Web%20pages 1


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Transcript of Web%20pages 1

Page 1: Web%20pages 1

Name: Andrea Remírez, Mikel Rojano

For each B. AWARE criterion listed below, write a paragraph addressing all ques-tions for that criterion listed on the Ida B. AWARE webpage. Give evidence to support your answers, i.e. what do you base your conclusions on? Use the Web-site Evaluation Checklist to ensure you have addressed all required components of the assignment. To receive full credit for this assignment, you must complete all parts of it. Leaving sections blank will result in loss of points.

Part 1: Martin Luther King Website Assessment

Content Area and Grade Level/Intended Audience: We don´t find an specific Grade Level for this page so we don´t know who could be the in-tended audience. The area could be American history and civil rights.

Website URL: http://www.martinlutherking.org/

Website Description: The web is quite simple. It is impregnated with dark colors. We can log in to any site of the web through the main page. We can find lots of barbarities related to Martin Luther King, We also find links that addresses us to the wrong Website. We can even find a crazy Video of Martin Luther King Educational.

Bias: Who published this web site? Is there evidence of bias? How did you verify the accuracy of the contents of this web page?: The Website is hosted by Stormfront. You can have to MLK Discussion Forum. We couldn´t verify it because the information that it´s published in not true.

Author: Who is the author? What credentials does the author have?: We can´t find an author. In the King Holiday it reprints an article of Samuel Francis. In Not Out of Africa we find an article written by Mary Lefkowitz. In Martin Luther King and Realyty the article is by James Buchanan.

When and where: When was the page created and/or when was the information on the website last updated?: We have just found a date in a “new resource” and it was dated the 1-15-2003.

Accuracy: Is information contained on this website supported by information on other reputable websites? What other websites did you compare with this one to check for accuracy? You must compare information on this website to at least one other rep-utable website (give name of site and URL): We found a site in which you can find several resources about MLK and it´s useful to com-pare them with the others. http://www.thekingcenter.org/. You can also find his Biography in this one: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio.html .

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

Page 2: Web%20pages 1

Readability: What is the readability level of the web page according to MS Word?We have OpenOffice so I am not able to answer this question.

Educational Value: Why was this page put on the web? To inform? Persuade? Sell? Satire or parody? Deceive/misinform? Would you use this web page with K-12 stu-dents? Why or why not?This page could have been created just for fun and parody or maybe to confuse people and persuade them of something that it´s not reals. We would probably use it with K-12 students not because of the content but to make them understand that they can´t trust every website that they visit.

Part 2: Educational Website Assessment

Website 1: San Diego Zoo, Kids.

Content Area and Grade Level/Intended Audience:Science for kids. Animals, kingdoms...It can be addressed to different ages. We can find activities in which they have to paint maybe for pre K but we can also find information about animals for high levels.

Website URL:http://kids.sandiegozoo.org/activities

Website Description: It´s a very varied web page that provide us information of the five animal kingdoms. The site transmits happiness. You can find lots of resources in it such as: activities, games, videos or even crafts.

Bias: Who published this web site? Is there evidence of bias? How did you verify the accuracy of the contents of this web page?The site is created by “San Diego Zoo Global”. We trust the contents because the owner is a zoo and the site is supervised under the copy-right law

Author: Who is the author? What credentials does the author have?The web site is created by San diego Zoo. We have references of Safari Park, Conserva-tion, Shop Zoo and Zoo Newsletter.It´s the official page of that Zoo and It follows the Copyright law.

When and where: When was the page created and/or when was the information on the website last updated? It doesn´t say when it was created. We can see lots of new resources that are under the 2012 copyright law so the web must have been last updated recently.

Accuracy: Is information contained on this website supported by information on other reputable websites? What other websites did you compare with this one to check for accuracy? The website is supported by Safari Park, Conservation, Shop Zoo and Zoo Newsletter. If we compare it with http://www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/index.php we can see that the infor-mation is very similar but in the first one is adapted for kids.

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

Page 3: Web%20pages 1

Readability: What is the readability level of the web page according to MS Word?We have office.

Educational Value: Why was this page put on the web? To inform? Persuade? Sell? Satire or parody? Deceive/misinform? Would you use this web page with K-12 stu-dents? Why or why not?This site is the official page of a zoo so it´s suppose to be created to be promoted. The good think about it is that the website provides lots of devices to support the zoo so we can find creative activities that inform us about what we can do. We would use this page with K-12 because it´s addressed to different levels so we can adapt it depending on the grade and we also have access to the main page of Sandiego Zoo.

Website 2: Food guide pyramid. Becomes a plate.

Content Area and Grade Level/Intended Audience:Science, health care, food, diet.

Website URL: http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/pyramid.html

Website Description: A site that offers many learning tools it´s also available for teens and for parents. You can also translate it into Spanish. There is a very interesting button, if we click on it we are able to listen what we are reading.

Bias: Who published this web site? Is there evidence of bias? How did you verify the accuracy of the contents of this web page?The site is published by Nemours.We have studied the food pyramid before so we were sure that what we were reading in this page was accurate.

Author: Who is the author? What credentials does the author have? We don´t have an specific author but a foundation. © 1995-2012 The Nemours Foundation. The articles and features published on this site undergo a rigorous editorial process that in-cludes extensive review by medical professionals. This site, however, is not intended to pro-vide medical care. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doc-tor. All information on this site is for educational purposes only.

When and where: When was the page created and/or when was the information on the website last updated? KidsHealth's award-winning, doctor-reviewed, family-friendly content has been a trusted fa-vorite with parents, caregivers, educators, clinicians, kids, and teens since 1995.

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

Page 4: Web%20pages 1

Accuracy: Is information contained on this website supported by information on other reputable websites? What other websites did you compare with this one to check for accuracy? You must compare information on this website to at least one other rep-utable website (give name of site and URL).This page is supported by the USDA so we can have a look in that page and make sure that the information is accurate as it is this case. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/Fpyr/pmap.htm

Readability: What is the readability level of the web page according to MS Word?We have office

Educational Value: Why was this page put on the web? To inform? Persuade? Sell? Satire or parody? Deceive or misinform? Would you use this web page with K-12 stu-dents? Why or why not?

It´s an informative page. Pupils can also have the opportunity of buying a newspaper so they pretend to sell something with that advertisement. We wouldn´t use this site with K-12 furthermore we can also find the same page for teens (so for higher levels we would use that site).

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley