€¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a...

Year 7 PPE Revision Pack English Language Name______________________________ ______

Transcript of €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a...

Page 2: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

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Page 3: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Questions I need answering

Page 4: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Question 4 Evaluation

Question 4 on paper 1 is an evaluation task, which means you are asked to give your opinion on how good the writer is at creating a particular effect. The question often comes with a quotation from someone who has read the text and offered their own opinion. For example:

Task 1

Complete the following activity by underlining and highlighting words from the source text. Try using different coloured pens for each task.

i. Underline the following phrases in the text: ‘fluttering’, ‘a rustle of excitement’, ‘fanned out in the wind and floated’ and ‘ flashed like lightning’.4

ii. Circle all the verbs in the first and last paragraphs.iii. Highlight where the writer has used the words ‘up’ and

‘down’ in the text.iv. Underline sentences where the narrator seems to be talking

to the reader.v. Draw an arrow in the margin to show where the pace of the

action speeds up.vi. Draw a star next to the part of the text that you think is the

most exciting.

A student wrote ‘I love how the writer describes this scene. I can really imagine the excitement and the chaos!’

How far do you agree that the writer creates a sense of excitement in the text?

Page 5: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,
Page 6: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Task 2

Some of the word choices have wonderful connotations; others suggest sound effects, which add to the dramatic mood of the text. Read what one student wrote about the word ‘fluttering’.

At the beginning of the text, the mood is mostly calm. The writer describes how the man on the balcony has thrown something which comes ‘fluttering down’. The word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly, which suggests how the piece of paper drifts to the ground. The choice of this word effectively creates a slow, quiet start to the scene, which is a great contrast to the excitement later on.

Choose one other language choice from task 1 and write about how the effect of the words is connected to the mood of excitement in the text.







Page 7: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



Task 3

Choose one or two verbs from both the first and the last paragraph of the text to use as quotations. Use these to explain the contrast between the action at the beginning and the end of the text.









Task 4

Contrast (structural feature)

The scene in the text has been carefully structured to create a sense of drama. One structural feature used by the writer is to shift the

Page 8: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

reader’s point of view from looking up at Henry on the balcony to looking down at the crowd on the ground. This creates a dramatic contrast between one single man standing high above the street, causing all the excitement by throwing the money, and the crowd of people below, who are screaming and fighting to grab it.

Complete the table below by adding words or phrases from the text that are opposites to show the contrast between what is happening up on the balcony and down on the ground.

Up Down

One manLots of bank notes

Lots of peopleOne £20 bank note

Task 5

Narrative perspective (structural feature)

Page 9: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

The writer can use a first or third person narrator, depending on whose perspective they want to show. This affects how the reader reacts to the characters and the action in the story.

What type of narrative perspective is used in the text?


Who do you think the narrator might be?


Where do you think the narrator is positioned in the scene described in the extract?


What is the effect of the narrator commenting on the action?




Task 6

Rising action (structural feature)

Another of the features you might comment on in response to Question 4 is the writer’s use of pace. The arrow you drew in the margin of the source text in response to Activity 1 should show that although the mood of the text starts off calm and slow, the drama increases or rises towards the end of the text. Most stories or

Page 10: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

narratives are structured with a pattern of rising and falling action. The action might start off slowly, get more exciting and then slow down for a while before getting exciting again. The writer controls the pace and drama to keep the reader interested until the very end.

Page 11: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,
Page 12: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Task 7

Climax (structural feature)

When the pace and drama of the action reaches its highest point, it is called the climax. The writer structures the text to guide the reader towards the climax. In a novel or longer story, this is usually followed by falling action, where the pace slows and the action is less dramatic. It is difficult for the writer to keep the action at a high point for a long time as the reader would start getting bored by the drama. It is the contrast between the quieter, slower parts of the story and the fast-moving, thrilling parts that creates the excitement.

Use a coloured pen to label the chart in task 6 to show where the rising action and climax are.

Task 8

Using all you have learned about evaluation answer the following question.

A student wrote ‘I love how the writer describes this scene. I can really imagine the excitement and the chaos!’

How far do you agree that the writer creates a sense of excitement in the text?

Page 13: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 14: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 15: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 16: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 17: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Questions I need answering

5 things I found hard






Two places I can go for help that is not my teacher



Page 18: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Question 5

Q5: Your school is asking students to contribute some creative writing for its website.

Write a description as suggested by this picture.

Section B: Writing

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.Write in full sentences.

You are reminded of the need to plan your answer.You should leave enough time to check your work at the end.

Page 19: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Q5: Your headteacher wants you to contribute a piece of creative writing for a new school display.

Write a description as suggested by this picture:

Section B: Writing

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.Write in full sentences.

You are reminded of the need to plan your answer.You should leave enough time to check your work at the end.

