Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their...

Root Meaning Examples agr field agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical - a chemical, such as a fertilizer, hormone, fungicide, insecticide or soil treatment, that improves the production of crops. agriculture - the art or science of cultivating the ground. agriculturist - someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil. agrology - the applied science of soils in relation to crops. ambul walk; go ambulatory - of, relating to, or adapted for walking; capable of walking; moving about. amble - to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll. ambulance - a specially equipped vehicle used to transport the sick or injured. somnambulist – sleepwalking; the act or an instance of walking or performing another activity associated with wakefulness while asleep or in a sleeplike state. perambulate - to walk round in order to inspect; make an official inspection on foot of (the bounds of a property). anim life; spirit animal - an organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion. animality - the state of being an animal. animate - to give natural life to; to make alive; to quicken; to give spirit or vigor to; to stimulate. animation - the state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness. animator - one who, or that which, animates; an animater. anime - a style of animation developed in Japan. animosity - mere spiritedness or courage. apt; ept suitable apt - exactly suitable; appropriate; suitable for the circumstance or purpose; appropriate. adapt - to make suitable to or fit for a specific

Transcript of Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their...

Page 1: Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical

Root Meaning Examples

agr field

agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure.agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise.agrochemical - a chemical, such as a fertilizer, hormone, fungicide, insecticide or soil treatment, that improves the production of crops.agriculture - the art or science of cultivating the ground.agriculturist - someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil.agrology - the applied science of soils in relation to crops.

ambul walk; go

ambulatory - of, relating to, or adapted for walking; capable of walking; moving about.amble - to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll.ambulance - a specially equipped vehicle used to transport the sick or injured.somnambulist – sleepwalking; the act or an instance of walking or performing another activity associated with wakefulness while asleep or in a sleeplike state.perambulate - to walk round in order to inspect; make an official inspection on foot of (the bounds of a property).

anim life; spirit

animal - an organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion.animality - the state of being an animal.animate - to give natural life to; to make alive; to quicken; to give spirit or vigor to; to stimulate.animation - the state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness.animator - one who, or that which, animates; an animater.anime - a style of animation developed in Japan.animosity - mere spiritedness or courage.

apt; ept suitable

apt - exactly suitable; appropriate; suitable for the circumstance or purpose; appropriate.adapt - to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.adaptable - capable of adapting or of being adapted.adaptation – to change so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation.adapter – a device that enables something to be made suitable so it may be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible/suitable.aptitude - the condition or quality of being suitable; appropriateness.adept - having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude.inept - not suitable, appropriate, or fitting; out of place.baptize – make suitable for Christianity/God.

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biblio book

bible – the sacred book of Christianity.bibliography – a list of books or other material on a subject.bibliophile – a lover of books.bibliomania - an excessive fondness for acquiring and possessing books.bibliopegy - the art of binding books.

cad; cas; cid fall

cadence - a falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.cascade - a waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks.decadence -  a falling from high to low standards in morals or the arts.cadaver - A fallen or dead body.caduceus - dropping off or shedding at an early stage of development, as the gills of most amphibians or the sepals or stipules of certain plants.cast - to cause to fall onto or over something or in a certain direction, as if by throwing.deciduous - falling off or shed at a specific season or stage of growth.incident - an occurrence; something that befell; a minor event.accident – a sudden fall or collision; an unexpected happening.coincident - falling together.

cardi heart

cardiac - of or relating to the heart.cardiology - the medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart.cardiologist - the medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart.cardiogram - a graphical recording of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph.cardiograph - an instrument used to record the mechanical movements of the heart.echocardiograph - a visual record produced by an echocardiograph.myocardial - the muscular tissue of the heart.tachycardia - a rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult.

centr center central - situated at, in, or near the centereccentric - situated away from the centre or the axisegocentric - confined in attitude or interest to one's own needs or affairs; self-centered person with little regard for others.acentric - not centered; without a center.centralize - to draw into or toward a centercentrifugal - moving or directed away from a center or axis.concentrate - to direct or draw toward a common center; focus.

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concentric - that which has a common center with something else.decentralize - to prevent from centralizing; to cause to withdraw from the center or place of concentration.

cip take; receive

incipient - participate - to take part in an event or activity.recipe - a formula or steps to take for achieving something.recipient - one that receives or is receptive.disciple - one who receives instruction from another; a scholar; a learner; especially, a follower who has learned to believe in the truth of the doctrine of his teacher.principal - a person who takes a leading part in any activity, as a play; a chief actor or performer.reciprocate - to give and to receive mutually.emancipate – to be taken out of bondage.

cord; cour heart

accord –originally meant heart-to-heart – to cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony.according - in conformity (with); in accordance (with) concord – originally meant - hearts together - harmony or agreement of interests or feelings; accord. cordial - warm and sincere; friendly; giving heartdiscord - lack of agreement or harmony.record – originally meant – to remember - an account in permanent form, esp in writing, preserving knowledge or information about facts or events.courage - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear.encourage - to inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten.

cosm universe

cosmos - the universe considered as an ordered and integrated whole.

cosmopolitan - pertinent or common to the whole world.cosmonaut - a Russian or soviet astronaut a "sailor of the universe".cosmic - relating to the whole universe; especially, as distinct from the earth.cosmical - characteristic of the cosmos or universe; inconceivably great; vast; as, cosmic speed.cosmically - inconceivably extended in space or time.cosmogenesis – the origin, development, or evolution of the universe. cosmologist – someone who studies the physical universe which is considered a totality of phenomena in time and space. cosmology – the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe.precosmic – before the existence of the universe. cosmetic - serving to modify or improve the appearance of a physical feature, defect, or irregularity.

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cred believe

credit - belief, credence, faith, trust. To give credit to: to believe, put faith in, credit.credulous - ready or too easily disposed to believe.incredible - not credible; that which cannot be believed; beyond belief – informally used to mean: unexpectedly or astonishingly large or great; surprising; extraordinarily good, talented, or enjoyable. discredit – To show to be unworthy of beliefcredential – a certificate, letter, or experience that qualifies someone to do something; anything that provides authentication for a claim.credibility – the ability to inspire belief or trust. credible – capable of being believed; believable. creed – a formal summary of the principles of the Christian faith; a set of religious beliefs.discredit – loss or want of credit; impaired reputation; disrepute, reproach; an instance of this. omnicredulous – ready or too easily disposed to believe everything. – overly ready to believe everything.

cycle circle

cycle - recurring period of time in which certain events or phenomena occur and reach completion or repeat themselves in a regular sequence.cyclone - a violent rotating windstorm characterized by the rapid inward circulation of air masses.bicycle - a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals.recycle – to put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment.cyclic - of, relating to, or characterized by cycles.encyclopedia – a comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field, usually arranged alphabetically.motorcycle – a two-wheeled motor vehicle resembling a heavy bicycle, sometimes having two saddles and a sidecar with a third wheel.tricycle – a vehicle, used especially by small children, that has three wheels, one at the front and two at the back, and is usually propelled by pedals.unicycle - a vehicle consisting of a frame mounted over a single wheel and usually propelled by pedals.

