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The Trail of the Serpent Part 3 ‘The Commission Pastor Mita Edwardson 9th December, 2012 Wanganui, New Zealand 1 In ‘The Trail of the Serpent’ last week, we felt the strength of the Spirit of God in the building. It was very, very nice, with a clear anointing. I enjoyed it myself, personally. It’s not a lot about what’s been said – it’s partly about what’s been said. But also a part of the services are about the Spirit that’s abiding in the building. Brother Branham said if there’s a contrary spirit, he used to have a hard meeting. He said it would grieve the Holy Ghost. So what I am saying is, that it’s also the condition of your hearts – the hearts of you people that brings down the anointing. 2 We had a visitor last week – Brother Julian. Please pray for him. You know Brother John and Sister Kay spent the week with him, encouraging him. I say that with respect, you know, because he had some troubles on his heart and they are his friends and his family, and they care for him. Obviously the need in his heart is to do with the Word. If anybody has a problem – that’s been a Christian as long as he has – the problem ends when you come to the Word of the Hour. That’s my honest opinion and that’s what people need in our nation is the Word of the Hour. 3 And thinking about that Word in season, we’re going to go back into the subject... we’re staying on the series the ‘Trail of the Serpent’. Last week we called the message ‘The Prophesy’ and we showed that it clearly was foretold that we should come to this understanding in this Day. That the things we are saying… the things we are seeing and understanding were set out in prophesy. We know that the best men can do with prophecy, is only an assumption. It’s not the clear Revelation. The clear Revelation then, is when that which is prophesied comes to pass. We called it ‘The Prophecy’, because the trial of the serpent is the prophecy Brother Branham gave. We know the story; we’re not going to go into it. But that he says when I go home I’m going to take that Trail of the Serpent and he seemed to think it was going to take about four hours and the Holy Spirit never gave him that message because before he could get back to the Tabernacle or get back into preaching that message the Lord had taken him Home. 4 And so we understand that Prophets have an anointing... they have an inspiration. Sometimes they would say things not knowing exactly what they’re talking about and yet it’s for another people. The prophecy and

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The Trail of the SerpentPart 3

‘The Commission’ Pastor Mita Edwardson

9th December, 2012 Wanganui, New Zealand

1 In ‘The Trail of the Serpent’ last week, we felt the strength of the Spirit of God in the building. It was very, very nice, with a clear anointing. I enjoyed it myself, personally. It’s not a lot about what’s been said – it’s partly about what’s been said. But also a part of the services are about the Spirit that’s abiding in the building. Brother Branham said if there’s a contrary spirit, he used to have a hard meeting. He said it would grieve the Holy Ghost. So what I am saying is, that it’s also the condition of your hearts – the hearts of you people that brings down the anointing.

2 We had a visitor last week – Brother Julian. Please pray for him. You know Brother John and Sister Kay spent the week with him, encouraging him. I say that with respect, you know, because he had some troubles on his heart and they are his friends and his family, and they care for him. Obviously the need in his heart is to do with the Word. If anybody has a problem – that’s been a Christian as long as he has – the problem ends when you come to the Word of the Hour. That’s my honest opinion and that’s what people need in our nation is the Word of the Hour.

3 And thinking about that Word in season, we’re going to go back into the subject... we’re staying on the series the ‘Trail of the Serpent’. Last week we called the message ‘The Prophesy’ and we showed that it clearly was foretold that we should come to this understanding in this Day. That the things we are saying… the things we are seeing and understanding were set out in prophesy. We know that the best men can do with prophecy, is only an assumption. It’s not the clear Revelation. The clear Revelation then, is when that which is prophesied comes to pass. We called it ‘The Prophecy’, because the trial of the serpent is the prophecy Brother Branham gave. We know the story; we’re not going to go into it. But that he says when I go home I’m going to take that Trail of the Serpent and he seemed to think it was going to take about four hours and the Holy Spirit never gave him that message because before he could get back to the Tabernacle or get back into preaching that message the Lord had taken him Home.

4 And so we understand that Prophets have an anointing... they have an inspiration. Sometimes they would say things not knowing exactly what they’re talking about and yet it’s for another people. The prophecy and the words they speak... they believe are for or about themselves, but the fulfilment actually falls upon others. We know that’s the case all the way through the Bible. We’ve got an example in David. David thought he was in the crucifixion. King David he thought he was the one being crucified. He cried ‘My bones, my bones, they stare at me, they pierce me in my side’, as if he was the Holy One. ‘He will not leave his Holy One in hell… He will not leave His Soul to see corruption’. And that’s a key statement... Brother Branham said, ‘As if David was the Holy One’.

5 So the Prophet becomes so anointed and so inspired with his prophecy and with the circumstances around him, that actually David believed that he was the prophecy in fulfilment. He thought that he was the Holy One – that he was the One that was thrown in hell – that God was going to deliver with a mighty hand. His very life and circumstances were portraying something that was to come in another generation... something that was for another people. We saw that fulfilled at Calvary – Jesus was the one that was pierced in the side and He was the Holy One that wouldn’t see corruption. And, so we follow that same anointing on Brother Branham. William Branham had that same anointing. He would say things… he said ‘My son Joseph is going to take my Bible. He’ll follow on after I’m gone from here. He will find my rifle, Blondie. I’ll lay it against the tree’, and he was very convincing and very convinced in himself.

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6 But last week we found out a principle of his teaching is that revelation is only revelation after the history is made, because when the history is made then you can see clearly what men assumed and probed at. Once that which is probed at comes to pass it becomes a revelation. Brother Branham said that the coming of the Lord was withheld from the disciples when they asked a question on the Mount... ‘What is the sign of His coming and the end of the world?’ Jesus said ‘This will happen – this will happen – and that will happen’. Brother Branham says ‘It was withheld from them because the history was not yet made’.

7 We used the example last week of the weather man... the metrological service. ‘It’s going to be like this and like that’. I was expecting a storm earlier in the week because the weather was that it was going to be a hundred-and-twenty kilometre-an-hour winds in the Wairarapa, and when Monday came, I’m in the middle of the forest and trees aren’t falling down around me. I was there, so I know the metrological service was wrong. I can tell you exactly the forecast; exactly what and when they said it would happen. And when it happened, it didn’t happen on the days they said it was going to. It happened about two days later and I was there. I was right in the middle of the forest. I was in the Wairarapa. I can tell you exactly what the weather was doing. What time the sun came out. What time it started raining and when the winds actually did start. The weatherman had it wrong. We got it right. We have a clear revelation because the history was made all around us.

8 And that is the nature of revelation. The history is a great part of the revealing. As I said last week, we have a history. We had 1962... ‘Sirs What Time Is It?’ We had 1963... the coming of the Angels. We have 1965... when Brother Branham died on December 24th. That’s our history. We have the year 2000… we have 1996, when The Lord was prophesying and predicting that there was coming the end of the world. We didn’t know how the world was going to end but now the history has been made. And we have the year 2002, when William Branham came back… we have 2003 when the Angel appeared… in 2004, in Africa, we came out preaching about the mamba… ‘The Crystal Mamba’. We have the history. We have a clear understanding of what Brother Branham was probing at. He said ‘When I go home I’m going to take that trail of the serpent and take it from the beginning all the way to the end’. He never got to do it, not in that day. Now we have all that history and we can say ‘This is that which was spoken by the Prophet William Branham’. It’s as simple as that. How do you know it’s true? Because the history has been made.

9 How did Jesus know that He was the crucified Messiah? Just talk to Him on the Day of the Resurrection. John would come along and he had a clear understanding in his Gospels. John would take hold of the scenes he had seen unfold before him, and know exactly what Isaiah and Jeremiah and all those Prophets were alluding to. Peter could come out and tell the story, and John, and all the disciples, much clearer than Isaiah or Jeremiah or any of them could ever do. Why? Because they had seen the history being made. John come out and said ‘This was that which was spoken’, while Peter came out and said ‘This is that that was spoken by the Prophet, Joel’. Joel could only talk about a day coming: ‘This is going to happen... the Spirit is going to be poured out… your sons and daughters are going to prophesy… old men are going to dream dreams’, and Peter stood right there on that day and said ‘This is that which was spoken’. The history was the interpretation of the Prophets prophecy.

