WEBRIS: White Hat Link Building Proposal Template

[email protected] http://webris.org 508.494.7870 Proposal For Link Building Services [Insert Client Name] [Insert Client Logo]

Transcript of WEBRIS: White Hat Link Building Proposal Template

[email protected] http://webris.org508.494.7870

Proposal For Link Building Services[Insert Client Name]

[Insert Client Logo]

Executive summary.

First, we want to take a moment to thank you for considering us for your digital needs. We do things differently here and before we dive into the proposal, there’s a few things we want you to know about us:1. We love what we do. If you take a look at our blog you can see our passion. We don’t just

pitch these services, we live and breathe them. This work hasn’t gone unnoticed as we’ve been featured on a number of the world’s top marketing websites like Search Engine Land, KissMetrics and Moz.

2. We’re creative. Shop around, you won’t find another proposal formatted like this. That’s the point – we do things differently. We focus on the details, creative thinking, asking the hard questions and pushing the envelope.

3. We do SEO differently. SEO is no longer about putting keywords on a page. It’s about matching an experience on your website with the searcher’s intent. We help you create the right experiences.

4. We keep a small client list. The web marketing landscape has changed drastically over the last 2 years – it’s much harder to have success. For that reason, we only take on 1 – 2 new clients a month. We’d rather deliver quality work and retain clients than constantly grind for new ones.

5. We have no interns or junior staff members. In order to deliver top quality services, we need to find and retain top talent. Ask us the hard questions, put us to the test – we know we can deliver!

6. We’re there for our clients. Mornings, nights and weekends – we pick up the phone. We’re here as much or as little as you need us.



We look at a number of traditional SEO metrics in order to determine quality:

o Domain Authority – The measure of the overall domains power.

o Page Authority – The measure of a specific page’s power.

o Trust Flow – This is the measure of the quality of the links pointing to that domain.

o Citation Flow – This is the measure of the power of the links pointing at the domain.

o Referring Domains + IPs – The number of unique domains and IP addresses are linking to a domain.

o Link Profile Analysis – We do a manual review of each domain’s link profile to ensure it’s clean, trust worthy and relevant.

o Traffic – We use SEM Rush to gauge traffic volume to that domain. We are firm believers that if the link drives traffic, it drives ranking equity.

Based on our analysis, we assign each opportunity a number between 1 and 5 (5 is the highest). These metrics help our team understand the level of effort needed to get a link live.

By understanding what a good link looks like.

Link building is a notoriously shady industry and a number of link building agencies will actually hide the process from their clients.

We have a completely open process that shows our clients every move our team is making.

The first thing we do is set up a share folder on our Google Drive account and give your team access to it. Our team then goes to work building out a couple of shared docs.

With excellent communication.

In these documents you’ll be able to view the tasks our team is working on as well as the stage in the overall link building process.

In another tab, you’ll be able to see the exact websites we’re targeting and the progress we’re making on the outreach and content creation.

We have a small team of people whose sole job is to comb the internet looking for high quality link building opportunities.

Our team goes through our proprietary list of search engine operators and searches through Google, Yahoo, Bing and Duck Duck Go prospecting.

They then record the opportunities in a shared Google Excel Sheet with the rest of the team (and the client).

Based on the quality criteria outlined in the previous slide, they assign each opportunity a number between 1 and 5 (5 being the highest).

That number lets the rest of the team know the level of effort needed to get a link live on that site. If it’s a guest blogging submission, it tells our outreach managers which writers to work with to get content written.

We manually find each prospect.

Our link outreach process begins as soon as the prospecting does – we waste no time reaching out to existing relationships or new ones to begin the link building process.

The outreach team we’ve built is efficient, knowledgeable and has a tremendous grasp of what good web content looks like.

Even though we work with awesome content writers, we still rely on the outreach manager to go back and forth with webmasters tweaking content, images and link placements to their liking.

