnnk. to dl- verm Oeminny'e campaign for la- emoaed aepott trade from tbe rafUgoo quiOilon -v M ormid aeureee aald bd would try to eonvtnm Oannua ofB- dala tbiw *ouM a out of the country gt leuat SO per oMit of. their moperty. Norman will not commit tbe In- ter-Oovemmenial Refugee Coamlt- foo to any ackema. A driegatlan rrpruintliig tbe Conunlttae win go to Berlin mta thla weak or eai^ nakt w aA 'for negbUattona. tn Bmk Ham Ubami Tn A mnkminan ft ooM. Ifewavm. Mowmn would tiy to got mom Bbartl ftanncfol forma S m aarigntlng Jew* befom tba dalagn- Uon orriveo. It woa aim baliovod Normal would try to kon Omt ^tahi gottfog prte cutting wwffo wojM^ Senate Campaip ExpeMB- tnres ComnAtee Mikei Chu|e h Repert; Ne Of Heplte Wariilngtoa. Jam S—(AF)^Tbe Senate Campaign RxpeeJIhum OOmmtttm duirgad today thnt reUaf N n * in aeveral atotaa bad bqan dl- vertad f ^ pofiUcal purpmaa. It mada no apadfic critlcMm of ■ aiiy Ropkina, • formar WPA od- mbdatmtor who racantly wm ad raeratary of commorea. but tt eaSa4 for tagialatton to -amka Im- furthar ed(«wm of Udi lOBff tfiqM ivM falio tha in s amatarlal contoata. tba ffommlttm odtarad Id ong] fo r *«**~«-g u p ~*~rttTrnr I t an tha mmhdatm paraoaaUy, bow^ r, of a wide variety ot m. " . he Oammtttoe report oTmom I 400 Mfoted pagm i __ igm of poittical aettvtty dgakmt WPA bnd not hem bntttndM ...?be (wmmltUe boBovm tknt 2 ’3 :7 S K f r ? ’!r£ K S Tokyo. Jan. S.—(AP) —Beneetb the outward calm of New Tear week 'there are Increasing indications of a dispute between ao-called Faodat and liberal elements over policies tat China—a dispute of such aerioua oro-K)rtlons that it may force a cab- inet reorganisation. It was considered algnlfleant that Baron KUchIro Htranuma, national- ist leader, returned to Tcjcyo today from Kanazawa, three days before he waa to end a eeaside holiday. Informed eources believed he would form a government If Pre- m'er Prince Konoye resigned. The ritiiatlon developed almost entirely without the knowledge of the pub- lic. Newspapera did not publish through tbe holidays, and govern- ment office* were cloeed. InmmemMe Omfereaeee. ■ There were, however, Innumer- able conferences between ministers. The clash pivoted' upon what ”long-tann construction” policies should be promiiI<-ated inside Japan ■and how rigidly they should be en- forced. It entailed full enactment of the national mobilization act and con- trol of the China affalm board. The government long haa ruoog- nlzcd that the most critical period of the China war would come after Dositlonal warfare ended and the nation undertook the enormoua task of conaoUdatlon on tbe continenL (Obeervers In Shanghai took the aopointment of Lieut Gen. Otoso Tamada to aueceed Gen. Shiinroku Hata as commander of the Central China armies to indicate this period mtelit now begin.) The most tirgent needs now are monev and raw materials, hence reatrictlona upon tbe national Hfo are expected to become eveti more stringent Tbe China Affairs Board, '1 aeribad m tba -seeond .FonlgByi fleai- and designed to atiHeter Japan's control over . oon^ueiod Oiina araoa. aboady is efedllcd with baring brought tba roslgna- tlon of Gen. Kasuatalgo UgaU. for- mar forelga mlnlsfor- (Ugakl, a Uberal, t^ipoeed the Army on tbe gmeral linea bt m policies.) The natlohal mofalliatlon law has been only partially enactad. (R proridm for sweeping eontrol of Industrial and prisrate Ufa In emar^ gOBOy.i * Bask Ta Abakah FaHtaa It' was mported raoctlonariea wato saeUng to abolish or fuse pol- itical parties before Parliament convenes Jan. SO and parbapa to dizaotva that body. Tba fact that tba Diat must approve tbe ISSS war budget likely would block this. BMoept for the future of China poUcies, the clash does not reflect tnteriiatloaal iaaues. Baron Hlramima ’ beaded tba Btraagly, nnUonAliat Kokuhemaha party.^4iaiirifi0aoct - Tbe progW)jl|' drafted whan the party was lomed raad that * support tha Anny but our^alm Is e ^ for tbo: tnuiqiaiUy et tMFor We advocate Nlpgonlwn. which Jncludes an tba advantagas ot ngrioaxliinn, Faadam and Com- CONGRESS, REPUBLICA: ITH MOl MEMBERS, GINS SESSION TODAY (UHfWW VITHDAUDe TDNmVISITl f ^ i e r Warns France Ready To Fifht Apalnst Italy To Keep Ti Ryins Over Prqtectorale ced As Giving; | Best Performance In tbe oame HomarvUle, Maaa., nafghborbood urbara mystariouf bul- lets recently killcU an 18-mcntba-old baby, a bullet ImbetUad Itaelt la a bar ot soap In a package carried by Paul Finn, shown holding the soap. He laid ba felt a blow against tbe package but beafd nothing. He and nls wife, who is shown with aim, found tbe bulIeL MAJOR PARTIES MEET ON ORG^IZING S^ATE khO B t MONUMBNTAl, TASK Bbiwghal. Jon. t —(APh-LfouL Ok Peg* Mto.) nniNSffKDDRIVE BTREBEISSEEN Hife Fercei OlG«eFrirtFerPet- flUe Ptah 9 i Bircehn. S o d ^ Senators, Who Hold Bahnce Of Power, FaO To - h , Appeuuce At Coherence ^At Hartford. Hartforil- Jon S,—(A P)—Repub- Ucana, avowing a firm stand la favor of joint laglalative eommitteea, met xritb Dsmoerafo today in an effort to bring about apeel^, amlcabla or- ganisation of the Bapato. "Wa are tha majority party”, aald ffanator Anthony J, Rieta of BrtstoL riialrinan of a Rapuhliean eomndt- taa named xritb a rimllar Demo- erati’e group to affect on agreeme’ L As such tbe RepubUeaaa felt tbemeelvaa entitled to organise the upper bousa, Rleb indicated. Representatives of tba Dsmo- eratic party, who arrived late at tba conference ifeene, have con- tended that lagis'atlve committees be separata both In tbe Benate and the Hougp. of RepresantatIvea. Baicla'Iats Fall To Appear * Txro BociaUat Senators. Audubon J. Seeor and. John D att. who bo'd tba balance of power hi the Seoato. failed to appear os tha gathering oonvened about S5 foinvtas latev tbS-i aehaduled. Tba RepubUeona mpraaeid them- aelvea as wiDlng to gtvo ”adaquato repreaentatloa” to tbe Demoerata oa tbe Senate eommitteea. lUch. at xrtwea Inritatloa tba Demoemtle eonfareoa jotaad ta to- day’s coftfarenes aftor a eollapaa ef naroUationa last Saturday, fold bla poitF would damand that joint aoin- mittoea ba aet up constating of tbrsa Senators and If Pnuss owmbara Ha said ftirtber that Rspubllean aanators w ets vrtlllng to gtva tba Domoerats In tbs uppar boitsa plaea on oach of tboss coiniwltTaaa but added sxriftly that U s ^ ”net autborimd^ to offar tba eratle fiactiea v tf pnnraaalof Sonata' potronaga taelodfog darinblp, elarkahip. BRITISH MOVE TO AD) CONSUL HEU)|rSP1 Foroigi Ofice Tcfli To DoMiiti GoyinfAid Tt Bert PossMe tba Ta I b a ItopubUCM ewHiialttaa bora were wQUal to Baton to proposal advaneod by tlM ermta, Rkk Indleatad. but ftaal a tlon would have to ba takaa by party cancua kic hiding aO Sky (At S ----- StBRior Be Norwteh, chairman of tba Daaooera- Tunla, Tuniata, Jaff. 8—(AP) Revived Italian demailda for larger xbare in tha rule of ^ n la oolnoUed today -xirUh French/Premier.Dalo- dler's triumphal oxAxy Uto this city and bla xvamlng /that France xros ready to fight tt/neeaoaary to keep the tricolor Sylfig over bar Tunlalaa protectorato. At tba m oB ^t Daladlar xras tng weloome^to Tunis xritb martial jmmp, local Italian Fakclat laadara ciroulated a/noUca demanding oqual rights for /Italian natlona midar Tunis rule. Tbe notice came obortly aftor Daladter/ told Bay MB Ahmad, Tunlsia'a ruler, that on tbe FrMMh empire’s military might would he uoed to maintain tba present otatua of tb* country. Faembla Fascist notloa daeiarad cos of txvo/aolutlona xvaa poasibla for Ital- clalms in Tuoiala now Shat Uni’s govenUnant has do- tba ISSS FiSMO-Itallag so- ■ttbsr tha liSS eonvaatlar gfoCBB iawtt M ■■ .1 - To Tadde SdkjedB Of H f tioml D ^em , R drf A il Scores Of Other M ii^ Litien Pirohkm A fs^ ; hg NatiMV New lenhert Swtri l|r WaNdngtok. . Jha. 9.—(AID. Ormgraaa. tta BapuhHa o k * : sfomhiiaklp baarijy I eant Olaetiaaa, ItBU aflOettng tho i AaridthoholMMri usuallF warka tho _ tU s to tho Brat oaotoen of a o 1 gavoto bantfod down at i a both Baaoto sad Hm oMUbtn to thsir stats. Vies Praoldant CtoriMri Uaad ordtr hi tha galtortaa SOad a boN hi OM aaaalek bagaa. Tho I aototor HOuaa took oWMt aMs offor Sooth Trtiobto, ealtod fop tba fo—kwro to hai for tho ffayar. Affor a taw Rausa tta MargaixS tharoattar. I righto to Tuatota < V t I London, Jan t —(AP)-^Tba Brit lob Foraiga Offloa movM today to dafoad BraM Ooldfog, /Brtttoh pro- oonoul at Saa SebastUp, Spain, and Mra Ooidlag ogaliM .asptoaage ebatgaa on xrbleb Spaatob laourgaat autborittos orraotad ih o coupte. Receiring oonarnfotloa that tba pro-oooaul oad bto xrlfa xrer* bald by lasurgont Oenarallaalmo Fran- eisoo Fraaeo ta a ramUMOton of tba dirty oUrt” spy caaa tba Forriga efftoo footraetod tba Brtt'ab ogaat to okoM Ik tha I mp- ootfos said. ”xrithout ptocadfoig rio- I by Fraaoa” or If tha two aoi.^ fooa fail to roach oa imdai'Staa " fiff HSkJStHHt of MpItttiKl oxtratorrttorial righto) m art ”au- tomatieally ba raastabltobad to t of Italtaaa” , P th ar of tbsoo aatattokoi obaarvara faarad, might ba aa antorlag xvadjn M ItaUaa eeo- trot of Ttmtola—as Naal Oankaay first ookad autoiiomy fOr fiodatan Oennaas in Ckachoafoyakto than took their entire territory to the Reich. Now Tork, Jan. fi^(A F)— "pm Now Tork FUai Crittao hkjWfMfir'^ ”Tbo a ta d ri”, aftovU ymdtaa of J. Qrokla’a ba$t arih* ktysl. os I bast nwttoa.9letim of ISM. Klaw Vide*' aid - S e S S i 'Sm erittoo ■aw ii Jawaa Cksaagr ■Bd M argarst BwtlkriHi ak tha aesar bad aetroaa wkk gava tha bast pat” ftmaaaooa duriag tho yaar f.'hgaaar as Itoolqr ■u0iva)i to ^Aafato id th OirtF Faooa” sad Mlaa t^ a v a a bar roto aa Pat Mofitoon la CoauadoB.” Alfred Httoheoak. pudgy gounast, woa Uw erittoo’ aa tba hoot dtooettoa of tho jroar far h it xvetk to "Tba Lady Vahjkd Bagttok-prodaead apv tbriltor; ”araftd niaataa,” ftaarb bto of tho Republtoaa IvoKtirtInag awn •dlH- alga longOago Tba pfemtor ef Fraaea amds a triumhW aatry lato Tuato at noon, eooorted by natlvs eavatry. Crowda aatotbad through pottos Unaa to an Pogi Blgat.i FLASHES! (Lots oa Iko AT Wlia) Butgea to daiaawd tba right to see Oolfiag aad to oMato tha bast poa- alH t legal aid tor Urn. Opidhig'. It a Wotohman aad bto wlfa, fonnariy Spaatob, to aow a Brtttok sttbjaet Qoldtog has brid bto praamt kematwry p^ttoa Ma yoara' Anaoyad by offletol rtporto that Ooidlag oad M xrtfo hod bam ar- BBITNION IN MABCH S— (A T l- af of wa d to tba TaawrgMita..tbe FOr- olgn Oinea dbeeted c B. Jerram, oetlag Brtttoh agmit ta Burgoo, to ' the right to iee Oeldtng Im- rhem be gave op Wa tkaaae are aa tha r r aaak Bfvtora, at tka daanrgant mlUtary-aiitlierittaa la Burgas aaU toot night OoMtag and bto xrifo bad bath arrasted In Saa Sabosttoa aad xratababwtovaatlgat- now Iji OPso at - BOrOOTT BALTB WOKK Jamatoo. Jaa. a —Work ea. -(AF) oa Fagp fxee.) m lae TBHASIjOT BALANCH S aitl . im ’aridagteo, Jaa. S—(A P ).— The Uoa to tha-Traaaiiry Dacambar Reeateto UJKMUM-, ns mjUXMBMI: net toeludiag S llM - S71A7A4S xvorklag balaaee; m ioteau n e iy a for tba month SMAlS.* I of the Scientists Assail Program. For Bomb-Proof Shelters tea (At tha A—(AP>- Leadoa, Jaa. 8.—(AP)—The Batt-tx dl gnvaramiwt plaa to apfod aaoi ban SI OkJ)0S,000 oa bock yai ”mall erdari* boM acoof akattoi as aamlliil today by a growp of ■tonttoto aa a "xraata ef Smo oa MABUTB AT A GLANCH. New Teak, Jaa. A ' (AP)— (tow a-Mgb m etvfl a raolly sNaetlva ~ baafo preof eattan. ' xriOi avacaatton. eoa vwitbi vatt I I Cam oa M as Itom) SOCIAL LAWS OCCUPY AHENTION OF DOWNES DEMOdtAT Slirvijr Shewi State tort AAti Ti End Ut ber, SecU Searilf» Wtfe-Hiir Adt. Chlcase, Jaa. A—(AP) hartal toglatotlnn glvaa on (mpataa by New DtsI eoeuptod top pooltloa ea U m crtliodKn of nwit of tlM'SS rtUitrt togiristuraa enavenlag this aaaatb. s majority eif xvtalek ota uadar Re- pubttean eontrel ^ tbe first ttam la saxeral years. A nattonal survey abexvad today moot atato toxnoaktog gfoupa xvaaid ba asked to eaact Jabor, secttrity, old-age panafona, and xvage-bour togtototton. PtoeaL raltof, civil aarvtes, reform and sale* tan probtoam xrara other maior tosuta. Wags aad hour bills xriU ba qtoa- "orad In 10 atataa- -California. Neva- da, Utah. New Hatapablra. Ver- mooL North OaroUna, Maryland, Maasaebusetta, New Jeraey Wjromlfig. > Te Batoaea Badgsla Budget balanchig xriU ba a major oeaia at kiltlal aaoaloaa la Utah, fieuth carotttta. Oomiactleat, SUeki- a, Colorado, flortda and Ohio, wanrtol axpaita have prsdieted that South OaroUna’a deficit at d‘ef Its floeal yoar xroold ba 8A- OOCjQOO to S4A00A0a. Colorado’s 8A- OOOiOOO and Oklo’a SMAOOAOO te SITAOO.OOO. In IS statoe, oU-age pmalniia er mMef finaartng xrill ba prtacM tooaas. Iowa, minoto ard Meniro wfll eenakWr laereaaed pay- sBta to paaainnira. Oattato tajittract aaUcitol attaa- ttoa xrill ba tha Maaaartiuaetta togto latwN'B aetton on attompta ta ra- paaf tba otote’s coatrevaTalal ' ScMtii Ln A ot Tdb tin Tt Bi Bf Plurtf h Nerxvteh. r, today oi larnwaid by I p a b ^ e f .too Hartford. Jaa Mtoad aa *a io| the Bbwral the party” Dowam of Sanate laadar, lotton to ba Tha totof ha aald, dai tton ef tha Ud ago avaial nawdtol Itabor* He stated that fattto wa diaftod. aftor sax ctooa atady, wUck pr parson other wtoa a exlatlBg toxvs to laeah atotanca attoll bo rend by virtue of tbe aad pareeaal proparty, aurrandar tho aid vahw ef fifo SLfiOfi, - Tha cariy tola UD of the Damoeratto tha party lai paiipartato TO -Aapther MB xrill bo tacrami too axvotd troto ST to SA' ttaftt ItaCPMMg I ba amt tbreugh a rovlita aaal toa lawa ratbar 'to totbaaUi, wf ttoor to a bill to I of I