doc teach document - a writing that contains information.docile - willing and prepared to be taught; teachable.doctrine - a principle or body of principles that is taught or advocated.doctor – a person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice.docent - a teacher or lecturer at some universities who is not a regular faculty member.docudrama - a dramatized film (usually for television) which

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is based on a semi-fictional interpretation of real events; a documentary drama. documentary – presenting factual material with little or no fictional additions.

fac do, make

benefactor – person who supports or helps a person, institution, etc.factory – a building or group of buildings in which goods are manufactured.manufacture – to make or process (a raw material) into a finished product.artifact – an object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest.artificial – made by human skill; produced by humans; as, opposed to natural origins; such as, artificial flowers.facilitate – to make easy or easier.facility – ease in moving, acting, or doing.fact – an event or thing known to have happened or existed.factor – one that actively contributes to an accomplishment, result, or process.faculty – the ability to perform or act.

fig form

configuration - the form, as of a figure, determined by the arrangement of its parts or elements.disfigure - to spoil, deform, or mar the appearance of someone or something.effigy - a crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.configurate –to take a form or a position, as the parts of a complex structurefigment – something formed by, or only existing in, someone's imagination.figurative - forming or containing a nonliteral sense of a word or words by making use of figures of speechfigurine – a small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette.figure - the outline, form, or silhouette of a thing.

form shape deform – to spoil the natural form of; misshape.form – the shape and structure of an object.reform – to form again.conform – to correspond in form or character; be similar.formal – relating to or involving outward form or structure.formality – rigorous or ceremonious adherence to established forms, rules, or customs.format – set (printed matter) into a specific format.formation – the act or process of shaping something or of taking shape.formative – shaping; moulding; capable of being shaped.former – a person or thing that forms or shapes.formula – an established form of words or symbols for use in a ceremony or procedure.

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formulate – to state as or reduce to a formula.inform – to give form or character to; imbue with a quality or an essence.information – shaping an idea of something and describing it or instructing people about something.malformed – badly formed/shaped.perform – fournir – means furnish. transform – to alter or be altered radically in form, shape, function, etcuniform – unvaried in texture, shape, color, or design

grad step

grade – a stage steps, or degree in a process.gradual – proceeding in small stages or steps.graduation – a division, step or interval on a graduated scale.biodegradable – anything that is susceptible to the decomposing action of living organisms, especially of bacteria; which are occasionally broken down by biochemical processes in the body.

greg gather

congregation – a body of assembled people or things; a gathering.gregarious – seeking and enjoying the company of others; being sociable.segregate - to separate or to isolate from others or from a main body or group.aggregate – collected together from different sources and considered as a whole.congregator – someone who brings a group, crowd, or assembly together. desegregate - to end segregation between races, or sexes, in an organization.

hydr water dehydrate – to remove water from.hydrant – an upright pipe with a spout, nozzle, or other outlet, usually in the street, for drawing water from a main or service pipe; especially, for fighting fires.hydrogen – a colorless, odorless, flammable gas that combines chemically with oxygen to form water: the lightest of the known chemical elements.carbohydrate – an organic compound present in the cells of all living organisms and a major organic nutrient for human beings; it consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and makes up sugar, starch, and cellulose.hydrangea – any of various shrubs of the genus hydrangea, having opposite leaves and large, flat-topped or rounded clusters of white, pink, or blue flowers. hydrate – to supply water to a person or thing in order to restore or to maintain fluid balance. hydraulic – operated by, moved by, or employing water or other liquids in motion.hydremia, hydraemia – a blood disorder in which there is excess fluid volume (of water) compared with the cell

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volume of the blood.hydroclimatology – the study and therapeutic utilization of waterfront climates. hydroelectricity – a form of energy generated by the conversion of free-falling water to electricity.hydrogeology – the science dealing with the occurrence and distribution of underground water. also called hydrology and geohydrology.hydromania – an excessive craving for water or liquids; an uncontrollable fascination with water. hydroplaning – a reference to a vehicle, vehicle tire, etc., to skid on the film of water of a wet surface (usually a street after a rain) with a resulting decrease in automative control. hydropower – electric power generated using water power. hydrosoluble – water soluble. hydrothermal – relating to or caused by heated water; especially, the action of water heated by natural processes rather than by industrial activity.

junct join

conjunction – the part of speech that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences; for example, and, because, but, etc. a combination of two or more things.injunction – a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity.adjoin – to be next to; to attach something to another object, area, etc.adjourn – to put off or to suspend until a future time.adjunct – something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position.adjust – to change so as to match or to fit something. to bring into proper relationship.conjunctivitis – inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane on the inner part of the eyelids and the membrane covering the white of the eye. conjuncture – a combination, as of events or circumstances; especially, one that leads to a crisis.disjunct – discontinuous or separated in time or space.junction –a place or point where two or more things are joined; such as, a seam or joint. juncture - a place where two things are joined; a junction or a joint.readjust - to adjust or to arrange again.

lat carry collate – to gather pieces of information together. to bring together pieces of information and compare them in detail in order to arrange information that has been collected into a sensible order.relate – carried back to it. to bring into or link in logical or natural association.translate – to carry it across from one language to another.

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belated – coming or happening later than it should.elate – lifting of the spirits.legislate – to perform (carry out) the function of legislation; to make or enact laws.

log/ospeech; word;

doctrine; discourse

logic – a system of reasoningmonologue – a dramatic speech or sketch performed by one actor.dialogue – a conversation or verbal exchange between two or more people.analogy – the process by which words or morphemes are re-formed or created on the model of existing grammatical patterns in a language.dyslogia – impairment of speech and reasoning as the result of a mental disorder. hyperlogia - morbid verbosity, excessive talking, or loquacity. hypologia - lack of the ability to speak. lethologica - the inability to recall a word or the right word. logo - a design used by an organization on its letterhead advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized. logocide - to kill a word or any attempt to eliminate or to destroy a word. logofascinated - fascinated by words. logolepsy - an obsession with words. logologist - someone who studies words. logology – the study of words. logophile - one who loves words or who has a special fondness for words. tachylogia - an abnormal rapidity of speech. bradylogia - an abnormal slowness or deliberation in speech.

lustr shineillustrate – to shed light upon, light up, illuminate.illustrious – well known and very distinguished; eminent; shining brightlyluster – a bright and shiny condition or tone.

merg dip/immerse/plunge

emerge – to rise from or as if from immersion.immerse - embedded deeply.merge – to combine or to cause to combine or to unite with something to form a single entity.merger – the act or an instance of merging; union.submerge – to plunge, sink, or dive or cause to plunge, sink, or dive below the surface of water. to place under water; to hide from view.emergent - rising above a surrounding medium, especially a fluid.immersion – the act or process of being under liquid or below the surface.emersion - the act or process of rising from a position or situation.