This is an extremely tedious and time consuming process that takes people who are able to wear a number of hats, especially when the main goal of your guest post submission is for link building.

Our team is tremendously trained and skilled at getting your links placed.

We manually reach out to each prospect.

White hat guest posting requires 2 things in order to pull it off at scale:

1. Relationships / outreach2. Amazing content


There’s not a single quality blog on the web right now that will accept just anything – they demand well written, researched and sharable content that their audience will love.

In order to work with top blogs, we’ve built a stable of awesome content writers. We don’t use any writing services to create it – we work with real writers that we’ve found on some top notch marketing blogs.

These writers have a long list of connections that help to land links of some of the world’s top blogs.

Our writers are first rate.

[Insert Writer 1]Insert sites they’ve written for

[Insert Writer 2]Insert sites they’ve written for

[Insert Writer 3]Insert sites they’ve written for

Writer’s Image

Writer’s Image

Writer’s Image

o http://www.polepositionmarketing.com/emp/quora-tips o http://dublindigital.ie/elements-marketing-strategy/ o http://blog.mainstreethost.com/5-reddit-mistakes-and-how-to-fix-them o https://blog.ahrefs.com/white-hat-link-building-techniques/ o http://tech.co/improve-site-speed-using-googles-pagespeed-tool-2015-05 o http://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/tutorials/google-analytics-seo-hacks-increase-search-traffic/ o http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2015/04/video-optimization-promotion/ o http://www.business2community.com/seo/steal-seo-dashboard-google-analytics-01189518 o http://www.startupnation.com/articles/start-ups-web-marketing-cheat-sheet/ o http://tech.co/improve-video-marketing-efforts-overnight-2015-01 o http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/8-tips-rank-youtube-videos-search-engines o http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/5-best-ways-grow-your-instagram-following o https://blog.kissmetrics.com/marketers-guide-to-instagram/ o http://blog.lodestar.asu.edu/2014/10/nonprofit-marketing-beyond-social-media.html?m=1 o http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2014/26280/how-to-build-an-instagram-influencer-campaign


o https://moz.com/blog/5-actionable-analytics-reports-for-internal-site-search o http://bennisinc.com/how-to-use-keywords-to-drive-traffic-to-your-website-guest-blog-by-ryan-stewar


o http://teach.ceoblognation.com/2015/06/29/54-entrepreneurs-explain-what-entrepreneurship-means-to-them/

o http://fitsmallbusiness.com/lead-generation-ideas/ o http://www.sitepoint.com/fiverr-gigs/ o https://blog.ahrefs.com/white-hat-link-building-expert-roundup/ o http://www.examiner.com/article/content-marketing-secrets-to-increased-traffic-and-engagement-to-


o http://startupbros.com/quit-job-120-days-less/ o http://tweakyourbiz.com/2015/07/21/improving-page-speed-load-times-need-know/ o https://seo-hacker.com/8-easy-tips-optimize-content-seo/ o http://motivationgrid.com/12-entrepreneurial-lessons-i-wish-i-knew-when-i-started/

Recent links we’ve built in your vertical.

We drive results. Before we get into the costs, it’s important for you to understand that you will see results. This proposal is aimed at showing you we know our stuff – at the end of the day, we know that only one things matters:

Increasing your leads and client list!

We’ve helped hundreds of clients across dozens of verticals do exactly that.

BOTTOM LINE: We’re an experienced group of digital marketing experts that flat out get results!

Clients Serviced

We’re not the cheapest, but we are the best.

Link Building  Link prospecting IncludedLink outreach IncludedLink placement and tracking Included

Monthly Retainer Fee: $2,999

We will be focusing your campaign around guest blogging (though we will find other targets as well) which means we will need to create a significant amount of content to place links. The cost of creating content is not included in the retainer fee.

The cost of the content depends on the level of effort needed to create it and ranges in cost.

Content is billed as an expense at the end of each month.

***Our services are month to month