Transcript of WEDDINGS COMING OF NEW TEAR et lUaeetBed ... Evening Hearld...“ f|wVt^V- "s^ 7^, / - Atticitrairr...

  • “ f|wVt^V-■ ■ "s^ 7 ^ ,

    / - Atticitrairr Svnritta C m tt w n i b A T , j A r i b A S T t , l i r a ^, t " .

    w. . .V ̂ \



    T^e tu tl i t r iieaciM of tbe E m u - lu l iMtlMru church will open iU 1M9 irrogram with a New Tear’! party tomorrow evening: o'clock and a largrc attendance ia hoped for. Mias Pearl Johnaon and her committee will be in charge of the program, which will include aeveral novel features. Refreshments will be served and a social time will be held.

    .Oompanv K.' ' 166th Infantry, C N. O.. will drill tonight at the local armory. Assembly will be at

    . 7:30. There will be a school for non- eommlaaioned officers of the company commencing at 0:45 p. m. All members o(. the company are expected to he present tonight as a flsal inp^U on will be made prior to tbriqepeoUon by the Battalion

    , inoM next Monday night and annual #bderal inspection which

    III take place Xonday, Jan. 16.

    ' / In a special session of Town Ooinrt Saturday afternoon, Deputy Judge Thomas Dannaher imposed a sentence of 30 days In Jail ohxJo- seph Haniaon of Main strebt^ charged with Intoxication. Similarly charged, George Astrauckas of

    ' M North street wss given a aps- pended SO days sentence and was placed on probation for three months.

    A slippery road at the Intersec- Uon of ium iidt and Middle turnpike eaet wee blaircd Shturdey afternoon tor a colheion between ca rs

    . Merated by Mr*. Mary Irwin of 476 n r k e r etraet and Jesee J. Stevens t t n ? Summit street. AccordiM to the report, tbe Irwin car elld Into the Stevhns machine when/brekea M k d to hold.

    Ifith the taking of yke oath by moto Juaticea ^ the Peace

    John T . /l,lniertck and oyce wen" added to those All juaffeea must have re-

    the oath'^by January SO. Of reinslning/'elected officers to be

    .two are Republicans. A./DTennan and Wllbrod J.

    and two Democrats, Lessaer and Edward J.


    Money Abo Hm Been Given; More NMed; Help This Worthwhile Good Turn.

    noon today, 07 pairs of bavs been donated for The

    ■katlng project, and $4 In aleo bean donated. If you

    akataa,thst you can give to us to the kids who haven't any.

    leave them at The Herald’s office r

    The regular meeting of .Campbell OMindl. KnIgbU of Columbus. wUI be held a t the K. of C. home a t 8:30 this evening.

    The regular monthly meeting of the Manchester City club will ^ held In the club rooms, 40 Oak street, on Thursday night of this week. ’ /

    C tcu r Church Professional Wom- ea'a club will meet tomorrow evening a t • o'clock. It will be a mualeal avening, with Miaa Viva Barton, music supervisor in Manchester's eleipentery schools as the fUMt speaker.

    Memberb of Sunset Rebekeh lodge win begin tbe New Year's ectlvIUes with a supper (his evening a t 6:30 In Odd Pellows ball and Installation e t the new officers at 8 o'clock.

    The Junior choir rehearsal and the meeting of St. Mary's Girls' Friendly society will be omitted this eveedng.

    The Ladles' Aid society of the Ooneordia .Lutheran church will meet tomorrow evening at 7:30 for. n buatness meeting end social get- together.

    Mias Grace -Robertaon of Oakland ■trast end Mrs. James M. Shearer of HllUard street have left for St. Pataraburg, Florida, wharet hey will spend the remainder of the winter.

    There will be no session of the Masonic Temple bridge series tonight due to the New Yearla holiday. Thla weelOi playing u-UI take

    ^place tomorrow night. A ne.w series gets underway tomorrow hitirt.

    For the drat time In 'several years, tbe police bloUer this morning cogtalped no record of week-end erreats for law violations of any sort, nor did the town jail hold an occupant. A transient seeking work enjoyed the hospltAllty of the town for a night's lodging, hut that was all. OoDsIclering the larf^ amount of traffic, and the number of cele

    sta pf New Yeer'a Eve. the lack ' court customers la considered un-


    - Membera of Lady Roberts Lodge. bs.i"'hters of 8t. George, are re- ndnded of tbe change of meeting night as well as the |i,acr. Meetingi henafter will be held on. the brat INiesday of the month, begtiming tomorrow night, and in the small lodge room of the Masonic Temple. New members are to be welcomed, there la considerable business to be attended to, and a large turnout' la hoped for at the meeting tomorrow nlghL

    A son was bom -this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. ClulOw of South Bend, Ind. Tbe baby la the Srat grandchild of Mrs. John G. Chi- Iqw of Center street.

    Gifts of' 57 pairs of skates have been. received for The Ift-rald's skating project, a check revealed today. In addition, cash gifts of t4 have been recelve 1 2 * 9 5

    K EM P'S

    Ldmb ChopsLb. 18c-25c

    Lb. 29c Lb. 31c

    Rib Corned BeefLean Corned Beef

    L b. l 2 i c

    Lb. 27c


    Cunningham Tubsgx Phone 4457

    W n i a E a K r e hS3 Delmont S treet

    R ange a n d F n el O il24 HOUR SERVICE


    M O R lA R tr BROS.301-315 Center St., Cor. Broad S t .

    Hamburg or Sausage MfBt



    After a petition for reorganlxa- Uoo had been approved on OcL 2S, l t$ 6. tbe New Haven formally notl- fted tha Federal Dlatiict court for Oodneettcut a» Oa& IS. US6, that tt rejected a,S |#-ywuUee8e«eNJ) and Mason (R-ni), aU of whom signed the report,

    Tbe oomintttee expressed n belief

    (iWptbioed tlla.)


    Co n n *cokiiv .

    a »om

    PU N ItaiN O M lO f w i k u j u a p w '


    Week of Jan. 1 . 1930r Tuesday 9 a m.—Dental CIbila

    10 a . m.—Tonsil and adenoid C ^ cWedneeday, 3 p. ___Well baby

    conference a t the "Y".Frdlya, 3 p. m.—Well baby con

    ference. ^All clinics unleM otherwiaa noted

    are held at the Health Center, Haynes atreet.


    . . . nro providod by 'th e modom Quiah fn- n«ml homo. Tho use of thin flUiag aod coa- vea ien t- MtUng for tr ite to In oxteadod to •U wouerro.' ^

    a Evetythiag aoiog op? kaad this. For two Of three yeaa cost of Anthracite has tteadily tone DOWN. (In this period oa has gone up.> This direct Anthrafite saving n in additioo to tbe heating economies that Anthracite

    ' ahvajrt shows. Now, new AntWi- cite equipment h oo (he market IhM m*s cxca mace beat out of k u rud, malting aavinp much gianacr. Every modem beatiig couvcnitucc,-too. Yon save every wny, with Anthmcite, nod ftt aafo dean. depeodaUe beat inao the heigaia Let nt send yen a

    Btora aha knows B o unad.enly frarii. potent cheeked for n e o m ^ ,

    ^ “ J d r t tba lUnrtl Drug .. ^ njugfotered phem adat who

    ingradlenta. Bvaiy pceaeripthm M Oogbia.

    With Cash Sales In :^oth These Stores All Day



    . t

    H AA GermiBs T f Sept- n ln Export T n ie From (tieitiM Of RofBfoei.

    lamdpn, Jan. S—

  • [ » f O E T W a


    Sefcnl Put PreindeBts At Today’s Meetnf Held An* mBy In Their Honor.

    fitrbert B. Houm w u Initalled u pfwUtaBt ot the Klw«nta Qub tor IIW today a* the dub devoted Ita Boeaday meeting at the 'YM.C.A. to A profram In honor of peat pred- deata at the orfaniaaUon. Amoni; the honor gueata preaent who have aw ed aa leaden In the paat were Dr. D.C.T. Ifoore, Oeorge Olenney. aeorfe Waddell. R. K. Andrraon, Arthur Knofle and Thomas Bentley, the outcoing prealdent.

    Mr. Anderaon pinned a past prcal- dant's button' on the coat of Mr. Bentley and the latter installed Mr.

    iiAM Cim sErrKR e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n . T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y s , l o s tt-'* Pm V


    N ew YearV RMcption Fonows PreM fitatlon O f F tetiva l And P fo fm m On Sandnjr.

    The Chrtitmaa Carol Festival sarvlee gtven at 8t. Mary's church on, Sunday, Dec. 18 area repeated this paat Suhday at 4 o'clock at thechurch.

    A pageant was given by the Oirl Scouts under the direction of Mian Eveline Pentland and Mias Oertrude Uddon with the folloarlng taking paft: Nancy Stevenson. Bet'bara Leemon. Gertrude Herrmann, Doria Flaherty, Janet Ritchie, Joyce WethercJI, Barbara Weir. Maiion Reed, Janice Miller, Carolyn Millar, Doris Stratton, Janet Schrleber and Elda Belettl. George Briggs .was the Beil Ringer, the rector was narrator and Thomas Maxwell .assisted with lighting effects, ‘The Junior choir led the carol singing with Mias Evelyn Carlaon Injharge.

    A New Tear's reception followed the festival In the Parish House for new members. Tea was served by a committee of the ladles of the parish. Tht rector and Sidney Elliott, aenlor warden, spoke. John Oockerham, organist played appropriate selections.. tba new prealdsat.rsapoBdsd briafly and plsdged ' to carry oa to the best of

    abOlty the work at the club for wdidMttty jM T ftttd to tboMtkma and high staadarda t, Jolm Otowski, 33 North School street.

    Discharged y^erday: Hrs. Margaret Foy, 68 Bldiidge street.

    Admitted today; Mrs. Margaret Schubert, Rockville. Mias Mabel Btannard, SM Oakland street. Mrsy Alice Don^aa, 7/lPleasant atrect; Mto.Ftedeiick Lt^k and infant nto. BoWot. /

    Daatb: Mrs. Utsabeth Laytmi .̂ 83. of 4 baa' >me fruit In the erection of-the

    SocUllet Industrial Republic ot Labor.

    JOSEPH C. BORDEN, JR. • 194 South Main street South Norwalk, Connecticut Dec. 31, 1938.

    Local Stocks

    name of Connecticut re-

    IN M A N ^

    G AN T FOOL THBM Manila—It takaa. two acts or

    workara to obtain a census count in the Philippine Islands.

    And the actual head-cotmtera— the enumaratore.—form the Use Important group. Their task would be In v ^ b le were It not for—

    '11m educator*—who vteit the 'KYUC natives first and aatuce them the

    On other hehd. tae Soclalut Labor Party, candidates, aware that their mlMlon^^as that of education, spoke to working claea audiences Mplatning the principles of Soclallet Industrial Unionlam and tha framework of the new aoclety. They told their audiencea that no political party could run the pollUcal government and make It work m the Inter ̂eat of the working class; that tM true need of aoclety was the ea- tabllShmcnt of the social ownership of the Induatriea: and that thle would mean the overthrow of the political form of government, together .with the capitalist system, ot which the^polltlcal state Is on. essciai


    t'(joattoMd from Page One.)

    pTckcd by the National Board of Review aa the ycar'a beat production.

    "Snow White ~and the Seven Dwarfa.” Walt Dliney’a firat Dill- length animated cartoon, received a special award, i jvcral critics ex- pressed belief It waa the beat picture of the year.

    The awards, a bronze plaque for the produeera of "The Citadel" and scrolls to the other winners, will be presented next Sunday by Dudley Nichols, president of the Screen Writers' Ouild. The ceremony will be broadcast over an International hookup NBC 7:00-T:3 p. m., c. a t.


    Wlsner, Neb. — (A P I — Gustav Glaublua reaped an unusual harvest from U\e dime's worth of carrot seed he planted laat spring.

    He grew a truckload of carrots, •ome of wfhich measured hint Inehee in circumference and weighed three pounds.


    Butte, Mont.— (AP)->-It waa cold that


    Torrtagton. Jen. 8^1 leyer o

    M ve.a. TaMets, Sea* Irrwea

    COLDS,Fever nnd Headaches

    due to c'oMs

    ■eed up the edition.