10 So here we are; the Prophet’s very prophecy. We are the fulfilment. This Ministry that’s standing here before you (not just talking about myself, but the Ministry that is standing before you in this day), this is the Prophet’s prophecy. What prophecy are we talking about? ‘I’m going to come back and I’m going to take that trail of the serpent and nail him from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible’. It gave us a clue last week; he said ‘It’s all about twins’. Did you catch that? We just want to highlight that little portion. I just want to take those little highlights. So I underlined it yellow there in a little underline. He says ‘It’s about twins’. So if we want to understand the trail of the serpent start right there. The whole thought is about twins – that’s what we were talking about last week.

11 This week I’ve called it ‘The Commission’. I’ve called it ‘My Commission’ but it’s not solely… singularly… my commission. But because it is my commission I’m going to talk about in the first person. It is my commission, but I want you to say ‘That’s my commission, too’. I’m saying it, and I want you to say it, so I’m not just talking about Mita’s commission. I named it ‘My Commission’

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because I want you to personalise it. I want you to be able to say ‘Yes, the trail of the serpent... that’s my commission’.

12 What is the commission? Last week we saw the prophecy for it – how Brother Branham predicted about taking the serpent, and running the trail of it. But I want to show you this morning how it is my commission, and I want you to say it’s your commission as well. Remember, ‘It’s my commission’. What is the commission? To reveal, actually… to reveal the trail of the serpent. OK? That’s the commission.

13 Jesus had a commission. What was He to do? His commission was to die and to rise again... to take the sin of the world upon His shoulders. He was commissioned to fulfil the Messianic scriptures. Brother Branham had a commission... to fulfil the prophecy of Moses. ‘The Lord thy God shall raise up a Prophet like unto me’ – Moses speaking. Jesus was that prophecy and William Branham was that prophecy. We know the messages ‘Standing in the Gap’ and ‘The Third Exodus’ are all about Moses. Brother Branham came out and preached ‘New Ministry’… he took it back to Moses. He was showing the people that the spirit of Moses had come back and the spirit of Moses was upon him, and he called it ‘My new ministry’. Of course the spirit of Elijah was upon him. The spirit of the Messiah was upon him. The spirit of Joshua was upon him.

14 You know that the Old Testament Saints understood that principle of spirits of Prophets coming back on people. They said to John, ‘John who are you? Which one of the Prophets are you?’ He just gave them Isaiah. ‘I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness’. He showed them his commission. ‘I am Isaiah’s prophecy. I am the voice that you’ve been waiting for. I am that Prophet’. ‘Oh, are you Elijah?’ ‘No I am not him’. See the Old Testament and the New Testament? The Hebrew people understood the principle of reincarnation. Not like the Hindus teach it. Not like coming back as a butterfly or a higher being or another animal or whatever, but a spirit... an anointing of one Prophet coming on another generation, again and again.

15 That’s nothing for a man to come out and identify himself in a Third Exodus, and to show two signs like the Prophet Moses of the Old Testament. To come out like Jesus and take the scripture, after a Priest handed Him the Book. To come out in a modern service and say ‘This day this scripture is fulfilled before you’… Brother Branham I’m talking about. He understood that same principle. He knew he was the spirit of Elijah. He knew he was the ministry of Moses. He knew he was the young Messiah that should come in the last days. He knew all those things. How about us? What about you? What about me? We want to identify our commission. I want to identify my commission... my position and your position. You should see yourself in the scripture. We must identify ourselves with characters of the Bible.

16 Brother Branham told us, in the message ‘Identification’, that ‘God is known by His characteristics’. How do we know we’ve God on the scene? How do we know we’re in the right channel of inspiration? Because we’ve got to anoint that prophecy and come out and say ‘This is that which was spoken by the Prophet, Branham... we are the Prophet’s prophecy’. So we are taking out our commission or my commission… ‘The Commission’ that’s what we have called it this morning.

17 Let’s go to Ezekiel 28, and open the scripture right there. I haven’t got that on the board so you might want to turn in your Bible or Brother Mike might be able to bring the scripture up on the screen. Ezekiel 28 is a very common scripture pertaining to the commission. I am talking about ‘The Trail of the Serpent’, and we have a commission to reveal that trail and identify that serpent and know the devil at his every trick and overcome him. They overcome him ‘by the blood of the Lamb… by the Word of their testimony’. Who are ‘they’ and in what hour do ‘they’ overcome the beast? The Bible says they overcome. Now, ‘they’... who are ‘they’? Overcome the beast? What is the beast that they are to overcome? Do you see what I am saying? Make it specific… this is their commission… ‘they’ identify who ‘they’ are and ‘they’ overcome the beast by the blood of the Lamb. What is ‘the blood’ of the Lamb? I’m not talking about the chemical blood of a Jesus that fell at Golgotha... we are talking about Spoken-Word Bodies that are born virgin. The New Creation. It’s the blood system created by the Spoken Word.

18 When you say ‘I’ve been Born Again’, it means you’ve had a blood transfusion. You have a Spoken-Word Body and you’re a New Creation... not like the old one. They overcome – they do – that’s me and you Brother and Sister. They overcome the beast. We know who the beast is...

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the 666. It’s the body, spirit and soul of the old creation. It’s the first-birth body, the first-birth spirit and the first-birth soul... 666. That’s man, man, man... labour, labour, labour. Labour of my body, labour of my spirit and labour in my character. That’s the old beast that we have overcome. How do we overcome? By the New Birth... by the New Creation... and by the blood of the Lamb. How have we come to this? Because we were found worthy to take this book and open this new life and reveal our part.

19 So that’s who ‘they’ are. My commission is to identify ‘my commission’. Peter did it, Jesus did it, John the Baptist did it… they identified their commissions. William Branham said ‘This Day This Scripture’, ‘A Greater Than Solomon Is Here’ now. What authority that William Branham could come out and do that. Come right out there and preach a message ‘A Greater Than Solomon is Here Now’. He wasn’t just preaching an historical thing. He was trying to show his people his commission in the Son of David... that a new day had dawned and that the ‘blood age’ is over. The King... the Lion had come into the earth. He says ‘A greater than Solomon is right here now’. You remember Solomon. He was the one that married that beautiful girl who thought she had complications. She thought she had all sorts of complications... the one that he declared to be perfect.

20 It was the Son of David... Solomon. It was the King of Salem… the same thing. Melchisedec, who could come out and say to this woman ‘I see no spot in you’. Look at the hour we are standing in, a Ministry of a King Solomon coming out with the same anointing and inspiration declaring unto us ‘You are beautiful. I don’t see any imperfections whatsoever. You never did it in the first place’. That’s my commission… to identify our position in the Word.

21 So let’s go to the scripture there as I say, Ezekiel 28… The trail of the serpent… 1 The Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 2 Son of Man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord God; because thine heart

is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:

I just love that. ‘You are just a blowhard and a nobody. I’ll tell you who you are… you are not what you claim you are. You are but a man’. Now that’s a very powerful bit of dialog right there. That’s strong communication. You say you’re something. You think you‘re God but you are nothing but a man. We know that scripture.

22 Brother Branham makes it very clear to us, that in that chapter, Ezekiel is talking about the devil. He’s using an allegory and he’s using this prince of the day as an example... or as a type or a symbol... of the devil, the serpent. And the serpent’s nature is to sit there as if he something more than what he actually is. And he says,

3 Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee… He’s a pretty wise guy. He knows it all. He goes on;

5 You’ve been lifted up because of your riches. 6 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of

God; 7 Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee...