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emersed - rising above the surface of water.emergency - an unforeseen or sudden occurrence, esp of a danger demanding immediate remedy or action. deep need of help.

mim same/imitate

mime – to imitate a person, a manner, etc.; especially, for satirical effects.mimic – to resemble something in a way that seems like a deliberate copy.mimeograph – a machine that prints copies onto paper from an inked stencil rotated on a cylinder across the pages.pantomime - someone who acts without speaking but who simply uses gestures and expressions to imitate others.

mobi move

automobile – a self-moving vehicle; a motor vehicle.mobile – capable of moving or of being moved readily from place to place.mobilize – to make mobile or capable of movement.immobile - not moving; motionless; not able to move or be moved; fixed.mob - to move close to someone, or a group, in an excited way.


(Latin: to tell, to relate, to recount;

to make acquainted with)

narrate – to tell (a story, for example) in speech or writing or by means of images.narrative – consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story.narrator – someone who tells a story.

noun; nun

declare; state(Latin:

messenger, message; make


announce – to make known publicly; declare; stateenunciate – to pronounce; articulate.pronounce – to say clearly, correctly, or in a given manner; to declare officially or formally.denounce - speak out against; make a statement against.renounce - to give up (a title, for example), especially by formal announcement.

opt eye(Greek: eye[s];

sight; see, vision)

optic – of or relating to the eye or vision.optician – one that makes lenses and eyeglasses.optical – of or relating to sight; visual.anomalopia – a form of color blindness where reds and greens look much the same. anopia - absence of sight; especially, when due to a structured defect in or absence of an eye (or eyes). autopsy - an exhaustive critical personal examination or inspection of something. 2. The medical examination of a dead body in order to establish the cause and circumstances of death; also referred to as, "remains to be seen".

autopsy: “remains to be seen”dystopia - an imaginary place where everything is as bad as it possibly can be, or a vision or description of such a place. hyperopia - farsightedness; the ability to see distant objects more clearly than close objects.

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myopia - nearsightedness, the ability to see close objects more clearly than distant objects. optometer - an instrument for measuring the distance of distinct vision, mainly for the selection of eve glasses. optometrist - a health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services.synopsis (s), synopses (pl) - a brief outline or general view.


feeling(Greek: feeling,

sensation, perception;

suffering, disease, or disorder; a

system of treatment of


empathy - feeling or understanding the thoughts and experiences of another without direct communication.pathology - Pathology was originally the study of “suffering”. sympathy - the ability or capacity of an individual to relate to or to share the experiences and feelings of another personantipathy - a strong hostility, or opposition, toward someone or something.apathetic - relating to a lack of emotion. apathy - lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. pathetic a reference to that which arouses sorrow or pity.


(Greek: sound, voice, speech,


microphone -an instrument whereby sound waves are caused to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording speech or musicphonics - a reference to sound or to the voice; especially, the aspects of the hearing of speech sounds; pertaining to or producing sounds. symphony - music in parts, sung or played by a number of performers with pleasing effect; concerted or harmonious music.


more(Latin: more,


plural - relating to or composed of more than one member, set, or kind.pluralism - the condition of being multiple or plural.plurality - the state or fact of being plural.surplus - a quantity much larger than is needed.plus - added to; along with.

pon; pos place(Latin: to place, to

put, to set)

exponent – a number or symbol, placed above and to the right of the expression to which it applies, that indicates the number of times the expression is used as a factor.opponent – opposite, as in position or place.postpone – to delay until a future time; put off.transpose – to reverse or transfer the order or place of; interchange.oppose – to place or set in the way of; to hinder; to obstruct.opposite - placed or located directly across from something else or from each other.positive – characterized by, or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation, and not in doubt; such as, a positive answer; a positive criticism. to stay put in an

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opinion.post – to assign to a specific position, station or place.poster - a large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted or placed to advertise or publicize something.postage - the stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to be mailed as evidence of payment of this charge.component - a part of something, usually of something bigger.compose - to make up the constituent parts of; to constitute or to form.composition the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole.compound - a building or buildings, especially a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier.decompose - to separate into constituent parts, or to cause something to separate into its constituent parts.deposit - something, such as money, that is entrusted for safekeeping, as in a bank.Juxtapose - to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrastapposition - the relative position of two things that are next to each other.posture - A position of the body or of body parts

quer, ques, quir

ask(Latin: to ask, to


acquire – To get or to obtain possession of something. To learn or to develop something. query – a request for information.inquiry – an appeal or request for informationinquest – an investigation/questioning of the facts of a situation, particularly one that had an undesired outcome. quest – to search or to ask for.request – to ask formally or courteously for something to be given or done. question – to examine or to interrogate in an intensive manner.questionnaire - a set of questions used to gather information in a survey, or the printed paper that contains the questions.acquire - to get or to obtain possession of something. to learn or to develop something. conquer - to take/seek control of a place by force of arms. inquisitive - given to inquiry, research, or asking questions; eager for knowledge; intellectually curious; such as, an inquisitive mind.exquisite - 1. very beautiful and delicate or intricate. 2. perfect and delightful. 3. sensitive and capable of detecting subtle differences. 4. etymology: the underlying meaning is “sought after, choice, perfect”.

reg guide regal – of or relating to a monarch; royal.

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(Latin: to direct, to rule, to lead

straight, to keep straight, to guide,

to govern)

regent – one who rules during the minority, absence, or disability of a monarch.regulate – to control or direct according to rule, principle, or law.regular – following a set rule or normal practice; methodical or orderlyirregular - not straight, uniform, or symmetrical. not following the guide.regiment - subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematizationregime - a regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen.region - a large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space; area.reign - exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch.


health(latin: healthy,

whole; by extension: cure, heal,

take care of; sound in mind

and body)

sane – mentally healthy, of a sound mind, free from a mental disorder.insane – afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; very foolish.insanity – mental illness or derangement. no longer in scientific use.sanitary – of or relating to health or the protection of health.sanitarian - a public health or sanitation expert. sanitarium - a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases.sanitation – formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health.sanitize - to make sanitary, as by cleaning or disinfecting.

scop see(greek > latin:

see, view, sight, look,

look at, examine, behold,


microscope – an optical instrument that uses a lens, or a combination of lenses, to produce magnified images of small objects, especially of objects too small to be seen by the unaided eye.telescope – a piece of equipment shaped like a tube that a person can look through to make distant objects appear closer and larger.stethoscope – any of various instruments used for listening to sounds produced within the body.[french stéthoscope : greek st thos, chest + french -scope, an instrument for viewing (from latin -scopium; see -scope).]amicroscopic - too small to be seen through a microscope; unable to be seen even with a microscope. bioscope - a view or survey of life.chronoscope - an instrument for observing and the precise measuring of minute time intervals of extremely brief periods of time.cinemascope – a motion-picture process employing a special type of lens to project a panoramic, three-dimensional image upon a wide, curved screen; a trade

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name. electroscope - a device that detects the presence of minute charges of electricity and determines their sign by means of electrostatic attraction and repulsion.horoscope – a diagram of the heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac, for use in calculating births, foretelling events in a person's life, etc.a prediction of future events or advice for future behavior based on the diagram described in the previous definition. kaleidoscope - an optical toy consisting of a cylinder with mirrors and colored shapes inside that create shifting symmetrical patterns when the end is rotated.periscope - an optical instrument that provides a view of an otherwise obstructed field.scope – an optical device, instrument, or tool for viewing or seeing something; such as, a magnifier of images of distant objects.spectroscope - an instrument that disperses light into its spectrum, magnifies it, and displays it for observation. stereoscope - an instrument through which pictures of the same object, taken from different angles, are seen through separate eyepieces to produce the illusion of a single image having three dimensions.