    This is a one-man, handcraft job, and he'a going to stick with its pata- flUly slow processes until Nyory order is filled.


    Prisoner For Nearlŷ 22 Years May Gain Freedom

    , After Seswin Saturday.

    Overnight News Of Connecticut


    Sacramento, Calif., Jsn. 3.—(API —Tom Mooney, Imprisoned nearly 33 yabrs (or conviction of the Moody San Francisco Preparedness

    bombing, may be a free man iturday through actHn o» Cali-

    ila'a new governor. Culbert D. Jlson.

    The governor, inaugurated yesterday os the first Democratic state

    wn poew / andytajk

    iro flt f it# tha pm t^ bebtad ta -S ' V *

    Fomlsliad by Patanm and Oa.6 Oantral Row Hartford, Oenn.

    I * Telephen. 6-61011:00 p. m. QnotaRons

    Insarance StocksBid Aske<

    Aetna Casualty....... 113 118Aetna Fire ........ 47HAetna L ife . .............. 37 39AutomofaUe ........... 34H 36^Conn. Qeneral . . . 3fi .37Hartford Fire . ; ....... 78 75Hartford Steam Boiler 88 B7National Fire .......... 61 63Phoenix ................. 77 79Travelere ................ 445 46S

    PaMIc UHUtteeConn. Lt. and Pow. .. S3 86Conn. Pow................. 441A 4UVHarUord Elec. Lt. . . . 61^ 63’/lllumtaaUng Sbs........ B3H 85>Haitford G a s .........'. 81 38So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 144 149Western Mass. .. ^... 38H ‘ SOV

    ladnstrlalaAcme Wire .............. 38 38Am. Hardware....... 38H 80VArrow H and H, Com. 89Vi 41VBtlllngs and Ipencer. 4 5Bristol Brass . . . . . . . 84VG 36VColt's Pat. Firearms. 91 94Eagle Lock . . . . . . . . . 14 .16Fafnlr Bearings....... 100 —Gray Tel. Pay Station 10 13Hart and Cootay . . . . 180 —Monday MaebC. B. . . . 6>G 8VLanders. Frary * Ok. 36H 38VNew Brit. Mach.. Com 28 37

    do., pfd................... 95 —North and Judd....... 34 36Peck. Stow * WUeox 7 9Ruaaell Mfg. Co........ 33 87ScoviU Mfg. Co.......... 38 27SIlex Co .......... 11 18Stanley Worka . . . . . . 43 45

    do., pfd................... 38 30rorrta^on . . . . . . . . . 38 37Veeder Root ............ 43 45

    ■ New Verb teabs Bank of New York .. 868 890Bankers Trust 48Vi 48VCentral Hanover . . . . 83>i 861Chaas ..................... 81VA 83VChemical ....................42VA 44VCity ....................... 23 27continental ............ 12VA 14VCom Bxchanga ....... 81VA B8VFirst N a U o ^ .......... 1628 1678Guaranty Trust . . . . . 382 289Irving Trust ......... 9AA lOVMaqufact. T rust....... 38VA 40VManhattan .............. 18 17N Y Trust ........ 87 86Tltla Ouarantee....... 6 7Public NaUonal....... 37VA S9VU. B. T ru s t ............. 1530 1880


    Florsnce, Colo.— < AP) -rFirernsn discovered that the fire st City hsn was a ‘Idcasant’* one. City eobneil- men leported they merely hid dscld- sd to have a boaflrs at -thsir rAlular. meeting to bum 87,000 worth of rs- deemsd bonds, to cancel' city ta- debtodneaa.

    COLORED TAInt N ic k ............. 8SUInt Ter and T e l .................... 9VAJohns ManvUle ..................... 104Krnneeott ............... 43*4Lehigh Val Rd ............... 8V«Ligg and Myers B ................ 103Loews ................................. 8841Lortllard ...........................I . 31*4Moot Ward ............................ BOVANish K c iv ......................... 8%Nat Blae ................................ 34TANat Cash Reg ....................... 34 VANat Dairy .............................. l3ViNat D lstU l.................... 37VAN Y Central .......................... 214ANY NH and H .................... 1North Amer .......................... 2344Packard ................................ 444Pa ram Piet .......................... 134APenn ...................................... 24Phelps D odge.................... 43>APhil Pete ............................... 43i(Pub Serv N J ......................... 3244Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Reading . ............. 174ARem R M d .............. 16Republic Steel .......... 24'ARey Tob B .............................. 4444Safeway Stores ............ 39*ASchcnlsv ^Ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Ss4u* Rostaiek........ ....... 7SV4Shell union''................. 14T;Soeoay Vae ............................ 1S*ASouth Pae .............................. 31South Rwy ............................ 3244St Brands ............... 7St Ona and Et .................. 844St Oil Cal .................. 28St QU N J ....... ..................... 82MCJ.T„ansswM.i.T^ TOSfaiPAT.

    iiA .T,nsa I M AT,

    omOST^TOOnsesFAT.rrs, ..yr

    ■ fC M M M L R N M areaiaa patschata |iwi q .fT lrii ttrttH lta(d»*«.haaera(ha asrva strata o f s t ^ pteg fato (bta a ir-^ srihf sy/ flbo ■sysi *1 laqsitiiiiynsfvssfinw Morinnhygivtagthim tatqMot tests—I 1st ay-nghtayaCsmiL*


    PAGE m

    4 ln tr lrp > tr r i E tm iitto B fr a lh^ rUMWilHiU) Wf TU i — »A l.n PHINTINU CUM PANT, INC.

    It Hiiwll Atm l HaBchmltr, Cano.

    nuMAS rBHuuaoN OMMm Minacar

    N— tat Oataaat I, Ittl______Fabllakat Bvary Bvaning KarapI

    •mtara aat Hnlttaya Mniarat al tat , MM OMca at Manrhaattr. Cobb., at ia a M Claaa Mall Matiar.

    •UMTRirrioN RATE!Ota Taar to Mall ..................M tttott Maatt ap Mall taHatla Obpp .•■.••..■......••••t atOtflaarat Ona Taar . . . . . . . . . . . . t » t «


    Ma AaaoelaiM Praat la aaclutivalt tatltlat ta lha aaa al rapuallratlen at aM Mart tiaiia'rtoa erati'at re II at aet athtrvlaa erttllat la iRIa aaaar aat alte tba local nawt oab* ■ahat haraia.

    AH rlghla at rapulrlieailont at aaaelal tiaaaieliaa harcin art alto ra- titoat.____________________________

    M il aaralea atlant el N B. A Aarr>taa laa._______ ____________________

    Haaibar Amarlean Nawapapar Mb* Mtbara AteoeltiloB.

    Mbilabara Rapraaancallaaa: Tha .MHaa Malbaarr tpeclal Atanep —Na« ' Ttrb. Cblcage, Ut»relt aat Soaiea.

    ItMMIIKM AUDIT RTtRCAO W . MMWOUlTIum. ________________

    M t RaraM Pnaiina Caaipaar laa., MMUbaa aa tnanelal raaponaiblMlp

    ' t i t ̂ baRrapaital arrora appaarlaa M .jlMaftlaaaMata la tba Mancliaetar ■wailM Maralt.

    &. IV t tD A T , JAKUARY 8

    A SALUTEa*

    VtBMmar Ooimactlout la to bare ^ IHRr OoMmor, lUymond IL Bald*

    MlA R lUpublleta who hu deeltrad -MRMlf ■ matnbar of a “naw” Ra-

    party, Aa a newtpapar ^ jtAM ajrmpathlaa baaa alwa3ra 4tatii «M i tba dnum Old Party it

    to r coBTlcttop that JudM Bald- [fibt MMld aot, ba aebadulad to be- atMM cbM aRacuttva of thia atate

    If It bad not baan for tba ot that UtUa arord

    4B9W” M bla dadaratloa et lla- 'pM W M


    The undestraMa preaeure exerted by gaa pockets may ba enough to aet aa a meehaalcal cauae of disease The gaa preaeure la Itself, a esuae of functional dlaeasa of toe heart. 1^1 Madder, liver, aad pelvic organs. bseauas of a congestion of cIreulaUOn to these organs by the constant preasun exerjed upom tosm by gaa pockets. In addition, tola gaa preaaq.n may act as one of toe potent causes of asthma, aad Is ona of toe faeton which must oe considered In attempting cure this disorder.

    The cause of the gas formation, Inveatigated, understood aad removed, befon Um disappear- aaee of tola unpitasant symptom may be axpeotad. Borne' of toe nraln causes of fiatulenoe are; Overeating of any kind of food; improper combi nations of food: too use of an excess of starches and sugars; eating when tired; eating too rapidly; and the use of food -ishlch may be gae- formlng such as garlic, palons, cooked cabbage, dried beans, eto.

    Dlaeskse of the gastro-lateatlaai tract Is also capabla t t caualBg continued fiatuleapa, whether tola is eobtls, prolapaua, laflammatlon Of toe stonMoh tor gastriUait, or seme other eondlUon. Purely funetleaal trouMaa such aa aervoua Indlgeatlon aad oooaUpaUon may also cause misery from gas.

    Boma form oC.,faBtlag traataMnt la usually Indlcatad la ths traatment of axeeaalva gaa. In ordtr to daanae tha aoUrs allmeatam tract In a thorough manner. Often aueceas In banishing toe gaa presnure ' will come from using tot fast whan It arill come In no other aray.

    During toe fast, the digeaUve Juleee arhlch are often Improperly la those with fiatulaace, will often adjust thamselvea. aad aftar the fast la oompletsd will ba found la proper preportloo to each other.

    After the short fast It Is nae Mry to adoM tha atiletaat diststle raglmmC and tha patiaat must Mo* tinua for a long Urns to avoid those fooda which forment aasUy. Under no dreumstaaeaa should tha paUeat who Is aeiklRg a eura, uat a food which la aeanantd with ooioo or

    aad R la a good plan to avoid all cooked cabbage aad

    The addRkn of Um c foods to ah otherwiae paefaet meal may produoa large quanUdas o f gaa ’4a thoae having any teodaaey toward Batolanoa,

    X a^at ntga yon nlaOri>to ba par- tteularly oaraM about taUm enough Usee for

    By OEOROB ROSSNew York, Jan. 3. — FIRST

    NIGHTERS: Unprogrammed excitement hignllghted the opening of Billy Rnae'o new Diamond Horse- ahoe when Eleanor Holm nearly ■ustalned cute and lacerations while christening the cafe with a quart bottle of champagne. In a room of regal crimson, the ubiquitous Rose haa brought back ( alive i the plush days of Rector’s, Stave Brodie’s, ths sarlfer and more gtorloua FoUlea and Detmonleo’e.

    On a unique stage over a horse- ahoe bar are reincarnated the New York immortala: Diamond Jim Brady, Lillian Ruaaell and Anna Held (who la shown In her milk bath). In fineries that reflect the colorful mauve decade, a dozen American beautlea parade the premises. A sentimentalist. Rose haa fetched some old-tlmera, also, like Harry Armstrong, who oonrposed "Sweet Adsllne’’, Joe Howard who eompoaed 'T Wonder Who'a K'aaing Her Now" ihe’a 76) aid Frits) Bcheff, the unforgettable heroine of "Mile. Modiste.”

    Ona of the purlieus of the Horae shoe la a Vlennaae oreheatra that plays .only waltzee and takas turns arith Noble Stasle who la the best- loved songsmlth from Harlem. So, no wonder that toe elder folk who came to that particular premier were not ashamed to be demon- itratlve.

    Here "toe good old daya" were brought back and no amnder that Orson Welles, who ta younger than we are, ^nd who sat to toe right of US, splnteied taro nolae-makera which he banged aaray for applause. We think the Diamond Horseshoe la one of Broadway’s hrightost boons; to be seen by New Yorkers and all vlslttng firemen.

    Critiee* Second .OneaaThe footlight’a first nights have

    occurred arith usual holiday bbtuiU- fulnaaa. But lha taro abows that evoked lasting attention are. Philip Barry’s play, "Here Come the


    Cloame", and a revival of toe iate Sutton Vane’a great play, "Outward Bouni"

    Now the Barry play haa been the vortex of controversial chatter. It Beams that the critics were luxxled by Itr the first night anderefore greeted R lukewarmly.Then they returned to see It a sec

    ond time and found In the show greatness they had missed In the original visit. The result of their changing opinions has been overwhelming puMIcity In che theater columns.

    "Outward Bound" waa first shown In New York a dseade and a half ago and It It remarkable that In ths current revival, which is being performed by Laurette Taylor and Florence Reed, among other famous players, there is no trace of antiquity. For the drama of "Outward Bound” and tha message it conveys, seem aa alive tod>,y aa they did In the 1620’s. H haa l•■lned the Broadway hits. When a drama can repent Its success long after its original triumph, R must possess permanent qualities.

    Wou By A NoseIt waa Katharine Roberts who

    wroto an article saying that, aa far aa aha knew, Madeleine Carroll waa the only glamor girl ever presented et toe Court of BL James. ThIa rtatement was instantly refutsd by various champions - o f other stars and R was brought out that Mary Plckford once had eurtMed before Queen Mary, now Queen Mother of toe British Ehnpire,

    And aa tost story is told. "R seems that Miss Plexford with customary diligence, had rouged her Itpe for this Important occasion. As her turn approached, ehe realized one glaring fault la her toilet—her kiaa would stain the royal glove She had neither UnM to Sm , nor opportunity to remove the rouge where ahe stood. 8o she compromised ^ Mghtly pressing toe tip of her nose to tha extended hand.

    In tola, aa la counUess tight nwria sRuatlona. prestnea o f mind aaved t tt up.”

    la an effort to help fikhennen wbo suffered losses fro m / ^ tMgi wave that swept Rhode tstsnd aad OonaaeUcut ahorea, ItH>reaenUUve Ball IR., Oona.), oMtferrsd wlto ReprasantaUvea Rlak^aad Saadagw, Rhoda laUad R

    WeaM RoMe Ftablng Vi - Ba pfOpooeda/MU that would Su tooriaa tha Wkr Department to ta jaafree r f charge subnMrged INtiIng veaetls. The present law, he eeld, required boat owneia to pay toa/DepartBMat for. raising

    when It became a nmn- lUoa.

    latroduead today by called for:

    ,40(M)00 for coaetrucUoa et a |i*w1toal dlagnoatie^ center for iwtecaaa la or near Boston, intro-

    by Mrs. Rogers;•400,000 for acquiring additional _ at Fort Deveaa, Rogers; 1800,000 tor eonatrucUon of an

    lee-breaking Coest Guard cutter to t Maine. Brewster;

    IBOJIOO for purchase of Isad la B v Harbor, and Trenton, Me., for Acadia Natkmal park. Brewster.

