Website analysis final

Website Analysis By: Marija Djikic

Transcript of Website analysis final

Website AnalysisBy: Marija Djikic

Website Design Conventions

Every small business, film producer, distributor has to understand the importance of having its own website. Despite the fact that website provides main points of your product, it is also used as a commercial. It attracts new customers, encourages repeat purchases and motivates employees to feel important-as their product/service they created/maintained is more valued. Promotion of a product, lets say film (as this it the topic we are covering) through website is extremely cheap and flexible. All of the people around the world can see it, create their own opinion and discuss it over various kinds of social networks. Thanks to promotional techniques people use nowadays, e.g. direct mail, short film distributor will be able to target its audience-customers, and decrease the risk of failure. This is the case because demand for the film is likely to increase, so as the profit margin.Professional website designers will be able to create innovative, eye-catching websites that could boost sales. If it is nicely packed and presented, potential viewers will have both the chance to meet better with the up-coming film and to explore whether they will like it or not. On the other side, if website is poorly conducted, prejudice could be made and sales could plummet.

10 Website Tips 1. Impressive Logo

Logo of the web page should be positioned at the top of the page, most likely on the left side. This is important as it is the first thing people will spot once they are on your webpage.2. Logo should have a link back to the homepage

This is flexible solution and is also very important if if the link to the homepage is not clearly and easily visible.3. Links should be underlined and of different font than the text

Do not rely only on colour to differentiate links from “normal” text because a lot of people suffer from colour blindness.4.Visited Links are of different colour than other links

This is extremely important, because viewers can have better overview on what they have seen and what they haven’t. It will easy the use of your web. Simpler-the better.5. The navigation stands out and is consistent throughout the site

Consistent navigation means that it is always at the same place, preferably above the fold, at the top (horizontally) or on the side (vertically). It behaves the same way throughout the website and can easily be identified.

6.Visitors can search your site

For medium size and large size, search facilities are almost mandatory. You need to make sure it is obvious what search facility does so people do not get confused. As I said, simpler-the better7. Unique design

If design is quite simpler, it indicates that your film is very simple. It is definitely not a good sign, as no one wants to watch simple and boring films. Always have something that will inspire viewers to download your film and watch it.8. All information included

There should be nothing missing. If some important issues are missing and people have questions on these field, they might consider the company as unreliable and do not want to watch its short films.9. Website should be assessable with and without www

This is portable solution as consumers are usually to lazy to type in www. If they type in without, and your website does not appear to their search site, they will most certainly give up.10. Try your best

Do not ‘just do’ your web to finish it, take time, think about it, consult with people. It would be even smart to do test marketing before you upload it for all people. Research other websites before you create one of your own.

Analysis of a Website

The Website

Kung Fury

Kung Fury is a 2015 English-language Swedish martial arts action comedy short film written, directed by, and starring David Sandberg. It pays homage to 1980s martial arts and police action films.Trivia

The scene with Nazi soldiers speaking to each other features Swedish comedians Magnus Betnér and Björn Gustavsson drifting between poor German with a heavy Swedish accent and Swedish.

Director David Sandberg

Once you click on what is this, short synopsis of the film pops out. Like that, potential viewers are able to see what is the film about, whether they like the inner motivation of the story and not and whether that specific genre-in this case comedy is their field or not. Kung Fury did extremely brief synopsis, compared to Interstellar website where there is only two or three lines explanation. This could be both bad and good. To create extremely short synopsis, one creating it has to be very skilled.

Credits. Here you can always check for your favorite actor, director, costume designer and so on…For example, fans of David Sanberg are less likely to resist the chellange of not watching this film than those who don’t find him that appealing. You can also search for them on IMBD and see their previous projects and check the mark they recieved.

If low, you’ll probably have prejudice about their new film indeed...

Online shopping is the most portable kind of shopping consumers can buy, especially in this case when posters, shirts and time travel paraphernalia's are in question. This will allow Kung Fury to increase its sales revenue, awareness and customers loyalty. Thanks to synergy, Kung Fury team will be able to allow their fans to gather more than just watching the film. This is an important fact as film alone is not enough if Kung Fury aims to be highy competitive in Short Film industry.

By clicking on the link of the trailer, potential audience will be able to quickly see the best moments of the short film. For example, I wasn’t significantly pleased by the outlook of the website and it didn’t attract me to continue watching the film. However, once I have seen the trailer-which I would never search on YouTube, I became extremely interested in the movie so I downloaded it to watch it. This is the big advantage for attracting potential ‘customers’ and increasing demand of the ‘product’.

As far as we know, social networks are the cheapest and the most efficient ways of promoting. A lot of new entrepreneurs consider Facebook, Twitter and Instagram the new form of ‘Word-of-Mouth’- one person likes a page/picture the other one sees it, likes it and follows it. It is also a form of cross media convergence where consumers can become prosumers and enjoy the discussions, exchange of opinions and various kinds of advices for their personal development. This can allow people to emulate Kung Fury style of production and help them understand how it should be properly done.

The outlook of Kung Fury

The outlook of the website is extremely unique and fancy. From a peer review we can conclude that high percentage of people consider it as contemporary art. This is important because if it looked cheap and boring people wouldn’t be attracted to it and wouldn’t be interested in watching the film. The main character located at the center of the website emphasizes his importance to the film. This is important as most of the audience ‘judges book by its cover’ and the title Kung Fury is not enough to attract people to go to the cinema or download the movie to watch it. Also the design of the website is unique and represents how the unique is the film. Many producers consider a website of being a part of USP of one film.