
We used to help us search for different things such as sound with copyright-free sounds, and to get to YouTube, We used to get various sound clips (non- diegetic) to help create tension and help our audience realise it’s a crime thriller. I’ve During making our opening sequence, I learnt that there’s a site called where it allows to upload power points and word documents and get the During making our opening sequence, I learnt that there’s a site called prezi, where it allows you to make presentations During making our opening sequence, I learnt that there’s a site called Mahara, this is where I posted all my journal entries, During our making of our opening sequence, we used a commonly used site called YouTube, this is where we uploaded our prelim task, Arlington Road task, and

Transcript of Websites

Page 1: Websites

We used to help us search for different things such as sound with copyright-free sounds, and to get to YouTube, Mahara and so on.

We used to get various sound clips (non-diegetic) to help create tension and help our audience realise it’s a crime thriller. I’ve learnt that it’s frequently used, and that it has amazing quality sounds/music.

During making our opening sequence, I learnt that there’s a site called where it allows to upload power points and word documents and get the embed code to put onto my Mahara pages.

During making our opening sequence, I learnt that there’s a site called prezi, where it allows you to make presentations like in powerpoint, however, this is more advanced.

During making our opening sequence, I learnt that there’s a site called Mahara, this is where I posted all my journal entries, without it I wouldn’t have got a grade.

During our making of our opening sequence, we used a commonly used site called YouTube, this is where we uploaded our prelim task, Arlington Road task, and our opening sequence, it was very helpful to use.