    ItopteowtoUvee W ln lo ^ r th (R. ), aad Conaary (D. Maea), la-

    woiild reiatroduca lee- Bg for ■ CongrpaaioBal

    bivaatlgattou of what they called "radio OMnopoty" under toe Federal Oowumarteagona eoaunlaalon.

    Vhse Fn IgM Kate rightU m New Bag laaden also faced

    ■m proapact of Mttar fight over (ta i^ t rate dUfersatlala. floutbera- « a aaaoaBoad they would support

    to eliminate differeatlala .Uag la favor of N(

    were united In oppoaiUon was Secretary Wallace’s demand for a processing tax to finance toe parity pnves provided In the laat agriculture act

    Although a laiqe number of Republicans In the Senate have announced they would not vote against confirmaUon of Harry Hi^klns, former WPA administrator as secretary of commerce, associates of Sen- ator Bridges (R. N. H.), said he would not only oppose the conflrma- Uon on the floor, but would vote against It,


    Both New England Damoerato aad R^abneaBS hava In thegMt^ttalr to ̂ aay^^rad

    ■flalBoad toa aupport of weatarn eoB' rreeemwi hi the move sad . UDa •tdeh weald establish "uniform Mtas for the snttra country” wera Ming propated by aigperal soathan-

    flenator "Baakbaad (D. * Ala.). ifo o iraC th a ^eokar, aBaonacad

    latroduce aneb a, MD la

    Prograin To Be Presented By Edncatioiial Chib And Local Teachers’ Gronp.

    Announcement has been made by the Manchester Teachers’ dub and the Educational Club that the Hartford Concert Orchestra, tmlt of toe WPA Federal Musle Project aad conducted by F. Charles Adlbr will be preesnted in a concert program on tbe evening of January. 17th In the Manchester High School.

    The concert will be Jointly ipon- sored by the local organizations.

    Blruto Ramoska, well known Hartford singer will be guest soloist on this occastoa. She has been heard tn concert and radio programs In Now York, Cleveland and Chicago as well as ' throughout Oon- necUcuL Lost summer she sang with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra at a Buahnell Park Shell conceit. The Hartford Times commented "Miss Ramoeka proved ah excellent park eololsL for her clear, full high tones soared above the orchestra and even her planlasimi were quite audible, thanks to nice placing and diction. She sang her eougs with style and received a long round of applause."


    (Ooattauai Page Oae.)

    Republicans for Whom Manchester Citizens VotedSeats in Congrress Today.

    Take Their i IJi S.DIPLOMATS

    OPEN CONFERENCETo Discuss Problem^ Con*

    fronting Nation Jm South America At Utin Session.


    Begin 36 Days Term To Rnn Untfl Feb. 21— Q n ^ Back To Normal



    preliminary to a large-scale offensive against the govetament’s 30- mlle fortified line between Balaguer and Borjas Blancas. This first defease Uae Is roughly 78 mtlsa of Barcelona.

    Immedlata objectives. tosM formanU pointed out, could Borjas Blancas, southern goverameat first line of def< sector Just east of Insurgent troop- already bold a bridgehead and a. amall ̂ ^m ent of the importaat hlghW^ to toe French border; A r to ^ 18 mllee northeast of Balagu^ which, aa toe •Ttey to Catalonia'' controls ■ network of highway important for transportation ju armv suppUes.

    II MtlltlaMMi 'The Borth^tn eolumns of toe la-

    surgeat a r ty , by recent vlctoriea In the VUatort de Maya Sector,

    have moved east of toe -Borjaa Blancaa Uae of for-

    Bx marching south they imperil toe govemment’a

    militiamen by rearguard aa- Ita

    Slmultanaoua advances from ■outoern towns around Granadella, aouto of Boejns BUneas, would sulr Ject toa govemmeat flgbtera to both frontal and rear offensives, result lag In a pinoer movement for poM- tlona east of Balaguer. •

    lhaurgent field reports Indicated operaUona Sunday and Monday on tha entrama ooutoeni and nertoem flaaka ware dealgaated to straighten existing Uaes.

    Olsan Oirt Deagersni FsekeL Tha InsuTgeats cleaned out a dan

    gerous pocket on toe aontham slope of toe Dana mountains, thereby menacing government eommunlea- tkina between Mora De Ebro and tha agricultural center (ffAfaleet. 88 mllee from aad oa tlM nighway to 'Tarragana. Madlterranaifo j coastal city 80 mllea soutliwsat ee Barcelona. \ .

    Ona Important yfetory clalmad by toa InaurgvBts Monday was capture of a peak east of toe -yillaqe of Juaooaa, which dominates toe southbound road to Reus. This position la wlthia striking distance of toe principal hlgbwaya betwaen Larlda and Tarragona, ovar which toe government has bsea moving war materials for Borjaa jWsncas.

    The public schoola of Manchester today opened toe Vrlnter term of the 1688-86' school .year after a tea-day Cbiistmas and New Tear recess. Sessions will be held for thlrty-slx days until toe schools close for s short ykcatlon for February 31 to February 37 inclusive.

    Normal attendance was reported In all schoola and routine sessions Were held in the elementary gradea. At the high school, howsver, most of the day Is being devoted to taking photographs of various groups for the June Issue of Somanbls, tbe echool year book. The mid-year graduation on January 37 makes. It necessary to take the pictures at this time.

    The spring term of tbe local schools runs from February 37 to April 17 and continues thraugb June 18. a period of 44 days/ The school year totals 183 days but two o f these were lost because of the September hurricane. State law requires 180 daya of sebooL therefore Manchester has a one-day leeway. Nearly all vacation periods have been shortened a Mt to provide earkei*,closing la June.


    Watotbuty, Jan. 8.—lA ^ -rF lo fa Masaoert. 38. plaadsd r - ‘ guilty to a charga o f attomotHig to axtort 88:000 from Mayor Frank Bnyta and was gqutod a ronttnnanca to Jan. U uadtr 810.000 bonds whan ha waa ■rraigBad bafort U. 8. CommlsMonar Harry Kraaow hara today. Falling to poM too bonds ha waa talcsn Immediately to tha Naw Ravan connty Jafl by Daputy U. & M arriul Stephen LopiasL

    f 0(M|IF08EB DOESKaw Torfc, Jon. 8. — (A P )

    Ftank Wright. 78, eompoaar and a fannfiar of toa ABMilean OuDd o f Oi^ gnloto, died In Brooktynhoanltal UM B l| ^ Bom In England, Wrififit had oarvad os oegaaiat aad choir- maator fop .41 yaara at Grace Fra- toatoirt^piaeqpal church la Bmok-

    bMtlena was widely oMd,

    TIm 3J8B atn teto who oat In tha Taxaa A. A M. cotlsga

    ig s c f f i


    fmm Fogs One)

    quest for funds to operate toe WPA until June 30.

    The report Included such recom- mendattons as tbese:

    Prohibition against political con- tribuUona to relief reciplenU and leglsUUon forbiddlag relief officials to influence voUf.

    A chahga la 'toe Uw to make It a felony Instead of a misdemeanor for offlciaU to dloerlminato against relief workers.

    LegUUttan Umltlng bHttvIdual contributions to candidates, preventing corporation donations and requiring complete reports of campaign coats.

    Laws to prevent candidates from obtaining relief lists end forbidding promUea of bonefito from rsUef fundi.

    Th Oartaa fftanlcingiMglsUtlon curtailing toe uss ot

    tha Oongraartonal franking (fraa mailing) privUaga.

    OonaldarnUon qf legUUUon to rooks all poUUeal contributions by Fcdaral workan lUsgaL

    U m report was aignad by aU five commit taa memben .— Chairman Sheppard (D-Tax) aad Senators O’MalMaay (D-Wyo), Walsh (i>- B ua). Harrtoon. (D-MUs) and White IR-Malna).

    The bulky document listed campaign contrlbutloni and expendl- turea by asnatoilal enadldatea. The Utter raagad Ing the name of fibs. TlmreM HeAdil on the letterhead .had baan SMt to i' Federal employsM of too Di cratle YtnanM Committaa. afl for campaign funds.

    Mrs. Heldel, director of tha oral Wrttera’ Projaet. had ao knowl ' C edge of the latter, the Oenuaittadf ■ found. Other memhora of the T oorntle State Conunlttoe til toe letter had been dtopatebad out Mrs. Heidal'a kaorriodga.

    In toe totter waa a tideet for m':. Damoeratle dlaaor eeodng fMm ft fl 1 to $100.-- "

    N. H. ilxpMdWntM U m Commlttoo ropoitod

    Banato eami — -----“ "Naw Hami

    lampahtroLfisC tte

    VarmoatatM yesiMg KsNovaasber. Ne

    Uad with foatod I6.8S0N. H.), tbs . Eliot Cdrter of 83,168 and Both oia r

    mpiuipi axpi d RuiWf I ipMlM wore wtgar I M I


    ifor-ipatia In OonaaeUeat ’ o f wfekfii fonaar Bmt —pefiHV SfiJ4t and iK w T Q o m i ! ) . HATpaadltufM wore ntodi Binianrd. Ldxxr. fil l: ptomann, fir E w fifififl.

    la Varmont total were M.4M wMh SMatM (It . VU .apM iffig filfltfl: ■Gratk. DMAoerat,-------tla fl.V fla a .r

    I U « h I n M t IM PIn/.



    Bedford. Maae., Jan. ohn Valtoe. 87. n former

    worker, struck hto wife. Prio- Cato) blow wlto a ptoM o f easting from' a piano and

    than kUtod himMif early today at hla hema wlto a diet from a J2 caUlMr rISn

    Dr. WUUam Itoeen, the medical nmlner. gave a verdlet of mur

    der and auldde.Mn. VnUea,-'84. succumbed at S t

    Luke'a boepital from a fractured ■kuU. PoUce announced that Jeal- ,ouoy was tbe motive for toe murder and suicide, which mode or-

    JA N U A R Y - The First Monthlew Year

    Brinflrs 1 modern bills by

    than th e asual n i^ b e r o f b ills to pay. B e (d basiness"llke In th is n ew year- and pay you r

    CISTERpbaiM o f five dtlldren ranging la ■ga from 14 years to five months.


    Aurktond, Now Zaatoad (API— I Five prominent pig hunters haA to cUmb tTOM and stay aloft for an boiir during n battle with a huge boar tn tbe back country o f UrutL U m boar was eveatuaUy sur- rotiaded by dogs and killed.'Tbe huatera daooaaded, but bad to fire IK bulteto before 'killing toe ant-


    C T v"/

    » haah,

  • T D E 8 D A T . J A N U A R Y 8.1989

    •R«ti n t* ■■ i iDTea^i^ic uror Mills Denvers Nes* w>»t oomd b. dooe m' ‘ • ‘ tlon.

    n __________ J^a! I *Tn oonstcUoD withsige;


    RecommendatioD Od Commercial lighdng Brings Immediate Action; Hie Message.

    BoekrUl*. Jan. S— At tb« mMUng « ( the City Council on Monday are- Idiig, Alderman Cbarlea Underwood araa elected prealdent of the Coun* cU for the cominf year iucoee^n| 'AMarman J:% PATTERN of tkia attrao- ttva aMdei aaod ue. la COIN, your NAME. AODRESa. STTLB NUM-

    . HER and BBS la THE HERALD. TODAr S PATTERN BUREAU, U b te r lim o p l a c e , BROOELTN. K. T.


    473, Stafford


    Captorod Member Of Qom- tet Of FngitiTes Reveals Intent Of Leader.

    Cleveland, Jan. 8— (A P I—Four mad fekms who eicaped from the Uma, O , SU U ' Hospital for the Criminally Inasna Intand to launch ■a orgy of "big ttma" orime with a aeries of Chicago klllinga, a fellow fugitive seized hero tneiated today.

    Detective Sergt ' Jamee J. McDonald captured Rueeell Nuckela. 38, without a atruggla yeitarday, aurpriaing the convict as he walked on a downtown street

    Nuckels related a fanUatio story.

    rraak Hataea

    Mlel Margaret Rocha of Waro, Mass., la spending a few days vlelt- tng with her elsUr, Mrs. Mary een the cleartaff housea for much of ths Nazi activity hara." Tbe Amsrt- can Nazi youth movement Is much

    ^stronger ta the east and middle ̂west than In the far west.

    13.—Bund camps exist York, MUwaukse, Buffalo, tady, Cleveland, Lm Angeles'San Diego, Oakland. Spokane, Battle, and St. Louis /

    18. Frits Kuhn. Bund leader, told a committee agent that/ ha had power of ambasaador and n tpecial "secret arrangement directly with Adolf HiUer." ^



    at I ! ^ Sch^ec-

    i shirtsiraona belong

    100,600 their public100,000. "fail

    I ." Italian con- aaoret Fasdat Faadst propa-

    o f aome Itallan- .tlons ta the

    14. About 10.1 to the Italian are willing to al meetlDgt and anj within tbair ' sular offldala agents are epp ganda In American United BUj ' 18. One/aspl^ of Faadet activity Is the tma that many Italian Amer? leans ep^ged ta subversive aetlyi-

    actually on relief roUe or by the WPA and ether

    imeat agendas


    /that the Natlona] Labor ftelattaiu thorough taveetlgatlon to detenjniaa to what extent )>osrd members and amployea "approve the Communist view#" expressed by David J Sapoaa, NLRB economist.

    In connection with tbe ao-caUed Lansing. Mich., "holiday' when a thnmg aeaemblad at the sute capital, doaed atoraa and marched on tha state eoUegs the report crlUda- ed "all public offldala Involved" for lack of courage ta handling tha situation.

    Attorney General Frank Murphy then was governor of Michigan. During iU| open hearings the Committee reodved testimony that Murphy tilocked enforcement of. a court ordar dlroettag tbe evacuation ot Mt-down jtrikers

    Galltngi the Lenslng eecurrenoae 'fUagraeifuI". . the committee eaid "a courageous stand" would'- hava- "avddad the loss of mllllona of .doi- lara to both labor and capital;"

    The report, hrlsUlag with coo- dsmaatlen o f Naailem■ad Fasdam. raeommaeded that tha House eonttaue the tavesUga- tlon for two years with an ^>prp- prtatkB oHjM ladat 8150.00a U m tevestlgatleh abould not be oootln- ued, tt aald, unleae it has adequate funds Tbe oommlttee, which expires today, had 938,000 originally.- BkexM Riqalfe Os eparatlea

    **Tha Ormgrssa should also require the appropriate dapartmeaU to ee-opetato wUb tha eommlttae," tha report aald, dadaring the Jua- ties and Labor departmanta bad tolled to do ao.