23 Watch the commission. Watch the people. We are talking about the people. We are talking about the characters, and the different parts of the drama, that we are standing here fulfilling today. ‘I will bring strangers upon thee’. Who are these strangers? The Bible says Abraham claimed himself to be ‘a stranger and a pilgrim... a sojourner’. What does that mean? It means ‘I’ve just dropped in temporarily. This is a foreign environment to me. This is not my place of origin. I Am birthed from the 6th dimension… I live in the 6th dimension’.

24 We’re strangers here in this land of the first five dimensions, in a sense. ‘I will bring strangers...’ Watch these strangers. We are talking about my commission. I am a stranger here, and God said ‘I will bring strangers upon you’. Oh I love that. I really love the strength of this Ezekiel 28. ‘I will bring strangers upon thee’... ‘the terrible of the nations’. Oh you say ‘Well that’s some historical battle that took place way back in Bible days’. Yes, it’s a symbol, but God uses that setting and those characters to portray the day in which we are now standing. A people who would come upon the trail of the serpent... a people who would come and identify that serpent...

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a people who would come and bring his demise… a people who would clearly shine the light on him and reduce him to nothing but a man.

25 After generations of claiming himself to be the Great Spirit… to be the great one who is exalted above all... someone who we should all look up to... or fear... or run from. One to make you close your wardrobe door at night in case the bogeyman is going to get you. ‘I’m going to bring some strangers and they are going to make you nothing. You will not be a God... you will be a man. And they shall…’ watch them. ‘They…’ this is my commission. ‘They’... it’s our body… strangers... plural… a body. You say ‘Our Pastor’s got a great…’ or ‘Brother Don, he’s got a great…’ Yes. Everyone’s great in God’s eyes. Even the smallest are great in God’s eyes. We’re bringing everyone in here... you’re not getting away with it. This is your commission. This is your scripture. This is your day. This is your message. This is my commission. You are spoken of there… ‘they…’ ‘strangers’... plural,

... upon thee. I will bring them, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom...

26 ‘They’, plural, shall draw ‘their swords’ plural. Is this a great army that’s dropped down in Revelation 19? The armies following the Great Chief on the white horse, who has got a name written King of kings Lord of lords. See what they were. They were King of kings… they were in the time of the Great King. They are riders on white horses riding with swords coming from the 6th dimension… dropping out of the cloud. Seeds been sent into the earth, to slay the beast.

7 ...they shall defile thy brightness. 8 They shall bring thee down...

Look at ‘they’. Look at ‘them’... plural. A Body Ministry... Revelation 19 is not one white horse. It’s many white horses. Hallelujah. Make your horse dance people. Make it to pull its shoulders back and neigh at the wind. This is your horse. This is your power. This is your strength. This is what you are and who you are. This is what you have been sent to do.

27 This is your commission. This is what you are to do. You are to defile the brightness of the son of perdition to bring him down to reveal the trail of the serpent.

8 They shall bring thee down to the pit and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of seas.

Do you know what seas are? People. You know that the ‘seas’ always represent multitudes of people. Leviathan is a sea monster... written of in the Bible. In one place Job talks about him. God describes Leviathan... a sea monster. Leviathan is ‘that crooked serpent’. This enemy, this one is going to die like they die and are slain, in the midst… in the midst of the seas. Oh what a great place to be right here in this great ocean with this great one that’s been reduced and what a commission to be the ones to bring him down finally. I love it.

8 They shall bring thee down and you shall die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas.

9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I am a God?

28 You still have the audacity to say that you’ve got a residence here? That your sick are going to die sick? You still have that audacity, after God’s people see their commission and know that they are those strangers, and know it’s a Body move? After they know that they have white horses... they know their commission and their purpose? And even after all that, you say you’re going to sit right there. You still have the audacity to say that you’ve got residence amidst them? Look at that scripture...

9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I am a God?Will you have the audacity to announce yourself... to proclaim yourself to be something great and marvellous and mighty? It’s like Brother Branham said, ‘I cut the head off that turtle…’ when they were little boys… and he says ‘Oh, you know, and it ran around and jumped into the water or something… the head was gone but it was still kicking’. I tell you in the name of the Lord Thus saith the Lord, the devil is dead right here.

29 You say ‘What about this problem and that one, and this one and that one?’ The head has been cut off and that little turtle is just running around, like a chicken... like a rooster with his

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head cut off. There’s going to be a lot of turkeys this season running around flapping. Have you ever killed a turkey? Man they make a lot of trouble. They run around like crazy... their wings are flapping... blood spurting everywhere... and it is dead. It’s got no head whatsoever. I cut a head off a spider one time and I saw it walk away. ‘Will they yet say before him that slays thee?’ Watch the commission. ‘Will they yet say before him...?’ Who is the ‘him’ in that scripture? That is me. ‘Will you yet (the devil) say before him (me)? You’ve got to identify yourself remember. It’s not mine personally, just my commission, you’ve got to say it… me… my. I am a part of ‘they’. Hallelujah.

9 ... But thou shalt be a man and no God in the hand of him that slayeth thee…

30 Dragon slayers… serpent slayers. My grandson comes into the shed… I’ve told you about him. He sees my sword hanging up there, a gift that somebody had given me, he says ‘Papa, do you still slay dragons?’ And I say ‘Yes’. But they remember... when he was only two, I told him I killed the last one, and now he’s five, and he still believes that his Grandfather kills dragons. And he’s looking at the sword and says ‘Papa, can I have that sword?’ Well I am a dragon slayer and so are you.

10 They shalt die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers:He (my grandson)… they (you and me)… the hand of strangers. That’s my commission. Can you say that is your commission? You are going to walk away from this service and you’re going to say this is my commission. To do what? To reveal ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. Hallelujah.

31 We know the whole story... Ezekiel starts to describe who that devil is, but we not going to go back into that however I thought it would be appropriate to bring that portion out. We’ll go into our second scripture that I have displayed up there on my PowerPoint presentation. Isaiah 27:1. This is a very familiar scripture to this little congregation.

1 In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong… I like the way Isaiah says it. He’s very graphic. He’s very descriptive, using very intense wording. He doesn’t want this to be like a little casual, approximate thing. ‘In that day…’ What day is that? There is a special day coming. He is prophesying and predicting. It’s like ‘In that day’, is future. He prophesied it and we’re fulfilling it. The revelation is here. It is been revealed to us what day that is.

In that day, the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan. That’s an absolute. That’s conclusive. There’s no questioning about it. We say the devil is done. He’s finished. He’s been obliterated. He has been judged. There’s the scripture for you.

With the strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent...

32 Remember the subject… the series I want to preach on, is ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. ... even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.

I’m just talking about the commission and I’m not wanting to describe the devil and all these things like I have done in the past… I’m just trying to emphasise that commission part of it. In Isaiah 49, verse 1,

1 Listen, O Isles, unto me; and hearken... You in the North Island and you in the South Island... islanders. We are all Islanders aren’t we?

Listen, O Isles, hearken you people from far; The Lord hath called me from the womb.That’s neat isn’t it? He’s like a little show-off, just like Paul. You know Paul says ‘I, Paul, a prisoner…’ It’s like, in other words, ‘I’ve got my scars’. By saying that ‘I’ve got scars’, see. ‘I Paul...’ He’s saying the same thing... almost bragging.

Listen, O Isles, unto me...

33 He’s getting caught up in this personally and that is what I am trying to emphasise. Personalise this commission of revealing that trail of the serpent.

The Lord… This is not God speaking... this is a man speaking – a man who knows his commission. He knows he’s anointed and inspired, and in spite of all of the opposition that was around... the Prophets through the Old Testament, he stood right there and said ‘Listen all of you. Listen!’

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... The Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.

That’s serious talk. Let’s go on… 2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword...

Remember that scripture in Isaiah 27? He’s talking of a sore and terrible sword – a strong and mighty sword.

34 Where is the sword now? Where is it? It’s in the mouth. ‘He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword’. Can you actually say that?