(latin: sit, sitting)

sedate – tending to avoid excitement or great activity and to be calm and relaxed.sedative – tending to calm or soothe.sedentary – established in one place; not moving from place to place.sediment - the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees; dregs.


alike(Latin: same, like, alike; same time;

to appear, to seem; together)

similar – related in appearance or nature; alike though not identical.simile – a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds. simple – same-fold’ – that is, not multifarioussimulate – to reproduce the essential features of something; such as, an aid to study or training.assimilate - to integrate someone into a larger group, so that differences are minimized or eliminated, or they become integrated.dissimilar - differing in one or more respects; not alike.facsimile, fax - an exact copy, or reproduction, of something; such as, a document, a coin, or someone's handwriting.resemblance - similarity in appearance, or quality, to somebody or something else.simultaneous – happening, existing, or done at the same time.

solv loosen(Latin: loosen, to

absolve – to release from blame, sin, punishment, obligation, or responsibility.

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loose; to dissolve; to untie, to set


dissolve – to cause to disappear or vanish; dispel.resolve – to find the answer or solution to; solve.solve – to find the explanation for or solution toabsolution – a freeing from sin, guilt, or blame; or a declaration that frees a person from guilt or punishment for sin.absolute - not limited by restrictions or exceptions; unconditional.hydrosoluble – water soluble. insoluble - impossible, or practically impossible, to dissolve in a liquidresolute - firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination.

sta stand(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put,

to place, to put in place; to stand


stand – to rise to an upright position on the feet.standard – comes from “stand hard.” a principle of propriety, honesty, and integrity. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; a standing from which something is measured.stagnant - not moving or flowing; motionless.stagnate – stand still.station – place or position where a person or thing stands or is assigned to stand; a post.stationary – not moving. not capable of being moved; fixed.stable - resistant to change of position or condition; not easily moved or disturbed; stand one’s ground.stability – the state or quality of being stable.assistance – support; cooperation:assistants – those who help someone, or who supportstatic - having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary.obstacle - an obstruction that stands in the way or hinders progress, and which must be removed or surmounted or circumvented before it is possible to continue. stamina - physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship; endurance.state - position or standing in life or society; estate.constable – a peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff.constant – continually occurring; persistent.distant –separate or apart in space; to stand apart from. ecstatic – being extremely happy; out of one’s mind with happiness.establish – to set up; found.instability - lack of physical stability; unsteadiness.instant – occurring at once; immediate.reinstate - bring back into original existence, use, function, or position.stationery - paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters; usually with matching envelopes.

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statistics - the mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling.statue - a three-dimensional form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or cast in material such as stone, clay, wood, or bronze.stature - the natural height of a human or animal in an upright position.status - position relative to that of others; standing.statute - a law enacted by a legislature. a decree or edict, as of a ruler.staunch - firm and steadfast; true.substantial - solidly built; strong; withstanding.unstable - lacking stability, fixity, or firmness.


highest(Latin: highest, topmost, chief


sum – the full amount, or the whole.summary – a shortened version of something that has been said or written, containing only the main points.summit – the highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object; top; apex.summation – the final summing-up of an argument in a court of law. a summary of something that has been said or written.


stretch(Greek > Latin: to move in a certain

direction; to stretch, to hold out; tension; as well as tendon,


tendon - an of the inelastic cords of tough, fibrous connective tissue in which muscle fibers end and by which muscles are attached to bones or other parts; sinew. tense – stretched tight; strained; taut.tension – mental or nervous strain, often accompanied by muscular tautness.tent – a portable shelter consisting of canvas, skins, etc. stretched over poles and attached to stakes.extend – to stretch out or draw out to a certain point, or for a certain distance or time. extension - the act of extending or the condition of being extended.tendency – an inclination to move or act in a particular direction or way; constant disposition to some action or state; leaning; bias; propensity; bent. tend - to be directed; proceed or extend [to stretch, hold out]. attend - to take care or charge of; to look after (to stretch one’s mind to). attendance - the act of attending.attendant - a person who attends to or serves.attention - the act of keeping one’s mind closely on something or the ability to do this; mental concentration; mental readiness for such concentration.tentative - not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional.intend - to have in mind as a purpose; plan; purpose [Latin intendere, to stretch out for, aim at].

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weave(Latin: to weave,

woven; to structure, to


context – the words, phrases, or passages that come before and after a particular word or passage in a speech or piece of writing and help to explain its full meaning.text – the original words of something written or printed, as opposed to a paraphrase, translation, revision, or condensation. [middle english texte, from old french, from late latin textus, written account, from latin, structure, context, body of a passage, from past participle of texere, to weave, fabricate; see teks- in indo-european roots.]textile – cloth or fabric that is woven, knitted, or otherwise manufactured.texture – the rough quality of a surface or fabric

tort twist(Latin: bend,

curve, turn, twist)

contort – to become so twisted as to take on an unnatural or grotesque shape, or to twist something; especially, a part of the body, in this way.contortion – a twisting of something, especially a part of the body, out of its natural shape.contortionist – an acrobat who is able to twist into unusual positions.distort – to bend, twist, stretch, or force something out of its usual or natural shape, or to be made to do this.torque – a force that causes twisting or turning; for example, the force generated by an internal-combustion engine to turn a vehicle's drive shaft.retort – to reply, especially to answer in a quick, caustic, or witty manner. to bend back.tort – damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought.torx – a special star-shaped screw recess or screw head top with six rounded corners to insert the tool. the torx configuration on tools allows a very tight fit on the fastener and the application of high torque. the rounded corners also reduce wear of both the fastener and the tool.torture – the notion underlying torment is of an instrument of torture worked by ‘twisting’. to twist or turn abnormally; distort.tortuous – with many turns or bends.extort – to obtain something; such as, money or information from someone by using force, threats, or other unacceptable methods.extortion – the crime of obtaining something; such as, money or information from someone by using force, threats, or other unacceptable methods.intorsion – a winding, bending, or twisting.torch - a stick of wood dipped in wax or with one end wrapped in combustible material, set on fire and carried, especially in former times, as a source of light.