Page 20: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Q5: A new blog, titled ‘Perfect Prose’, are asking for creative writing contributions.

EITHER: Write a description suggested by this picture:

Section B: Writing

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.Write in full sentences.

You are reminded of the need to plan your answer.You should leave enough time to check your work at the end.

Page 21: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

5 things I found hard






Two places I can go for help that is not my teacher




Page 22: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Questions I need answering

Page 23: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Question 4 – Comparing Texts

Question 4 on paper 2 is a comparative task, asking you to compare the points of view of two writers and also, more importantly, to compare how they present those points of view.

A typical question may look like this:

Compare how the writers present their views on travelling alone.

Page 24: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,
Page 25: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Task 1

The first section of your response to question 4 should be a summary of the points of view presented by the writers in both source texts. The summary needs to be supported by quotations from both texts.

Task 2

Find quotations from the source texts to support each of the statements in Activity 1. Highlight your selected quotations and write the number in the margin of the source text.

Page 26: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Commenting on language features

Once you have identified the points of view in both texts and have chosen quotations as evidence of those views, you need to explore how the writers present their points of view.

Task 3

Page 27: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Task 4

Choose another language feature from Activity 3 and write about how the writer of either Source A and Source B use it to present their point of view.









Page 28: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 29: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Commenting on structural features

To answer question 4, you need to compare how writers use a range of different features. Let’s move on to explore the structural features.

The writer of ‘Travel Tips’ on page 36 organizes their ideas in a random sequence of paragraphs. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces a particular risk. The writer uses a second-person perspective to structure the text so that the reader visualises themselves in all the dangerous situations outlined by the writer.

Task 5

Find an example of where the writer uses the second-person perspective in Source A and comment on the effect it has on the reader.









Page 30: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,








On the other hand, Isabella Bird, the writer of Source B on page 37, organises her ideas in a traditional narrative structure, which is a chronological sequence of paragraphs, starting with the evening she arrives and taking the reader through the night to the following morning. She uses a first-person perspective, which gives an intimate and realistic account of her travels, allowing the reader to share her confidence.

Organising your ideas

Now you have identified the different points of view and explored the effects of a range of features you should be ready to organise your ideas in an answer to question 4. Read the outline on the next page to help you plan your answer.

Page 31: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Task 6

Read the model paragraph below, which shows how a student compared the use of language by both writers.

The writer of Source A uses facts, such as ‘women are expected to cover their shoulders’, which supports their view that travelling can be dangerous. The word ‘shoulders’ remind us how some people react to seeing bare flesh and makes women feel anxious, whereas in Source B, the writer use descriptive detail, such as ‘I stealthily crossed the plaza’, to support her view that travelling is fun. The adverb ‘stealthily’ conjures up the idea of a real adventure. Although the facts in Source A are probably true, it is the descriptive detail of Source B that is more inspiring and is likely to give readers the confidence to pack their bags and go.

Using what you have learned about writing a comparison in this section, complete the following task about Source A and Source B.

Compare how the writers present their views on travelling alone.

Compare the

different points of view in

both texts.

Compare the

language features used and

their effects.

Compare the

structure used and its


Decide which text you think is

most effective,

Page 32: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 33: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 34: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,



















Page 35: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Questions I need answering

5 things I found hard






Two places I can go for help that is not my teacher



Page 36: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Question 5

‘Racism is the worst prejudice someone could have’

Write a speech in which you explain your point of view on this statement.

(24 marks for content and organisation

16 marks for technical accuracy)

[40 marks]

'Young people are not responsible enough to drive cars until they are at least twenty-one years old.'

Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement.

(24 marks for content and organisation

16 marks for technical accuracy)

[40 marks]

Section B: Writing

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.Write in full sentences.

You are reminded of the need to plan your answer.You should leave enough time to check your work at the end.

Page 37: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

'Schools need to provide a wider range of opportunities for young people to be able to succeed once they leave.'

Write a letter to your Member of Parliament in which you explain your point of view on the statement.

(24 marks for content and organisation

16 marks for technical accuracy)

[40 marks]

'The local environment is the responsibility of the people who live there.'

Write the text for a speech in which you persuade Year 11 students to behave more responsibly to protect the local environment.

(24 marks for content and organisation

16 marks for technical accuracy)

[40 marks]

'Child poverty is holding back the progress of the nation.'

Write the text for a leaflet in which you advise readers of the negative impact of child poverty.

(24 marks for content and organisation

16 marks for technical accuracy)

[40 marks]

Page 38: €¦  · Web viewThe word ‘fluttering’ is a soft, gentle word, which reminds you of a bird’s feather or a butterfly wing. The ‘fl’ sound is like the air moving slowly,

Questions I need answering

5 things I found hard






Two places I can go for help that is not my teacher