... In the shadow of his hand hath he hid me...There’s the King’s sword right there. Brother Branham said ‘That’s that Third Pull’. He said ‘A sword struck my hand’. He said ‘That’s that Third Pull coming up’. You know what the Third Pull is? It’s the Third Testament. The Third Testament is a people. It’s that third set of angels. The other two went east there was one set that he had to connect with. He said ‘That’s that third group’. A sword struck his hand.

35 The sword is not some little pearly-handled thing with a silver, shiny blade… it’s the voice… it’s the Word. It’s the voice of God in His people and it’s the Voice of God in the mouth of His People. That’s what’s going to strike leviathan out. It’s the Word coming from the mouth of these strangers that’s going to be the demise of the devil. Yes, see, in Isaiah he says

... in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me... (Me... personalising the statement)... and made me a polished shaft...

You know a polished shaft… it’s a deadly arrow or spear… the rod of iron. You shall rule the nations with a rod of iron. It’s not something that’s coming in the future.

36 When we get into the Book of Revelation and show where Jesus said to the Church Age people, in the Church Ages. He said “He that overcomes I will grant to rule the nations with a rod of iron’. The ‘rod of iron’ – what is that actually? That’s who we are. We are a rod... a stem that came out of Jesse... from the loins of a King. We are a stem that’s come out a King. It’s like Solomon came out from David. And Brother Branham identified his Ministry as the great King in the earth… the great King. So who is this Melchisedec? He says ‘King of Salem’. He’s standing right there and he’s saying ‘Who is this King of Salem?”, because he had just received The King’s Sword. He had received ‘The King’s Sword’, whether he knew it or not. And he started thinking, ‘This Melchisedec... the King of Salem… no mother no father. A greater than Solomon, King, is here now’.

37 So I am talking about the rod, and the Rod is the offspring – a shoot out of Jesse, Solomon... the son of David…

... and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me. He’s always talking about himself… ‘Me, me, me’. Well after all the devil comes out and says ‘I,I,I’. ‘I will be like God’, ‘I will ascend above the clouds’, ‘I will do this’, ‘I will do that’. So Isaiah says ‘I’m going to have a turn at that… my mouth, me, he hid me’. Let’s turn back to Isaiah 49 if you would. We’re not going take long this morning. We’re here to talk about ‘My commission’. To do what? – to reveal the trail of the serpent. A revelation could not be a revelation without some history being made. Hallelujah. Isaiah 49…

3 And said unto me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. People… we’re talking about God been glorified. Where? Is He going to come down through the pearly gates, sitting on a horse somewhere, or on a throne, and hear all his people glorify him?

38 No. He is sitting in our throne on our hearts ruling and reigning as King of kings, right here, right now. Hallelujah. He said ‘Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified’. ‘I will be glorified in you’. God is not glorified outside of me. If he wants glorification he will do it inside of me. He will do it inside of you. Make it personal. I will be glorified in you. That’s making glorification quite personal. It’s putting it in your back pocket. It’s taking it home and sleeping with it on your pillow. Glorification is not something pearly... something beautiful and bright. Not some Seventh Day Adventist picture. The Bible says, ‘Whom he justified he also glorified’. Glorification

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is adding value to it… advancing the cause by shifting it from Malachi 4... That was William Branham’s part. Now God’s shifted into his people by advancing from the Prophet’s prophecy to the fulfilment of the prophecy. That’s glorification. He’s changing me from glory to glory… from justification to sanctification Baptism of the Holy Ghost all the way into the Word. Hallelujah.

39 From Ruth choosing and deciding, to labouring and working in the field. Then she was resting at Boaz’s feet. Ruth being married and then she received her inheritance... her reward... she had His belongings and His estate. She was enthroned with the Master. That’s glorification right there. Ruth was glorified. The husband was glorified in the wife. We’re not going to stay on that.

... He said unto me, Thou art my servant... in whom I will be glorified... (Do you get that? I’m sure you do)... Then I said… (we’re talking about my commission)... I said I have laboured in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain: yet surely my judgement is with the Lord, and my work with my God.

40 There’s two parts to what Isaiah’s saying. He says, ‘As if, in hearing that man, I’ve wasted all my time’, however ‘My work is with my God’. Watch this, this is talking about the commission.

5 And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant. It’s like John the Baptist saying ‘I am the voice’. ‘Oh, so you’re the man?’ ‘Yes... I am the voice’. ‘Are you the Messiah?’ ‘I’m not him’. Jesus said ‘Who do you say that I am?’ The people replied ‘Some say you’re Jeremiah, some say you’re this’. Jesus said, ‘But who do you say I am?’

41 Let me say that to you people... ‘Who do you say that I am?’ I want you be able to feel that too, and to be able to express that as well. Who do you say I am?

5 And now, saith the Lord... (he’s prophesying, Isaiah is)... now saith the Lord... (Now you watch this)... that formed me.

The Lord is talking about him, Isaiah, and he knows it. Just like last week, the Lord came and said ‘I am pleased with you’. The Prophets had to talk about themselves as if they were patting themselves on the back. ‘I am pleased with you’. He said ‘I laboured in vain’, and then he comes around and says,

... now, saith the Lord, that formed me from the womb to be his servant... In other words, ‘I was formed in the womb to be nothing short of this. This is the purpose of me being formed in the womb’. That’s what he is saying. Isaiah is taking his time out to describe his commission and that’s what we’re doing this morning. It’s the great commission.

42 Last week we had ‘The Prophecy’ of ‘The Trail of The Serpent’, and we showed how the spirit of Elijah would come back and reveal that trail. How he died in 1965 but he has come back riding this trail again. He’s riding this trail… a specific trail. It’s that of the serpent. You say he already preached about the serpent in the message ‘Serpent Seed’. He preached serpent seed in ‘The Serpent Seed’, and then he’s coming back around again to preach ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. It can’t be the same old, same old... it has to be something new. It’s got to be something he didn’t understand and we never understood, otherwise God would not send it.

... to bring Jacob again to him, though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord...

This is this man talking about his commission. ‘I was formed for this purpose. I was born from my mother’s womb for this purpose. I know who I am. The Lord is speaking about me. And my God shall be my strength’. Watch this…

6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob.

What is his commission all about? To raise up the tribes of Jacob. To raise them up.

43 You know how people have lived under deception – lived under the hand of deception – Gods people, and this commission is to lift those people out from that deception. That’s what this is about... nothing less. Isaiah’s boasting of his commission. He says ‘God is talking about me. This is why I was formed. This is the purpose right here... to lift up Jacob’. Oh what a great commission. He says

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... It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel...

This is a restoration Ministry. It’s to resurrect those people that are living under the deception and to bring them to an experience.

... I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles... You know that was talking about Jesus. He was talking about Paul. Paul took this upon himself. Paul knew he was a Prophet sent to the Gentiles. Jesus knew it too. He said ‘I’ve got other sheep not of this fold’.

7 Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, to whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise.

44 Kings, with a capital ‘K’. Kings shall see and arise. Is that exactly what we have done? We were watching and we have caught the commission. The anointing that was on Isaiah has come back again in this day. Hallelujah.

Kings shall see, Princes shall also worship because of the Lord that is faithful and the holy one Israel and He shall choose thee.... (Watch the commission.)...

8 Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee… (It’s all about timing and seasons)… an acceptable time.

When I was a child I spoke as a Pentecostal child. ... In an acceptable time I heard thee...

In a designated season at an appointed time... Hallelujah. This day... this Message… this day and this hour. This is our day. I’m talking about the commission here. Look how great it is…

... in an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee and give thee for a covenant of the people.

45 That’s a pretty powerful commission, Isaiah. That’s a lot to carry. No... God say’s ‘It’s a light thing’. It’s not like some huge thing that you cannot accomplish or attain to. You say ‘This is a light thing’. You’re trying to say ‘Lift that burden of thinking it’s so farfetched and so unobtainable... it’s so way up the ladder that you can’t climb it’. That’s why he say’s ‘It’s a light thing’. ‘Oh, you’ve assumed you are this person? You’ve assumed that you’re the one? Do you think that you’re the stranger spoken of in Ezekiel 28? Do you think you’re the one that’s going to bring the demise of the devil? To chain that little rascal that people have run from for centuries? Oh yes, my God says... and Isaiah says... ‘It’s a light thing’. This is not a big deal that you can’t handle it. Hallelujah.

... and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: I helped thee: I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant to establish the earth...

Oh, what earth are we talking about? It’s multiple... compound meanings. It’s the inhabitable earth and it’s the habitable earth.

46 We know about the establishment of the ‘first’ earth... the crooked earth. The ‘second’ earth is Spoken-Word bodies... those born outside of human instrumentality. The new earth is that place in the 6th dimension. It’s ‘new’ when we get there because we take all this character with us. It changes the whole environment. It’s not the same... it’s ‘new’. It’s heavenly and it’s Eternal. What’s new about it? If it’s ‘Eternal’ why is it ‘new’? Heavenly Jerusalem, the Eternal City, the New Jerusalem… how do you get ‘Eternity’ and ‘new’? Eternity always was. It has no beginning and no ending. The ‘new’ part of it is that we have come to this earth, picked up all this character, and stepped back into Eternity. After we take off this veil of flesh and lay this earth down... back to dust again... it becomes a ‘brand new’ place, because we have the memories and experiences that we picked up from our earthly sojourn. Then that ‘Heavenly Jerusalem’ becomes a ‘New Jerusalem’. That’s habitable earth. ‘I’ve actually called you to establish the earth and actually it’s a little thing. It’s not hard for you to do’.

47 Let’s go back to the scripture here and look at the commission... it’s to establish the earth. ‘From dust thou came to dust shalt thou return’. What do you say to the serpent? ‘Dust shall be your meat…’ The earth. The sixteen elements… ‘You shall eat from the earth’. What is the commission? It is to come back here and establish and identify and positionally place the earth.

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We can position the earth in the serpent. We position him in what his dust was… ‘On your belly you shall go’. In other words ‘You are not going to be born by a Spoken Word any more. You will not be born a man. You’re going to be born by sex, and you’ll come out crawling on your belly’. Remember Adam was never a baby. Adam never crawled... he always walked. So God said to Adam, ‘Listen buddy we’re going to change the whole system. Your kids are not going to be like you... masculine and tall. No they are going to be crawlers’. ‘On your belly you shall go, dust shall be thy meat’. Look at what we are doing in ‘the trail of the serpent’. I have called you, commissioned you... to do what? To establish the earth and to cause you to inherit the desolate heritages.

48 Let’s go on. In Revelation 20 and verse 1… I’m going to close soon… just this short little message on ‘My Commission’.

1 And I saw an angel… (we touched this last week)… come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

You know that’s Christ in Paul, Christ in Irenaeus, Christ all the way through. Christ in Columba, Christ in Luther, Christ in Wesley, Christ in Branham. But you see, it’s only a chain and a key. That’s actually not the destruction of the devil. Every one of them was still casting out devils in all their services. ‘I rebuke you Satan’… casting out all these demons. That’s wonderful. They had great success. They have had great success, casting out devils. The funny thing is, in every service they cast out more devils. And next service more demons being cast out... and that’s good. We’ve probably cast a few out from here, but think of it in a greater scale of revelation. This is not just about chaining and restricting him. This is actually about obliterating him.

49 Remember our first scripture in Isaiah 27:1… ‘The great terrible sword, the great dreadful sword shall smite leviathan. I’ll bring strangers upon you, they’ll do the job’. Isaiah comes along like a smart Alec… ‘My commission is from the womb. I was born for this purpose; I was born to establish the earth’. Oh, what a show off. ‘How could you... you puny little thing? You’re just a boy’. ‘Oh, this is not a big deal, this is a light thing. Do you think it’s unobtainable and beyond me? Oh no, my God said it is a light thing to be born for this commission’.

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

This is still what we are, and who we are. We have a key. It’s a key of David, and we have the ability to bind satan to and release him. Revelation 20 is talking about the binding of satan for a season and then also the releasing of him for a season.

50 Satan was bound in the first age by the revelation that unfolded and then, by and by, people denominated and then he was released again and gave birth under another form in another age. And then a messenger would come with a key and a chain. It was the chain of circumstance... what he was preaching was binding the serpent. Then the people were freed from those demons of dark denominationalism until the next age, and then satan was released for another day. A day is a message, and satan was bound for a day… bound by Paul, bound by Irenaeus, bound by Columba. The messenger bound the devil with the key which is the opening of the Word for the day, and in that day satan was bound. Hallelujah. And then how was he released? The next age, released the devil again.

51 Brother Branham said ‘This will not denominate’. We are coming from another sphere. We will not build another denomination. This is a whole new system. We are not preaching hierarchy anymore. We are putting the power of God back in the people where they can say ‘This is my commission’.

2 And he laid a hold of the dragon, that serpent, which is the devil, and satan, and bound him a day.

They recognise their day and its chain because an angel unlocked a door to free them from the bonds of that old serpent. And Brother Branham says ‘What do they do? They went back to the same old thing. As the mother was so were the daughters’. They re-established that which they came out of. They came from one thing then re-established it, which loosed satan again.

3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be loosed a little season…

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That kind of seems like a temporary affair. We are talking about permanently shutting him up. We’re talking about finality. This scripture is not final... it seems is so temporal.

52 Brother Branham... when he saw the serpent coming in... he and his friend were on the highway. In the ‘Paradox’ message, he said ‘I was on a highway’. At three o’clock in the morning I had this vision…’ At three a.m.? Why all the threes? Three o’clock, three pulls, three Testaments, three sets of angels… we are the third set. He had to connect with us. We lifted him up and took him into ourselves. When was that? In 1963? Or was it 2002? What’s the difference? Revelation 10 says time is no more, ‘Time shall be no longer. You shall not apply this to time. There shall be a day that shall neither be called night nor day’. You won’t put any timing to it… this is not twenty-four hour days. ‘There was a group that took me into themselves’, William Branham says. ‘They caught me up’. We ‘caught up’ with him, we finally ‘caught him up’.

53 We caught up to him. He says they caught me up. Can you see what I am saying? He’s talking about all these things in the message and we finally we caught him up. We caught up to him and we took him into ourselves. My whole point is, he said, ‘I want you to be where I am.

‘QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS’; COD Book Jeffersonville, Indiana. 12th January, 1961 572-390 ... You see what I'm doing, brethren? I'm putting you all the same place I am,

'cause you're just as much into it as I am. You are messengers of this same message.I want to put you where I am’. Just like Jesus said ‘That where I am you maybe also’. In the message ‘Beyond the Curtain of Time’, The Prophet said ‘They caught me. They gathered me unto themselves. They embraced me’. We finally caught up. We caught him up. ‘They caught me up’.

54 We are talking about the binding and the loosing of the serpent now in that ‘Paradox’ message. Let me finish that. Brother Branham, in there, he talks about the vision of the mamba. He and his friend on the highway... you know the story. He says ‘My friend was there, he and I, just two of us’. When Brother Branham, went beyond the curtain of time, he was lifted up on to a higher way, and what did he say? He said ‘I saw a notable angel the others were just ordinarily angels’. That was in 1963. When he was caught up in the midst of that ‘third group’ of angels he saw a notable one… that was in 2002, when he met up with Brother Don Parnell, in Meadowlands, New York City, and all the rest of us are kind of ‘ordinarily’. And when you compare the Ministries, that’s exactly so. Brother Don’s gift stands right out there. It’s the Jasper and Sardine stones... shining stones... to reveal the Holy City

55 Back to the story in ‘Paradox’, about the mamba. He says ‘I was heading on down to the Jordan’. You know what the Jordan is? It’s the end of Elijah’s Ministry... in that form. And he was going to change forms and come back in a double portion. Is that right? When Elijah was going to the Jordan… Brother Branham says ‘Me and my friend were on this highway, and out from Africa comes this mamba snake’. He says ‘My friend was jumping everywhere. He didn’t know what to do with the serpent. He didn’t know what to do with it’. Brother Don didn’t know how to place the serpent. None of us did. The ordinarily angels didn’t know how to positionally place the serpent. He says ‘He jumped way up high’. That’s Prophets... they go up high. His friend says ‘Oh’. Brother Branham says ‘My friend went all the way up high’. He sees the serpent jumping all over him, and he says ‘Oh God help him. It’ll be death if it strikes him’, and then the Lord says ‘You can bind him, the worst, or any, but to do this you must be more sincere’.

