Webinar on Environmental Footprint Data requirements in PEFCR

Webinar: Data requirements in PEFCRs In context of EF pilot phase of European Commission DG-ENV 16 June 2015

Transcript of Webinar on Environmental Footprint Data requirements in PEFCR

Webinar: Data requirements in PEFCRs In context of EF pilot phase of European Commission DG-ENV 16 June 2015

Pilot phase is work in progress

• One of the pilot’s objectives is to set up and validate the process of the development of Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules – PEFCRs and Organizational Environmental Footprint Sector Rules – OEFSRs, including the development of performance benchmarks

• Lessons learned will be documented and taken into account for further improvement of the PEF/OEF guide

• This webinar aims to support you in applying the first part of the data needs issue paper as approved by the EF Technical Advisory Board on 12 May 2015.

• A second webinar, on the application of the data needs issue paper when implementing the PEFCR ,will be organized within one month from now.

Outline of webinar

• Data quality requirements in PEFCRs • What to do when drafting the PEFCR? • How should pilots proceed?

Development process of PEFCR/OEFSR


Confirmation of benchmark(s) and determination of performance classes (if appropriate)

PEFCR/OEFSR supporting studies

Second draft PEFCR/OEFSR

1st virtual consultation

First draft PEFCR/OEFSR

PEF/OEF screening

Define product/organization “model” based on representative product/organization

Define PEF/OEF product category

Focus of this webinar is data quality requirements in drafting a PEFCR

PEFCR sections 0. Introduction

1. General information about the PEFCR

2. Methodological inputs and compliance

3. PEFCR review and background information

4. PEFCR scope

5. Resource use and emissions profile

6. Benchmark and classes of performance

7. Interpretation

8. Reporting, Disclosure and Communication

9. Verification

10. Reference literature

11. Supporting information for the PEFCR

12. List of annexes

Source: PEF Guidance V4.0

• Screening step • Data quality requirements • Requirements regarding foreground

specific data collection • Requirements regarding background

generic data and data gaps • Data gaps • Use stage • Logistics • End-of-life stage • Requirements for multifunctional products

and multiproduct processes allocation

Focus of this webinar

Data quality requirements in PEFCRs

Objectives • Actively promote the provision of time, geography (including site) and process

specific primary data • “Democratise” the use of PEF: accessible for SMEs and developing countries • Implement the materiality principle (focus where it counts) • More transparency and traceability of information • Set up a system that will progressively harmonise the modelling of background

systems • Final simplification can only be delivered by addressing and solving complexity

“behind the scenes” (like a watch). TSs play a master role there.

Constraints • Only “cost free” secondary data can be used in final PEFCRs

Objectives and constraints

Data quality requirements

Six quality criteria are adopted – Five relating to the data – One relating to the methodology

Data quality criteria

1. Technological representativeness 2. Geographical representativeness 3. Time-related representativeness 4. Completeness 5. Parameter uncertainty 6. Methodological Appropriateness and Consistency*

* Only until end of 2015

Three criteria do not have predefined requirements. These are context specific and need to be defined in the PEFCR/OEFSR.

5. Processing plant – Production of the main product

6. Transport and distribution to retail

7. Transport and distribution to consumer homes

8. Product use

1. Raw material acquisition and pre-processing

2. Packaging raw materials sourcing and manufacturing

3. Transport to processing plant 4. Transport to processing plant

Upstream processes

Dowstream processes

9. End of life

Foreground and background in traditional LCA

Foreground processes

Foreground and background in the EF context

Two elements become relevant: 1. Which are the processes that are

driving the environmental profile of the product (most relevant processes)?

2. What is the level of influence that the company performing the study has on them?

1. Impact relevance

2. L


of i



Materiality approach: Focus where it counts

What to do when drafting the PEFCR?


• In this webinar, we will use the PEF pilot of hot and cold water pipes as an example. – We would like to thank the TS of the pipes pilot for the willingness to


• For preparing this webinar, the training team relied on

existing information in the draft PEFCR on pipes, e.g. the list of most relevant processes. – Please note that the pipes pilot didn’t implement yet the data needs

paper v1.0 in their draft PEFCR. – Examples used in the webinar were elaborated by the training team;

the TS is by no means bound to them.

