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Binder Check Requirements

Health course materials need to be contained within a 3-ring binder

Your BioCollage should be present as the binders cover; can be in the outer window of binder or in a page protector within the rings of the binder

Printed off Table of Contents (file on course website)

Six dividers with tabs (can be homemade); dividers should be in the order denoted on table of contents

Papers are punched and put in the rings of binder, in the appropriate section (see table of contents for details)

No papers inside pockets of binder and/or dividers

No papers/items from other courses in binder

Extra notebook paper goes in Journal section

Notes are complete and in numeric order (by page #)

All journal entries thoroughly completed and present; should be in chronological order, earliest to most recent (Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc). Journal entry guidelines:

Journal entries constitute the bulk of your binder check score (thus, make sure theyre thoughtful, thorough andwell, present! Research info if youre not sure how to answer.)

Entries will be kept confidential unless there is language indicating abuse is occurring and/or you threaten to hurt yourself or somebody else

Clearly identify each journal entry by number

Write small (not to be confused with less) and use both sides of your paper to minimize waste

If youre absent and missed a journal entry the prompts can always be found on the website in a Word document

Journal Entry Prompts

Journal Entry #1What is Health?Assigned 1/28/15

Journal Entry #2: Personality Test Assigned 1-29-15

The Color Code Personality Test

By Taylor Hartman, PhD

DIRECTIONS: Number 1-45 in your journal. Write the letter of the word or phrase that best describes/represents you most of the time in your journal. You may only choose one response. If you dont know what a word means, check out the glossary at the end of this document OR look it up. DO NOT guess what a word means as it could impact the results of your test. When finished with the test, total up how many A, B, C and D responses you had and write your totals in your journal.

1. A. Opinionated

B. Nurturing

C. Inventive

D. Dominant

11. A. Determined

B. Detail Conscious

C. A Good Listener

D. A Party Person

21. A. Logical

B. Emotional

C. Agreeable

D. Popular

2. A. Power-Oriented

B. Perfectionist

C. Indecisive

D. Self-Centered

12. A. Demanding

B. Unforgiving

C. Unmotivated

D. Vain

22. A. Always Right

B. Guilt Prone

C. Unenthusiastic

D. Uncommitted

3. A. Dominant

B. Sympathetic

C. Tolerant

D. Enthusiastic

13. A. Responsible

B. Idealistic

C. Considerate

D. Happy

23. A. Pragmatic

B. Well-Behaved

C. Accepting

D. Spontaneous

4. A. Self-Serving

B. Suspicious

C. Unsure

D. Nave

14. A. Impatient

B. Moody

C. Passive

D. Impulsive

24. A. Merciless

B. Thoughtful

C. Uninvolved

D. A Show-Off

5. A. Decisive

B. Loyal

C. Contented

D. Playful

15. A. Strong-Willed

B. Respectful

C. Patient

D. Fun-Loving

25. A. Task-Oriented

B. Sincere

C. Diplomatic

D. Lively

6. A. Arrogant

B. Worry Prone

C. Silently Stubborn

D. Flighty

16. A. Argumentative

B. Unrealistic

C. Directionless

D. An Interrupter

26. A. Tactless

B. Hard to Please

C. Lazy

D. Loud

7. A. Assertive

B. Reliable

C. Kind

D. Sociable

17. A. Independent

B. Dependable

C. Even-Tempered

D. Trusting

27. A. Direct

B. Creative

C. Adaptable

D. A Performer

8. A. Bossy

B. Self-Critical

C. Reluctant

D. A Teaser

18. A. Aggressive

B. Frequently Depressed

C. Ambivalent

D. Forgetful

28. A. Calculating

B. Self-Righteous

C. Self-Deprecating

D. Disorganized

9. A. Action-Oriented

B. Analytical

C. Easygoing

D. Carefree

19. A. Powerful

B. Deliberate

C. Gentle

D. Optimistic

29. A. Confident

B. Disciplined

C. Pleasant

D. Charismatic

10. A. Critical of Others

B. Overly Sensitive

C. Shy

D. Obnoxious

20. A. Insensitive

B. Judgmental

C. Boring

D. Undisciplined

30. A. Intimidating

B. Careful

C. Unproductive

D. Afraid to Face Facts

31. If I applied for a job, a prospective employer would most likely hire me because I am:

A. Driven, direct and delegating

B. Deliberate, accurate and reliable

C. Patient, adaptable and tactful

D. Fun-loving, spirited and casual

32. When involved in a close relationship, if I feel threatened by my partner, I:

A. Fight back with facts and anger

B. Cry, feel hurt and plan revenge

C. Become quiet, withdrawn and often hold anger until I blow up over some minor issue later

D. Distance myself and avoid further conflict

33. For me, life is most meaningful when it:

A. is task-oriented and productive

B. is filled with people and purpose

C. is free of pressure or stress

D. Allows me to be playful, lighthearted and optimistic

34. As a child, I was:

A. stubborn, bright and/or aggressive

B. well-behaved, caring and/or depressed

C. quiet, easygoing and/or shy

D. too talkative, happy and/or playful

35. As an adult, hypothesize which of the following youll be:

A. opinionated, determined and/or bossy

B. responsible, honest and/or unforgiving

C. accepting, contented and/or unmotivated

D. charismatic, positive and/or obnoxious

36. As a parent, hypothesize which of the following youll be:

A. demanding, quick-tempered and/or uncompromising

B. concerned, sensitive and/or critical

C. permissive, easily persuaded and/or often overwhelmed

D. playful, casual and/or irresponsible

37. In an argument with a friend, I am most likely to be:

A. verbally stubborn about facts

B. concerned about others feelings and principles

C. silently stubborn, uncomfortable and/or confused

D. loud, uncomfortable and/or compromising

38. If my friend was in trouble, I would be:

A. protective, resourceful and recommend solutions

B. concerned, empathetic and loyal regardless of the problem

C. supportive, patient and a good listener

D. nonjudgmental, optimistic and downplay the seriousness of the situation

39. When making decisions, I am:

A. assertive, articulate and logical

B. deliberate, precise and cautious

C. indecisive, timid and reluctant

D. impulsive, uncommitted and inconsistent

40. When I fail, I feel:

A. silently self-critical, yet verbally stubborn and defensive

B. guilty, self-critical and vulnerable to depressionI dwell on it

C. unsettled and fearful, but I keep it to myself

D. embarrassed and nervous, seeking to escape the situation

41. If someone angers me I:

A. am angered and cunningly plan way to get even quickly

B. feel deeply hurt and find it almost impossible to forgive

C. am silently hurt and plan to get even and/or completely avoid the other person

D. want to avoid confrontation, consider the situation not important enough to bother with, and/or seek other


42. Work is a:

A. most productive way to spend ones time

B. healthy activity, which should be done right if its to be done at all; work should be done before play

C. positive activity as long as it is something I enjoy and dont feel pressured to accomplish

D. necessary evil, much less inviting than play

43. In social situations, I am most often:

A. feared by others

B. admired by others

C. protected by others

D. envied by others

44. In a relationship, I am most concerned with being:

A. approved of, whether right or wrong

B. understood, appreciated and intimate

C. respected, tolerant and peaceful

D. praised, having fun and feeling free

45. To feel alive and positive, I seek:

A. adventure, leadership and lots of action

B. security, creativity and purpose

C. acceptance and safety

D. Excitement, playful productivity and the company of others

Now, total how many As, Bs, Cs and Ds you have and write those totals in your journal!

Your results will be revealed in class!


1. Inventivecreative; envisions things

6. Arrogantfull of themselves

7. Assertiveapplies ones self; a go getter

12. Vainsuperficial; judges the book by the cover

13. Idealisticremains true to ones ideals or values

18. Ambivalentunfocused, unaware, spacey

19. Deliberateintentional, with purpose

23. Pragmaticvery matter of fact; gets to the point

28. Self-Deprecatingself-defeating, down on ones capabilities

Journal Entry #3: Personality & RelationshipsAssigned 2-2-15

REMEMBER: Be detailed and thorough in your responseswriting small, not less!

Journal Entry #4: A Nation of WimpsAssigned 2/3/15

Journal Entry #5: Active Listener EvaluationAssigned 2/5/15

Remember, you need not write the questionsjust 1-12 and your rating.

Journal Entry #6: Assertiveness EvaluationsAssigned 2/5/15

Yes, this journal is made up of the TWO worksheets below.

Just number 1-20 and 1-12 respectively and provide you response.

Journal Entry #6 continued

Journal Entry #7: A Day as a ParentAssigned 2/6/15

A Day as a Parent

(Adapted from Prentice Hall HEALTH: Skills of Wellness)

Introduction: For this entry, you will pretend to be a parent/guardian and make decisions (using the decision-making model of course) a parent/guardian may have to make. For three scenarios of your choice, 1) use the decision-making model steps to come to a decision and justify why you made that decision. 2) Practice empathy by thinking about and appreciating how a parent/guardian might feel and respond to each scenario. Finally, 3) consider how you would communicate your decision to minimize potential conflict. For the purposes of this activity there are no right or wrong answers, but you must realistically justify your decision as a parent/guardian might.

