Webinar: Real-time Business Intelligence

Real time Business Intelligence


Presentation supporting the webinar delivered by Grazia Cazzin, SpagoBI project leader, on 21st June 2010 within SpagoWorld Webinar Center.

Transcript of Webinar: Real-time Business Intelligence

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Real time Business Intelligence

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�Real-time Business Intelligence�Some misunderstandings �Some definitions�Relevant topics�Technologies�Open source and RT Business Intelligence�Conclusions�Q&A

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Some misunderstandings

�Real-time = operational data on operational data source

�Real-time = exactly when things happen

�Real-time = always when things happen

�Real-time doesn’t make DWH outdated

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Some misunderstandings


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What means ‘now’ ?

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Some definitions

�Right-time BI:

“The biggest advance I have seen over the past year is that companies are beginning to understand that there are many

different types of real-time processing, each with its own uses, benefits and issues. IT staff are also realizing that right time is a better term to use than real time. Right time implies that different business situations and events require different response or

action times. When planning a right-time processing environment, it is important to match technology requirements to the actual action times required by the business - some situations require close to a real-time action, whereas with others, a delay of a few minutes or

hours is acceptable.”

Colin White, Now is the Right Time for Real-Time BI, Information Management Magazine, September, 2004.

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Some definitions

�Operational BI

“There is now a need to use BI to help drive and optimize business operations on a daily basis, and, in some cases, even for intraday decision making. This type of BI is usually called operational business intelligence.”

Colin White, The next generation of Business Intelligence: Operational BI, DM Review, May, 2005

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Some definitions

� Event-Driven BI / BAM

“Rather than depending on batch extraction, loading into a data warehouse/data Mart and running reports to check operational status, pure-play BAM systems are automatically triggered and update by events that are important to the business. Analytics are run on the events as they are generated and actions are taken immediately”

Diaz Nesamoney, BAM: Event-Driven Business Intelligence for the Real-Time Enterprise, Information Management Magazine, March, 2004

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Towards a definition

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From wikipedia

Real-time business intelligence is the process of delivering information about business operations as they occur.

In this context, real-time means a range from milliseconds to a few seconds after the business event has occurred. While

traditional business intelligence presents historical data for manual analysis, real-time business intelligence compares current business events with historical patterns to detect problems or opportunities automatically. This automated

analysis capability enables corrective actions to be initiated and or business rules to be adjusted to optimize business



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Relevant topics

� Historical data (DWH) up to yesterday (as closed as possible to today)

� Right-time data for today

� Selective real-time

� Rules for relevant events detection

� Think to EII/EAI instead of read data from operational rdbms

� Many technologies work together

� Combined logic for data latency

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� Technologies for a real-time Business Intelligence solution:� EII/EAI, to get data from applications without the ETL delay

� SOA, for an open, flexible, and bidirectional relation between analytical and operational world

� CEP, to detect complex events over data

� BAM, to monitor technical and business activities

� Alert, to immediatly notify alarms

� KPI, for a synthetic and meaningful view of your business

� Analytics, to relate current data with historical ones

� Devices, for a ready detection and reaction

� Collaboration, to share information and collaborate for actions

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Technologies and OS

� Technologies and Open Source products

� EII/EAI: Spagic

� SOA: Spagic


� BAM: eBAM, SpagoBI

� Alert: eBAM, SpagoBI

� KPI: SpagoBI

� Analytics: SpagoBI

� Devices: SpagoBI

� Collaboration: SpagoBI

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EII/EAI/SOA - Spagic


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EII/EAI/SOA - Spagic


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KPI, Alert, Analytics, Monitoring: SpagoBI


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SpagoBI for BAM

� Integration with the CEP engine provided by eBAM (real-time events)‏

� Advanced Web Console, RT refresh


� Alarms and notify

� Static graphs for the historical analysis of processes

� Analytical tools (reports, charts, OLAP, QbE, interactive cockpits) for historical and aggregated analysis

� Collaboration

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Devices : SpagoBI

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� Technology is ready

� Products are ready

�Open Source is ready !

� Are companies ready ?� Operative decision makers

� Shared information

� Trasparency

� Widespread responsability

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Open Discussion

http://www.spagoworld.org/blog/category/os-business -intelligence/

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Questions &