    The seveB-maa gro i^ which ah- traetod wide attonttod aa arall as cTtUdam from Preatdant Rooaevalt, SecraUiy Ickaa and Secretary Par- ktoa. aiimmartaed teatlmocy raoalv- ad* at haaiinga ta WasUafftoa. Xto- tn tt nad Naw Toriu

    It did not make toocifle laglato- ttoe propoMls to curb ua-AmBleaa actmOao but indirectly referred to tha BMaaffty 96̂ m d eh atl* tS

    ID YOU KNOW THAT-Creamery imttor produced tn

    Nova Scotia la October totaled 828.000 pounds.

    American butter atocka ta November. 1B8A Were eatlmmted at 198.000,000 potmds 78,000,000 pounds above normal.

    An avaraga o f 1,080 vaesela per month have dtHed at the port of Oakland, Calif., for the laat 18 years

    Several rich gold yields have been reported in reemt months from email mines and proepectora’ dalme In Western Australia.

    Tobacco was originally the name for a tube through avblch W ed Indian natives tahalad smolcs the plant Itself being known as cohlba

    Mlzaouri dairy herd Improvement asa^clatlona eetimate cost of feed repfesente only 50 per cent of the expenae of keeping n cow. The other 60 per cent goes for overhead. deprecUUon, Interest end la- bor-

    FertUlzer experta who' used to think nitrogen, phosphorous p6t- aah and Ume were tha only artiS- da» plant foods crops needed now tacluda mamy minor elemantr such aa boron, copper, manganese the like. '. - .

    More than 780,000 Christmas trees were expmtoc from Nova SooUa before tha middle of December.. Umbrellas with 18-faot epreade each capable of ooverii^ tiro aii- tomobilea have baao »»eA» m England for use la Central Africa.

    August Bechtjar, who astatod money for tbs United States government at Rutharfontton, N. C„ toon* 1980 to 1995 died la poverty.

    Murder* declined. burglai|M ta- ereaaed, in Qm firat nine months of 1999 compared with tor rimllar

    |0 19^..Veneanele, maantag "1111!* Ven-

    ic*.’ ' eras ortglaally applied to an Indian vlUaga built on pUee on tbs coaat ct that country.

    For the Aict ttsM in New Se»- Inadb hiatary. tba avarage bank note ctreulatkB during taa Bnt

    o f tha year hto an-

    Anooal PreLenten Affvr To Be Held February 15-18 ItlsDecidei

    The annual pre-lenten carnival of St, Bridget's church wll, bo held la the church hall February 18. 16. IT and 18. These dates were selected at a meeting of the men and women 04 tha church held last nlgbL Major John O. Mahoney and Mrs. Edwaj** J./Murphy were elected aa eo-che men for toe carnjval. The next me tag will be held within a weak wha further committees wtU be named. The funds raised by the carnival erin be used In mesUns church expehdt* tures.. In the annual financial report Of the church given by Rev. James P. Timmins, pastor, reporta of ;000 received were announced |$2,000 was applied on the debt

    CABINET SHIFT . SEEN POSSIBLE IN J A y iS P U T E(Oonttooed from Pag* One)

    Gen. Otozo Yamada, new commander of Japan's legions ta China, today faced toe monumental tasks of consolidating toe gains made ta 19 montha of coetly fighting.

    Whether he would attempt to extend the Invasion farther Into interior waa not known, but nu foreign observers considered hla/ pointment to succeed Gen. Shunroku Hata as f oreshadowtag a d«Bnlto change, ta Japanese taetiea.

    Tbeae obaervers. held ttati major mllltery operatlona bad bera completed and that the camnaigB henceforth would be directed at wiping out guerrilla oppoaltlon and pacifying partially conquer^ regtona.

    That ta itself w ^ regarded aa a formidable undert4Mng. During the past 18 montha (be war haa spread O', or 13 provings: Ho]>eh. Bulyuan, Chahar, Sban^ Shantung, Honan,

    tu, A n ^et, Hupeh, Chekiang, gl, Huun and Kwaagtuag.

    e Japanese maintain they u v e conquered about 900,000 equare mlleX, toe Chinese admit tha oo- cupatlpD of only about one-aeventh of the total area of toe 18 provlnoea.' N^tnU observers poiiit out that the/Occupation for the moat part la Undted to (najor citlea, railways and highways had that oi^nUgttoua tori /ritory atUl requires doitly and extensive mopdtag-up.

    MANY PERSONS EXECUTEDHongkong, Jan. 3 — (A P ) —

    Usually wJl-taformed Chlneae aald today that a "considerable number" of persona tied been executed la Chungking, with "hundreds aiora^ under arrest, following tba egral* slon of former Premier waag Chlaag-Wal from ths Chin tae government party for "deaerttag his poat and suing for paaoa la ooutrae diction to natloaal policy."

    The "purge," first reported OB Sunday, was aald to ba coqttaiiliig secretly but none the leas affectively In a campaign to Dy to block nay further defection among what loyal Chlneae termed "faint hearts."

    (A (2iungktag dispatch eald it was believed stops were bali^ takes to quash Wang’a tafluenoe oompleto- ly, but iSwed there wa% evlideBpa there of large-scale arrests.) /

    Although the clean-up origtaatod ^ t o the Wang aplsode, the aotloQ, Chlneae aourcea reported, whs baiag extended to include tha ellmlnaticn of various "petty graft/6r e o rm ^ elements. / .


    Hartford. Jaa. S-—(A P )— Ba--V lectmea of the town of Mnrlboraugh will ordar payment made to ̂ 9 workmen for their labw after tba- September hurricane. snoriMya aa-t nounced this morning tn Supinrtor. court, followtay (he advice of Judge ' Thomas J. Molloy. >-

    The judge had ordered a r e r w and advised tha attorneys to " i ^ together ftad pay these men" while bearing a rg u i^ te on a motiao to nuaah ah alternative writ o f awa- damue to eecure tbe soiiTht bv the workmen.

    It had been alleged that two Den errtic selectmen refused to i ' nrdera to tbe town treasurer t q ' make pai’ment for the work dona on the ground that they had no. knowledge of the contract for tba work made by tbe Sfet selectasaa.

    I The Poet's ColurnnlO W YEAR OONSBUHA'nUM

    O Lord. Thif^jlTacloas grace bestow. That from my life may ever flow, pu()e deeds of lov4 and rightooiianea4 That souls msy learn Thy naaM ta

    For I would have all men to I That eta, thy strength doth ovcri

    throw.Trill) my soul throha with deaira TO'tbe baptized wlthrHoly Fira. That Cbrtat nay Ufa I m ot* may

    .know'False mortsl mind to overthrow;' That God may be my an ta all Tc ahleld from error’s base anthralL O gracloua Loi^ to Thee l.voar—

    eontocrate just now.My all n i eoniF. J. BUZZBLL-

    To aohr* a aiarket glu t'af ebau< late radles at Salat Joha. M. E , daviet* hauled huadreda of aats ta. ths top cf hlatotk. Poet'

    DAILY RADIO PROG]TUMOAV. JANUANV 3 (Central Eastern Standard Tima—I ^ . )

    fOhtntm In LMing$ Out la Sttwork Carreetloiw too Late Is 'Nstsr All procrams to Stir sn̂ ba>lc ch tins or sioups ths w-h etme Wsmb wjdz kpro wbre; FscISe: kfljji'aw komo kbq kpo

    OrnONAL fTATIONt/rop-rsic In tirehanf««bl> on «tther BLL'IlMtworks): Battt wbr* wcol iHm wiw v«rli w«kjr vm I wm» rbf cbl Rfal. Ctnirali «ren wtmj wib« wday ttibi bans «r«to kwoo wbo^wood wtbc wgl kfyr koam. fteuMt wapo wigh • wptf trla w|«i wf/R-WRun vt.iyi wfbe mirnc frese «gm kvo«'r^ky wfta. wbap wo«l kthg kfdm iryko «riv lui* ktnk ktgm waUi wroi ic*bp icark k$ne: Mountain: kftr kght kioi kob ItChf kMfi kpfa kMl ktfl; Pkciflt: kfb>•— km! kpm kgn kmo19—Howl# Wing 4 Avldtian 9:30—Sob Traut About "Today” •:4^gncch Light'a Orchaatra

    9:00— 7:60—"County ta a V Dramatic 9 :i9— 7:19—Jimmla fidiar dn Hally*

    ufapd—bade; in Muaia Madm-waat 9:90-* 7:30-Haian. Mdnkan'a 9afiat—

    baal^kCanaaia Maflacttdna - watt 7 :0 ^ liO^Bdward O. ftablnaan Play7:30— •:tO^At Jaison and 9h#w- to e- - - -

    M A N C H E S T E R E V E N IN G HJCRALD, B IA N q A ^ T E R , C O N N . T U E S p A Y . J A N U A R Y 8,1939

    1:90- •:90>Obadman Swing -alao cat

    - - ^refaa«i, Jimmla Fitlar

    9:00—lOiOCH* Jaa h^Haraheit 9:tO -10:9O-Jaak_farch and

    watt rapoatrlai

    iriit^to a Sangt—


    • :00- 9:00-^# tha Paeeia Prafw----- iln“ ■*'

    It I ar

    ...... ......... ....... wi:49-10:4»—Viawpeiriu af

    i0:0O-1t:0^Nawai Oa^a Or. ft hra.i NBC-WJ9 (DLUC) NETWOflK

    ■A9IC — Bast: wja wbs*#bsa wbtl wbam kdka WR/t wjtn ws/r Wgiai wfll waby wotr efer whk wrhfr wapd wand wice wtau: Midwest: want wis Rwb Roll wran wmt kso wowo kma weta waU wfdf wibm wjim. tcuth: wrtd waipd wjbo srdou waga wsgn kaya. Mauntainf klo kvod kutc; Pserfiei kgn ksfd ktma koi l»a kaca kjrNOTEi S«a Wlk^AFvitfiC for eptlanaj Mst of^tatlona.Cont. Basts4:30— 6:30—Don WInolow-Navy—aaat 4:4S— 6:45—Tom MIr'o tkotah—east;

    Vaughn da Laath'a Bluaa—west 6:0(^ 9:0(^Naws: 8. ftogaro Orah. 6:30— 9:90—Adrian Railln'f Bnaaffibla 9'45— 6:49—Lowell TJiomat - adat;

    Tom Mix's Sketch—rapaai for west 6:00— 7:00—Baay Aeaa akit—also cat 6:19- 7:15—Mr. Kaon 4 Laat P^reana 6:30- 7:30-Naw Yarh Pragram-wig:

    Oscar thumskys Vlaiin—natwora 6:45-* 7:45—'Vivian d'Chlaaa—chain r:00— 9:00—Light Optra Via Pad^ 7:90— tiSO—Inurmatlan Plaaai» Quia 6:00— 6:0^Mary and Bob# Oramatia 8:90— 9:9^Buotnd Canity, tha Tanar 4:00—10:00—Cal Tlhnay 4 Intarvlawa 9:90—10:9


    Newdî P. House Lttder Pronî To Restore Con- stitotionaKGoTerimienL

    Washington, Jaa. pledge to restore ti'tlonal government two yeart came today Joaeph W. Martin, Jr., ehuaetta, new leader cf ed Republican ranks tn

    The 84-year-old newspaper''publisher waa chosen hy acelamiuiok i a CAUCUS last night to Ica^ tl party's 166 memhen. RepresehtoU''

    WTICTrevsiers RrendcMtlng g eeviee,

    Bnittord, Conn.i6A66 W. 1640 E C . 382 BL

    Enatorn StonJnrd tUne

    Tneefny, fan. 8P. If.4:06—Bulutxg* Wife.4:16—Stella Dallas 4:36—Vie and Bade.4:45—Olrl Alone.8KK>—Dick Tracy.'8:18—Tour Family and ICta*.8:80—Jack Armstrong.8:45—Uttl* Orphan Annie.6:00—News and Weather.6:18—Studio Ttxtgram.6:80—^Wrightville (barton.6:40—Lowell Thomas.7:00—^Amoe *n' Andy.7:15—Vocxl Veriettea.7:80—Tbe News Reportora.7:45—Hlatory In the Haadl^tto—

    Prof. Andre Bchenk y . 8:00—Johnny with Ruse Morgan. 8:80—For Men Only. ./6:00—"BatUe of . tha BtaMir—with

    Julia SandarKm and Frank CnuBinlt.

    6:00—Fibber Me(3ee and M

    ad. dM knew ha would mtauUy at- tribuU tt to hie laflrmlty. Ba had atwaja had a eartoia dM i« o f tt, aa boya da She dad ded that a Uttlt wanking would raaet mor* farcm- tw thaajBot to hli pcldo. lflM w *i« puaklMd. than he would eoy, "Z oant M 00 different er nuittim wmdd not do thto”

    NotoroBy Z emmot taB ag tho - of thla eaaa, tha flat

    I aad wMdom o f thta But I hav* gtom anerwh

    tonMbaapebtt. Tba dUld with aa tofiraatty w is bag ia teM If ha ar * a la not treated a* n 'hnaalat" aaaa,

    ' p iydoal V a ra adght96909PCi * a ^

    i T o m

    g — U P ) — PH * .Jonwr MBdaM « f th* goviat peim ^ ;aal pottos to t e MoMavlaa r * g ^

    ■^hSM bma awteaeod to dofllli by a BdUtary trihuaal at Kiev tor ‘

    ^ B E ^ E la a lesaett In aeonomy and ocifiyedfanee to ba laarnad from rhpding Herald ada. Folka in llim - ehaatar and vicinity who ehaek tham avary day know it i Juat a few mlnutai read*

    'Ing the ada halpa tham cat hooya off. thalr ahppidag trli). For they aibop at iMNBa firat, using Tha Herald aa a guide in aaving money—plea aantly I

    Do It Tho EaoyHERALD W AY!

    STOCK UP Gn Uttaae D arliV Tha JgBBggy Salagt


    DP H ia Entire Faflatbr! Ch(»dc jaanary S ila Ada For Hig SaVinge!

    iPLANNING To YoBH F h ii Groat Valaag b

    TboJaaaarySflloA iBl


    Watch For These Advertiusements lii Ths'5 -

  • '• '■'V'-CX .: . '‘'5■' V ar*

    tBiatvai M ANCH EirrER EVE N IN G H ERALD . M ANCHESTER. CONN. T U E S b A T . JANT7ART 8.1989«A p


    ------- \ ■ 'jwlM to taOMtlftte

    BoekvUlo. J«n. S—At tb« mooUnc «r tbo City Oounell oe Mon4oy •*•- «| !«. Aldtttnmn C îorlM Undinwoed VM oloetod prMidcnt of tli* Coun* «U lOr tbo oominy yoor •ueeeodlni AM tm u J. 8Ua)«y McCroy. Thp fg|«« OMTlM wttb It tbo Utlo Ot set. lag aaiyor in tbo obooneo of tbo IMyornmo tbo city.