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torsion – a twisting, or turning, motion of a solid body around its axis of symmetry, produced by the application of opposing forces or torques at opposite ends of the body.tortilla – thin disk of unleavened bread made from masa or wheat flour and baked on a hot surface.tortoise - any of various terrestrial turtles.


confusion(Latin: uproar, commotion, disorderly, agitated,

confusion; whirl, whirlwind)

disturb – to interfere with the arrangement, order, or harmony of; to disarrange.perturb – to throw into great confusion.turbulent – being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed.turbulence - a state of disorder, disarray, or agitation in nature.disturbance – the act of disturbing.turbid – not clear or transparent because of stirred-up or suspended sediment or foreign particles; clouded; opaque; obscured; thick with roiled sediment; not cleartrouble - public unrest or disorder; a disturbance. origin of the word, "trouble"

Origin of the word, "trouble"When a person is in trouble, his or her mind is ill at ease. the Latin parent of the word trouble indicates the same thing because turbo meant "disturb".

It came into English first with the spelling turble, then truble, and finally trouble. this same latin word, turbo, has given us turbulent, "full of commotion"; disturb, "throw into complete disorder", and turbid, or in other words, a turbid stream which is "all muddied up."

turbine – any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid; such as, steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as a fluid passing through and entirely filling a housing around the rotor.turbinal – rolled in a spiral; scroll-like; turbinate; applied to the thin, plicated, bony or cartilaginous plates which support the olfactory and mucous membranes of the nasal chambers. turbodrill – a rotary drill used in oil or gas drilling operations, driven by a turbine motor located inside the well. turbo - having a turbine engine.

var different(Latin: different,

diversity, change, changing)

invariable – not changing or subject to change; constant.variable - likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable.variance - an event that departs from expectations.variant – deviating from a standard, usually by only a slight difference.

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variation – something slightly different from another of the same type.variety – a collection of unlike things; a different form or kind within a general category.vary – to be different; deviate. to make or cause changes in the characteristics or attributes of; modify or alter.prevaricate – to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to withhold information.unvarying - lacking variety.variegate – to change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors; to streak.

voc voice(Latin: call, talk,

speak, say, voice; word)

vocal – referring to the voice; oralvocalization – the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication.vocalize – to make vocal; to utter, to say, or to sing. to provide a voice for; to render articulate.vocation – a stated or regular occupation; a calling.voice – the sound produced by the speech organs and uttered by the mouth.vouch – to assert or to confirm as a result of one's own experience, the truth or accuracy of something.voucher – a small printed piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or which may be exchanged for produced goods, specified items, or services. vowel – a speech sound made with the vocal tract open.vox – the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract.advocate – to speak, to plead, or to argue in favor of something or someone. advocate - a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea.avow – to admit openly and bluntly. to declare or to affirm solemnly and formally as true.convocation - the arranging, or calling together, of a formal meeting.convoke – to call, or to convene, a formal meeting or to call people together for a meeting. disavow – to deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with someone or something. equivocal – open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead.evoke – to call up, or to produce, memories, emotions, responses, feelings, etc.invoke – to request earnestly (something from someone); such as, to ask for aid or protection. to quote, to rely on, or to use something. to call upon an evil spirit to appear; such as, by casting a spell. provoke – to make someone feel angry or indignant.revoke – to annul, or to make void, by recalling or taking

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back; to cancel, rescind, repeal, or reverse.unequivocal – expressed in a clear and specific way. unprovoked – an attack, or a display of aggression or emotion; not caused by anything done or said. occurring without motivation or provocation; such as, an unprovoked attack. vocabulary – a collection or list of words with brief explanations of their meanings.

Prefix Meaning Examplesa- not; without

(Greek: prefix; no, absence of,

without, lack of, not)

abyss – a bottomless pit. having no bottom.apolitical – having no interest in or association with politics.abacterial – free of bacteria; without bacteria. abiology - the study of non-living things. abiotic - absence, or deficiency, of life; devoid of life or specific life conditions. acardia - without a heart.acellular - containing no cells. acentric - not central; not located in the center; without a center. adermia - without skin. achromatic - without color; colorless; unpigmented.amicroscopic - too small to be seen through a microscope; unable to be seen even with a microscope. amnesia - partial or total loss or lack of memory; the inability to recall past experiences; lacking memory. apathetic - relating to a lack of emotion. descriptive of a lack of interest; a listless condition; unconcern; indifference. aphobic - without fear; fearless. apnea, apnoea - temporary stopping of breathing that occurs in some newborns and in some adults during sleep.apsychosis - absence of mental functioning and particularly of thinking, as when in a stupor. asepsis - a condition in which living pathogenic organisms are absent; a state of sterility. asexual - 1. reproduction without nuclear fusion in an organism. asocial - not social; indifferent to social values.asymmetry - a lack or absence of symmetry; dissimilarity in corresponding parts of organs on opposite sides of the body that are normally alike. atheism - godlessness, disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a god or gods. atheist - someone who does not believe in a god or gods or who denies the existence of a god, gods, or deities.atom - literally, “not cutable”, not divisible.atoxic - not toxic; not caused by or associated with a toxin (poison). atraumatic - not inflicting or causing damage or injury.

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atrophy, atrophying, atrophia - a wasting away, especially of body tissue, an organ, etc., or the failure of an organ or part to grow or develop, as a result of insufficient nutrition.atypical - not typical, not characteristic; abnormal. aypnia - insomnia, sleeplessness.


not(Greek: prefix; no,

absence of, without, lack of,


anarchy - the absence of any formal system of government in a society.anesthesia – a total or partial loss of the sense of pain, temperature, touch, etc.anorexia – a lack or loss of appetite for food. no appetite; also, a shortened term for anorexia nervosa. anarchic - showing no respect for established laws, rules, institutions, or authority. anonymous – having an unknown or unacknowledged name.anemia - a lack of red blood cells.anhydration - a lack of water in the system. anacid - without normal acidity. anacoustic - a situation in which sound cannot be transmitted. anaerobic - having to do with or occurring in the absence of atmospheric oxygen or air. relating to living or growing where there is no atmospheric oxygen. anaerobic bacteria get their oxygen by decomposing compounds containing oxygen.analgesia - a state in which painful stimuli are so moderated that, though still perceived, they are no longer painful; feeling no pain.

