
What is Web 2.0 ?

Transcript of Web2.0

What is W

eb 2.0 ?

Ins ights from 20 Web2.0


‘The atomization of the Web..… taking all the components and making them available so that people can combine them in ways that you never would have considered’

Max Mancini, EBay

‘a continuing evolution of the ability to inexpens ively get information, data and now enterta inment out to the cons umer and the bus ines s world

Alan Meckler, Internet.Com

‘It’s really about the user. It’s about creating a user controlled

experience and leveraging the end user to created added value’

Eric Engleman, Bloglines

‘It’s about giving people the freedom to create’

Gina Bianchini, Ning

‘a n e mph a s is on th e notion of a pe ople powe re d we b …one

pe rs on c a n now c omm unic a te with a ma s s a udie nc e ’

Dorion Ca rroll, Te c h nora ti

‘It was a kind of ‘read-only web’ prior to this movement…. And

it’s becoming a really great web where the interaction is two-


Raju Vegesna, Zoho

‘If I had to define it, it would be social sites, and social networks such as MySpace and Facebook. But also user generated content such as You Tube’

Richard McManus, Read/W rite W eb

‘Web 2.0 is an application platform, and vendor and device neutral one…. Web2.0 revolution is the platform shift that I’ve been waiting for all my life’

TJ Kang, ThinkFree

‘I see W eb2.0 as course correction. It re-establishes the relationships we

have in the offline world, puts them in the online world and enables group

consumption to happen again’

Patrick Crane, LinkedIn

‘One aspect is user generated content ,where

the public is now interested in contributing content to

the Internet as a public good, which is different than in the past when consumers

were just consuming content’

Shaun Walker, DotNetNuke

‘It’s the g rowing re a lis a tion tha t the We b is incre a s ing ly a s oc ia l

e nvironme nt a nd tha t pe ople a re us ing it to communica te with one

a nothe r, like the y’ve a lwa ys done , but in s uch a n ope n wa y.’

B iz S tone , Twitte r

‘I think at a very broad level, it is the interactive web.’

Seth Sternberg, Meebo

‘I think its an artifact of the economic conditions of the ability for people to take a passion in a topic, and actually implement something’

Joshua Schachter, del.icio.us

‘ t h e a b i l i t y f o r t h e we b t o c o n n e c t p e o p l e a n d e n a b l e c o l l a b o r a t i o n ’

Ra n j i t h Ku ma r i n , Yo u S e n d I t

‘W eb 2.0 is much more interactive. Sites with participation from users, and there community elements to it with things like profiles, ratings and user

generated content’

Garrett Camp, StumbleUpon

‘The resurgence of web innovation after the dot com bust in 2002, in

great part triggered by technology and the critical mass of broadband


Rodrigo M aclanes, S kype

‘It is the intersection of social changes, economic changes and technology changes- that’s what makes Web 2.0 elusive; it hasn’t been about one technology’

Rod Smith, IBM

‘It’s the s oc ia l cons truc ts ; the b idire c tiona l communica tion tha t

We b 2.0 e na ble s – th ing s th a t c re a te or g ive the e nd us e r the a b ility to communica te ba ck to

the pe ople running the s oftwa re ’

Tim Ha rris , Micros oft

‘We b 2.0 is the Inte rne t ba s e d on the culture of contribution’

Tim B ra y, S un

‘It’s about giving control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure that we

built with ‘Web1.0’ to enable extremely rich experiences’

Michele Turner, Adobe

Quotes from ‘Web 2.0 Heroes ’ by Bradley L Jones

(Wiley Publis hing , 2008)