    Mayor Ooudo A. MtUo doUvorod Ido ann^ moaoMfo oontalaiBg tbo faeonunOBdatlono for tbo oommit- taoa amouBced tbo rooppolnt- ■MOt of Dr. J. Ralph Uorlo aa Milk XMMCtor.

    hm foUowlaf poUUoao woro to* aobrod: Bra KuotowaW for a wood-

    at 84 Woat itroot, graatod; W. Kurt Bortbold. 6 roOn dwotnng 88a n OB Orowa atroot, graatod; Harold ■biirr for a alga 4aSH foat, at I Wak Mala atroot, graatod; J. aad W. Sabaor, to ronodol bouao oa fanratioot. Oraatod.

    AldoiaiaB Robort Oavtoo of tbo too eoaualttoo aaaouaood that eoauatttoo bad roeoivod btda

    jB tbo oarloua autooiobUo doalora ier tbo aaar polloa crulaar to roplaco flto prooaot car . aad that tbo oaa IM b tba Rockrtllo Oaraga 'fo r i « n j l waa tbo toaroat Tbo com* Mttao waa autbortaad to aiaka tbo aarrtaao from that eoaeora.w — — .------ rooom-

    1 to tbo Unprooo- ; of tbo oomsoorrlol Ugbtlng la' war aad of ,.tbo ae:~Hartag aarvod 000 yoar of jay

    aaoood total aa aaayor of tbo City ad Roclnlllo, I wlab at tbta tlaw to iapiaaa aay approdatloa to tba

    Dbara at tbo Board of Common

    Uon. t*la eooaoctlon wttb tbo PoUoa Do-

    partmoat 1 fool wltb our kSIclact Captain

    our regular

    aa mail n w l9 . I taroatlgate and •nyor Dcnren mi* ! bo doM m t t f i ; Recom m endatioD

    On Commercial lighthig Brinp Immediate Actkm;Tbe Message.


    Tlceri,__________ dffl.wltb tbo aupomumeiMOf chat thli department la doing

    thewell the Hrork taxpayers at


    OouacU, who gave me tbelr loyal aimpoit during tba paat year, aad wbo are entirely reaponaible for .tba Bueciaaful year of my admlniatra- ttoa.

    "Tba datallod reporta of tba varl- 000 eommittaea of tba laat council laavoa ttttla forme to aay, and with 80 changca la tba paraonnel ot tba ailtotaen tblrty-nlna council, I an- tldpata aa aSIctont admlntatratloo of City aSalra aa during tba paat jwar.

    **Thara baa bean a ta;aU reduotlpb bi tba aatimatad axpenaea for tba coming year, I can aaa no niaaon wby, aa I bava atated prevlouaiy and te lB g my tann of oSlca, with tba yracUoa of aconomy fron» tba ba- gtanlng, tba tax rata to pa laid can- aot bo aomewhat raduped.

    *la tba Public Worka Department for tbe coming year ̂tbe main work win be to maintain tbe preaent u •

    ,to-data ccndlUon of our atraata. Can- tar atraat bag barn In very bad ahape atace ytit laying of the storm aasrer two yeara ago, work on tbla atraat, we Were forced to delay due

    . tr tbe aavare burrlcana of Septem- 1/^uld -bar. tberefore racommand

    tba grading and curbing of tbla aa tbaai llrat project wltb tbe Meaing cf/aprtng. Orchard Hill ta la very bad ahape and abould be ’rebuilt and

    /ta-aurtaced with bard Unlab atone. Taicott Avenue abould ba givaa aoma attention, tbla atreat la vary tough aad abould ba rebuilt at laaat aoma aecUon of it during tba coming year. Tbere are many atraata wa could hard aurface, Orand Avanuc East end ia in vary rough condltlOB alnca the laying of tba Banltary aawer and should ba

    eon tbla typa of traaunent. Now dgaa being put In by the Town wni antall extra work for tbla da- partmant In gradmg sad rebuilding 04 approactaea We have a aplandid opportunity to widen tbe road at tbe towar end of Weat Main street, wbicb aurely would make a much Beaded Improvement. .'The old «wrni at tbla point baa been flUed in by the M.' T. Stevens A Co., with sboul atgbt aad one-balf feat of tbla land we could make a three rod road with ourtdng on tba aoutb aide from the biackamitb ebop to tba d»»>«ny mill, tbla would make a much better eps preach to tba bcldge, and a great Itoal safer for tbe cblidren traveling back aad forth from tbe PolUta and Maple atraet aeboola

    *Tba uaual amount of taring will Java to ba dona ia order to prsaarvi tba gravol roada within tba Oty Um- Ita. It ia much cheaper to do eai« aaeta year aad kaap them la ahape. I b e a t tba Wabar fUbag atgOoa 8B Wladaor Aveaua abould ba given t e ttnatmaat to ka^ It from waah- iM M t onto tba State Oghway.

    ^Oeoummlttoe at tba preaent tUne are eoetmueto ebgHaatlBir-baaanl- •oa roada. Wa bam a Eaaardous W^tlOB at tbe praasat Ume at y k t la eoaawely eaDed Mlntarbura

    " food pareaatacacf tba traf- ba aUaBlar,ad at tbla point

    ___ _ oould aemiba tba landg lab waa Kirmaily tba roadbed fOr Iba tfotlOT tcaefca batwaaa East

    aad ToUaad saaaaa, wbtob ir la aaa. Wa aaay act ba u to aemdra tMa praparty

    X d M ( R m S T ba

    expected large.

    *Tbe smaU loaa of Are each yaa ̂la largely due to tba promptaaaS. and affli^oey of our fire department. Tba oew pump purcbaaad the flrit of tba year aurely proved Ita worth, as It worked at two of our worat firaa in tba center of tba city before It had been aceapted.

    'The report aubmitM by tba Lighting Committee of laat year, stated that tba eommittaa aaw no great outlay other than tbs possible mstallatloa of a few additional UgbtA 1 fast aa tbla eommittaa, tbe amount approprlatad will amply taka care of any nacasaary additional ti^ t. I would recommend to tbla committee to eoatact tbs Con nactlcut Light and Power Co. In rs' gard to the failure of electric power In the lower section ot the dty. Christmas Eve It was in total darknaas and New Taar;a Eva the lights In tbla section were out for about one hour. Tbla as I understand Is not tba only Christmas Eva that tba marehanta In. tbla sae- Uon have bean without ll^ts. It baa been rsportod to ma that on tev- aral eocaatens on this particular night the marehanta of this asetlon bava bad no light I batlava that tbla la a eondttloD that can and should ba remedied by tba lighting oomoanv.

    "Tbe Health Committee hae a very aarlous problam 00 tbelr hands In regard to tmprovamanta at the Filtration Plant aa auggaated by tbe State Water Commission. I bellsve this added axnanaa to the taxpayara should ba prolonged aa long aa pos- dbla.

    ‘Tnasmueb aa there ia no change In tbe paraonnel of the Nineteen Thirty-nine Common Council. I am making no ebangea In committee appolntmanta. Tbla. I baUave should belD In the work of the various committees aa each member Is familiar with the duties of hla particular committee and the work, as p’anned by the preaent oommlt|ees could be eairlfil on without Interruption.

    "(Ventlamaa. tba busineaa of the City of Rockville tc In vour bands, aaa to It that you give It the same attention you sreuld v̂our own prl- yato buslnasa. agd aueoaas will be aasurad. Tba votara la the various ward* have alaeted veu aa their reo- riaaatotlvaa In this body, and It Is vour duty to ba regular and punctual la your attabdaneo at our meet- tngs.

    Respectfiilly submitted.C. A. MUXS,


    Tba funeral of Cbarlea E. Mead, 70, of 135 Union street, who died on Saturday waa held on Monday after noon at hla home. Rev. Dr. Oeorge 8. Brookes, paetor of the Union Congregational church officiated. Burldl was in Orova Hill cemetery. The hearers were Nelson Mead Harold Mead.''Clarence Pethybridge all of RockvUa, Rudoloh Kozllk. ot Clinton; Max Knia of Rast Hartford and James Coughlin of Manrhaster

    The funeral of Henry B. Beebe •8. of Plnney atree^ Ellington, was held this artamoon at tbe Burke Funeral Heme In tbla etty. Rev. Rdsooe P. Metogcr. pastor of the Ellington Congregation^ church offlelatad. Burial waa in the Buck- land cemetery.

    The funeral of John KorsA 80. who died at .the American House pn Sunday, will be held on Wednesday morning at 7:30 a ro. at the St Joseph's Catholic church. The place of burial has not been determined The police department have been making efforts to locate relatives of the man. but without success. The Burke funeral home on Park atryet win ba open this evening from 7 to 8 o'clock for frienda

    lastaUaMoa of OSIoava.Ira WUocn will Inatall the recently

    elected officers of the Tolland Orange this avantag at the Community House. The Installation will ba /followed by a eodal and the eompltteea for tbe coming year will be announced. ■' .

    Hope Chapter Meetlag.Hope Chapter. O. B. S., erUl bold

    a masting this evening In Masonic Hall on Union street At tbe meeting Mrs. Majoris Morrison, worthy matron, Clarence Wood, worthv patron and a staff of officers of Temple Chaotsr No. 88, O. E. 8., of Mknehester win put on aa oblige' tlon ceremony.


    Wednesday at 3:80 tba Motbar'B club will meat at tbe nome ot Mrs. Walter KeUer, Mrs. Carl Schramm acting aa boateaa. Tbe speaker will be Mlaa Margaret Danaby, acbool nurse. AlMadlea Interested are cordially tavltad.

    TTiursday evening O o^ try Orange No. 75 P. of H. will hold tbelr regular meettng''ta tbelr naU.

    Friday, Jan. 6, 8 p. m., a apaetaj meeting of tba Porter Library aaao- ciitlon will be held in tba library for

    S purpose of voting on any action t may be taken concerning tba rsl Library Project which tba stats proposes sponsoring and do any other buatneaa proper to coma before tbe meeting.

    Tbe tjowers decorating tbs .eburcb the paat two Sundays ware fumlah' •d by Mrs. William MeKlanay, Chrtstmaa . Sunday, being a large basket of cut Sowsra pla.jad on tba Communion table la memory of bar parents, Mr, \anci Mrs. Oeaa Tbla Sunday she ulM a beautiful polH' ■etta. It la a vkry gracious act aad one appreclatedX Immensely aad If any on# wlabea to^fumlab flowara at any time If they Will contact Mra. John E. KIngsburV or Rev. Leon Aui^n befora Tues^y evening ot the proceeding Sunday, the data can be placed on tbe ebur^ calendar.

    ^Ist Beaale and Mua Josepblna Statch retumad Monda}̂ from New York where they spent Î cw Tear*a with reUUvaa.

    Mlaa Morjorle Oraans of'Newark, N. J„ returned home Mondity after spending- tba holidays wltb\ Mlaa Ruth Shstton.

    Mrs. Roscoe Talbot of Darleibv baa been spending the pest weak With her parents, - Mr. Mrs. E.\ P. Hamilton.

    All the schools In town opened t^ >Iay after the holiday vacation. Tbd vaiihus school teaebara have raaum- ed tbelr work In the.dlffarent towns. Miss Elisabeth Blackburn In Lebanon, Mlaa Jeanette Heckler In Chaplain, Mlaa Cora Kingsbury In Oull- ford.

    Mlaa Alice Heckler and Mlaa Lamu Hill have retumad to WUU- mantlo Normal.

    Mrs. Qerber and grandson Josapb Sargis bava returned to Newport, R. L, having rtiant tba entire holiday season at tbs home of Mr. and Mra. Chas. Hacklar.

    Mrs. Cbarlaa Webstar left Sunday momlnf to apend a few days wltb bis parents In Varmont.

    Mlaa Phyllla Hoxia of Norwtob was hqpns for tba week and.

    Mr. and Mra A. J. Vinton and Mlaa Ruth Vinton spent New Yaara day with Ur. and Mra. Henry Schell of Woodmont, Conn.

    Nauall A. Hill and daughtera, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Hill In New Britain.

    ••Who*» Who’* In Com _An Aid To Plahten

    __ ■ •

    A new chapter In tba W te’a Wbo^axtra lata Whsra aaad for aoma ofof hybrid awaat oom, that Is balBg eompUsd by tba Plant Brsadtns Da- partmaat ot tba Afitoultural Bx- parlmant Station at New Havas, baa just bean laauad in time for ordering aaad for 1088 gardana

    Tba task of toaUng all o< the most promising hybrids available was started at tbs Station In 1888, . aad avantually tba beat oom la oaob

    e( tilalo will bo plantod to- gotbor for oomparloOa. It to porticu- larly fitting that such taata abould be made In Connectleut, etnee It vas the New Haven Station that In 1034 Brat damonstratad tba value of using hjrbrlda eommarelally.

    Tba new clreular, written by Or. D. P. Jonas and Dr. W. R. Singleton, givee data on com recommended for Oonneetieut out of tbe BOO lota planted in 1088. It first describes tba hybrids that showed up best In 1088 in the following claraes; Extra early, early, aarly mid-aaasoa, mid' season, latt mid aaa eon, lata aad

    tba outatonding bybrlda to not on tba market, tba elreular talto where inbrede that make tba eroaaia may be obtained.

    Intoreetlng devetopmento of Iasi ssasoB ware tba produetton at Tri croaaaa by breading a first ganara- Uon hybrid wttb aa labrsd.' » « « to no yellow variety available la tba vary lata season and tbo Station to undartoklng to fill tbto took. Oo|d- st Beauty has boaa dovatopod crooBlng the white aoaded Long Island Beauty with a late Connecticut yellow com. The new variety bai tub desirable form of tbe Long It' lend parent and will aieet tba market demand for. a late, yellow kemelled ear after a few more eea- eons of breeding fOr color.

    In conclualon. tbo report ghfoo a table of atattotloa on tbe vartouaa of com tested, with tbe fOUi on each: SourOa ot ae«d.*dato marketoble eafs, diantoter, lOagtb and weight ot tbe beet ten ears, and remarka


    Captored Honber Of Qidih let Of Fofitnres Rercali Intoit Of Leader.

    Ctovsiaad, Jan. 8-:-(AP)—Four mad felons who escaped from the

    aa, Om State" Hospital for the Criminally Inaana latand to launch aa orgy at "big tlaM" erima with a aariaa of Chicago ktlUags, a fallow fugitive Bttoad barn laatoted today.

    Deteetlva Sargt Jamas J. Me- Doaald captured Ruaaall Nueketo. 38, without a atruggls yaiterday. surprtoing.,tbs ooavlet aa ba walked oa a downtown street

    Nueketo fflated a fantastic atory.