56 To do this you must sear sin. This message is sin-searity. This trail of the serpent… this new commission is all about sin-searity. This is not the sincerity you can learn about in an English dictionary. So this is more sincerity. This is an addition to your English dictionary. The angel said to Brother Branham to do this you must be more sincere. So what have we said? We said sin is no more. We never did it in the first place. I’m justified... he said I’m spotless. Look at this ministry – what it’s talking about. It’s talking about more sincerity. He’s talking about the ‘sin-sear’ or the ‘searity’, or the ‘searing’ of sin. There has never been a ministry on the planet, speaking like this, which has seared sin. So to bind this serpent you have to be in the inspiration of ‘searing’ sin. To bind him you must be there. We all thought ‘Well you know, better behaviour, more fasting, more praying’. Obviously that’s nice and I think it will help a lot. It will help a lot, but that there, in itself, is not sincerity under prophetic inspiration.

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57 He has positioned us under the symbol of the serpent, knowing that there would be somebody coming with a commission to be able to identify what the serpent is, and to be able to position the people in that very vision of William Branham’s. We’re talking about ‘My Commission’. To do this, to bind him and loose him, you’ve got to be more sin-sear. So what did he do? He bound the mamba. He said… ‘It froze up... it turned into a figure S like an and (&) sign’... and is a conjunction. What does it mean? It means that the serpent was bound and became a conjunction. It means that there is more to come. He preached ‘Serpent Seed’. He preached the first ride, but the binding of the serpent is the addition. Don’t put a full stop. Put a conjunction there. This is not the end of that serpent – this is just the beginning of his demise. He said the serpent made a figure like an ‘and’ sign… an ampersand... a &, like a conjunction… like the wriggly sign that you use for an ‘and’.

58 Come on people think about it. Think about it! The Prophet didn’t say ‘I have ridden this trail finally and it’s finished’. No! He said ‘I will ride this trail again’. To continue something you have to put that little conjunction there... ‘And’.

59 Remember the last time we spoke from ‘Revelation Chapter 5’, Brother Branham said he shot the serpent. He shot that serpent in the midst... in the middle, but he said ‘I didn’t kill it’. He says ‘I went to shoot it… to kill it… to shoot it in the head’, but the voice cried out ‘Don’t do that. See that rod sitting next to you? Use that’. Whenever you talk about ‘a rod’… when I think of a ‘rod’ I think about Jesse, the son of David... the stem out of Jesse.... the offspring of Jesse. It’s those that come down from the lineage of David, a Kingly lineage, Kings in the earth. ‘I will make you Kings and Priests’... the King of Salem. Who is this Melchisedec? See that rod? See that Kingly staff? A staff... a rod in the hand of a King? This Holy diadem sitting out there... you have to hold out the rod before you can be accepted in the presence of the King. He had to be able to hold out that sceptre.

60 And here’s Brother Branham... he goes to use the old weapons of the old ‘fire and brimstone’ message. You know bullets and guns are all about fire and brimstone. Do you wonder why I’m not like that, why I don’t preach like Brother Branham? It’s because the first part of the serpent was ‘fire and brimstone’. The second half is ‘the rod of Jesse’. It’s all about the serpent. He bruised the serpent… shot it in the middle. When he went to kill it, He tried to use the same old weapon, but God said ‘No. Change your weapons. Get that stick that’s next to you’. What? Using a stick compared to fire and brimstone? This rod of Jesse is what’s taking it to that mamba.

61 You know right there when Brother Branham told us that vision in ‘Revelation Chapter 5’, in ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’ series, he’s talking about man worship. He’s talking about man worship… they worship the image of the beast. The beast and its images are ‘the serpent’ and ‘the dragon’… worshipping the flesh. But let’s go on and let’s think about this here…

15 His feet like unto fine brass… We’ll come back to that mamba vision. He bound it up and it became an & sign. He’s going down to the Jordan. It was the end of his ministry. When Sister Armah has her dream, she sees Brother Don. She said ‘Brother Don you were walking alone, coming down to the river’. Elijah had gone off the scene... he had been caught up in a fiery chariot. He and his friend were walking down to the Jordan. He said ‘I heard someone singing a song,

I’m going on down to the Jordan... and out came this mamba. My friend was jumping way up high’.

62 He had never seen a ministry jump as high as Brother Don’s. But at that stage of his ministry, his friend, Don, didn’t know what to do with the serpent. But Elijah was going to go away and come back again. He was going to throw his mantle down on Elisha and there, in Sister Armah’s dream now, Brother Don is walking on. She says ‘Brother Don, you were walking on down to the river, and here I was in this river... coming up. I was a part of the river’. There goes that crystal mamba, just as clear as can be. It is the ministry in the ‘Second Ride’. After the &... the conjunction sign... and after Brother Don had his experience with the Prophet on the highway, he came back and bound the mamba in Africa. He came back and bound the mamba. He was on one side of the region in Accra, Ghana, and Dave and I were on the other side. I think you were with me Dave, and there we were in the vision, and here’s Brother Don… and

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here’s… oh, I can’t hardly talk about it… it is so powerful and so mighty. Let’s go on with the scripture. Revelation 1...

16 He had in his right hand seven stars: out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword.

63 We started in Isaiah 27... ‘With a great sword he would smite leviathan’. Then the Prophet Isaiah said, ‘My mouth is like a two-edged sword’. We are identifying the sword by which Isaiah 27 is fulfilled. The sword that God sends into the earth is the Spoken Word of those who are commissioned by God to establish the earth.

His countenance was as the sun … We’ll go onto the next scripture, in Revelation 2.

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans… We’re talking about binding and loosing of the devil. Along came the Word and chained it up… the messenger chained the devil, put him in the pit and in the next stage released him.

So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitians, which thing I hate. 16 Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of

my mouth. Look at this old leviathan. The Spoken Word coming from Prophets and the messengers, is the sword right there… fighting leviathan with the sword of the mouth.

64 This is a Word battle. A battle of the Word… the Third Pull comes out from the mouth. 26 And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power.

He that overcomes I will give power. In case you think about yourself like, ‘I’m just my little local, everyday person, going to have a doughnut on Monday when no one’s looking, or a block of chocolate – Kentucky Fried Chicken after church’. About the Hungry Bear... I told you about the prophecy of the Hungry Bear. The invitation went out. It was declared that we were to go to lunch with Julian to the Hungry Bear. ‘Roger that. I’ve got it’. Come lunchtime, my nephew was here and I got side-tracked. I told you in the service, ‘I’m going to be able to tell you exactly’. That was a prophecy and a prediction and an invitation, and I want to come back and tell you exactly what happened... reveal to you the fulfilment of the the Hungry Bear prophecy. Well I got to Hungry Bear and everyone had finished lunch. It didn’t turn out the way it was expected. Everyone was expecting this great, important gathering. In actual fact everyone had finished. Brother Jhimmy and Sister Marge took me and Rose in and shouted us some lunch. So Julian was gone, John was gone, Sister Kay and everyone else. Before it happened, it was all hazy. ‘We’re going to the Hungry Bear and we are going to this, this, and this and this is going to happen’. No. Nothing happened just exactly the way we thought.