anti- against; opposite of

(Greek: against, opposed to,

preventive; used as a prefix)

antibody – an antibody acting against tissues of the organism that produces it.antiseptic – capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.antisocial – avoiding the company of other people; unsociable.antidote - a remedy to counteract poison; an antitoxin. anything that works against an unwanted condition; a remedy or a cure.antacid, antiacid - having the power of counteracting acidity; especially, in the stomach. a remedy for, or preventive of, acidity. antagonism - hostility or hatred causing opposition and ill will. opposition between forces or principles.antarctic, antarctic - the region around the south pole; such as, antarctica and the surrounding waters. as antarctic, found in, coming from, or associated with this region. most compound entries using this term may be spelled either antarctic or antarctic.antiaircraft - designed for defense, especially from a surface position, against aircraft or missile attack.antianxiety - preventing or reducing anxiety; such as, with

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an antianxiety drug. tending to prevent or to relieve anxiety. antibacterial - destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.


not(Latin prefixes meaning not)

illegal – not legal.illegible – not legible or decipherable.illegitimate – against the law; illegal.illogical – without logic; senseless.illiterate - someone who is unable to read and write.

immature - not fully grown or developed.immovable - impossible to move.impatient – unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless.imbalance - a lack of balance, as in distribution or functioning.

incorrect - not correct; erroneous or wrong.inaccurate – mistaken or incorrect; not accurate.inactive – not active or tending to be active.indecisive - characterized by lack of decision and firmness.


not unable – not having the necessary means or skill or know-how.uncomfortable – ill at ease; uneasy; not comfortable.uncertain – not having sure knowledge.unhappy – not happy or joyful; sad or sorrowful.

de -

opposite(Latin: from, away from, off; wholly, entirely, utterly,

complete; reverse the action of,

undo; the negation or

reversal of the notion expressed

in the primary word)

deform – to spoil the natural form of; misshape.degrade – to reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote.deplete – to decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.descend – to move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down.deactivate - to render inactive or ineffective.debug - to remove a hidden electronic device, such as a microphone, from.decease - the event or act of dying or a departure from life.decompose - to separate into constituent parts, or to cause something to separate into its constituent parts.decrease - to grow or cause to grow gradually less or smaller, as in number, amount, or intensity.deduct, deducting, deducted - to take away or subtract from a sum or amount. deflate - to let out air or gas from an inflatable object with the result that it shrinks or collapses, or to lose air or gas.

epi- upon (Greek: above, over, on, upon;

besides; in addition to;

toward; among)

epidemic – widespread, over or among many people at the same time; such as, a disease.epilogue – a closing statement; especially, at the end of a play, book, etc. epicenter – the area directly over an earthquake.epidermal - the outer, protective, nonvascular layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis.

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epibiotic - living attached to another organism; such as, fungus.epiblast - the outer layer of a gastrula in the embryo of some grasses, a small structure opposite the scutellum, thought to be a rudimentary cotyledon. epigram - a concise, witty, and often paradoxical remark or saying.epigraph - an inscription on a building, monument, gravestone, etc. a motto or quotation at the beginning of a book, chapter, play, etc. epilepsy - a chronic disease of the nervous system, characterized by convulsions, and often unconsciousness.epinephrin - a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis, causing an elevation in the blood sugar, vasodilation of blood vessels of the skeletal muscles, vasoconstriction of the arterioles of the skin and mucous membranes, relaxation of bronchiolar smooth muscles, and stimulation of heart action. epiphany - an appearance or manifestation; especially, of a deity. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight. -- etymology: from greek epiphainein, "to manifest, to display" from epi- "on, to" + phainein, "to show". episode - an incident or event that is part of a progression or a larger sequence. one of a series of related events in the course of a continuous account.

for/e-in front of; previous;


forebear – person from whom one is descended; an ancestor.forbade – to have the effect of preventing; preclude.forecast – what you think will happen in the future.foresee - to have a strong feeling that something will happen in the future although you cannot be sure that it will.foremost - first; most important. forerunner - a person or thing coming earlier than another more important or advanced one.foreshadow - to be a warning or sign of something that may happen forestall - to think about what someone may do and try to stop them.forewarn - to warn about something that is going to happen.foretell - to say what will happen in the future.foresight - the ability to see what will probably happen in the future; the ability to plan for emergencies.forethought - the practice of planning for the future; thinking ahead.

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mon/o- one(Greek: one,

alone, single; a number used as a


monochromatic – consisting of only one color or of one color and white.monologue – a dramatic speech or sketch performed by one actor.monosyllable - a word of one syllable; such as "good, yes, and no". monotone - a sound, especially a speech sound, that does not rise and fall in pitch, but stays on the same tone all the time.monotony - sameness of tone or pitch; lack of variety in cadence or inflection; a monotonous sound. lack of variety or interest; tedious repetition or routine; the quality of being dull, unvarying, lifeless, etc. monophobia - an extreme angst or morbid dread of being left alone or of desolate places. monopoly - a product or service whose supply is controlled by only one company and which has an exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.monopolize - to have complete control of an industry or service and prevent other companies or people from participating or competing in it.monogamy – marriage to only one person at a time.monarch - in early use, a sole and absolute ruler of a state. in modern use, a sovereign bearing the title of king, queen, emperor, or empress, or the equivalent of one of these. monarchy - undivided rule by a single person; sole rule or sovereignty; absolute power. monastery, monasteries - a community of people; especially, monks, bound by vows to a religious life and often living in partial or complete seclusion.monotheism - a lack of belief in the existence of just one god or a god.monk - a man who withdraws entirely or in part from society and goes to live in a religious community to devote himself to prayer, solitude, and contemplation.monandry - the practice of having only one husband at a time.monochord - an acoustic instrument consisting of a sounding box with one string and a movable bridge, used to study musical tones.monochrome - consisting of only one color and white; usually, of black and white. monoculture - the cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country. a single, homogeneous social culture without diversity or dissension. monodactyl - having only one finger, toe, or claw. monomial - an algebraic expression consisting of only one term.mononuclear - 1. a description of a cell that has a single

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nucleus.monopod, - having just one foot.

poly- many; more than one

(Greek: many, much; too many,

too much, excessive; abnormal)

polychrome – having many or various colors; polychromatic.polygon – a geometrical plane figure with three or more straight sides; a figure of many angles. polysyllabic – having many (at least three or more) syllables. polyunsaturated - relating to long-chain carbon compounds; especially, fats, having many unsaturated bonds. polygram - a figure or design consisting of many lines. polyhedron - having many faces or sides. polypetalous - literally, having many petals; but commonly used for having the petals distinct or separate, not coherent or united. polyphobia - an excessive fear of many things. polyphonic - composed or arranged for several voices or parts, each having a melody of its own; consisting of a number of melodies combined; contrapuntal; of or pertaining to polyphonic music. polyplegic - relating to paralysis affecting several muscles at the same time. polypod - having many feet or foot-like organs; specifically, belonging to the polypoda, a name for various groups of animals in different classifications: a division of insects; a division of worms; cephalopod molluscs, having more than eight arms or tentacles; and crustaceans, having more than ten feet. the presence of supernumerary feet. polyscope - an apparatus which makes a single object appear as many objects. polymorph - an animal or plant that has several different adult forms. polynomial - a mathematical expression of two or more terms. polynesia - one of three major divisions of the pacific islands, encompassing a number of island groups in the central and southern pacific ocean, including hawaii, samoa, and the cook islands. polyacoustic - multiplying or magnifying sound. polyarthritis - an inflammation of several joints at the same time. polyculture - many diverse crops or speciespolydactyl - having more than the normal number of fingers or toes. polymyalgia - myalgia (muscle pain) affecting several muscles or muscle groups simultaneously. polyphasia - having more than two phases. habitually doing more than one thing at a time:polytheism - worshiping of or believing in several deities. polygamy - plural marriage; having more than one wife or