    The Chriatmaa party bald by tbaCheerio Sunday school class at the WilUngton HlU ebureb waa a raal social occasion. Tba busbanda of tbs members were Invited and moat of them came end the teaehera M|x. Horace B. Bloat and Mrs. OMrgs V. Smith, also Dr. Sloat About 10 o'clock the members of the class served a buffet lunch of several kinds of s.andwlches. pickles, olives, cakes, divinity fudge and cottea Camea were played and a pleaalng feature of the occasion waa tbe iW- ognltlon of two wedding annlverear- tea, Mr. and Mrs.' Oldrich Vonaaek, married sixteen years and Ur. and Mra. Everett Robertson, married two years. Both oouplea ware blindfolded for a gama then they were pelted with confetti.

    At laat they all gathered about

    the piano and sang Christmas. parols, soutbsra melodlea and old aonga

    Laat Wadnaaday evening a community dance was bold In Hall Memorial school gymnasium which waa attended by eighty peopla The WlUlngton Sarenaders lad by Charles Todd, furolehed muala gou- vealr com of varioua dealgna jauntily worn added ance for robblj^ . a fllUng Station kclcaU, aocuaad to Clavaland as a

    "lomra' lane" holdup man, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery. Othera wbo Sail tba hospital ware Marion Plaroa, Ib^iaaapolla Negro, aantenc ad to from 10 to 30 yaara for ahoot- Ing to wound: wuitom Bruoks, ufa- tarm Ohio slayer, aad WUUjim Blats, native of jlatoa. Under a 10- 30 year robbery etoteaee.

    'The Clevelander itold Haines allowed him to aeparato. beeauae said hla mother was dylilg. aad after promtolag to rejoin them.

    ■Tf you squawk, we'U flniab you," Nueketo quoted Halnea.

    Hospital offlelato termed the pon- Tiete "very dangeroua aad very violent" ,

    West Main atraat to a Mtlent at the Mercy bespttel to Sj^togflald.Ml

    Annouaeamaat la ot __birth of a daughter to Mr. aad Mra. Michael Quarto of Norwich. 31ra. Quarto waa formaity M ta Anna FontaneUa, daughter ef ’ Fiad Fon- tenalla of Braao^ Balgbts.

    Mlaa Ruth RakL wbo la amploysd la the Agricultural Dapartaaaat of the Federal goveremaat to Wash- tagtoa. D. C.. Ima bean spending the holiday imcatlon wRb bar parsnta, Mr. and Mis. Mlcbaal Raid, on Sior ̂ton StTMt. _

    wuitom B. Kaaebutuk ot Craw HlU aactioB. driver of tbs ear to which two of hto frtonda wen klUad In Palmar, Maaa., on Dae. 18, to to ba triad on a charge of daagetoua drtv- Hto to tbe Prater Dtomei Oeoit. Wadaaeday. Jan. U. Xaachnluk Piaaded act guilty to tba diame ba- fote Judge bnaat B. Bobaon to tba Palmar court aad tba case w tinued. ^

    Taaebers to tba Stafford pubUe school wiU attend a meeting df the teaebera of Bagtoia Oonnoetlcat to bo held Saturday moratog. Jan. 37. la WUUmaatle, erbaa Dr. Aieimo O. Grace, now otato eommlaalonor ef educatkm, ,wtU i Uon Prabtoma of

    Mr. aad Mrs Leon famUy ot Palmar, Mi coat guMte ef Mrs. Patrick McCarthy o f High


    Tokyo, Jaa. 3 — (A P ) — Doai (Japanese news ageiwy) today n - porUd the 8/)00-taii fttoghtor Putt'- yams Mani had ladlosff aba waa agrauad off MJyalw totoad. to tbo Loodwa gbeop at aoathwast at Japan, eaaytag a erew at 44 aaa. A heavy aaeO tbieataaad to bieak tba veaaaL

    ustoay wban a IS atra eap4- mamhed on

    alien groups argaalaattoss and movemeate.

    SoBM of tba eommlttea’a findingsare: -

    1. Communism, aa latagral part of a arorld revolutloaary nMUament, arorki to ambroU tbto natloQ to a foreign war by propagating tbe doctrine of ooltocUve security; It to active la poUtloal parties labor

    and a/»ti/v>ia. aitd bss Penetrated tbe government to such an extent that aome Commiintota bold, key positions to Federal agencies and projects. ^

    3. Naxl-Faaotot groups, like tbe Communist Party, atm ultimately at the destruction of Um nation’a fiaa Institutions. These groups bava shown tbamaalvea "apt stu- dents of the Communist tactics" and tba tbiee "lama" bacoma "more aad more alike each year."

    Can PublleUe Aettvfilea3. While Congreaa can not deny

    cittoens tbe rlgnt to advocate Communism, Fascism or Nazism, It oan "focus the spotlight of publicity on subversive activities.

    4. Communism wUl not be able to advance to tba face of a "fearlesa and complete expoaiu ê" of Its true nature. Ita moat common device In attempting to alienee criticism to to charge critics with red-baiting.

    5. Communtat leaders sat up "front organizations" with "blgh- aouadlng titles and laudable objec- tivas," most of whoaa membera are unaware of the real cmtrol and Ui- fluanca.

    6. A thorough Investigation of tbe weat CoaSt would demonstrate Umt the Oemmuntote have "enjoyed greater auoeese" tbere tbaji any- where etoe In tbe nation. Commu- ntote wield "oonalderable political

    lenee" tbere and through law- oesa and vlolenca have "practl-

    caUy paralysed many induatriea."7. Csmmuntote have penetrated

    tbe Farmer-L^^or Party to promote Communism and Clara warfare. They succeeded to a large extent In Mlnneeota with plana to buUd a- strong Fanner-Labor Party and "UM It aa a front for tbo promotion of Communtom."

    A A ratbar large number of employes On the WPA theater project are "either member of tbe Communist party or are sympathetic with tbe Communist Party.''

    Sboold Deport Bridgaa.A The Labor Dspartment should

    proCaad with auspandad deportation


    Amraal PreLenten ASm To Be Held February 15*18 It lsDecidei ^

    The annual pre-Ienten carnival of BL Bridget's rtiurcb wlL be held to the church ball February . 16, 18, IT and lA Tbeae datea were selected at a meeting of the men aad women o, the church held last night Majo^ John G. Mahoney aad Mra. Edw^J. Murphy were e'ected as oo-e men for the carnival. Tbe next i Ing will be held within a week wh further committeei will ba aamsd. Tbe funds raised by the carnival win be used In meeting church expebdl- turea. In tbe annual financial report of the church given by Rev. Jrara P. Hmmina, pastor, reports of 000 received were annouboad |$2,000 waa applied on tba debt

    prooeadinga sgglnst Harry Bridge (n o west ooart mariUma leader, similar ease which tba Labor Oa- partmant aaya tba Suprama OoUrt must daclda tofora It continuaa tba Bridgaa oaas "does not have an Important bearing."

    10. Naxl aetlvlUes can ba linked wRh governpiant-conMllad agen- ciea In Germany. About 25,000 persona are active membere of the Germaa-Americaa bunds aad about100,0(X) parsons are "wUllng to bo

    '• T 1 ..............................tloito.seen" public bund maaifeeta-


    that tbe National Labor Relatkxia thorough Investigation to del to what extent board members onaployra "approve tbe Commi views” axpreased by David Saposa, NLRB economist

    In oonnacUon with tba ao-caiAd Mich., "boUday rambled at tba

    tol, eloaad stocaa and the state oollega, tba report critictt- ad "all public oflleUls Involved" for lack ot courage to bandUag tbs situation.

    Attcrnay Oaoaral Frank Murphy then was |ovarnor of Michigan. Diirtog'ita open boartnga tbe (3om- mlttee received testimony that Murphy blockad enforcament of b court ordar dtraettog tba evacuation ot iR-down Btrtkara.

    Calling tba Lansiag oecuiraBora "dtograeeful", tba eommittaa said "a couragaoua atand” would bava "avoldad tba loaa of mUllons of dol- tara to both labor and capital;"

    Tba report brtaUlng with eoo- daimiatlcn ef Oommualam, Naaltom and Faaetora. recommandad that tba Rouse contlaua tba Invastlga- tJOB tor two years with an aapro- prtotloti of at toast 8150,000. invostlgatlen abould not ba eontto- uaA it said, iinlraa it baa adequate funds. Tba oaramlttee, which ax- plraa todtoy. had W5.000 orlglaatly:

    “ Iba Congraaa aboul?*ate* ra- qulra tba appraprlate dapartaaata to jcO'̂ erato with the committee." tba report aald, dactortag tba Jua- Uea and Labor dapartmabta bad toltod to do ao.

    Tba ravra-man group, which attracted wide attantlan aa well aa ertUetom from Praalrtaiit Rooaavialt Baerstary Ickra aad Sacratory Par- khta, aommariaad taaomciiy raoatv- ad at haariaga to WaMitogtea. Do- tn tt and New Tork-

    It M aot aaake apacIBc tagiala- tbm prapoaals to curb na-Amartou arrtmttaa but todinetty rafScrad to tba aaesiMtr mtotrattHR aC

    11. Next Investigation was hand Icapped by destruction of records but other correepondmee definitely Indlcetea that "German consutotea ta tba (hiitod gtetet bava been tbe clearing bouses for much of tba Naxl activity hart." Tba Amsrt

    .can Nasi youth movement to much < stronger in tbe east and middle

    west then In the far west.12. —Bund camp* exist at New

    Tork, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Schenac tady, Cleveland. Los Angalaa, San Dlago. Oakland, Spokane, Brattle, and St. Louie

    IA Frits Kuhn, Bund leader, told a committee agent that ba had power of ambassador and a q>ectol "aacrat arrangement dtraetly with Adolf Hltlar." _

    14. About 10,000 paraonS ba) to tba Italian blaekahlrte, 100. are wUItog to attend tbahr public meetlngB aad anotber 100,00Q.,̂ "fall within tbelr Infiuanoe." Italian eon- tutor offlelala and seerat Fasetot agents are spreading Faaetot propaganda la ranka of aoma Italian' 'Amariean orgautoattona ta tba TlBltad Statae

    lA One aapiset of Fascist activityto tba tact that many Italian Amar- loans aagaqad In aubvaralve aetlvl- tlas are actually on relief rona em plo]^ by tbs WFA and ether govkrnntont aganetoe

    DID YOU KNOW TH AT-Crsamary butter produced

    Nova Scotia la October totali 028,000 pounds.

    Amarleaa butter stocks In Fo- vembar. IM A ware aiUmated/ at 1OA000.00O pounde 78,0010,000 pounds above normal.

    An avain.;a of 1,080 vasadto per month have called at tbe Aort of

    CMlf., for the /tost 15 \-

    Ida have months ipectore'

    [lietbe name

    Westsmoke the

    s ooblba. Improve-

    mate coat of 10 per cent of

    a cow. The goes for over-

    CABINET s m n SEEN POSSIBLE IN J A y iS P U T E(Ooxttooed from Fage One)

    Gen. Otozo Yanuuto, new commander of Japan's legions la Chine today faced the monumental teaks ot consolidating tbe gains nutde la Ig months of rastly fighting.

    Whether be would attrapt to M> tend the Invasion farther Into tba Interior waa aot known, but maair foreign observera considered hto appointment to succeed Gen. Shuaro^ Hats as f oresbadovring. a dafialte change In Japaneae tactlce

    These obaervers held Ibat major BoUitery operations had bean eom- pleted and that the campaign henceforth would be directed at' sripiag - out guerrilla opposlUoa and pseUy- Ing partially conquered ragtOBs.

    That In Itself was regarded aa a formidable undertaklag. Durtog the paial 18 months ths .war baa aprand O', or 13 provinces: Hopeh, Suijruaa, (Thabar, Bbanai, ShaatUpg, Hoaaa, Klangsu. Anhwei. HupebiNCbaktoag, Klmnsgl, Hunan and Kwakgtung.

    Tbe Japeaera malntidn tbay Mva conquered about 900,000 Squan miles, but tba ChInraa admit tba oe- cupatloB of only about ona aavebtk of tba total area of tba. 18 pravtooatî

    Neutral obrarvara point out thnt, tba occupaUon for Uto moat part to limited to major oittao, rallwaya aad highways aad tU t oontlguous tor* ritory stlU raqulrra costly aad ax- teaatve mopptog-up.

    MANY FER8GN8 BXB4JUTBOHongkong, Jan. 8 — (A P ) ■»

    Usually ww-tnformad Chlnara aald today that a "conalderablo numbar" of persona had bean axaeutad ta Chungking, sritb "hundrads moraf* under anead, following tba axpiff* alon of fotmar Prralar Wang caitong-Wal from tba Cblnsaa gor- ernment party tor "daaarttog hto post aad atitog for paaoa to oontrto dlcUon to nauoaal policy."

    The “purga.77ta- Sunday, ' saeratly I In a oam

    1 among what Ic "fatonMarta."

    dtopatrtt aald R atejwwara baiag taken

    Wang's Influanda oomptoto- dented tbara wna avidinqa larga-soala nrraats.)(h tba claaa-up orlgtoatad Wang episode, tba aeUott

    sourcaa reported, waa bak^ idad to include the aUmlaaUoa

    patty graft or corrupt"enta.


    (A Chi

    first reported aa to ba eentinutog the Ira affaettvaly

    to try to bloek any what ]otat



    yaara.Savaral rirtt gold

    baaa rsportod to from small mines and claims to Western Ausi

    Tobacco WM orlgl] tor a tuba through

    tabaliIndian natlvsa plant Iteslf brag

    Mlzsourl dairy mant aaaoctoUona faad rtpraaante oni tba axpsnas of other 60 par cebt bead, dapractottob. Interest and labor..

    Fartlllaar experts who used to think nitrogen, phoepboraua. potash aad Ume were tbe only artUl- etol plant fooda crops needed now Include nmay minor etomentr such

    boron, copper, manganese *"d tbe llke-

    More than 790,000 Cbitotmas trra wara axportec from Neva Scotia befora tbe middle of December. , _ i

    Umbrellas with 15-foet apraada aach eapabla of oovaitog two au- tomobUes bava baan aaada ta England tor use In (jeatial Africa.

    August BaefaUar. wbd mtoted Boonay tor tbs united Ftatoa gov- ainmtnt nt Rutbactordten. N. CL tocos 1880 to 1888 dtod to povwty.

    Murdara„daeitoad. burglartM to- anaad. ta tba first nina months

    ot 1888 eomparad with tbr similar period to 1817.'veneauala. nMontog Httto Venice," sraa orlgtoatly lappUed to an Indian' vtUaga built osi plira on tba eeaat at that coontry.