Scenario OneYour 15-year-old daughter wants to get a tattoo.

Scenario TwoYour 17-year-old son went to a party and came home at

3am. His curfew for the party was 1am.

Scenario ThreeYour 16-year-old daughter has a boyfriend you do not care for. She wants to invite

him to your familys cabin for the family outing this weekend.

Scenario FourYour 14-year-old son wants to go see a rated-R movie with his friends and one of

their moms. You have not seen the movie yourself and know little about it.

Scenario FiveYour 17-year-old son wants to get a part-time job after school. The job would have

him getting home at 11pm most weeknights.

Scenario SixYour 15-year-old son needs you to take him and his friends to football practice, but

your 10 year old daughter needs your help with her homework. Your spouse is not home tonight to help with the shuttling of kids.

Scenario SevenYour daughter is a volleyball powerhouse and earned her varsity letter as a

Freshman, an accomplishment you are very proud of for your daughters sake! She wants to get her letterman jacket now, but money is tight and theres the potential for lay-offs at the company you work for.

Scenario EightFor summer break your children want to go to Disney World, your spouse, to

Hawaii and you want to go camping in Montana.

Scenario NineYour family dropped off some pet food at the Humane Society. Your young children

see the animals and want to adopt a kitten, their first pet ever. You have a mild allergy to cats.

Scenario TenAn extended family member has unexpectedly passed away. The funeral will be

held in a different state during the week your teenage children will be taking their semester finals.

Journal Entry #8: 5-Minute Free WriteAssigned 2/12/15

Write for 5 whole minutes a response to one, some or all of the questions below regarding bullying:

(You do not have to have seen the video to respond)

Journal Entry #9: Air Pollution Lab PredictionsAssigned 2/23/15

Must have/do for tomorrows (2/24) lab!

Journal Entry #10: Learning StylesAssigned 2/26/15

Id recommend you make tables like the ones illustrated below for your journal entry responses

Learning style definitions are found on the same site as the learning style quiz you took.

Learning Style


Learning strategy that supports Learning Style

My Personality Traits

My Learning Style Traits

(Are there similarities between your personality traits and how you best learn?

Thats what youre making connections between and identifying here.)

Journal Entry #11: Self-Esteem SurveyAssigned 3/3/15


National Results

Journal Entry #12: Stress TestAssigned 3/5/15

Journal Entry #13: Stress ManagementAssigned 3/5/12


Journal Entry #14: The Insanity DefenseAssigned: 3/6/15

Checked for completion on Monday!

Journal Entry #15: Mental Health ReviewAssigned 3/9/15

Journal Entry #16: Depression and AnxietyAssigned 3/10/15

Journal Entry #17: Suicide Pre-TestAssigned 3/11/15

Journal Entry #18: Social Health Unit ReviewAssigned 3/16/15

Journal Entry #19: AddictionAssigned 3/23/15

Journal Entry #20: Refusal ScriptsAssigned 3/26/15

Journal Entry #21: Sexual Health Pre-TestAssigned 3/30/15

50 questions totalmultiple pages following this prompt!

Journal Entry #22: Anatomy ReviewAssigned 4/2/15

Journal Entry #23: HIV/AIDS Pre-TestAssigned 4/14/15

Journal Entry #24: HIV Transmission RiskAssigned 4/15/15

Journal Entry #25: The Condom Line UpAssigned 4/16/15

Journal Entry #26: Pregnancy Pre-TestAssigned 4/17/15

Journal Entry #27: Steps to Labor & BirthAssigned 4/20/15

Journal Entry #28: Bone, Muscle & Nerve HealthAssigned 4/24/15

Journal Entry #29: Systems ReviewAssigned 4/29/15

Journal Entry #30: Systems ReviewAssigned 5/1/15

Journal Entry #31: Systems ReviewAssigned 5/5/15

Journal Entry #32: Systems ReviewAssigned 5/7/15

Journal Entry #33: Food ChoicesAssigned 5/14/15

Remember, due in class 5/15!

and WHY?

Journal Entry #34: GMOsAssigned 5/18/15

Journal Entry #35: Pre-TestAssigned 5/20/15

Due tomorrow (Thursday)will be checked in class!

Journal Entry #36: Post-TestAssigned 5/26/15

Journal Entry #37: Nutrition ReviewAssigned 5/29/15

Remember to also correct your entry using your notes and a different colored writing utensil to earn credit for this entry!