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husband at the same time: "occasionally there are articles in the newspapers about obscure religious groups that practice polygamy; for example, one man with thirteen wives."polygamist - someone who commits polygamy or who has multiple marriages. polypoly, polyopoly - a market situation where there are large numbers of small buyers and small sellers, none of which can influence prices or a market situation in which there are no large sellers but many small ones.polyandry - the civil condition of having more husbands than one for the same woman; a social order permitting plurality of husbands.

pro- before(Greek > Latin: a prefix signifying before; forward,

forth; for, in favor of; in front of; in

place of, on behalf of;

according to; as, to place before; to

go before or forward, to throw


prognosis – a forecast as to the probable outcome of an attack or disease, the prospect as to recovery from a disease as indicated by the nature and symptoms of the case.progress - a moving forward or onward.project - to thrust outward or forward.prologue – a piece of writing at the beginning of a book that introduces the story.prolong - to lengthen or to extend in duration or space; to extend. promote - to encourage the growth and development of something. to move forward.prophet – an authoritative person who divines the future.provide - to require something in advance as a condition or as part of a contract.prosecute - to follow up or carry something forward which was undertaken or started, usually to its completionproduce - to bring forth, bring into being or existence.proceed - to move ahead; to travel onward in time or space. to go on or forwardprocess - a series of continuous actions directed toward a specific objective which bring about a particular result, end, or condition. a series of natural occurrences that produce change or development.procession - the forward movement of a group of people or vehicles as part of a celebration, commemoration, or demonstration; such as, a parade, or a funeral procession.proclaim - to make an official announcement of (something), by word of mouth in some public place; also, to cause this to be done by officers or agents. procrastinate - to put off until another day or time; to defer; to delay. to postpone or delay needlessly.program - a formal set of procedures for conducting an activity. prohibit - to refuse to permit something to be done or to forbid by law or by an order.pronoun – the part of speech that substitutes for nouns or

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noun phrases and designates persons or things asked for, previously specified, or understood from the context.problem - a question proposed for solution or discussion.pro - a shortened term for professional.proactive - acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory.probability - a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur. probable - likely to happen or to be trueprobably - in all likelihood; very likely.probation - a method of dealing with offenders; especially, young people who are guilty of minor crimes or first offenses, by allowing them to go at large under supervision of a probation officer.probe - an exploratory action, expedition, or device, especially one designed to investigate and obtain information on a remote or unknown region.procedure - a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; an established or correct method of doing something.procreate - to produce offspring (children) by reproduction.procumbent - lying down with the face to the ground. to fall forward.prodigy - a person (or people) with exceptional talents or powers. an act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder.profess - to declare openly, announce, affirm; to avow, acknowledge, confess oneself to be (or do) something. professional - engaged in an occupation as a paid job rather than as a hobby.

re- back(Latin: back,

backward, again; used as a prefix)

repulse - to drive back; repel.repay – to pay backretract – to take back; disavow.recall – to summon back to awareness of or concern with the subject or situation at hand.review - to consider retrospectively; to look back on.revise - to reconsider and to change or to modify a written document.revival - the process of bringing someone back to life, consciousness, or full strength.revoke - to annul, or to make void, by recalling or taking back; to cancel, rescind, repeal, or reverse.revolve - turn on or around an axis or a center.regress - to go back; move backward.recede – to move back or away from a limit, point, or mark; for example, the people waited for the flood waters to recede before they could return to their homes.receive - to take or acquire (something given, offered, or transmitted); get.reflect – to cast back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a

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surface.residue - the remainder of something after removal of parts or a part.resist - to remain firm against the actions, effects, or force of; withstand. to keep back.reflex - cast back; reflected, as light, color, etc.report - a presentation or an account of something, often officially, formally, or periodically. [re-, "back" + portare, "to carry"]. refuse - to declare a decision or intention not to do something. to decline to accept something offered.reject - to refuse to accept, acknowledge, use, believe, etc.reciprocal - something that is mutual or done in return; given or felt by each toward the other;recitation - the public reading aloud of something, or reciting of something, from memory; especially, poetry.recite - to read something aloud or to repeat something rehearsed or memorized, either for an audience or in a class at school. to give a detailed account of an occurrence or an event.reclaim - the act of recalling, or state of being recalled, to a proper conduct. to get back.recline - to lie back or down.recluse - a person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.renovate - to bring something; such as, a building, back to a former better condition by means of repairs, redecoration, or remodeling.repel - to ward off or to force back a military attack or invasion.remit – to cancel or hold back from enforcing something.recommend - to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; to commend; to mention favorably; such as, to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.recommit - to commit again.recount - count again.recycle - to put or pass through a cycle again.reduce - to bring down, diminish to a smaller number, amount, extent, etc.relax - to spend time resting or doing things for pleasure, especially in contrast to or as a relief from the effort and stress of everyday life.replicate - to fold over or bend back.reside - to live in a place permanently or for an extended period. to remain behind.respect - a feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. to look back at.

sub under(Latin: under,

below, beneath;

submerge – to place under water.submarine – beneath the surface of the water; undersea.

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used as a prefix as shown in

various formats below)

substandard – failing to meet a standard; below standard.subcellar - a cellar or basement beneath another cellar which is wholly or partly undergroundsubconscious - in psychology, partially or imperfectly conscious; for example, belonging to a class of phenomena resembling those of consciousness but not clearly perceived or recognized. belonging to that portion of the mental area the processes of which are outside the range of attention. the part of the mind that is not fully conscious but which is still able to influence actions, etc. subcontract - a contract assigning to another party some of the obligations of a previous contract.subdermal - located or placed beneath the skin; subcutaneous.subdivision - a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided.subdue - to quiet or to bring under control by physical force or persuasion.subject - being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others.subliminal - below the threshold of conscious perception.submission - an act or instance of submitting.submit - to yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another; especially reluctantly or under pressure.subnormal - lower or less than normal or average; such as, being less than average in any psychological trait, including intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.subscribe - to sign (one’s name) at the end of a document. subscript - a character that is printed on a level lower than the rest of the characters on a line. subsequent - following in time or order; succeeding.subside - to become less active or intense. to drop to a lower level; to sink to a low or lower level. to sink to the bottom; to sink to the bottom of a liquid.subsidiary - serving to help, assist, or supplement; furnishing assistance or supplementary supplies; auxiliary, tributary, supplementary.subsoil - the compacted soil beneath the topsoil. substance - that which has mass and occupies space; matter.substitute - one that takes the place of another; a replacement.