Source: Draft PEFCR of pipes pilot

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 1) Identify the most relevant processes for each impact category

2) Provide a list of the activity data to be declared by the applicant for the most relevant

processes that can reasonably be expected to belong to the foreground system

3) Provide a list of process-independent activity data for the other processes belonging to the foreground system

4) Provide default values for process-independent activity data for all most relevant processes belonging to the background system

5) Suggest an optimal level of aggregation for "unit processes" for all most relevant processes

6) Provide for all most relevant processes tables with quality level values to be used by the applicants when rating the DQRs

7) List of secondary datasets to be used when implementing the PEFCR

Source: Issue paper “Data requirements in Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs)” v1.0 – 12 May 2015

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 1) Identify the most relevant processes for each impact category - all processes contributing

cumulatively to more than 80% of the impact, on basis of the screening study Most relevant processes Most relevant processes

(positive impact)

Polyphenylene sulfide Lorry transport raw materials to manufacturers

Tailings of uranium milling Waste incineration of plastics

Electricity mix AC, at consumer (<1kV)

Stainless steel (converter) Electricity mix AC, at consumer (1kV-60kV)

Hardwood site development

Vinyl fluoride Softwood Well for onshore oil exploration and production

Resource correction

HDPE Landfill of spoil from lignite mining

Copper cathode production Hardwood in forest

Production of primary raw materials for copper alloy fittings

Stainless steel (electric) Copper tube production

Aluminium casting, plant Natural gas combustion in industrial furnace

Lorry transport of copper scrap to EoL

Lorry transport to installation site

Primary aluminium Landfill of glass

Landfill of plastic waste Secondary aluminium Van transport to installation site

Source: Draft PEFCR of pipes pilot

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 1) Identify the most relevant processes for each impact category - all processes contributing

cumulatively to more than 80% of the impact, on basis of the screening study Most relevant processes Most relevant processes

(positive impact)

Polyphenylene sulfide Lorry transport raw materials to manufacturers

Tailings of uranium milling Waste incineration of plastics

Electricity mix AC, at consumer (<1kV)

Stainless steel (converter) Electricity mix AC, at consumer (1kV-60kV)

Hardwood site development

Vinyl fluoride Softwood Well for onshore oil exploration and production

Resource correction

HDPE Landfill of spoil from lignite mining

Copper cathode production Hardwood in forest

Production of primary raw materials for copper alloy fittings

Stainless steel (electric) Copper tube production

Aluminium casting, plant Natural gas combustion in industrial furnace

Lorry transport of copper scrap to EoL

Lorry transport to installation site

Primary aluminium Landfill of glass

Landfill of plastic waste Secondary aluminium Van transport to installation site

Source: Draft PEFCR of pipes pilot

I would like to recall that the implementation of the hotspots issue paper is MANDATORY for all pilots. It has to be implemented already in

the draft PEFCR sent for approval to the SC.

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 2) Provide a list of the activity data to be declared by the applicant for the most relevant

processes that can reasonably be expected to belong to the foreground system

Electricity mix AC

Lorry transport of raw materials to pipes manufacturer For each raw material, the following shall be specified:

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

Electricity consumed from the country grid (further specified per country when more than 1)

kWh Energy

Own electricity production from wind power kWh Energy

Own electricity production from photovoltaic kWh Energy

Other electricity source (specify source) kWh Energy

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

Weight of raw material kg Mass

Distance between supplier of raw material and manufacturer km Distance

Source: Training team

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 2) Provide a list of the activity data to be declared by the applicant for the most relevant

processes that can reasonably be expected to belong to the foreground system

Bill of materials (BOM) of PEX piping system

The bill of materials (or list of ingredients for food products) shall be considered as activity data.

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

Length of PEX pipes m Length

Number of PPSU fittings P Amount

Number of PEX compression ring P Amount

Number of PVDF compression ring P Amount

Number of copper alloy fittings P Amount

Number of steel clamps P Amount

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 3) Provide a list of process-independent activity data for the other (not most relevant)

processes belonging to the foreground system

Van transport to installation site

Pipes manufacturing site

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

Distance travelled from manufacturer to installation site

km Distance

Mass of product transported kg Mass

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

The number of pipes manufacturing facility needed per reference flow

p Amount

The time the equipment is operated during 1 year h Time

Source: Training team

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 4) Provide default values for process-independent activity data for all most relevant

processes belonging to the background system • Default activity data are average values for activity data and shall reflect as much as possible the reality of the market situation.

Landfill of plastic waste

Well for onshore oil exploration and production

Tip: To simplify the amount of information to be collected, and having in mind the materiality principle, the TS can decide to limit the activity data to those that are known to drive the environmental impacts related to each most relevant process.