    Tee tba fin t tUsa la New Can- toadb htotacy. tbe average bank •Ota elraiitottoa during tba firm


    Hartford, Jan. 8.—(A P )— Sa-^ lactmen of tba town of Marlborough - will order payment made to -18 workmen for thalr labor after thai- Saptember burrieana, attornaya an-" nouncod. tbla morning ta gupartoT. court, following tba adrlcs of J w ^ ; Thomas J. Mollov.

    The judge bad ordered a raora and advised the attbrneya to "gat together aad pay tbeaa man" srblta baaring argumants oa n motiaa-M ouaab an altaraatlva wrtt ot mandamus to secura. tba sontht bv the workman.

    It had been alleged that two 1 erstie selectmen refuaed to slq orders to tbe town treasurer tq ' make pei-meat tor tbe work dona on the ground that tbay had no knowledga of tba contract ter tba work aaada by tba fin t selaetaaai,

    I TKe Poel’$ (ColumnNEW TEAR (WNfitotmATMMI

    O Lord. Tby gradona graoa baatow. That from my Ufa may afar Bam, Pure deeds of love aad rtgbtaonanaaA that aoola niay learn Thy nnina to

    tdvM. ^For I wnuld have aO man to*haow,". That ata, thy strength doth eves*

    tEraw.Truly my aoni throba nrltb dritop TO ba baptised wttb Holy Tfra, That Christ my ttfs I mom may

    knowFalae mortal mind to overtbraw; Tbat God may be my aU to all .Tt shield from arror’a bam enthralL O gractoua Lord to Thee I vow—

    eonlbcnte Just now.My an n i IF. J. BUSOCLU

    To aolva a maikat glut'aC ob late raRra at Salat John, N. davieta bnutod tomdrada at aato

    lp n 7 tbara to


    DAILY RADIO PROGRAMTUMOAV. JANUARY 8 (Central Eastern SUndard Time—PM.)

    fCkanft ta Ltall*#* 0*« ta Ntueotk Cor-eetlone To* Lalt $* {seetyeraMJ Netai an preareina to kw enij beilc ch iln* ei gioup* tntreor unless epeel-

    ' ~ 1 coetl to eoeet (s te e) dMigfintion* include ell eyelleble tUUene.'.NSC-WtAF (RfiD) (lETWORK

    BASIC — Betli-weaf wnee wtir wj»r wteS wceO ky« wfbr wre war wban wees wttm wwj cbm nrdol. Mlaweoii k«1 winau wbo wow wd»r wire k-tp; MtunUim koe kdyl; South; wmbk w-h wme wemb wjds kpre wbre; raclflg; an ktw komo kbq kpo

    OPTIONAL STATIOeia (operate In- Mrebencesbly on either rtldl) ui BLUE aetworkel: ■atli wbre wcol.wtea wlw work wcky weal wnn riif cbl wsel. CeMralt well wtm] wibe wdey ngbi kani welo ktoo wbow wood webe wgbl wgt kfyr koam. South; wapo wui. i.r wbU wla wtal wfle-wiun eiod wenr wibe wwne wcec wave wtm kvoo wky wfae when woal kthe krdm ê kn krsv arts ktnk kiem wale wrol k'be icark Kane; Mountain; k(lr kthi ktt» kob kahr kldo kpfa ktel ktfl: Paelflt; kfbk kwx kml kem kru kmed

    UCant.— 6;X>—Jaek Armitrene — aaat. Te Be Announced-weat

    4:40— *:4S — Littia Orphan Annia— eaat: Clark Oennia. Sanga—treat

    StOO— 4:00—Orehettra Charua—waaf: Banna Xablnofr, Vielln—naiwork

    B i l ^ Ilia—Maieaiffl Claira—natwork Itto— 4:20—Wraaa-Raela Navra Parlad 4:10— t:10—Tha Angiar and Hunlar ■ ;4 ^ l;40—Xdtph.arana. Tanar seiat t|C0— /:0O—Amea ‘n‘ Andy - aapt only.

    “ f:10—Vocal Varietiaa by Choral7:30—Oanolng Muala Orahtttra

    1540— 7:40—Smlly Woat - weaf kyw wum wTnaq: Daneo Orahaatra— chainTM— StOta-Ruat Morgan a Orenaatra

    Ttio- SiiO-"Ftr Man Only" Program a:0a» t:0O-Battla ot tha Sanaa Quit itSO— ktlO—PIbbtr MeOaa'a Pragram

    -lOsn—Bob HM'a vanaty Show -Undo Btra Skit—aleo eat Jimmy Kemper and Ca.' Oanaing Oreheat. —aaat.

    Amea *iT Andy—rapaat for traat ISiia—IttlO—Oanaing Muaio Mk hra.)

    088-WAfiC NETWORK SABIO — Boat; trabe woko wcko wool trgr wkbw wkre w]r wdre waau wlaa tTpro trfbl wikv wgar: MIdweati wbbm

    . Wfbm knbe kmom whka kfab krnt

    • Iitto—loia^ui |;4a»14:W-Jli

    Itioo—11:M - C

    MIPWEST — wmbd wlan wtbw ktb- wkbb wtaq wkbh wero wabt kae) wnaa woe wbib kgio kdeh waoe wmfg MOUNT.—kvor krgra kla kob Eal kgrakfhhCOAST—kni koln ktpy kvi ktio keg. karm kbbo kgbra klro kgkr Ctnt Eatt, .4:00— l:op-auaatlant Batara Nauae 4;lg— gtffr—Muala lar. Pun livCantart 4:4«— i;4a—Cbiidran’a Clraiiii Berlal-

    eaat; Chlaaee Sanga tar Vau wast StOO,̂ 4:00—Praaa Xatlie Newt PorlaS 9:0a— t:0a-Tlma far Oandng Mutia 0:1a- ttia—Hawia Wing a Aviation 0:30- 4130—Bob'Tr4ut Abeut "Teday" 0:4g— 4:4a—Bnech Light'a Orahaatra t:0O- 7:00—"County aaat,” Oramttla t:ia— 7:ta—Jimmla FI4lar an Heily-

    weed—baale; In Musle Ream-west 4:ao— 7iS0-Htian Menken's aerial—

    basic; 'Oenecia Retleatient - west t:0>— liOO—Edward O. Reklnesn Play 7:S^ atX^AI Jsiten and anew- te c*S:0O- a:0O-Wc the Paepic Prat.—c.' 4:a(b- liao-tteseman awing -alto eal 1:00—10:00- Joan Horabalt a tria l-toe OtJ^IOdO—Jack aartb tng aangt—

    aeet. Jimmit PIdlar-waat rawkt a:4a-.10i4a—Vltwpainta e> Amtrltana

    10:00-11100—Ntwti Dinaa Or. II hra.)NBC.W J) (B L U E ) NETW ORK

    BASIC — Eaat: wja .wbi.wbta wbei wbem kdka way a wjtn wayr wntaj wfll waby wabr ctef whk witiff wtPd trass wicc wieu: Mldweat: wanr wit awk kell wran wmt kao wowo kma wets waU wrur wibm w]im. aauth: wrtd watps wjbo wdtu waga wwn kayo. Mauntalni klo kvod kute: PaeiSe: kgn ktfd ktrat kei kga keca lOrNOTBi Sea WEAR.NBC far eptlenel lltl efVtatlont.Cent. Bait.4:30— 0:30—Don Window Navy—wet 4:45— 0:40—Tom Mla'a tksteb—eaat:

    Vaughn da Laatb'a Biuae—traei 0:00— 4:00—Nawa; B. Ragtra Orah. 0:30- i:30-Adrlan RMlIn'a Enaambig a-4a— 0:40—Lowati Tbomat — eeai:

    Tom Min't Skatah-rapwt lor wagt 0:00— 7:00—Baty Aeaa Skit—alto rat 0:10— 7:10—Mr. Kaan a Laat Paraant t;30— 7:00—New Yerk Pregram -vjg:

    Oaetr tbumaky. Vlelln--natwors auto— 7:40—Vivian d'Chleta—chain 7:00- 0:00—Light Ooara Via Radio 7:00— 0:3^lnfarmatlgn Ptaatg, bull 0:00— 0:00—Mary and Bab, Oramatla 1:30— t:10-auoena Canlay, the Tanar 0:00—10:00—Car TInnty A Intarwiawa 0:30—10:CO—Lanny Oroy A Rhythm 0:40—10:40—Cemmant by Or. Jaitraw

    10:00-r11i00—Ntwti Otnae Or. cl bra-t

    BAST—wabi wbnt wpg whp whac wore efrb ekte wiba trmaa waao wk' ttgbl wbrk wnbi trade wnbf wi

    : wkhn whie I f wgan

    OIXIB — wgat waft wqam wind kira trree wlae wwl wtoe krld ktrh ktta trace koma wbt wdaa wbig wdbj wwva waja wnbr ktul wcoa wdne wnos kwkh wmmm wjno wehs vpsr wmas wooe wnrt wmlm wrdw wspi wdbo


    New GeOP. Home Leader1 * • *

    Promises To Restore Con- sdtatienal GoTemmenL

    Washington, Ĵsn. ,4:—(A P )— A pledge to reitore "bslsneed consU> ti’tlonsl government" In the neKt' two yesn esme todsy fran Itep. Joeeph W. Msrtln. Jr„ ef Msasa- eburatte, new leader of tba tocress* ed RepubUcen ranks to tba Houas.

    Tbe 84.year-old newspaper publisher wsa choeen by aeClsmsUon at a .oBucua last night to Isa^ tbs party's 169 membsrs. RepreSsatsttve

    WTICRraafieasttag Rut In ,

    Hertford, Cona. r. 1949 K. C SgA M. aton Btoa^Bifi ttora

    TBssfisy, Jaa. tr . M.4:00—Sadcstage Wife.4:38—Stolls DsUsa.4:80—Vie and 8ads.4:40—Girl Alone.5K10—Dick Tracy.'■rtS—Tour FsmUy end Mina. 8:80—Jack .Armstoong.8:45—UtUs Orphan Annls.8di0—Nsws and Weather.8:15—Studio Program.6:80—^WrigtatvlUe Cktrioru 5:45—liOweU TbomaA TH)0—' Amos 'a' Andy.T:15—Vocal VarlsUss.T:80—The Nsws Rsporters.T:45—History to the HasdUnsa—

    Prof. A n ^ 8ebsnkar. 5:00—Johnny with Rum Morgan. 8:80—For Man Only.8KK)—"BatUs ot tbs BsRSir—with

    Julia Baadanon aad Frank

    t.'Op—Flbbar MeOra and MoDy. SOKIO—Varisty Program FSaturiag

    Bob HOpOa ^10:80—Undo £ « ’• Radle Btatton. 30:18 Jimmy Ksmpar Soag Sto-

    ilaa.'31ff)0—Nawa aad Wsatbsr.3 lil8—ItoUsh orebaatra.33:48—LfOu Brara'a orebaatra, 38:08—Artto 8haw*a crehratra. 38:88—Wayaa Klng'a orebaatra. ISM -Jfsw a 3K»

    A .U .8ffl8—RavsUto with Jaka aad Cart.

    , guasU. / fi K) Bunrlra towlaL TK)8—Moratog w 5 5 .8:00—KawS aad Waathar.8d8—H idley Ktaeald.8:48—"Jana Ardam" dramstie

    ■kotoha' 8:08 ■■■Musical Ihtartnda.

    8:06 Wsppy Jack.8:18—FoM Nkwa.8:80 Orstera McMuBan.8:48—“ Tba W M Bavxr."

    30:00—Ontral a ty .30:18—John's Other Wtfs- lOdO-Just Plato BIU.30:48—Tha Woama In White. 33:08—David Haiwa.33:18 taronra Jooaa 33ML-Touag Widow Brawn. ilto8—Tbo Road of Ufa.33KM) Noon—Noontlmo Varieties. P. X .38:38—"BOltop Houas."18:88—Myit~ Bad Marge.38:48—eUtoto* Baao.3.-00—Nawa aad Weathra.3 0 8 -^ Boya.3:80—Marjorte »*tii«SK18-WPA Btitag BDasBObto. 8;80—Jska aad CkiL 1:48—Plaao Redtal, LatnS C,

    Qaudet-Tha Story ot Mary Marita.

    Psrklas.[8:80—Pepper Toungh FamUy. 8:48-T1m Golding Light



    P. M.' d-WO-Wghwaya To Baalth.

    ^4a8-itag. Gse.4:80—Thoas Happy Gfimena 4:48—Of lU a A Books.8KK)—Ad Uara—Daaoe prograaL B48—Hartford PubUe Behoo

    ■wlra Bpaaksr Cbae W. Mor- '_ rtt.

    8:48-Tha Mighty Mtow. ffiO- E ra Raportsr—Nawx a

    WsaOMr.8'88 Daacis Tims.8:18—Bowls Wtog.8:80—"Today" jrith Boh Ttout. 8:46—Wkrrra Ckaemw — Sta

    M8r. at Highway Ptoaai Bervey. Btofo H l^way Dipt, •afi Hartfiosd Boasd aC Btrn


    r. ' 'V


    7:18—JImade Fiddler's Hollywood Goarip.

    T:S0-;-Helan Maaeken in "Seooad Husband.”

    8K)0— Towa" Btarrtag Edward - O. Robinson A Utotr Trevor.

    8:80—A1 Jolaon Show— MaiHia Raya, spsrkysksrkus, Lud Gluskln'a Orebaatra.

    8:00—Wa tha People.9:80—Camel Caravan — Benny

    Ooodi3>sn’g Orchestra.10:00—"Dr. Chrlsttaa" starring Jsaa

    Reraholt.10:80—Swedish Glee Chib—Prank

    HJsrpe, Oonduotor. lOrtS—American Vlewpototo. *11:00—Baao Reporter—News, aad

    Weather.11:00—Charles Baum'a Orchestra. 11;S0—Glen MOler'a Orehaatn. 12:00—Sammy Kaya’a Orchestra. 18:00 a.JB.—Abe Lytraa'e Orcheetra

    Teasorrewto ^^egraosA. M.7:00—Shoppers Spselal.T:85—Esso Rspertor—-Nsws, and

    Waathar.8:00—Shoppars Spselal.9:00—Richard Maxwall.8:18—Moataaa SUbl 9:88—Nawa Bsrvlea 9:80—QIri tetoraai Jeyea Jordan. 9:48—MUslo Jraphs

    10:00—Pretty Kitty KeUy.10:18—Us On a Bus 10:48—Stepmother. ltd)0—Dorothy StoiM — CCnaela

    Varletlas.ll:16-8cattorgood Bataan 11:80—Big Sister.11:45—Aunt Jenny's raal Ufa storiaa 13:00—Mary Maigarat McBrlda.P. U.

    18:18—Bar Hcimr, Naaey JanMt. 18:80—Romaaes at Balsa Traat 13:48—Our Gal Sunday.. 3:00—Esso Rapertar—News, aad