Suffix Meaning Examples-ant one who

(Latin: a suffix; a person who, the

thing which; people who, things which)

emigrant - someone who leaves a place, especially his or her native country, to go and to live in another country or place.inhabitant - one that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident.

Page 29: Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical

immigrant – someone who leaves one country to settle permanently in another one.migrant a traveler who moves from one region or country to another.tenant - a person who pays rent to occupy, to hold, or to use land, a building, etc. merchant – one whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit.servant – someone who serves another, especially someone employed to do household jobs; such as, cooking, cleaning, and serving meals.participant - someone who participates, shares, or takes part in something.savant - a person of profound or extensive learning; a scholar.assistant – those who assist or help; aide, helper, second-in-command, associate; colleague, co-worker, collaborator, partner, ally, supporterattendant - a person who attends to or serves. claimant - one who makes or enters a claim; one who has a claim upon anything. combatant - anyone who attempts to destroy or to control something considered to be harmful; such as, measures to combat pollution.commandant - the commanding officer of a place, group, etc.confidant - a person trusted with private affairs, commonly with affairs of love. now used somewhat more widely, so as to take the place of confident. contestant - someone who takes part in a competition. defendant - the party against which an action is brought.dominant - in control or command over others. abundant – things which are present in great quantities; more than adequate; oversufficient.ambulant – one who is moving or walking around; moving around from place to place.antiperspirant - an astringent preparation applied to the skin to decrease perspiration.appendant - something that is attached, or added to, something larger or more important.arrogant – one who feels or shows self-importance and contempt, or disregard, for others.

-ful full of careful – full of care.fearful –full of fear.joyful – full of joy.thoughtful – full of thought.wonderful – full of wonder.helpful – full of help.healthful – full of health.plentiful - existing in great quantity or ample supply.

Page 30: Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical

regretful – full of regret.remorseful – full of remorse.full - holding or containing as much as possible; filled to capacity or near capacity. abundant in supply, quantity, number, etc.grateful - appreciative of benefits received; thankful.thankful – full of thanks.


one who specializes in; occupied with(Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged


dentist – a person who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry.optometrist - a health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services: orthodontist - a specialist in the area of dentistry concerned with the prevention and correction of abnormally positioned or aligned teeth.botanist – a biologist specializing in the study of plants.ophthalmologist - a physician specializing in the care and treatment of the eyes.dermatologist – the branch of medicine that is concerned with the physiology and pathology of the skin.geologist - a scientist who specializes in the study of the origin, composition, history, structure, and processes of the earth. psychiatrist - a physician who specializes in the study, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. scientist – a person having expert knowledge of one or more sciences, especially a natural or physical science.antagonist - one who opposes and contends against another; an adversary. archeologist - a professional scholar who studies and reconstructs the human past through its physical remains. biologist - a specialist or expert in biology or one who studies biology.microbiologist - someone who specializes in the science of microbiology or the science concerned with micro-organisms.

-ism practice of; belief in

(Greek: a suffix; belief in, practice of, condition of)

paganism – one who has no religion.somnambulism - rising out of bed and walking around or performing other complex motor behavior during an apparent state of sleep; usually occurring in the first third of the night and lasting a few minutes to a half hour. vandalism – the practice of willful or malicious destruction of public or private property.alcoholism – chronic alcohol abuse, dependence, or addiction; chronic excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages resulting in impairment of health and/or social or occupational functioning, and increasing adaptation to the effects of alcohol requiring increasing doses to achieve and sustain a desired effect; specific signs and symptoms of withdrawal usually are shown when one stops such drinking.

Page 31: Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical

racism – the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.altruism – the practice of unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness.antagonism – the practice of hostility or hatred causing opposition and ill will.communism - a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.euphemism - a word, or phrase, which is used in place of a term that might be considered too direct, too harsh, too unpleasant, or too offensive.plagiarism – the practice of unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.


without(old English: -leas,

from leas, "free from, devoid of, false, feigned"; suffix meaning


ageless – without age.careless – without care or thought.thoughtless – marked by or showing lack of due thought or care; careless. without thought.tireless – not yielding to fatigue; untiring or indefatigable.helpless – not able to do anything to make a bad situation better. without help.artless - lacking skill, knowledge, or elegance.colorless – without color.comfortless – without comfort.compassionless - having no sympathy or pity; without compassion. faultless - having no faults or flaws; so, being perfect.less - a smaller number or amountflavorless – without flavor.homeless – without a home.merciless – without mercy.odorless – without odor.painless – without pain.restless - characterized as lacking peace of mind.tasteless – without taste.wireless – without wire.


small(French: a suffix;


islet – a very small island.piglet – small or young pig.leaflet – botanical, a small, young foliage.owlet – small or young owl.rivulet – a small quick-flowing stream of something. a small stream or river.booklet - small bound book or pamphlet, usually having a paper cover.starlet – a small star.ringlet - a small circle or ring.

Page 32: Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical

-ly every

daily – happening every day.weekly – happening every week.monthly – happening every month.yearly – happening every year.biweekly – happening every two weeks.biannually – happening every two years.semiweekly – happening twice every week.semimonthly – happening twice every month.semiyearly – happening twice every year.annually – happening every year.

-nessquality of; state of;

degree of

cleanness – the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities.brightness – the state or quality of being bright.fitness – the state or condition of being fit; suitability or appropriateness.goodness – the state or quality of being good.cleanliness - habitually and carefully neat and clean.happiness - enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy.sadness – the state or quality of being sad.madness – the state or quality of being mad.craziness – the state or quality of being crazy.clumsiness – the state or quality of being clumsy.compulsiveness – the state or quality of being compulsive.carelessness – the state or quality of being careless.rudeness – the state or quality of being rude.thoughtfulness – the state or quality of being thoughtful.

ship art or skill of

friendship – the art or skill of making and keeping friends.relationship – the art of skill of developing and keeping relationships.penmanship – the art, skill, style, or manner of handwriting; calligraphy.professorship – the art or skill of the position of professor.airmanship - art, skill, or ability in the practice of aerial navigation.authorship - the quality or state of being an author; function or dignity of an author.championship - state of being champion; leadership; supremacy.craftsmanship – the art of skill of a craft.companionship - fellowship; association; the act or fact of keeping company with anyone.hardship - that which is hard to hear, as toil, privation, injury, injustice, etc.partnership - the art or skill of being a partner; as, to be in partnership with another; to have partnership in the fortunes of a family or a state.township - the district or territory of a town.battleship – the art of quality of being prepared to battle.warship – the art of quality of being ready for war.

Page 33: Web viewRoot: Meaning. Examples. agr. field. agrarian - pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure. agribusiness - a large-scale farming enterprise. agrochemical