65 Brother Branham has come back but not the way we thought. The ‘Trail of the Serpent’ is being revealed but not the way we expected. But now we have a clear understanding because ‘the history has been made’. And in case you think ‘Well this is beyond us’. Look at what he says to these people back under the Church Ages – ‘He that overcomes I will give you power’.

27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

What is happening there? Jesus Christ is telling his subjects ‘As I Am, so you shall be’. You say ‘Well he’s the great King’. ‘No’, he says, ‘As I am the King you shall be the King... the great demon slayer. As I Am so shall you be’. That’s what’s happening. That’s why I am trying to show you this... ‘He that overcomes’. Are you an overcomer? Have you overcome Laodicea? Have you overcome the beast?

66 Surely you have… you’ve overcome the 666... Nicolaitianism, Balaamism and Jezebelism. You’ve defeated the white horse, red horse and the black horse... the palmerworm, cankerworm, and the caterpillar... the body, spirit and soul of the old creation. You have overcome the beast. Look at what you receive… ‘I will give power to him who overcomes’. I’m going to walk out here full of power. Actually, I’m no fuller than when I came in, but now I have more understanding of the fullness that’s in me. It’s starting to have an effect on my job. I hope it does with you at your work, or at your school, or whatever. One of these fellows was swearing and moaning at work, and then he starts complaining to me. He starts, you know, being really strange, and I had this

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feeling come over me. I thought ‘This is the devil talking to God here. I’m not going to let you talk to God like that’, so I said ‘Listen buddy. You’ll do what I tell you when I tell you’. He says ‘You’re going to do this and I’ll do this’. I said ‘No, no. When I tell you that, you are going to do what I say. You’re not going to tell me. I’m going to tell you’.

67 Why I said that... it’s not trying to be a big shot... but this revelation is leaking down. Now it’s putting bush boots on and has a chainsaw in it’s hand and it’s going out there as a son of God. We rule and reign in this world people. I want to see a squirrel come out in pine forests in New Zealand. I am right on rock bottom right at the moment… glory to God. There’s only one place to go... up. Resurrection.

I will give power over nations… Nations! We’re talking about governments... about the ACC department... taxation, GST and everything else. I will give you power over these nations. Do you think that’s a joke? I am not talking about being illegal or doing something crafty. I’m just talking about using the power that has been invested in us, to be able to work through any trouble... anything. You say, ‘Well you shouldn’t have any trouble’. Well, you tell that to Jesus, when He was hanging at the cross.

68 He had been talking all this ‘power talk’, and there he is bleeding at the cross. That was his most powerful hour. When he was bleeding and forsaken was the most powerful time. Oh, you say, ‘How can you preach like that… look at you?’. Yes you better look at me. ‘He will not leave his Holy one in hell. He will not leave his soul to see corruption’. That’s why I’m trying to apply this scripture and make it usable. Make all this talk about the devil and the power in God and everything... to make it practical. When you walk out into the street, you are a son of God… you act like a King’s son.

27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

Look at that… he shall rule…the overcomer shall. ‘I will give them power’… the over comer. I will give them power over nations... influence in the community. You say ‘You’re talking about nations’. Well you know nations are made up of? What are they made up of? Communities.

69 Communities are made up of families and families are made up of individuals. I am one of those individuals. If I go to Africa, should I change the government or something? I don’t know. Let’s work it. Let’s do it. Daniel did it. Joseph did it and Moses did it. Moses came into Egypt, and he ruled the nation. He said, ‘Hey you, pharaoh, listen! Set my people free’. You say ‘Oh what a joke’. That’s no joke. He said ‘Set my people free’. And then what happened? All the plagues and everything else... many troubles come in the nation and then pharaoh says ‘Let’s make a compromise, let’s take some of the chickens and a couple of the dogs’. Moses says ‘Everything. We are taking everything’. Let’s not live below our privileges. In anything we do we are more than conquerors. He that overcomes I will give power. ‘He shall rule’… listen to that… ‘He shall rule’. I’m not just talking about the man... masculine. You sisters... ‘ they’… He shall rule. The Christ Child, He that lives inside of you… He shall rule.

70 You know I’m going to take that to work on Monday, not in an arrogant manner. ‘His voice was not heard on the streets’. ‘He shall rule even as I’. I’m keeping in the context of that highlighting. ‘He that overcomes I will give power and rule even as I’. That’s it. These Ministers are not going to mess with us anymore. These churches and everybody else who criticise us shall bow at our feet. In fact when I read the scripture ‘I will bring them to worship before thee’. You keep reading it. ‘I will bring them that criticise... I will bring them to worship at thy feet’. In Revelation 3, the Bible says,

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

That’s what happened with Joseph and his brothers. His brothers came down and bowed… they didn’t literally bow down as in ‘prostrate’, but they become dependent, and they looked to him, and they had to have their brother, Joseph. They bowed to him. The sun and the moon and the stars bowed to him. ‘I will bring them’. Revelation 2...

28 And I will give him the morning star.

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71 Do you know what that is? ‘I will give him an opening to a new day’. A new day? What are you talking about ‘a new day’? ‘I will give him a message that’s not the same as the last message... a new message. I will give him… I will give him a ministry to unlock the Third Coming’. Do you know that the Third Coming was heralded from this Church? Do you know that the Second Ride of the Indian Chief herald from here? Why is that? Because you are overcomers. ‘To you who overcome I will give you power over nations and I will give you a morning star’. That’s a big deal because that star is going to tell you ‘Rise and shine, the light has come. A new day has dawned. The old day is over and the darkness is finished. Your healing is complete. Your complications are over. You’ve done with the sicknesses. It’s over with the devil. This is a brand new light now’. That’s what the star does; it’s not just a small thing. ‘Because you have overcome I have made you as I am and I’ve given you a morning star’.

72 We had this quote last week, Brother Branham in ‘The Rapture’ message, 1965, he says ‘Eat it today. Don’t try to keep it for tomorrow’. When you overcome I’m going to give you a little star. He’s going to announce a brand new message. He will bring you out of the old and into the new. ‘THE RAPTURE’; Yuma, Arizona. 4th December, 1965

58 ... And even what is eat today, don't try to keep it for tomorrow, burn it with fire before the daylight comes, for there's a new message coming forth and a new thing.

Look at that morning star. Brother Branham was our morning star. Hallelujah. He said ‘Daylight’s coming... a new message… burn the other one before the daylight comes’. What are we talking about? You people who are still living under rules and regulations... ‘You’ve got to have your dresses like this and you got to’… ‘Brother Branham said this… Brother Branham said that… Brother Branham, page 168’, said ‘You’ve got to do… the young people got to this…’ ‘William Branham said…’ My goodness it makes me sick. He also said ‘Eat it today and don’t try to keep it for tomorrow. Burn it with fire before the daylight comes for there is a new message coming and a new thing’.

73 Can you say amen to that? This is my commission. Can you say it, church? ‘This is my commission?’ They... us. We’re the strangers, and we have the sword, and I am just like Isaiah. I was born for this. I was born for this. Amen. Revelation 3 …

4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which hath not defiled their garments...Now think about this. What they had in a minor form, we now have in a major form, of what Luther preached. He preached justification. He said ‘Oh, you know, if you just believe... have faith in God... everything is going to be fine’. Brother Branham comes and says justification means ‘You never even did anything in the first place’. Luther’s justification was ‘I committed all those sins, but if I believe God, He’s going to forgive me of my sins…’ Justification... that’s Luther’s version. ‘He’s going to forgive me of all my sins if I trust and believe Him. Like my Father Abraham’. Justification… justified by faith. Brother Branham came along and said ‘You never even did anything to be forgiven for… you’re a new creation. It’s not the same old creation made over’. But Luther came along and said ‘Well you know by old it’s just been reformed. Accept it now, and this which is old has been made clean’. And William Branham comes along and said ‘You’ve got nothing of the old man left’.

