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World History II Semester 1 Exam Review Questions The World in 1500 Label the maps to the right 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Which civilization is pictured below? 7.Which civilization is pictured below? 8.Know this is European Trade Routes 1500! The World in 1500 9. Label the map to the right 1. 2. 3. 4. *Mughal

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World History II Semester 1 Exam Review QuestionsThe World in 1500

Label the maps to the right






6.Which civilization is pictured below? 7.Which civilization is pictured below? 8.Know this is European Trade Routes 1500!

The World in 1500

9. Label the map to the right




4. *Mughal

10. Label the number with the Religion

Hinduism _____

Judaism ______

Buddhism _____, _____

Christianity ___, ____

Islam _____, ______

11. The Silk Road connected _____________ to ___________________.

12. Describe 2 items traded by the Songhai Empire

13. Who traded Paper, Silk and Porcelain?

14. Most of the people in the Ottoman Empire were this religion _______________________.

15. The country that could be described as a Jewish state is __________________.

The Renaissance begins in Italy

16. What does “Renaissance” mean?

17. Name 3 reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy.

18. After beginning in Italy, where did the Renaissance spread?

19. Humanism is the intellectual movement that applied the wisdoms of Ancient Greece and Rome. Who was the best represented Humanism of the Renaissance?

20. What characterized Renaissance Art?

21. Name one major piece of artwork for each:a. Raphael?

b. Leonardo?

c. Michelangelo?

22. Who was Lorenzo De Medici and the Medici Family?

23. Who wrote The Prince?

24. What was the most important invention of the millennium?

The Protestant Reformation

25. What was an indulgence?

26. Charging a fee or interest to borrow money is called ________________.

27. Who wrote the 95 Theses?

28. What were Martin Luther’s major ideas? . . . . .

29. Who believed in predestination?

30. What were John Calvin’s major ideas?

31. Why did Henry VIII create the Anglican Church?

32. According to the Act of Supremacy, the pope is to the Catholic Church as the __________ is to the Anglican Church.

33. How did the Catholic Church set out to “counter” the Protestant Reformation?

34. Which Queen of England promoted religious toleration, defeated the Spanish armada and reinforced the Anglican Church?

35. French Protestant were called _____________.

36. Why was the Edict of Nantes important to French Protestants?

37. Northern German Princes converted to Protestantism because they hated the power of the ____ in Rome.

38. The Thirty Years War was between ______________ and ___________________.

39. What did the Catholics do during the Catholic Reformation?

40. Which Renaissance invention helped spread Reformation ideas?


41. What were the 3 Gs of exploration?

42. What were the compass, sextant, and astrolabe?

43. What was a joint-stock company?

44. What was mercantilism? link the word to colonies and mother country

45. List the country of origin and destination for each explorer below.a. Christopher Columbus

b. Hernando Cortez

c. Francisco Pizarro

d. Ferdinand Magellan

e. Vasco da Gama

f. Prince Henry the Navigator

g. Jacques Cartier

46. What does indigenous or native mean?

47. The need for cheap labor in the American colonies led to Africans being used as _____________.

48. What items traded in the Columbian Exchange were native to the Americas?

49. What items traded in the Columbian Exchange were native to Europe?

50. Which Spanish explorer conquered the Aztec people? How did they die?

51. What were the stops and what was traded along the triangular trade?

52. What was the trip of slaves between Africa and the Americas called?

53. Which 2 countries have allowed only limited trading with foreigners? ______________ and _______________

54. Who has more power in the Japanese Empire? Shogun or Emperor

55. What items did the people of the Ottoman Empire trade?

56. The Capital of the Ottoman Empire was named ______________ but is now named ________________.

57. Hinduism is deeply rooted in India, but which religion was introduced with the Mughal rulers who took over India?

58. This is a picture of the _______ __________ which had ___________ architectural features, even though it is in __________.

59. _________________ __________________ was a new economic system that emerged when European maritime nations competed for overseas markets while creating new money and banking systems, practicing mercantilism, and colonial economies were limited by the economic needs of the mother countries.

Scientific Revolution

60. List the discovery/invention for each of the following:a. Copernicus

b. Kepler

c. Newton

d. Galileo

e. Harvey


61. An absolute ruler is a ruler with _______________ power.

62. According to the theory of divine right, who grants the king his authority?

63. What makes a constitutional monarchy different from an absolute one?

64. List the country and major contribution for each of the following absolute monarchs:a. Louis XIV

b. Peter the Great

c. Catherine the Great65. Which English King dissolved Parliament, settling of the English Civil War and ultimately being beheaded for


66. What was the name of the leader of England under the Puritan Republic following the English Civil War?

67. The English Civil War was between people who supported ______________ and ___________________

68. How did William and Mary come to power in England?

69. What document were they required to agree to?

70. The 30 Years War turned from a __________________ conflict to a _________________ conflict.

The Enlightenment fueled democratic revolutions around the world!

Fill in the chart:

Writer/Philosopher: Major Written Work: Major Idea:Thomas Hobbes 71. ___________________ --Man is basically cruel, greedy and selfish and

needs an absolute government and needed to be controlled.

72. __________________ Two Treatises on Government --Natural rights—life, liberty, and property--Limited government--People should rebel against an unjust government

Baron de Montesquieu The Spirit of the Laws 73. __________________________________

74. __________________ The Social Contract --Supported a democratic governmentAdam Smith 75. ___________________ --laissez-faire—no government control of the


76. ___________________ n/a --freedom of speech--freedom of religion

77. ___________________ Common Sense (pamphlet) --supported American independence from Britain

78. Name three Enlightenment-era composers.

79. Who were the Whigs and the Tories?

80. What is the name for the trusted group of advisers that a leader has?

81. What is the name for the leader of the majority party in English Parliament?

82. Why did American colonists want their independence from Britain?

83. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Latin American Revolutions of the 19 th Century

84. What religion took hold in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in Latin America?

85. What was the colonies’ biggest exports?

86. What were cities like Lima, Havana, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, and Buenos Aires?

87. What were the different Spanish social classes? Who was on top? Who was on bottom?

88. Who was the leader of the slave revolt/independence movement in Haiti?

89. Who was the leader of the independence movement in Mexico?

90. Who was the leader of the independence movements in Northern Latin America?

91. What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

Nationalism and Unification in the 19 th Century

92. What was the idea that each European nation had to keep pace/compete with the others called?

93. What were the two new political ideologies called and what were they each about?

94. Who were the two men responsible for the unification of Italy?

95. Who was the man responsible for the unification of Germany?

96. What was the theory of Realpolitik?