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

Sanitary landfill facility needed per kg of plastic sent to landfill

5∙10-12 p Amount

Amount of waste water treatment plant needed to treat the leachate per kg of plastic sent to landfill

1∙10-13 p Amount

Activity data Amount Unit Quantity

Length of well needed per FU 5 m Length

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 5) Suggest an optimal level of aggregation for "unit processes" for all most relevant processes

Each TS should aim to "disaggregated" as much as possible the existing aggregated dataset in order to identify a level of disaggregation that leads to better process-related information without undermining reliability and protection of (really) confidential information.


consumption mix

Electricity own production

Own electrcity production source

1 (e.g. wind)

Own electrcity production source

2 (e.g. PV)

Electricity consumption mix

country 1 …

Electricity consumption mix

country n

Source: Training team

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 5) Suggest an optimal level of aggregation for "unit processes" for all most relevant processes

Manufacturing of steel clamps

Metal working machine


Combustion of light fuel oil

Light fuel oil at refinery

Crude oil production


Well for onshore oil exploration and production

Metal working factory

The TS of the pipes pilot identified well for onshore oil exploration and production as a most relevant process. In the life cycle of piping systems, this process constitutes a background process contained upstream in the manufacturing of steel clamps.

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 6) Provide for all most relevant processes tables with quality level values to be used by the

applicants when rating the DQRs Example: Electricity mix AC, at consumer (50% NL, 30% FR, 16% ES, 4% own PV production)

Quality rating

Time representativeness

Technological representativeness Geographical representativeness


0-1.9 years with respect to 2015 (2013-2014)

Representing the ratio between different technologies for electricity consumption mix and incl. conversion losses

The electricity production sources are fully representative for the geography covered (exact consumption mix)

2 2-4.9 years with respect to 2015

Representing the ratio between different technologies for electricity consumption mix and excl. conversion losses

The electricity production sources are well representative for the geography covered (< 5% consumption not covered)

3 5-9.9 years with respect to 2015

Using proxies for a few technologies

The electricity production sources are sufficiently representative for the geography covered (5-20% geography not covered)

4 10-20 years with respect to 2015

Considering production mix, thus excl. import and export

The electricity production sources are only partly representative for the geography covered (only 1 of the countries covered)

5 > 20 years with respect to 2015

Using only one electricity production technology

The electricity production sources are not representative for the geography covered

Source: Training team

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 6) Provide for all most relevant processes tables with quality level values to be used by the

applicants when rating the DQRs Example: Electricity mix AC, at consumer (50% NL, 30% FR, 16% ES, 4% own PV production)

Quality rating

Time representativeness

Technological representativeness Geographical representativeness


0-1.9 years with respect to 2015 (2013-2014)

Representing the ratio between different technologies for electricity consumption mix and incl. conversion losses

The electricity production sources are fully representative for the geography covered (exact consumption mix)

2 2-4.9 years with respect to 2015

Representing the ratio between different technologies for electricity consumption mix and excl. conversion losses

The electricity production sources are well representative for the geography covered (< 5% consumption not covered)

3 5-9.9 years with respect to 2015

Using proxies for a few technologies

The electricity production sources are sufficiently representative for the geography covered (5-20% geography not covered)

4 10-20 years with respect to 2015

Considering production mix, thus excl. import and export

The electricity production sources are only partly representative for the geography covered (only 1 of the countries covered)

5 > 20 years with respect to 2015

Using only one electricity production technology

The electricity production sources are not representative for the geography covered

Source: Training team

For the most relevant processes these three criteria shall be re-calculated, by the applicant to get the context-specific DQR. The role of the PEFCR is to provide, for each relevant process, a Table assigning the respective scores according to the different possible situation.

What to do when drafting the PEFCR? 7) List of secondary datasets to be used when implementing the PEFCR

The draft PEFCR of the pipes pilot indicates for each life cycle stage and process which

secondary dataset to be used.

Source: Excel document “Data overview PEF pilot hot and cold-20150609_evening version”

Life cycle stage Process LCI database

Raw material acquisition and pre-processing

LDPE packaging film Plastics Europe (2014)

Raw material acquisition and pre-processing

Aluminium sheet Data from the EAA

Raw material acquisition and pre-processing

Lorry transport ELCD

Manufacturing of fitting Average metal working GaBi/World Steel database for steel manufacturing

End of life Diesel consumption for mechanical operations


How should pilots proceed?

How should pilots proceed?

• TSs are not obliged to implement the requirements included in the data needs paper v1.0 already in the first draft PEFCR

• to have the data requirements tested in at least 1 supporting study per pilot

• for supporting studies not implementing the data requirements v1.0 the approach to be used is the baseline one indicated in the PEF method (Table 4, section 5.6)