74 This is a new creation… a ‘brand new unit’… ‘It’s not the same old one made over again’. But what Luther did was make the people over again. ‘You did this back in the Catholic Church, but believe in God and you’ll be fine’. Brother Branham advanced justification, and said ‘You’ve done nothing. You’re a brand new man’. So are you saying to yourself, thinking, ‘Why am I talking Church Ages this morning Lord?’ Well, take the Church Ages on to the next level. They had justification in the minor form. We are bringing it in a double portion.

Thou hast a few names in Sardis... (That’s life)... They have not defiled their garments... Do you know what that means? ‘Oh yes, I haven’t gone back to the dances. I haven’t gone back to drinking and I don’t grow green stuff anymore. I don’t take medicines like I used to. Oh, what a good boy am I’. You have not defiled your garment. That’s wonderful… that’s one form. That’s what they preached in the reformation. That was under yesterday’s manna. But what about a garment that’s not defiled now? A new creation? This is a new garment. This is the garment that my King is wearing and this garment was not born by my mother or my father but this garment has been born by the created Spirit Word of William Branham. He spoke me into existence.

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75 This is a new creation. This garment is undefiled by the sex birth. The only defilement is the sex program... that’s the original sin. But this body has been born again. This garment is undefiled.

They shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. Do you feel worthy? That’s us right there. They are worthy… do you feel worthy? Do you know what being ‘worthy’ is? Always remember what worthy is. Look it up in the dictionary. It’s something of ‘equal value’. Equal to what? ‘That where I am you may be also’. Brother Branham says ‘See what I’m doing, brethren. I’m trying to put you where I am’. ‘You will sit with me in my throne even as I am set down with my father in His throne.’ That’s what it is to be worthy. We are not talking about staying away from the Catholic Church. ‘Don’t go back to that defiled garment’. This is way beyond that.

7 These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, no man shutteth; and shutteth and no man openeth;

76 You know what we have done? We’ve shut the door on that old message. No man’s going to open it again… they can’t do it. Not in light of this revelation. It’s so puny... it’s so skinny and so frail. It’s so smelly and it’s got wiggle-tails in it. They will not – in the light of this message, they cannot open that up again. You just go on the internet and watch what Brother Don Parnell is preaching. All these message preachers have got on board (on their websites), trying to gun him down, and they don’t come anywhere near lining up the message from the beginning to the end… from Genesis to Revelation. They don’t even touch the sides. This revelation – this key of Son of David – has shut the door on that old message, and they will not and cannot open it again.

8 I know thy works I’ve set before thee… an open door. We are talking as in the same way that Brother Branham took justification on another level, so we are doing the same thing right now. This is my commission. Let’s go again.

20 ... I will come into him and will sup with him and he with me.

77 That’s very personal. That’s putting Jesus Christ with a pair of sandals on... a couple of mercury fillings that’s driving the brain crazy. That’s him. I will come into that and ‘he will sup with Me and I with him’.

21 To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne. We are talking about the throne of David. The Son of David... Solomon and David. William Branham... Elijah and Elisha. Pastor and congregation… Donald Parnell and Mita Edwardson… ‘That where I am there you may be also’. Not be completely in a different way, unique in its own self but exactly the same. That’s a lot that he has given us... but now... can we accept it? Do you accept it… the Word? Do you accept the power he has given you? Do you accept the fact that you have the key and a chain beyond what they had in the Church Ages?

78 They were just binding and loosing, binding and loosing. Brother Branham finally turned that mamba into crystal. He said it smashed into little pieces like shattered glass. That’s where we are standing right here. We’ve seen him bind and loose and bind and loose but now this the time of the shattered glass. In chapter 59, Isaiah says...

21 As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth...

Me, me, me. This is My Commission that God has put in my mouth. Make it yours... personal.... shall not depart out of thy mouth...

This is…this is not going to be stolen. It can’t be stolen. Have you ever seen your kids steal another kid’s lollypop? I have. I watched Amber when she was growing up. She’d bite somebody else’s face to get that lollypop. Nobody is going to bite my face to take this out of my mouth…

... it will not depart out of thy mouth...

79 This is a finished work. This is a complete deal. This is an absolute covenant. This is definitive. This has got a boundary here, and nobody is going to cross it.

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It shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever.

What shall not? What shall not depart? The sword that slays the dragon and the seed who leviathan runs from. Do you know that leviathan is running? He says ‘Oh man... I have read this in the Bible somewhere’. He hears our Church services and he says ‘Oh no. Finally it’s come upon me’. There is something that’ll depart out of our mouth. ‘It’s complete’. ‘He’s over’. It’s finished’. Amen. I think that might be the last scripture is it? Amen. Stand with me to your feet please. Amen. Thank God. Hallelujah. I just want to give thanks to the Lord in prayer.

80 Lord, we do thank you. We praise you. It’s wonderful, it’s good, it’s true and it’s awesome. It’s all things wonderful and it’s terrible. It’s the ‘terrible crystal’, the ‘astonishing’. It’s marvellous in our eyes, it’s the Lords doing. We give you praise and thanks. Lord, I stand like Isaiah. He said ‘My works have been in vain’. The humanistic realm of the religious efforts has been in vain but I was born from the womb to reveal This Trail and bring to nought he who has called himself ‘God’ all these years. That now people might stand around us and say ‘Is not… is this the man… is this the one who shook nations? How has he become as one of us?’ Because of the sword of the mouth Lord, and because Isaiah 27:1 is fulfilled in the earth. Because William Branham’s prophecy has taken on shoe leather and become history in our lives. That’s how he has become as one of us. They shall look narrowly upon him.

81 How fitting is it now Lord. One who has fattened himself in all the nations for centuries... we look narrowly upon him. He’s so thin, so narrow. How great is this day and hour. How great is my commission. You shall fight him. The Spirit of Your mouth, you said, shall consume him... the brightness of the Third Coming. This day this scripture is fulfilled. He that ‘sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God’, shall be revealed in this time. He shall be consumed with the brightness… you said you will fight him with the sword. Here we are Lord… this day these scriptures are fulfilled among us. Oh we give you praise and glory. May our children go in the strength of this meat today, Lord. May we, each one, go unto the community and stand like King’s sons, with our shoulders back. Hallelujah. We salute and praise you God. You said ‘I will lift you up in the time of trouble’. ‘A man’s life is few days and full of trouble’. Then comes the New Birth… it’s trouble of another kind. The dragon gets angry and tries to stop that Child as soon as it’s born, but the earth swallows up the waters that the dragon spews… a brand new earth. You said to Isaiah ‘I will send you to establish the earth to set it in its position so that these waters that spew out of the dragon mouth… that this earth that we have established might swallow it’. Hallelujah. And the Child of the woman is caught into the throne.

82 Your Prophet said that there can be only one throne… the Son of David... the Third Coming is when you have established the throne. By these two great wings of an eagle we are carried away Lord. Carried away from that old sound; that tinkling symbol. They’ve carried us away into the wilderness… the great hereafter… the great divide. Hallelujah. Blessings, glory and honour unto thee. Touch our lives with this Word as we go home to eat; as we go into the streets; as we take up our jobs... that we can feel the gravity of it. The strength of it, that will help us through a dismal day… that will help part the clouds on a dark and dismal day. Help us to breath at night. Help our children. Visit us with healing, with victory, and with great prosperity. Pour out your blessing. Be it unto us according to your Word Lord, as it has been spoken so shall it be, in the name of Jesus Christ thy Son we pray. We remember Sister Nancy, our old Sister Nancy Lord. She’s in a place that she doesn’t like to be. Father just touch her life. May she feel the power of Your Spirit. May she understand something… lift her understanding, to give her a little bit of light... a personal fellowship with your spirit. Refresh her Lord. Rejuvenate her in her spirit and mind and protect her in that place. We thank you for all things in Jesus name. Amen.

12-1216 The Trail Of The Serpent - The Commission - Pastor Mita Edwardson